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Numerical control for machines .tools were introduced in 1950s by Prof.John T Parsons. The first NC machine
was built at the Massachusetts institute of Technoloy in 195! by "oint efforts of #$ %ir &orce' the M(T and
)arsons coo)eration. NC is control by numbers .NC is control recorded information called )art )roram' which
is set of coded instructions i*en as numbers for automatic control of am machine in a )re+determined
Numerical control can be defined as a techni,ue of controllin a machine tool by the direct insertion of
numerical data at some )oint of the system .The functions that are controlled on the machine tool are
dis)lacement of the slide members' s)indle s)eeds 'tool selection etc.%t first 'the numerical control was used to
)roduce eocentrically com)le- )arts 'but later used for added efficiency in medium batch )roduction of turned
and milled )arts )resently' Numerical control is em)loyed in all sectors of )roduction .
.a)id de*elo)ment in the field of electronics such as interated circuit' lare scale interated circuits and
de*elo)ment of minicom)uter lead to the de*elo)ment of minicom)uters based CNC systems. &urther
de*elo)ment and the electronic /chi)0 re*olution ha*e ushered in the current eneration /com)act and
)owerful0 Micro)rocessor based CNC systems.
1e*elo)ment of com)uter numerically controlled 2CNC3 machines is an outstandin contribution to the
manufacturin industries. (t has made )ossible the automation of the machinin )rocess with fle-ibility to
handle small to medium batch of ,uantities in )art )roduction.
(nitially' the CNC technoloy was a))lied on basic metal cuttin machine li4e lathes' millin machines' etc.
5ater' to increase the fle-ibility of the machines in handlin a *ariety of com)onents and to finish them in a
sinle setu) on the same machine' CNC machines ca)able of )erformin multi)le o)erations were de*elo)ed.
To start with' this conce)t was a))lied to de*elo) a CNC machinin centre for machinin )rismatic com)onents
combinin o)erations li4e millin' drillin' borin and ta)in. &urther' the conce)t of multi+o)erations was also
e-tended for machinin cylindrical com)onents' which led to the de*elo)ment of turnin centers.
Com)uter Numerical Control 2CNC3 is a s)eciali7ed and *ersatile form of $oft %utomation and its
a))lications co*er many 4inds' althouh it was initially de*elo)ed to control the motion and o)eration of
machine tools.
Com)uter Numerical Control may be considered to be a means of o)eratin a machine throuh the use of
discrete numerical *alues fed into the machine' where the re,uired 8in)ut8 technical information is stored on a
4ind of in)ut media such as flo))y dis4' hard dis4' C1 .9M' 1:1' #$; flash dri*e' or .%M card etc.
The machine follows a )redetermined se,uence of machinin o)erations at the )redetermined s)eeds
necessary to )roduce a wor4)iece of the riht sha)e and si7e and thus accordin to com)letely )redictable
results. % different )roduct can be )roduced throuh re)rorammin and a low+,uantity )roduction run of
different )roducts is "ustified.
<iher fle-ibility
(ncreased )roducti*ity
Consistent ,uality
.educed scra) rate
.eliable o)eration
.educed non )roducti*e time
.educed man)ower
$horter cycle time
<ih accuracy
.educed lead time
Just in time 2J(T3 manufacture
%utomatic material handlin
5esser floor s)ace
(ncreased o)eration safety
Machinin of ad*anced material
The definition of CNC given by Electronic Industry Association (EIA) is as follows:
A system in which actions are controlled by the direct insertion of numerical data at some oint! The system
must automatically interret at least some ortion of this data!"
In a simle word# a CNC system receives numerical data# interret the data and then control the action
Numerical control 2NC3 is a method em)loyed for controllin the motions of a machine tool slide and its
au-iliary functions with in)ut in the form of numerical data. % com)uter numerical control 2CNC3 is a
micro)rocessor+based system to store and )rocess the data for the control of slide motions and au-iliary
functions of the machine tools. The CNC system is the heart and brain of a CNC machine which enables the
o)eration of *arious machine members such as slides' s)indles' etc. as )er the se,uence )rorammed into it'
de)endin on the machinin o)erations.
The main ad*antae of a CNC system lies in the fact that the s4ills of the o)erator hitherto re,uired in the
o)eration of a con*entional machine is remo*ed and the )art )roduction is made automatic.
The CNC systems are constructed with a NC unit interated with a )rorammable loic controller 2P5C3 and
some times with an additional e-ternal P5C 2non+interated3. The NC controls the s)indle mo*ement and the
s)eeds and feeds in machinin. (t calculates the tra*ersin )ath of the a-es as defined by the in)uts. The P5C
controls the )eri)heral actuatin elements of the machine such as solenoids' relay coils' etc. =or4in toether'
the NC and P5C enable the machine tool to o)erate automatically. Positionin and )art accuracy de)end on the
CNC system8s com)uter control alorithms' the system resolution and the basic mechanical machine accuracy.
Control alorithm may cause errors while com)utin' which will reflect durin contourin' but they are *ery
neliible. Thouh this does not cause )oint to )oint )ositionin error' but when mechanical machine
inaccuracy is )resent' it will result in )oorer )art accuracy.
Com)uter Numerical Control 2CNC3 is a s)eciali7ed and *ersatile form of $oft %utomation and its
a))lications co*er many 4inds' althouh it was initially de*elo)ed to control the motion and o)eration of
machine tools.
Com)uter Numerical Control may be considered to be a means of o)eratin a machine throuh the use of
discrete numerical *alues fed into the machine' where the re,uired 8in)ut8 technical information is stored on a
4ind of in)ut media such as flo))y dis4' hard dis4' C1 .9M' 1:1' #$; flash dri*e' or .%M card etc. The
machine follows a )redetermined se,uence of machinin o)erations at the )redetermined s)eeds
necessary to )roduce a wor4 )iece of the riht sha)e and si7e and thus accordin to com)letely )redictable
results. % different )roduct can be )roduced throuh re)rorammin and a low+,uantity )roduction run of
different )roducts is "ustified.

Control $ystems
Open oop S!ste"s #
9)en loo) systems ha*e no access to the real time data about the )erformance of the system and therefore no
immediate correcti*e action can be ta4en in case of system disturbance. This system is normally a))lied only to
the case where the out)ut is almost constant and )redictable. Therefore' an o)en loo) system is unli4ely
to be used to control machine tools since the cuttin force and loadin of a machine tool is ne*er a constant. The
only e-ce)tion is the wirecut machine for which some machine tool builders still )refer to use an o)en loo)
system because there is *irtually no cuttin force in wirecut machinin.
;loc4 1iaram of an 9)en 5oo) $ystem
C$ose oop S!ste"s?
(n a close loo) system' feedbac4 de*ices closely monitor the out)ut and any disturbance will be corrected in the
first instance. Therefore hih system accuracy is achie*able. This system is more )owerful than the o)en loo)
system and can be a))lied to the case where the out)ut is sub"ected to fre,uent chane. Nowadays' almost all
CNC machines use this control system.
;loc4 1iaram of a Close 5oo) $ystem
Fi%&' shows a schematic diaram of the wor4in )rinci)le of a NC a-is of a CNC machine and the interface of a
CNC control.
CNC s!ste"
Fi%&' $chematic diaram of a CNC machine tool
% CNC system consists of the followin @ ma"or elements?
a. (n)ut 1e*ice
b. Machine Control #nit
c. Machine Tool
d. 1ri*in $ystem
e. &eedbac4 1e*ices
f. 1is)lay #nit
Input De(ices
a. &lo))y 1is4 1ri*e
&lo))y dis4 is a small manetic storae de*ice for CNC data in)ut. (t has been the most
common storae media u) to the 19A0s' in terms of data transfer s)eed' reliability' storae
si7e' data handlin and the ability to read and write. &urthermore' the data within a
Ser(o Dri(e Ser(o Motor
Spind$e Head
*or+ piece
)osition Feed,ac+
Tape Reader
Tape )unch
Other De(ices
Pro-imity switches
5imit switches
.elay coils
Pressure switches
&loat switches
flo))y could be easily edited at any )oint as lon as you ha*e the )ro)er )roram to read it.
<owe*er'this method has )ro*en to be ,uite )roblematic in the lon run as flo))ies ha*e
a tendency to derade alarminly fast and are sensiti*e to lare manetic fields and as well
as the dust and scratches that usually e-isted on the sho) floor.
,& US. F$ash Dri(e
% #$; flash dri*e is a remo*able and rewritable )ortable hard dri*e with com)act
si7e and bier storae si7e than a flo))y dis4. 1ata stored inside the flash dri*e are
im)er*ious to dust and scratches that enable flash dri*es to transfer data from
)lace to )lace. (n recent years' all com)uters su))ort #$; flash dri*es to read and
write data that ma4e it become more and more )o)ular in CNC machine control
c& Seria$ co""unication
The data transfer between a com)uter and a CNC machine tool is often accom)lished
throuh a serial communication )ort. (nternational standards for serial communications are
established so that information can be e-chaned in an orderly way. The most common
interface between com)uters and CNC machine tools is referred to the B(% $tandard .$+6!6.
Most of the )ersonal com)uters and CNC machine tools ha*e built in .$6!6 )ort and a
standard .$+6!6 cable is used to connect a CNC machine to a com)uter which enables the
data transfer in reliable way. Part )rorams can be downloaded into the memory of a
machine tool or u)loaded to the com)uter for tem)orary storae by runnin a
communication )roram on the com)uter and settin u) the machine control to interact with the
communication software.
1irect Numerical Control is referred to a system connectin a set of numerically
controlled machines to a common memory for )art )roram or machine )roram
storae with )ro*ision for on+demand distribution of data to the machines. 2($9
6C0@?19C03 The NC )art )roram is downloaded a bloc4 or a section at a time into the
controller. 9nce the downloaded section is e-ecuted' the section will be discarded to
lea*e room for other sections. This method is commonly used for machine tools that do not
ha*e enouh memory or storae buffer for lare NC )art )rorams.
1istributed Numerical Control is a hierarchical system for distributin data between a
)roduction manaement com)uter and NC systems. 2($9 6C0@?199>3 The host com)uter is
lin4ed with a number of CNC machines or com)uters connectin to the CNC
machines for downloadin )art )rorams. The communication )roram in the host
com)uter can utili7e two+way data transfer features for )roduction data communication
includin? )roduction schedule' )arts )roduced and machine utili7ation etc.

Serial communication in a Distributed Numerical Control system
Machine Contro$ Unit /MCU0
The machine control unit is the heart of the CNC system. There are two sub+units in the machine control unit?
the 1ata Processin #nit 21P#3 and the Control 5oo) #nit 2C5#3.
a& %ata &rocessing 'nit
9n recei*in a )art )roramme' the 1P# firstly inter)rets and encodes the )art )roramme into internal
machine codes. The inter)olator of the 1P# then calculate the intermediate )ositions of the motion in terms
of ;5# 2basic lenth unit3 which is the smallest unit lenth that can be handled by the controller. The calculated
data are )assed to C5# for further action.
,& Control (oo 'nit
The data from the 1P# are con*erted into electrical sinals in the C5# to control the dri*in system to
)erform the re,uired motions. 9ther functions such as machine s)indle 9ND9&&' coolant 9ND9&&' tool
clam) 9ND9&& are also controlled by this unit accordin to the internal machine codes.
Machine Too$
This can be any ty)e of machine tool or e,ui)ment. (n order to obtain hih accuracy and re)eatability' the
desin and ma4e of the machine slide and the dri*in lead screw of a CNC machine is of *ital im)ortance. The
slides are usually machined to hih accuracy and coated with anti+friction material such as PT&B and Turcite in
order to reduce the stic4 and sli) )henomenon. 5are diameter recirculatin ball screws are em)loyed to
eliminate the bac4lash and lost motion. 9ther desin features such as riid and hea*y machine structureE short
machine table o*erhan' ,uic4 chane toolin system' etc also contribute to the hih accuracy and hih
re)eatability of CNC machines.
Ball Screw in a CNC machine Ball screw structure
Dri(in% S!ste"
The dri*in system is an im)ortant com)onent of a CNC machine as the accuracy and re)eatability de)end *ery
much on the characteristics and )erformance of the dri*in system. The re,uirement is that the dri*in system
has to res)onse accurately accordin to the )rorammed instructions. This system usually uses electric motors
althouh hydraulic motors are sometimes used for lare machine tools. The motor is cou)led either directly or
throuh a ear bo- to the machine lead screw to mo*es the machine slide or the s)indle. Three ty)es of
electrical motors are commonly used.
a! %C $ervo )otor
This is the most common ty)e of feed motors used in CNC machines. The )rinci)le of o)eration is based on the
rotation of an armature windin in a )ermanently eneri7ed manetic field. The armature windin is
connected to a commutator' which is a cylinder of insulated co))er sements mounted on the shaft. 1C current
is )assed to the commutator throuh carbon brushes' which are connected to the
machine terminals. The chane of the motor s)eed is by *aryin the armature *oltae and the control of
motor tor,ue is achie*ed by controllin the motor8s armature current. (n order to achie*e the necessary
dynamic beha*iour it is o)erated in a closed loo) system e,ui))ed with sensors to obtain the *elocity and
)osition feedbac4 sinals.
DC Ser(o Motor
,& AC Ser(o Motor
(n an %C ser*omotor' the rotor is a )ermanent manet while the stator is e,ui))ed with !+)hase
windins. The s)eed of the rotor is e,ual to the rotational fre,uency of the manetic field of the stator' which is
reulated by the fre,uency con*erter. %C motors are radually re)lacin 1C ser*omotors. The main reason is
that there is no commutator or brushes in %C ser*omotor so that maintenance is *irtually not re,uired.
&urthermore' %C ser*os ha*e a smaller )ower+to+weiht ratio and faster res)onse.

%C $er*o Motor
c& Steppin% Motor
% ste))in motor is a de*ice that con*erts the electrical )ulses into discrete mechanical rotational
motions of the motor shaft. This is the sim)lest de*ice that can be a))lied to CNC machines since it can
con*ert diital data into actual mechanical dis)lacement. (t is not necessary to ha*e any analo+to+
diital con*erter nor feedbac4 de*ice for the control system. They are ideally suited to o)en loo) systems.
<owe*er' ste))in motors are not commonly used in machine tools due to the followin drawbac4s? slow
s)eed' low tor,ue' low resolution and easy to sli) in case of o*erload. B-am)les of ste))in motor a))lication
are the manetic head of flo))y+disc dri*e and hard disc dri*e of com)uter' daisy+wheel ty)e )rinter' F+G ta)e
control' and CNC B1M =ire+cut machine.
Steppin% Motor
Feed,ac+ De(ice
(n order to ha*e a CNC machine o)eratin accurately' the )ositional *alues and s)eed of the a-es need to be
constantly u)dated. Two ty)es of feedbac4 de*ices are normally used )ositional feedbac4 de*ice and *elocity
feedbac4 de*ice.
a& &ositional *eed +ac, %evices
There are two ty)es of )ositional feedbac4 de*ices? linear transducer for direct )ositional measurement and
rotary encoder for anular or indirect linear measurement.
inear Transducers 1
% linear transducer is a de*ice mounted on the machine table to measure the actual dis)lacement of the
slide in such a way that bac4lash of screwsE motors' etc would not cause any error in the feedbac4 data. This
de*ice is considered to be of the hihest accuracy and also more e-)ensi*e in com)arison with other measurin
de*ices mounted on screws or motors.
inear Transducer
Rotar! Encoders 1
% rotary encoder is a de*ice mounted at the end of the motor shaft or screw to measure the anular
dis)lacement. This de*ice cannot measure linear dis)lacement directly so that error may occur due to the
bac4lash of screw and motor etc. Henerally' this error can be com)ensated for by the machine
builder in the machine calibration )rocess.
Incre"enta$ and A,so$ute Rotar! Encoder
,& Ve$ocit! Feed,ac+ De(ice
The actual s)eed of the motor can be measured in terms of *oltae enerated from a tachometer mounted at the
end of the motor shaft.1C tachometer is essentially a small enerator that )roduces an out)ut *oltae
)ro)ortional to the s)eed. The *oltae enerated is com)ared with the command *oltae corres)ondin to the
desired s)eed. The difference of the *oltaes can is then used to actuate the motor to eliminate the error.
Disp$a! Unit
The 1is)lay #nit ser*es as an interacti*e de*ice between the machine and the o)erator. =hen the machine is
runnin' the 1is)lay #nit dis)lays the )resent status such as the )osition of the machine slide' the s)indle
.PM' the feed rate' the )art )rorammes' etc. (n an ad*anced CNC machine' the 1is)lay #nit can show the
ra)hics simulation of the tool )ath so that )art )rorammes can be *erified before the actually
machinin. Much other im)ortant information about the CNC system can also dis)layed for maintenance and
installation wor4 such as machine )arameters' loic diaram of the )rorammer controller' error massaes and
dianostic data.
Ser(o Dri(e
% ser*o dri*e consists of a ser*o am)lifier and a ser*o motor. The main tas4 of a ser*o am)lifier 2also called
am)lifier' ser*o controller' or "ust controller3 is the control of the motor current. (n addition' B$. ser*o
am)lifiers offer a broad s)ectrum of functionality
=hile most of the electrical dri*es are o)erated at constant s)eed' a ser*o dri*e has a rather IhecticI life. 9ften
it has to accelerate to the rated s)eed within a few milliseconds only to decelerate a short time later "ust as
,uic4. %nd of course the taret )osition is to be reached e-actly with an error of a few hundredths of a milli
Com)ared to other controlled dri*es ser*o dri*es ha*e the ad*antae of hih dynamics and accuracy' full stall
tor,ue' and com)act motors with hih )ower density.
$er*o dri*es are used where hih dynamics 2i. e. fast acceleration and deceleration3 and ood accuracy at
reachin taret )ositions are im)ortant. The ood control beha*iour allows the o)timal ada)tation to the
a))lication 2e. . )ositionin without o*ershoot3. ;ut also the smooth run 2due to sinusoidal commutation3 and
the )ossibility of e-act synchronisation of two or more dri*es o)en a wide field. ;ecause of their wide s)eed
rane ser*o dri*es can be used in a hue number of a))lications.
$er*o dri*es run in lare' hihly automated installations with se*eral do7ens of a-es as well as in machines with
only a few a-es which )erha)s o)erate inde)endently.
Ser(o "otor
$er*o motors are electric motors that are desined s)ecially for hih dynamics. $er*o motors by B$.
distinuish themsel*es by a com)act desin with hih )ower density and a hih deree of )rotection 2u) to (P
@53. They come as %C ser*o motors 2brush less3 or 1C ser*o motors 2with brushes for the commutation3. The
hih )ower density is achie*ed by )ermanent manets made of neodymium+iron+boron 2Nd&e;3' samarium+
cobalt 2$mCo3' or ferrite material. The ser*o motor is e,ui))ed with a )osition sensor which )ro*ides the
controller with )osition and s)eed information.
%s a standard' the %C ser*o motors are e,ui))ed with resol*ers. (n combination with the diital ser*o
am)lifiers sincos encoders 2absolute encoder' sinle+turn or multi+turn3 and hih+resolution incremental
encoders may be used as well' in case hiher accuracy or dynamics is re,uired. The 1C ser*o motors can be
e,ui))ed with tacho enerators andDor incremental encoders. &or dimensionin the motor the followin data
are im)ortant? the mass of the )arts to be mo*ed' the cycle time of the a))lication' and the friction tor,ue. =ith
these data the rated and )ea4 tor,ue 2ma-imum acceleration or deceleration3 and the rated s)eed can be
calculated. (f re,uired' ears are used to match the moment of inertia of the motor to the moment of inertia of
the a))lication.
Ser(o a"p$i2ier
The ser*o am)lifier 2also called am)lifier' ser*o controller' or "ust controller3 controls the current of the motor
)hases in order to su))ly the ser*o motor with e-actly the current re,uired for the desired tor,ue and the desired
s)eed. The essential )arts of a ser*o am)lifier are the )ower section and the control loo)s.
The )ower section consists of a mains rectifier' a 1C+bus' and a )ower circuit which su))lies the indi*idual
motor )hases with current.
The control loo)s 2analoue or diital3 dri*e the )ower circuit and by constantly com)arin set)oint with actual
*alues ensure that the motor 4ee)s e-actly to the desired motions e*en under *aryin load.
5 6
7 6
Bmerency $to)
Fi%&9 Ty)ical numerical control confiuration of <inumeri4 !100 CNC system
Ta)e Puncher Ta)e .eader
NC )C'
o%ic Unit
)C 9; e:terna$
o%ic Su,

Operator Contro$ )ane$
Fi%&< shows a ty)ical <inumeri4 !100 CNC system8s o)erator control )anel. The o)erator control )anel
)ro*ides the user interface to facilitate a two+way communication between the user' CNC system and the
machine tool. This consists of two )arts?
:ideo 1is)lay #nit 2:1#3
-ideo %islay 'nit (-%')
The :1# dis)lays the status of the *arious )arameters of the CNC system and the machine tool. (t dis)lays all
current information such as?
Com)lete information of the bloc4 currently bein e-ecuted
%ctual )osition *alue' set or actual difference' current feed rate' s)indle s)eed
%cti*e H functions
Main )roram number' subroutine number
1is)lay of all entered data' user )rorams' user data' machine data' etc.
%larm messaes in )lain te-t
$oft 4ey desinations
(n addition to a C.T' a few 5B1s are enerally )ro*ided to indicate im)ortant o)eratin modes and status.
:ideo dis)lay units may be of two ty)es?
1. Monochrome or blac4 and white dis)lays
6. Color dis)lays
Operator=s and "achine pane$

5 6
7 6
Bmerency $to)
Contro$ e$e"ents and indicators o2 the operator=s pane$
Proram in )roress
&eed hold
Position not yet reached
2Machine in motion3
;asic dis)lay
Tool com)ensation
Kero offset
Part )roram
&or assinment
9f 4eys
Chane to actual
*alue dis)lay
Chane of dis)lay
5eaf forwards
5eaf bac4wards
.iht+5eft Cursor
.eset chaneo*er
%ssinment of 4eys
Cancel word
%lter word
Bnter word
Chane o*er to
customer dis)lay
9)erator uidance
1elete in)ut
Fi%&< 9)erator control )anel of <inumeri4 !100 system
% 4eyboard is )ro*ided for the followin )ur)oses?
Bditin of )art )rorams' tool data' and machine )arameters.
$election of different )aes for *iewin.
$election of o)eratin modes' e.. manual data in)ut.
$election of feed rate o*erride and s)indles s)eed o*erride.
B-ecution of )art )rorams.
B-ecution of other toll functions.
Machine Contro$ )ane$ /MC)0
(t is the direct interface between o)erator and the NC system' enablin the o)eration of the machine throuh the
CNC system. Fi%&> shows the MCP of <inumeri4 !100 system.
1urin )roram e-ecution' the CNC controls the a-is motion' s)indle function or tool function on a machine
tool' de)endin u)on the )art )roram stored in the memory. Prior to the startin of the machine )rocess'
machine should first be )re)ared with some s)ecific tas4s li4e'
Bstablishin a correct reference )oint
5oadin the system memory with the re,uired )art )roram
5oadin and chec4in of tool offsets' 7ero offsets' etc.
&or these tas4s' the system must be o)erated in s)ecific o)eratin mode so that these )re)aratory functions can
be established.
Contro$ e$e"ents o2 the "achine contro$ pane$
)odes of oeration
Henerally' the CNC system can be o)erated in the followin modes?
Manual mode
Manual data in)ut 2M1(3 mode
%utomatic mode
.eference mode
(n)ut mode
9ut)ut mode' etc.
5 6
7 6
Bmerency $to)
Mode selector
$)indle s)eed
&eedrateDra)id tra*erse
.a)id tra*erse acti*ate
1irection 4eys
Cycle start
NC ON Jey o)erated
switch for in)ut
;loc4 search
1ry .un ;loc4
.a)id Tra*erse
9*erride acti*e
Manual encoder acti*e
F+and K+a-is res).
Fi%&> Machine control )anel of <inumeri4 !100
)anual mode:
(n this mode' mo*ement of a machine slide can carried out manually by )ressin the )articular "o button 2L
or +3. The slide 2a-is3 is selected throuh an a-is selector switch or throuh indi*idual switches 2e..' FL' F+'
GL' G+' KL' K+' etc.3. The feed rate of the slide mo*ement is )refi-ed. CNC system allows the a-is to be "oed
at hih feed rate also. The a-is mo*ement can also be achie*ed manually usin a hand wheel interface instead
of "o buttons. (n this mode slides can be mo*ed in two ways?
Continuous "ode# (n This mode' the slide will mo*e as lon as the "o button is )ressed.
Incre"enta$ "ode# <ence the slide will mo*e throuh a fi-ed distance' which is selectable. Normally' system
allows "oin of a-es in 1' 10' 100' 1000' 10000' increments. %-is mo*ement is at a )refi-ed feed rate. (t is
initiated by )ressin the )ro)er "oL or "o+ 4ey and will be limited to the no of increments selected e*en if the
"o button is continuously )ressed. &or subse,uent mo*ement the "o button has to be released and once aain
)anual %ata Inut ()%I) )ode
(n this mode the followin o)eration can be )erformed?
;uildin a new )art )roram
Bditin or deletin of )art )roram stored in the system memory
Bnterin or editin or deletin of?
++++++ Tool offsets 2T93
++++++ Kero offsets 2K93
++++++ Test data' etc.
$ome system allows direct manual in)ut of a )roram bloc4 and e-ecution of the same. The bloc4s thus
e-ecuted can be chec4ed for correctness of dimensions and conse,uently transferred into the )roram memory
as )art )roram.
(n settin u) modes li4e "o or incremental' the a-is can be tra*ersed either throuh the direction 4eys or *ia the
hand wheel' and the end )osition can be transferred into the system memory as command *alues. ;ut the
re,uired feed rates' switchin functions and other au-iliary functions ha*e to be added to the )art )roram in
)roram editin mode.
Thus' teach+in and )laybac4 o)eratin method allows a )roram to created durin the first com)onent )ro*e
Automatic )ode (Auto and $ingle +loc,)
(n this mode the system allows the e-ecution of a )art )roram continuously. The )art )roram is e-ecuted
bloc4 by bloc4. =hile one bloc4 is bein e-ecuted' the ne-t bloc4 is read by the system' analy7ed and 4e)t
ready for e-ecution. B-ecution of the )roram can be one bloc4 after another automatically or the system will
e-ecute a bloc4' sto) the e-ecution of the ne-t bloc4 till it is initiated to do so 2by )ressin the start button3.
$election of )art )roram e-ecution continuously 2Auto3 or one bloc4 at a time 2$ingle +loc,3 is done throuh
the machine control )anel.
Many systems allow bloc4s 2sinle or multi)le3 to be retraced in the o))osite direction. ;loc4 retrace is allowed
only when a cycle sto) state is established. Part )roram e-ecution can resume and its e-ecution beins with the
retraced bloc4. This is useful for tool ins)ection or in case of tool brea4ae. Proram start can be effected at any
bloc4 in the )roram' throuh the ;59CJ $B%.C< facility.
0eference )ode
#nder this mode the machine can be referenced to its home )osition so that all the com)ensations 2e..' )itch
error com)ensation3 can be )ro)erly a))lied. Part )rorams are enerally )re)ared in absolute mode with
res)ect to machine 7ero. Many CNC systems ma4e it com)ulsory to reference the slides of the machine to their
home )ositions before a )roram is e-ecuted while others ma4e it o)tional.
Inut )ode and 1utut )ode (I21 )ode)
(n this mode' the )art )rorams' machine setu) data' tool offsets' etc. can be loadedDunloaded intoDfrom the
memory of the system from e-ternal de*ices li4e )rorammin units' manetic cassettes or flo))y discs' etc.
1urin data in)ut' some systems chec4 for sim)le errors 2li4e )arity' ta)e format' bloc4 lenth' un4nown
characters' )roram already )resent in the memory' etc.3. Transfer of data is done throuh a .$6!6C or
.$>66C )ort.
Other )eriphera$s
These include sensor interface' )ro*ision for communication e,ui)ment' )rorammin units' )rinter' ta)e
readerD)uncher interface' etc.
(nterconnectin the indi*idual elements of both the machine and the CNC system usin cables and connectors is
called interfacin.
B-treme care should be ta4en durin interfacin. Pro)er roundin in electrical installation is most essential.
This reduces the effects of interference and uards aainst electronic shoc4 to )ersonnel. (t is also essential to
)ro)erly )rotect the electronic e,ui)ment.
Cable wires of sufficiently lare cross+sectional area must be used. B*en thouh )ro)er roundin reduces the
effect of electrical interference' sinal cable re,uires additional )rotection. This is enerally achie*ed by usin
shielded cables. %ll the cable shields must be rounded at control only' lea*in other end free. 9ther noise
reduction techni,ues include usin su))ression de*ices' )ro)er cable se)aration' ferrous metal wire ways' etc.
Blectrical enclosures should be desined to )ro*ide )ro)er ambient conditions for the controller.
(n addition to the care ta4en by the machine tool builder durin desin and interfacin' basic control also
includes constantly acti*e monitorin functions. This is in order to identify faults in the NC' the interface
control and the machine at an lare stae to )re*ent damaes occurrin to the wor4 )iece' tool or machine. (f a
fault occurs' first the machinin se,uence is interru)ted' the dri*es are sto))ed' the cause of the fault is stored
and then dis)layed as an alarm. %t the same time' the P5C is informed that an NC alarm e-its. (n <inumeri4
CNC system' for e-am)le' the followin can be monitored?
Measurin circuit cables
Position encoders and dri*es
$)indle s)eed
Bnable sinals
1ata transfer between o)erator control )anel and loic unit
Transfer between NC and P5C
Chane of status of buffer battery
$ystem )roram memory
#ser )roram memory
$erial interfaces
The control will enerally be )ro*ided with test assistance for ser*ice )ur)oses in order to dis)lay some status
on the C.T such as?
(nterface sinals between NC and P5C as well as between P5C and machine
&las of the P5C
Timers of the P5C
Counters of the P5C
(n)utDout)ut of the P5C
&or the out)ut sinals' it is also )ossible to set and enerate sinal combinations for test )ur)oses in order to
obser*e how the machine react to a chaned sinal. This sim)lifies trouble shootin considerably.
Henerally' a CNC system is desined as a eneral+)ur)ose control unit' which has to be matched with the
)articular machine to which the system is interfaced. The CNC is interfaced to the machine by means of data'
which is machine s)ecific. The NC and P5C machine data can be entered and chaned by means of e-ternal
e,ui)ment or manually by the 4eyboard. These data are fi-ed and entered durin commissionin of the machine
and enerally left unaltered durin machine o)erations.
Machine data entered is usually rele*ant to the a-is tra*el limits' feed rates' ra)id tra*erse s)eeds and s)indle
s)eeds' )osition control multi)lication factor' J* factor' acceleration' drift com)ensation' ad"ustment of
reference )oint' bac4lash com)ensation' )itch error com)ensation' etc. %lso the o)tional features of the control
system are made a*ailable to the machine tool builder by enablin some of the bits of machine data.
App$ications o2 CNC Machines
CNC machines are widely used in the metal cuttin industry and are best used to )roduce
the followin ty)es of )roduct?
M Parts with com)licated contours
M Parts re,uirin close tolerance andDor ood re)eatability
M Parts re,uirin e-)ensi*e "is and fi-tures if )roduced on con*entional
M Parts that may ha*e se*eral enineerin chanes' such as durin
the de*elo)ment stae of a )rototy)e
M (n cases where human errors could be e-tremely costly
M Parts that are needed in a hurry
M $mall batch lots or short )roduction runs
$ome common ty)es of CNC machines and instruments used in industry are as
M 1rillin Machine
M 5athe D Turnin Centre
M Millin D Machinin Centre
M Turret Press and Punchin Machine
M =irecut Blectro 1ischare Machine 2B1M3
M Hrindin Machine
M 5aser Cuttin Machine
M =ater Jet Cuttin Machine
M Blectro 1ischare Machine
M Coordinate Measurin Machine
M (ndustrial .obot
)ro%ra""a,$e o%ic Contro$$er /)C0
% P5C matches the NC to the machine. P5Cs were basically introduced as re)lacement for hard wired relay
control )anels. They were de*elo)ed to be re)rorammed without hardware chanes when re,uirements were
altered and thus are reusable. P5Cs are now a*ailable with increased functions' more memory and lare
in)utDout)ut ca)abilities. Fi%&? i*es the enerali7ed P5C bloc4 diaram.
(n the CP#' all the decisions are made relati*e to controllin a machine or a )rocess. The CP# recei*es in)ut
data' )erforms loical decisions based u)on stored )rorams and dri*es the out)uts. Connections to a com)uter
for hierarchical control are done *ia the CP#.
The (D9 structure of the P5Cs is one of their ma"or strenths. The in)uts can be )ush buttons' limit switches'
relay contacts' analo sensor' selector switches' )ro-imity switches' float switches' etc. The out)uts can be
motor starters' solenoid *al*es' )osition *al*es' relay coils' indicator lihts' 5B1 dis)lays' etc.
The field de*ices are ty)ically selected' su))lied and installed by the machine tool builder or the end user. The
*oltae le*el of the field de*ices thus normally determines the ty)e of (D9. $o' )ower to actuate these de*ices
must also be su))lied e-ternal to the P5C. The P5C )ower su))ly is desinated and rated only to o)erate the
internal )ortions of the (D9 structures' and not the field de*ices. % wide *ariety of *oltaes' current ca)acities
and ty)es of (D9 modules are a*ailable.
The )rinci)le of o)eration of a P5C is determined essentially by the P5C )roram memory' )rocessor' in)uts
and out)uts.
The )roram that determines P5C o)eration is stored in the internal P5C )roram memory. The P5C o)erates
cyclically' i.e. when a com)lete )roram has been scanned' it starts aain at the beinnin of the )roram. %t
the beinnin of each cycle' the )rocessor e-amines the sinal status at all in)uts as well as the e-ternal timers
and counters and are stored in a )rocess imae in)ut 2P((3. 1urin subse,uent )roram scannin' the )rocessor
the accesses this )rocess imae.
To e-ecute the )roram' the )rocessor fetches one statement after another from the )rorammin memory and
e-ecutes it. The results are constantly stored in the )rocess imae out)ut 2P(93 durin the cycle. %t the end of a
scannin cycle' i.e. )roram com)letion' the )rocessor transfers the contents of the )rocess imae out)ut to the
out)ut modules and to the e-ternal timers and counters. The )rocessor then beins a new )roram scan.
)rinters Tape
Fi%&@ $ystem with )eri)heral de*ices
Fi%&? Henerali7ed P5C bloc4 diaram
*hat does A)CB "eanC
% P5C 2Prorammable 5oic Controllers3 is an industrial com)uter used to monitor in)uts' and de)endin
u)on their state ma4e decisions based on its )roram or loic' to control 2turn onDoff3 its out)uts to automate a
machine or a )rocess.
A digitally oerating electronic aaratus which uses a rogrammable memory for the internal
storage of instructions by imlementing secific functions such as logic se3uencing# timing#
counting# and arithmetic to control# through digital or analog inut2outut modules# various tyes of
machines or rocesses"!
Traditiona$ )C App$ications
D(n automated system' P5C controller is usually the central )art of a )rocess control system.
NTo run more com)le- )rocesses it is )ossible to connect more P5C controllers to a central com)uter.
%isadvantages of &(C control
+ Too much wor4 re,uired in connectin wires.
+ 1ifficulty with chanes or re)lacements.
)rocessor o%ic
)ro%ra""er Fie$d
+ 1ifficulty in findin errorsE re,uirin s4illful wor4 force.
+ =hen a )roblem occurs' hold+u) time is indefinite' usually lon.
Advantages of &(C control
N .ued and desined to withstand *ibrations' tem)erature' humidity' and noise.
N <a*e interfacin for in)uts and out)uts already inside the controller.
N Basily )rorammed and ha*e an easily understood )rorammin lanuae.
MaEor T!pes o2 Industria$ Contro$ S!ste"s
(ndustrial control system or (C$ com)rise of different ty)es of control systems that are currently in o)eration in
*arious industries. These control systems include P5C' $C%1% and 1C$ and *arious others?
They are based on the ;oolean loic o)erations whereas some models use timers and some ha*e continuous
control. These de*ices are com)uter based and are used to control *arious )rocess and e,ui)ments within a
facility. P5Cs control the com)onents in the 1C$ and $C%1% systems but they are )rimary com)onents in
smaller control confiurations.
1istributed Control $ystems consists of decentrali7ed elements and all the )rocesses are controlled by these
elements. <uman interaction is minimi7ed so the labor costs and in"uries can be reduced.
Embedded Control
(n this control system' small com)onents are attached to the industrial com)uter system with the hel) of a
networ4 and control is e-ercised.
$u)er*isory Control %nd 1ata %c,uisition refers to a centrali7ed system and this system is com)osed of *arious
subsystems li4e .emote Telemetry #nits' <uman Machine (nterface' Prorammable 5oic Controller or P5C
and Communications.
Hard-are Co"ponents o2 a )C S!ste"
Processor unit 2CP#3' Memory' (n)utD9ut)ut' Power su))ly unit' Prorammin de*ice' and other de*ices.
Centra$ )rocessin% Unit /C)U0
CP# O Micro)rocessor based' may allow arithmetic o)erations' loic o)erators' bloc4 memory mo*es'
com)uter interface' local area networ4' functions' etc.
CP# ma4es a reat number of chec4+u)s of the P5C controller itself so e*entual errors would be disco*ered
S!ste" .usses
The internal )aths alon which the diital sinals flow within the P5C are called
The system has four busses?
+ The CP# uses the data bus for sendin data between the different elements'
+ The address bus to send the addresses of locations for accessin stored data'
+ The control bus for sinals relatin to internal control actions'
+ The system bus is used for communications between the (D9 )orts and the (D9 unit.
$ystem 2.9M3 to i*e )ermanent storae for the o)eratin system and the fi-ed data used by the CP#.
.%M for data. This is where information is stored on the status of in)ut and out)ut de*ices and the *alues of
timers and counters and other internal de*ices. BP.9M for .9Ms that can be )rorammed and then the
)roram made )ermanent.
IFO Sections
(n)uts monitor field de*ices' such as switches and sensors.
9ut)uts control other de*ices' such as motors' )um)s' solenoid *al*es' and lihts.
)o-er Supp$!
Most P5C controllers wor4 either at 6> :1C or 660 :%C. $ome P5C controllers ha*e electrical su))ly as a
se)arate module' while small and medium series already contain the su))ly module.
)ro%ra""in% De(ice
The )rorammin de*ice is used to enter the re,uired )roram into the memory of the )rocessor.
The )roram is de*elo)ed in the )rorammin de*ice and then transferred to the memory unit of the P5C.
Input Re$a!s
These are connected to the outside world. They )hysically e-ist and recei*e sinals from switches' sensors' etc.
Ty)ically they are not relays but rather they are transistors.
Interna$ Uti$it! Re$a!s
These do not recei*e sinals from the outside world nor do they )hysically e-ist. They are simulated relays and
are what enables a P5C to eliminate e-ternal relays.
There are also some s)ecial relays that are dedicated to )erformin only
one tas4.
These do not )hysically e-ist. They are simulated counters and they can be )rorammed to count )ulses.
Ty)ically these counters can count u)' down or both u) and down. $ince they are simulated they are limited in
their countin s)eed.
$ome manufacturers also include hihs)eed counters that are hardware based.
These also do not )hysically e-ist. They come in many *arieties and increments.
The most common ty)e is an on+delay ty)e.
9thers include off+delay and both retenti*e and non+retenti*e ty)es. (ncrements *ary from 1ms throuh 1s.
Output Re$a!s
These are connected to the outside world. They )hysically e-ist and send onDoff sinals to solenoids' lihts' etc.
They can be transistors' relays' or triacs de)endin u)on the model chosen.
Data Stora%e
Ty)ically there are reisters assined to sim)ly store data. #sually used as tem)orary storae for math or data
They can also ty)ically be used to store data when )ower is remo*ed from the
The Si"atic S> )C is an automation system based on P5C. (t was manufactured and sold by $iemens. $uch
automation systems control )rocess e,ui)ment and machinery used in manufacturin.
$TBP 5 )rorammin lanuae is used for writin user )rorams for $(M%T(C $5 )rorammable controllers.
The )roram can be written and entered into the )rorammable controller as in?
$tatement list 2$T53' Fi%&'9 2a3
Control system flowchart 2C$&3' Fi%&'9 2b3
5adder diaram 25%13' Fi%&'9 2c3
Fi%&'9 Prorammable controller
The statement list describes the automation tas4 by means of mnemonic function desinations.
The control system flowchart is a ra)hic re)resentation of the automation tas4.
The ladder diaram uses relay ladder loic symbols to re)resent the automation tas4.
The statement is the smallest $TBP 5 )roram com)onent. (t consists of the followin?
9)eration' i.e. what is to be done?
B.. % P %N1 o)eration 2series connection3
9P 9. o)eration 2)arallel connection3
$P $BT o)eration 2actuation3
$tatement list
% ( 6.!
% ( >.1
9 ( !.6
P Q 1.@
% ( 6.!
% ( 6.!
( 6.!
( 6.!
( >.1
( !.6 Q 1.@
9)erand 9)eration
9)erand identifier
/,0 Control system flow
chart C$&
/c0 5adder diaram 5%1
( 6.! ( >.1
( !.6
9)erand' i.e. what is to be done withR
B.. ( >.5' i.e. with the sinal of in)ut >.5
The o)erand consists of?
9)erand identifier 2( P in)ut' Q P out)ut' & P fla' etc.3
Parameter' i.e. the number of o)erand identifiers addressed by the statement. &or in)uts' out)uts and
flas 2internal relay e,ui*alents3' the )arameter consists of the byte and bit addresses' and for timers and
counter' byte address only.
The statement may include absolute o)erands' e.. ( 5.1' or symbolic o)erand' e.. ( 5$1. Prorammin is
considerably sim)lified in the later case as the actual )lant desination is directly used to describe the de*ice
connected to the in)ut or out)ut.
Ty)ically' a statement ta4es u) one word 2two bytes3 in the )roram memory.
The user )roram can be made more manaeable and straihtforward if it is bro4en down into relati*e sections.
:arious software bloc4 ty)es are a*ailable for constructin the user )roram.
Program blocks (&+ ) contain the user )roram bro4en down into technoloically or functionally related
sections 2e.. )roram bloc4 for trans)ortation' monitorin' etc.3. &urther bloc4s' such as )roram bloc4s or
function bloc4s can be called from a P;.
Organization blocks (1+ 0 contain bloc4 calls determinin the se,uence in which the P;s are to be )rocessed. (t
is therefore )ossible to call P;s conditionally 2de)endin on certain conditions3.
(n addition' s)ecial 9;s can be )rorammed by the user to react to interru)tions durin cyclic )rorammin
)rocessin. $uch an interru)t can be triered by a monitorin function if one or se*eral monitored e*ents
Function block (*+ 0 is bloc4 with )rorams for recurrent and usually com)le- function. (n addition to the basic
o)erations' the user has a e-tended o)eration at his dis)osal for de*elo)in function bloc4s. The )roram in a
function bloc4 is usually not written with absolute o)erands 2e.. ( 1.53 but with symbolic o)erands. This
enables a function bloc4 to be used se*eral times o*er with different absolute o)erands.
&or e*en more com)le- functions' standard function bloc4s are a*ailable from a )roram library. $uch &;s are
a*ailable' e.. for indi*idual controls' se,uence controls' messaes' arithmetic o)erations' two ste) control
loo)s' o)erator communications' listin' etc. These standard &;s for com)le- functions can be lin4ed it the user
)roram "ust li4e user written &;s sim)ly by means of a call alon with the rele*ant )arameters.
The Sequence block ($+ 0 contain the ste) enablin conditions' monitorin times and conditions for the current
ste) in se,uence cascade. $e,uence bloc4s are em)loyed' for e-am)le' to oranise the se,uence cascade in
communication with a standard &;.
The data blocks (%+ 0 contain all fi-ed or *ariable data of the user )roram.
The bloc4s of the user )roram are e-ecuted in the se,uence in which they s)ecified in the oranisation bloc4.
=hen certain in)ut sinal chanes occur' cyclic )rocessin is interru)ted at the ne-t bloc4 boundary and an 9;
assined to this e*ent is started. The user can formulate his res)onse )roram to this interru)t in the 9;. The
cyclic )roram e-ecution is the resumed from the )oint at which it was interru)ted.
Certain 9bs are e-ecuted at the )redetermined time inter*als 2e.. e*ery 100ms' 600ms' 500ms' 1s' 6s' and 5s3.
&or this )ur)ose' cyclic )roram e-ecution is interru)ted at the bloc4 boundary and resumed aain at this )oint'
once the rele*ant 9; has been e-ecuted. Fi%&'3 i*es the oranisation and e-ecution of a structured user
P;6 &;!
$tructured )rorammin
P; &;
P; &;
9ranisation bloc4 29;3
Proram bloc4 2P;3 &unction bloc4 2P;3
Cycle e-ecution
P; &;
(nterru)t+dri*en e-ecution
Points at which interru)t+dri*en )roram can be inserted
$tart and finish of interru)t+dri*en )roram e-ecution
Fi%&'3 9ranisation and e-ecution of a structured user )roram
;efore attem)tin to write a P5C )roram' first o throuh the instruction set of the )articular lanuae used
for the e,ui)ment' and understand the meanin of each instruction. Then study how to use these instructions in
the )roram 2throuh illustration e-am)les i*en in the manual3. 9nce the familiari7ation tas4 is o*er' then start
writin the )roram.
&ollow the followin ste)s to write a P5C )roram.
5ist down each indi*idual element 2field de*ice3 on the machine as (n)utD9ut)ut.
(ndicate aainst each element the res)ecti*e address as identifier durin electrical interfacin of these
elements with the P5C.
;rea4 down the com)lete machine au-iliary functions that are controlled by the P5C into indi*idual' self
contained functions.
(dentify each indi*idual function as se)arate bloc4 2P;--D&;--3
9nce the P;s and &;s for each function are identified' ta4e them one by one for writin the )roram.
5ist down the )reconditions re,uired for the )articular function se)arately.
Note down the address of the listed elements.
=rite down the flow chart for the function.
Translate the flow chart into P5C )roram usin the instructions already familiari7ed.
Com)lete the )roram translation of all indi*idual functions in similar lines.
Chec4 the indi*idual bloc4s inde)endently and correct the )roram to et the re,uired results.
9rani7e all the )roram bloc4s in the orani7ation bloc4 de)endin u)on the se,uence in which they are
su))osed to be e-ecuted as )er the main machine function flow chart.
Chec4 the com)lete )roram with all the bloc4s incor)orated in the final )roram.
E4amle 5: $indle 1N
)reconditions Feed,ac+ e$e"ents AddressFau$t indication AddressRe"ar+
Tool clam) Pressure switch ( 6.> 5am) Q 6.1
Job clam) Pro-imity switch ( !.6 5am) Q 1.A
1oor close 5imit switch ( 5.A 5am) Q >.0
5ubrication 9N P5C out)ut bit Q 1.0 5am) Q A.A
1ri*e ready (n)ut sinal from ( >.@ 5am) Q 0.>
1ri*e unit
P; 16 written is the indi*idual function module for s)indle 9N for all the )reconditions chec4ed and found
satisfactory. This function is re,uired to be e-ecuted only when the s)indle rotation is re,uested by the NC in
the form of a bloc4 in the )art )roram.
=hene*er NC decodes the )art )roram bloc4' it in turn informs the P5C throuh a fi-ed buffer location that
s)indle rotation is re,uested. $ay &la bit & 100.0 is identified for this information communication. =ith this
data' s)indle 9N function module can be recalled in the oranisation bloc4 9;1 as follows.
9; 1
% & 100.0
JC P;16
Now' s)indle 9N function module P;16 will be e-ecuted only when & 100.0 is set. 9therwise the function
e-ecution will be by)assed.

T995 C5%MP
J9; C5%MP
199. C59$B1
1.(:B .B%1G
%N ( 6.> Tool not clam)ed
P Q 6.1 1is)lay fault lam)
%N ( !.6 Job not clam)ed
P Q 1.A 1is)lay fault lam)
%N ( 5.A 1oor not closed
P Q >.0 1is)lay fault lam)
%N Q 1.0 5ubrication not on
P Q A.A 1is)lay fault lam)
%N ( >.@ 1ri*e not ready
P Q 0.> 1is)lay fault lam)
%NG &%#5T
19 $P(N15B
9N ( 6.> Tool not clam)ed
9N ( !.6 Job not clam)ed
9N ( 5.A 1oor not closed
9N Q 1.0 5ubrication not on
9N ( >.@ 1ri*e not ready
. Q @A.! .eset s)indle enable bit
;BC ;loc4 end conditionally
% ( 6.> Tool clam)ed
% ( !.6 Job clam)ed
% ( 5.A 1oor closed
% Q 1.0 5ubrication 9N
% ( >.@ 1ri*e ready
$ Q @A.! $et s)indle enable bit
;B ;loc4 end

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