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Monitoring revision Building permit design

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Tunnelconsult, SCP 27/04/2010 e-mail: tunnelconsult@tunnelconsult.com





Prepared for AGP METRO
Report number TCWA-02-10
Rev. Date Description Prepared by Verified by Approved by
0 27/04/10 Monitoring revision SBB NDV NDV

Monitoring revision Building permit design
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Tunnelconsult, SCP 27/04/2010 e-mail: tunnelconsult@tunnelconsult.com

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................2
2. References..................................................................................................................................2
3. Comments ..................................................................................................................................2
4. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................5

In the frame of the agreement between Tunnelconsult and AGP Metro, we have been requested to analyze and
report on the monitoring document prepared by ILF relevant to the buildings in the proximity of station C09
within the context of Warsaw Underground Line II Project.
The present report specifically analyses the document referenced as [6], relevant to the Building Permit Design
Structure of stations C09. Furthermore the revision has been made based on the available documents delivered
by AGP Metro and the information acquired during Mr. Della Valles visit in Warsaw (March 2010).
We understand that document [6] is centered on TBM start shaft as part of C09 station.

The following references have been used for the redaction of this report:

[1] Tender Document: Functional application programme BP METROPROJEKT and Metro
Warszawskie - September 2008.
[2] Tender Document: Multidisciplinary concept design for design and construction of central section
of II line of the underground in Warsaw from Rondo Daszyskiego to Dworzec Wileski (MN-L21-10-
LIMITED COMPANIES (SP.Z.O.O.) September 2008.
[3] Design criteria for monitoring design based on requirements of functional application programme
requirements & multi-disciplinary concept design requirements (E-ILF-B-000-MON-REP-
[4] Description of monitoring design for station C09 Rondo Daszyskiego (E-ILF-B-C09-MON-REP-
[5] Tender Document: Summary geological-engineering documentation for the central part of the II
subway line in Warsaw with changes from Nowy Swiat station to Dworzec Wilenski station and
relative geological profile GEOTEKO SGGW GEOPROJEKT - February 2007.
[6] Volume III chapter 02 of Building permit design structure, Prostra Street/Towarowa Street
Daszynskiego Roundabout Area (E-ILF-B-C09-MON-SPC-0001_C00) - ILF CONSULTING ENGINEERS
March 2010.
[7] Drawing C09.2 ILF- March 2010.
[8] Our report TC-WA-01-10- April 2010.

For easy reference and immediate appreciation we have prepared the below table where we show the
comments on chapter 2 of volume III of Building permit design structure, Prostra Street/Towarowa Street

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Tunnelconsult, SCP 27/04/2010 e-mail: tunnelconsult@tunnelconsult.com

Daszynskiego Roundabout Area document [6]. It looks that [6] is a deepened and more structured version of

Table 3.1 Comments to [6]
ILF [6] TC comments
Chapter 1 The document concerns the first phase of construction of
station C9, which foresees the excavation between diaphragms
walls of a part of the zone where the entry shaft previously and
C9 station next will be located, in the proximity of Rondo
A list of 22 referenced documents is presented, out of which we
have 3 available.
Chapter 2

Paragraph 2.1

Based on detailed calculations of ground
deformations that will be carried out later in
the design process, range of the zones as
well as the number of the affected
buildings, may decrease

Paragraph 2.2

Paragraph 2.3
Monitoring design defines means of
measurements of vertical deformations of
the buildings in impact zones

As there are no enough suitable places for
fixing benchmarks on building Prosta 69,
only 3 benchmarks will be installed. Due to
good technical condition of the building is

Three different influence zones are defined, taking into account
the instructions proposed by the Building Research Institute
(ITB) of Warsaw (2002) and already contained in [2] and [4].
As we have stated in [8], we deem that the adopted zones are
conservatives, i.e. larger enough to cover station excavation
influence zone.

Computing the expected settlements by FEM analysis would be
the appropriate method to verify the expected extension of the
above mentioned influence zones. Finite elements numerical
models will allow to estimate the extension of the influence zone
within which settlements are expected and their amount.

We have verified that the list of the buildings located in the
influence zones coincides with the one that appears in
paragraph of [2].
We have notice that buildings in Hrubieszowska 5/3/1 have not
been included respect the list contained in [2], reasons should
be indicated in the report.

It is stated that a survey of existent damages and assessment of
technical conditions of the buildings have been carried out, but
they have not been included in the document.

As we have already pointed out in [8], horizontal deformations
should also be checked. It is important to recall that horizontal
deformations are likely to damage buildings much more than the
vertical ones, since they are likely to produce tension.

Observing the geometrical location of the mentioned three
benchmarks on building Prosta 69 [7], we deem that this
configuration will hardly allow the possibility to check building
rotation. We notice that on building Hrubieszowska 11 only one
benchmark is proposed and in Hrubieszowska 9 benchmarks
have been all positioned on the northern side of the building.
Benchmarks shall be located in rows at corners to check
differential settlements and structure rotations.

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Tunnelconsult, SCP 27/04/2010 e-mail: tunnelconsult@tunnelconsult.com

Take the zero measurement at least 5
days prior to commencement of
construction works

Critical settlement values

If the differential settlements reach 60% of
the limiting values it is necessary to start
direct observation of the affected building

We stress that this period is too short. We recommend take the
reference measurement as early as possible and practicable. We
notice that the captioned period of 5 days is even smaller than
the one proposed in [4] that was equal to 10 days.

Critical settlement values are indicated for serviceability limit
state (11-9mm) and for ultimate limit state (35-25mm), having
taken into account ITB instructions.

We agree with this procedure, pointing out that the limiting
values should be referred to ultimate limit state.

As general observation we recall that Monitoring Design should
contemplate the use of other measuring devices, like optical
prisms and clinometers on building walls.
Chapter 3

It is envisaged to use existing piezometers
provided their technical condition is

The piezometers are to be installed at
least two weeks prior to excavation works
for construction of the retaining structure

It would be necessary to specify the kind of piezometers to be
employed (open piezometers or pressure cells). It is not clear if
piezometers have been already installed.

We recommend install the piezometers network as soon as
practicable in order to record the seasonal water level oscillation
previous to the works start.

Observing Drawing 3, we agree with the proposed piezometers
location. In Drawing 4 we detect the lack of the geological
legend and the structure geometry. For sake of clarity, it would
be necessary include this information in the drawing.
Chapter 4

Zero measurement should be carried out,
at least 3 days prior to commencement of
construction works of the diaphragm walls

We recommend carrying out the reference measurement as
soon as practicable. We deem that three days is a too short

Observing Drawing 5, we deem that ground benchmarks shall
be placed at regular interval (20meters) around the structure.
Chapter 5 Deformation limits should be given by D-walls designer, at least
for the inclinometers at the stations. Moreover the station
structural design shall specify expected vertical and horizontal
deformations in the stated building influence areas and check
them against building conditions.
The location of the benchmarks is not included in the analysed
Chapter 6 Direct observation will be carried out on all the trees present in
the proximity of the excavation area.

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Tunnelconsult, SCP 27/04/2010 e-mail: tunnelconsult@tunnelconsult.com

Figure 3.1 Daszynskiego Roundabout Area

Our conclusions are similar to the ones contained in our previous report [8]. We strongly recommend start
monitoring measurements as soon as practicable in order to recognize building deformation behaviours which
are independent from the works execution. Furthermore we highlight the necessity of more detailed
specifications on the instrumentations location, for instance with some example on an existing building.

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