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Barnes, Chris J. (MIL)

From: John Pennington
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 12:50 PM
To: Yates, James (MIL); j.yates.@mil.wa.gov
Subject: Pennington Qualifications
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
Hi J ames.

I thought I should send this to you (this is actually my personal email address for
teaching). I know you have to certify me to train and not sure how this fits into that
equation, but this is the bulk of what I currently teach. Call me if there are any
suggestions or thoughts.

J P.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Benyeda, Paul" <Paul.Benyeda@fema.dhs.gov>
To: J ohn Pennington
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:49 AM
Subject: Qualifications
J ohn

Right now you are qualified to bid on all Integrated Emergency Management Courses:
E900 IEMC: All Hazards Preparation and Response
E901 IEMC: All Hazards Recovery and Mitigation
E905 IEMC: Hurricane Preparedness and Response
E910 IEMC: Earthquake Preparedness and Response
E915 IEMC: Homeland Security Preparedness and Response
E920 IEMC: Hazardous Materials Preparedness and Response
E930 IEMC: Community-Specific
E945 State National Response Framework (NRF) IEMC
E947 IEMC: Emergency Operations Center-Incident Management Team Interface

Based on the requirements of the above courses, you would be qualified to teach the following G (Field
Delivery) Courses:

G 110 Emergency Management Operations Course
(EMOC) for Local Governments
G 130 Exercise Evaluation Course
G 135 Exercise Control/Simulation Course
PRR-13-10-004 000064
G 137 Exercise Program Manager / Management Course
G 138 Exercise Practicum for the Master Exercise
G 191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations
Center Interface (ICS/EOC)
G 197 Emergency Planning & Special Needs Population
G 202 Debris Management Planning for State, Tribal and
Local Officials
G 235 Emergency Planning Course
G 249 Managing People in Disasters, a Local Perspective
G 270.4 WEM (R&R): Recovery from Disaster: The Local
Government Role
G 282.3 NFIP Flood Insurance Principles
G 288 Local Volunteer and Donations
G 271 Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness Course
G 290 Basic Public Information Officers Course
G 291 J oint Information System/Center Planning for Tribal,
State, and Local PIO's
G 310.01 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Nuclear Scenario
G 310.02 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Radiological
G 310.03 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Chemical-Sarin
G 310.04 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Chemical VX
G 310.05 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Biological-Anthrax
G 310.06 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Suicide Bomber
G 358 Evacuation & Re-entry Planning Course
G 364 Multi Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
G 408 Homeland Security Planning for Local Governments
G 434A Earthquake Safety for Schools
G 489 Managing Spontaneous Volunteers
G 775 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Mgmt &
Operations Course


Paul J . Benyeda, CEM, MEP
Training Specialist
Preparedness Branch
DHS/FEMA/National Emergency Training Center
Emergency Management Institute
Room: N-415
16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727
Tel: 301-447-1326 FAX: 301-447-1598
email: paul.benyeda@fema.dhs.gov
PRR-13-10-004 000065

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PRR-13-10-004 000066

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