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The Ascended Masters who guide and help with the expansion of Light on this planet are
God-ree !eings" not #ound #$ ti%e and space& 'a(ing co%e into e%#odi%ent" as $ou
and ) through the portals of #irth" the$ wal*ed the earth fulfilling the inner calling of their
God +resence da$ #$ da$" lifeti%e after lifeti%e&
The$ %astered all the lesser things of this world" learning the lessons of life" #alancing
*ar%a" fulfilling their earthl$ %ission and %anifesting and #eco%ing God in action& At
the co%pletion of their %ission the$ achie(ed the ulti%ate ,ictor$ through the
Ascension" the per%anent integration with the light of their own true realit$" their Might$
) AM +resence&
The$ continue to stand read$ to assist the %an*ind of earth to acco%plishing this sa%e
Goal and will continue to extend the ires of their 'earts till all are recei(ed into the
Great !rotherhood of Light&
An Ascended Master is an indi(idual who #$ Self Conscious effort has generated enough
Lo(e and +ower within hi%self to snap the chains of all hu%an li%itation" and so stands
free and worth$ to #e entrusted with the use of forces #e$ond those of hu%an experience&
'e reali-es hi%self to #e the .neness of .%nipresent God - /Life&0 'ence" all forces and
things o#e$ his co%%and #ecause he is a Self-Conscious !eing of free will" controlling
all #$ the %anipulation of the Light within 'i%self&
The Ascended Masters ha(e faced the sa%e challenges" and ha(e %astered the% #$
%astering the%sel(es" for all Attain%ent co%es fro% within out& As unascended %en and
wo%en" the$ did not seclude the%sel(es fro% the world" #ut li(ed at the (er$ center of
the e(ents of their da$& 'owe(er" the$ did not allow outer circu%stances to o(erta*e
the%& Rather" the$ %ade their God +resence the center of their #eing and" fro% within the
Realit$ of their ) AM +resence" the$ %astered the forces of nature within the%sel(es and
thus were undeterred #$ forces outside of the%sel(es& 'a(ing #eco%e their ) AM
+resence-in-Action upon the Earth" the$ were a#le" as did 1esus" to ascend into the
fullness of their +resence at the conclusion of their final incarnation&
Now" as Masters of Life" the$ ha(e (owed to assist #eautiful hu%anit$ to fulfill its Di(ine
Destin$ through i%parting their Lo(e" their Light" their 2isdo%" their (er$ Life 3 and
are urging us to #oldl$ follow in their footsteps&
As 1esus instructed" 4See* $e first the 5ingdo% of God and all else will #e gi(en unto
To #e wrapped in the Radiance of an Ascended Master is to touch the coattails of
'ea(en& This is #ut one of the %an$ !lessings awaiting those deter%ined to pursue their
Di(ine Destin$&
The 'ost of Ascended Masters are tangi#le !eings of Great Eternal Light& The$ are real"
(isi#le" glorious" li(ing and caring friends of old who ha(e such Lo(e" 2isdo% and
+ower that the hu%an %ind gasps at its i%%ensit$&
The$ wor* e(er$where in the uni(erse with co%plete reedo% and li%itless +ower" to do
naturall$ all that the a(erage indi(idual would consider supernatural&
These Glorious !eings" our #elo(ed sisters and #rothers" #estest friends&& who guard and
help the e(ol(ing hu%an race" are called the Ascended Masters of Lo(e" Light" and
The$ are all the word Master i%plies #ecause #$ #ringing forth the Lo(e" 2isdo% and
+ower of the God Self within" The$ %anifest Their Master$ o(er all that is hu%an&
'ence" The$ ha(e 4Ascended4 into the next expression a#o(e the hu%an - which is
Superhu%an Di(init$" +ure" Eternal" All-+owerful +erfection&
)t is through the radiation or outpouring of his own +ure and Lu%inous Essence of Di(ine
Lo(e that an Ascended Master is a#le to help those who co%e under his care and
direction& This Lu%inous Essence has within )t the 'ighest orce in the 6ni(erse" for it
dissol(es all discord and esta#lishes +erfect !alance in all %anifestations&
The Ascended Master7s !od$ is constantl$ pouring out Ra$s of 'is Light Essence upon
the discords of earth" dissol(ing the% li*e the ra$s of force which we call light and heat
fro% our +h$sical sun dissol(es a fog& The Radiation which the$ pour out to hu%anit$ on
earth is consciousl$ drawn energ$ to which the$ gi(e 8ualit$" and again send it out to
acco%plish a definite result& )n this wa$" the$ gi(e protection thousands and thousands of
ti%es to persons" places" conditions" and things of which %an*ind are totall$ o#li(ious&
The Ascended Masters are the wielders of such +ower and %anipulators of such
concentrated force as to stagger the i%agination of the person in the outer world& The
Ascended Masters are reall$ Great !atteries of tre%endous +ower and Energ$" and
whate(er touches Their Radiance #eco%es highl$ charged with Their Light Essence
through the sa%e acti(it$ that %a*es a needle *ept in contact with a %agnet ta*e on its
8ualities" and #eco%e a %agnet also& All their 'elp and Radiation is fore(er a free Gift of
Lo(e& or this reason the$ ne(er use an$ of their force to co%pel&
The Ascended Masters are the Guardians of the race of %en" and as in the world of
ph$sical education" (arious grades of teachers are pro(ided to guide the de(elop%ent of
the indi(idual7s growth fro% childhood to %aturit$" so do the Ascended Masters of
+erfection exist to educate and help the indi(idual that he too %a$ expand his
consciousness #e$ond ordinar$" hu%an expression& Thus" he de(elops his superhu%an
attri#utes" until li*e the student graduating fro% college" the one under the care and
instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his hu%anit$ into the full" continuous
expression of his Di(init$&
The Ascended Master has the All-5nowing Mind and the All-Seeing E$e of God& ro%
'i% nothing can #e hidden& Each Master *nows and sees all concerning the student" for
'e reads clearl$ the record which the student has %ade& This re(eals the state of the
disciple7s de(elop%ent - his strengths as well as his wea*nesses&
+ersonal association with one or %ore Ascended Masters produces an intense feeling of
Lo(e and Gratitude that can ne(er #e put into words& ollowing such contact with Their
Li(ing +resence" there can #e #ut one o(erwhel%ing desire displacing all other desires
and that is to !E ALL T'AT T'E9 ARE&
.nce a student has trul$" e(en for a fraction of a second" experienced the Ecstatic !liss
radiating fro% an Ascended !eing" there is nothing in hu%an experience that one would
not endure or sacrifice in order to reach Their 'eight of Attain%ent and express the
Do%inion and Lo(e&
The Spiritual 'ierarch$ of Earth
:; !EL.,ED SANAT 56MARA :;
- Regent Lord of The 2orld
Di(ine Lo(e <Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? reedo%" Lo(e" +erfection
- Retreat? Sha%#alla" the etheric retreat of Gauta%a !uddha is the ancient ho%e of Sanat
5u%ara& The retreat" once ph$sical on an island of the Go#i Sea" is now anchored in the
etheric plane o(er the Go#i Desert&
:; !EL.,ED L.RD GA6TAMA !6DD'A :;
- Lord of The 2orld
- reedo% and Merc$ <,iolet la%e= - Di(ine )llu%ination <Golden 9ellow=
- Di(ine >ualities? reedo%" 2isdo%" )llu%ination
- Retreat? 'ierarch of Sha%#alla" the retreat of the Lord of the 2orld and the
head8uarters of the !rotherhood of Light on Gaia&
:; !EL.,ED L.RD MA)TRE9A :;
- +lanetar$ !uddha
- Cos%ic Christ )llu%ination la%e <Golden 9ellow= - Di(ine Lo(e <Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? 2isdo%" )llu%ination" Di(ine Lo(e" Ser(ice" Ministration
- Retreat? ocus of )llu%ination in the 'i%ala$an Mountains&
:; T'E !EL.,ED MA'A C'.'AN :;
- Representati(e of the 'ol$ Spirit Co%fort la%e <2hite tinged with +in*=
- Chohan of the Se(en Ra$s
- Di(ine >ualities? +ower" 2isdo%" Lo(e" +urit$" 'ealing" Ser(ice" reedo%
- Retreat? Te%ple of Cos%ic Co%fort" an etheric retreat with a ph$sical focus in Ce$lon
<Sri Lan*a=&
The Great 5ar%ic !oard
- Manu of the Se(enth Root Race
- Represents the irst Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Di(ine >ualities? Di(ine Direction" God-+ower
- Retreat? The Ca(e of Light in the 'i%ala$an Mountains in )ndia and the Ra*oc-$
Mansion in Trans$l(ania" Ro%ania&
:; T'E !EL.,ED G.DDESS . L)!ERT9 :;
- Spo*esperson for the 5ar%ic !oard
- Represents the Second Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Di(ine >ualities? Li#ert$" reedo%" )llu%ination
- Retreat? Te%ple of the Sun" Manhattan )sland" New 9or*
:; !EL.,ED NADA :;
- Chohan of the Sixth Ra$
- Represents the Third Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Di(ine >ualities? Lo(e" +eace" Ministration" Ser(ice
- Retreat? Ara#ian Retreat in the Ara#ian Desert <northeast of the Red Sea=&
- The Goddess of Truth
- Represents the ourth Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Ser(ing directl$ under ,esta" She focuses the God Consciousness of Truth to the Earth&
- Twin la%e of The Maha Chohan" the Representati(e of The 'ol$ Spirit
- Retreat? +allas Athena %inisters to %an*ind fro% the Te%ple of Truth a#o(e the )sland
of Crete&
:; !EL.,ED C9CL.+EA :;
- Elohi% of the ifth Ra$
- Represents the ifth Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Di(ine >ualities? Truth" 'ealing" Science
- Retreat? The retreat of Elohi% C$clopea and ,irginia is in the Altai Range where China"
Si#eria" and Mongolia %eet" near Ta#un !ogdo&
:; !EL.,ED 52AN 9)N :;
- The Goddess of Co%passion
- Represents the Sixth Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Di(ine >ualities? Merc$" orgi(eness" Co%passion
- 5wan 9in held the .ffice of Chohan of the Se(enth Ra$ for two thousand $ears until
Saint Ger%ain assu%ed that office in the late @ABBs&
- Retreat? !elo(ed 5wan 9in7s retreat" The Te%ple of Merc$ is located in the etheric
plane o(er !eiCing <+e*ing=" China&
!EL.,ED +.RT)A
- The Goddess of 1ustice
- The Goddess of .pportunit$
- Represents the Se(enth Ra$ on the 5ar%ic !oard
- Maintains the la%e of Cos%ic 1ustice
- Twin la%e of !elo(ed Saint Ger%ain
- Retreat? +ortia and Saint Ger%ain ha(e a retreat o(er Ghana" Africa& This is an
i%portant focus" where +ortia focuses the la%e of Di(ine 1ustice&
The 2orld Teachers
- 2orld Teacher
- Cos%ic Christ Sixth Ra$ <+urple and Gold Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? 2isdo%" )llu%ination" Di(ine Lo(e
-Retreat? Ara#ian Retreat in the Ara#ian Desert <northeast of the Red Sea=&
!EL.,ED 56T'6M)
- 2orld Teacher
- Second Ra$ <Golden 9ellow Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? 2isdo%" )llu%ination" Di(ine Lo(e
- Retreat? 'ierarch of the Te%ple of 2isdo%" 5ash%ir" )ndia& This retreat is also called
the Te%ple of )llu%ination and the Cathedral of Nature& )t is located in the etheric real%
o(er the hills of 5ash%ir&
The Chohans
- Chohan of the irst Ra$ <!lue Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? aith" +rotection" God7s 2ill
- Retreat? Retreat of God7s 2ill in DarCeeling" )ndia&
- Chohan of the Second Ra$ <Golden 9ellow Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? 2isdo%" )llu%ination" Constanc$
- Retreat? Ro$al Teton Retreat" Grand Teton Mountains" 6&S&A&
- Chohan of the Third Ra$ <+in* Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Lo(e" Adoration" Gratitude
- Retreat? ChDteau de Li#ertE in southern rance&
- Chohan of the ourth Ra$ <2hite Ra$ - Ascension la%e=
- Di(ine >ualities? +urit$" 'ar%on$" +oise
- Retreat? Retreat and Te%ple of the Ascension in Luxor" Eg$pt&
!EL.,ED ')LAR).N
- Chohan of the ifth Ra$ <Green Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Truth" 'ealing" Science
- Retreat? Te%ple of Truth a#o(e the )sland of Crete" Greece
- Chohan of the Sixth Ra$ <+urple and Gold Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Lo(e" +eace" Ministration" Ser(ice
- Retreat? Ara#ian Retreat in the Ara#ian Desert <northeast of the Red Sea=&
- Chohan of the Se(enth Ra$ <,iolet Ra$=
- 'ierarch of the A8uarian Age
- 5night Co%%ander of The Torch !earers of The Te%ple and of All Light#earers
- Di(ine >ualities? reedo%" Merc$" Trans%utation
- Retreats? Ca(e of S$%#ols in Ta#le Mountain" Teton Mountain Range" 2$o%ingF and
the Great Di(ine Director7s Ra*oc-$ Mansion in Trans$l(ania" Ro%ania&
- Chohan of the irst Secret Ra$ <Cr$stal Clear Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Responsi#ilit$" ,ictor$" Ro$alt$" No#ilit$
- Retreat? The Shrine of Glor$" in the Andes Mountains&
- Chohan of the Second Secret Ra$ <+each Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Authorit$" 'ierarch$" Capa#ilit$" .#edience" Do%inion
- Retreat? .n the inner planes at !ingen" on the Rhine Ri(er in Ger%an$&
!EL.,ED R.SE . L)G'T
- Chohan of the Third Secret Ra$ <Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Sacrifice" Self-Reliance" ruitfulness" Gi(ing All of .neself
- Chohan of the ourth Secret Ra$ <A8ua%arine Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Necessit$" Resourceful" Resoluteness
- Retreat? Retreat of the Master of +aris& An etheric retreat located o(er the Gle de la CitE"
which is the island in the Seine in the (er$ heart of +aris" rance&
- Chohan of the ifth Secret Ra$ <!lue Tur8uoise Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Constanc$" +racticalit$" Changelessness" Rh$th%ic Regularit$
- Retreat? )n the Roc*$ Mountains
The Archangels
!EL.,ED M)C'AEL and !EL.,ED A)T'
- Archangels of the irst Ra$ <!lue Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? aith" +rotection" God7s 2ill
- Retreat? Te%ple of aith and +rotection" in the etheric real% o(er the Canadian Roc*ies"
near !anff and La*e Louise" Canada" and extending o(er the #order of the 6nited States&
!EL.,ED 1.+')EL and !EL.,ED C'R)ST)NE
- Archangels of the Second Ra$ <Golden 9ellow Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? 2isdo%" )llu%ination" Constanc$
Retreat? )n the Etheric Real% south of the Great 2all near Lanchow" north central China&
!EL.,ED C'AM6EL and !EL.,ED C'AR)T9
- Archangels of the Third Ra$ <+in* Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Lo(e" Adoration" Gratitude
Retreat? Te%ple of the Cr$stal +in* la%e an etheric retreat o(er the cit$ of St& Louis"
!EL.,ED GA!R)EL and !EL.,ED '.+E
- Archangels of the ourth Ra$ <2hite Ra$ - Ascension la%e=
Di(ine >ualities? +urit$" 'ar%on$" +oise
- Retreat? Etheric retreat located #etween Sacra%ento and Mount Shasta" California"
- Archangels of the ifth Ra$ <Green Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Truth" 'ealing" Science
- Retreat - Te%ple of the Sacred 'eart" located in the etheric real% o(er ati%a" +ortugal&
!EL.,ED 6R)EL and !EL.,ED A6R.RA
- Archangels of the Sixth Ra$ <+urple and Gold Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities - +eace" Ministration" Ser(ice
- Retreat - Etheric retreat o(er the Tatra Mountains south of 5ra*ow" +oland&
!EL.,ED HAD5)EL and !EL.,ED '.L9 AMET'9ST
- Archangels of the Se(enth Ra$ <,iolet Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities - reedo%" Merc$" Trans%utation
- Retreat? Te%ple of +urification in the etheric real% o(er Cu#a&
!EL.,ED R.))EL
- Archangel of the irst Secret Ra$ <Cr$stal Clear Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Responsi#ilit$" ,ictor$" Ro$alt$" No#ilit$
- Archangel of the Second Secret Ra$ <+each Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Authorit$" 'ierarch$" Capa#ilit$" .#edience" Do%inion
- Archangel of the Third Secret Ra$ <Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Sacrifice" Self-Reliance" ruitfulness" Gi(ing all of .neself
- Archangel of the ourth Secret Ra$ <A8ua%arine Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Necessit$" Resourceful" Resoluteness
- Archangel of the ifth Secret Ra$ <!lue Tur8uoise Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Constanc$" +racticalit$" Changelessness" Rh$th%ic Regularit$
The Might$ Elohi%
- Elohi% of the irst Ra$ <!lue Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? aith" +rotection" God7s 2ill
- Retreat? 'alf Do%e" 9ose%ite National +ar*" Sierra Ne(ada" California" 6&S&A&
!EL.,ED A+.LL. and !EL.,ED L6M)NA
- Elohi% of the Second Ra$ <Golden 9ellow Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? 2isdo%" )llu%ination" Constanc$
- Retreat? Retreat of Apollo and Lu%ina in Lower Saxon$ in southern Ger%an$&
!EL.,ED 'ER.S and !EL.,ED AM.RA
- Elohi% of the Third Ra$ <+in* Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities - Lo(e" Adoration" Gratitude
- Retreat - .(er La*e 2innipeg in Manito#a" Canada&
!EL.,ED +6R)T9 and !EL.,ED ASTREA
- Elohi% of the ourth Ra$ <2hite Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? +urit$" 'ar%on$" +oise
- Retreat? Near the Gulf of Archangel" southeast ar% of 2hite Sea" Russia&
!EL.,ED C9CL.+EA and !EL.,ED ,)RG)N)A
- Elohi% of the ifth Ra$ <Green Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Truth" 'ealing" Science
- Retreat? )n Altai Range where China" Si#eria" and Mongolia %eet" near Ta#un !ogdo&
!EL.,ED +EACE and !EL.,ED AL.'A
- Elohi% of the Sixth Ra$ <+urple and Gold Ra$ - Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? +eace" Ministration" Ser(ice
- Retreat? Te%ple of +eace" located in the etheric real%s o(er the 'awaiian )slands&
!EL.,ED ARCT6R6S and !EL.,ED ,)CT.R)A
- Elohi% of the Se(enth Ra$ <,iolet Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? reedo%" Merc$" Trans%utation
- Retreat? Etheric retreat near Luanda" Angola" Africa&
- Elohi% of the irst Secret Ra$ <Cr$stal Clear Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Responsi#ilit$" ,ictor$" Ro$alt$" No#ilit$
- Retreat? The Sacred Retreat of the !lue la%e" located in an island northeast of ,iti
Le(u <the largest of the iCi )slands=&
!EL.,ED '9+ER).N
- Elohi% of the Second Secret Ra$ <+each Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Authorit$" 'ierarch$" Capa#ilit$" .#edience" Do%inion
!EL.,ED 5R.N.S
- Elohi% of the Third Secret Ra$ <Ru#$ Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Sacrifice" Self-Reliance" ruitfulness" Gi(ing all of .neself
- Elohi% of the ourth Secret Ra$ <A8ua%arine Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Necessit$" Resourceful" Resoluteness
- Elohi% of the ifth Secret Ra$ <!lue Tur8uoise Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Constanc$" +racticalit$" Changelessness" Rh$th%ic Regularit$
The 'ierarch7s of The Ele%ents
- 'ierarch7s of the Ele%ent of A*asha
- irst Secret Ra$ <Cr$stal Clear Ra$=
- Di(ine >ualities? Responsi#ilit$" ,ictor$" Ro$alt$" No#ilit$
- ,ital !reath? +rana
!EL.,ED AR)ES and !EL.,ED T'.R
- 'ierarch7s of the Air Ele%ent
- Second Secret Ra$ <+each Ra$=
- 'ierarch7s of the Air Ele%entals? S$lphs
- Di(ine >ualities? Authorit$" 'ierarch$" Capa#ilit$" .#edience" Do%inion
- ,ital !reath? ,$ana
!EL.,ED .R.MAS)S and !EL.,ED D)ANA
- 'ierarch7s of the ire Ele%ent
- Third Secret Ra$ <Ru#$ Ra$=
- 'ierarch7s of the ire Ele%entals? Sala%anders
- Di(ine >ualities? Sacrifice" Self-Reliance" ruitfulness" Gi(ing all of .neself
- ,ital !reath? Sa%ana
- Retreat? Etheric retreat o(er an island in the !ering Sea off the 5a%chat*a +eninsula"
- 'ierarch7s of the 2ater Ele%ent
- ourth Secret Ra$ <A8ua%arine Ra$=
- 'ierarch7s of the 2ater Ele%entals? 6ndines
- Di(ine >ualities? Stri(ing" StandIaceICon8uer" Resourcefulness" Resoluteness
- ,ital !reath? Apana
!EL.,ED ,)RG. and !EL.,ED +ELLE6R
- 'ierarch7s of the Earth Ele%ent
- ifth Secret Ra$ <!lue Tur8uoise Ra$=
- 'ierarch7s of the Earth Ele%entals? Gno%es
- Di(ine >ualities? +racticalit$" Relia#ilit$" Rh$th%ic Regularit$
- ,ital !reath? 6dana
- Retreat? The Cos%ic !eing +elleur7s focus is in the Center of the Earth" where there is
the Sun of E(en +ressure&
or %ore infor%ation on the Ascended Masters and the Great 'ierarch$ of the
!rotherhood of Light" please (isit?

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