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Programming Techniques Lab LAB Exam

CMPN103 1/2

Faculty of Engineering
Credit Hours System

ProgrammingTechniques Lab

Time: 60 min
LABExam Sample 2

Given the following code
Class Driver:
#ifndef _DRIVER_H
#define _DRIVER_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Driver
{ int ID;
int Shift; //Driver's shift; 1: day shift, 2: night shift
Class Car:
#ifndef _CAR_H #define _CAR_H
#include "Driver.h"

class Car
int PlateNum;
Driver* Drv1; //Driver of day shift
Driver* Drv2; //Driver of night shift
main function:
#include "Car.h"
int main()
//Create three drivers:
//D1: ID=10, day shift, D2:ID=20, day shift, D3: ID=30, night shift.
Driver D1(10, 0), D2(20, 0), D3(30, 1);

Car C1(12345);//Create car C1:PalteNum = 12345
C1.Print(); //Print C1 information

C1<<D1; //Assign driver D1 to car C1
C1.Print(); //Print C1 information

C1<<D2; //Assign driver D2 to car C1
C1.Print(); //Print C1 information

!D1; //Toggle shift of D1
C1<<D1; //Assign driver D1 to car C1
C1.Print(); //Print C1 information

C1<<D3; //Assign driver D3 to car C1
C1.Print(); //Print C1 information
return 0;
!"#$ : %&$ :
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Programming Techniques Lab LAB Exam
CMPN103 2/2


1- For class Driver, add the following functions
a. Non-default constructor to initialize class members
b. Functions getID and getShift
c. Function Print that prints ID and shift (see program output below)

2- For class Car, add the following functions
a. Create a constructor to initialize Car members.
b. Function Print that prints Car plate number plus information of all drivers assigned to
that car. If car has no day or night driver, it prints a message (see program output).

3- Overload ! operator to toggle driver's shift. i.e. it changes the driver's shift from day to night
and vice-versa.

4- Overload operator << to assign a new driver to a car according to the driver's shift. If a driver
is already assigned to that shift, it is replaced by the new driver. (see main function to see
how this operator is used)

5- Compile and run the program to produce the following output.

Program Output

Car Info: PlateNum=12345
Assigned Drivers:
No Day Driver
No Night Driver

Car Info: PlateNum=12345
Assigned Drivers:
Driver ID=10 Day Shift
No Night Driver

Car Info: PlateNum=12345
Assigned Drivers:
Driver ID=20 Day Shift
No Night Driver

Car Info: PlateNum=12345
Assigned Drivers:
Driver ID=20 Day Shift
Driver ID=10 Night Shift

Car Info: PlateNum=12345
Assigned Drivers:
Driver ID=20 Day Shift
Driver ID=30 Night Shift

- Every class should be written in two files (.h and .cpp)
- Do not add any more set or get functions to the above classes.
- Do not update the main function.

[4 mark]
[3 marks]
[1 marks]
[4 marks]
[3 marks]
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