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This is my baby…1968 Chevy Nova SS. About to sell it though. Can’t afford to keep it.

yeah…I thought I lost this pic. This is the only pic I have off the launch at the track. See? Wheels
are off the ground!
Above is a Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber/torpedo plane from WWII! I’m in the back on
the 30 caliber machine gun. That was awesome!!!!!! Pic was taken from another plane flying in
formation with us.

An old poster that I have. Should give you some new ideas. Hard-core Harley Davidson people
can be easily identified. Worth a try when you are at Moffitt. 
This is from today (your trip to Georgia). I was hoping to catch you but I guess it didn’t work.
But I tried…really hard. I even wrote Bo-Go-Shipo-Yo on it (because I couldn’t write it in
korean). But I tried!
Thought you’ll get a kick out of this. We built this thing a while ago. I saw one like this on
youtube and wanted to make one myself. I don’t know where it went (I think I gave it away to a
friend). It worked though. It could go up to 12mph with cooler loaded with sodas and me on top!
That’s faster than powered wheelchairs! And it has a cup-holder in the front!!! And brake lights
in back!!!
This is an old pic. I’m in the middle with my cousins on the sides. This is one of the most
memorable pics in my family of me. I never thought I’ll see this again. Thank God I was able to
recover some of this stuff from the hard-drive. It was taken in our new house when it was under
construction…thus the non-painted walls and stuff in background. We threw a party to celebrate
our new house. Can you say…3 Stooges?
This is when I was working on ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) project. On this day…I had
been up, working constantly, for 3 days straight! BTW…We build ALL of it, except propellers!
Ofcourse they were bought. Even the round guards around the propellers, the frame, everything
was made!
A-10 Warthog! AKA The Flying Gun, AKA Tankbuster, AKA hellraiser. Amazing story. The
30mm Vulcan Cannon (Gattling Gun) that I’m pointing at…it was made first. They didn’t know
what to do with it so they built a plane around it. True Story! Notice that the front wheel is off-
center (I’m standing infront of it so you can’t see it). They LITERALLY built the plane around
the gun. ½ the plane is made out of Titanium. Pilots say that if they have to go to hell, they want
to go there in this because it can bring them back. These birds are known to return safely home
with half the wings shot off and running on 1 engine! And this thing annihilated 300 tanks in gulf
war in under 20 mins by itself with its gun!!!!!
This is at Moffitt! I worked on the project for 17 hrs straight…then collapsed. This pic = Me
taking a 1 hr power nap. I was rudely awakened by Matt (my friend, the one in airforce uniform
you met at the airport).
and THIS is how I was awakened. Remember the CO2 powered fire extinguisher? That matt
fired to scare you? Yeah…..that! And I got frost bite!
And Mr. Harding collapsed too. To the left you can see the frame of the ROV that I had just
finished welding. We had been up for nearly 24 hrs. Background…Matt is trying to solder some
Me finishing welding.
And then my turn to wake him up (this is the next day). See what happened to the chair? He had
a rude awakening too!!!! LOL. I laughed so hard it’s not even funny. And…BTW>>>> no…I
did not kick HIM in the face. I kicked the back of the chair…and he slammed in the trash can
and then fell on the ground with the trash can full of wood powder.. This wooden table is
actually a table saw (for wood) and all the burrs from the cut wood (wood powder stuff) got all
over him and his face. HILARIOUS!!! Karma (or my revenge) is a bitch!
and poor Ginger had to stay with us the whole time. We had her INSIDE MOFFIT! That was
hilarious. This is inside Moffitt shop where Mr. Harding worked.
This is when we got kicked out of Moffitt. This is at a friend’s machine shop. Still working on
that stinking project.
This is at the Lakeland Sun n’ Fun Fly In Airshow! Awesome place. Lots of fun. This is where I
flew in the Douglas Dauntless, as well as a few other planes.
This is the Grumman F4U Corsair. Notice the unique gull-wing design, inspired by seagulls. It’s
known as “The Bent Winged Widowmaker” and also as “The Whispering Death”. It’s a WWII
fighter plane. I flew in this too! There are only 8 of these in the world in airworthy condition and
I had the honor of flying in one (as a passenger…still better than not flying!). Oh…btw…the
wings fold up on this plane to maximize storage since this was a carrier based plane.
This here is a Cobra Gunship helicopter. Amazing machine. That night, we, that is Mr. Harding,
Matt, and I, uhh hum, how should I say this… “BORROWED” it. It was AWESOME!!!!!! This
has staggered seating. The pilot sits up top, where my head is. The gunner sits infront of him,
slightly below. Gunner has a really cool helmet. Whatever the gunner sees, automatically gets
targeted. So….the guns you see in the nose, they follow wherever the gunner SEES! Pretty cool.
And this has ejection seats so if you’re crashing, you can eject out! It’s calibrated with the main
rotor, so first, the canopy blows away (it has explosive charges which blow it away from the
frame). Then, the seats eject in perfect timing so that you don’t get cut in half by the main rotor
blades. REALLY COOL!
This is a B-17 Flying Fortress WWII heavy bomber! I got to go up in it. I’m standing in the main
fuselage upper gun turret!! It was AWESOME!!!!!

Yeah…we do crazy stuff…like this. We’re idiots! But funny idiots.

That’s me, driving the Baja Buggy we built last year at USF. It was awesome. We all took turns
driving it (6 min intervals). Our goal is always to ROLL it over! It’s more fun to roll over than
drive. NE ways…yeah….we all came home covered in dirt and mud! It was awesome.
I made this. TELL ME I’m RIGHT! PLEASE!!?? Isn’t this what the sign means? Start fires and
then run away!?? That in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM means fire exit.

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