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MCQ of Block 2 (2007/2008)

1. Doctors cannot cure the patient perfectly

A. Patient can do nothing against the doctor
B. Patient has the right to sue doctor
C. Doctor should pay compensation to the patient
D. Patient always win this case in court
2. In order to do medical practice in Indonesia
A. Doctor should have the police clearance
B. Doctor should have urat !anda "egistrasi Issued #y Departement of law
C. Doctor should have urat !anda "egistrasi Issued #y $onsil $edo%teran Indonesia
D. Doctor should #e registered to government medical faculty
&. Patient can get human organ donor
A. Buy an organ from donor' in case of emergency
B. If unmatch' the patient can sale the organ to some one else
C. Doctor do the transplantation with no fee at all
D. Doctor do the transplantation with reasona#le fee
(. )hat is the most suita#le communication method in doctor' patient relationship
A. Paternalistic
B. Consumeristic
C. *utualistic
D. Default
+. Criminal a#ortion is an illegal act in Indonesia' however it is legal in the situation
A. If the mother doesn,t ready to have a %id
B. If the conception was the result of raped case
C. Do #y the medical reason to save the mother,s life
D. Do #y the general practitioner
-. Professional doctor
A. As% the e.pensive payment
B. )ell inform to the patient a#out ris% and #enefit
C. !reat the patient without agreement
D. /ealed the patient is the main goal
0. 1aw that regulate medical practice in Indonesia
A. 2ndang32dang $esehatan 4o. 2& tahun 1552
B. $ita# 2ndang32ndang /u%um Pidana
C. 2ndang32ndang 4o. 25 tahun 266(
D. $ita# 2ndang32ndang /u%um Acara Pidana
7. A drug a#used patient visit the doctor' what will the doctor do
A. "eport to the police
B. Blamed the patient for doing such ris%y things
C. "eferred to the e.pert for proper treatment
D. Do nothing and as% the patient to go home
5. uch a condition that can lead to physical violent a#use is
A. Parents who suffered physical violence during adolescent
B. *others who had delivered a #a#y in adult age or unmarried
C. !here were continued pressure from family environment such as poverty
D. 2nfair actions during childhood wouldn,t influence this condition
16. Physical violence was suspected if we found
A. /aematoma lesions with history of accident.
B. Complaints' such as nausea' a#dominal pain or a#dominal enlargement with un%nown
C. 8ust ignore if we found any lesions that was similar as household appliances
D. Children who suffered physical handicap were more sensitive to #e hurt
11. e.ual a#use could #e happened in
A. If there were any appointment from the two persons
B. !he moral standard that was revolved #y adult persons to children
C. Afraid of the punishment from the family that could worsen the condition
D. 9riendship or fulfilling the necessity from adult person to children who suffered from
12. e.ual a#use fre:uently hard to e.press and %nown unintentionally. It could happen
A. !he transparency of the victim a#out what has happened to her
B. !here were a threat from the actor of the violent actions that was fre:uently ignorant
C. !he actor was closed with family
D. !he victim,s ignorance to report the actions
Physician; I have a &+3year3old stomach cancer case #ut I did not tell him he had cancer.
Although every patient should %now a#out the nature of his disease and the possi#le prognosis' I
did not e.plain that he had cancer due to the psychological stress it would cause him. /e is
young' has #een admitted for two wee%s' and his prognosis is very poor. /e has the signs and
symptoms of gastric outlet o#struction. )e diagnosed the disease and are planning to operate on
Interviewer; )ould you %indly tell me the mental state of the patient<
Physician; =es' he is assumed to #e depressed.
1&. In #eneficence criteria including
A. Duty to help emergency patient
B. Developing professionalism continuously
C. truggle for getting more #enefit than worse
D. *inimali>e satisfication of patient,s happiness?preference
1(. In autonomy criteria including
A. Appreciate privacy
B. 4ot to #e opened
C. @et informed consent
D. $eeping up the relationship AcontractB
1+. In Custice criteria including.
A. !o esta#lish all the thing universally
B. !o do macro allocation wisely
C. !o Appreciate patient health rights conforma#ility e:uality' accessi#ility' availa#ility'
D. !o give contri#ution that relatively similar with patients needs
1-. In non maleficence criteria including....
A. /elping patient with emergency
B. Avoid misrepresentation from patient
C. 4ot giving spirit of life
D. 4ot place patient as an o#Cect
Physician; !his patient lived here in the city #ut had an accident in another part of the country.
/e had a %nee inCury. A physician accompanied him when he was referred for treatment here. /e
had no pro#lem in terms of e.penses' #ecause he was covered #y an insurance company. It had
#een e.plained to him that there was no pro#lem and we would provide the facilities for the
surgical intervention. /owever' he refused to #e treated #y us. I advised the patient and his family
that if no intervention was performed' the configuration of the patient,s %nee would change' and
this would result in distur#ance of his movement. !here would also #e some pain if the patient
too% a long wal%. !here would #e post3trauma arthritis. A deformity would occur which would
cause the patient to wal% unsteadily. /e remained adamant even though he was advised a#out all
these things. /e as%ed to #e sent to a place to #e treated #y a famous traditional healer. /is
family agreed with him. I was una#le to change their minds' so I left it to them to decide. It
turned out that the healer to whom this patient went had a lot of patients D more than the hospital
or physicians.
10. In #eneficence criteria including
A. Duty to help emergency patient
B. Applegate the patient,s right entirely
C. Ensure the primer values of human #eing
D. Developing professionalism continuously
17. In autonomy criteria including.
A. Appreciate privacy
B. 4ot to intervene patients in decision3ma%ing Ain elective conditionB
C. $eeping patients secrets
D. 4ot to lie to the patient even for his?her own sa%e
15. In Custice criteria including
A. !o appreciate others rights
B. !o appreciate privacy
C. giving spirit of life
D. !o maintain vulnera#le groups Amost pragileB
26. In non maleficence criteria including
A. !reatment for inCury patient
B. 4ot insult? ta%ing advantage of patient
C. 4ot giving spirit of life
D. 4ot protect patient from attac%
!he case of a /IF3positive man and his /IF3negative wife
A +63year3old man was admitted to a hospital with multiple non3specific symptoms for
investigation. /is /IF test turned out to #e positive. )ithout informing the man of the test or its
outcome' the doctor discussed the situation with the patientGs wife and encouraged her to undergo
an /IF test. he turned out to #e negative. !hough the wife was :uite upset a#out the situation'
she showed that she was a #old woman. he as%ed the doctor several :uestions on the disease
transmission' treatment and cura#ility. 1ater' she came to the doctor and made Cust one re:uest.
!he hus#and and wife were living with the wifeGs #rother' HPlease donGt tell my #rother that my
hus#and is /IF3positive. )e are la#orers without any land and need my #rotherGs help for shelter
and survival. If he finds out a#out this he may as% us to leave the house.H
21. In #eneficence criteria including
A. 1oo% the patient? family?something' not only for giving #enefit to doctor
B. Ensure the primer values of human #eing
C. Duty to help emergency patient
D. Apply the golden rule principle Athe highest standardB
22. In autonomy criteria including
4ot to lie to the patient even for his?her own sa%e
!o let adult and competent patient to ma%e his?her decision
$eeping patients, secrets
Ensure the primer values of human #eing
2&. In Custice criteria including
A. 4ot to give lia#ility unevenly without props reason
B. !o esta#lish all the thing universally
C. !o Appreciate patient health rights conforma#ility e:uality' accessi#ility' availa#ility'
D. !o maintain vulnera#le groups Amost fragileB
2(. In non maleficence criteria including...
A. 4ot giving spirit of life
B. 4ot to give lia#ility unevenly without props reason
C. Apply the golden rule principle Athe highest standardB
D. Protect patient from attac%
Dr. "' a general practitioner in a small rural town' is approached #y a contract research
organi>ation AC.".I.B to participate in a clinical trial of a new non3steroidal anti3inflammatory
drug A4AIDB for osteoarthritis. he is offered a sum of money for each patient that she enrolls
in the trial. !he C.".I. representative assures her that the trial has received all the necessary
approvals' including one from an ethics review committee. Dr. " has never participated in a trial
#efore and is pleased to have this opportunity' especially with the e.tra money. he accepts
without in:uiring further a#out the scientific or ethical aspects of the trial.
2+. If he gives that drug for his patient' in #eneficence criteria including
A. 1oo% the patient? family?something' only for giving #enefit to doctor
B. truggle for getting more #enefit than worse
C. @ive potency drug #ut cheap enough
D. !a%e no honorarium a#normally
2-. If he gives that drug for his patient' in autonomy criteria including
A. !o lie to the patient even for his?her own sa%e
B. $eeping up the relationship AcontractB
C. to intervene or to inhi#it patients autonomy
D. Appreciate the rights to decide' appreciate patients dignity
20. If he gives that drug for his patient' in Custice criteria including
A. !o a#use
B. !o give contri#ution that relatively similar with patients needs
C. !o give similar chance to everyone at the same position
D. !o as% patients participation that suita#le with their a#ility
27. If he gives that drug for his patient' in non maleficence criteria including
A. @ive treatment not in proportion
B. Avoid misrepresentation from patient
C. !o place patient as an o#Cect
D. 4ot act as )hite Collar Crime in medical ? hospital that give a loss for patients family
25. A medical doctor has to %now good or #ad value that correlates to his?her scientific
%nowledge. In philosophy' a field that deals with good or #ad value is
A. *etaphysic
B. Intology
C. A.iology
D. Epistemology
&6. /uman #eing is an o#Cect of medical science. In philosophy' a field that deals with scientific
o#Cect is
A. *etaphysic
B. Intology
C. A.iology
D. Epistemology
&1. A medical doctor has to have s%ills of lifelong learning. !hese s%ills are the characteristics
A. Professional independency
B. Professionalism of profession
C. Professional autonomy
D. Professional integrity
&2. A medical doctor that does not perform a medical action appropriately' #ut this action does
not result in a sue from the patient' #ecause there is no adverse event' therefore the doctor is
actually still has legal?formal responsi#ility. !his legal?formal responsi#ility includes in
responsi#ility of.
A. JPidanaK
B. Discipline
C. JPerdataK
D. Ethic
&&. In medical practice act Aundang3undang pra%ti% %edo%teranB there is a #ody which is formed
to #uild the medical discipline. !his #ody is
A. $$I
B. *$D$I
C. *$E$
&(. *rs. Bahar and his wife' is a couple who have an inherited familial disease' and to %now
whether their ne.t #a#y is a normal or might #e have a#normality' her wife do a prenatal
diagnostic procedures
A. !he procedure
B. !he results
C. *edical decision
D. Parent decision
&+. If the result showed their #a#y with genetic disorders' what is your opinion to this couples
A. Continue the pregnancy
B. !erminated the pregnancy
C. @uidance the parent to choose
D. 4o opinion
&-. If your suggestion is to terminate the pregnancy' what is moral or ethical conduct you
A. Em#ryo as o#Cect
B. Em#ryo as su#Cect
C. Pro3future
D. *other Pro3life
&0. /uman can #e o#Cect of science and also su#Cect of research stated #y
A. 9ali#ilism
B. ocrates
C. Pluto
D. 8ohn Austin
&7. Foluntary active Euthanasia
A. )ithout the consent of a capa#le patient
B. )ithout re:uest
C. Administration of lethal agents
D. Administration of fluid therapy
&5. Criteria of the termination
A. "eversi#le
B. A#normality disease
C. @ood prognosis
D. /ealthy person
(6. !he following are with holding support
A. "efers to #oth with drawing and with holding therapy
B. "efers to discontinuing therapy that has already #een instituted
C. 4ever providing the patient with a particular therapy
D. "emoval of the support
(1. Brain stem death determination for organ transplantion' need
A. !hree A&B Doctors
B. 9our A(B Doctors
C. !wo A2B Doctors
D. Ine A1B Doctors
(2. !he purpose of Pharmacy 1aw
A. Provides a mechanism through which adverse outcomes
B. Provides a mechanism a#out drug distri#ution
C. Protects patients from harm that might occur if medications were used unreasona#ly
D. Protects the open mar%et in any old chemical distri#ution
(&. !he step three in ethical pro#lem solving is clarify principles' these who are involved with
ethical can determine .
A. !he pharmacist rights
B. !he patient duties
C. !he patient duties and the pharmacist rights
D. !he pharmacist duties and the patient rights
((. Definitions of prescriptions #y Bernhard 9antus
A. Designate a specific medication and dosage
B. An order for medication #y physician' dentist' veterinarian and nurse
C. !he %ey stone to the whole arch of therapeutics endeavor
D. An order represent a professional relationship
(+. According Code of Ethics for Pharmacists' the nature of the relationship #etween
pharmacists and patients is
A. A consistent relationship
B. A constitutional relationship
C. A convenient relationship
D. A covenantal relationship
Issue for :uestions -7 3 02
A -( year3old man as%ed certain 9armacy to repeat his receipt for some medicines such as
aspirin' erythromycin' vitamin B comple. and some food supplements. /e did not %now whether
he suffered from coronary heart disease or other heart diseases #ecause dr L who e.amined him
last wee% did not tell anything to him. Dr L advised him to repeat those medicines whenever he
feels #ad.
(-. )hat do you thing a#out this ethical pro#lem<
A. Dr L is right #ecause he thought that the patient,s disease is mild
B. Dr L is right #ecause the patient is his relatives
C. Dr L is wrong #ecause of his wrong advice
D. Dr L is wrong #ecause the patient did not pay his advice
(0. Is it the patient,s right to %now his disease<
A. =es #ecause the patient paid for
B. =es #ecause it is his awareness
C. 4o #ecause it is secret for all patients
D. 4o #ecause it is not Cust true or false diagnosis
(7. A#out as%ing the repeata#le receipt ..
A. It is allowed even though without any further e.amination
B. It is allowed #ecause the medicines are fit for the patient
C. It is wrong for the patient
D. It is wrong for the dr L
(5. Do you #lame the patient<
A. =es #ecause he as%ed the 9armacy without any re3e.amination
B. 4o #ecause dr L as%ed him to repeat and Cust ma%e a copy receipt
C. =es #ecause his #rave enough to as% the 9armacy
D. 4o #ecause of the rule to force him to do that
+6. Is it right to give aspirin for long3term use<
A. 4o since its side effect for the old patient is harmful
B. 4o #ecause the therapeutic o#Cective do not %now
C. =es #ecause this medicine is safe
D. =es #ecause of low cost
Issue for :uestion 0& 3 00
Dr = Cust three months ago cele#rated her degree and now she is writing the receipt for
her patient of cere#ral hemorrhage with high dose of gin%go #ilo#a. Actually she does not %now
much a#out this medicine' #ut she Cust try to give it due to her close friend told that gin%go #ilo#a
is Cust the #est su#stance for cere#ral hemorrhage.
+1. )hat do you thin% a#out dr =,s competency<
A. It won,t #e a pro#lem #ecause she is a true doctor
B. It is legal #ecause dr = has certificate to practice her competency
C. It is false #ecause she does not %now much a#out the medicine
D. It is false since she #elieves that her friend is always right
+2. Do you agree that gin%go #ilo#a can cure cere#ral hemorrhage<
A. =es #ecause the right information from dr =,s close friend
B. =es #ecause gin%go #ilo#a is the famous medicine
C. 4o #ecause the medicine is costly
D. 4o #ecause there is no evidence
+&. Is it safe to give gin%go #ilo#a for cere#ral hemorrhage<
A. =es #ecause it will act Cust as antio.idant
B. =es #ecause of the information from dr =,s close friend
C. 4o since it will enhance the hemorrhagic process
D. 4o #ecause I do not %now either
+(. Are you #rave enough to do the same as dr = does<
A. 4o #ecause I do not agree that gin%go #ilo#a as a safe su#stance
B. 4o #ecause this su#stance is e.pensive
C. =es #ecause the medicine is safe all the time
D. =es #ecause there are many information a#out the su#stance
++. )hat class of medicine the gin%go #ilo#a is<
A. Iver3the3counter medicine
B. 9ood supplement
C. Antio.idants
D. Anti#iotics
+-. !he morality which is developed through deontology moral philosophy is named
A. Ethics
B. *a.im
C. *oral value
D. "esponsi#ility
+0. $ode Eti% $edo%teran Indonesia is codified and issued #y
A. )*A
B. )/I
D. Indonesian *inistry of /ealth
+7. 9ormal financial compensation for malpractice is decided #y
A. *$E$
B. *$D$I
C. Criminal Court
D. Civil Court
+5. "esponding to the needs for ethical platform for rapidly developing medical practice' )*A
or IDI issuing relevant medical ethics norm' which is la#eled as
A. Accord
B. *edical ethics norm
C. !emporary medical ethics code
D. Ethical guidelines
-6. Anthropology is distinguished from other disciplines dealing with study of human #eings #y
A. /olistic approach
B. Attempt to understand human #ehaviour
C. Concentration on an aspects of human condition
D. Concern a#out the similarity of humans and human #ehaviors.
-1. *edical anthropologists interested in .. .
A. An involvement of a doctor in an health care system
B. A person,s perception of illness
C. A pathological condition of the #ody
D. !he cross3cultural study of health care systems
-2. According to anthropologic and sociologic studies' illness is .. .
A. A feeling of #eing normal and healthy that can #e measured o#Cectively
B. A su#Cective feeling of not #eing healthy that must #e due to a disease
C. An o#Cective malfunctioning of #iologic process
D. A su#Cective feeling of not #eing normal that may #e due to a feeling of spiritual
-&. !he definition of health adopted #y the )orld /ealth Irgani>ation is .. .
A. Close to the #iomedical model
B. Based on the #elief that mind and #ody is fundamentally different su#stances.
C. Broadly related to mental and social functioning as well.
D. 4ot compati#le with the #iopsychososial model.
-(. !he #iomedical model .. .
A. Do not ta%e psychosocial factors into account
B. Is effective dealing with lifestyle disease
C. Is associated with holism
D. *aintains that mind and #ody are one.
-+. !he right of patients to control the course of their own medical treatment and participate in
the treatment decision3ma%ing process is called .. .
A. Incompetency
B. Incapacity
C. Autonomy
D. *oral o#ligation
--. Patient autonomy does allow for health care providers to.. .
A. Educate the patient
B. *a%e the decision for the patient.
C. "eCect a patient.
D. Provide treatment #ased on a patient demand
-0. As a physician' once you having underta%en a case' you can.. .
A. 4eglect the patient.
B. )ithdraw from the case without giving ade:uate notice to the patient and his family.
C. Consult to other physician in the interest of you.
D. As% for any other diagnostic la# investigation Cudiciously.
-7. !he prime o#Cect of the medical profession is to.. .
A. "ender service to humanityM
B. @et financial gain
C. *a%e decision #ased on patient,s wishes
D. 9ollow patient,s demand a#out certain treatment
-5. A medical doctor has to #ehave KempathyK which is showed #y.
A. !a%ing decision efficiently
B. Disli%e feeling
C. 2nderstanding other people wish
D. !he tendency to #ehave with his own way
06. J22 /A*K is approved' which is #ased on
A. "eligion
B. JAliran %epercayaanK
C. J*itos di pedesaanK
D. Presence of Jsu%u ana% dalamK
01. /ospital #y laws' made #y
A. *edical committee
B. *edical doctors in hospitals
C. /ospital direction staff
D. @overning Body
02. )hat are Informed consent aspects<
A. u#Cective samples selection
B. 1imiting research o#Cect num#er
C. Foluntarily ac%nowledgement from research o#Cect
D. 2nder pressured participants
0&. )hat is the use of sympathy<
A. Imitating people,s mind set
B. Imitating people,s #ehavior
C. /elping a relative
D. Falue people,s feeling
0(. )hen is the empathy value fulfilled<
A. Doing things regarding people,s thought and wish
B. Doing things regarding his mind and feeling
C. Doing things against his will
D. Doing things regarding family relationship
0+. )hich one of the following descri#es the %ey functions of medical interview<
A. Diagnosis and teartment
B. Information of gathering and patient education
C. Information gathering' relationship #uilding' and patient education
D. Information gathering and patient partnership
0-. )hich one of the following is the optimal approach for giving the patient information during
the medical interview<
A. Provide printed material a#out the patient,s condition
B. E.plain the condition and treatment carefully
C. Answer the patient,s :uestions carefully
D. 2se an as%3tell3as% format
00. Ine of the characteristic of a person with virtue ethic AK#er#udi pe%erti luhurKB is
A. Brave to ta%e ris%
B. /ave interesting and convinced performance
C. Behave on time
D. hows empathy
07. !he duties of $I*4A /A*.....
A. !o give punishment to people who a#use human right A/A*B
B. !o monitor and mediate human right A/A*B
C. !o arrange the rule of /A* implementation
D. !o helpK1*K in conducting a demonstration
05. !he characteristic of people who has inappropriate virtue ethic A#erah%la%B
A. 1ove sacrifice
B. tu##orn
C. Clever
D. 1ove and caring
76. In ma%ing the doctor3nurse colla#oration' it is needed to have the #oth parties, #ehaviour'
such as
A. !he doctor,s instructions to the nurse
B. !he doctor ma%es clear and detail medical planning' which is interpreted #y the nurse in
the nursing planning
C. !he doctor ma%es medical planning' while the nurse ma%es their own nursing planning
D. !he colla#oration is performed solely #y the doctor or the nurse according to the patient,s
71. Kurat %eterangan do%terK...
A. Authentic document
B. E.pert e.planation
C. Informal letter
D. tatements
72. !he duty of hospital to the patients
A. *aintenance of medical record
B. /onest and open minded
C. Care of patient human right
D. "esponsi#ility in patient pro#lems in hospital care
7&. )hat %ind of transplantation does heart transplant in a patient in which the heart donor ta%en
from newly dead<
A. Autograft
B. Allograft
C. Isograft
D. Lenograft
7(. *ain ethic aspect a#out organ trade is included in<
B. PP 4I. 17 !/. 1571
C. $. PB. IDI 4I. 2&1?PB.A.(?60?56
D. $. PB. IDI. &&-?PBIDI?A.1577
7+. )hich one of the following is true a#out a patient D centered interview<
A. It ta%es more time than physician3centered interview
B. It elicits only psychosocial information a#out patient
C. It uses continuers to allow patients to e.press all their concerns
D. It means only the patient determines the agenda
7-. )hich one of the following #est descri#es why the physician interrupts the patient during
physician D centered interview<
A. !he patient has disclosed all his or her concerns
B. A#out 17 seconds of the interview has passed
C. !he patient is ram#ling
D. !he physician wants to e.press empathy an concern
70. !o reach perfect :uality of wor%' it is necessary to have.
A. $nowledge and loyalty
B. Ja#arK and Jih%lasK
C. $nowledge and s%ill
D. %ill and seriousness
77. In religion point of view' a person who has well name such as potential' active' dynamic'
productive' and professional' is #ecause of.
A. Intellectual :uotient
B. JBudi pe%ertiK
C. Prestige of wor%
D. Emotional :uotient
75. Physiology distur#ance on the #ody could happen #ecause of
A. Iur emotional reaction
B. "edundant Emotional reaction
C. /eavy emotional reaction
D. Emotional reaction for along time
56. "eligion can ma%e good action when add with
B. N
D. $nowledge
51. 2nderstanding EN only without learning and practice can #e...
A. uccess
B. 9ailure
C. 4o change
D. @ood attitude
52. If you learn religion' it can ma%e #etter...
D. N
5&. EN %nowledge only can result ...
A. 9orget
B. @ood ha#it
C. 9ailure
D. @ood character
5(. Firtue ethic is the act and #ehavior #ased on the values of
A. Daily routine
B. Education
C. "eligion
D. Culture
5+. Behave to @od?$hali:' the priority is
A. 4atural phenomenon
B. 9aith
C. Believe to /oroscope
D. Pray
5-. Especially to the parents we must #ehave #y
A. Playing %indness to parents
B. /elping the parents
C. Praying for the parents
D. I#eying the parents
50. Plants should not #e tortured when unwanted' it should #e
A. Disposed
B. Bartered
C. Destroyed
D. @iven away
57. )hen someone poor come to us for help should
A. "eCect them
B. cold them
C. As% for forgiveness for #eing uncaring
D. @ive help as necessary
55. Ine who sleeps with full stomach while his neig#our sleeps in hunger we call it
A. Impolite
B. 2nfaithful
C. 4o shame
D. tingy
166. Among the possession of a rich person there is the right for
A. Country as ta.es
B. "enteunir
C. Irphan and the poor people
D. /is children and wife

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