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IT2202 Principles of Communication

Nov / Dec 2013 Important Questions

1) i ) Consi der an AM si gnal x(t) =2cos(2 f c t) + 0.5cos(2 f m t) cos(2 f c
t) .Fi nd the
modul ati on i ndex used to generate the si gnal (4)
(i i ) Obtai n a rel ati onshi p bet ween carri er and si de band powers i n an AM
DSBFC wave and
expl ai n how power di stri buti on takes pl ace i n AM DSB FC system. (8)
i i i ) A transmi tter puts out a total power of 25 Watts of 30% AM si gnal . How
much power i s
contai ned i n the carri er and each of the si debands? (4)
2. (i ) Deri ve the expressi on f or a Ampl i tude Modul ated wave and draw
i ts spectrum. (10)
(i i ) In an AM transmi tter, the carri er power i s 10 kW and the modul ati on i ndex
i s 0.5.
Cal cul ate the total RF power del i vered.
3. Deri ve the expressi on f or Angl e Modul ated wave and draw i ts spectrum?
4) i ) Def i ne modul ati on i ndex f or FM and PM and obtai n the rel ati on bet ween
modul ati on
i ndex and modul ati ng si gnal f or FM and PM.(10)
i i ) Compare the advantages and di sadvantages of angl e modul ati on
wi t h ampl i tude modul ati on. (6)
5. (i ) Expl ai n the pri nci pl es of ampl i tude modul ati on wi th ti me domai n
represent of AM
modul ated wave. (8)
(i i ) Wri te a note on f requency spectrum anal ysi s of angl e modul ated waves.
1. (a) (i ) Expl ai n the generati on and detecti on of bi nary phase shi f t keyi ng. (8)
(i i ) Descri be the operati on of Costas l oop recei ver. (8)
2.(i ) Di scuss i n detai l the operati on of QPSK modul ator and demodul ator wi th
i ts phasor
di agram (16
3.(i )Expl ai n the coherent bi nary FSK syst em wi th a neat di agram of transmitter
recei ver(12)
(i i )Enumerate the advantages and di sadvantages of FSK over PSK system(4)
4. (i ) (i i ) Wri te note on quadrat ure ampl i tude modul ati on. (6)
(i i )What i s DPSK? Expl ai n i ts bandwi dt h requi rements. (4)
5. Draw the BPSK transmi tter and recei ver ci rcui t and expl ai n i ts operat i on (
1. Draw the bl ock di agram of del ta modul ati on system and expl ai n? (8)
2. (i )Wi th sui tabl e di agram, expl ai n the noi se associ at ed wi th DM? Al so expl ai n
how to
overcome the noi se wi t h ADM? (12)
(i i ) What i s compandi ng? What i s the need f or compandi ng? (4)
3. i ) Draw the bl ock di agram of pul se code modul ati on system and wri te short
notes on each
bl ock (8)
i i ) What are the types of sampl i ng? Expl ai n the operati on of the sampl e and
hol d ci rcui t ?(8)
4. Draw the bl ock di agram of DPCM transmi tter and recei ver and expl ai n the
operati on? (16)
5. Def i ne Compandi ng? Wi th neat bl ock di agram expl ai n Anal og and di gi tal
compandi ng?
1. What i s frequency hop spread spectrum? Expl ai n the generati on of sl ow
f requency hop
spread M-ary FSK and f ast f requency hop spread M-ary FSK . wi th appropri ate
di agrams (16)
2. (i ) Compare Time di vi si on Mul ti pl e Access and Frequency Di vi si on Mul ti pl e
Access. (8)
(i i ) Expl ai n how a pseudo random noi se sequence i s gener ated. (8)
3. Di scuss i n detai l the operati on of DS spread spectrum wi t h
coherent bi nary PSK. (16)
4. (i ) Descri be the pri nci pl es of TDMA and CDMA i n wi rel ess
communi cati on syst em (10)
(i i ) Wri te note on codi ng of speech f or wi rel ess communi cati on. (6)
5. Expl ai n 2 types of FH spread spectrum systems wi th sui tabl e di agrams(16)
1. (i ) Expl ai n about the Kepl er s Law i n detai l (10)
(i i ) Expl ai n Satel l i te Orbi ts (6)
2. Expl ai n el aboratel y about satel l i te or bi ts and i ts patterns (16)
3. Expl ai n i n detai l about Geosynchronous satel l i tes. (16)
4. What do you mean by antenna l ook angl es and expl ai n el aboratel y. (16)
5. (i ) Wi th the neat di agram, expl ai n about the el ements i nvol ved i n Opti cal
Communi cati on.(10)
(i i ) Li st out the advantages of Opti cal Communi cati on. (6)
6. Expl ai n i n detai l about the l osses i n Opti cal Fi ber Cabl es. (16)

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