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Course: Core B Composition and World Literature

Tutor: Mrs. Hayes

Tutor Email: jessmariehayes@gmail.com
Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Course Website: http:jessmariehayes.!eebly.com
2014-2015 Syllabus
" am loo#ing $or!ard to partnering !ith you this year as !e !or# together to help your
students reach their $ull potential.
" belie%e communication is the #ey to a success$ul parent&student&tutor relationship. 'll
class in$ormation and assignments( including !ee#ly planning guides( $or this academic
year !ill be posted on the course !ebsite )http:jessmariehayes.!eebly.com*. There(
you !ill $ind the course calendar and lin#s that your student !ill need to access. +lease
chec# the course !ebsite $re,uently $or updates. This !ill be your guide to the school
"n the e%ent that the course !ebsite does not ans!er your ,uestions( please email me.
Email is the pre$erred $orm o$ communication and " !ill reply !ithin -. hours. " can be
reached at jessmariehayes@gmail.com.
Belo! is a listing o$ boo#s that !ill be needed $or this course. The list is in alphabetical
order( not in the order that the course !ill be using them. +lease ensure that the "/B0
number matches( as se%eral o$ these boo#s ha%e multiple %ersions.
Author Title ISBN
Bunyan( 1ohn The Pilgrims Progress 234&54266.728.
9oyle( /ir 'rthur Hound of the Baskervilles 234&85.8.634:3
9umas( 'le;ander Count of Monte Cristo 234&8776-56784
Myers( Lesha Windows to the World
Myers( Lesha Writing Research Papers 234&8&24.7.2:&4&2
/ebrane#( +atric# Writers Inc 234&8::27-2275
/ha#espeare( William Romeo and !uliet 234&8.757-:4:5
/pears( Eli<abeth =eorge Bron"e Bow 234&862756352-
/teinbec#( 1ohn The Pearl# Centennial $dition 234&85.-888:2.

Supply List:
Each student should come to class prepared by:
)5* completing the assignments prior to arri%ing $or class
)-* bringing all boo#s needed $or the day
)6* bringing all supplies needed $or the day
).* printing out and bringing the current !ee#ly planning guide
Here is a list o$ supplies needed $or this course:
o 'll re,uired boo#s )see abo%e*
o +en and pencil
o Highlighters
o 0oteboo# paper
o 6 ring binder )organi<ational pre$erence is up to the studentparent but must
include !ee#ly planning guides*
'll assignments !ill be posted !ee#ly on the course !ebsite. /tudents are re,uired to
print out the !ee#ly planning guides to bring to class. "$ !e ha%e any changes or details
to add( students !ill ma#e adjustments to the planning guide in class. /tudents are
responsible $or class assignments.
Assignent !orat:
'll assignments must be typed and submitted using Times 0e! >oman $ont( si<e 5-.
>ough dra$ts and $ormal essays must be double spaced !ith the name o$ the student( date(
and title o$ the essay typed at the top o$ the $irst page. Multiple pages need to be stapled
together. "$ a document is sent to me %ia email because o$ a special circumstance( it must
be sa%ed as a Microso$t Word document )$ile e;tension: .doc or .doc;*.
Late Assignents:
Late assignments !ill be accepted $or up to one !ee#( but there !ill be a penalty. Ten
percent !ill be deducted $or e%ery class day that the assignment is late. 'ssignments that
are past due $or greater than one !ee# !ill not be accepted. ' grade o$ <ero !ill be
gi%en. "$ there are special circumstances( then the parent can communicate !ith me by
email be$ore the assignment is due so that !e can discuss $urther options. "$ a student is
missing an assignment( the letter M !ill appear in Engrade until the assignment has been
=rades can be $ound on the Engrade !ebsite )http:!!!.engrade.com*. /tudents are
responsible $or #eeping trac# o$ their assignments and $or chec#ing to see that all
assignments ha%e been turned in and recorded appropriately. "$ a recording discrepancy is
$ound( please contact me %ia email !ith the related details.
'ssignments !ill be graded using the +E+ grading scale:
28 & 588 ? '
48 & 42 ? B
38 & 32 ? C
:8 & :2 ? 9
Belo! :8 ? @
@inal grades !ill be comprised $rom the $ollo!ing categories:
Essayscompositionsresearch paper A .8B
Home!or# 'ssignments A 67B
Cui<<esTests"n class !riting A 57B
Classroom participation A 58B
$ssays %40&':
We !ill co%er persuasi%e !riting( e;pository !riting( descripti%e !riting( narrati%e
!riting( literary analyses( and research papers.
The re%ision process !ill include rough dra$t and a $inal dra$t. " !ill not accept a $inal
dra$t !ithout the rough dra$t and graded rubric attached to it.
' Drough dra$tE is just a common term $or the $irst dra$t o$ an essay. ' completed $irst
dra$t should ne%er be rough. 'll !riting assignments should ha%e been edited by a parent
using the pro%ided chec#list( and then re%ised by the student prior to being turned in.
Each dra$t )$irst or $inal* that is turned in should be the best %ersion o$ that essay. @inal
dra$t simply means the last %ersion )dra$t* o$ that particular essay. @inal dra$ts must
al!ays be turned in !ith the prior rough dra$t and graded rubric( or the essay !ill not be
accepted and !ill thus recei%e a late penalty. Both the rough dra$t and $inal dra$t !ill be
graded and recorded.
Essays !ill be e%aluated based on content )thesis statement( support o$ thesis(
accomplished intended purpose o$ essay* and $ormat )presentation o$ essay including
correct margins( $ont( header( punctuation( spelling( and grammar*. "ncorporating
techni,ues taught in class is also considered a $ormat re,uirement.
(oe)ork Assignents %*5&':
/tudents !ill complete !ee#ly graded home!or# assignments. These home!or#
assignments !ill ser%e as a springboard $or our class discussions. The responses to the
home!or# assignments must be ans!ered in complete sentences and all parts o$ the
,uestion should be completed. Each assignment should be the studentFs best !or#.
+ui,,es-Tests-In .lass /riting %15&':
Cui<<es and tests co%ering reading assignments andor %ocabulary !ords are used to
e%aluate a studentFs understanding o$ their reading and comprehension o$ in$ormation
presented in class. We !ill also ha%e se%eral in&class !riting assignments during the
school year.
0arti1ipation %10&':
Class discussions !ill strengthen the studentsF ability to critically thin# about literature.
There$ore( it is %ital to the class that each student participates in our discussions. "n order
to recei%e $ull credit $or participation( students must contribute meaning$ul in$ormation
during class discussions. +oints $or tardiness( disrespect( and not bringing te;ts to class
!ill be deducted $rom this category.
+lease contact me at jessmariehayes@gmail.com !ith any ,uestions.

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