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A Spark to Ignite

Your Joy and Faith

The influence of each human being on others in this life

is a kind of immortality.

-- John Quincy Adams

An uplifting message
from Bob Gregoire

©2009 Bob Gregoire

Can you imagine discovering that you are a child of royalty? Can you imagine your words being so
powerful, that simply by placing them in your own mind, your life and the world changes for the bet-
ter? Can you imagine facing life’s biggest challenges, and the smaller ones as well, without fear or worry
– but with a smile because you know things will work out?

All of this is true. You are royalty. Your words have super powers. Your fears are not warranted,
because everything will work out. That’s why I wrote this eBook. I wrote it to remind you of the peace
and love that comes from faith, and help you learn the practices that bring out the best in you.

This is part of my community’s mission to bring peace to the world, by increasing wisdom and knowl-
edge through education. We believe that peace will come when each of us has peace in our own minds
and hearts, and when each of us is living a life of love and compassion within our own family and com-
munity on a daily basis.

Although our unique cultures are good, and provide us with wonderful richness – and provide the
world with the gift of diversity - we sometimes lose track of our commonality as humans. This
happens when we focus on our differences, and not what unifies us.

Peace will come as we spread the message of our spiritual connection to each human in the world. If
each person is truly a spiritual brother or sister, it makes no sense whatsoever to continue practices
that cause us to hate, hurt and kill each other.

Our primary strategy for bringing peace is to embrace one mind at a time, by increasing each person’s
knowledge of the principles of peace, love and compassion. These qualities of life flow from the world
of faith. We believe that it is usually our ignorance on a particular subject that causes us to fear or hate
another person or group of people. Wisdom, which we can gain through education, takes the place in
our minds that has been preoccupied with fear and ignorance.

Our foundation brings the best practices and wisdom from the worlds of faith and psychology into eas-
ily understood and simple practices that may be implemented on a daily basis. Practices include read-
ing, prayer, meditation, community service and recitation of affirmations to fill our minds and souls with
loving and peaceful thoughts. If our thoughts are loving and peaceful, our actions will also be loving and

Please accept this e-book as a small gesture of thanks for the role you’ve played in com-
municating this message so far. We invite you to forward this book to every person in your family,
company, school and network who will benefit from its contents or assist us in spreading the message.

Peace and love,

or drop me a note at gregoire.today@gmail.com
A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Ignite Your Potential For Joy

Have you ever noticed that a baby provides unlimited joy to everyone around it? I have always
been amazed by this and think I’ve found the answer: it is just being itself.

Babies don’t yet have any successes or disap-

pointments to judge life by. They also haven’t
assumed any specific role beyond being ador-
able, even though they will soon become sons
and daughters, employers and employees, and
ultimately mothers and fathers themselves. As
we grow up, these roles are either assigned to
us by parents, coaches and teachers, or taken
on by us willingly.

I think that we tend to look at babies as special

gifts from God – no matter His name. That’s because babies are Perfect Spirits – as are you and
I. But much like that newborn baby, we are incapable of understanding why.

For reasons both cultural and spiritual, it is often tough to admit to yourself that you are lov-
able just by being you and you don’t need any material possessions to make you lovable. The
sum total of one’s net worth is consistent throughout our lives because we were born with
tremendous value and potential.

Potential for what? To develop spiritually and to become the loving and compassionate people
that we are capable of being.

You control how you feel about your spiritual maturity, your relationship with God and your
relationship with other humans. When you give yourself high grades in these areas, all of
the disappointment and discouragement is truly external and seems small and insignificant in
Realize your true net worth in baby steps

Life is too precious to spend on activities you don’t value

Everlasting answers to all of life’s questions come from within

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Trauma-Proof Your Life

What happens when life does hand us disappointment? When sickness, divorce, or job loss hits
your universe, the range of emotions can go from isolation to guilt, insecurity to depression,
and general worry to fear.

At any or all of these points, it’s exceptionally important to have a very healthy mind, strong
body and unyielding faith in God and yourself. This is possible if you set your foundation prop-
erly. But how?

Ask yourself “if something traumatic happened tomorrow,” can I answer these three questions

What can I do as of today to improve spiritually, mentally, and physically?

Who will become part of my support network as I make these changes?
Am I committed to starting the process?

Spiritually, this looks like being a part of a faith community. Your friends of faith will be there to
support your faith at a time when you might be more vulnerable than usual to feelings of nega-
tivity or despair. The same type of kinship exists in your daily physical experiences as well: the
gym, the coffee shop, dinner with friends. These relationships exist to be there to listen, call,
visit and pray for you during the entire experience.

Without a strong foundation life is a circus

Increased awareness fuels mental, spiritual, and physical growth

Success means not getting bogged down in current reality

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Embrace Your Royal Lineage

Christians believe that God gave us the Bible as a blueprint for life. I believe the same, only that
He gave us the black and white version for us to decorate as we so choose – with all the color,
people, and personality we can.

In every aspect of our life, we receive based upon the beliefs and expectations that we hold
in our minds about what we’re worthy or capable of receiving. If we are to become open and
aware of new possibilities, our beliefs must change in order for us to be willing and worthy of

Are the beliefs that you have about yourself consistent with your values? Knowing that we get
what we expect, what treatment do you expect from the outside world? Or, closer to home,
how do you expect to treat yourself?

Consider this: children of royalty learned early on in life

that they should expect to be treated royally because of
who they are. This is why they’re famously known for
using the “Don’t you know who I am?” tactic to get by in
the world.

What if you tried that? You’re a child of God – no mat-

ter His name. And blood doesn’t get more royal than
that. Because of your status as a unique child of God, you
should be treating yourself to the feelings of joy, love,
happiness and optimism. These are granted as a result of
your acknowledgment of your prince/princess status and
are guaranteed to last forever.

Are there additional benefits that come along with your

royal status as a child of God? Yes.

You receive unconditional love on a daily basis from

your spiritual Father

You always have someone who will listen for as long

as you need without interruption

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
You get the hope and trust from God always watching over you with a plan

You know that upon leaving Earth, you have a heavenly place to live in peace

You can perform miracles because nothing is too small or impossible to solve

You have 6.7 billion fellow princes and princesses, each sharing in the gifts of love and regular
prayer. I believe this is a requirement to maintain your spot in the royal court.

As a bonus, this newfound status also comes with a trust fund – you are granted the ability to
laugh at all the silly things that used to cause you fear, despair, and insecurity. Concern over bills,
jobs, property, cars, fashion and all other worldly concerns have been replaced with love, faith
and trust by the heavenly Father. All that’s asked of you is that you remain conscious of the fact
that all that is truly important – your spirit – is always in good hands.

You are royalty if you believe

Meditate often on the phrase “Don’t you know who I am?

I am a child of God.”

Like a baker needs flour/sugar/milk,

you need faith/love/knowledge

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Don’t Fear the God-given Donut

Once again, one reason it’s easy to see that babies are Perfect Spirits is because they are as-of-
yet untainted by the outside world. Our mornings are often like that: school hasn’t called to say
the kids are sick, or the prospect hasn’t emailed to say we didn’t get the business, and the con-
tractor hasn’t stopped by with the estimate for the leaky roof.

I once read somewhere to smile in the face of adversity. I know I can because I have God on
my side. As setbacks occur in my daily life, I’ve trained my internal and external response to be
“Thank God that this is my biggest problem!”

Therefore, I find myself constantly thanking

God for small speed bumps along my road to
the ultimate destination – just a minor detour,
a block or two out of the way – nothing more.

For example: On the way home from church

several weeks ago, my car seemed to be han-
dling funny. It wasn’t until I got home that I re-
alized my tire was completely flat. Given that
the flat is on a soon-to-expire lease, my initial
impulse was to think “Why is this happening
now?” but instead I turned it into “Thank God
that this tire is my biggest problem!”

When I got to the tire shop the next day, they

notified me that the $300 special tires had to
be (of course!) ordered and would not show up for (of course!) four days. That meant I would
be driving around Boston with the spare “donut” tire on my car and unable to exceed 50 miles
per hour for four days. Again, instead of turning negative, I thought “Thank God that driving
slow for a few days is my biggest problem!”

The tire did come in a week later, was installed, and I was sent on my way. However, not 30 yards
from the shop, a warning light came on the dashboard that said I had a problem with my brakes.
Because I assumed this was an authorized dealer fix, I drove 30 miles to the dealer to see if they
could fix the problem. One of my many daily affirmations popped into my head during the drive
and I found great strength in it: “I am bigger than any problem that is presented to me.”
A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
When the service manager came out to look at the car, it took him a split second to notice the
new tire (on for not 40 minutes) was a truck tire (on my sedan). Having one tire larger than
the other three was causing the warning light. Being told this, I very calmly took a step back,
breathed deep, and repeated, “Thank God for allowing a big tire to be my biggest problem.”

Rather than focus on the reality that was being presented me, I triggered my forethought to
focus on my plans for later that evening: getting dressed up, taking my beautiful wife to dinner
with the president of my daughter’s school, conversation with other parents over cocktails, and
picking my daughter up for the weekend. How fortunate am I?

You can take the spare “donut” tire literally and break life’s events into three categories: the
bad (or your least favorite type of sweet treat), the middle of the road (a sweet you like but
don’t love), and the good (the best indulgence you can think of). For me, it would be a jelly do-
nut, an éclair, and a bear claw.

See, you and I always get the choice of dwelling on the negative or turning our thoughts toward
the positive.

Don’t fear the God given donut

Mental, spiritual, & physical strength

prepares you for life’s roadblocks

You never know when divine intervention will happen

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Don’t Prejudge: See Real People,

Not Your Perceptions of Them
Before the lease could come up on that car with the now perfect tires, I decided to take the
leap and purchase a new one. After taking my wife to lunch, I asked if she would like to join me
in a test drive at the local dealership.

Though she agreed, I could feel her hesitation increase as we turned the corner and saw the
dealer’s sign. See, Carolyn, like many people, is very apprehensive around typical sales people:
they are manipulative, insincere, and often appear slimy. After 20-plus years in coaching and
training salesmen, I can share a big secret with you: it’s not just you and Carolyn – most sales-
people are just as uncomfortable calling or approaching prospects or customers out of fear of

That said, one of the lions came out of the den

like we were deer entering his enclosure before
I even had a chance to open Carolyn’s door. Af-
ter an over the top hello and invitation into the
showroom from Kevin The Lion, we entered
a testosterone-filled room of ten other lions
waiting for their own deer while slurping cof-
fee and consuming whole donuts in a single bite.
This was not doing anything to soothe Caro-
lyn’s already shot nerves – she was feeling like
Snow White waiting for the Queen to pop out,
say “come here my pretty” and offer a poison

I explained to Kevin The Lion the position I was

in: four more lease payments to go but I had
rubbernecked by a particular model several
times and would like to test drive (no use fight-
ing it because it’s part of their sales process).
I was just as happy with the car post-drive as I
was excited pre-drive, so we decided to take a
look at the lease options. With Carolyn so fervently wishing for the seven dwarves to pop up

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
and rescue her from the lion’s den, she chose to take solace in the car, while Kevin The Lion
and I settled on rates and insurance and I was told to pick it up the following Monday.

When I arrived to meet my car a few days later, Kevin The Lion took me to the lot to explain
all the electronic gadgets and somewhere along the line he pulled out what has to be my favor-
ite book not written by me: Og Mandino’s “The Greatest Salesman in the World.” We chatted
for an hour on the ten concepts that had changed both of our worlds and couldn’t believe how
much we had in common.

Although I had been pretty confident in my decision to purchase the car, there was some ap-
prehension in the interim about buying the first car from the first salesman at the first dealer I
visited. But when Kevin The Man pulled that book out of his pocket, I had received a sign from
God that I had absolutely purchased the perfect car at the perfect time at the perfect den from
the perfect lion. I never had to look under the hood.

When life drops you in a lion’s den, keep moving:

don’t get caught in the headlights

People are like used cars:

exterior dents can hide internal power and beauty

Take a proactive approach to battling the

negativity that surrounds us all

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Are You Here to Prove or Improve?

Have you ever felt that the world around you is changing so much
that you may not be able to keep up? It may not even be happen-
ing directly to you: a family member could have just lost their job,
a friend might be going through cancer treatment, or your kid may
have come home with a scraped knee.

When we’re experiencing any of these “my world is falling apart” or

“I think that my eggshell is beginning to crack” feelings, it’s usually
because we’ve allowed a reality in one area of our life to spill over
and contaminate other areas of our life that should not have been tainted.

You have the power and ability to isolate any negative thoughts occurring in your mind and to
convert them into how you would like your life to be going. Fixing this is relatively simple: if we
control our thoughts and engage in the actions that we know consistently make us feel good on
a consistent basis, we’re well on the way to a life that is truly blessed.

Here’s an easy exercise:

1. Identify the actions/behaviors in your life that you’re confident will have
you feeling better – physically, mentally or spiritually – and choose at least
one from each area of your life: health, spirituality, education, family, social,
work, financial, etc.
2. Identify how often you would like to engage in this activity that will give you
this good feeling. Is it daily? Is it multiple times per week? Is it monthly?
3. Write a present tense statement (affirmation) that includes the emotion of
your feeling when acting, speaking or living the way that you’re envisioning.
4. Read each of these affirmations every morning upon awakening and every
evening prior to sleeping.

Once these new ways of living become engrained in your new being, replace them with new
goals and affirmations based upon the next vision of your higher self in that area of your life.

You control your thoughts – no one else gets to violate that sacred space without your permis-
sion. You control your actions. The correct actions always positively impact our attitude.

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
When your eggshell is cracking, relieve the pressure

Consistent actions yield consistent results

Our world is at peace when we co-exist as members of the same

spiritual family

What happens when we determine that the truths upon which we base our life are false? Would
you rather prove yourself correct or improve yourself?

Sometimes we find out that a belief that we hold dearly in our minds is wrong. When this hap-
pens, it can sometimes cause us to question other beliefs that we’ve been using to set the limits
of how much we give and how much we’re able to receive.

The brain is a literal mechanism – it doesn’t argue with us – which is why it’s crucial that we
speak positively about ourselves and others. If I tell myself “there is no way that I can get all of
this done today”, then human nature says I will sub-
consciously waste just enough time so that I don’t
complete everything. We’re always trying to prove
that we’re correct for thinking the way that we do.
“See, I told you that I couldn’t do it!” We have to
stop being proud of ourselves for setting and meet-
ing low expectations.

Here are examples of two different beliefs from

two separate individuals:

Positive Penny: I enjoy owning my own business

because it provides me with the ability to create the
ideal lifestyle for my family.

Negative Nadine: I could never start my own busi-

ness. Even if I did, it probably wouldn’t make any

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
If each of us receives in our life consistent with the beliefs that we hold in our mind – and we
do – consider the drastically different lives that will result from the opposite beliefs above.

Today is a great day to assess each of the beliefs that you’re using to create your reality. Are you
aware that about 80% of the beliefs that we hold in our minds are not actually true? Most of
our beliefs have been cemented into our minds from listening to other people share their be-
liefs with us – friends, co-workers, family, etc. Starting this instant, I’m asking you to install the
“Who Said So?” security system: start questioning the credibility of all original sources of the
information you’re receiving.

Screen each piece of information as if it’s most likely false. Become a skeptical receiver of the
information that is coming into your life from all sources – conversation, the web, books, maga-
zines, the radio and television, etc. Assume that the information is false unless it 100% passes
your security system. Even then, just because the information was true when it entered, it
doesn’t mean that it has to be true forever. The limits that we place in our minds have been set
and created by us or people that we’ve ordained to be credible others. You get to decide when
it’s time for you to improve your performance in every area of your life.

This newfound consciousness that you are developing is connected to the consciousness that
exists in all other humans and with God. When you and I start thinking, believing and acting at
higher levels of consciousness, awareness and truth, we start relating to others at higher levels
of love, compassion, patience, understanding and peace.

Be your own customs agent at the

gate to unity consciousness

Desire to improve rather than prove yourself correct

when you realize you’re wrong

Serenity comes from within,

meditation allows us to see within ourselves for answers

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Create the Life You Want in an Instant,

Through Nourishing Thoughts
Our thoughts lead us to the type of life that we deserve. Our thoughts are the result of every
experience that we’ve had since birth. Our self-esteem is created by the thoughts that we think
and by assimilating the words that are spoken to us by others. When we allow the words of
others to negatively influence our self-esteem, we’re giving away the power and control that
lies inside of us.

Always assume complete responsibility for your thoughts. Be certain to reject the negative
thoughts or comments that are coming your way on a daily basis.

If you were brought up in a negative, demeaning environment or have allowed the words of
others to have you feeling lonely, forgotten or unworthy, you can change all of that in an instant.

You are blessed and your life is blessed. You are nature’s greatest miracle. Like all of God’s
creatures, there is and can only be one you: only one person on the whole planet with your
mind, with your smile, with your eyes and with your soul, who has lived through all of the

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
wonderful and not-so-wonderful experiences that have made you uniquely you!

The beautiful thing about thought is that it’s instantaneous. Thought is creation. We’re actively
involved in the process of creation every instant when we accept responsibility for each and
every thought. When I tell you that you’re handsome or beautiful and you believe me, you start
thinking and acting handsomely or beautifully. When I tell you that you’re smart and you give
sanction to my words and think to yourself “Yes, I am smart!” you will start reading and learning
and assimilating information because you know how smart and capable you are.

The key here is not to wait for me or anyone else on the planet to be responsible for building
up your self-esteem and blessed life. Ideally, you will surround yourself with positive people
who are more likely to build you up than belittle you. It’s your responsibility to create the ideal
life for yourself by changing your thoughts about yourself and the world.

Even if you aren’t in the ideal situation where most of the people around you are speaking
constructively, you CAN begin the habit today of speaking positively to yourself. This habit will
transform your life!

Your life is blessed. I know that it may not always seem that way. I think that it’s because many of
us tend to focus on what’s going wrong and ignore all the things around us that are going right.

You’re as individual as a zebra’s stripes

and that is the surest sign of a blessed life

Fear inhibits your ability to receive new thoughts & knowledge:

replace it with love

Life and God are forgiving:

design your ideal future & reformat your brain

By intentionally repeating our thoughts of who or what we choose to become in the future,
we create deep mental paths – muscle-memory in the brain. By filling our brains with positive,
deeply emotional thoughts of how we choose to be in the future, we’re effecting our mind, our
body and our spirit. We’re literally talking ourselves into wonderfully healthy and happy days,

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
weeks and years – mentally, spiritually and physically.

If we continue thinking the same (sometimes limiting) thoughts that we’ve been thinking for a
long time – even if we’re relatively successful, we’ll continue getting the same results, the same
happiness, the same income, the same health, the same job, the same vacation location, etc.
Without new thoughts, there is little or no hope that you (or tomorrow) will be any different or
better than today.

There is a better way to live and think and act and feel!

When we have hope in the future and faith in ourselves and in God, we get fleeting thoughts
about what might be possible. Thoughts such as:

I’d like to improve this relationship.

I wish that I could start my own company.

I’d really like to get my body healthy.

I wish that I spent more time with my children.

I’d like to have a more fulfilling spiritual life.

Did you notice the tense of the thoughts that I mentioned above? Frequently our thoughts are
like New Year’s resolutions – these thoughts are always ideas that we know are possible, so
imagine how excited you’d be once you’ve brought that idea into reality! So what happens to
our great ideas and intentions? Future tense thoughts allow our brains to say “that was a good
idea, why don’t we do that someday – but not today please.” And then the thought is gone – at
least for a while.

Here’s a very simple process to begin assimilating and acting upon all of your genius attacks or
great ideas that you get from others:

Once you get a thought of inspiration, write it down immediately.

Make the idea future tense, so “I will…” becomes “I am…”

or “I enjoy…” or “I earn…”

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Writing your thoughts for the future in present tense statements begins the process of talking
yourself into feeling comfortable at your next level of excellence. I put each of these thoughts
of mine onto 3x5 index cards so that I can have them all together and so that I can read them at
any time of day where ever I happen to be – on the couch, in bed, on the plane, in the car, etc.

The more often we read these statements of belief, the deeper the grooves become in our
minds. Reading them two or more times per day to yourself is ideal. Little by little, we’re con-
vincing ourselves that we really can become the type of person that we envision in our minds.

This process allows us to deliberately fill our minds with positive thoughts about what’s possible
as if they were already accomplished. The process enables our minds to become 100% focused
upon what we’re choosing to become as opposed to being stuck in the present without any
new thoughts or ideas.

Intentional improvement is an index card away

You are a Perfect Spirit – acknowledge it, nurture it,

and encourage it

Music brings out our full range of emotions and

is one of the purest forms of inspiration

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Join Your Voice with Mine and Others

Who Want to Live in Harmony
Music inspires me. Harmony sends chills up my spine and goose bumps to my skin. Musical har-
mony always makes me think of human harmony – voices of different ranges, volumes and tonal
quality coming together to create a sound that is so much better together than separate.

While my son was singing in his high school choir, he’d be up on stage with about 100 other
14-18 year old boys all dressed in white shirts, blue blazers, khaki pants and red ties. The
mostly geeky high school boys of different heights, weights and dispositions would sing beauti-
fully together. At a few points in the performance one of the boys would step to the front and
sing a solo. The soloist usually had a voice that was mediocre at best when singing by himself,
but when he was singing with the rest of the mediocre voices they somehow sounded magical

Music – the sound that resonates up my

spine, into my ears and into my brain –
allows me to feel the presence of God.
I know that musicians are artists who
allow us to experience God through
other vehicles – rhythm, sound, words
and the feeling of the vibrating vocal
chords or instruments.

Certain music causes me to work out

harder. Other music causes me to cry
at weddings or funerals. Other songs
combine words and music that inspire
me to become a better person. It’s like
we all belong to the town of Harmony
– it doesn’t matter the country – the vibrations connect us all.

I frequently use music to set the proper tone and environment for activities – exercise, driving,
relaxation, meditation or background music for a party. Music for many of us has very deep,
strong emotional bonds to memories in our minds that will last forever.

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith
Here are some of mine:

• The song that was on the radio when my first girlfriend broke up with me:
Colour My World (Chicago).
• A song that was played at my Dad’s funeral: On Eagle’s Wings (Josh Groban)
• First musical gift given to me by my daughter for Christmas 2008 – The Script CD
• My college band’s signature song – Easy (The Commodores)
• Any James Bond theme song makes me think of my son James, a 007 fanatic!
• Any Michael Buble song reminds me of a wonderful family vacation in Newport, RI
• The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra will be the song that I dance to with
my daughter at her wedding

I believe that God has plan for me, so I don’t really believe that
my iPod actually has a shuffle feature – I think divine interven-
tion decides whether I need to hear Queen’s “You’re My Best
Friend” or “Shed A Little Light” by James Taylor.

Because music also plays a big part in my daily exercise rou-

tine, I have my favorite playlist. It includes the likes of Chicago,
The Doobie Brothers, James Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Mariah
Carey, Michael McDonald, The Script, Steely Dan, and Stevie

In the spirit of unity consciousness and the belief that musical

vibrations really do connect us all, I ask you to join me in cre-
ating the Ultimate Shuffle: a compilation playlist of music that
effects and connects us all.

To participate in this Ultimate Shuffle playlist project:

Send your name, city/state, and a list of your favorite songs to

A Spark to Ignite Your Joy and Faith

Join Me in Joy Everyday

You have a choice to make each day a living example of your faith, and receive the benefits that
cascade over you.

Don’t let the events of this season be one of the few times during the year that you will express
your gratitude for the life you experience. Make this one of many times during the year that
you reach out to family and friends to share a meal. Let this book ignite or re-ignite your daily
prayers of thankfulness for the bounty you have been given, and energize you to act kindly with
others and of course, be kind to yourself.

Some of the places you can find me:

and at my home on the web at www.bobgregoire.com
or drop me a note at gregoire.today@gmail.com
You can also find my weekly pod cast on Itunes, by searching Bob Gregoire.

Please send this book on to friends, family and everyone

else whom you believe needs more joy and faith
in their lives.

Peace and Love,

Bob Gregoire

Published by Pegasus Media World


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