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[Aptitude] Alligation: Advanced applications in Interest rates, Profit-loss, Average Wages (Wine-Water Concept)
1. Case: Loan taken from two banks
2. Case: Profit on Single commodity
3. Case: No. of Employees based on Avg Salary
4. Case: Profit on Two commodities
5. Summary
6. Mock Questions
Consider these four questions
1. Dr.Haathi has taken some loan from State bank of India at 8% interest rate per annum.He has also
borrowed some money from ICICI at 10% interest.The total loan amount is Rs.10,000. He pays total
Rs.950 as interest rate at the end of first year.How much money did he borrow from the State bank of
2. Jethalal purchased some mobile phone memory cards for Rs.1000. He sold memory cards worth rupees
worth Rs.400 at 10% profit.At what percent profit should he sell the remaining memory cards, to gain
overall profit of 20%?
3. Roshan Singh Sodhi is the owner of a big hotel. The average salary of all employees is Rs.8500. The
average salary of 7 cooks is Rs.10,000.If the average salary of remaining employees, is Rs. 7800. Find the
total number of people employed by Roshan Singh Sodhi.
4. Bhide master bought a set of laptop and printer for Rs.20000.He sold the laptop for 20% profit and
printer for 10% loss.Overall, he made 2% profit. Find the cost price of laptop.
Superficially, ^these questions seem different from one another. But if you pay close attention, these are
all problems of weighted average.
We can quickly solve them using the allegation (wine and water mixture) method.
Case #1: Loan taken from two banks
Dr.Haathi has taken some loan from SBI at 8% interest and ICICI at 10% interest.
The total loan amount is Rs.10,000. He pays total Rs.950 as interest rate at the end of first year. How much
money did he borrow from the SBI
The question is mentioning two interest rates: 8% and 10%
the effective interest rate, that Dr Haathi has to pay, will be in between these two numbers 8 and 10.
The question also says that he paid Rs.950 as interest rate.
So in terms of percentage he has paid
(950/10000) x 100 =9.5% interest rate (overall).
Arrange these numbers in to ascending (increasing) order
Interest rate% 8 9.5 10
Bank SBI Overall ICICI
Now apply the visual move of Wine and water mixture

10-9.5=SBI eq 1
9.5-8=ICICI.eq 2 (donot make mistake of 8-9.5 because we donot want negative difference)
Divide eq. 1 with eq 2
If you simplify this further, you get
SBI / ICICI =1/3
Apply Componendo at bottom
But we know that SBI + ICICI=Rs.10,000 that Dr.Haathi has borrowed!
Plug in the value
SBI /10000 =
Therefore, SBI =10,000/4=Rs.2500
It means Dr.Haathi has borrowed Rs.2500 from SBI Bank.
Verifying the answer and concept

Amount borrowed Interest rate
SBI 2500 8% of 2500=200
ICICI 10k-2500=7500 10% of 7500=750
Total 8500 200+750=Rs.950 paid in interest = matches the question Description!0
Case: Profit on Single commodity
Jethalal purchased some mobile phone memory cards for Rs.1000.
He sold memory cards worth rupees worth Rs.400 at 10% profit.
At what percent profit should he sell the remaining memory cards, to gain overall profit of 20%?
He already made 10% profit on part of his card.
If he wants to have overall (average) profit of 20% then he must sell the remaining cards at a profit higher than
The question says he sold cards worth Rs.400 (cost price). Meaning the cost price of remaining cards is 1000-
Draw a table.
Profit 10% 20% M%


Cards worth (cost price) 400

Apply the visual move of wine-water mixture
20-10=600.eq2 (donot make mistake of 10-20 because we dont want negative)
Now Divide equation 1 with equation 2

Meaning, if Jethalal wants to make overall profit of 20%, he must sell the remaining memory cards @26 (2/3)%
interest rate.
Verifying the answer
Cards already sold @10%
10% x 400=Rs.40
Remaining cards sell @26 (2/3) 26 (2/3)% x 600=Rs.160
Total profit
Rs 40 +160 =200. And 200 is 20% of Rs.1000 so it matches our question
Case: No. of Employees based on Avg Salary
Roshan Singh Sodhi is the owner of a big hotel.
The average salary of all employees is Rs.8500.
The average salary of 7 cooks is Rs.10,000.
If the average salary of remaining employees, is Rs. 7800. Find the total number of people employed by
The question is talking about three sets of salaries
7800 > 8500 (average) >10000
Suppose total number of employees =m.
And we already know there are 7 cooks.
So remaining employees = total minus 7 = m-7.
Draw the table.
Salary (Rs.) 7800 8500 10000


Employees (total =m) m-7

7 cooks
Apply the visual move
10,000 minus 8500 = (m-7)eq1
8500 minus 7800=7eq2
Now Divide equation 1 with equation 2

When you simplify this further, you get m=22
Therefore, Total number of employees is 22.

Number Avg. salary Total cost to Sodhi
Cooks 7 10000 7 x 10k=70k
Others 15 7800 1,17,000
Total 15+7=22 70k+1,17,000=1,87,000
Avg salary of all employees
=(Total salary paid)/(Total number of employees)

=Rs.8500 = matches the question condition.
Case: Profit on Two commodities
Bhide master bought a set of laptop and printer for Rs.20000.
He sold the laptop for 20% profit and printer for 10% loss.
Overall, he made 2% profit. Find the cost price of laptop.
Well take 10% loss =-10%
Now the question is talking about three rates : -10% , +2% (avg) and +20%
Profit/loss -10% 2% 20%


Cost price Printer

Thats it. Just apply the visual move BUT with care!
20 minus 2=printereq 1
Be Careful while approaching second equation
2 minus (-10)=laptop
Hence 2+10=laptop eq2
Rest is easy. Just divide eq.1 with eq.2
When you simplify it further, you get the ratio
were interested in the Cost price of laptop. So well apply componendo @top
But question already said hat total investment (cost price) of printer +laptop =Rs.20000
Plug in the value
Therefore cost price of laptop=(2/5) x 20000=Rs.8000

Cost price Profit/loss
Laptop 8,000 20% profit on 8k=1600
Printer 20,000-8000=12,000 10% loss on 12k=Minus 1200
Total 20,00 1600-1200=+400 Rs. as profit
So overall he received Rs.400 profit on the investment of Rs.20,000
=(400/20000) x 100
=2% profit= matches the condition given in question statement.

Weighted average method works when weve 3 rates (including one average) and 2 quantities.
First arrange the rates in ascending order. Then draw the table with corresponding rates and quantities.
Apply visual move and get the answer.
Mock Questions
Case: Journalist Popatlal took some loan from Matkaa-King Mohanlal @36% interest rate and some loan from
Taarak Mehta @10% interest rate. Total money borrowed Rs.6000. At the end of first year, Popat paid total
interest of Rs.912. Answer following questions
1. Total amount borrowed
2. Money borrowed from Mehta
3. Money borrowed from Mohan
4. Effective interest rate on total borrowing?
Case: Jethalal bought a chair+table set @Rs.6000. Later he sold Chair @10% loss and table @10 profit. Overall he
gained Rs.100. Answer following questions
5. Cost price of Chair
6. Cost price of Table
7. Selling price of Chair
8. Selling Price of Table
Case: In Tappus class, the average weight of boys and girls is 77.5kg, 70kg respectively. Overall average weight of
all students is 74 kg.
9. Find Ratio of Boys: girls
10. If total number of students is 30, how many boys study in Tappus class?
11. At present, total number of students is 60. If school administration wants to have equal number of boys
and girls in this class, how many new girls should be admitted?
Case: In a state, total number of Desi-liquor dens and Land mafias is 100. They pay total Rs.1650 crores bribe to
home minister every year. Average bribe paid by each Desi-liquor den and land mafia is 15 crores and 20 crores
12. Find total number of land mafias in this state
13. Final total bribe paid by these land mafias
14. Owing to media-pressure, the home minister orders police to close down some of the desi-liquor dens.
Now his total bribe income declined by 20%. What is the new ratio of liquor den: land mafias?
Case: A parking lot has only cars and bikes. Average number of tires per vehicle is 2.9. There are 55 bikes in this
parking plot.
15. Find total number of cars
16. If 5 cars are added and 5 bikes are removed, whatll be the new average number of tires per vehicle?

Popat in
1. Total borrowed Rs. 6000
2. 4800 from Mehta
3. 1200 from Mohanlal.
4. 15.2% interest rate (overall)
5. Cost price Chair =2500
6. CP Table= 3500.
7. Selling price of Table (+10% profit)=1.1 x 3500=3850
8. Selling price of Chair (-10% loss)=0.9 x2500=2250
9. Boys/Girls=8/7
10. 16 boys and 14 girls.
11. 4 new girls need to be admitted.
12. Avg. annual bribe is 1650/100=16.5 Now the rates are 15>>16.5>>20. Ratio of liquor-
dens:mafia=7:3. Since total are 100, number of Mafia=3/10 x 100=30.
13. 30 mafia x avg 20 crores=600 crores paid by them.
14. 20% of 1650=330. And 330/15=22 liquor dens were closed down. So new ratio is (70-
Parking lot
15. Number of cars=45.
16. New avg. no. of tires per vehicle=3


[Aptitude] Averages: Entry / Removal of 1 element => Increase / Decrease in Average Shortcut method
1. Situation: Entry of Element-Increase in Avg
1. Case: Avg age of Students + Teacher
1. Approach #1: convert into money problem
2. Approach #2: Formula method
2. Case: Avg salary workers+manager
3. Case: Avg weight students+teachers
4. Case: original average not given
2. Situation: Entry of 1 element Decrease in Avg
1. Case: younger Kid joins: average goes down
2. Case: Average Runs decline (original not given)
3. Situation: Removal of 1 element -increase in avg
4. Situation: Removal of 1 element -decrease in avg
5. Mock questions
Situation: Entry of Element-Increase in Avg
Lets start with really simple case. In Gokuldham society, the average age of four kids is 14 years. If Mr. Champak
is included in this group, the average age increases by 11 years. How old is Mr.Champak?
Convert this into money problem
Four kids got Rs.14 each.
Champak makes a new gang with rule, everyone must have Rs.25 (bcoz 14+11=25)
But those kids got only Rs.14. so how much cash should Champak bring, to form this new gang?
Lets think about it
Those kids got only Rs.14 each and want to join the new group.
But each of them would need Rs.11 extra.
So Champak must give them Rs. 11 x 4 kid = Rs.44
And Champak also wants to be a part of this gang, so he should also bring Rs.25 for himself.
Therefore, Champak must bring Rs. 44 (to give to those kids) + 25 (for himself) =44+25=69
Hence final answer: age of Champak is 69 years.

Observe how numbers are moving while the average changes.

Case: Avg age of Students + Teacher
Average age of 36 students is 14 years. If teachers age is included, then average increases by one. Find the age of
teacher. (RBI)
We can solve it by two approaches
1. Convert into Money problem (easy, quick)
2. Formula method. (lengthy, time consuming)
Approach #1: convert into money problem
Whenever you face such question on average, try to convert it into a money problem, then it becomes very easy
to visualize.
Converting into money problem
36 kids had Rs.14 each
1 teacher comes.
New average is 15 (original 14+ increases by 1)
How much cash does teacher have?
Ok lets think about it.
There is a gang of 36 kids. And it has rule: everyone must have Rs.14.
Teacher wants to form a new gang. And it has rule: everyone must have Rs.15.
But those kids have only Rs.14 each.
So teacher must give Rs.1 to each of those 36 kids.
Meaning teacher must bring Rs.1 x 36 =Rs.36
And teacher should keep Rs.15 aside for himself. (because new gang rule is everyone must have Rs.15)
So how much cash did teacher bring in? =Rs.36 (to give to kids) PLUS Rs.15 (for himself)
=36+15=Rs.51 thats our final answer. Age of Teacher is 51 years.
Approach #2: Formula method
Formula for average: average = sum of observation divided by number of observation
Situation 1: without teacher
36=(sum of kids)/14
Therefore, sum of kids(s)=36 x 14
Situation 2: with teacher
37 =((sum of kids)+age of teacher))/15
Therefore, S + teacher=37 x 15
Now plugin the value of s=504 from previous equation

504+teacher =555
Teacher =555-504=51 thats our final answer.
As you can see, the problem with this formula method = youve to do lengthy multiplications (37 x 15 and 36 x
14). Thus
1. it breaks your momentum, decreases your speed in the exam.
2. you might make some silly mistake in multiplications or during plugging the values in equations.
So better just try to solve such questions using money problem method.
Case: Avg salary workers+manager
The average salary of 20 workers is Rs.1500. If managers salary is added, this average increases by Rs.100. Find
the salary of Manager.(RRB)
It is already in money problem format.
20 guys have Rs.1500 each
Now Manager wants to increase this average by Rs.100. (new avg =1500+100=1600)
So manager must give Rs. 100 to each of these 20 guys= manager must bring total 100 x 20 =Rs.2000
with him.
But this new group has a rule everybody must have Rs.1600. Hence, If manager wants to be part of this
new group, he must keep Rs.1600 aside for himself.
So, how much cash should manager bring? =Rs.2000 (to give to workers) + Rs.1600 for himself
=3600 this is the final answer.
Case: Avg weight students+teachers
There are 24 kids in a class with average weight of 35 kilograms. If Teachers weight included, the average
increases by 400 grams. Find weight of teacher.
Convert this into money problem
1. 24 kids have 35 rupees each
2. Teacher wants to form new gang: everyone must have 35.4 rupees each (because 400 gms =400/1000
kg =0.4 kg)
Ok lets think about it
Teacher must give 0.4 rupees to each of those 24 kids=24 x 0.4 =9.6
And he must bring Rs.35.4 for himself.
so how much cash should teacher bring in? =9.6 (for kids) + 35.4 (for himself)
=45. Thats our final answer: weight of teacher is 45 kilos.


Case: original average not given
In his 11
inning, a batsman scored 216 runs and his average increased by 12 runs. Whats his new average?
Money problem
1. 10 guys had Rs.m each
2. New guy (11
) has Rs.216 and he forms a new gang.
3. In this new gang of 11 guys, each person has Rs.(m+12) each. Find value of m+12.
Lets think about it:
New guy wanted to form a new gang where everyone had Rs.m+12.
But those 10 guys from old gang, had only Rs.m
That means new guy should give each of those 10 people Rs.12
So new guy gave away Rs.12 x 10 =Rs.120
So new guy is left with Rs. 216 (he originally had) MINUS Rs.120 (that he gave away)
216-120=Rs.96 thats our answer.
so far we saw Average: Entry of 1 Element=>leading to Increase in Average.
Now lets check Average: Entry of 1 Element => leading to decrease in average
Situation: Entry of 1 element Decrease in Avg
Case: younger Kid joins: average goes down
The average age of six kids is 12 years. A new kid joins the gang and average decreased by one year. What is the
age of this new kid?
Money problem
Six kids got 12 rupees each.
New kid wants to form a new gang with rule eachone must have only Rs.11
Ok lets think about it
Since average is declining, we are sure that new kid has less money than Rs.11.
But he wants everyone to have (12-1)=11 rupees.
He tells those 6 kids, each of you give me 1 rupees. = 6 x 1 = Rs.6 borrowed.
So how much money did that new kid bring? Well, Now he is part of new gang so obviously he has Rs.11 .
but he has borrowed Rs.6 from others.
Meaning, he originally had 11-6 =Rs.5
Final answer: age of new kid is 5 years.
Lets try a case where one element is removed.

Case: Average Runs decline (original not given)
A cricketer made 90 runs in his 12
inning, and his average declined by 5 runs. Find new average.
Money problem
11 guys had average Rs.m each
guy has Rs.90 and he makes new gang, with rule everyone must have Rs.(m-5)
Lets think about it
Since average is declining, we can be sure that new guy has less money than previous average (m).
But he wants everyone to have (m-5) rupees (he should also have m minus 5 rupees.)
So he tells those 11 people, give 5 rupees each to me. = 11 x 5 = Rs.55
How much cash does the new guy have now?= 90 (he originally had) + Rs.55 (that he
borrowed)=Rs.90+55=145 thats our new average.
Final answer: new average runs after 12 innings is 145.
Situation: Removal of 1 element -increase in avg
A batsman played 30 innings with an average of 78 runs.
If we ignore the score of his last innings, then average increases by 2 runs. How many runs did he score in last
Money problem
30 guys with Rs.78 each
1 guy (Jethalal) leaves this gang after settling his debts.
Average of remaining 29 guys is (78+2)=80 runs.
Ok lets proceed
Since average is increases after member leaves the gang= this member (Jetha) had less money than
That means other people had lended him some money (to raise him to the average of 78.)
When Jethalal leaves the gang, remaining guys get 2 rupees each.
That means Jetha gave them Rs. 2 to each of those 29 remaining guys.=2 x 29= Rs.58
And once upon a time, Jethalal was part of this gang, so he had Rs.78.
It means Jethas original money = Rs.78 minus Rs.58 (that he borrowed)=78-58=Rs.20
Final answer: batsmans score in last inning was 20 runs.
Situation: Removal of 1 element -decrease in avg
Four members of a family earn average Rs.7350. One of them, leaves and average goes down to Rs.6500. How
much did that person earn, who has now left the family? (SSC)


Money problem in our format:
1. 4 guys with Rs.7350 each
2. One of them (known as Jethalal) steals money from others and leaves.
3. Now 3 guys left and theyve Rs.6500 each
Ok lets think about it
Jetha wants to bring down average from 7350 to 6500 =decline of 850.
So he must steal Rs.850 from each of the remaining three guys =Rs.850 x 3=2550.
And since Jetha was once part of this gang, he too used to earn Rs.7350 himself.
Therefore total cash with Jethalal =7350 (he originally had) + 2550 (that he stole) =Rs.9900.
Final answer: the income of person who left family, is Rs.9900
Mock questions
1. Average age of 30 students is 11 .When teachers age is added, average increases by 1 year. Find the age
of teacher.
2. Average of 24 wrestlers is 90. A new wrestler joins the gym and average increases by 2 kilos. Find weight
of new wrestler.
3. Average annual income of 25 families in a society is 1.9 lakhs. A new family comes to live in this society
and the new average annual income of the whole society is increased by 10,000 rupees. Find the
monthly income of this new family.
4. Average salary of 21 workers+1 manager is Rs.2000. When managers income is not considered, the
average declines by 25%. How much does Manager earn?
5. A batsman makes average 50 runs in 36 matches. After 37th match, his average increased by 1 run. How
many runs did he score in last match?
6. A batsman made 102 runs in 21st inning and his average increased by 2 runs. Find total runs scored by
him in first 20 matches.
7. A batsman scored 199 runs in his last match and his average increased from 44 to 49. Find total number
of matches played by him.
8. A thief steals average 2 cars per night for 13 nights continuously. But after 14th nights adventure, his
average increases to 3 cars. How many cars did he steal in that last night?
9. Average salary of 21 workers is 2000. A new worker joins the company and overall average declines by
2.5%. What is the salary of new worker?
10. A batsman made average 80 runs in 29 matches. After 30th match, his average declined by 2 runs. How
many runs did he score in that last match?
11. In a dance troupe, average weight of 20 junior dancers is 60 kilos. If the weight of lead dancer is also
considered, the average declines by 500 gms. How much does the lead dancer weigh?
12. In a society, average annual income of 30 families is 9 lakhs. One new family starts to live here and
average declines to 8.8 lakhs. Find the annual income of this new family.
1. 42
2. 140
3. 4.5 lakhs annually / 12 = 37500 monthly income.
4. Decline of Rs.500. So manager had Rs.500 x 21 + 2000= Rs.12500
5. 87 runs.

6. 20 x 60 = 1200 runs.
7. 30 matches. he kept 49 for himself and gave 5 rupees each to m number of people. 199=49+5m. so
m=30 matches.
8. 16 cars. (Rs.3 for himself + 1 x 13 donated=16 cars stolen last night)
9. 2.5% decline= 50 rupees on 2000. so 21 workers gave him 21 x 50 =1050. and he is part of new gang= he
has 1950 minus 1050 borrowed =His salary is 900.
10. 20 runs.
11. 49.5 kilos.
12. 2.8 lakh.


[Aptitude] Averages: More than two elements added / removed : shortcut technique explained
In the previous article, we saw how to approach the concepts for Averages-> Entry/removal of One element.
(click me) Now extending that concept for Entry/removal of multiple elements.
1. Situation: Removing 2 Elements
1. Case: highest score in (40/38) innings? (SSC CGL)
2. Case: Highest marks in (10 / 8) papers (CAT-1997)
3. Case: average price of (12/10) books (SSC CGL)
2. Situation: More than Two elements
1. Approach #1: Money problem
2. Approach #2: allegation method
3. Case: Average run rate (10/40) overs (MAT)
4. Case: Avg age of boys (18/30)
1. Approach: money problem
2. Approach: alligation
3. Mock questions
Situation: Removing 2 Elements
Case: highest score in (40/38) innings? (SSC CGL)
A Batsman played 40 innings with average score of 50 runs. His highest score exceeds his lowest score by 172
runs. If these two innings are excluded, then score average score of his remaining innings is 48 runs. What is the
highest score of this batsman? (SSC CGL 2011)
Convert this into a Money problem
1. Old gang has 40 guys and each of them got Rs.50
2. Two guys leave the gang. One of them has Rs.172 more than the other guy.
3. Now Average of the old gang declined by 50-48=Rs.2
Ok now lets think about it.
Initially everyone has Rs.50 each.
So two guys who left the game, had total Rs.50 x 2 =Rs.100.
We are left with 40-2=38 people.
Two guys left the group. If they wanted to decrease the avg. of those 38 people by Rs.2. So they must
have got away with 38 x 2 =Rs.76
So the two guys had total cash of Rs.100 (theirs) + Rs.76 (they stole from others)
But the question says difference between highest and lowest is 172.
And now we know that total is 176.
Meaning lowest was 2 and highest was 174. (because 2 + 174 =176)**
Therefore, final answer=174 was the highest score.
**in case youre confused:

Suppose the two observations were a and b where (a>b).
i) total of those two observations is 176 (we found this via money problem approach): a + b =176
ii) difference between them is 172 (already given in question): a-b =172
Solve these two equations and you get: 2a=348=> a=174
A similar question was asked in CAT-1997
Case: Highest marks in (10 / 8) papers (CAT-1997)
The average marks of a student in 10 papers are 80. If highest and lowest scores are not considered, then the
average score is 81. If the highest score is 92, then what is the lowest score?
Convert this into a Money problem.
1. 10 kids have 80 rupees each.
2. 2 kids run away, so 8 kids remain. (10=8-2)
3. Average of remaining 8 kids is 81. (Meaning average increased by 1 (81-80=1))
Ok, now lets think about it.
10 kids had 80 rupees each.
Meaning those two kids also had 80 each
So two kids originally had 80 x 2 =160 rupees.
They wanted to raise the average of remaining eight kids by 1.
So they (two kids) gave 1 rupee to each of those eight remaining kids.
Meaning two kids gave away Rs.1 x 8kids = 8 rupees.
So now two kids are left with 160 minus 8 =152 rupees.
But the question says highest of those kids was 92.
So the other kid had 152 minus 92 =Rs.60 thats our final answer.
Case: average price of (12/10) books (SSC CGL)
Average price of 10 books is Rs.12. Average price of 8 books is Rs.11.75.
Of the remaining two books, if one book has price 60% higher than the other book, find the price of both books.
Convert this into a Money problem. (although it is already a money problem but men are not included).
1. 10 guys had 12 rupees each.
2. 2 guys left. Average goes down by 25 paisa. (12 minus 11.75=0.25)
Ok now lets think about it.
Originally two guys had total 2 x 12 = 24 rupees.
They wanted to bring down the average of remaining eight guys by 0.25 paisa.
So two guys stole 25 paisa each from the remaining eight people.
Thus two guys stole: 8 x 0.25 =Rs.2
Now two guys have total rupees = Rs.24 (they originally had) PLUS Rs. 2 (they stole)
=24+2=26 rupees.

But the question says, price of one book is 60% higher than the other one.
Meaning cheap book is Rsm then expensive book is 1.6 times m. **
**side concept
Expensive book is 60% higher than cheap book.
Therefore, price of expensive book
= 100% (of cheap book) + 60% of cheap book
=160% of cheap book
=1.6 of cheap book. (because %=1 upon 100 so 160%=160/100=1.6)
Anyways back to the main process: We found that total is Rs.26
Therefore Rs. 26 = Cheap book + expensive book
=1.0m + 1.6m
If 26=2.6m, then m=26/2.6=Rs.10
And if m=10 then expensive book=1.6 x 10 = Rs.16.
So final answer is
Price of those two books are Rs.10 and Rs.16
I hope the concept of Averages: Entry/Removal of Two elements is clear by now.
Now lets check more than two elements.
Situation: More than Two elements
Raynolds produces average 4000 pens per month for the first three months. How many pens should this
company produce on an average for remaining months to get yearly production average of 4375?
There are two ways to solve this problem
1. Convert in Money problem
2. Wine and Water mixture (alligation method)
Approach #1: Money problem
Convert this into a money problem
12 guys have avg. Rs.4375 each (because 1 years= 12 months)
9 guys leave the gang. (because we are given avg of 3 months=12-3=9)
3 guys remain and their average is Rs.4000 each. (meaning average declined by 4375 minus 4000=375)
Find the average money held by those 9 guys.
Ok now lets think about it.
12 guys have avg Rs.4375 each.
Meaning originally those 9 guys had total Rs. 4375 x 9
They want to decrease the average of remaining 3 guys by Rs.375.
So they steal Rs. 375 x 3 rupees from those three guys.
Now total money with 9 guys = 4375 x 9 (they originally had) + 375 x 3 (they stole)
But the question is asking us to find the average money held by these 9 guys
=total money with 9 guys divided by 9

Even more shortcut!
Recall what we do with Average: errors concept.
New average = original average plus or minus average change.
In this case original average of 9 guys =Rs.4375
And they stole Rs.375 x 3 (=increase)
So whats the average increase= 375 x 3 / 9 =Rs.+125 (this is plus because they gained money)
And new average = original average (Rs.4375) + average change (+125)
Approach #2: allegation method
If you dont know the allegation (visual move) technique, then go through my old article (click me)
Company wants average yearly production of 4375 (this is our middle value)
For 3 months , they had average of 4000
That means for the remaining 9 months, average production must be higher than 4375. (lets assume this is m)
Make the table.
Avg. production 4000 4375 M
Months 3

Thats it. Apply the visual move.

Divide eq1 by 2 and solve it
You get m=4500 thats our final answer.
Case: Average run rate (10/40) overs (MAT)
In a cricket match, team Pakistan makes 281 runs. Now team India starts batting.
In the first ten overs, we have (bogus) run rate of 3.2 only. If we want to win this match, what must be
the run rate for remaining 40 overs?
I suggest you try the money problem method here on your own.
Interestingly, we can solve this problem via alligiation (wine water mixture) as well!
Since Pakistan made 281 runs, we must make 282 runs to win the game.
And we want to do this in 50 overs (40+10)
So what should be our overall runrate= 282/50=5.64
For the first ten overs we had run rate of only 3.2. so for remaining 40 overs, we must make run rate
higher than 5.64.

Run rate 3.2 5.64 M
Weight 10

Thats it, just apply the visual move!
Divide equation 1 by equation 2

When you solve this equation, you get m=25/4=6.25
Final answer: India must get run rate of 6.25 in the remaining 40 overs, to win the match.
Case: Avg age of boys (18/30)
A group of 30 boys have average age of 13. Later, 18 boys, with an average of 15 years left the group. What is the
average age of remaining 12 boys?
Approach: money problem
1. 30 boys had Rs.13 each
2. 18 of them left, with Rs.15 each.
Lets think about it.
Originally those 18 boys had Rs.13 (when they were part of the gang)
Meaning remaining 12 boys also had 12 x 13 = 156 rupees.
Now 18 boys form a new gang with Rs.15 each. So, each of these 18 boys need Rs.2 more (15-13=2). So
total they need Rs.2 x 18 = Rs.36
They steal this money from those remaining 12 boys.
So how much money is left with those 12 boys? = 156 they originally had MINUS Rs.36 stolen= Rs.120
And since we are asked average of those 12 boys
So well divide 120 by 12=Rs.10 is our final answer.
Approach: alligation
Im directly constructing the table
Avg age M 13 15
No of boys 12


Apply the visual move, you get two equations.

When you solve them, you get m=10.
Final answer: average age of remaining 12 boys is 10 years.
Mock questions
1. A class has 35 people with avg weight of 62 kilos. When we donot consider the weight of teacher and
class Secretary, the average goes down to 61.5 kilos. If the weight of class Secretary is 60 kilos, how
much does the teacher weight?
2. A batsman made average 85 runs in 50 matches. When we donot consider his last two matches, average
falls down to 82 runs. If he made 150 runs in his second last match, how many runs did he score in his
last match?
3. Gokuldham Society has 30 families with average annual income of 8 lakh rupees. If we ignore the families
of Jethalal and Bhide, the average declines by 1.25%. If Jetalal earns 740% higher than Bhide, what is the
annual income of Bhide?
4. In a bookstore, there are 100 books with average price of Rs.300. Two of them are removed and average
declines by 10 rupees. of the two books that were removed, if the expensive book cost Rs.1330, find the
price of cheaper book.
5. In a mobile store, there are 200 handsets with an average MRP of Rs.8000. When we ignore a Nokia
Lumia and a Samsung Galaxy note2, the average of remaining phones goes down to Rs.7850. If Nokia
Lumia costs Rs.9999, find the price of that Samsung phone.
1. 80.5kg
2. 164 runs
3. 2 lakh rupees. 1.25% decline in average = 0.01258 lakhs=10,000 rupees. Meaning Jetha+Bhide had total
money of [10k x 28 + (2x8lakh)]=18.8lakhs. And Jetha+Bhide(B)=8.4B+1B=18.8lakhs. Hence Bhide(B)=2
4. Rs.250
5. Rs.35701


[Aptitude] Concepts of Marked Price and Successive Discounts (Profit-Loss) without (stupid) formulas
Profit, Loss, Discount, Marked Price = all of them are mere extension of Percentage calculation concept. And they
can be solved effortlessly, without mugging up any formulas.
1. What is Discount?
2. What is successive discount?
3. Case: Successive vs One Time Discount?
4. What is marked price?
5. Case: Finding Marked Price from Profit %
6. Case: Finding marked price from Selling price
7. Case: Finding % Profit / loss in MP-Discount
9. Answers with explanations and shortcuts
What is Discount?
In the garment stores, youve come across this sign many times: HURRY! 20% OFF!!
That 20% is called discount.
Suppose a Music CD has price tag of Rs.100 and the shopkeeper is offering 20% discount.
That means 20% less on the price tag.
The price youve to pay
=Rs.100 minus 20% of 100
=Rs. 80 youve to pay, to buy that music CD.
But in exam, we dont have no time to do such lengthy calculations.
So just think in your head:
20 percent discount means youve to pay 100 percent minus 20 percent=80 percent of the price tag.
% means one upon hundred (1/100)
So 80% means (80/100=0.8)
So youve to pay 0.8 times the original price.
=0.8 x 100
=Rs. 80
What is successive discount?
It means discount on the discount. (just like Compound Interest rate= interest on interest)
The original price of a music CD is Rs.100. A shopkeeper offers 10% discount on this music CD and then again
offers 20% discount on the new price. How much will you have to pay, finally?
Phase I: 10% discount
So new price = 0.9 x original price. (by the way, how did we get 0.9 ? well 10% discount means youve to pay 90%.
And 90% means 0.9)
Phase II: 20% discount
=0.8 x new price
=0.8 x 0.9 x original price.
It means, after successive discount of 10% and 20%, the final price youve to pay

=0.72 x original price.
=0.72 x 100
If it was successive discount of 20% and then 10%? Still answer will remain same. ORDER or sequence doesnt
Lets test our skill with an actual question from SSC/FCI Exam taken in Nov 2012.
Q1. A dealer buys a table listed at Rs.1,500 and gets successive discounts of 20% and 10%. He spends Rs.20 on
transportation and sells it at a profit of 20%. The selling price of the table is
A. Rs.1,320
B. Rs.1,350
C. Rs.1,360
D. Rs.1,380
Think in your head:
20% discount =0.8 x original price (this is our new price)
10% successive discount= 0.9 x New price=0.9 x 0.8 x original price
Finally dealer had to pay: 0.72 x original price.
Then he invested Rs.20 on transport, so his total investment (cost price) is
(0.72 x original price) + Rs.20
And ultimately he sold It @20% profit.
20% profit means 100%+20%=120%
=1.2 times the investment (cost price).
=1.2 times [(0.72 x original price) + Rs.20]
In the examhall,only write following line and do the math, dont waste time writing everything or multiplying
numbers @every stage.
=1.2 times [(0.72 x 1500) + Rs.20]
=1.2 [1080+20]
=1.2 [1100]
=Rs. 1320
(I hope you know quick multiplication with 11, basically 1211= in 12 you do:1|(1+2)|2=132)
Case: Successive vs One Time Discount?
Q. Jethalal, has a mobile phone with price tag Rs.12,399/-. He is offering two schemes to you
a. Buy it at one time discount of 30%
b. Buy it at two successive discounts of 15% and 15%
Which of the above scheme is more beneficial to you (customer)?
Long cut (tiresome and boring calculation)
Scheme A Sheme B
Discount offered
=30% of 12,399
=0.3 x 12,399
Phase I
15% of 12399
=1859.85 Rs. (discount I)
So new price : 12399 MINUS 1859.85=10539.15
Phase II: (second discount)
=15% of 10539.15

=0.15 x 10539.15
=1580.8725 (discount II)
Total discount
=1859.85 +1580.8725
We are getting more discount in Scheme A compared to Scheme B.
So, from customers point of view, Scheme A is more beneficial.
^Very lengthy and tiresome calculation isnt it?
Well, if you look at it carefully, the price tag Rs.12,399/- is irrelevant here.
Shortcut (almost none calculation)
Scheme A Scheme B
Discount offered=30%
Final price youve to pay
=0.7 times original price.
Successive discount 15% (two times)
Final price youve to pay
=0.85 x 0.85 x original price
=0.7225 x original price
In Scheme A, youve to pay less price compared to Scheme B. Because 0.7 < 0.7225
So, from customers point of view, Scheme A is more beneficial.
Sidenote: you can do 8585 with Vedic shortcut (square of numbers ending with five)
Square of 85
I hope discount and successive discount is clear. Moving to the next topic.
What is marked price?
Before that, answer this question:
Why do shopkeepers give discount?
Well its a marketing propaganda to seduce customers.
Im running a jeans store. I bought a pair of jean for Rs.100 (cost price).
Now I put a new tag on it Rs.500 (marked price) and then put a huge poster outside my shop: 50% OFF on any
From buyers point of view it looks very attractive wow 50% discount!!
But in reality, Im making huge profit. Because 50% discount on Rs.500= Youve to pay Rs.250, while I had
invested only Rs.100! so my profit=(250-100)=Rs.150
Marked price=this new price tag Rs.500. Discount is given on marked price. If we want to visualize it, here is the
Mind it: Profit or loss is always calculated on actual investment (Cost price), unless they specifically instruct you
do something else.
Time to test the skill with actual questions


Case: Finding Marked Price from Profit %
Q. Jethalal bought a Nokia mobile phone @ Rs. 800. He sold it to Master Bhide after allowing a discount of 10%.
In this deal, Jethalal made a profit of 12.5%. What was the marked price?
A. Rs. 1,000
B. Rs. 1,100
C. Rs. 1,200
D. Rs. 1,300
Profit is always calculated on actual investment (cost price).
Cost Price: Rs.800
The question says, profit =12.5%. What is the profit in rupee terms?
Long cut Shortcut
=12.5% x 800
=(125/10)x (1/100) x 800
=Rs. 100
12.5% =1/8 (percentage to fraction conversion table).
So, 12.5% x800
= (1/8) x 800= Rs. 100
Anyways in either method, profit is Rs.100Fact (i)
Jethalal gave 10% discount on marked price. So customer Bhide Master had to pay only
90% of the Marked Price.
=0.9 times the marked price
=this is the money Jethalal received from customer.
Jethalals actual profit
=the money he received from customer MINUS his original investment.
=0.9 times Marked price MINUS Rs.800
But recall fact (i), Jethalals profit is Rs.100
100=0.9 times Marked price Rs.800
100+800=0.9 times marked price
900=0.9 x MP
MP=900 x 10/9
MP=Rs. 1000.
Final Answer: marked price is Rs.1000
In the exam hall, directly frame the equation: 0.125 x800 =(0.9 xMP)-800
Lets try another one.
Case: Finding marked price from Selling price
Q. Master Bhide, bought two pens for Rs.37.40 at a discount of 15%. What must be the marked price of each of
A. Rs.11
B. Rs.44
C. Rs.33
D. Rs.22

Discount of 15%, means Master Bhide (customer) paid (100-15)=85% of the marked price.
=0.85 times the marked price
But question also says he paid Rs.37.40, Therefore
37.40=0.85 x MP.
=(374x 10)/ (175)
=(374 x 2)/17
=44. (Sidenote, if you dont know the multiplication table of 17, then use approximation method explained in
earlier article. CLICK ME)
Most important part: Rs.44 is the marked price of two pens. So marked price of each pen =44/2=Rs.22
Answer is (D)
In the actual exam, rough paper calculation: =37.4/(0.85 x 2)
Case: Finding % Profit / loss in MP-Discount
Jethalal marks the price tags of all his mobile phones, 10% above the cost price. And then He offers 10% discount
on their marked prices. What is his profit or loss?
A. 1% profit
B. 1% loss
C. 5% profit
D. No profit No loss.
Assume his total investment is Rs.100 (=cost price). Well we can assume total investment as CP or x or y or
anything but assuming Rs.100 saves the time of calculating percentages later on.
Marked price
=10% above cost price
So price tag (marked price) is
100%+10% of Cost price
=110% of cost price
=1.1 x cost price
=1.1 x 100
=Rs. 110
Now he offers 10% discount on marked price, so customer has to pay only
0.9 times the marked price
=0.9 x 110
Verdict: His investment is Rs.100 and he receives only Rs.99 from customers so he is making loss
How much loss?
Long cut Loss % formula =(100-99)/100 x 100=1%
We assumed Rs.100 initially for the very reason that to prevent long cut formula!
Since he receives one rupee less (100-99), his loss is 1%.
In the actual exam, rough paper:
Invested Received
100 0.9 x 1.1 x 100=99

So, loss is 1%.
I hope the concept of marked price is clear by now. So it is time for a
Time: 20 Minutes
Correct =1m
Wrong= minus 0.33m
1. When Jethalal offers discount on cost price, he makes
A. Profit
B. Loss
C. No Profit no Loss
D. Profit or loss, depending on situation.
2. Jethalals offering to sell an LCD TV priced @Rs.1,79,299/- under two offers
A. One time discount of 40%
B. Successive Discount of 36% and 4%
Which offer is more beneficial from customers point of view?
3. Jethalal offered a scheme: two successive discounts 10% and then 10%. Which of the following scheme will
give same effect?
A. One time discount of 15%
B. One time discount of 19%
C. One time discount of 20%
D. One time discount of 25%
4. Which of the following, is a better deal from customers point of view?
A. Three successive discounts of 10,20,30%
B. Two successive discounts of 20,20%
C. One time discount of 50%
5. Jethalal offers two deals
1. Successive discounts: first 10% and then 20%
2. Successive discounts: first 20% and then 10%.
Which of the following are true?
A. Customer will save more money in Deal 1
B. Customer will save more money in Deal 1
C. Customer will save same amount of money in both deals.
6. Jethalal fixes the sale price of his mobiles @15% above the cost price. He sells all his mobiles @12% less than
the fixed price. What is his profit percentage?

A. 2.5%
B. 1.2%
C. 1.5%
D. 2%
7. Jethalal sells his mobiles on 10% discount on marked price. He bought a mobile @Rs.900 and wants to get 10%
profit. What should be the marked price?
A. 1275
B. 1250
C. 1175
D. 1100
8. Jethalal wants to give 10% discount on all his mobile phones. But at the same time, he also wants to make 20%
profit. At what percent above the cost price, should he mark the price of his phones?
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 33.33%
D. 37.5%
9. Consider these statements
I. Marked Price is always higher than Cost price
II. Marked price is never lower than Selling price.
Which of above statements are correct?
a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
10. How can one become Master of aptitude?
A. By searching for a competitive exam, that doesnt have aptitude questions.
B. By thinking like a loser, My maths is not good and it can never be improved. Ill just hope to clear some
exam with luck by chance.
C. By watching India-England Cricket test series because those cricketers will give money to start some
business, should you fail in the CSAT/IBPS/SSC/CMAT/CAT or some other stupid exam.
D. By uploading motivational/funny photos on Facebook and tagging random friends in it.
E. By practicing maximum questions at home.
Answers and Explanations
Q. Ans. Explanation
1 B Discount on cost price=hell receive less money than his original investment=always loss.
2 A 0.6<0.640.96
3 B
Successive: 0.90.9=81
One time: 100-81=19
4 C
A. 0.9*0.8*0.7=0.504
B. 0.8*0.8=0.64

C. 0.5
Customer has to pay minimum in situation C.
5 C Order or sequence doesnt matter in successive discounts.
6 B
Dont be confused with vocabulary. Fixed price, marked price concept is same.
Profit % is 101.2 MINUS 100=1.2%
7 D
Profit of 10% on 900=0.9 x Marked price MINUS 900
8 C
Assume cost price=Rs.100
Profit of 20% on 100=0.9 x Marked price MINUS 100
So marked price is 133.33-100=33.33% above the cost price.
9 C Both statements are correct.
10 ?? Lolz


[Aptitude] Data Interpretation (DI): Bar and Pie chart practice Questions with Explanation
.Time: 30 mins. Correct Ans: 1 m, Wrong answer=-0.33 m.
1. DI Set#1: Pie Chart
2. DI Set#2: Pie-Chart CO2 Emission
3. DI Set #3: Bar graph on Profit-loss
4. Solution Set#1: Pie Chart with Shortcuts
5. Solution: Set #2: CO2 Emission Pie Chart
6. Solution:Set #3 Bar Chart
DI Set#1: Pie Chart
The following pie chart cost of constructing one house. The total cost was Rs. 6 lakhs. (source FCI/SSC Nov. 2012
1. The amount spent on cement is
A. Rs.2,00,000
B. Rs.1,60,000
C. Rs.1,20,000
D. Rs.1,00,000
2. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on
steel by
A. 5% of the total cost
B. 10% of the total cost
C. 12% of the total cost
D. 15% of the total cost
3. The amount spent on cement, steel and supervision is what
percent of the total cost of construction?
A. 40%
B. 45%
C. 50%
4. The amount spent on labour exceeds the
amount spent on supervision by
A. Rs.2,00,000
B. Rs.16,000
C. Rs.1,20,000
D. Rs.60,000
5. The amount spent on Timber is
A. Rs.60,000
B. Rs.90,000
C. Rs.1,20,000
DI Set#2: Pie-Chart CO2 Emission
The total annual CO2 emissions from various sectors are 5 mmt. In the Pie Chart given below, the
percentage contribution to CO2 emissions from various sectors is indicated.
1. Which of the following sectors together emit 2.5
mmt of CO2 every year?
2. Which of the following sectors have emission difference
of 1 mmt between them.

a. Thermal and Transport
b. Domestic and Commercial
c. Transport and Commericial
d. Commercial and Thermal
a. Domestic and Commercial
b. Transport and Commercial
c. Thermal and Domestic
d. Thermal and Transport.
3. Emission of Domestic sector is how much % of Transport and Commercial sector combined?
a. 20%
b. 15%
c. 30%
d. 35%
4. In the next year, if emission from Commercial sector decreases by 20% of its current emission, while other
sectors continue to emit same amount of CO2 as earlier then What will be the new % contribution of Thermal
power sector (approximatly)?
a. 31.9%
b. 39.8%
c. 42.7%
d. 36.5%
5. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
a) Domestic=54 degrees.
b) Thermal=125 degrees.
c) commercial =72 degrees.
d) transport=108 degrees.
DI Set #3: Bar graph on Profit-loss
Observe this graph and answer questions (source FCI/SSC Nov. 2012 Paper)
1. The amount of maximum profit as seen from the
diagram is
A. 2 thousand rupees
B. 1.5 thousand rupees
C. 1 thousand rupees
D. 4.5 thousand rupees
2. The amount of total loss incurred during 2005-
2010 is
A. 3 thousand rupees
B. 2.5 thousand rupees
C. 1.5 thousand rupees
3. The ratio of the maximum profit earned to the minimum
loss suffered is
A. 4 : 3
B. 3 : 4
C. 9 : 2
D. 2 : 9
4. If the loss is x% of the profit for the years under study, then
x is
A. 15
B. 25
C. 20

2 thousand rupees 19
Solutions for the DI questions
Solution DI Set#1: Pie Chart with Explainations/Shortcuts
You might be tempted to transform degrees into percentages and find absolute Rupee value of each item
(timber, labour etc). But in the exam, dont waste time by calculating everything. Only calculate the stuff that is

1. The amount spent on cement is
a. Rs.2,00,000
b. Rs.1,60,000
c. Rs.1,20,000
d. Rs.1,00,000
Total is Rs. 6,00,000 (=360 degrees of the circle)
Cement is 72 Degrees.
Apply the ratio principle
Degrees Value
72 (Cement) M?
360(total) 6 lakhs
Divide left column on one side and right column on the other side.
72/360= M/6 lakhs
M=(72*6)/360=1.2 lakhs.
2. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on steel by
A. 5% of the total cost
B. 10% of the total cost
C. 12% of the total cost
D. 15% of the total cost
There is no need to find absolute values. Just observe the degrees.
Item Degrees
Labour 90
Steel (Base %) 54
Difference 36
So the difference between Labour and Steel is 36 degrees.
And total cost is (6lakh=) 360 degrees.
So the percentage= 36/360 x 100 =10% of the total cost.
Answer (B)
3. The amount spent on cement, steel and supervision is what percent of the total cost of construction?

A. 40%
B. 45%
C. 50%
D. 55%
Again no need to find absolute values. Just observe the degrees.

Cement 72
Steel 54
Supervision 54
Total 180
He is asking, what percent of the total cost of construction?
So total cost (360 degrees) is the base
%=(180/360) x 100
4. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on supervision by
A. Rs.2,00,000
B. Rs.16,000
C. Rs.1,20,000
D. Rs.60,000
Again no need to find absolute values for both items. Just observe the degrees.
Difference between labour and supervision
=36 degrees
Shortcut: 36 degrees =10% of a circle. (because total is 360 degrees)
So the amount spend = 10% of total (6,00,000)= one decimal leftwards=60,000.
If shortcut is not clicking your mind, no problem. Go by ratio principle
Degrees Value
36 (difference between labor and supervision) M?
360 (total) 6 lakhs
Divide left column on one side and right column on the other side.
36/360= M/6 lakhs
Answer is (D)
5. The amount spent on Timber is
A. Rs.60,000
B. Rs.90,000
C. Rs.1,20,000
D. Rs.36,000

Observe that degree/percentage of Timber is not given the chart.
So, first task is to find degrees of timber.
In a circle Total=360 degrees.
So Timbers degree
=360 MINUS the degrees of remaining items
=36 degrees.
Now use the concept given in previous question,
36 degrees= 10% of total cost=60,000 rupees.
Answer (A)
Solution: Set #2: CO2 Emission Pie Chart
1. Which of the following sectors together emit 2.5 mmt of CO2 every year?
a. Thermal and Transport
b. Domestic and Commercial
c. Transport and Commercial
d. Commercial and Thermal
Total emission is 5. And 2.5mmt is 50% (half) of 5 (total emission)
From the given circle, transport + commercial, represent half circle (50%) Similarly Thermal+Domestic is also 50%.
But it is not given in options. So answer is (C): Transport + Commercial.
2. Which of the following sectors have emission difference of 1 mmt between them.
a. Domestic and Commercial
b. Transport and Commercial
c. Thermal and Domestic
d. Thermal and Transport.
Total is 5mmt (100%) So 1mmt=1 x 100/5=20%.
Find out which two sectors have % difference of 20%?
Thermal minus Domestic=35-15=20%. So (C) is the answer.
3. Emission of Domestic sector is how much % of Transport and Commercial sector combined?
a. 20%
b. 15%
c. 30%
d. 35%
Observe the chart
Required %
=(15/50) x 100

=30% answer is (C)
4. In the next year, if emission from Commercial sector decreases by 20% while other sectors continue to emit
same amount of CO2 as earlier then What will be the new % contribution of Thermal power sector?
Right now Commercial sector emits 20% of 5mmt=1/5 x 5=1mm
Next year 20% decrease=20% of 1mm=0.2mm will be less emitted.
But other sectors remains the same.
So total emission next year=5 minus 0.2=4.8mm.
And Share of thermal power
=(35% of 5)/4.8
=36.5% (if you had trouble in long-division, use the speed maths %approximation trick CLICK ME)
5. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
a) Domestic=54 degrees.
b) Thermal=125 degrees.
c) commercial =72 degrees.
d) transport=108 degrees.
100%=360 degrees So 1%=3.6 degree.
Multiply every sectors % with 3.6 and youll get corresponding degree.
Ans (B) because correct degree of Thermal should be 35 x 3.6=126 degrees.
Solution :Set #3 Bar Chart (With explaination)
Be careful about the unit, Thousand/lakhs.

1. The amount of maximum profit as seen from the diagram is
A. 2 thousand rupees
B. 1.5 thousand rupees
C. 1 thousand rupees
D. 4.5 thousand rupees
The bar of 2008 is longest among all. So 4.5 Ans (D)
2. The amount of total loss incurred during 2005-2010 is

A. 3 thousand rupees
B. 2.5 thousand rupees
C. 1.5 thousand rupees
D. 2 thousand rupees
Loss occurs during 2006 and 2009.
Year Loss
2006 1.5
2009 1.0
Total 2.5 answer (B)
3. The ratio of the maximum profit earned to the minimum loss suffered is
A. 4 : 3
B. 3 : 4
C. 9 : 2
D. 2 : 9
Max profit (2008) 4.5
Min Loss (2009) 1
Answer (C)
4. If the loss is x% of the profit for the years under study, then x is
A. 15
B. 25
C. 20
D. 19
Weve to take the total of profits and losses made in all years so,

Profit Loss
2005 2.5 0
06 0 1.5
07 3.5 0
08 4.5 0
09 0 1
10 2 0
Total 12.5 2.5
Profit: Loss
=20% (remember the fraction to percentage table: Click ME.)
Answer is (C)

[Aptitude] LCM, HCF, GCD: Basic concept, calculation, applications explained
1. Introduction
2. What is Prime number?
3. What is LCM?
o LCM4 EXam
o How to find LCM using Prime-Factorization?
o LCM of two numbers (56, 96)
o LCM of three numbers: (12,15,20)
o LCM of prime numbers
o LCM of co-prime numbers
4. What is HCF or GCD?
o HCF finding: Prime Factorization
o HCF of two numbers (4, 6)
o HCF of three numbers (12,24,36)
o HCF of prime numbers (13,29)
o HCF of co-prime numbers (12,25)
o HCF vs LCM: #1 multiplication
o HCF vs LCM: #2 Magnitude
o HCF vs LCM: of fractions
5. for more practice on LCM, HCF
1. Concept of LCM, HCF important for number theory and remainder based problems (generally asked in
2. LCM is important for time and speed, time and work problems.
3. LCM is also important for circular racetracks, bells, blinking lights, etc.
4. HCF is important for largest size of tiles, largest size of tape to measure a land etc.
But before getting into LCM, HCF, lets understand
What is Prime number?
Consider this number : 12. This number can be found in many multiplication tables for example
1 x 12=12.
2 x 6 =12
3 x 4=12
That means, 12 has many factors (1,2,3,4,6,12). Such number is called a composite number.
On the other hand, consider this number: 29. You cannot find it in any table except 29 x 1 =29. Such
number is called a prime number.
Lets make a shortlist from exam point of view
Prime Non-prime (composite)
2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15.
Now hold this prime number thought in your mind for a while.

What is LCM?
First, lets create multiplication tables of 4 and 6.
4s table multiple 6s table multiple
4 x 1 = 4 6 x 1 = 6
4 x 2 = 8 6 x 2 = 12
4 x 3 = 12 6 x 3 = 18
4 x 4 = 16 6 x 4 = 24
4 x 5 = 20 6 x 5 = 30
4 x 6 = 24 6 x 6 = 36
4 x 7 = 28 6 x 7 = 42
4 x 8 = 32 6 x 8 = 48
4 x 9 = 36 6 x 9 = 54
Do you see any common numbers in the multiples of 4 and 6?
Yes I see 12, 24 and 36 are common in both tables. Lets isolate them.
4 x 3 = 12 6 x 2 = 12
4 x 6 = 24 6 x 4 = 24
4 x 9 = 36 6 x 6 = 36
Ok so 12, 24 and 36 are common multiples of 4 and 6. But what is the smallest of these multiples? Ans 12
is smallest.
In the exam, weve no time to make such ^big tables to find LCM. So how to quickly find LCM of two or three
numbers? There are many tricks, the easiest one is prime-factorization. Well learn that in a bit, but before that:
1. Suppose there is a circular race track. Tarak Mehta takes 4 minutes to finish it and Jethalal takes 6
minutes to finish it. Now both of them start running from the same point at the same time in the same
direction. Theyll continue running on this track forever. So after how many minutes will they meet for
the first time on the starting point? Ans. LCM of time = LCM (4,6)=12 minutes. Theyll meet again on the
starting point after 12 minutes.
2. Two bells ring at an interval of 4 and 6 minutes respectively. After how many minutes will they ring
together? Ans LCM (4,6)
3. Two traffic lights blink at an interval of 40 and 60 seconds respectively. After how many minutes will they
link together? Ans LCM (40,60).
4. HCF is also important for remainder related questions. but Ill cover that in a separate article.
5. How to apply LCM in time-speed-distance/work, pipes-cistern etc questions, is already covered in old
articles. (Mrunal.org/aptitude)


How to find LCM using Prime-Factorization?
Suppose in the exam, we need to find LCM of 4 and 6.
Make a table like this
Number Factors


Now you need to find the prime factors of 4 and 6.
Number Factors
4 2 x 2
6 2 x 3
Express it in terms of powers. For example 2 x 2 =2

Number factors
4 2

6 2 x 3
Now make the third row called LCM.
Number factors
4 2

6 2 x 3

Now write all prime numbers in this LCM row
Number factors
4 2

6 2 x 3
LCM 2, 3
Write maximum power of each prime number
Number factors
4 2

6 2 x 3
, 3
As you can see, maximum power of 2 was 2
(in 4s row).
Now multiple the numbers given in LCM row
Number factors

4 2

6 2 x 3
x 3 =12
Thats our answer. LCM (4,6)=12.
If I plot this LCM situation on a Venn Diagram, itll look like this:

Anyways, Lets try a difficult one: 56 and 96.
LCM of two numbers (56, 96)
Numbers Factors


First recall, in which tables do they come? Well 56 comes in 8s table and 96 comes in 12s table.
Number Factors
56 8 x 7
96 12 x 8
but we need factors in prime number format. 12 and 8 are not prime numbers. So lets Simplify further.
56 = 8 x 7 = 2
x 7 (; because 8 = 4 x 2 = 2 x 2 x 2)
96 = 12 x 8 = (43)x(42)=( 2
x3) (2
x3 (please note you have to do this things in your head, if you
start making every calculation on a piece of paper, youll run out of time in the exam).
Number Factors
56 2
x 7
96 2
Now lets make the LCM row. Write all prime numbers (2,3 and7) in ascending order.
Number Factors
56 2
x 7
96 2
LCM 2 3 7

Now write maximum powers of each prime number.
Number Factors
56 2
x 7
96 2
3 7
Multiply these numbers
Number Factors
56 2
x 7
96 2
So LCM (56,96)=672
lets try finding LCM of three numbers.
LCM of three numbers: (12,15,20)
Approach is same. Make prime factors
Number Prime factors
12 2
x 3
15 3 x 5
20 2
x 5
Make a new row, write all prime factors in ascending order.
Number Prime factors
12 2
x 3
15 3 x 5
20 2
x 5
LCM 2,3,5
In the last row, Write the maximum power of those prime numbers.
Number Prime factors
12 2
x 3
15 3 x 5
20 2
x 5
, 3, 5
Now multiple the numbers in last row
Number Prime factors
12 2
x 3

15 3 x 5
20 2
x 5
Therefore LCM (12,15,20)=60.
You can also look at it in following way:
12 x 5 = 60
15 x 4 = 60
20 x 3 = 60.
So 60 is the least common multiple.

LCM of prime numbers
Find LCM of 7,11,13
We already know these are prime numbers. So theyll not have any common factors. We just have to multiply
them together and well get LCM. But for the sake of conceptual clarity
Numbers Factors
7 7 x 1
11 11 x 1
13 13 x 1
LCM 1x 7 x 11 x 13 =1001
So 1001 is the answer.
LCM of co-prime numbers
Co prime numbers are those numbers that donot have any common factors. For example, 14 and 15.
Individually none of them is prime number because 14=2 x 7 and 15 = 3 x 5.
But they (14 and 15) donot have any common factors. So theyre called co-prime numbers (when theyre
given together).
Any two consecutive numbers are co-prime numbers. (e.g. 11,12 or 1548,1549).
In case of co-prime numbers, just multiply them and you will get LCM. There is no need to find factors.
6 2 x 3
7 7
LCM 2 x 3 x 7 = (6)x7 =42
Advantages of this method?
1. Extremely fast when youve to find LCMs of two digit numbers for example 12,15,96.

2. And usually in time speed work, pipe-cistern type questions have number in two digits (e.g. 12, 15,
96)so it is very easy to recall in which multiplication tables do they come.
3. Becomes tedious, as the number grows bigger, for example LCM (235, 512). There are other methods to
solve those LCMs, but lets not complicate this article any further. Lets stick to this Prime-Factorization
method for a while.
Ok so far we know what is LCM and how to find HCF/GCD?
What is HCF or GCD?
HCF= Highest common factors.
GCD= Greatest common divisor. Names are different otherwise theyre one and same.
Suppose youve to find the HCF of (4 and 6).
Ill write the tables of numbers that come before 4 and 6 (i.e. 1, 2 and 3.)
1 x 1 = 1 2 x 1 = 2 3 x 1 = 3
1 x 2 = 2 2 x 2 = 4 3 x 2 = 6
1 x 3 = 3 2 x 3 = 6 3 x 3 = 9
1 x 4 = 4 2 x 4 = 8 3 x 4 = 12
1 x 5 = 5 2 x 5 = 10 3 x 5 = 15
1 x 6 = 6 2 x 6 = 12 3 x 6 = 18
1 x 7 = 7 2 x 7 = 14 3 x 7 = 21
1 x 8 = 8 2 x 8 = 16 3 x 8 = 24
1 x 9 = 9 2 x 9 = 18 3 x 9 = 27
Ok, in which numbers table (1, 2 or 3) do you see both 4 and 6 reappearing?
There are two such tables 1s table and 2s table.
4 and 6 are common in 1s table. 4 and 6 are common in 2s table.
1 x 4=4 2 x 2=4
1 x 6=6 2 x 3=6.
What does ^this mean?
If I divide 4 by 1, I get zero remainder. Similarly if I divide 6 by 1, I get zero remainder. In other words, 1 is
the factor of both 4 and 6. In other words, 4 and 6 come in the table of 1.
Similarly, If I divide 4 by 2, I get zero remainder. Similarly if I divide 6 by 2, I get zero remainder. In other
words, 2 is the factor of both 4 and 6. In other words, 4 and 6 come in the table of 2.
Thus, 4 and 6 have two common factors (1 and 2) but highest of these common factors is 2. Therefore
HCF of (4,6)=2.
What is the highest number thatll divide 4 and 6 evenly. Ans HCF (4,6)

There is a 4 x 6m rectangular farm. Find the length of longest tape that can measure this field. Ans HCF
There is a 4x 6cm floor. Find the length of largest square tile that can be evenly laid on it. Ans HCF (4,6)
Two drums contain 400 and 600 liters of desi and foreign liquor respectively. What is the biggest
measure (cup) that can measure both of them exactly? Ans. HCF (400, 600).
A teacher has 40 pens and 60 pencils. Find maximum number of students among whom she can
distribute these items evenly.
HCF is also important for remainder related questions. but Ill cover that in a separate article.

HCF finding: Prime Factorization
In the exam, we cant make multiplication tables of every number preceding the given numbers! So here is the
shortcut technique. Well use the same approach weve used in LCM method: prime factorization.
HCF of two numbers (4, 6)
First make prime factors of given numbers.
4 2

6 2 x 3
Now, make third row: HCF and write the prime numbers that are common in both numbers.
4 2

6 2 x 3

Therefore, HCF (4,6)=2
If Ive to plot the HCF of 4 and 6 on a Venn diagram, itll look like this:


HCF of three numbers (12,24,36)
12 2 x 6
24 3 x 8
36 6 x 6
But I want them in prime format. So Ill further simplify.
12 2 x 2 x 3=2
x 3
24 3 x 2 x 2 x 2=2
x 3
36 3 x 2 x 3 x 2=2
x 3

In the exam youve to do this in your ^head.
12 2
x 3
24 2
x 3
36 2
x 3

Now make a new row, write the prime numbers that are common in all of above.
12 2
x 3
24 2
x 3
36 2
x 3

^in case youre confused, let me rewrite and do it again
12 2
x 3
24 2
x 2 x 3
36 2
x 3 x 3
The numbers highlighted in bold are common. Therefore HCF = 2
x 3=12.
HCF of prime numbers (13,29)
Prime numbers donot have any common factors. So HCF of such numbers is always 1. But for the clarity lets do it
13 13 x 1
29 29 x 1
HCF 1 (because 1 is common in both)

HCF of co-prime numbers (12,25)
Again same: 1, because co prime numbers donot have common factors.
Similarly consecutive numbers (like 456,457) donot have common factors either.
Therefore, in all such cases, HCF =1.
HCF vs LCM: #1 multiplication
If weve two numbers a and b. and their HCF and LCM are given then
HCF x LCM = a x b.
But this relation only work for TWO numbers and not for more than two numbers.
Lets understand this with an example.
You know that LCM (4,6)=12 and HCF (4,6)=2.
Left hand side (LCM x HCF) Right hand side (multiplication of given numbers)
12 x 2 4 x 6
=24 =24
So both sides match. Therefore, in case of two numbers (a and b)
LCM X HCF = a x b.
But this is not always true for three numbers. For example, Find LCM and HCF of 12,15,20. Youll get HCF=1 and
Left hand side (LCM x HCF) Right hand side (multiplication of given numbers)
60 x 1 12 x 15 x 20
=60 =3600
In this case, both sides donot match.
HCF vs LCM: #2 Magnitude
For any given numbers, their LCM is always greater than or equal to the biggest number. For example
Numbers LCM
12,15,20 60 so greater than biggest number (20)
15,30 30. which is equal to the biggest number (30).
Similarly, for HCF, the HCF of given numbers is always less than or equal to the smallest number. For example
Numbers HCF
12,15,20 1 so it is smaller than smallest number 12
15,30 15. so it is equal to the smallest number 15.
Ok this is just the basic overview. In the next article, well see the application of these concepts. In the mean
time, try finding LCM and HCFs of following numbers
Question Answer (LCM, HCF)

91, 12 1092, 1
46, 69 138, 23
69, 97 6693, 1
63, 33 693, 3
72, 58 2088, 2
5, 84 420, 1
91, 41 3731, 1
65, 57 3705, 1
74, 12 444, 2
44, 55 220, 11
8, 28, 175 1400, 1
LCM, HCF of fractions
Just observe the color pattern in following image:

for more practice on LCM, HCF
Book Chapter no.
Quantitative Aptitude, R.S.Agarwal 2
Fast track Arithmetic, Rajesh Verma 2
Quantam CAT, Sarvesh Kumar Ex.1.3, 1.4
Arun Sharma (CAT) 1


[Aptitude] Long Division, Two-Digit Division, % Calculation without Tears (and without boring Vedic Maths)
using % Approximation Method
One of the biggest problem with IBPS/Bank, SSC, CAT, CMAT type of exams= youll encounter long
division and percentage (%) calculation every now and then, directly or indirectly (in Data interpretation
And If youre not good with speed maths, youll waste a lot of time in such stupid calculations.

For the the aptitude questions of Bank/MBA exams, Knowing the answer approach is not sufficient. You also
need to get the answer quickly and accurately. Otherwise someone else will tick more answers and hell get the
Consider these two questions
In a warehouse there are 230kg of wheat
initially. But rats ate away 34 kg. How
much % of wheat is left?
What is the answer of 196/23=?
a. 49.3%
b. 60.1%
c. 85.2%
d. 85.7%
a. 4.93
b. 6.01
c. 8.52
d. 8.57
{(230-34)/230} x100=(196/230)x
196/23= answer
Everyone, even with half hearted preparation, knows the approach. But The problem is actually in doing that
calculation or division (196/23). Here Ill show a single method, to solve both type of calculations. As long as you
know how to add two numbers, and how to multiply a number with 5, you can execute this method effortlessly.
First create a Master Table (dont just read it, do this simultaneously using your own pen and paper)
100% 230
Now make a new row for 50%
100% 230

So either divide 230 by 2=115
or multiply 230 with 5 and then shift one decimal point leftwards. (that is 1150 ==> to 115.0)
In either case you get 50% of 230=115

100% 230
50% (half of 230) 115

Now make a new row for 20% but keep it empty right now.
100% 230

Create one more row for 10% and simply shift one decimal leftwards. i.e. 230> 23.0
100% 230
50% (half of 230) 115

10% (one decimal point less) 23.0
Now double the 10% number (i.e.by adding 23 into 23 again) so you get 23+23=46. Thats our 20%. Fill up the
100% 230
50% (half of 230) 115
20% (double of 10%) 46
10% (one decimal point less) 23.0
Our master table is ready, now Imagine there is a big water tank with total capacity of 196 lit.
We can fill it with buckets of size 10%, 20% and 50% only.
We want to fill up the tank with minimum effort. So first take 50% (115), some space will be left.
By this time you get the idea that
1. answer is more than 50% (if % value of 196/230 is asked)
2. answer is more than 5 (if absolute value 196/23 is asked)
so eliminate answer options that donot meet these criteria.
Move on
Tank Filled Buckets
196 115 50%
Total 115 50%
There is still some space left in the tank so lets throw a 20% bucket
Tank Filled Buckets
196 115 50%

046 20%
Total 161 70%
Or you can add 10% bucket two times, youll get same result.

Its clear that our answer is bigger than 70%. So eliminate any options less than 70%
Hmm, so far weve filled 161, It can still accommodate another 10% bucket
Tank Filled Buckets
196 161 70%

023 10%
Total 184 80%
Now we are very close, only 196-184=12 lit. remains. But no bucket is that small!
Solution= move the decimal numbers, to create new small sized buckets.
Master Table

Moving decimal numbers
100% 230

50% (half of 230) 115 5% 11.5
20% (double of 10%) 232= 46 2% 4.6
10% (one decimal point less) 23.0 1% 2.3
In the exam, you dont have to actually write new columns of 5%, 2% and 1%, just visualize them in your head, by
shifting the decimal to one point leftwards.
Recall that 12 lit is empty and Now weve a new 5% bucket that can almost fill it up.
Tank Filled Buckets
196 184 80%

011.5 5%
Total 195.5 85%
By this time you get the idea that
1. answer is just a little higher than 85% (if % of 196/230 is asked)
2. answer is just a little higher than 8.5 (if absolute value 196/23 is asked)
so eliminate any answer options that are not meeting this criteria.
Still if two or more options remain. For example
a. 8.52
b. 8.57
^This situation usually happens in CAT Data Interpretation questions. Now what to do?
Well, Total capacity is 196 lit. and so far we filled up 195.5 so, 0.5 lit is still empty. But no bucket is small enough
to carry water in this scale. Solution= create more buckets, by shifting decimal points in the Master Table.


Master Table

Moving decimal numbers
100% 230 Phase I Phase II
50% (half of 230) 115 5% 11.5 0.5% 1.15
20% (double of 10%) 232= 46 2% 4.6 0.2% 0.46
10% (one decimal point less) 23.0 1% 2.3 0.1% 0.23
Recall that 0.5 lit is empty and from above table, it is clear that 0.2% bucket (0.46 is very close) so lets use it.
Tank Filled Buckets
196 195.50 85%

000.46 0.2%
Total 195.96 85.2%
So the final answer is
If you want even more accurate answer, create more buckets and proceed in the same manner.
Important sidenotes
1. Whenever you have to do long-division e.g. 256/29, always make the denominator (bottom number i.e.
29) very close to the top number (256) and take that as 100%. That is 290=100%. And then rephrase
question: 256 is how much % of 290, then proceed according to the method you just learned. Youll
get 88.27%. but our question was 256/29. Recall that youve added one zero more. (290)
So, 1%=1/100
Therefore, 88.27%=(88.27/100)
And from the bottom we take back one zero that we had added earlier. So instead of 100, there remains only 10
88.27/10=8.827 is our answer for 256/29
2. If there is 7526/67 then? Again same method, 7526 is how much % of 6700? Youll get 112.3%. this time
weve added two zeros more (i.e.we used 6700 instead of 67).
So, 1%=1/100
Therefore 112.3%=112.3/100
But take back those two zeros we had added earlier. So, instead of 100, there remains only 1
112.3/1=112.3 is our answer for 7526/67

This method looks awkward and tiresome initially, but once youve enough practice of doing mental
addition then its way easier than the Vedic Maths concept of double or triple digit division (because in
Vedic method, many a times youve to adjust and carry over the numbers= not very convenient).
This method can be used for three-digit, four digit divisions also.
You can do any division as long as you can find out 10%, 20% and 50% of a number (and consequently
1%, 2%, 5%, by shifting decimal places.)
Applications of ^this method
Percentage calculation or Long Division has direct or indirect applications in following topics:
1. Profit Loss
2. Data Interpretation, especially those based on Pie-charts.
3. Compound interest, Simple Interest Rate, Population Growth: by the way, they can be solved without
mugging up formulas, click me to know how!
4. Mixture-Alligiation, Wine-water, Metal alloys: can be solved without mugging up formulas, click me to
know how!
5. Time-Speed-Distance, Time and Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Boats and Railways. All of them are based on
the STD formula: speed x time = distance. So there is almost always a situation where two variables are
given and third is to be found= division. All of them can be solved by mugging only single STD formula.
Techniques are scattered around on this page: Mrunal.org/aptitude
Test your skill
Question % Absolute Value Hint: 100% is




67 (because 670 would be too far)






[Aptitude] Product Consistency: If Sugar price increases then consumption should be Decreased by What %,
Time-Speed-Distance problems, shortcuts for SSC, IBPS, CSAT, CAT
1. Case: Sugar Consumption Budget dont change
2. Case: Salary comparison: How much more or less?
3. Case: Increased consumption absolute value
4. Case: Apples price decrease absolute value
5. Case: Time-Speed-Distance
6. Mock questions
7. Food for thought
IF you want to master this method, then dont just read the article, simultaneously do all calculations in your

Case: Sugar Consumption Budget dont change
Q. if price of sugar is increased by 25%. But a family wants to keep its expenditure same as earlier. Then they
should decrease their consumption by how much percentage?
Suppose initial price of Sugar was Rs.100 per kg
And this family needs 2 kg per month. (=quantity consumed)
So what is their budget (or Expenditure?)

Before price rise
Price 100
Quantity 2 kg
Budget = Price x quantity 100 x 2=Rs.200 per month
Now the price of sugar is increased by 25%.
So if previously it was Rs.100 per kg, now it is Rs.100+25=Rs.125 per kg.

Before After
Price 100 125
Quantity 2 kg

Budget = Price x quantity 100 x 2=Rs.200 per month

If the family still wants to buy 2 kg sugar, theyll have to pay Rs.125 x 2 = Rs.250. But they dont want to increase
their budget (Expenditure). Obviously they will have to cut down on their monthly consumption (Quantity of
To solve this problem, just take ratio of both prices
=4 / 5
It means 100/125=4/5
Now, reverse this ratio (4/5 =>5/4) and write it, in the table.
Means, in 100s column, Ill write 5 and in 125s column, Ill write 4.


Before After
Price 100 125
Ratio reversed? 5 4
Demand 2 kg

Budget = Price x Demand 100 x 2=Rs.200 per month

What is the percentage change in Ratio-Reversed?
Well, before it was 5 and after it has decreased to 4.
% decrease from 5 to 4 is
=20% decrease.
Thats our answer.
If price is increased by 25% then we must decrease our consumption by 20% to keep the budget same.
Lets check if our approach is correct.
According to above technique, weve found that consumption /demand should decrease by 20%.
So if earlier family consumed 2kg
Now they should consume only 100% minus 20%=80% of original demand
=80% of 2kg
=0.8 x 2
=1.6 kg
Update the table.

Before After
Price 100 125
Quantity 5 4
Budget = Price x quantity 2 kg 1.6
Price 100 x 2=Rs.200 per month 125 x 1.6=Rs.200 per month
As you can see, if we decrease demand/consumption from 2 kg to 1.6 then budget remains same
It proves that weve not made any mistake.
Another way is to use readymade formula
Percentage decrease = 100m / (100+m), where m is the original percentage.
Percentage decrease in sugar case
=100 x 25 / (100+25)
=100 x 25/125
=20% decrease.
You can use whichever technique you like.
But once you master product consistency, lot of profit-loss, time-speed-distance questions can be solved
in less than a minute.
Anyways, lets try some more easy questions and then move to difficult ones.

Case: Salary comparison: How much more or less?
1. If Salary of Mr.Abdul is 25% more then Mr.Bhide, then Mr.Bhides salary is how much % less than
Assume Bhide earn Rs.100 per month Then Abdul has to earn Rs.100+25=125
Fill up the table.

Bhide Abdul
Salary 100 125
Ratio (reversed)

Now get the ratio
Reverse it (from 4/5 to 5/4) and plug it in the table

Bhide Abdul
Salary 100 125
Ratio (reversed) 5 4
Thats it. What is the decrease?
(5-4)/5 x 100
=1/5 x 100
=20% less
Final answer: Mr.Bhides salary is 20% less than Abduls.
Ofcourse you could directly calculate: (125-100)/125=20% but that wont help us quickly solve the complex
cases situation like following.
Case: Increased consumption absolute value
Q. A family spends Rs.600 on sugar every month. The price of sugar is decreased by 20% and theyre able to buy
5kg sugar more. What was the original price of sugar (per kg)?
This is not at all complicated. Budget =Rs.600 (Constant)
Assume that original price is Rs.100 (please note: this is not the answer, we are just assuming).
New price is 20% less = 100 minus 20 = Rs.80 per kg
Assume that originally they used to buy m kilos of sugar every month.

Before After
Price Rs.100 Rs.80

Quantity M

Budget 600 600
So if price is decreased by 20% then consumption quantity should increase by what percentage?
Just take ratio of price

Reverse It and fill up in the table

Before After
Price Rs.100 Rs.80
Ratio-reversed 4 5
Quantity m


So whats the increase in quantity ?
Just look at the ratio reversed: 4 to 5. So increase is:
(5-4)/4 x 100
=1/4 x 100
It means if sugar price decreases by 20% then we can buy 25% more sugar.
So if earlier this family used to by m kilos of sugar, now they should be able to buy Total= (m + 25% of
m) kilos of sugar.
How much more sugar can they buy? 25% of m
But the question itself says that family is able to buy 5 kg sugar more.
It means
25% of m =5 kg
(25/100) x m=5
M=5 x (100/25)
Another way is (% to fraction)
25% when converted to fraction =1/4
So 1/4
of m=5 kg
So m= 5 x 4=20 kg.
In either way: it means originally family used to buy 20 kilos of sugar.
And their budget was Rs.600. (given in the question)
So what was the per kilo price of sugar?
So 1 kg=600/20=30Rs. per kilo
Final answer= original price of sugar was Rs.30 per kg.
Lets try a similar question, so our concept is crystal clear.
Case: Apples price decrease absolute value
This is also from SSC-CGL exam.
Q. A man spends Rs.54 on apples every month. Price of Apple is decreased by 20% and this man can buy 10
apples more. What is the reduced price per dozen?
If price is 20% decreased => consumption should increased by 25% (as seen in previous case)
Suppose he used to buy m number of apples initially.
Now he can by 25% more apples.
But question itself says that he is buying 10 more apples.

25% of m =10
1/4 of m=10 (because 25%=25/100=1/4)
1/4 of m =10
So what was the original price?
Total 54 rupees spent on 40 apples
And weve to find answer in dozen so multiply with 12
Original price= Rs.(54/40) x 12
Donot simplify yet.
Weve to find reduced price.
Question says, price is reduced by 20%.
So new price
=100 Minus 20=80%of original price
=0.8 x (54/40) x 12
Final answer: the reduced price of apples is Rs.12.96 per dozen.
Another approach
Originally he bought 40 apples.
Now he can buy 25% more
=100+25=125% of original apples
=1.25 x 40
=50 apples.
And his budget is Rs.54 means he buys 50 apples for 54 rupees,
50 apples = 54 rupees
12 apples = how much?
How much = 54 x 12 / 50 =Rs.12.96 per dozen.
Now lets apply this concept in Time-Speed-Distance question
Case: Time-Speed-Distance
Again from old SSC-CGL exam
Q. Walking at 6/7
of his usual speed, a man is 25 minutes late for his destination.
What is his usual time to cover this distance (in hours)?
Speed x time = distance
This is same as price x quantity = budget.
Here distance remains the same, just like in sugar-cases, budget remains the same.
We dont know his speed, so lets assume his usual speed = 1 kmph
And his late speed = 6/7
of usual speed = 6/7 x 1= 6/7 kmph

Usual case Late case
Speed 1 6/7
Ratio reversed


Just take ratio
Reverse it (7/6 to 6/7 )and put it back in the table.

Usual case Late case
Speed 1 6/7
Ratio reversed 6 7
Time T

Ok so if speed is decreased to 6/7
then time is increased by what fraction (or percentage?)
6 to 7
=1/6 increase in time.
Suppose his usual time was T, then it should be increased by 1/6
of original time T
But we know that he is late by 25 minutes.
It means 1/6
of T=25 minutes
1/6 x T = 25
T=25 x 6=150 minutes
But the question is asking time in hours.
150 minutes
=60 minutes + 60 minutes + 30 minutes
=1hour + 1 hour + 30 minutes
=2 hours and 30 minutes
Another way to convert minutes into hours
60 minutes = 1 hr
150 minutes = how many hours?
Therefore: How many hours = 1 x 150 / 60
When you divide 150 by 60 you 2 as quotient and 30 as remainder. So Correct answer is 2 hours and 30
Important: In Minutes to hour conversion via division method, You should not cut zeros, else you get wrong
For example, 150/60= 15/6 but when you divide 15 by 6, you get remainder 3 = answer comes as 2 hours and 3
minutes = wrong answer.
Mock questions
1. Journalist Popatlals income is 37.5% less than Dr. Iyyers. Then Dr.Iyyers income is how much % more
than Popatlals income?
2. If price of Desi-liquor is increased by 20% then Mohan should cut down consumption by what %, to keep
his budget unchanged?
3. Petrol price is doubled. But we dont want to raise our expenditure. Then We should cut down our petrol
consumption by what percentage?
4. If the speed of a motorboat is decreased by one fourth, then journey completion time should increase by
what percentage?
5. Price of rice is increased from Rs. 6 to 7.5 per kg. If we dont want to increase our Expenditure. We
should decrease our rice-consumption by what percentage?
6. Mobile company increased the call charges by 50%. If I want to keep my budget unchanged, I should
reduce talk-time by what percentage?
7. Dish TV has reduced the channel prices by 20% now Im able to subscribe to 5 more channels in the same
budget of Rs.400. How many channels did I subscribe earlier?

8. Writing at 3/4
of my usual speed, I finished the question paper 20 minutes late. Had I written the
answers at my regular speed, I could have finished the whole paper in how many hours?
9. Earlier UPSC used to ask 579 questions for 2900 marks. Now they want to decrease number of questions
by 20% but want to keep total marks same as earlier. So, they should increase the marks per question by
what percentage?
10. If a politicians bribe income is decreased by 10% then his anger increases by how much percentage?
1. Iyyer Popat 60% Perhaps this is the reason why Popat is unable to find a bride while Iyyer walked
away with Babita-ji.
2. Desi liquor
16.67% decrease (1/6)
3. Petrol Double
50% decrease in consumption.(hint double = 100 to 200 =100% increase)
4. Motorboat
One fourth=25% decrease=> 33.33% increase in time.
5. Rice
25% increase in price =>20% reduction in consumption.
6. Mobile talktime
50% increase in call rates=>33.33% decrease in talktime to keep budget unchanged.
7. Dish TV Earlier I had subscribed to 20 channels. 20% decrease in price= 25% increase in number
of channels. so 1/4 of original channels=5, hence original number of channels=5 x 4 =20.
8. Writing speed
3/4 th of writing speed= reverse ratio is 4:3; and increase in time is 1/3 (=33.33%). So if
1/3 rd of original time= 20 minutes late.
Then original time = 20 x 3 =60 minutes = 1 hour.
9. Anger
11.11% increase in anger lolz
10. UPSC Absolute values 579 and 2900 are irrelevant! No need to waste time in dividing them.
20% decrease=> increase marks per question by 25% percentage.
Food for thought
Try these two questions: (You can solve them via STD table method but try to solve them via this product
consistency method. Youll get the answer much more quickly!)
1. Jethalal goes to shop at the speed 30 km/h, and he reaches six minutes early. Next day he goes at the
speed of 24 km/h, and he reaches five minutes late. Find the distance between his home and shop.
2. Tappu walks from home to school @5kmph and reaches 15 minutes early. After the school is over, he is
very tired. So he walks back from school to home at a slow speed of just 3kmph and reaches 9 minutes
late. Find distance between his home and school. (Ans=3 kms)


[Aptitude Q] STD table : Application in train man bridge, time and work problems
Not really an article, just solving some readers queries to keep the STD concept refreshed.
1. Case: Train, Man and Bridge
1. Conversion : kmph vs ms
2. Finding length of train
2. Case: Time n Work : A and B
Case: Train, Man and Bridge
A man is standing on a 180m long bridge.He finds that a train crosses the bridge in 20 seconds but himself in 8
seconds. Find the length of the train and its speed.

When train crosses the bridge When train crosses the man
Total distance=
length of train + width of bridge length of train + width of bridge
m+180 m+0
Because in comparison to train, man / telephone wire / bike-rider etc are considered zero in width.
Now make table

Train + bridge Train + man
Speed s s
Time 20 8
Distance M+180 M
Now apply STD formula and you get two equations

Train + bridge Train + man
Speed s s
Time 20 8
Distance M+180 M
Speed X time = Distance S x 20 = (M+180) S x 8 =M
Just solve those two equations
So in first equation, replace the value of M=8s
S=15 m/s. thats our final answer. But suppose, in the answer options, the speed is given in in km/h, then you
need to convert m/s into km/h.


Conversion : kmph vs ms
1km =1000 meters.
1 hr = 60 minutes = 60 x 60 seconds = 3600 seconds.
Therefore, 1 km / hr = 1000m / 3600 seconds
1km / hr = 5 / 18 (m/s)
In otherwords,
1 meter per second = 18 / 5 kmph.
So 15 (m/s) = 15 x (18/5) km/h = 54 kmph. Thats our final answer.
Finding length of train
Moving to the next part: find the length of this train.
From the second equation, we know that
S x 8 =M
And weve found that speed of train= 15m/s.
hence 15 x 8 =m
Answer: length of train is 120 meters.
Case: Time n Work : A and B
Question: A can do a piece of work in 80 days. He works at it for 10 days and then B alone finishes the remaining
work in 42 days. In how much time will A and B together finish the work?
Make table

Speed a b
Time 80 b
Distance = speed x time a x 10=80a

It means total distance to be covered, is 80a.
A works for 10 days

A B A works
Speed a b a
Time 80

Distance = speed x time a x 10=80a

10 x a =10a
See the last column. A covered distance of 10a, meaning
So 80a-10a=70a distance is yet to be covered.
Now B comes and finishes this in 42 days

A B A works B finishes
Speed a b a b
Time 80

10 42
Distance = speed x time a x 10=80a

a x 10 =10a. (meaning 70a remains). b x 42= 42b

That means 42b=70a (because remaining work =70a and B finished this.)
Therefore, b=5a/3
Now if A+B worked together then, we can add their speed. And together theyve to finish 80a distance
Update the table

A B A works B finishes A+B together
Speed a b=5a/3 a b a+5a/3=8a/3
Time 80

10 42 T
Distance = speed x time a x 10=80a

a x 10 =10a. (so 70a work remains). b x 42= 42b 80a
Apply STD in last column
Speed x time = distance
8a/3 x T =80a
Therefore T= 30 days.
Final answer: if A and B work together, itll take them 30 days to finish the job.


[Aptitude] Time n Distance: Early and late to office (shortcut using product consistency method) for SSC, IBPS,
1. Case : Early Late
o Approach #1: Product consistency
o Approach #2 (STD Table)
2. Case #2: Tappus school
o Approach #1: Product consistency
o Approach #2 (STD Table)
3. Case: Pinkus college (total time given)
4. Mock Questions
5. Answer and explanation
Before proceeding further, make sure your concept regarding product-consistency method Is clear. If not, then
go through my previous article click me
Case : Early Late
Jethalal goes to shop at the speed 30 km/h, and he reaches six minutes early. Next day he goes at the speed of 24
km/h, and he reaches five minutes late. Find the distance between his home and shop.
This can be solved with any of the two approaches
1. Approach #1: Product consistency
2. Approach #2: STD table.
Approach #1: Product consistency
Let me rephrase the question:
Price of sugar is increased from 24 per kg to 30 per kg and now Jethalal is buying 11/60 kilograms sugar less (in
the same budget). What was his original consumption?
Does it ring any bell with previous sums of product Consistency? Yep, thats our approach.
Prepare this table, plug in the speed values in ascending order

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 24 30
Ratio-reversed (Time)

What is the time difference between these two cases?
suppose on regular speed, Jethalal used to reach office @10 AM
on slow speed, he is 5 minutes late=10.05AM
on fast speed he is 6 minutes early=09.54 minutes
so the time difference between slow speed and fast speed = 11 minutes.
in the exam, just add the two minutes given to you (6+5)=11 and since speed is given in km/h, weve to convert
11 minutes into hours =11/60 hours.

Slow speed Fast speed

Speed km/h 24 30
Ratio-reversed (Time)

Now apply the product consistency method:
Take ratio of 24/30
=(6 x 4)/ (6 x 5)
Reverse it.=5/4. Update the table

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 24 30
Ratio-reversed (Time) 5 4
So, when speed is increased, what is the decrease in time?
5 to 4
=(5-4)/5 x 100
=20% (or just keep it in fraction form of 1/5)
Meaning new time is 20% less than time.
suppose during slow speed, he took M time.
Then in fast speed hell take M minus 20% of M time.
That means difference between two situations is 20% of m
but weve already inferred that time difference between two situations is 11/60 hours
therefore 20% of m=11/60
or in other words
1/5 x m=11/60
M=11/12 hours.
This is the time he takes during slow speed, to reach his destination
Now just apply STD formula
(slow) Speed x time = distance
24 x 11/12 = distance
Hence distance = 22 kms.
This technique looks odd but It is very fast once you practice.
Thought process in the exam
You dont even need to draw table. Just think in your head, speed is decreased from 24 to 30 so reverse ratio is
And hence decrease from 5 to 4 is (5-4)/5=1/5.
It means 1/5
of (slow) time =(6+5)/60
Hence time = 11x 5/60
Hence distance = just multiple time with slow speed
=11 x 5 x (24)/60
=22 km.
Now lets try solving It, using the
Approach #2 (STD Table)

Case 1 Case 2
Speed 24 30

Time ? ?
Distance D D
Weve ssumed that in both cases, he has to cover same distance D kms.
Apply STD formula in column 1 (case 1)
Speed x time = distance
Therefore time = distance / speed = D/24
Similarly for case2, we get time=D/30
Update table

Case 1 Case 2
Speed 24 30
Time D/24 D/30
Distance D D
From the question, we can infer that time difference between two cases is (6+5=11 minutes =11/60 hours)
Simplify this equation and you get D=22 kms.
Please note: in the fractions, D/24 is >greater than> D/30
Thats why I did D/24-D/30=11/60
Lets try second question with both methods
Case #2: Tappus school
Tappu walks from home to school @5kmph and reaches 15 minutes early. After the school is over, he walks back
from school to home @3kmph and reaches 9 minutes late. Find distance between his home and school.
Approach #1: Product consistency
The question is talking about two times: 15 minutes early and 9 minutes late.
Therefore total time difference between two situation =15+9=24 minutes=24/60 hrs.

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 3 5
Ratio-reversed (Time) 5 3
What is the percentage decrease in time?
=2/5 (=40% decrease)
Thats it. If time taken during slow speed =m
Then 2/5
of m=24/60 hours (the time difference between two cases)
Hence M=1 hour (=time taken during slow speed)
Now speed x time = distance
3 (slow speed) x1= distance
Therefore distance between Tappus school and home is 3 kms.


Approach #2 (STD Table)

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 3 5
Time ?? ??
Distance D D
Apply STD formula in each column you get
Speed x time =distance
Time = distance / speed
Time = D/3 in first case and D/5 in second case update table

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 3 5
Time D/3 D/5
Distance D D
The time difference between two situations is (15+9)=24 minutes=24/60 hours
D/3 D/5=24/60
Solve this equation and you get D=3 kms
Meaning distance between Tappus school and home is 3 kms
Now lets try a bit complicated case
Case: Pinkus college (total time given)
Pinku goes to college @ speed of 3 kmph and returns back @2kmph. He spends total 5 hours in walking. What is
the distance between his home and college?
Slow speed , fast speed = 2 and 3 km respectively.

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 2 3
Ratio-reversed (Time) 3 2
What is the decrease % in time? (3-2)/3= 1/3 (=33.33%)
It means if Pinku take M hours during slow speed.
Hed take M minus 33.33% of M hours during fast speed.
Therefore, total time (taken to goto college and come back)
=m + m -33.33% of m
=2m-m/3 (because 33.33%=1/3)
And we know that total time is 5 hours
therefore 5m/3=5 hours
hence m=3 hours. (time taken during slow speed)
Apply STD
Speed x time = distance
2 (slow speed) x 3 (time)=distance
Hence distance=6 km

Thought process in the exam
Speed increased from 2 to 3, therefore reverse ratio is 3/2 and %decrease in time is 1/3.
Pinkus Total time is given 5 hours, therefore
M + m -(1/5)m=5 hours. Solve it and multiple with slow speed, youll get the distance.
Mock Questions
1. Gogi walks from home to school @2.5kmph and he is 6 minutes late. Next day he increases speed by 1
kmph and reaches 6 minutes early. Find distance between home and school?
2. Sonu walks @6kmph and late to college by 5 minutes. If she walks @5kmph, she is late by 30 minutes.
Find total distance. (please note: since shes late in both cases the time difference is 30-5=25 minutes.
rest approach is same)
Answer and explanation
1. Gogi school
Question is talking about two speeds : 2.5 and (2.5+1.0)=3.5 kmphs

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 2.5 3.5
Ratio-reversed (Time) 7 5
Whats the decrease in time %
From 7 to 5,
Suppose during slow speed case, Gogi takes m hours to reach school.
In fast case, hell do it in less time =m 2/7 of m.
but from question, we already know that time difference between two cases =6+6=12 minutes=12/60 hrs
it means 2/7 of m=12/60 hours
therefore m=7/10 hours :This is the time taken during slow speed.
Multiply it with slow speed and youll get the distance.
= 7/10 x 2.5
= 7/4 kms.
2. Sonu college

Slow speed Fast speed
Speed km/h 5 6
Ratio-reversed (Time) 6 5
So % decrease in time
Therefore 1/6 of slow time (m)= 25/60 hrs.
M=25 x 6/60 hrs

Multiply it with slow speed (5) and you get distance
=speed x time
=5 x 25 x 6/60
=12.5 km distance between home and college.

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