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Let's take it slow. Where is the problem?

We have a driver problem strictly because the SATA driver

we need does not come embedded in the Windows XP installation packae. What i! we add the
driver by ourselves be!ore installin Windows?
What inredients are involved in this operation? The oriinal Windows XP "nstallation #$% a !reeware
application named NLite and a blank #$. &oreover% we need the drivers !or the SATA controller
provided by the manu!acturer. "n case you did not !ind any !loppy inside the motherboard packae
or you cannot locate them on the mainboard installation #$% you can consult the manu!acturer's
website to download the latest versions. To do the trick " have been talkin about% it is assumed
that you already have a Windows installed on an "$' drive. "n case you don't% pay a visit to a !riend
and ask him to let you use his computer. "t won't take too much time% " uarantee.
So% download the drivers and un(ip them )in case they come archived* in a desired location. Then
download and install the +lite application. When you start the +lite application% you will be asked to
provide the location !or the Windows installation packae. "nsert the enuine Windows "nstallation
#$ into the #$ drive and% inside the application% select the #$ drive letter.
To insert the SATA drivers within the installation packae% you need to have it saved on the ,$$.
,ence% when the warnin window appears click -. and select the destination !older !or the !iles to
be saved. &ake sure that the destination partition / ,$$ has enouh space to store the contents o!
the installation #$.
" tested a Windows XP ,ome 'dition and it seems that it re0uired about 122 &3. "mmediately a!ter
you have chosen the destination !older% the application will start copyin the Windows installation
!iles. When !inished% it will display some version in!ormation reardin the newly copied Windows
"nstallation Packae.
+ow% click ne4t twice until you et to a screen where you et options sorted in 5 cateories6
"nterate% 7emove% Setup% #reate. We are interested in the interation procedure% there!ore select
the $rivers button and click ne4t. 8rom the ne4t menu window% click "mport and select multiple
drive !older option !rom the drop down menu. This option permits you to browse to the location
where the downloaded drivers are !ound.
Select the containin directory and click ne4t. 9ou will et a list with the available drivers )in case
there are more than one* or simply one driver. Select it )them* and click ne4t. +ow the application
will ask !or the permission to start the interation procedure. #hoose 9es and wait !or the drivers to
be inserted into the installation packae.
With problematic driver bein included in the installation packae you can install Windows XP on
your SATA ,$$...but...the installation packae is on the ,$$. 9ou need a bootable #$ in order to
start an installation. $on't worry% once the installation packae has been adorned with additional
user selected drivers it can be trans!ormed into a bootable disk imae and later burned on a #$. To
encapsulate the installation into a "S- imae use the same +lite application.
-pen it% make sure the ,$$ installation !older is selected and click ne4t. Select :Last session:
preset and click ne4t aain. +ow !rom the options menu choose 3ootable "S- and click ne4t. "n the
!ollowin window% make sure that the mode is set to :#reate "mae: and click &ake "S-. A
destination !older is re0uired where the resultin "S- imae will be saved. -nce the imae savin
process !inished you have the !reedom to burn it on a blank #$ with whatever you !avorite #$
burner so!tware may be.
The new #$ will be the twin copy o! the Windows "nstallation #$ but with one di!!erence% it includes
the SATA driver.

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