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M. Stapels1
R. Elliott2
The Effect of Water on the Glass
L. Chandra2 Transition of Human Hair
DWI at RWTH Aachen
University, Pauwelsstrasse 8,
D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Unilever Research,
Port Sunlight, CH63 3JW
Wirral, UK
Received 19 August 2005;
revised 25 November 2005;
accepted 8 December 2005
Published online 15 December 2005 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/bip.20429

Abstract: The glass transition of human hair and its dependence on water content were deter-
mined by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The relationship between the data is
suitably described by the Fox equation, yielding for human hair a glass transition temperature of
Tg ¼ 1448C, which is substantially lower than that for wool (1748C). This effect is attributed to a
higher fraction of hydrophobic proteins in the matrix of human hair, which acts as an internal plas-
ticizer. The applicability of the Fox equation for hair as well as for wool implies that water is homo-
geneously distributed in a-keratins, despite their complex morphological, semicrystalline structure.
To investigate this aspect, hair was rendered amorphous by thermal denaturation. For the amor-
phous hair neither the water content nor Tg were changed compared to the native state. These
results provide strong support for the theory of a quasi-homogeneous distribution of water within
a-keratins. # 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 81: 371–375, 2006
This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The ‘‘Published Online’’ date
corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the
Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com

Keywords: human hair; differential scanning calorimetry; water content; glass transition; Fox

INTRODUCTION is a decisive factor for an analogous phenomenon,

namely, the (desirable) stability of the water wave in
The glass transition of keratin fibers and particularly human hair.
its dependence on water content is of distinct practi- Various approaches have been made to determine
cal relevance for textile as well as for cosmetic appli- the humidity dependence of the glass transition tem-
cations. For wool textiles the glass transition plays a perature Tg in wool by mechanical tests1 as well as by
major role for the understanding of the (undesirable) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).3,4 Though it
phenomenon of wrinkling1,2 while for human hair it may be argued that, in view of its relevance for me-

Correspondence to: F.-J.Wortmann, University of Manchester,

School of Materials, P. O. Box 88, Manchester MQ60 1QD, UK;
e-mail: f-j.wortmann@manchester.ac.uk
Biopolymers, Vol. 81, 371–375 (2006)
# 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

372 Wortmann et al.

chanical properties, Tg should best be measured by weighed into gas-tight aluminum pans. Prior to the mea-
mechanical means, DSC is a fast and readily applied surement, the lid of the pan was perforated. The sample
method offering the additional advantage that con- was heated to 1358C (208C/min) and held at that tempera-
stant conditions of water content for a sample are ture for 30 min, then cooled to room temperature under a
flush of nitrogen. In view of the discussion of the dry
more easily maintained.
weight of keratin,5 this procedure was chosen because the
The objective of the current investigation was to
completion of the desorption process of water was readily
determine the glass transition temperature for human observed in the DSC curve.
hair and its dependence on water content by DSC as Weighing the sample before and after desorption yielded
well as to find a suitable analytical description for the its water content, which is the weight percentage of water
data. Furthermore, the investigation was extended to in the conditioned sample. This parameter is not to be con-
thermally denatured human hair in order to contribute fused with the term regain, which relates to the dry weight
to our understanding of the distribution of the water of the sample.
in the morphological structure of human hair. To enable the measurement of the glass transition for
totally amorphous hair material, the crystalline -helical
structures were irreversibly denatured.6 To achieve com-
plete denaturation, hair fiber snippets were submitted to a
EXPERIMENTAL DSC measurement in water in the temperature range 80–
1708C (58C/min),6 beyond the denaturation peak at around
All experiments were conducted on commercial, medium- 1508C. Neither on cooling nor in a further DSC experiment
brown, untreated European human hair (Fa. Kerling, Back- in water was any indication of a reformation of -helical
nang, Germany) provided in the form of tresses. From these material found. After cooling, the capsules were opened;
tresses, fiber snippets (length 2–4 mm) were obtained. All the denatured hair snippets were removed, dried, and stored
experiments were conducted with a DSC-7 instrument under ambient conditions until used in DSC experiments
(Perkin Elmer) using large-volume, pressure-resistant, for measuring Tg in the same way as the native hair mate-
stainless steel capsules (Perkin Elmer). rial.
It is well known that the physical history of a glassy ma-
terial, namely aging and annealing, has a major influence
on the measurement of the glass transition by DSC, espe-
cially by inducing an excess enthalpy peak. Therefore, a
procedure was chosen to control the history of the hair as
far as experimentally feasible by establishing stable condi-
tions of the water content for the samples, on the one hand, Figure 1 shows a typical DSC curve for human hair
while avoiding overly strong effects of aging due to long with a water content of 15%. The temperature range
storage on the other. To preserve this status, all mea- of the transition is given by the onset and the offset
surements were furthermore limited to conditions of less temperature, respectively, giving a span of about
than 20% water content to ensure that Tg was well above 158C. Following the considerations for the definition
the storage temperature under ambient room conditions of Tg, as reviewed by Peyser7 and as prescribed in
(20–258C). DIN-53765,8 the glass transition temperature is
Samples of about 100 mg of hair snippets were stored in defined as the midpoint between the lower and the
a desiccator first over P2O5 for 24 h and then for four days
upper level of the DSC curve. This definition of Tg is
at 208C over a suitable, concentrated salt solution, provid-
ing a constant relative humidity. For the DSC test, 5–10 mg
expected to correlate well with mechanical data.7
of material was rapidly transferred into a DSC capsule; Due to the experimental procedure, the peaks for
10 L of silicone oil was added and the capsule sealed. The excess enthalpy were generally small in the curves so
silicon oil was added to suppress as far as possible water that this determination could be maintained for all ex-
desorption from the sample during the measurement, which perimental curves without introducing a relevant bias
is considered the major source of certain experimental and without the need to take recourse to integral
problems, as particularly observed by Kure et al.4 methods for the determination of Tg, as proposed by
The DSC was calibrated, prior to each series of experi- Richardson and Savill.9
ments, using indium and palmitic acid, both of high purity. For the comparison of Tg measurements of keratin
For the measurements an empty container without the O-
fibers by DSC, in general it is important to note that
ring rubber seal was used as reference. The optimum heat-
this standard practice for the determination of Tg is at
ing rate was found to be 58C/min, providing adequate signal
intensity while being on the safe side with respect to nonli- variance with the work by Phillips,3 Kure,4 and
nearities of the measurement, which are expected at higher Huson10 for wool and Ota et al.11 for human hair.
heating rates. They determined the onset of the glass transition in
The water content of hair was determined on parallel the DSC-curve as Tg, a practice covered by ASTM
samples by DSC. Conditioned hair snippet samples were D3418.12
Biopolymers DOI 10.1002/bip
Effect of Water on Glass Transition of Hair 373

To stabilize the fit of the Fox equation to the data

and for ease of comparison with wool, the Tg value
for water 125 K (1488C) is taken from Ref. 1, yield-
ing for the dry hair Tg1 ¼ 417 6 3 K (6 standard
error), equivalent to 1448C.19 The solid line in Figure 2
shows the fit through the DSC results.
The value for the glass transition temperature of
amorphous solid water has been subject of consider-
able debate, as reviewed by Kalichevsky et al.20
There appears to be a general consensus, however,
that the Tg of water falls into the region between 130
and 145 K at normal DSC heating rates. Considering
the wide range for the extrapolation, the applied value
for the Tg of water is in acceptable agreement with
the literature data.
FIGURE 1 Typical DSC curve of human hair with 15%
water content (heating rate 58C/min). The graphical defini- The glass transition temperature of hair (1448C) is
tion of the glass transition temperature is given. 308C smaller than for wool (1748C). As a conse-
quence, the Fox equation curve for Tg lies systemati-
cally lower compared to wool as shown in Figure 2.
Looking at the shift between the curves in terms of
An initial observation of the systematic change of water content yields a value of 2–3%. Human hair thus
the glass transition of the keratin fiber wool with ‘‘softens’’ at lower water content and temperatures
water content was made by Wortmann et al.1 based than wool. This is a rather unexpected result, because
on measurements of torsional recovery of wool fibers, human hair is generally considered more hydrophobic
corroborated by data from a variety of other tests. It than wool, due to a higher fraction of hydrophobic
was shown that the data for water content between 9 high-glycine-tyrosine (HGT) proteins.21,22
and 20% were well described by the Fox equation13: The applicability of the Fox equation for the
human hair/water as well as for the wool/water sys-
tem,1 without the need to consider, e.g., crystallinity,
1=Tg ¼ w1 =Tg1 þ w2 =Tg2 ;
implies that water, despite the complex morphologi-
cal, semicrystalline structure of keratin fibers, acts as
where w is the weight fraction and the subscripts 1 if it is homogeneously distributed throughout the fiber
and 2 refer to dry wool and pure water, respectively. structure.
Fox13 expected his equation to apply to systems
that are compatible and not too strongly polar. Equa-
tion (1) implies that the depression of Tg with solvent
concentration is fully explained by the Tg differences
of the constituents of the system, regardless of spe-
cific interactions. Features such as crystallinity or
crosslinking only play a role insofar as they affect dil-
uent distribution.14,15
For keratins, the size of the step in the DSC curve,
which is the change of heat capacity DCp at the glass
transition, is experimentally quite variable (0.03–
0.2 J g1 K1) and shows a mean of only about
0.1 J g1 K1 over the humidity range considered.
This is quite small compared to DCp  0.4 J g1 K1
found for other proteins.16 For this reason, the DSC
values for Tg for hair are somewhat more variable FIGURE 2 Glass transition temperature Tg vs. water
than those obtained for the mechanical measurements content for native (*) and amorphous (^) hair samples.
for wool.1 The size and variability of the change in The curves relate to the fit of the Fox -equation for native
heat capacity at Tg furthermore constrained the use of hair (solid line) and sheep’s wool (broken line, Ref. 1),
other multiparameter approaches, such as the Couch- respectively. The lines are limited on the x-axis by the
man–Karasz17 or the Gordon–Taylor18 equation. anticipated maximum water content of the materials.

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374 Wortmann et al.

In this context it is important to note that the at a given relative humidity. This would be expected
effects of water on a somewhat analogous polymer, to lead to significant changes of the humidity depend-
namely nylon 6, do not follow the Fox equation.23 In ence of the glass transition.
nylon 6 as well as 66, water sorption drops with the However, the determination of water content for
degree of crystallinity.24 The same principle seems to native and amorphous hair, conducted in the context
apply for a variety of partly -helical proteins, such of the Tg determination, showed no significant differ-
as lactoglobulin, zein, and others.25 ences between the two materials. This experimental
This does not apply for ovalbumin, silk fibroin, result is in conflict with the hypothesis put forward
and wool, for which Mellon et al.26 showed that even by Kure et al.4 and Pierlot,31 but in agreement with
severe treatments, that lead to denaturation of the the investigations by Mellon et al.26 The results for
higher protein structures, have very little effect on Tg for amorphous hair are summarized in Figure 2.
water sorption. The data fit well into the data set for the native hair,
As early as 1959, Feughelman27 proposed a two- showing that hair crystallinity has no effect on water
phase filament/matrix model for the interpretation of sorption and on Tg.
the mechanical properties of keratins. The axially ori-
ented, mechanically effective filaments have been
identified as the -helical material (30 vol %) in the CONCLUSIONS
intermediate filaments (IF). The matrix comprises the
remainder of the morphological components, includ- Hair takes up systematically less water than wool at
ing the nonhelical fraction of the IFs, the intermediate equal relative humidity and should thus be generally
filament associated proteins (IFAPs), which form the less susceptible to the effects of water. In contrast to
classical27 matrix, as well as other morphological this expectation, it is observed that the glass transition
components, such as cuticle, cell membrane complex, for hair is systematically about 308C lower for hair
nuclear remnants, etc. (70 vol %).28 It is well estab- compared to wool. For both materials, the change of
lished29,30 that water has a strong plasticizing effect Tg with water content is well described by the Fox
on the matrix phase, while the modulus of the fila- equation.
ments remains unaffected by the uptake of water. In The decreased glass transition of human hair com-
this view there appears to be a conflict with the pared to wool is attributed to a difference in composi-
assumption of effectively homogeneously distributed tion of the matrix proteins. These contain a higher frac-
water, as derived from the applicability of the Fox tion of hydrophobic HGT proteins in the case of hair,
equation. which may induce a lower amount of hydrogen bond-
Following previous investigations,1,3,10 Kure et al.4 ing in the matrix that stabilizes the glassy state. These
again determined by DSC the glass transition tempera- proteins are thus acting as ‘‘internal’’ plasticizer.
ture of wool as a function of regain. Applying the That the partly -helical, native, and the denatured
implication of the two-phase model, they introduced amorphous hair shows the same dependence of Tg
the hypothesis that water is only located in the matrix with water content leads to the conclusion that water
phase of the fiber, while the filaments take up no water. is in fact quasi-homogeneously distributed in native
Consequently, they calculated the water content that hair, where the adsorption to the surface of the -hel-
was relevant for the analysis of their Tg data for wool ical filaments is similar to the amount absorbed into
on the basis of the matrix fraction only, thus introduc- the matrix. Some insight into the interaction between
ing a bias compared to the usual values. The same bias -helical proteins and water has been given by Manas
was subsequently introduced by Pierlot31 for the analy- et al.32 on the basis of IR analysis. The special per-
sis of the water sorption of wool. Such a bias would formance of -keratin is attributed to the filamentous
obviously have rather far-reaching consequences arrangement of the -helical material in the IFs, lead-
beyond representing just a calculational issue, affecting ing to a large specific surface with good accessibility
the description and interpretation of a wide variety of for water.
water-dependent properties of keratins such as mechan-
ical, thermal, sorption, etc.
To further investigate the question of the water REFERENCES
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