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hello my name is Lauren Winnett and i am a memeber of

Widlife On Our Property, here today to present some ideas on
how to humanely deal with the ever growing issue of deer in our
community. We do not want them dieing in our back yards however nor
do we wish to experience more damage from the overpopulation
of deer in our community.
hello my name is Lauren Winnett and i am a memeber of
Widlife On Our Property, here today to present these ideas to you as a possible
solution to this pressing issue
of our current derr population and impacting our economic wellbeing of this comm
I agree the airport will be good for our community and where i understand and ca
sympathize with my neighbors with the increase in insurance due to damages cause
by the deer population it is our strongest desire to reach some level of mutal
understanding and agreement
in regards to how to humanely deal with the ever growing issue of deer in our
community. We do not want them dieing in our back yards however nor
do we wish to experience more damage from the overpopulation
of deer in our community.
we agree that because of the landscaping and vehicular damages
that something must be done to regulate, but not destroy the local
deer population, however nor should they be allowed to starve.
The reason we moved to this area is we wanted to be close to
wildlife but it has gotten out of hand.
we would like to share with you our thoughts and ideas on how deal with this pro
1. the possibility of deer contraceptive.
estimate number of deer population would be the first step.
then take 10% of the population & trap them
administer vaccine birth control gonadotrophin
in pen studies, a single-shot of GonaCon has successfully kept 4
out of 5 female deer infertile for 5 years. A second
shot given the same year or in subsequent years can
increase effectiveness, potentially rendering deer
infertile for life. we do not want to do this.
The vaccine itself costs very little per dose. The
main cost of using GonaCon is associated with the
time and money required to capture and vaccinate the
deer. This cost can be several hundred dollars per
deer depending upon many factors, such as how many
deer need to be captured and whether the deer are
easy or difficult to catch.
No. Contraception alone cannot reduce overabundant
deer populations to healthy levels. GonaCon
is a tool to be used in conjunction with other wildlife
management methods
2. reintroduce wolves (however this hasnt been popular in TX) and would probably
just cause more issues with people and their pets.
3. another option is allow more hunting with Bows just out of town and to extend
doe season in that area.
4. (for the damages to peoples gardens)Incorporating plants into gardens, part
icularly around the garden
edge, that have evolved mechanisms to deter browsing are also a
good option. Black-eyed Susan, Daffodil, Iris, Chives, Hyacinth, Sage,
Thyme, Lavender, Maple, Juniper, Blue Spruce and Holly are all good
5. try and make people aware of the deer in the area so less wrecks may occur. t
each safety precautions for living in a high deer population area.
deer are more active during dusk and dawn, when visibility is reduced.
v Deer collisions are found to occur most often during the migrating, mating
, and hunting season between October and December.
as we all know but they can still happen at any time during the year.
it is important to always take the following precautions:
v Always wear your seatbelt.
v Follow speed limits and drive at appropriate speeds for the conditions you
are facing.
v Pay close attention to wildlife crossing signs. These signs are placed in
common crossing areas and locations known
to have higher densities of wildlife. also put up more signs to make people awa
make an attempt to notify citizens in the area when it is deer season.
v Slow down and be alert if you see an animal cross the road, as there are p
robably others present in the immediate area. This is especially true with deer.
v Take advantage of your high beams when no traffic is approaching.
v Have passengers assist by scanning sides of roadways.
increase and improve lighting on roadways.
use of speed bumps where ever possible.
v Dont forget to look above the direct line of your head-
lights as some deer are difficult to see at night
v If an animal is spotted on the side of the road, slow down, turn on your f
lashers to warn other drivers, and pass with caution,
as animals may be startled and react erratically by running into the road.
v Try your best not to swerve if an animal is in the road. Instead, apply yo
ur brakes firmly and sound your horn in short bursts.
If you must change your path, only do so when you can maintain control, as many
accidents are caused not by actual collisions with wildlife but rather by attemp
ts to avoid them.
6. ask people not to feed the wildlife as this causes an increase in the populat
ion when fat is so readily available.
if you guys have any other ideas throw them my way! also the paragraph is just s
uppose to say what we are going to talk about do you think we should go with the
one i had?
or come up with one that goes into more depth?
we realize there will be additional costs for these measures however in the end
we believe it will prove to be of great benifit to the community.

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