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What are the invisible myths that inform your thinking?

by Anita Moorjani
25 febbraio 2014 alle ore 16.38

The myths that inform our thinking are usually invisible to us. They form the fo
undation of our thinking, and continue to shape our thinking throughout our life
. We think that our thoughts are true, but often cannot see that there is a myth
at the foundation, which is invisible to us, so we never question it. But if we
begin to question it, we may be able to see that our entire thinking, in fact t
he entire system which has been built based on this thinking, has been built on
a myth.

Most cultures have their own mythic narratives. Each culture has a worldview bas
ed on certain assumptions, these assumptions having been developed from historic
al underlying myths. But the myth is never questioned, because an entire cultura
l system and world view has been formed, based on the original cultural myth as
the foundation. In fact, the actual myth itself becomes invisible to the people
of that culture, although it continues to shape their thinking. And to question
the mythic narrative, would be to shatter long held cultural beliefs.

There are a lot of things that we as a culture or race have been indoctrinated i
nto believing, but which are invisible to us. We may never realize that these be
liefs are not truths, because everyone around us may share the same views and th
ink the same way. Everyone from our culture and surroundings may have the same b
eliefs, so these thoughts form the basis of what we consider to be ultimate trut
hs. In fact, these beliefs are so deeply ingrained, that they are invisible to u
s. And from these deeply embedded beliefs, spring our thoughts, concepts, and id
eas of our world around us. We form our subjective opinions, based on these deep
rooted beliefs.

But what if the basis was different? What if the belief at our root core was dif
ferent, would we form different ideas, thoughts and concepts about our lives? Wo
uld our whole world be different if we had a completely different mythic narrati
ve informing our thinking?

But is it possible to step out of ourselves, and view those invisible beliefs at
our core, which are informing our thinking? It would be like the eye trying to
view itself, without a mirror, or the tip of your finger trying to touch itself.

This is what it felt like to be outside of myself, and be able to see who I real
ly was. It was like the eye, finally being able to see itself, in all it's glory
. And to realize that everything I thought I knew up to that point, was an illus

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