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Adellandra's Book of the Light

Adellandra Dranna Dratianos' Pagan Reflections

Introductions Are In Order
Creation Stories
Witch/Wizard's Rules to Live By
Collections II: Spells and Chants
Chants and Mantras
Adellandra's Spells and Rituals
Adellandra's Maic!al "oetry
Ancient Mystic Spells and Chants
Correspondance #a$les
Introductions Are In Order:
%%%Blessins &ro' the (eart )Opener*
%%%Adellandra +ranna +ratianos in All her Shinin ,lory
%%%+e-inition o- .#rue Witch.
%%&ive "illars and #heir Correspondances
%&ive "o/er0Words o- "aanis'1 Accordin to Adellandra
%%%(o/ I Ca'e to #read 2pon My "ath
%%Short 34planation o- the Basic Ancient Mystic "o/ers
%%%Story o- a Ancient Mystic +raconian Wol-
Creation Stories:
%%%Accordin to the Ancient Mystics
%%%Be-ore #i'e Was1 $y Scott Cunninha'%
%%%Creation o- the +/eller0!in Clans
Witch/Wizards' Rules to Live By:
%%%%56 ,oals o- the Witch
%%%%Code o- Chivalry
%%%%&or Maic! and Wizardry
%%&ro' the Ar'y: L+RS(I"
%%%&ro' the "aes o- an Ancient Mystic's Spell$oo!: Mystic Oath
%%%Oath o- the Crusaders o- the Real's1 Ancient Mystic
%%%Blood0Oath1 Ancient Mystic
%%%%Chare o- the ,oddess
%%%%Chare o- the ,od
%%%%Chare o- the +ar! ,oddess
%%%%Chare o- the +ar! ,od
%%%%Maic!al "roperties o- Color
%%%%Witches ,o Round In Circles
%%%%#he Wheel o- the 7ear
Collections II: Spells and Chants:
Blue 8ustice Spell 9 Shortened version
Celtic Candle0$urnin Spell
Mental and "hysical (ealth Spell
Warnin Spell
Witch's/Wizard:s ;a'in Cere'ony
Wiccan Rede
Witch's/Wizard:s Rules to Live By 9 &ive "oints o- Witch's Belie-
Witch's Shield Spell 9 Chant
#he Witch:s Rune
Chants and Mantras:
%%%%Blood o- the Ancients )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*
%%%%,roundin Chant )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*
%%%%(ecate1 Cerrid/en )c/o In!u$us Su!!u$us*
%%%%#he ,oddess Chant )c/o In!u$us Su!!u$us*
%%%%#he ,od Chant )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*
%%%%We All Co'e -ro' the ,oddess )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*
%%%%We Are a Circle )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*
Lady Adellandra's Spells and Rituals:
%Ancient Mystic's Spell
%Call to "o/er
%%%Call to the 3arth's "o/er
%Candle "rayer
%Castin the Circle 00 +edication Spell
%Castin the Circle 00 Openin and Closin
%Con>uerin +eepest &ears and Secrets
+ar!ness Rein Chant
%%%+raon's Meditation o- the 3le'ents
+rea' Spell: Rela4in
3arth 3le'ental Chant
%3nery &ocus -or +ivination Spell
%%,oddess o- the ;iht )Invocation*
(al-0Chaos Within Chants
%%%Interpretation o- the 3le'ents
%%Ishanar Re$orn Invocation
%%Lady Luna Ritual
%Love Co'e to Me Spell
%Messae to a Loved One
%Money Spell
%;e/ 7ear's Spell 00 &or Sa'hain or 8anuary 5
%%%"rayer to the Lord and Lady
%%Return to #hee )Meditation Spell*
%So Mote it Be1 7ou Belon to Me? )Consecration Spell*
%S/ord Cleansin Ritual Spell
Adellandra's Maic!al "oetry:
Ballad o- Spirit and Shado/s
In the +istance 9 Maic!ally Revised
Re'e'$er Maic!@
#he +raon
#he 2nicorn
I a' the One and All
3yes o- a Mystic
&reedo' &liht
Sa'hain ;iht
+raon +ance
#he Wol-
Ancient Mystic Maesties
#he One With Many ;a'es
Aa'pire's Biss
An4iety Attac!
O- Wol- and "ac!
Briht and Shinin Moon
A Beltane's Chant )ABC "oe'*
Ancient Mystic Spells and Chants:
#he Ancient Mystic Circle Chant
Be-ore a Battle
Mystic's Candle Spell
Mystic's Cuic! Strenthenin Spell
+rea' Chant
#he 34ilin Spell
#ravelin Spell
#he "rotector's Chant
Ancient Mystic's #ravelin Chant
#he 3rradication Spell
#he +estruction Spell
Mystic's Rhy'e=
2n-orotten Spell
Ancient's Spell
#hose 2n/ritten:
%Mystic Mirror to the 2n!no/n%
"o/er Circle Spell
Blac!0as0;iht Crystal "o/ers Spell
Bey to the Blac!0as0;iht Crystal )and #ranslation*
Cuic! 34ilin Chant
Brea! Bindins Spell
Claudia's Water Spell
Resurrection Spell
Ancient Mystic Spells /ithout Words: So -ar:
A$olish'ent Spell
+o'inionite Crystal Spell
Banish'ent Spell
Mind0in0#i'e Spell
&oret-ulness Spell )"otion*
#i'e0Reversin Spell
"rotection Spell
Correspondance #a$le)s*:
#he &ive 3le'ents1 Airts1 and "o/ers o- the Maus
+rea' Real''s Sphere Correspondances
%)oriinal entries1 can $e -ound else/here*
%%)ne/ entries1 only -ound here*
%%%)can also $e -ound else/here*
%%%%)collected -ro' else/here that I use daily*
Power, Grace, for all to see
This is life eternity
Circle of life and love we must
in perfect love and perfect trust
Blessings From the
What everybody wants and everybody needs ournal !pener
a little peace, ever guaranteed
Constant battle between wrong and right
light and dar", for balance is sight
!pen your heart, your mind and your eyes
Have perfect awareness, and always be "ind
With the circle of life a three times three
maiden, mother, crone will always be
Together with light, and with love,
always have bliss, happiness
#arth, air, fire, water and spirit
must have direction in order to hear it
Watchers of the night will see
peaceful dreams for all eternity
Introductions Are In Order:
$ am the Pillar of %ight& $ am the !ne with 'any (ames, 'any Faces, many )aces& $ am the
!ne, the Goddess of !ld, 'ystic*s +pirit and ,ragons& $ am an -ncient 'ystic, an
-lphaWolf, a ,raconian and more& $ am the +ilver.#yed ,aughter, $ am the 'other& $ am
the %ady Guardian of the )ealms, %ady #mpress of the ,ragon (ations& $ am a +ister, a
,aughter, %oving 'ate, 'other& $ am an -unt, Cousin, Friend and %over& $ am -ll and more&
The Greatest Gift that a Goddess can receive is the Gifts of %ove, Peace, and Happiness, all
of which are given to me by my 'ate, %ord ,raconis /ilinos ,ratianos, who is the other half
of my very soul, completing me with everything that is within me&
This Boo" of the %ight is lovingly dedicated to you, ,raconis& $ than" you for returning the
creativity, the memories, the love that $ once thought lost to me forever& #.frisco.tor& e
t*aime& la*decorte*comare& $ love you, now and evermore& 0ou are the ,ar"ness to my %ight,
the air that $ breathe, you are my -ll& 'y 'ate, my %ove, my %ord, my -ll& 0ou are %ife&
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos,
%ady Guardian of the )ealms
%ady #mpress of the ,ragon (ation
,ragon Goddess %ady +ilver'oon
-ncient 'ystic*s Goddess of +pirit
-lpha +heWolf of the 'ountain Wolf Forest Pac"
1ueen of the $llunae
Adellandra +ranna +ratianos in all (er Shinin ,lory:
2as posted to various 0ahoo3 Groups as a *warning*, circa 45567
Be aware, $ -' (!T - W$CC-(&
$ ,! (!T B#%$#/# $( H-)' (!(#, $ believe in (ature& Hear me out when $ say this,
Thin" of it8 (ature& Thin" of all the times +he*s been Calm, yet Chaotic& Thin" of all the
people +he*s "illed with her tantrums of the Weather& Thin" of all the harmful things that
have to be done to ma"e room for the Calm things&
To 'e, at least, $t*s all about B-%-(C#& Calm, Chaos&&&&%ife, ,eath, )enewal&&&that sort of
thing& Thin" about the +ymbol of 0in.0ang the ne9t time you see it and thin" of this8
There*s always a little %ight in the ,ar"ness, as there*s always a little ,ar"ness in the
+orry, didna mean to go on a tangent, but that*s what $ believe& $*ve been a 'ystic for at
least 45 years of my life& Before that, $ believed $ was cursed by God himself&
-t first, $ did believe in God, then in Wicca, then $ had an epiphany& -ll the things in (ature
that :didn*t seem fair: to me&&&&"illing for no reason 2ah, but there is reason for everything7,
destruction and burings, hell in a world where %ove and %ight was supposed to belong& $t ;ust
didn*t ma"e sense anymore& (othing did, so $ found $ was almost at s<uare one& Where in
the many realms of Paganism did $ truely belong=
Then $ found the word 'ystic& !riginally, it was supposed to be a word to replace the word
:Psychic: for my boo"s and stories about the )ealm of ,reams& $ found more on every
*different* Pagan.type religion out there&&&and more, and more, and more&&&&hmmm= the Word
'ystic seemed to pop out of my head and onto the paper&&&& -nd here $ am& - 'ystic Witch&
>eep it clear that $, too, am still learning the many Paths of the Craft&&&&$, too, don*t "now or
ever will "now everything about everything&&&&$, too, am still in search for the very (iche to
>##P me from being who $*m not, and learning to be who $ am& $ have an open mind, and open
heart, and sometimes a bigger open mouth&
ust a friendly note&
+e-inition o- .#rue Witch.
.. -della ,ragonWolf
2as posted 455? in :'oon'agic"Wicca:, a 0ahoo3 Group @no longer e9ists@7
W(A# IS A #R23 WI#C(@@
-h, there*s a <uestion $ love to answer&&&but $*ll answer it in (!T+ first& What doesn*t
ma"e one a Witch&
$T*+ (!T8
How long you*ve been practicing or your family has been into it&
How long you*ve loved the occult
How long you*ve felt yourself stranger than the rest of the masses&
How long you*ve not felt right about the religion your family crams down your throat&
$t*s not by who you claim to be, but who you are&
$t*s not by the :rules: of Witchcraft that ma"es a witch
$t*s not by the so.called spells and potions you cast
$t*s not by who you*re related to, or how many generations it goes down the family tree, for
those traddies&
$t*s not who you are on the outside, but on the inside as well&
The Gods Call you to your Path in one way or another&
+omething inside of you screaming for release and clarity8 Confusion, Hurt, -nger,
Frustration at trying to :fit in: where you feel you :,on*t: belong& Pain when the light isn*t
bright enough to see by&&&and those in your life :;ust don*t understand what you*ve become&:
The %earning process is eternal&&&from one life to another, from one way to another,
bouncing forever from one place to another, one time to another&&&etc&&&
What ma"es a :true witch: is the Witch themselves&
$T $+
How the witch :feels:&&&close to the #arth, the GoddessAGods, #ntities, #lementals, etc&&&
Who they are inside, and how they live on the outside& #ach witch is different, but there
are those *little things* that are the same&
Love and Maic!D
%ove is Bniversal in everything, in every part of life, everywhere you go&
'agic" is always #verywhere you %oo", you ;ust have to "now how and where to %oo"&
.Love and Maic!: and ne'er the t/ain shall partE -or you 'ust have
Love in your Maic!1 and there's Al/ays Maic! in Love?. 00 sel-0>uote1 circa 5FFF
&ive "illars and #heir Correspondances:
There is chaos and there is order& There is death and there is rebirth& There is light and
there is dar"ness& There is +trength and there is Wea"ness, There is life and there is
death& Four Gods, according to the ,raconians, who live by the !ldest Ways of -ll, are
these Pillars& Their names and correspondances are to follow&
,oddess SilverMoon, whose #lement is 3arth, ,irection is ;orth, is the
"illar o- Liht
,oddess Briid, whose #lement is Air, ,irection is 3ast, is the "illar o- Li-e
,od ,oldenWin, whose #lement is &ire, ,irection is South, is the "illar o-
,od Bra!!on, whose #lement is Water, ,irection is West, is the "illar o-
The Fifth and Final #lemental Pillar, the Center, the Spirit o- All, is Ishanar
&ive "o/er0Words o- "aanis'1 Accordin to Adellandra
CD-ug455E $ came up with these awhile ago& We need them all to wor" 'agic"&
Belie- F belief, not only in yourself but in your wor"ings&
"atience F things aren*t going to happen overnightG have patience
I'aination F whatever you imagine will happen if you ;ust believe it and have patience&
Concentration F also "nown as Focus&&&focus your attentions with your wor"ings&
Aisualization F $ guess this could go with $magination, to visualiHe in your mind and heart,
pac"ed with belief, patience and concentration&
(o/ I Ca'e to #read 2pon My "ath:
Two ways actually& First, $*m a fantasy writer in need of ways to describe actions, so $ read
up on it and came to the Celts, my ancestors and my heritage& +econd was <uite by accident,
and boy did it cause a stir3 $ was eight years old and a little girl bout si9 years was tearing
leaves off a bush we were playing hide.and.see" in& $ could F##% the bush*s pain and H#-)
the screams& Without "nowing what $ was doing 2hey, $ was eight, $ was young and
stupid7&&&&$ too" a leaf that was still attached to the bush in my hands and closed my eyes& $
F#%T some warm 2now $ "now as healing7 energy seep from my body to the bush& From then
on, $ was put to shame by those around me, for being :Cursed:&&&and :,emon +pawn:&&&&and,
oh, my favorite, :,evil*s Child:& %ater $ found out my *Curse* was no curse at all& $ am an
#mpathic Healer& $ wor" in ,reams now with my healings, but $ still have the #mpathic
feelings& $*m also a Clairvoyant and have both #mpathic and Clairvoyant /isions&
-pril CI, 455?
@at Fort ,rum -rmy Base, (0@
+omething happened today that gave me +!'# insight&&&&&$ -' a witch, and $ can change
that which is around me, and within me as well&&&the latter coming first of course& $n order
to +## $ must !P#( my eyes&
$ was supposed to go to church today& $ called the chaplain last night and found out what
time to be there&&&&he told me ?pm& !"ay, that was a little late for a church service, but $*ll
be there, $ thought to myself& Well, $ went on a long bi"eride to get there, getting myself
lost only once& !nce $ did, it was CEJ5 and no one was around& $ loo"ed at the board in front
of the Chapel&&&he told me the wrong time3
That was fine&&&$ too" out my writing noteboo" and a pen and wrote the correct times down
from off the board, along with a number&&&flipping thru the noteboo" were papers $*d
forgotten were there& Within all the papers of my former writing ideas was a spell&
$ was shoc"ed&&&when did $ write TH-T= hmm&&&it was a *help this woman* "ind of spell, and it
was really messed up& $t called the %ady Brigit Goddess while %ord Curnonos 2= on spelling
for now7 as %ord& and all sorts of things were wrong&&&it didn*t rhyme and didn*t feel right&
$ too" my bi"e and went to sit in the shade to rewrite it& $ sat on on the grass while $ did it&
When $ was finished, $ closed my eyes and too" deep breaths, reciting it& $ felt something
tingling inside and it wasn*t the light breeHe&&&$ opened my eyes and thought of something,
on a whim&
$ spied a fallen leaf, left from -utumn, and pic"ed it up, e9amining it&&&:not all things have to
be perfect to be pretty: $ thought to myself, only it didn*t sound li"e me& -gain, holding it
in my hand, $ closed my eyes and came up with a short chant&&&&wind no more, calm as
before&&&2there was a breeHe in the air7&&&over and over, $ chanted this, thin"ing, $ can do
this& $ am a Witch&&&&after a few repititions of this, the wind died and $ loo"ed to my hand
again at the leaf&
$ stared at it on my palm, smiling&&&now, to try something else&&&&if $ can stop the wind for a
moment or two, can $ also bring it bac"= winds of the seas, $ call to thee, ta"e this leaf
from the hand you see&&&&after a few repititons of this, it wor"ed& The wind only blew around
me to move the leaf from my hand&
unbelievable3 $ thought to myself&&&not wanting to get a big head over it, and seeing that $
was alone and all was peaceful and <uiet, $ meditated, deep breaths in&&&&$ feel the K going in
my body and filling my being&&&&and out&&&&Go away . thoughts and actions&&&&$ went inside
myself and saw my Guardians&&&&Wolf& $*m not going to go into the conversation he had with
me, but $ will say this& $ have a better outloo" on things now& -ll $ had to do was !pen my
#yes and +ee&
$ am a Witch&&&&as always $*ll be, not for anyone else $ am but me&
.. -della 'oon ,ragonWolf
Short 34planation o- the Basic Ancient Mystic "o/ers:
-ncient 'ystics are blood.born with five basic powers& $n this e9cerpt from :0oung
Guardian +aga8 LC8 Welcome to 0our ,estiny3, +hannon )yan e9plains to me, as Bonnie
%ouise, about the Basic -ncient 'ystic Powers& What she didn*t e9plain to me, is of a Power
$ already "new $ had8 Healing& -nother is of Photographic 'emory and +hape+hifting&
Following the e9cerpt is a short definition of what those powers -)#&
:The rules state8 MThose females born of the 'ystic are 0oung !nes until
they conceive their first child, or turn twenty.one& Then, and only then, are
they considered 'ystics&NO +he paused, e9plaining& P$tNs different for male
'ystics, called WiHards& 0ouNll learn that later& -nyway, from any 'ystic*s
birth, the powers are wea", and they only have the five basic powers of
telepathy, clairvoyance, empathy, premonition and tele"inesis& When a live
birth occurs from a 'ystic female, such as in your case, your powers are
heightened to unlimited proportions and youNre called an #lder& $t would be
up to you to learn how to use them to your utmost advantage& However, such
as in my own case, without the live birth ta"ing place, the basic powers
aren*t as developed&:
Clairvoyance .. power to .See. beyond normal senses, such as -uras on ob;ects, visions of
past events and places not already "nown& The Grand 'agus* strongest power&
3'pathy .. power to .&eel. or :+ense: beyond normal senses, feelings, emotions, and fears
hidden deep within the soul& This is my strongest power&
(ealin .. power to .(eal. any "ind of wound, inner or outer, emotional or physical, using
:'ystic Force: to :probe: inside the body, mind and soul of another and focus on the
problem& /ery comple9, for :Healing: is a clump word for all Healing -rts&
#elepathy .. power to .Read. someone*s mind, and send messages without verbal words&
#ye contact and simple gestures go along with it&
#ele!inesis .. power to .Move. ob;ects using only your mind& -nother form of this is
pyro"inesis, the power to use fire with only a thought&
"hotoraphic Me'ory .. power to .See. visions of things as they happen& This happens
often for pairs of twins, for e9ample&
"re'onition .. power to .&oreSee. the future, in visions&
ShapeShi-tin .. easy concept& the power to :Shi-t. your form into anything you li"e& $
usually ta"e the form of either a ,ragon, a Wolf, or a ,ragonWolf, but $ am not limited to
Story o- an Ancient Mystic +raconian Wol-:
$ am a 'ystic ,raconian Witch& $ say this for several reasons&
$ am a writer as well, writing my boo"s and stories& 'y main magic"al characters are called
'ystics& The women are +isters while the men are WiHards& The main character, 0oung
Guardian Bonnie 2yes, after me, and $*ll e9plain why in a minute7, is an -ncient 'ystic, with
great powers immeasurable&
+he is also who $ want to be, at least who $ used to want to be& 0oung Guardian of the
,ream World&&&&who is me, of course, only better and more powerful&&&&her *role* in the
stories is to be a Guardian -ngel.type 'ystic to those in the )ealm of ,reams $ call
,reamers 2people in their wa"ing lives, only asleep7 when she patrols there&
The 'ystics have five basic powers from birth, which $ believe $ have in some amount&
#mpathy 2duh7, Clairvoyance 2another duh7, Telepathy 2wor"ing on it7, Premonition
2sometimes37 and Tele"inesis 2$ would only wish37
Hence the reason $ started calling myself a 'ystic Witch&
Getting to the )ealm of ,reams now, and the lin" it has with -nimal 'agic"& 2)ealm of
,reams as in my stories, that is7&
$ have Ted -ndrews* boo", :-nimal 'agic",: and use it not only for 'agic"al wor"ings, but
my writing as well& Because in the )ealm of ,reams, there are magical animals called
Companions& ,ifferent species of different races of animal.human hybrids that live there
and "eep ,reamers 0oung and #lder happy and out of harm& Well, going on, $*ll say that $
also have , Conway*s boo" :'ystical, 'agic"al Creatures,: along with a lot of other
magic"al boo"s that have helped me, not only in my writing but my 'agic"al wor"ings&
Before $ even thought of myself as a Witch or a 'ystic, $ was ;ust me, with these abilities
that God gave me&&&only then $ thought of them as curses&&&&now, $ "now better& !ne dream $
remember having was of when $ was wor"ing on the beginning of the ,ream World
Chronicles&&&my >atherine 2balinese cat7 character had to have a love interest in order for
the story to continue& Well, $ thought of a wolf, immediately& #ver since, $*ve been in love
with wolves&
!nce the stories were underway in my mind and on paper, the characters were getting
interesting&&&and really opening up my way of thin"ing&
$f $ can ma"e my characters do all this cool magic stuff, why can*t $ do it as well=
That*s what made me loo" into Witchcraft as an answer to my prayers&
Getting bac" to the -nimal 'agic" boo"s, $ have had over the years many Guardians.Guides
on my Path& Those that stuc" in my mind, $ used later in my boo"s, letting them spea" for
themselves through me and on paper& a Cat, a Wolf, a )aven, a Bnicorn, and a ,ragon were
my Guides that later became characters&
>atherine, the balinese, was one of them& +he was the first, to get me out of my shyness
and help me thru childhood beatings and life& Wolf, her canine love 2had to twist it up, and it
wor"ed37, was a guide in many dreams and wor"ings of my own&&&he*s a Timber Wolf& %ord
Guardian !*,ell, the Bnicorn, was always there with me, guiding me, along with my Guardian
,ragon Cyri9, teaching me the ways of the 0oung Witch& The )aven is a new one $ learned
about in a past.life reading& $ didn*t "now much about them 2there are two7 e9cept that
they were li"e !din*s ravens, Hugnin and 'ugnin, Thought and 'emory&
-ll those memories and places $*d written about were real& -nd $ would come to incoporate
them deep in my +piritual Path one way or another&
This is where my story gets interesting, and my life and Path lead me bac" to a time of long
ago, of a place $*d written in the stories called the ,ragon %ands& - Path that led me to my
true.name of -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos and my true.mate, ,raconis&
%ord ,raconis /ilinos ,ratianos is the #mperor of the ,ragon (ations& When $ met him, $
was my %ady Guardian self, and fighting with a piece of my nemesis !rthos& He became my
friend first, then my brother as $ found that ,racora, the Countess of the ,ragon %ands,
was his younger sister& -s the days went on, we became more& $ began to have feelings for
him once he declared his eternal love for me& $ started to turn to him for anything my heart
desired, between boredom, when $ was upset, <uestions about my true.self and anything $
could thin" of& $ turned to him, and he to me&
We are now mated, and he is teaching me a new Path that mingled with the rest& !ne that $
and finding <uite intriguing, but dar"er than my %ighter Path& ,raconian, magic" of the !ld
Ways in their truest form, balancing& (ow $ am For Balance is -lways the >ey to -ll&
There*s a lot about me and my "ind of Craft $ practice& $*ve forgotten a lot, but then, $*m
remembering a lot more everyday, li"e a stream that leads to the river which leads to an
ocean called my 'agic"al 'emories&
:%ive +trong, %ive Free, %ive in Peace: .. 'otto of 'al*estar, #mpire of the ,ragon (ations
Creation Stories:
- Few collected Creation +tories& !ne from the -ncient 'ystics and the other from +cott
Cunningham, a late Pagan -uthor& !thers will come in time, as they*re "nown&
Ancient Mystics Oriinators' Story:
%ong ago, before time was, the world was young& Powerful people with 'agics
of the -ncients ruled& They were the 'ystics&
The -ncients were proud of the 'agic they learned, and rewarded them
with a spell that too" them to the )ealm of ,reams, also "nown as the
,ream )ealm&
Bac" on #arth, the 'ystics lived in harmony with those without 'agic& They
learned to heal the wounded, soothing the aches and pains brought by war&
They watched over the #arth, using its secrets to act as one with the
-s history predates, the 'ystics were soon hated and hunted for their
'agic& %ost in a world where their special 'agic was banned, the remaining
'ystics fled for safety&
The last four sister -ncient 'ystics, #nchantra, Challandra, 'ystica and
eHebel, were caught in what is now called PThe Burning Times&O 'ortals
thought their 'agic was witchcraft, and the women were fit to burn at the
sta"e& )ather than burn, the sisters sought refuge in an abandoned cabin
deep in the woods&
$t is there they met up with four WiHard brothers, !N,ell, !rthos, 'a9well,
and the newly.titled %ord Byron& Together, their fate was sealed&
For those WiHard brothers had their own power, able to do great things
unwelcome in that time& +ealing a pact and calling the -ncientNs +pell, the
eight !riginators bro"e away from the 'ortal )ealm to their own sanctuary&
+o the ,ream )ealm was !riginated, and so were evils beyond mortal
-s with every group of people, there were differences of opinion& - dar",
evil 'agic burrowed into every soul in the forms of ;ealousy, deceit, desire,
and pure hatred& $t would haunt them the rest of eternity&
These are the stories of those eight !riginators and their families, whose
constant battle between good and evil leaves room for adventure, suspense,
drama, and love&
Welcome to the )ealm of ,reams&
Be-ore #i'e Was:
Wicca.- guide for a +olitary Practitioner: . +cott Cunningham
Before time was, there was The !neG The !ne was all Q all was The !ne&
-nd the vast e9panse "nown as the Bniverse was The !ne, all.wise, all.
all.powerful, eternally changing&
-nd +pace moved& The !ne molded energy into twin forms e<ual but
opposite, fashioning
the Goddess and God from The !ne and of The !ne&
The Goddess Q God stretched and gave than"s to The !ne, but dar"ness
surrounded them&
They were alone, solitary save for The !ne&
+o they formed energy into gases and gases into suns and planets and moonsG
sprin"led the Bniverse with whirling globes and so all was given shape by the
hands of the
Goddess and God& %ight arose and the s"y was illuminated by a billion suns&
and the
Goddess and Gods, satisfied by their wor"s, re;oiced and loved, and were
From their union sprang seeds of life, and of the human race, so that we
might achieve
incarnation upon the #arth&
The Goddess chose the 'oon as her symbol, and the God the +un as his
symbol to remind
the inhabitants of #arth of their fashioners&
-ll are born, live, die and are reborn beneath The +un and 'oonG all things
come to pass
thereunder, and all occurs with the blessings of The !ne, as has been the
way of e9istence
before time was&
Creation o- the +/eller !in0Clans
Those in the ,ragon (ations were called, ,raconians, and were at war&
Countess ,racora went to %ord Guardian !*,ell of the )ealm of ,reams for
advice& He gave her an #arthbound +pell to ta"e her to the 'ortallan )ealm
with a small band of her people& $n the !uter )ealm, ,racora renamed
herself +hylee, the only ,raconian "nown as P,ragon."inO #arthbound& +he is
now "nown as the 1ueen of the ,weller "in.Clans&
+he too" four mated pairs with her to the !uter )ealm once the +pell was
Called& Those mated pairs were "nown as the PHavens."inO& The First two
#arthbound.,raconian mated pairs were soon "nown as the P-ncient
WatchersO, >ing Goldenrod and 1ueen +ilver +tarchaser& Their clan was
"nown as the PWatcher."inO& The second pair were the P-ncient ewelsO,
'oonstone and +unstone, who*s clan was "nown as the Pewel #lder."inO&
The third were %ucius and 'arisa& They were -pprentices to those, their
clan aptly named the P-pprentice."inO& +ight unseen, a demonic pair
happened to slip through as well when ,racora called the +pell& They would
soon be "nown as P+tal"er."inO, those Turned "in who were as evil as they
come& For +tal"ers were the main influence for the )ealm*s vampire stories
and legends&
From those first "in.mated pairs, came four others& +hape.shifters of the
Watchers spawned those called the PBeast."inO& From 'oonstone and
+unstone*s stone.magic ewels came those called the P#sse9."inO& The
-pprentices spawned two others, a roaming "in.clan from the desert "nown
as PGypsy."inO, and $ndia came PCove."inO&
They were all "nown as ,wellers because they were forced to *dwell* within
the night& The 'ortallan sun threatened their very e9istances&
Witch's/Wizards' Rules to Live By:
Collections from various sources, compiled and put into most basic of forms& )ules are )ules,
and are usually not meant to be bent or bro"en& The first set are from a Pagan 0ahoo3
Group, the second and third sets, :Code of Chivalry: and :For 'agic" and WiHardry: are
from !beron Rell.)avenheart*s boo", :Grimoire for the -pprentice WiHard&: !beron put
them very nicely, $ thin", therefore $ try to live by them&
56 ,oals o- a Witch:
& >now yourself&
& >now your craft&
& %earn&
& -pply "nowledge with wisdom&
& -chieve balance&
& >eep your words in good order&
& >eep your thoughts in good order&
& Celebrate life3
& -ttune with the cycles of the earth&
& Breathe and eat correctly&
& #9ercise the body&
& 'editate&
& Honor the God and Goddess
Code o- Chivalry:
The Code of Chivalry was the )ule of the >nights in the 'iddle -ges, who were formally
sworn to uphold it as the first true Champions of ustice& $t was said to have been first
established by >ing -rthur for the >nights of the )ound Table& Here are its ten most
important rules&
C8 Be True to your Faith
48 +tand up for your Beliefs
J8 ,efend the Wea"
68 %ove your Country
?8 +how Courage against !pposition
E8 !ppose #vil
I8 ,o your ,uty
S8 +pea" Truth and "eep your Word
D8 Be Generous to -ll
C58 Be the Champion of the )ight and the Good against $n;ustice and #vil
&or Maic! and Wizardry:
$n 'agic" and WiHardry, there are rules& The WiHard controls hisAher life and changes
their destiny through interaction with the Bniverse within all of its dimensions& Here is a
list of )ules for 'agic" and WiHardry&
C8 'agic" is real
48 >now yourself
J8 The best way to predict the future is to create it&
68 1uestion authority
?8 'agic" is both an art and an e9perimental science
E8 Be careful of what you do or say
I8 $ntention controls )esults
S8 ,on*t invo"e what you can*t banish
D8 -lways consider the options
C58 The ;ob isn*t done until you*ve put away the tools and cleaned up the mess
CC8 >eep silent regarding a 'agic"al wor" for 46 hours, lest your analysis create doubt,
therefore wea"ening the $ntention that binds your spell
&ro' the Ar'y: L+RS(I":
$f $ didn*t learn anything while in the -rmy, $ learned this, and "ept it with me in my mind
and heart& -pplied to 'agic" and Witchcraft, %,)+H$P Pac"s a huge punch3
L+RS(I" Stands -or Loyalty1 +uty1 Respect1 Sel-lessness1 (onor1 Interity and
"ersonal "ride:
L: Loyalty F %oyalty to those you serve and those who serve you& (o one wants a two.faced
rat on their team& (or do they want one in their Circle&
+: +uty F To your power, you have the duty of "eeping it in control& !f learning it, watching
it grow, and controlling all aspects of it& ,uty could also be to your CovenAFriendsAFamily
R: Respect F #veryone deserves respect& )espect for their beliefs is a main "ey& PGolden
)uleO moments&
S: Sel-lessness F act selflessly, without being told or without wanting anything in return for
what you do&
(: (onor F Honor the GodsAGoddess, yourself and each other&
I: Interity F moral codes, and living by them&
": "ersonal "ride F have pride in yourself, your wor", and whatever you doG ;ust don*t let it
go to your head&
#he Oaths:
Herein %ies all the !aths $ have ta"en, so far& Those #asiet to remember, from the -ncient
'ystic to the Blood.!ath to bind two together in blood, and last, the Crusader of the
)ealms !ath& @my personal favorite@
#he Mystic Oath:
These words are found on the inside cover of every 'ysticNs own +pell.boo"& !f course, $
don*t always follow the :)ules:, not even those of the -ncient 'ystic lines&
+on:ts to Mystic Maic: +o:s to Mystic Maic:
,onNt hurt others ,o learn and practice fre<uently
,onNt mess with love ,o learn and use Candle 'agic
,onNt mess with time ,o watch your words
,onNt use mind.control ,o "eep secret
,onNt use for revenge ,o "eep a +pell.boo"
,onNt indulge in ,ar" 'agic ,o be aware of yourself
#he Mystic Oath:
$, 2state your name7, being the 2son.daughter7 of an #lder 'ystic, 2+ister.Brother7 2Their
name7, do solemnly swear to abide by the 'ystic )ules when being taught to control the
'agic& $ will serve as a 'ystic 2son.daughter7 until the day $ become an #lder& The story of
the )ealm of ,reams has been told to me, and $ am in full understanding of my separate,
but important destiny& The 'ystic +isters, #nchantra, Challandra, 'ystica, and eHebel,
along with the WiHards, %ord Guardian !N,ell, %ord Byron, and %ord 'a9imaniac, will stay a
part of my life and being& $ will as" their permission before going against their wishes&
By the "o/er I have inside1
#he Mystic Maic /ill ro/D
Alon /ith 'y li-eline1
I:ll learn all I need to !no/
#his is 'y Mystic OathD
#he Crusaders o- the Real's Oath:
$n order to be an official Crusader of the )ealms, you must go through this !ath with #lder
Crusaders and an -ncient 'ystic to witness&
P#his $ond o- truth cannot $e spo!enD
PWhat is $et/een us re'ains un$ro!enD
PI ta!e this Oath as a +rea' Real' Crusader1
PWith 7oun ,uardian as 'y /itness1 to
P#rust in one another1
P(ave -aith in 'ysel- and 'y 'ission1
PBrin hope to those /ith nauht1
P&iht /ith honor and Gustice1
P(elp those in need1 /henever dee'ed1
P&iht only the ene'y1 -airly and Gustly1
P;ever turnin 'y $ac! on 'y li-e:s 'ission1
P#o 'aintain peace in the Real' o- +rea's1
PAnd All the Real's in All the Worlds1
P&ro' this 'o'ent on1 until eternityD=
#he Blood0Oath:
$ first thought of this when $ was a child& $ used this to bind -aron :The Bnicorn: and his
twin :-methyst Fairy: to me before $ left the !rphanage& 'y -ncient 'ystic blood gave
them the Bnicorn 'agic they are now "nown for, and also gave them official 'ystic status
among the Family& $ also used this to share my 'ystic Healer*s power with my twin -darra
@Then called enni@, when she needed it most& $ now use it for every blood.binding $ do&
,agger in hand, cut into each the s"ins of those that will be bound, so a thin
line of blood seeps through& Clasp together hands, saying the following for
.What's 'ine is yours1 and yours is 'ineD
."art o- 'ine no/ yours until the end o- ti'eD.
(o Boo" of the %ight would be complete without certain collected wor"s& The Charges of
the God, Goddess, ,ar" God and ,ar" GoddessG 'agic"al Properties of Color, The Wheel of
the 0ear, Witches Go )ound $n Circles, ;ust to name a few&
#he Chare o- the (orned ,od
$ am he who stands at the gate of the cycle of life and death, $ carry you to
the goddess to be reborn again, even as $ bless the harvest and become !ne
with the goddess to ma"e it grow& When the night wind howls at +amhain $
shall lead the wild hunt to rid the land of corruption and evil so the Goddess
who is my consort may sleep the winter months in safety&
$ am the ;oy of the awa"ening of the spring, the sadness of death and
passing, the brightly blooded blade of the hunt, $ give to thee your
emotions, love, anger, peace, hope&&&all these are my gifts to thee as you and
$ worship +he who is my consort and handfasted companion and the 'other
of -ll&
Wherever the forest grows dar" and powerful, wild and free , shall you find
me, and $ will heed your call if you utter it for $ am the guardian of all that
is , all that was and all that might yet be& 'y antlers and my blade are ever
sharp as $ watch over you &
$ shall ;oin you at your dancing and merryma"ing for $ am the %ord of the
,ance and the light within dar"ness, and my passion has remained untamed
since the dawn of time and will so remain&
0ou may worship me by giving than"s to that which has died to feed you, by
remembering your animal nature on the dar" nights and letting the call of
the wild be heard by you still, whenever you stand, enthralled by the beauty
of the setting sun or gaHing down from a mountain pea" you give than"s to
me and +he who is my eternal partner&
#he Chare o- the ,oddess
%isten to the words of the Great mother, she who of old was also called
among men -rtemis, -starte, -thene, ,ione, 'elusine, -phrodite,
Cerridwen, ,anu, -rianrhod, $sis, Bride and by many other names&
Whenever you have need of me, once in the month and better it be when the
moon is full, gather together in some secret place and adore the spirit of me
who am <ueen of all witches& There shall you assemble, you who wish to learn
all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secretsG to you $ will teach things
as yet un"nown& -nd you shall be free from slaveryG and as a sign that you
are truly free you may be na"ed in your ritesG and you shall dance, sing,
feast, ma"e music and love all in my praise& For my law is love unto all things&
>eep pure your highest ideal, strive ever towards itG let naught stop you or
turn you aside&
For mine is the secret door that opens upon the land of youth, and mine is
the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy
Grail of immortality& $ am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of ;oy
unto the heart of man& Bpon #arth $ give the "nowledge of the spirit
eternal& Beyond death $ give peace, freedom& $ demand no sacrifice, for $
am the mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the #arth& $, who
am the beauty of the green earth, the white moon among the stars, the
mystery of the waters and the desire of the heart of man, call unto your
soul& -rise and come unto me for $ am the soul of nature which is life to the
From me all things proceed, and to me all things must return&
%et my worship be in the heart that re;oicesG for all acts of love and
pleasure are my rituals& %et there be beauty and strength, power and
compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you& -nd you
who thin" to see" for me, "now that see"ing and yearning shall avail you not,
unless you "now this mysteryG i- that /hich you see!1 you -ind not /ithin1
then you /ill never -ind it /ithout& For behold, $ have been with thee from
the beginningG and $ am that which is attained at the end of desire&
TT-dapted, original piece by ,oreen /alienteTT
Chare o- the +ar! ,oddess
The ,ar" Goddess spea"s to us, through the mouths of %ilith, >ali, Tiamet,
He"ate, (i9, the Blac" 'adonna, (emesis and 'orgaine&
$ am the ,ar"ness behind and beneath the shadows&
$ am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath&
$ am the #nding before %ife begins again, the ,ecay that fertiliHes the
$ am the Bottomless Pit, the never.ending struggle to reclaim that which is
$ am the >ey that unloc"s every ,oor&
$ am the Glory of ,iscovery, for $ am that which is hidden, secluded and
Come to me at the ,ar" 'oon .. see that which can not be seen, face the
terror that is yours alone&
+wim to me through the blac"est oceans to the center of your greatest
fears.. the ,ar" God and $ will "eep you safe&
+cream to us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear&
Thin" of me when you feel pleasure, and $ will intensify it, until the time
when $ may have the greatest pleasure of meeting you at the Crossroads
Between the Worlds&
Chare o- #he +ar! ,od
%isten to the words of the ,ar" God, who was of old called a"chos, ,onn,
-nubis, Hades, +etesh, Hoder, and by many other names8
$ am the shadow in the bright dayG $ am the reminder of mortality at the
height of living& $ am the neverending veil of (ight where the +tar Goddess
dances& $ am the ,eath that must be so that %ife may continue, for behold,
%ife is immortal because the living must die&
$ am the strength that protects, that limitsG $ am the power that says (o,
and (! further, and That $s #nough& $ am the things that cannot be spo"en
of, and $ am the laughter at the edge of ,eath&
Come with me into the warm enfolding dar"G feel my caresses in the hands,
in the mouth, in the body of one you love, and be transformed&
Gather in the moonless night and spea" in un"nown tonguesG the ,ar"
'other and $ will listen& +ing to us and cry out, and the Power will be yours
to wield&
Blow me a "iss when the s"y is dar", and $ will smile, but no "iss returnG for
my "iss is the final one for all mortal flesh&
Maical "roperties o- Color
White Purity, spirituality, humility, wisdom, consciousness 2Ith Cha"ra7
Red ,esires, se9ual energy, passion, enthusiasm, mental energy, vigor 2Cst
Orane +trength, centeredness, physical body energy, attraction, warmth,
;oy, creativity, courage 24nd Cha"ra7
7ello/ Clairvoyance, will power, wor" issues, optimism, inspiration 2Jrd
,reen %uc", fertility, prosperity, money, growth, abundance 26th Cha"ra7
Blue Communication, creativity, peace, meditation, happiness, calm, truth
2?th Cha"ra7
"urple Power, insight, spirituality, psychic energy, alchemy, spirit 2Eth
Blac! -bsorbs and destroys negativity, grounding earthy energy, protection,
magic 2Cst Cha"ra7
Wheel o- the 7ear
Sa$$ats 0 3iht +ays o- "o/er in the "aan Reliion
February 4
The Goddess
recovers from giving
birth to the God& The
lengthening periods
of light awa"en her&
The God*s strength
is increasing and He
is now a young, lusty
boy& The warmth of
the +un fertiliHes
the earth 2the
Goddess7, causes
seeds to germinate
and sprout& -nd so
$mbolc celebrates
the earliest stirrings
of +pring& $t is a
time of purification,
creativity, and
inspiration, a
welcoming of change
from the old to the
new& This is a
traditional time for
Wiccan initiations
and dedications&
circa 'arch 4C
+pring #<uino9
'ar"s the first day
of true +pring& The
hours of day and
night are e<ual& The
Goddess fully regains
her strength and and
envelops the earth
with fertility& %ight is
overta"ing dar"ness,
and the young God is
now maturing& The
slowness of Winter is
ta"en over by the
fruitful bustle of
+pring& !stara is a
time for beginnings,
action, and planting
opportunities for the
-pril J5
Celebrated as 'ay ,ay
'ar"s the emergence
of the young God into
manhood& (ature
flourishes and He is
stirred by the
abundance of energy&
The God desires the
Goddess& They fall in
love and unite& The
Goddess becomes
pregnant, which
ensures new life after
the harvest& Beltane
celebrates vitality,
passion, love, and
desires consummated&
Litha or Midsu''er
circa une 4C
+ummer +olstice
The longest day of
the year& The God is
at the pea" of his
power, as is all of
nature*s bounty& The
#arth is awash in the
fertility of the
Goddess and God& $t
is the high time of
the +un and is mar"ed
with festivals of fire&
$n the past, bonfires
were leapt to
encourage fertility,
purification, health
and love& %itha is a
classic time for magic
of all "inds&
La''as or
-ugust C
$s the time of the
first harvest, when
the plants of +pring
drop their fruits or
seeds& +ummer is
waningG the nights
grow longer& +o too
the God begins to
lose His strength& He
becomes the God of
sacrifice, being cut
down in the fields&
circa +eptember 4C
-utumn #<uino9
!nce again day and
night are e<ual& The
God prepares to ta"e
His ;ourney into the
unseen, towards
death& This is the
completion of the
harvest begun at
%ammas, when the
fields are cleared of
their bounty& (ature
draws bac", readying
!ctober JC
Celebrated as Halloween
'ar"s the Pagan (ew
0ear& $n the past, this
was the time when
animals were
slaughtered to ensure
food for the through
the depths of Winter&
$dentified with the
animals, the God falls
as well to ensure
continuing e9istence&
The veil between the
circa ,ecember 4C
Winter +olstice
The shortest day of
the year& The
Goddess gives birth
to her +on, the God&
+ince the God is
symboliHed by the
+un, this mar"s the
point of the year
when the God is
reborn as well& Thus,
The Goddess watches
in sorrow and ;oy as
+he realiHes the God
is dying, yet lives on
inside Her as Her
child& %ammas is a
time for giving
than"s for what we
have and ma"ing
offerings of
gratitude& $t is a
reminder that
nothing in the
universe is constant&
for winter and its
time of rest& The
Goddess nods in the
wea"ening +un,
though fire burns
within Her womb& +he
feels the presence of
the God even as He
worlds of life and
death is said to be
thin on this night&
+amhain is a time of
reflection, loo"ing
bac" over the last
year, coming to terms
with death, and
honoring ancestors&
Wiccans light fires or
candles to welcome
the +un*s returning
light& The Goddess,
slumbering through
the Winter of Her
labour, rests after
the delivery& Wiccans
celebrate the return
;ourney of the +un,
and the life it will
bring& 0ule is seen as
a reminder that death
is followed by rebirth&

. -dapted from *Wicca8 - Guide for the +olitary Practitioner* by +cott Cunningham
+abbats . #ight ,ays of Power in the Pagan )eligion&
Witches ,o Round In Circles?
Wiccans go around in Circles3
Worship and magic both are done in what are called 'agical Circles& The
purpose of a circle is to separate the people within it from the outside
world& They are outside of time and space& Time passes differently inside a
circle, and it tends to be warmer inside than outside& #ach Circle is divided
into four 1uarters& #ach 1uarter faces a direction& #ach 1uarter also
corresponds to a time of day, a state of being, a season, etc& This is a table
of those correspondences&
3le'ent -irsAWinds Fires Waters #arth
Cuarter #ast +outh West (orth
Bey/ord To >now To Will To Feel To Be +till
#i'e ,awn (oon ,us" 'idnight
Season +pring +ummer -utumn Winter
#ools +word Wand, Censor Cup Pentacle
+ra/n By $ncense Fire, $ncense Water +alt
White, Blue.
White, White
)ed, Crimson,
!range, Gold
Blue, Blue.
green, Grey,
$ndigo, +ilver
Green, Brown,
Blac", Copper
-ll birds and
flying things,
esp& eagles and
,ragons, lions,
running horses
,olphins, all
fish and water
mammals, sea
sna"es, sea
+tags, Cattle,
Bison, +na"es
myrrh, pansy,
violetG -spen
-lmond tree in
Ferns, lotus,
water liliesG
Comfrey, $vy,
all grains and
grassesG !a"
(uit, Cordea
Brigit, Hestia,
Pele, /esta
$sis, 'ari
,emeter, Gaea,
Thoth, +hu,
#nlil, >hephera
Horus, /ulcan
,ylan, %lyr,
-donis, -rawn,
,ionysus, Pan
The mind, all
intuitive and
psychic wor"G
all windy
placesG breath,
#nergy, life,
will, healing
heat, flame,
the +un,
feelings, love,
sorrow, the
mindG all
oceans, rivers,
springs, tides
and rainG
The body,
birth, death,
material gainG
caves, groves,
fields, standing
stonesG touch
We also call the 1uarters Watchtowers, and the spirits of the 1uarters the
Guardians of the Watchtowers& We call them into every circle to help us,
guard us, guide us, and protect us&
Collections II: Spells and Chants:
!f course, though $ don*t claim to have written any of these, these had to be here as well&
Those $*ve used at least twice, so $ "now they wor"& For me, anyway&
Blue 8ustice Spell

- +hortened /ersion, from #ileen HollandNs #he Wicca (and$oo!
#o "repare: 2Wear blue, stand in front of the building, pinch of salt in a
pouch in hand&7
#o Chant: Hail 'abon, +on of 'odron
'y Celtic Blood calls out to thee
$t cries for ;ustice and re<uires victory
Hail 'abon, +on of 'odron
$ call you to this place, commending your Celtic ustice
$ command your Celtic ustice
By your power, transform this building to a Palace of ustice
Therefore, this building is transformed
$t is now a place where right is "nown from wrong,
Where Truth is "nown from lies, with udges fair and honest
#o +o: 2sprin"le the salt on the ground in front of the building7
#o Chant: With 'abonNs power $ enchant this simple element of #arth
By the Power of 'abon, $ command ;ustice be done here
#o 3nd: +o 'ote it Be3
Celtic Candle0Burnin Spell:
F from ,&& ConwayNs Celtic 'agic
Hold hands on each side of the lit candle, mentally pouring your thoughts of
the goal into it&
PCandle of Power, Candle of 'ight,
PCreate my wishesAdesires on this night&
PPower, stream from this candleNs fire,
PBring to me my heartNs desire&
P'y words have strength, the victoryNs won,
P+o say $, this +pell is done3O
%eave candle in a safe place to burn out completely&
Mental and "hysical (ealth Spell
ames >ambos, February 4Jrd, 455J
From Full 'oon Paradise and %lewellyn
!utside my front door, the yellow.crocus and snowdrops are blooming now&
-nd the wrens are flying to my window bo9, wondering if it would ma"e a
good homeG they "now, li"e we do, that February is a time of renewal& %et
this period of change inspire you to refresh your mind and your body with a
health.boosting ritual& To start, on your altar place a white candle in the
center, then light it and say8
P$ light this candle to renew my spirit&O
To the left, light a yellow candle, then say8
PThis flame fires my imagination&O
%astly, light an orange candle on the right while saying8
P'y body is strong and healthy&O
Than" the candles, and e9tinguish them& (ow youNre ready for the season of
light to return&
Warnin Spell
From #ileen HollandNs The Wicca Handboo"& This is a great way to relieve stress about a
certain someone who*s been pissing you off lately& Great for >arma, too, as it doesn*t go
against the P)edeO&
Blood turn blac" and flesh turn blue
$ will curse you if you force me to
By the left hand and the unclean food
$Nll curse your eyes, $Nll curse your lies
$Nll call down a plague of flies
Blood go blac" and flesh go blue
#vil from me and bac" to you
'y soul clean and yours on fire
'ess with a witch and get burned, liar3
Witch's/Wizard:s ;a'in Cere'ony
F from !beron Rell.)avenheartNs Grimoire for the -pprentice WiHard
When youNve finally a chosen a magic"al name for yourself, you should write
it into the following spell 2and in your 'agic"al ournal7& Then, stand in front
of a mirror, loo" yourself in the eye, and say8
P-nd what $ say three times is so3
PBy all the powers of land and sea
PBy all the might of 'oon and +un,
P-s $ do will, so mote it beG
P+eal the spell and be it done3O
#he Wiccan Rede
$ don*t go by this )ede totally, being $*m not on the Wiccan Path& $*m a Pagan, so most of it
is o", but not the rest& This copy of it was copied from my lessons in the Correllian
Tradition, which has now changed its name, due to recent events with their )ev& Care of
(imue of 'yst&
:Bide the Wiccan laws ye must
in perfect love and perfect trust&
%ive ye shall and let to live,
Fairly ta"e and fairly give&
Cast the circle thrice about
To "eep unwelcome spirits out&
To bind the spell true every time
%et the spell be spa"e in rhyme&
+oft of eye and light of touch
+pea" ye little, listen much&
,eosil go by wa9ing moon,
Chanting out the Witches )une&
Widdershins go by waning moon,
Chanting out a baneful tune&
When the %ady*s moon is new
>iss the hand to her times two&
When the moon rides at her pea"
Then your heart*s desire see"&
When the wind blows from the #ast,
#9pect the new and set the feast&
When the wind comes from the +outh
%ove will "iss thee on the mouth&
When the wind blows from the West
departed souls may have no rest&
Head the (orth wind*s mighty gale&
%oc" the door and trim the sail&
(ine woods in the cauldron go,
burn them fast and burn them slow&
#lder be the lady*s tree&
Burn it not or cursed ye*ll be&
When the wheel begins to turn,
%et the Beltane fires burn&
When the wheel hath turned to 0ule,
%ight a log, the Horned !ne rules&
Heed ye flower, bush and tree,
-nd by the %ady, Blessed Be&
Where the rippling waters flow,
Cast a stone and truth you*ll "now&
When ye have and hold a need,
Har"en not to others greed&
With a fool no season spend,
(or be counted as his friend&
'erry meet and merry part,
Bright the chee"s and warm the heart&
'ind the threefold law ye should,
Three times bad and three times good&
When misfortune is anow,
Wear the star upon thy brow&
True in love must ye be,
%est thy love be false to thee&
#ight words the Wiccan )ede fulfill,
*-n it harm none, do what ye will:
Witch's/Wizard:s Rules to Live By 9 &ive "oints o- Wiccan
from online, shortened from original source
#he Wiccan Rede: <An: it har' none1 do as you /ill=D
:$f an action will cause harm, physically, emotionally, or mentally, to another person or one*s
+elf, refrain from doing it& +trive to always be helpful and never willingly cause strife or
harm to befall someone& Weigh your actions against each other, would you wish your actions
ta"en against you= Ta"e no action you would not wish to receive&:
#he La/ o- Return: <Bar'ic La/=
PWhat you do affects what happens to you& $f you do good, good is going to happen to youG if
you do evil, that*ll happen too&&& $f you*re a better, nicer person, you have more true friends&
When you have more friends, you have a support networ" to pic" you up and set you on your
feet again& $t wor"s in the other direction, too&&&&what you do, good or bad, will come bac"
upon you three.fold&O
#he 3thic o- Sel-0Responsi$ility: <#a!in Chare o- 7our O/n A--airs=
PWe ma"e our own destiny, and set up most of our own :trials and tribulations:& :$ am my
own person, $ am not a slave to my desires, nor am $ slave to a person, drug or god& (o being
controls me but me&: +elf.responsibility re<uires that we as" for help when we need it, that
we be prepared to go to whatever lengths necessary to be responsible for who we are and
what we do&O
#he 3thic o- Constant I'prove'ent: <3ducation is a Li-eti'e
P$n Wicca, we see" be :ever growing,: li"e the bardic law& The basest of these
improvements are ta"en care of by the #thic of +elf.)esponsibility, but e9tending that
responsibility beyond the inner self, falls into this realm& Teaching and preaching tolerance,
racial harmony and reverence for art and history are also a part of this ethic, and living
one*s life toward peace is vital& !nly by being constant in our learning, and eclecticism, do
we prevent intolerance&O
#he 3thic o- Attune'ent: <Bein Hone: /ith the ,ods and ,oddessesD=
P-ttunement, the act of becoming in.tune with divinity is the purpose behind the ma;ority
of ritual& $n Wicca, we believe in three groupings of divinity8
C& The +elf is divine&
4& The GodsAother powers are divine&
J& The Bniverse itself is divine&
C& The ,ivine +elf 2thou art god7 is e9pressed within The #thic of +elf. )esponsibility& (o
one is in control of the +elf e9cept for the creator of the +elf, the person that :owns: the
body& We see ourselves as divine, therefore, we "now that we can do anything& 'agic"
becomes possible through faith in the +elf, because faith is magical&&&!ur rites of
-ttunement to the divine self include the practice of )itual, and occasionally, High 'agic",
but also includes meditation, dance, drumming and anything else that ma"es us feel :in
touch: with our +elves&
4& The ,ivinity of the Gods, or the :!ther Powers: defies immediate e9planation as do the
gods themselves& $n Wicca, our gods are more li"e parents, the ,ivine Father and the Great
'other, and less li"e the fury.fueled ;ealous God of Christianity& !ur rites of -ttunement
to the Gods are nearly all celebratory in nature, with the more intensive rituals combining
the divinity of the gods with the divinity of the Bniverse in worship of the lunar and harvest
J& The ,ivinity of the Bniverse is subdivided into three groups& $n Gaeism, the Planet #arth
is a creature and each individual being, plant, animal or mineral is a part of that being, which
is usually, but not always, named for the Goddess Gaea or Gaia& $n -nimism, each thing be it
a windstorm or a roc", has a spirit of its own& $n Cyclic Totality, or Cyclicism, it is the laws
of the Bniverse which are divine, be they the cycles of celestial decay, or the harvests, or
the birth.death.rebirth of the nitrogen cycle&O
Witch's Shield Spell
F from online, a song
vengeance is as vengeance does
sweet the taste when eaten cold
sweeter still to send thy ill
bac" into thy face three.fold
earth and water, air and fire
mold thy power to my desire
earth and water, air and fire
mold thy power to my desire
shape the shield above, below
shape it hard and shape it strong
power bending to my will
power to contain thy wrong
now within it noble bright
all thy surface facing me
what thy sense reflect until
tapped within is three times three
and within conceit sublime
ma"e it clear as diamond air
let thou wrongs to curse or "ill
return to be trapped also there
be thy trapped in mine own curse
be thou caught in thou own wrong
be thy burned by thy own flame
be thy shattered by thy song
earth and water, air and fire
mold thy power to my desire
earth and water, air and fire
mold thy power to my desire
mold thy power to my desire
#he Witch:s Rune:
F from %ady +heba, CDI6
,ar"some night and shining 'oon,
Hear"en to the witches* rune&
#ast then south, west then north,
Hear3 Come3 $ call Thee forth3
By all the powers of land and sea,
Be obedient unto me&
Wand and Pentacle and +word,
Hear"en ye unto my word&
Cords, and Censer, +courge and >nife,
Wa"en all ye into life&
Powers*s of the witch*s Blade,
Come ye as the charge is made&
1ueen of Heaven, 1ueen of Hell,
+end your aid unto the spell&
Horned Hunter of the night,
Wor" my will by magic rite&
By all the powers of land and sea,
-s $ do say,:so mote it be&:
By all the might of the moon and sun,
-s $ do will, it shall be done&
F from B!+ C,.)!', by +apphire
!n the first night after a baby is born, or on the same night that the birth
ta"es place, the mother or father should ta"e the infant out under the
stars& The child should first be held up to the s"y, saying8
P!h, %ady of the +tarry Heavens, wise -ll.Father,
Behold this lovely child, UUUUUUUU&
Conceived and brought forth in love&O
Place the child on the ground, hands under the head, briefly, saying8
PHail #arth, 'other of -ll&
This is my infant, my love, and my ;ewel&
Bless and protect himAher, granting your enduring and
#ternal strength and steadfastness&
'ay heAshe ever have a spirit
That see"s the stars, and roots deep within thy loving breast&O
!ne should then clasp the child close, reveling over the ritual and future
with that child&
Chants and Mantras:
-h yes, what would we be without music= Paganism and all have the gifts of music and all
would li"e to share& $ got the lyrics to these from either a pagan band P$n"ubus +u""ubusO
or a website, along with the melodies that go with them& $ love to sing3
Blood o- the Ancients )c/o <Born "aan Circle*:
$t*s the blood of the ancients
that runs through our veins
The forms pass, but the circle of life remains
,roundin Chant )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*:
The earth, the air, the fire, the water
)eturn, return, return, return
(ecate1 Cerrid/en )c/o In!u$us Su!!u$us*:
Hecate, Cerridwen
,ar" 'other ta"e us in
Hecate, Cerridwen
%et us Be )eborn
#he ,oddess Chant )c/o In!u$us Su!!u$us*:
$sis, -starte, ,iana, Hecate, ,emeter, >ali, $nnana3
#he ,od Chant )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*:
!siris, -donis, >huruH, Pan, ,ionysos, +hiva, ,umuHi3
We All Co'e -ro' the ,oddess )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*:
We all come from the Goddess
-nd to Her we shall return
%i"e a drop of rain
flowing to the ocean
We Are a Circle )c/o <Born "aan= Circle*:
We are a Circle, Within a Circle, with no beginning, and never ending&
Lady Adellandra's Spells and Rituals:
Ancient Mystic's Spell
.. -della ,ragon+tar
- chant usually used for focus and as"ing for aide when needed& This +pell
wasn*t used in the ,ream )ealm Chronicles anywhere& )epeated at the end
three times, each last line different&
'ystic*s might,
Pure delight&
+how me the path
Which is right&
'ay be rough,
'ay be long,
'ystic 'agic
C8 Hear my song
48 Play my song
J8 +ing my song
Call to "o/er
.. -della ,ragon+tar
$ raise my hands, my heart, my voice
To call upon the forces of life&
#arth, -ir, Fire, Water and +pirit
The five elements combine to become one
Triple Goddess, hear the calls
$ call the 'aiden for a new beginning
'other for life
Crone for e9perience
Goddess bless, Blessed be
Triple Goddess, $ call for thee&
'ystic power, so mote it be&
Call to the 3arth:s "o/er
une J, 455?
-della 'oon ,ragonWolf
-s the 0oung Guardian
Before doing this, meditateV
Go into the woods with your Guardian.Guide and lead up to the streamVleave
all your worries and cares behind as an offering to the )iver of )egret&
When you feel youNre ready, go ahead and open your eyes, ta"e a deep
breath and go outside&
Hands place firmly on the ground, fingers spaced evenly out, close your eyes
and imagine a power of light flowing from the earth to you, and a power of
dar" leading from you to the earthV the former would be for the good
energies bac" into you and the latter would be from the bad energies flowing
out of you to be reused in the earth in another form& -s you do this, say the
PI call upon the 3arth and say1 this is po/er1 this is 'y /ay1
PI call upon the 3arth and see1 this is po/er1 this is 'eD=
Continue chanting under your breath, then aloud as each repetition of the
chant is called& Bntil you feel refreshed and anew, and need grounding food
to re;uvenate any unused energies&
Candle "rayer
.. -della 'oon ,ragon+tar, 4.4C.5J
%ord and %ady, from above,
give me strength, peace and love&
Give me hope $ desire,
from the candle*s burning fire&
'y mind to peace, from war within,
help me find the peace, my friend&
The blue of flame, my desire,
this spell is done by the burning fire&
Castin the Circle 00 +edication Ritual
.. -della ,ragon+tar, 54.C5.CS&
This is to be done on the night of the full moon& !pen the circle by +tarting
at #ast, wor"ing cloc"wise& +tand in the middle of the circle, representing
the center of all things& +ay8
'other #arth and Father +"y, $ call to you&
$ as" the aide of the four -irts&
By the light and power of the UUUUU 'oon,
'ay you hear my words&
With -thame 2dagger will do7 in one hand and wand in the other, raise hands
and follow the corners&
2Face #ast7
$ call to the #ast, ruler of the sylphs and Hephyrs& Color of yellow and
element of -ir&
Heading to the suit of the Wands, for protection against all evils&
'ay you hear my call&
2Face +outh7
$ call to the +outh, ruler of salamanders and fire dra"es, color of red and
element of Fire&
Heading to the suit of the +words, to battle enemies with pride&
'ay you hear my call&
2Face West7
$ call to the West, ruler of nymphs, undines and merpeople& Color of blue and
element of Water&
Heading to the suit of the Cups, to drin" from in celebration of the
'ay you hear my call&
2Face (orth7
$ call to the (orth, ruler of gnomes, dwarfs and trolls& Color of green and
element of #arth
Heading to the suit of the Pentacles, for strength against all odds&
'ay you hear my call&
2$n the Center7
$ am one with the power of +pirit, my dedication and appreciation of my
studies growing with each passing moon phase& 'ay all the powers that be
wor" with me to ma"e me grow strong and wise, helpful and giving, gentle and
loving to all beings& 'ay $ learn more about the #arth and her marvelous
powers by the day, indulging in the night& 'ay $ understand and be able to
help those in need of me, as long as their need not interrupt the Wiccan
)ede& Hear me, oh wise ones of the earth and s"y, moon and sea& 'ay $ truly
live to my ultimate potential in all things possible to me&
#nd by dismissing the corners as usual& 2+ee circle opening7
Castin the Circle 00 Openin and Closin
.. -della ,ragon+tar
Circle Closin1 non0ritual:
Closing the circle at the beginning of a ritual and opening it at the ending of
the ritual&
Close the circle by +tarting at #ast, wor"ing cloc"wise&
C8 raising hands to the air at each corner, wand and dagger in hands, calling
their corresponding direction& +ay8
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the 2direction7& $ call to you
with love and trust
48 lighting candles of each corresponding colors at the corners, calling upon
them according to the Calling Corners& +ay8
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the 2direction7& $ welcome you
with love and trust
J8 Place an ob;ect around the circle corresponding to the element of the
corners in the same way, calling their corresponding direction& +ay8
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the 2direction7& $ as" your aide
with love and trust
Circle Openin: ;on0ritual:
-t each corner, !pen the Circle as follows, dar"ening out the candle and
pic"ing the element piece in hands& +tart with (orth and go counter.
cloc"wise& +ay at each8
Than" you for your aide& Go with love and trust&
2)aise a crossed dagger.-thame and wand into the air and say the final calls7
-s above&&&
2,ig dagger.-thame into the ground, wand at sides7
&&&so below&
Con>uerin +eepest &ears and Secrets
.. -della ,ragon+tar
Bses :,ragon*s 'editation: from The Celtic ,ragon Tarot
+tart with the :,ragon*s 'editation: from ,&& Conway*s :The Celtic ,ragon
Get comfortable, ta"e deep breaths, concentrating on your breathing&
$n your mind, envision yourself in a peaceful valley, at the edge of a cliff
loo"ing down on the glistening waters below& Throw all cares and worries into
the riverAocean, turning your bac" on them once finished& They*re gone from
your mind, and no longer e9ist& $n front of you is your Guardian ,ragon,
waiting for your call& (ow that your mind is focused and clear, as" the
:+how me what $ wish to see,
The dar"est secrets haunting me&
Give me the answer of >nowledge true,
+how me what $ have to do&
Balance of mind, soul and self,
$s the "ey to absolute health&
Help me con<uer on the way,
The deepest secret to the day&
The path is long, and splits in two,
Guide me ,ragon, show me what to do&
%et your Guardian ,ragon show you the way in your mind, or open your eyes
and let it show you in your life&
+ar!ness Rein Chant:
-della ,ragonWolf, C6(ov455E& $ wrote this one in my head when $ found a certain
someone was fooling around on me& $t*s not %ight, not by far, but it does belong here as
Blac! as ;iht1 Briht as +ay
(o/ dare you 'a!e 'e -eel this /ay@
Blac! is death1 $lac! is pitch
I'll !ill you1 you son o- a $itch?
+raon's Meditation o- the 3le'ents:
-della 'oon ,ragon+tar, 'arch 4I, 455?
Close your eyes, deep breaths& )ela9&
!pen your inner.eyes and senses as the scene opens and unfolds before you&
0ou*re in a wood, leaves rustle in the gentle spring winds around you& The
smells, the sights, the sounds, the te9tures come alive around you& The
flowers, the trees, the birds chirping, the very te9ture of the leaves&
#verything is awa"e around you, and you feel a certain energy in this
forested wood&
There are three paths mar"ed on the ground& !ne, to the far left is barely
noticible, not very clearly drawn in the dirt& The middle one is beaten and
worn, it would seem a favorite path for many to ta"e& The one on the right is
covered in leaves and mud, but still there& 0ou are in the middle,
contemplating which one to ta"e when you hear a rustling behind you&
+ensing someone behind you, you loo" and see a dragon&
- ,ragon3 -nd he . she . it*s smiling at you, in a "nowing grin that tells of
"nowledge in that mind of theirs& The dragon nods his head in a hello before
:There are many roads traveled, and many that still need to be&: The dragon
says& :Follow the path of intuition and let it be your guide&:
:Which path shall $ wal"=:
The dragon sha"es its head& :0ou will not learn unless you open your eyes to
that which is about you& $*ll guide you to the answer you see"&:
0ou mount the dragon*s bac" and prepare to fly&
The first place the dragon ta"es you is to the middle of the forest&
$t*s a clearing, where no trees have been for centuries it would seem& $n the
middle of this clearing is a single sapling, a young tree& 0ou ;ump off the
dragon*s bac" to investigate& !nce seeing the sapling up close, you see it was
recently planted, for dirt was still around the fragile little tree*s roots&
:Tell me how it survives&: The dragon as"s of you&
:The sun shines on it, giving it light, the rain falls upon it, giving it
nourishment, the earth shelters it, mothering it, and the trees around it
give it shelter and shade, protecting it from the elements&:
:-ha3: The dragon laughs& :The elements& +trange things, elements& 0ou,
young one, have ;ust learned about the #arth& Hop aboard and $*ll show you
-gain, you mount the dragon*s bac" and prepare to fly& $n midair, it flaps its
massive wings&
:%oo" around you& What do you see=:
:Clouds, birds flying in the distance, the sun&:
:What*s more=: The dragon as"s& :What do you +##= !pen your eyes, young
one and +##&:
:$ feel the air and wind&:
:-nd=: $t prods&
:The stars, the trees reaching for the sun& What more=:
The dragon laughs and ;er"s as it plummets to the ground below& Before it
can crash, it lifts up and soars to the s"y again&
:Feel that=: The dragon as"s& :That is Freedom3 Freedom of flight, minds,
everything around you is free& There are no limits in the s"ies& $t has no
beginning and no end&:
The dragon slows its flight as it leads you to a river& $t descends and ta"es a
:Water&: 0ou whisper, but it hears you&
:)ight&: The dragon supplied& :Tell me about it&:
:$ts cleansing, nourishing, warm and wet&:
:Good start&: The dragon said, nodding& :-nything else you can thin" of=:
:$t houses all sea creatures, feeds plants and animals ali"e, rela9ing to listen
to, and shows our reflections on the surface&:
The dragon said& :Wonderful observations& For a start& (ow you will see
what fire is li"e&:
The dragon ta"es you to the s"ies again, to a forest fire& (ot very large, but
enough to do some damage&
:What happened=:
:- hunter left the bonfire going when he left& He believed it would smother
itself out&: The dragon e9plains& :What can you tell me by this display=:
:Fire is fic"le& $t can destroy, yet leave in its path a new beginning& $t can be
dangerous if not handled correctly& There are a lot of things $ see by this
display, but there*s more to it than that&:
:Tell me what else you see&:
:$t*s warm and inviting, lets you see in the dar", and "ills bacteria when
coo"ing food&:
:,o you wish to learn more about the elements=:
The dragon ta"es you where you began, at the opening to the forest of
trees and the three paths in the ground& -s you dismount, the dragon tells
you the following&
:#ach path is different, yet its all the same& $t*s not the destination that
matters, it*s the ;ourney& The choices you ma"e impact your life and how you
live it& >nowing this, do you have any <uestions as $ leave you=:
0ou smile& :0eah& Which path to $ ta"e=:
The dragon disappears, and you wal" the path your intuition pulls you&
The scene disappears from your mind and you open your eyes and ta"e a
breath& (ow, how do you feel=
Which path do you ta"e=
+rea' Spell: Rela4in:
.. -della 'oon ,ragon+tar, !ctober C4, 455C
'aterials8 2C7 incense stic" of cherry, ;asmine, or patchouli& 0ourself and
something to put the incense in&
,o8 with thoughts of the result in your mind, light it and say8
Guides of the sleeping hours,
oin with me your awesome powers
(e9t, with the smo"ing incense, ma"e the Pentagram over the sub;ect while
saying these words8
#arth, -ir, Fire, Water and +pirit,
Wor"ing together in harmony&
Banish sleeplessness from this soul&
'ay sAhe rest peacefully throughout the night&
+o mote it be3
Place the smo"ing stic" of incense into its holder ne9t to the sub;ect*s bed&
Than" the Gods for their help&
3arth 3le'ental Chant:
.. -dellandra ,ratianos, 4S(ov455E
1uic".calls to the #lement of #arth&
#arth*s Fire, >now my desire
#arth*s Flame, >now thy (ame
#arth*s -ll, Hear my Call
3nery &ocus -or +ivination
.. -della ,ragon+tar
With the divination tool in hand, close your eyes and imagine it surrounded
by a white light of energy& >eep that in mind as you chant8
$ hold in my hand this hour,
- very special WiccanA'ysticA-ncient Power&
+urrounding it is the whitest of light,
Guiding my path in the blac"est of night
Holding the image in your mind, open your eyes and continue with the
,oddess o- the ;iht )Invocation*
00 -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos
'irror image stares bac" at me&&&&this is what $ thin" when $ see the silver in
my own eyes&
$ am the Goddess of the (ight
$ am the Goddess of the %ight
$ am the 'oon and the 'agic
-nd all that it encompasses
$ am the %ife that breathes
$ am the %ove that bleeds
$ am the Goddess of the (ight
(al-0Chaos Within Chants:
.. -dellandra ,ratianos, 6,ec455E& This is the Chant $ came up with when $ wished to
*open the gates* to my own Chaos& +ince $ am a being of the %ight, $ cannot FB%%0 Become
Chaotic, not by far& +o it*s Half.Chaos&
(al-0Chaos Chant:
Blac! as ;iht1 Briht as +ay
Banish (al- the Liht A/ay
#houh I'll have no (eart or Soul
Let (al- the Chaos ta!e Control
Return &ro' Chaos Chant:
Liht is Briht1 +ar! is ,ray
Return -ro' Chaos /ithin this day
Return to 'e 'y (eart and Soul
Let the Liht /ithin ta!e Control
&2LL C(AOS WI#(I; Chant:
/ery ,angerous33 ,o not attempt under any circumstances3
Blac! as ;iht1 Briht as +ay
Banish All the Liht A/ay
;o loner have any (eart or Soul
Let &ull Chaos Within ta!e Control?
Interpretation o- the 3le'ents:
.. -della ,ragonWolf, :0oungGuardians'ystic)ealm:, a 0ahoo3 Group, @now,
First off, $ don*t claim to "now everything about anything, let along anything about
everything else& $ ;ust am& -s of today, this is my view of the four elements, plus one& %ater,
$ may 2and probably will7 loo" at this again and burst out laughing, thin"&&&WTF was $
thin"ing3= But for now, <uic"ly $*ll go over what $ "now (!W&
#arth to -ir, Fire to Water, -"asha the +pirit of -ll&&& Five #lements are the basis for all
live on earth& #ach impacting each other&
To begin at the beginning&
Plainly, the very planet we live on, the very *womb* we came from and where e9istance is
nothing without& But what do Witches mean by #arth= The 'other or -ll, who (urtures&
+he is (ature, in all Her Wonder and Fury& -nd that*s ;ust on a good day3
Winds and +"ies, -ir blows, flows, who "nows= $t carries, warms, cools, sends, descends,
transcends 2o"ay, enough *sends* words&&&7& The air is what we breathe, sure, but what else
is it for= %ingering scents are carried to our noses through the air&&&but that*s not what
most Witches mean by -ir&
$*ve pretty much summed my definitions of Fire in the following Poem&
Fire is&
Fire is power, fire is grace
Fire is destruction, fire is race
)ace against time, race against reason
Fire is the blaHe of all four seasons
Warmth and comfort, light and life
Fire is energy bright
Where there*s fire, there*s flame
The burning bright reasons
For life and fame&
The candle burns, the memory turns
Fire within every life learns&
Fire the element is awash with delight
Fire Burns, Fire*s Flame, Fire*s bright the night
when one*s lost in dar"*s name&
Fire to the earth is rebirth and flight
'oves <uic" to destroy, warms <uic" when lit right&
When man wrongs man, there*s fire to fight
,estruction of old and dead leaves stench of the Fire*s Flight&
Those are ;ust a few stanHas $ can thin" of that help me describe to
you what $ believe Fire is to me, on my level anyway&
Cleansing, comforting, water&&&&to swim, to bathe, to drin"&&&so refreshing3 But why is it so
refreshing&&&not ;ust the molecules of H4!, but more& We can freeHe it into ice cubes, ma"e
>oolaid out of it, ad infinitum&&&one of the #arth*s natural resources, water is a lot of things&
- Witch can add salt 2to represent #arth7 to it and ma"e a Blessing potion& %i"e $ said, many
The +pirit is one and -ll&&&the Center of being, this spiritual essence of all beings that live
on earth&&&the very life of us& +ome thin" of spirit as ghosts, those beings who have passed
on to the +ummerlands, or those not able to find their way *home*&&&&others thin" spirit is
our own soul.spirit& They*re right& -ll of them&
Ishanar Re$orn? Invocation
!n the (ight of the Blood 'oon, !ctober I
, 455E, the birth of the ,ragon (ations*
$shanar was reborn, by the hands of %ord ,raconis and myself, his %ady -dellandra, for $
carried with me the +pirit of $shanar within my +pirit Crystal& $t is rumored $ released
more than the +pirit of $shanar that night&
Ishanar Re$orn?
Lady Luna Shinin Briht
I $rin to you a ,i-t this ;iht
&ro' the &ires o- +raon's &la'e
Re$irth o- Ishanar is #he ;a'e
I Release to you the Spirit o- #hee
#o spread alon this Real' and See
#he Old Return to the ;e/ #his ;iht
As the Stars in the (avens Shine so $riht
So /ill this Mortal Real' -all -ro' ,race
And the Old World /ill rise in its place
Ishanar 00 R3BOR;?
So sayeth I1 So It $e +O;3?
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos,
#lder Creatri9 Goddess of $shanar
%ady #mpress of the ,ragon (ations
%ady Guardian of the )ealms
1ueen of the $llunae
-ncient 'ystic Goddess of +pirit
,ragon Goddess %ady +ilver'oon
-lpha +heWolf of the 'ountain Wolf Forest Pac"s
,aughter of the 'oon Goddess, %una
Lady Luna Ritual
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos
The Charms $ wear around my nec" are empowered by the %ight of the
'oon& They*re cleansed by each of the #lements and left in the 'oonlight
'aterials8 Charms in hand, a small bowl, water, salt, candle, lighterAmatch&
To ,o8 'i9 salt with tapwater in the small bowl, light the candle& With the
charms, douse in salt.water, :From #arth and Water,: then through the
flame, :From -ir to Fire&: !nce the charms are cleansed, go to the night*s
Full 'oon and offer them to %ady %una&
:%ady %una, $ call to you, come and cleanse these charms with your magic,
for strength and protection&:
>neel and meditate, with charms at your chest& $magine ta"ing the 'oon*s
'agic into you and your charms, a bright white light surrounding you&
+tand, raising the charms up once more& :-s -bove,:
>neel again, touching the Charms to the ground& :+o below&:
+ing the Goddess Chant Three times8
:$sis, -starte, ,iana, Hecate, ,emeter, >ali, $nnanna&:
)ise and set the charms in an open window closest to the glow of %ady %una&
Love Co'e to Me Spell
.. -della ,ragon+tar, J.44.5?
open the doors for him to see, that all he wished to be is with me&
%et life*s own tales be told somewhere else, and lead his loving arms to me&&
Be he near or be he far, he will see me so soon together we are&&&&&
$n dreams no more, in reality, this spell is done, so mote it be3
Messae to a Loved One
..-della ,ragon+tar, ,ecember 45, 45558
+pell, incantation, really, for a message to loved one from the heart& To be
used when the loved one is either away, or you are&
Tarot8 -ces of each suit, and any card which may help in what to say and
bring to the message&
Picture of the loved one&
+tart by doing the usual :sweeping: out negative energies, then opening of
the Circle, chanting a rhyme of your own ma"ing, or even the 'ystic*s
)hyme& Place the picture on a smooth surface, preferably the floor&
+urround it with the -ces in their respective directions for their element&
2+ee above7& With four other cards, close the circle around the picture,
saying and thin"ing8
I send the po/er o- )card* to you1 so you 'ay )/hat does it do*
$f need be, use another card to give yourself strength or any other help you
need in order to send the message& Tap each card, all eight, with your wand,
thin"ing of the loved one and sending each separate message& Go cloc"wise,
for positivity& -fter that, hold your wand in your hand, close your eyes, thin"
of the loved one and send the message& Be sure to "eep the picture of the
loved one in your mind& When finished, tap again, cloc"wise, saying8
I ave you )po/er o- card*
For each& To ma"e it more powerful, if you wish, you can stare at the picture
and thin" the message to them& -s you stare, your wand is touching it&
+o 'ote it Be3
Close the circle with the 'ystic*s +pell 2or whatever rhyme you wish to use
to close the circle&7 Be sure to go in the opposite direction to close it&
Goddess Bless and Happy Casting3
:0ule*s #ve: the eve of the Winter +olstice
Money Spell
.. -della 'oon ,ragon+tar, anuary 4S, 4554
'aterials8 Green and White candlesG God and Goddess candles, incense of
asmine or Patchouli, Tarot CardsG The World, The 'agician 2or, your self.
card7, The +un& Tiger*s #ye stone, Balancing 1uartHA+mo"ey 1uartH stones&
-lso, if you wish, Wand&
To Prepare8 2Preferably on a Full 'oon, -ltar or similar surface as pictured87
Goddess Candle The +un The 'agician The World God Candle
Green Candle $ncense White Candle
Balancing 1uartH Tiger*s #ye +mo"ey 1uartH
To +ay8 :!n this night, $ call to me, The Powers of +uccess, %uc", and
:Hail to the Goddess, $ summon your assistance&:
To ,o8 2%ight the Goddess Candle7
To +ay8 :Hail to the God, $ summon your assistance&:
To ,o8 2)aise hands to the s"y, close your eyes and imagine your desired
%ight the $ncense7
To +ay8 :-s $ bring the flame to scent, so $ bring its power to me&:
To ,o8 2While the incense is still flaming, light the Green Candle7
To +ay8 :-s $ bring the flame to candle, so $ bring its power to me&:
To ,o8 2%ight the White candle&7
To +ay8 :-s $ bring the flame to candle, so $ bring its power to me&:
To ,o8 2Wave still.flaming, pass over all three stones, %eft to )ight, circular
J times each& Blow the incense out, placing in a safe place between the Green
and White Candles& Close your eyes, wand hand to the s"y for the first
sentence& !pen them again, saying each as you snuff out the candles& 2,on*t
blow, disrespectful37
To +ay8 :Than" you, Goddess, $ send you home in peace and love&
:Than" you, God, $ send you home in peace and love&
To #nd8 :!n that note, by powers of three, this spell is done, so mote it be3:
;e/ 7ear's Spell
.. -della ,ragon+tar
To be done on either +amhain 2Pagan new year7 or anuary C
'aterials needed8 C4 'onths +tones, inde9 card, pen2cil7, lighter, candle,
flame.proof bowl 2preferably cauldron7 with water either in it or handy,
lighter, candle 2preferably white7, and stone nec"lace with a focus.energy.
protection.type stone in it&
Before you begin, write the most regretted thoughts of the previous year on
the inde9 card&
First, set up the mini.altar in a safe place away from flammable ob;ects& -s
you set up, thin" about what you desire for the coming year& Place the candle
on the mini.altar, the C4.'onths +tones surrounding it in a circle& Cast the
circle as usual and light the candle& Pass the cleansed stone of the nec"lace
over the fire, saying8
:-s the new year progresses, may this stone give me UUUUUU&:
Fold the card in fours before burning it in the bowl& For safety, you can set
the bowl in the sin" before you burn it& That way, you can drown the fire
with water&
:By flame of the fire,
:The year past is gone&
:Bring me what $ desire,
:-s the new year carries on&:
Close the circle, as usual, and clean up the mess&
"rayer to the Lord and Lady
.. -della ,ragon+tar C5.C?.455C
To be said aloud or in your head whenever you need reassurance&
Concentrate only an the Prayer, and thin" of a white light growing brighter
with each stanHa& By the end stanHa, you should feel better, the white light
should warm your thoughts and give you what you need most&
To my %ord and to my %ady
of the %unar star above
+end me hope and send me strength
>nowledge and Perfect love
+end me truth and send me peace
-nd gentle signs from above
That you are listening to my words
To fill my heart with your love
+end me guides to light the way
When $ forget who $ am,
+end me truth when $ am among lies,
-nd sweet memories when $Wm in a ;am&
+end to me the sweetest dreams
$n the nights that are most blea"
and send to me your words of hope
that strengthen me when $*m wea"
Help me see what $*m meant to be
Teach me and guide the way
+how me the path that*s rightfully mine
Ta"e my hand and heart each day
$ pray to thee and as" of thee
to send me my desires
Connect the circle of -ir
to Winds to #arth, +pirit and Fires
'other Goddess and Horned God
Who watch over me from above
Grant of all to me my wishes
-nd don*t forget the love&
So Mote it Be1 7ou Belon to Me?
A Consecration Spell
.. -della ,ragon+tar
'aterials8 Tool2s7 to be cleansed, salt for #arth, incense 2+andalwood or
Patchouli7 for -ir, lighter and candle for Fire and bowl of Water&
Close the Circle& Call on the -ncients, as"ing for their assistance, guidance
and blessings& 'editate, focusing on what you want to accomplish& %ight the
candle& With candleWs flame, light 2and bind7 incense& 'i9 salt in the water
Pass the tool through the incense, saying8
*$ bless thee with the power of air&*
Pass the tool through candle*s flame, saying8
*$ bless thee with the power of fire&*
,ip or sprin"le waterAsalt mi9 inAon tool, saying8
:$ cleanse thee with the power of water,
:)enewing thee with the power of #arth&:
)aise the tool in the air and declare8
:+o 'ote it Be, 0ou Belong to 'e3:
Than" the -ncients for their assistance, guidance and blessings before you
open the circle&
S/ord Cleansin Spell
00 Adella +raonStar
$ Pray to The Gods and Goddesses
-s $ cleanse this sword,
Be watchful over me&
2Holy water dip . salt.water .. with two fingers, each time, drawing the
pentacle on three different spots of the sword& The tip, the blade, and the
Goddess bless, goddess be&
%et this sword be forever free 2J97
Free from hell and free from pain
%et it never draw blood again&
By the powers of three times three,
%et this sword be forever free&2J97
2as the water is drawn on the sword in the pentacle.shape7
2,o this for both sides of the sword7
2as you wipe it dry with the towel, say the following87
Be free forever more
From the evil youWd had in store
Goddess be, Goddess bless
'ay no evil come upon thee
For in the name of @@@, you are free&
$ give you this plea, and honor your oath&
Goddess bless, Goddess be
This sword is now forever free&
Adellandra's Maic!al "oetry:
Ballad o- Spirit and Shado/s )Myth in "oe' &or'*:
The -ncient 'ystics have two gods that fell deeply in love with
each other, +pirit and +hadows& This Poem states their story&
2For those who have been paying attention, $, -dellandra ,ranna
,ratianos, am The -ncient 'ystic*s Goddess of +pirit, and
,raconis is +hadows&7
#he Ballad o- Spirit and Shado/s
.. -dellandra ,ratianos J5+ept455E
From the -ncient 'ystic Gods so Fair
Came a balanced love so pure of a pair
!ne from the %ight, +ilver and Bright
!ne from the ,ar"ness, Chaos and (ight
Theirs was the %ove of Purest ,esires
Theirs was the Balance of %ife and Fires
+he was +pirit, a Being of the %ight
He was +hadows, a Being of the (ight
#ach yearned for something different and then
Within her the ,ar"ness, within him a Friend
They came together, a %ove so Pure
Within the %ight and the (ight they #ndure
Passion*s Fires from ,ragon*s Flame
#ach calling the other*s names
:+pirit, my %ove,: He e9laimed unto she,
The Bright and +ilver one so Free, :$ love you
With thine own heart, my soul, my love, we will never part&:
:+hadows, dearest,: +he purred to her (ight, :$ love you
-s well, for you are my all, for throws of love with you did $ Fall:
:- love li"e ours will never be forsa"en,: +he said,
:(or from each other our souls will be ta"en:
-nd so they were for centuries above
With the -ncient 'ystics Gods did they love
But with each passing gone their brethren were covetous
-nd green.eyed with ;ealousy of something they couldn*t muss
!ne day the 'ighty !rigin of Fates did appear
-nd tore their +ouls from each other dear
:+hadows my dearest heart so true, fear not: +pirit supplied&
:For $ am always with you& Thin" of me in dar"est hours,
Thin" of me in your dar"est of powers, and $
Will be there instantly, for they will soon see,
The Gods themselves will never separate you from me3:
They were )ealmborn then, in two separate worlds
He a ,raconian and she a dragonwolf girl
They eventually found each other again,
)ealmbound for ,ar"ness needed his Friend
)ealmbound for +pirit needed her 'ate
For completion and Balance they did parta"e
!nce the Gods above they did see,
They were not happy they were not free
!nce more did The !rigin of Fates stepped in
Brought /isions to the girl, too" away her friend
+eparated and made to suffer in remorse
+he thought the hell of it was her fault, of course
-s for +hadows, he was strong, but the Chaos was stronger
-nd War of the ,ragon (ations did rage on
Without the %ove that had been his heart and soul
There was no more peace, there was no more control
The -ncient 'ystic Brethren Gods, they felt compunction
What had they done, with their ;ealous action=
How could they have been so wrong, in being green.eyed all along=
They should have been happy for +hadows and +pirit
For they had found love where no one else would hear it&
$n order to rectify their ;ealous misdeed, they told all to ta"e heed
For one day, the two would find each other again
and the Chaos of +hadows will be with the %ight of his %over Friend
$t did not ta"e long for the -ncient 'ystics Gods plan
To come to fruition, for Fates to ta"e hand&
To bring bac" the +ilver %ight of +pirit to He
Who once let the ,estruction and Chaos )un Free
To bring bac" the ,ar"ness of (ight to +he
Who was swept away by the Fates for her to see
!nce a ,ragonwolf now a 'ystic girl
+tuc" now in three different worlds
The !nce.,;inn High %ord !*,ell intervened
The 'ystic girl was more than what she seemed&
He made her his successor as 0oung Guardian
-nd Trained her with magics so she could return once again
+he was soon given Goddess +tatus again
+he was the Goddess of +pirit, a helping hand of a friend
Taught of the +pecial 'agics within her soul
Taught to tame the Wildness and within it, Control
!n a chance meeting with the ,ragon*s #mperor
+he happened to Feel something in her heart and soul stir
- whisper of a beat so wild and untamed, who was this
'ale to ma"e her feel this way, what was his name=
- +imple "iss opened up her eyes, for something
Wonderful, it became <uite a surprise
+he was his +pirit, and the ,ragon*s Fire awo"e
He was the +hadows, wrapped in a ,ar"ness cloa"
The two were one once more, as their souls were balance
Hers was the %ove unli"e any other, and he was in a trance
+he could no longer be with anyone but Him, her heart desired
The Chaos, the ,ar"ness, of His ,ragon*s Fire within
He could no longer love anyone but her, his soul reawa"ened
To the %ove, the %ight, the +pirit she*d parta"en
- Final decree to their Brethren they cried
(o one would come between them would live if they tried
(o one will live to see the light of day,
that sought to ta"e their mate away
From that day forward, the Gods and the Fates would Feel
How true of a love +pirit and +hadows had, for it was real
The Truest of %oves, of heart, +oul and ,esire,
!f Honor and +pirit and Balance in the ,ragon*s Fire
In the +istance 00 Maically Revised )"oe'*:
In the +istance 9 Revised 60IJ0KJ1 niht o- the Stor' Moon
,istant drummers play their song, in hopes someone will listen
$t is the beat that guides our path, and the bells of truth that ring it&
$n the distance lies a goal& $t*s up to us to reach it&
That someday we may ta"e control, and have the strength to teach it&
$n the distance there is a path, two different beats of drums&
The beaten path is rough to ride, but the smooth one is what comes&
,istant drummers move to music, that only they can hear&
$f you ta"e the time to listen, their tune is truly clear&
#ach of us is different, each of us is one&
But in the natural order of things, we are all of the same sun&
$s there a way to distinguish, or stop whatWs wrong in light&
The answer, no, there is no one that can say whatWs wrong or right&
,istant drummers play their song, in hopes someone will sing it&
There is a beat that guides our path, we only have to see" it&
$n the distance lays a common dream, where everyone is nice&
There is no pre;udice or hate, and are no deaths each night&
,istant singers sing a song, in hopes for a better day&
$t is the song of life, to teach our children, so they can learn and play&
$n the distance, there are dreams and goals, to be found, tried, and true&
For life is a lesson we must live, and cannot ever be through&
Bntil our +ummerland day arrives, we continue to reach for the stars&
The best way to get through life is to be e9actly who you are&
(o one can see" your inner +elf, but you and you alone&
%et the elements be your guide, and may they become your own&
$n the distance, chanting is heard, from a +olitary soul
-nother lifestyle to unearth, another way to reach a goal&
'agic" is all around us, inside our mind and spirit&
'ay the truth be spo"en only in tongue, and the ,eities come when they
hear it&
- Witches ritual begun, the 'oon in her glorious power&
$t is the mid, it is the night, therefore the Witching Hour&
$n the distance, power abides every one of (atureNs rules&
The 'agic" of the elements, felt through a single ;ewel&
The Circle cast for protection last, a long and fruitful sight&
#arth, -ir, Fire, Water, and +pirit, seen by candlelight&
$n the distance is the +olitary soul, another mode is heeded&
-s the +pells and !aths are cast, The Circle is now completed&
Re'e'$er Maic!@ )"oe'*:
By8 -della ,ragon+tar
$ remember youG ,o you remember me=
Bac" then you were so wild and free,
0ears ago when it was ;ust you and me=
$ remember youG ,o you remember me=
$ remember when you were a "id&
Bac" then, doing things you never didG
+aying the things you never said sinceG
0es, $ remember when you were "id&
$ remember a time when you were spiteful&
When the 'agic" flowing in you was so delightfulG
0ou*d bend the rules and play the fool,
But all in all, $ remember&
$ remember when college was more than a dreamG
0ou and $ were the perfect teamG
#ither casting or invo"ing, we made the sceneG
$ remember you then, so long ago it seems&
$ remember when we first parted, its sadG
Went our own separate ways, though it felt so badG
$ thought a lot of the 'agic" and %ove we hadG
$ remember how you never +po"e to me again, and that made me mad&
$ loo" at you now, and remember your faceG
The happiness you bring is all over the placeG
%ost are your memories of 'agic"=
,o you not remember my warm embrace=
$ remember you& (ow do you remember me=
)emember and thin" of the days we were free=
Can you picture my face= 'y warm embrace=
$ as" of you today, ,o you remember me=
- pause silences, the air is still&
0our voice rings out to me, sending a thrill,
+ending me hope in a world so sad and still&
$ smile as $ listen, and as you say the word $ digress
.. :0es&:
#he +raon
.. -della ,ragon+tar
$ am the protector of the wea"
With magic" in my eyes
- simple breath of fire from me
Would be a big surprise
$ will guide your given path
When you need a hand
ust call upon your inner self
To help you understand
When times of life are sad for you
-nd nothing at all goes right
Call upon me to get you through
$*ll help you in the night
'y ;ob is to protect and guide
Teaching rights from wrongs
Helping you to harness powers
+teering you all along
$ am the mighty dragon
+o magic"al and true
Whenever you need a dragon
$*ll always be there for you&
#he 2nicorn
.. -della ,ragon+tar
$ am the watcher of the night
Protector of your dream
$ am the one to comfort you
+ilencing your screams
$ am 'agic", $ am love
$ am a wish come true
$*m anything you want me to be
$ live inside of you
$ am playful, $ am bright,
$*m magic"al and fair
$ am li"e a ray of sunshine
Blinding rain*s discouraging glare
$ am the watcher of the night
+oother of your screams
$ am the mighty unicorn
Guardian of your dreams
I a' the One and All
.. -dellandra ,ratianos, CI!ct455E
$ am the #arth $ am the 'oon
$ am the summer sun in une
$ am the whispering winds that blow
$ am the calming waves in the oceans that flow
$ am the Goddess, $ am the (ight
$ am the !ne, and $ am -ll&
$ am the Bnicorn, Guardian of ,reams
$ am the 'ighty ,ragon, +ilencer of +creams
$ am the Hunter Wolf, racing through the (ight
$ am the Haw", Through the +"ies at Flight
$ am the Goddess, $ am the (ight
$ am the !ne, and $ am -ll
$ am the white snow of winter slumber
$ am the brilliant autumn leaves so bright
$ am the warmth of summer*s horiHons
$ am the scents of springs delight
$ am the Goddess, $ am the (ight
$ am the !ne, and $ am -ll
$ am the #arth you wal" upon
$ am the +un that beats down
$ am the rushing waters of the ocean
$ am the rumbling mountains
$ am -ll around you, yet $ am only !ne&
$ am the rain that cleanses
$ am the earth that heals
$ am the "eeper of the +pirits
$ am -ll the Powers that feel
$ am that which is in your world
$ am a child, a mother, a girl
$ am the Goddess +ilver'oon
3yes o- a Mystic
-dellandra ,ratianos, 4C!ct455E
Through the #yes of a 'ystic
The World is 'agic
'ystic*s #yes of +ilver.Blue
Hold the 'agic )ainbow True
We live in three ,ifferent Worlds
Though We are -ll the +ame
The $nner and !uter.)ealm
We Play the 'ystic Game
We ,ream in 'any Colors
We +hare in 'any )hymes
We Come from 'any )ealms
We Hail From 'any Times
Through the #yes of a 'ystic
The )ealms Bnite
Harmony, Peace, 'agic )elease
#ven in War, we Will Fight
We carry 'any Forms
From 'any ,ifferent >in
We are %overs, Fighters,
,reamers and Friends
Through the #yes of a 'ystic
-ll is 'agic
From the mind and the hand
Those who %earn it, Bnderstand
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, 46!ct455E
$ yearn for the night to wrap around me
$ ache for sleep to come
To ta"e me away to )ealms uncharted
To steal me away to friends made there
$n dreamtime, $ am free to be myself
$n the )ealms, $ am more than a girl
For only in dreams do $ ever be
more than $ ever hope to be here
The (ight whispers lullabies in my ear
as it blan"ets me in comfort and warmth
$ call the spell as $ snuggle in tight
The ,ream Chant
$ listen to melodies played only in my mind
$ thin" and imagine myself with my lover
For in dreams, and only in dreams,
-m $ truly free&
&reedo' &liht
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, 46!ct455E
-s a bird upon the winds $ fly
as a ,ragon in mortal dreams $ fly
the wind courses through my beaten wings
my arms reach out
my eyes they close and $ drift away
the cool light of the moon behind me
the vast sea of green below me
the spar"ling waters of the ocean salt in my nose
(o one can see me as the dragon
no one but my mate can hear my calls
Below the wolves howl their greetings
$t*s a great night for a freedom flight
Sa'hain ;iht
.. -dellandra ,ratianos, JC!ct455E
The /eil between the worlds is thin
+pirits of the lost ones pass in
/isiting with those left to live
To our hearts their love they did give
)e;oice, for they*re no longer gone
Their +pirits did indeed live on
Honor them with tidings of the night
+et an e9tra place at the table tonight
But be aware the veil*s other guests
That pass through with all the rest
To "eep them going on their way
confuse them with mas"s,
they will not stay
%eave a bowl of goodies at the door
for those who come to e9plore
+amhain is (ew 0ear*s ,ay
Be happy, celebrate,
for 0ule is on it*s way
Crisp autumnal leaves are bright
with color and flavor in the night
Have fun, re;oice for today*s the day
to %augh, to love, to imagine and play
The (ight brings out the dar"est of hours
The coolest of times, the greatest of powers
-ll Hallow*s #ve, the pump"in*s lit
With silly faces carved into it
To ward away evil spirits from the feast
-nd attract the spirits of the least
- celebration of delight
+amhain is music and magic" bright&
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, C(ov455E
(orthern #arth 'others
#astern Winds Whisper
+outhern Fires Burn
Western Waters Flow
$nner +pirit #ntrances
The 'other, +he %oves
The Father, He Teaches
The 'oon, +he +hines
The +un, He Brightens
The +tars, They Twin"le
The Goddess 'aiden %earns
The Goddess 'other (urtures
The Goddess Crone >nows
The Green 'an Grows
The Hunter God Feeds
The -ncients +hine
The Haw"s Fly
The ,ragons >now
The ,olphins Protect
The Wolves )un Free
Witches +ing
$mmortals ,ream
Children Play
Companions ,ance
#lementals #nchant
+raon +ance
.. -dellandra ,ratianos, J(ov455E
,ragons are the epitome of the #lements
!ur Hearts are the very spirit of the -ges
!ur +ouls are the strong current of waters
!ur 'inds are the -ir and magic the Winds
!ur bodies are the #arth*s ,esired Fantasy
!ur Wings #ncompass the Warm Fires
We Fly, for in flight we are free
We teach, for as teachers we are wise
We learn, for as students we are in<uisitive
We grow, with every breath of life
We %ive, in loyalty, love, and magical bliss
We honor our loved ones, and the wise ones all."nowing
We fight for truth, ;ustice, for all our "ind
,ragon*s ,ance in the bright moonlight
-mongst the moon*s white light
We sing, we dance, we play and have fun
We mate for life, for us there is only one
,ragon*s Fly among the stars
Twisting, turning, loving, yearning
,ragon.mates are free in Flight
But ever watchful of the (ight
#he Wol-
.. -dellandra ,ratianos, I(ov455E
$ am the 'ighty Hunter
%eader of the Pac"
$ am the Great Protector
When courage is what you lac"
$ am the Wolf
$ am the Forest +ee"er
Catching scents upon the breeHe
$ am the Gentle Guardian
Who comes when you have need
$ am the Wolf
'y ears the hear many things
'y eyes they see" the moon
'y nose it smells when danger*s near
!r the aromas of the summer*s une&
$ will protect your dreams at night
$ will steadfast by your side
when nightmares give you a fright
$ will be the gentle guide
$ am Hunter, Guardian, Friend that*s True
Guide, Protector, Teacher, Pac"
When you need me, $ will be there for you&
$ am the Wolf, %eader of the Pac"
Ancient Mystic Maesties
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos S(ov455E
$ am the Guardian of the #arth
Powers of its magic" bow down to me
'y Gift is +ilence,
the (ight belongs to me
$ am the Wolf
$ am the Guardian of the #ast
The Winds blow at my commands
'y Gift is >nowledge,
the )ising belongs to me
$ am the Haw"
$ am the Guardian of the +outh
Fires burn at my Calls
'y Gift is Will,
the (oonday belongs to me
$ am the ,ragon
$ am the Guardian of the West
!ceans and +eas follow my lead
'y Gift is ,aring,
Twilight belongs to me
$ am the 'ermaiden
$ am the Guardian of the +pirit
Without me, none would e9ist
'y Gift is Progression,
They -ll Belong to me
$ am the -"asha
$ am the #arth*s Pac".leader
$ am the -ir*s drawing power
$ am the Fire*s wildness
$ am the Water*s cleansing
$ am the -"asha, Within and Without
$ am the 'agesty of #arth
The !ne that 'others
$ am the 'agesty of -ir
The !ne that Whispers
$ am the 'agesty of Fires
The !ne that ,eafens
$ am the 'agesty of Water
The !ne that Cleanses and Heals
$ am the 'agesty of the +pirit
The -"asha, The !ne, The -ll
#he One With Many ;a'es
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, C5(ov455E
-s -della 'oon ,ragonWolf
$ am a witch, lost in dreams
studying about my craft
in the 'ortallan )ealm, $*m bound
'y physical body found
Tapping away at senseless words
Trying to ma"e sense of it all
-s 'oonWolf
$ am the -lpha +heWolf of the Pac"s
'any Pac"s listen to my calls
We Hunt together, Wor" Together
'other, Play and %ove together
For we are !ne Pac", Bnited
-nd (othing is going to change that
-s -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos
$ am a ,ragonWolf girl
#mpress of the ,ragon (ations
With power at my every whim
'y family is close, our bond is tight
Children of all bac"grounds are magical
-s %ady Guardian of the )ealms
The !ne with 'any (ames and Forms
$ help those in need, whenever deemed
-s the !ath of the )ealm Crusaders states
$ have many sub;ects, but even more friends
'any -rmies are at my command
To "eep peace in -ll the )ealms of -ll the Worlds
$ am all these things, and more
'emories, dreams, imagination, truth
'y spirit is of a Goddess
$t*s who and what $ am
'agic", 'usic, Family, Friends
Pac", ,raconian, -ncient 'ystic
$ am -ll and $ am 'ore
Aa'pire's Biss
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, C4(ov455E
>iss of Flame, >now my name
Breath of Fire, pure desire
,rin" of me, when in need
0ou ,esire me, so Feed
Ta"e within you the passion*s feast
Power, immortality
Feel life ta"ing you by the hand
By the heart and soul
Feel the Fire ta"ing control
Bloodlust, Heated Fire
'agical errotic desire
Feed from me
'y >iss is %ife
'y blood is Fire*s flame
,rin" from me,
$ Feel your (eed
0our heart no longer beats pure
But only with and for me endure
Heart to heart and soul to soul
%et the Flame*s heated desires
of my %ife ta"e control
An4iety Attac!
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos C4(ov455E
Too many things around me
+o many people surround me
Feeling closed in
Where do they end and $ begin=
'y heartbeats <uic"en
$ feel it echoing in my ears
+urrounded by dar"ness
Where*s the %ight=
Help me for $*m lost
$n a bo9 of nothingness
,eep inside my own mind
There goes my heart again
%ouder, stronger, <uic"er, harder
Beating in my ears,
pumping blood through my body
'ust get away from here
Too many to %isten, to Feel, to Hear
- little voice deep in my mind
+pea"s up, Prela9&O
PTa"e a deep breath, count to ten,
P$n through the nose and out again&O
$ close my eyes and obey
Ta"ing my time and mind away
Heart slows to steady rhythm
$n, !ut, Breathe, )ela9
The %ight, there it is, as clear as day
$n my mind $ wal" to it
$n, !ut, Breathe, )ela9
O- Wol- and "ac!
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, C4(ov455E
%ove, %ife, Honor, Trust
Pac" is -ll
Family, ustice, Peace
We %ive by many )ules
+implicity is best
-lphas are 'others and Fathers
Betas are -unts and Bncles
We %ove, %ive, %earn, %augh and Grow
Hunt, Forest, >ill, Teach, and >now
+mell the prey upon the winds
)ace to catch it before it gets away
Feel the #arth*s beating heart
Beneath tough pads
Warmth of winter*s fur covers
+tores up fat for +pring*s birth
Pac" are Family
Pups in +pring, grow by summer
To start their own Pac" by autumn
There*s power in our numbers
With each litter we grow
+tronger, Faster, %onger
Briht and Shinin Moon
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos C4(ov455E
%oo" to the s"y
,ar" as the (ight
The moon shines above
- warm incandescent light
+he +miles, my %ady %una
From her havenly s"ies
The power is within her
There*s magic in Her eyes
Bright and bold, beauty told
%egends and +tories
From 0ou are they told
'ystic moon, shining bright
Half the ,ar"ness, Half the %ight
%una*s %ight will guide the way
+how the Path to the sun*s new day
-s you wane, so do $ )est
-s you wa9, and Full $*m my best
Har"3 The Bright and +hining 'oon
%ady %una, %oving, gentle %una
Guide the Path in (ightly Hours
Grant to me your awesome powers
A Beltane's Chant )ABC "oe'*
.. -dellandra ,ranna ,ratianos, CS(ov455E
-round the
Beltane*s Glowing fire
Chanting is heard,
,rumming is felt& The
#arth, +he rises higher and higher
Green Goddess of
Havens dealt
ewels of
>ingdom*s named&
%oving arms of the
'other*s #mbrace
(ature*s see"ing
!ceans Fame
Prince and Princess for
1ueen and >ing*s Grace
)aising their voices higher and higher
+ing to the s"ies
Touching, #mbracing,
Bnderneath the moon*s glow
/arious voices ;oined in Choir
With heart*s love, the Beltane*s fire
Xylophone echoes purest desires
0outh and blessing, raising
Renith*s light&
Ancient Mystic Spells and Chants:
What Boo" of %ight from an -ncient 'ystic would be complete without selections from the
-ncient 'ystic +pells $ used in the ,ream )ealm Chronicles= -ye, $ wrote every one of
these, but only performed a few in this +hell& $ have said or performed most in the )ealms,
so don*t as" anymore3 $*ve twea"ed them here to be universal, so they could be used by
#he Ancient Mystic Circle Chant
the P'ystic ForcesO may sound familiar, as $ wrote it for both )ealms in mind, it*s here,
too, also twea"ed&
,raw a circle in the ground with the 'agics Finger.Touch& Chant three times, in the center,
loo"ing at your feet F
Mahl0hi! Let Me Be
Mystic Maic1 Set Me &ree
+lowly, raise your arms to the air, as these words escape your lips F
Mystic &orces1 I call upon theeD
I call upon the earth1 s!y1 sun1 'oon1 and /indE
As a ne/ Gourney $eins1 I call upon the earth to hold and shelter 'eD
I call upon the s!y to uide 'e1
I call upon the sun to soothe 'e1
I call upon the 'oon to !eep /atch over 'e at niht1
And last1 the /ind1 to /arn 'e o- evil -orces in the airD
Call thrice this chant, eyes closed to the world around you, arms raised in a MvN F
Mystic &orces1 I call upon theeD
+lowly bringing your hands down, do one of the following8
$f alone8 cross your arms on your chest
$f with others8 ;oin hands&
With either, youNll chant accordingly& -lone, 2others in parenthesis7
Mystic Maic1
Set Me &ree )Colors o- dust*
May the &orces )Allo/ the &orces*
Watch O:er MeD )#o Beep Watch O:er 2s*
$f going to the ,ream World with the Circle, call out in the Provinces 'ystic language8
Moy 7a' #or (a' +ay )thrice*
Mahl0(i! +el +a Lorr
Bah +en &ret A #see
Mystic Maic1 Co'e 2nto Me?
Be-ore a $attle /ith evil:
close your eyes and softly chant to yourself,
Within 'y soul1
But /ith 'y 'ind1
Mystic Maic1
All !no/in1 all !ind
As I $attle evil sorcery
May the Maic "rotect 'eD
Mystic's Candle Spell
Close your eyes, thin" of the Candle*s Flame and chant Thrice for concentration, etc&
As I thin! o- the candle:s -ire1
,ive 'e 4 1 /hich I desireD
any of the following for 98
courage, peace, luc", serenity, hope, strength, persistence, power, etc&
Mystic's Cuic! Strenhenin Spell:
,ive 'e the strenth1
ive 'e the po/er1
help 'e survive
these 'ortal hoursD
,uardian O:+ell1
rant 'e the po/er
(elp 'e survive
these 'ortal hoursD
+rea' Chant
Moy 7a'1 #or (a' +ay
#a!e 'e A/ay
My heart1 'y soul and all I see'1
#a!e 'e no/ to the Real' o- +rea's?
#he 34ilin Spell
Maics o- the Real's 2nite
#a!e this lone +o'inionite
In a Cloud o- dust to the 2n!no/n
I 34ile 7ou1 All Alone?
#ravelin Spell
!uter.)ealm to !uter.)ealm Traveling
Bno/in o- the Sisterhood
My Mind and heart and soul are ood
#a!e 'e no/ to LLLLLL
Where they'll $e /aitin1 open0handed
#he "rotector's Chant
Hand on Protectors* Pendant, closed eyes&
#hrouh the A'ulet1 I shall See
What is happenin to the'1 to 'e@
I'' their 3arthly "rotector
#hey are 'y o/n
#ell 'e /hat's happenin
#o 'y precious one
Ancient Mystic's #ravelin Chant
(ot to be confused with the Traveling +pell& This one is for )ealm to !uter.)ealm
Moy 7a' #or (a' +ay
#a!e LLLLL A/ay%
#hrouh ti'e and throuh space
Let the' leave this place
Return to Where and Whence you ca'e1
Save yoursel- -ro' har' or painD
%this child1 'e1 or na'eD
#he 3rradication Spell
7ou are ;othin
7ou are Shit
7ou are ;othin to Me
7ou do ;ot 34ist?
+estruction Spell:
for ,;inn Fear.Wraiths
I a' &ree
I a' Clear
Be destroyed
By your O/n &ear?
P Mystic's Rhy'e=
This is what we are tal"ing about when we spea" of the P'ystic*s )hymeO
PMystic 3yes o- Silver0Blue1
P(old the Maic Rain$o/ #rueD=
2n-orotten Spell
$ didn*t "now what to call this one, but since it undoes the Forgetfulness +pell*s effects, $
called it PBnforgottenO&
+rea'er's +rea' and Wishers Wish
Li!e the Mind and +itch the +ish
#o Seal your &ate in #une /ith #i'e
Ma!e thee Re'e'$er the Mystic's Rhy'e
Ancient's Spell
This is the spell Grand 'agus used to bind every 'ystic to herself and me& /ery potent
because it was used with the ,ream )ealms* +phere&
I $rin /ith 'e this 'ortal hour 1
A sphere o- 'aical +rea' Real' po/erD
#o pay $ac! /hat /as iven -ree1
One sister to another1 'y t/in to 'eD
;o/ is the ti'e to -ind
All the Mystics -ro' all the lines
Lin! us toether to 7oun ,uardian and 'e
Sho/ the' /e -it toether1 per-ectly
What's 'ine is yours and yours is 'ineE
"art o- 'ine no/ yours 'til the end o- ti'eD
3le'ents1 Airts and "o/ers o- the
3arth Air0Winds &ire Water
:To Be +ilent:
.. tacere
:To >now: ..
:To Will: ..
:To ,are: ..
Progress: ..
-irt Color Blac"
-irt Color
-irt Color
-irt Color Grey TT
Gaelic Color ..
Gaelic Color
.. red
Gaelic Color ..
Gaelic Color ..
(o color
Gaelic Word ..
Gaelic Word
.. -iet
Gaelic Word ..
Gaelic Word ..
Gaelic Word
.. (yu
Green 0ellow )ed Blue TT
(orth #ast +outh West Center
+uit of the
+uit of the
+uit of +words +uit of Cups TT
gnomes, dwarfs,
sylphs and
salamanders and
fire dra"es
undines, mer.
midnight rising sun noonday twilight TT
+rea' Real' Sphere Correspondances
%ight Crystals8 >nown as the ewels of the 'ystic Province
,ar" Crystals8 also "nown as the ,ominionite Crystal +egments
%in" Crystal F >nown as the Blac".as.(ight Crystal, !ny9
%ater, for 'irror 'agic, "nown as the /isionary, held by The #nchantress, >elina #rin&
Crystal Ani'us Maic Color 3le'ent Mental "o/er
#merald Bnicorn 'agic Green %ight #arth Tele"inesis
Haw" 'agic 0ellow %ight -irAWinds Telepathy
%apis %aHuli 'er.'agic Blue %ight Waters Premonition
)uby ,ragon 'agic )ed %ight Fires #mpathy
-methyst Companion 'agic Purple %ight +pirit Healing
'oss -gate Wolf 'agic Hunter
,ar" #arth +hape.
-mber Gryphon 'agic Gold ,ar" -irAWinds -stral Travel
+apphire Bndine 'agic 'idnight
,ar" Waters Clairvoyance
Bloodstone Phoeni9 'agic Burgandy ,ar" Fires Compulsion
!ny9 ,ar" 'ystic
Blac" ,ar" +piritA%in" 'ind.Control
1uartH Guardian 'agic Clear or
#nergy.Wor" Protection
When put together, the ,ream )ealms* +phere could spell certain destruction and
anihillation for anyone who tries to control it and cannot& The only ones "nown to be able to
control it are the !riginators, who forged it, the -ncient 'ystics, %ady Guardian of the
)ealms and the Grand 'agus&
CTa"en from #ileen HollandNs The Wicca Handboo"& $t was originally much longer, with two
parts, but $ found this wor"s ;ust as well&

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