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Otolaryngol Clin N Am

40 (2007) 877–889

Preoperative and Postoperative

Management of Obstructive Sleep
Apnea Patients
Samuel A. Mickelson, MD, FACS, ABSM
Advanced Ear Nose and Throat Associates, PC, The Atlanta Snoring and Sleep
Disorders Institute, 960 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30342, USA

Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome is a common condition

caused by a decrease in upper airway size and patency during sleep. This dis-
ease does not lead to morbidity and mortality because of the apneas, hypo-
pneas, and episodes of airflow limitation that occur during sleep but rather
from the multiple physiologic consequences as a result of the reduced air
flow. These physiologic changes include reductions in oxygen saturation, in-
creases in sympathetic output and tone, and arousals from sleep. Arousals
lead to cessation of the respiratory event, only to be followed by repetitive air-
flow obstructions and arousals. The arousals cause sleep fragmentation, and
secondary daytime symptoms including nonrestorative sleep, excessive day-
time somnolence, memory loss, and other psychometric changes. Arousals
also lead to a rise in sympathetic tone, with secondary increases in blood pres-
sure, pulse, and cardiac output. The reduction of oxygen saturation can di-
rectly lead to cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
Safe perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea
requires special attention to preoperative and postoperative care. These pa-
tients are more likely to have comorbidities including hypertension, esoph-
ageal and laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, coronary artery disease, and
obesity. Obesity may also contribute to deep vein thrombosis and pulmo-
nary emboli.
In addition, anatomic features present in patients with obstructive sleep
apnea (retrognathia, micrognathia, macroglossia, tonsil and uvula hypertro-
phy, nasal obstruction, abnormal epiglottis position, anterior positioning of
the larynx, elongation of the airway) may lead to difficulty with intraoper-
ative ventilation and intubation. A difficult intubation or surgery on the

E-mail address: sammickelson@earthlink.net

0030-6665/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.otc.2007.04.007 oto.theclinics.com

upper airway often causes tissue edema, which can narrow the upper airway.
The severity of the sleep apnea may worsen following surgery because of
a combination of these anatomic features along with a reduction of the
arousal response. Anesthetic agents, narcotic analgesics, and sedative hyp-
notics reduce arousal responses and may lengthen respiratory events, and
worsen hypoxemia and hypercarbia during sleep. These factors may predis-
pose to postoperative airway obstruction; worsening of the sleep apnea after
surgery; and ultimately myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia,
and sudden death.
There is growing evidence that sleep apnea is a risk factor for anesthetic
morbidity and mortality. These risks are present when undergoing upper
airway surgery or any surgical procedure. The care of these patients requires
vigilance before, during, and after surgery to minimize risks associated with
their underlying diseases. This article discusses these potential complications
along with avoidance strategies.

Preoperative management
Selection of a surgical facility
Once a decision is made to perform surgery on a patient with obstructive
sleep apnea, the surgeon must then select an operating room facility with
personnel and equipment adequate for an elective and controlled manage-
ment of the patient’s airway before and after the procedure. Unfortunately,
the literature is insufficient to offer guidance regarding which patients can be
safely managed as an outpatient as opposed to an inpatient basis or how
long the patient should be monitored in the surgical facility [1].
Upper airway surgery in sleep apnea patients can temporarily worsen the
sleep apnea and lead to serious and potentially fatal complications. Early
detection of pending airway problems may prevent these complications. Al-
though there are insufficient published data, it is assumed that patients with
more severe sleep apnea are at greater risk for perioperative complications.
Surgical setting options may include use of an outpatient surgery center
or a hospital operating room. Following the surgery in either location, the
patient may be discharged to home after a short recovery room observation,
observed for several hours in the recovery room, transferred to a 23- to 48-
hour observation unit, transferred to the hospital by ambulance, admitted to
a regular hospital room, admitted to a hospital room with telemetry, or ad-
mitted to some form of ICU. The decision about which surgical setting to
use should be made with consideration of associated comorbidities, severity
of apnea, sites of airway narrowing, type of anesthesia, length of anesthesia,
need for postoperative narcotic agents, and type of surgery being performed.
This determination is best made preoperatively [1]. In a recent report of the
American Society of Anesthesiologists [1], consultants were surveyed using
a nonvalidated scoring system about opinions regarding outpatient surgery

in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). The consultant’s

opinions suggested that a patient with mild sleep apnea undergoing uvulo-
palatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or nasal surgery was not at increased risk
for complications, whereas a patient with moderate sleep apnea undergoing
UPPP was at increased risk of complications [1]. The literature is confusing,
however, because the term ‘‘outpatient’’ may be used to refer to a recovery
room stay of less than 2 hours, a surgical stay less than 24 hours, or a surgi-
cal stay that does not go past midnight.
In theory, before discharging a patient after surgery, it should be known
how well the patient can sleep in their usual way (typically flat in a normal
bed, in their preferred sleeping position, and without supplemental oxygen
or intravenous or intramuscular narcotic agents) and to know that their
sleep apnea is not any worse than preoperatively. In reality, postoperative
monitoring is never set up to simulate the home environment. Some moni-
toring situations tend to improve the sleep apnea (head of bed elevation, use
of supplemental oxygen, use of steroids, frequent patient checks and alarms
that disturb sleep and reduce deep sleep), whereas others tend to worsen the
apnea (laying supine, receiving intravenous or intramuscular narcotics).
Given the limitations that the monitored setting is not really like the
home, the importance of the postoperative observation period is to docu-
ment the presence or absence of sleep apnea and oxygen desaturation in
the patient while sleeping without supplemental oxygen.
The need for postoperative monitoring depends on the procedure per-
formed and associated comorbid conditions. The hospital policies and pro-
tocols and quality of the hospital nursing care also have an impact on the
level and type of postoperative monitoring. For example, some facilities
can perform continuous pulse oximetry in the extended recovery unit or reg-
ular nursing unit, whereas others require an ICU to administer this same
level of care. It is this author’s opinion that most patients with mild or mod-
erate sleep apnea undergoing nonairway surgery or nasal surgery only may
safely be done as an outpatient, whereas those with severe sleep apnea may
require some observation, preferably with some time asleep, before dis-
charge. Most patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syn-
drome undergoing UPPP or other pharyngeal airway surgeries should at
least be observed for several hours before discharge, whereas those with
moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome should
stay in some type of observation unit for a longer period of time, typically
to include an observation of sleep.

Choice of anesthesia technique (local, general, or monitored

anesthesia care)
The literature is insufficient to evaluate the effects of different anesthetic
techniques on surgical complications after surgery in patients with OSAS.
Because airway reconstructive surgery for sleep apnea causes blood to enter

the airway, it is believed to be safest to perform these surgeries under general

anesthesia, to control and protect the airway. When a patient with sleep
apnea is undergoing nonairway surgery, local anesthesia or monitored anes-
thesia care is preferred. Sedation during a nonairway surgery must be per-
formed carefully, to allow the patient to stay awake and maintain an
adequate airway. With any sedation, oximetry and CO2 monitoring should
be used. General anesthesia with a secure airway is preferred if the patient is
going to require moderate or deep sedation.

Use of preoperative continuous positive airway pressure

Before any surgical procedure, the patient is often sleep deprived because
of anxiety about the upcoming surgery. In addition, if the patient has poor
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) compliance, sleep deprivation
may persist [2,3]. Once surgery is completed, however, the patient is more
likely to enter delta and rapid eye movement sleep and may be predisposed
to more severe sleep apnea [4]. It is likely that any measures that can im-
prove sleep quality before surgery might reduce the increase in deep sleep
postoperatively. Although most patients who are undergoing upper airway
surgery are doing so because they refuse or are poorly compliant with
CPAP, even modest use of CPAP before surgery may be beneficial. When-
ever possible, a patient should be asked to use CPAP for several weeks
before and after surgery and to bring their machine into the hospital for
perioperative use.

Use of narcotics and sedative agents

Use of sedative hypnotics, anxiolytic agents, and narcotics should be
avoided before surgery in patients with OSAS. These agents have been re-
ported to lead to sudden death, even in the preoperative holding area [5].
Narcotics suppress respiratory drive, blunt the arousal response, and may
lead to life-threatening hypoxemia. Benzodiazepine agonists effect upper air-
way dilator muscle tone and worsen sleep-disordered breathing [6]. Fluraze-
pam has been shown to increase the apnea index [7] and triazolam reduces
oxygen saturation and the arousal response, and increases the durations of
respiratory events [8]. If a sleep apnea patient requires sedation or an anxi-
olytic immediately before surgery, these patients should be given supplemen-
tal oxygen and monitored with continuous pulse oximetry.

Reflux and aspiration precautions

Obesity is common in patients with sleep-disordered breathing leading to
increased intra-abdominal fat, intra-abdominal pressure, and higher inci-
dence of hiatal hernia and an increased risk of gastroesophageal reflux
[9,10]. Obese patients tend to have a larger volume of gastric fluid, a lower gas-
tric pH, and are at increased risk of aspiration during anesthesia induction [11]

or on extubation. To reduce these risks, obese patients should receive an H2

blocker, proton pump inhibitor, or esophageal motility stimulant before sur-
gery [12]. Following surgery, the stomach should be suctioned out.

Preoperative medical clearance

A consultation with the primary physician, cardiologist, anesthesiologist,
or other appropriate specialists should be considered in patients with com-
plicated comorbid conditions or multiple comorbidities. For example, a pa-
tient with hypertension requiring three antihypertensive agents or a patient
with poorly controlled diabetes may benefit from a preoperative medical
evaluation. The selection of an internist, cardiologist, or anesthesiologist
for medical clearance should be based on availability and expertise of the
consultant and the nature of the comorbid conditions. The purpose of the
preoperative clearance is to optimize control of the comorbidities before sur-
gery and to reduce the risk of surgical complications.
Patients with OSAS are at increased risk of hypertension because of an
increased sympathetic drive [13,14]. Because undiagnosed hypertension is
common in the sleep apnea patient, blood pressure screening should be
done before surgery in these patients. If blood pressure is elevated, these
patients should be referred for treatment before surgery.

Communication with the anesthesia team

As the head of the surgical team, it is the responsibility of the surgeon to
advise the anesthesia team about any potential difficulties that may arise
during surgery. The anesthesiologist should be made aware about the pres-
ence and severity of the sleep apnea. Although it should be assumed that all
OSAS patients may be more difficult to ventilate or intubate, there are some
with macroglossia, retrognathia, or micrognathia who present a challenge to
secure an airway. In these patients, the surgeon may request to have a diffi-
cult airway set or tracheostomy set in the operating room or to be ready to
assist with a fiberoptic intubation.

Postoperative management
Postoperative monitoring
Several studies have shown that the severity of the sleep apnea is typically
unchanged or worse for the first 2 nights after UPPP [15,16]. The first 24
hours after surgery are probably the most critical time for complications, al-
though deaths from complications have occurred later, potentially from the
accumulated effects of sleep deprivation, narcotic agents, and rapid eye
movement rebound [17,18]. Unfortunately, the literature is insufficient to of-
fer guidance about how long monitoring is needed or if there is any real

value from telemetry monitoring, ICU, or intermediate ICU monitoring

units versus monitoring in a standard hospital room [1].
Postoperative monitoring is typically performed for early detection or
prevention of complications. Continuous pulse oximetry is believed to be
the easiest and most reliable method for early detection of postoperative hy-
poventilation because it can alert the nursing staff and physician of a pending
airway complication. Continuous pulse oximetry with an audible alarm that
can be heard by the nursing staff should be used for all OSAS patients fol-
lowing nonairway or upper airway surgery. Intermittent checks of oxygen
saturation typically have no benefit because the patient usually is awakened
by putting on the oximetry probe. Although there is no consensus about
whether electrocardiographic monitoring affords any protection to the pa-
tient with sleep apnea, it should be considered in those with significant car-
diac disease or arrhythmias.
ICU monitoring has been suggested to try to decrease the risk of complica-
tions after OSAS surgery [19,20]. Most older publications have recommended
the ICU to monitor oxygen saturation and cardiac arrhythmias [15,21],
whereas others have advocated ICU monitoring because of the high reported
incidence of serious airway complications (13%–25%) following UPPP
[20,22]. Newer publications have noted a much lower risk of airway complica-
tions (1.4%), likely caused by more aggressive perioperative treatment of tis-
sue edema and avoidance of excessive sedation [23–25]. Except for the sickest
of sleep apnea patients, ICU monitoring is rarely required.
Most surgeons, anesthesiologists, and hospitals have standard protocols
governing their preoperative and postoperative standard of care and orders
for surgery [26]. Institution and anesthesia protocols should be examined to
ensure that routine recovery room, surgical ward, or extended recovery unit
orders are appropriate for sleep apnea patients (Boxes 1 and 2). In general,
monitoring of vital signs for the sleep apnea patient should be more fre-
quent. Nursing checks should specifically monitor for respiratory rate, depth
of breathing, presence of snoring, and to verify that there is no apnea, hy-
popnea, or labored breathing.

Patient positioning
The apnea-hypopnea index and hypoxemia tend to improve when sleep ap-
nea patients sleep in the lateral or prone position, or with the head of bed
elevated. Sleep apnea is usually worse when supine, because of posterior
collapse of the base of tongue. Following surgery, elevation of the head of
the bed reduces soft tissue edema, turbinate swelling, and typically improves
the nasal airway. Because there are no valves in the veins of the head and
neck, lying flat increases venous pressure and worsens tissue edema. Although
the literature is insufficient to provide definitive guidance in the postoperative
period, most physicians agree that after airway surgery, the head of bed should
be elevated and the supine position should be avoided [1].

Box 1. Standard preoperative orders for sleep apnea surgery

1. Famotidine (or other H2 receptor antagonist) ___ mg PO
30–60 minutes before surgery
2. Metaclopramide ___ mg PO 30–60 minutes before surgery
3. Glycopyrrolate (or other anticholinergic agent) ___ mg IM
30–60 minutes before surgery
4. Cephazolin (or other appropriate antibiotic) ___ mg IVPB
30–60 minutes before surgery
5. Dexamethasone sodium phosphate ___ mg IV 30–60 minutes
before surgery
6. Oxymetazoline nasal spray, ___ sprays each nostril, to be
given 10–20 minutes preoperatively if patient is to undergo
nasal surgery or nasal intubation
7. No narcotic or sedative agents to be given before surgery

Postoperative analgesia
All opiates including morphine, meperidine, hydromorphone, and fen-
tanyl lead to a dose-dependent reduction of respiratory drive, respiratory
rate, and tidal volume, which can cause hypoventilation, hypoxemia, and
hypercarbia [26,27]. These agents are of particular concern in the patient
with sleep apnea because the frequency and severity of the respiratory events
worsen after administration. This poses a dilemma for these patients
because upper airway reconstructive surgeries are often quite painful and
typically require narcotic agents for 10 to 14 days for adequate pain control
[16]. It has been assumed that the stronger narcotic agents, which are admin-
istered through intramuscular or intravenous routes, cause more respiratory
suppression that those given by an oral route. Nonetheless, the literature is
insufficient to evaluate the effects of different analgesic techniques and there
is no agreement about the safety of nurse-administered versus patient-
controlled analgesia with systemic opioids [1].
In general, narcotic agents should be titrated for pain severity and used
only when nonnarcotic agents are ineffective. Stronger narcotic agents
should be used only when weaker analgesic agents are not adequate. Mild
to moderate pain can be treated with oral opioid agents, such as codeine,
hydrocodone, oxycodone, and propoxyphene, because these agents have
only mild effects on the respiratory system. Nonnarcotic options include
acetaminophen or the centrally acting agents, such as tramadol hydrochlo-
ride. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (ibuprophen, naproxen, ketor-
olac tromethamine) or the cyclooxygenase-2 agents (celecoxib) may also be
helpful but should be used with caution because of the potential for in-
creased bleeding. Topical anesthetics, such as benzocaine, are also useful
supplements to control pain.

Box 2. Standard postoperative orders after sleep apnea surgery

1. Recovery room orders: no IV or IM narcotics 30 minutes
before transfer to room.
2. Try to wean oxygen to room air. Maintain O2 saturation
above 90%.
3. Vitals: per recovery room, then routine.
4. Check patient’s breathing effort and record results at least
every 2 hours.
5. Continuous pulse oximetry.
6. Elevate head of bed 30–45 degrees.
7. Ice collar to neck prn.
8. Sequential compression stockings to be on while in bed.
9. Clear liquid diet. Advance as tolerated. Encourage PO intake.
Monitor oral intake.
10. IV D5 LR at ___ cc per hour.
11. Cefazolin (or other appropriate antibiotic) ___ mg IVPB q
8 hours.
12. Chlorhexidine, 0.5 ounce swish and spit TID (if patient had
palate or base of tongue surgery).
13. Pt is to wear his or her own CPAP-BiPAP machine, whenever
sleeping, beginning in recovery room. If patient underwent
nasal surgery, use a CPAP-BiPAP full face mask.
14. For pain
A. Chloroseptic spray to oral cavity prn, keep at bedside.
B. Mild: hydrocodone-acetaminophen elixir 2.5/166 mg/5
cc: ___ cc PO q 6 hours prn
C. Moderate: oxycodone/acetaminophen elixir 5/325 mg/5
cc: ___ cc PO q6 hours prn
D. Severe: nalbuphine hydrochloride ___ mg IM or slow IV q
3–6 hours prn.
15. Dexamethasone sodium phosphate ___ mg IVPB at ___ pm
today and ___ am tomorrow.
16. Oxymetazoline nasal spray: ___ sprays to each nostril q
8 hours
17. For blood pressure elevation: systolic >160 or diastolic >90
A. Hydralazine HCl ___ mg IV (if HR <80); may repeat q
15 minutes x 4 doses total
B. Labetalol HCl ___ mg IV (if HR >80); may repeat q 15 minutes
x 4 doses total
18. Call physician for

A. Active bleeding from nose or mouth.

B. Any evidence of respiratory distress.
C. Oxygen saturation below 90% or inability to wean
off supplemental oxygen.
D. Temperature above 101 F (oral)
E. Systolic BP >160, diastolic >90, not controlled with
prescribed medication

Use of continuous positive airway pressure and supplemental oxygen

Maintaining adequate oxygenation is important following any surgery.
Oxygen desaturation can lead to cardiac arrhythmias or serious cardiac and
neural complications. In patients without sleep apnea, supplemental oxygen
is used following surgery to maintain the oxygen saturation above 90%. Typ-
ically, supplemental oxygen is discontinued when the patient is able to main-
tain their baseline waking oxygen saturation while breathing room air. In the
sleep apnea patient, the goal is not just to normalize the waking oxygen satu-
ration but also the sleeping oxygen saturation. CPAP can be safely used after
most upper airway surgeries to prevent respiratory events and oxygen desatu-
ration during sleep [28] and should be used in all patients who were able to use
it before surgery. Following surgery, CPAP may also reduce the risk of gastro-
esophageal reflux [29]. Patients should be instructed to bring their own positive
airway pressure machine to the surgery facility for postoperative use. The
CPAP or BiPAP machine should be used during sleep at the preset pressure.
The CPAP pressure may be changed if needed, either to a higher pressure in
the presence of tissue edema or persistent desaturations during sleep, or a lower
pressure following enlargement of the upper airway, or if the patient is unable
to tolerate a higher pressure. Another option is an autoadjusting CPAP ma-
chine, which adjusts according to a preset paradigm based on the presence
of respiratory events or airflow limitation. The only limitations of CPAP
use are after maxillary advancement because of the potential of subcutaneous
emphysema and after nasal surgery because of nasal congestion or bleeding.
Following nasal surgery, however, CPAP can be used with a full face mask
instead of a nasal mask or nasal pillows.

Reducing airway edema

Edema caused by upper airway surgery or a difficult intubation may cause
airway compromise, especially in those with severe apnea, multiple sites of air-
way compromise, or those undergoing multiple airway surgeries. Tissue
edema occurs in all surgeries, even after laser and radiofrequency procedures
[30,31]. Administration of systemic steroids is a reliable method of reducing
edema in the upper airway [32]. The preferred corticosteroid agent is

dexamethasone (10–15 mg/dose in adults) because it has the lowest sodium re-
tention of all of the steroid agents. For optimal effect, dexamethasone should
be administered before surgery and several times postoperatively.
Soft tissue edema may be reduced by cooling of the tissue, either before in-
cision or after surgery. Application of external ice packs or sucking on ice chips
tends to reduce pain and swelling. Tissue precooling with ice has been shown
to reduce edema in thermal wounds from lasers [32] or cautery units. Topical
or systemic antibiotic prophylaxis given within 1 hour of incision reduces the
risk of infection in contaminated surgeries and has been shown to reduce pain
after procedures, such as tonsillectomy. Antibiotics may also limit edema by
reducing bacterial contamination of the surgical wound. For oropharyngeal
transmucosal surgeries, preoperative and postoperative topical chlorhexidine
rinses reduces bacterial counts in the oral cavity. Perioperative use of a broad-
spectrum antibiotic agent with aneurobic coverage should be considered for
sleep apnea patients undergoing any upper airway surgery.
Nasal obstruction and nasal packing may cause or worsen sleep apnea
[33] and improving the nasal airway can reduce the severity of sleep apnea
[34]. Following septoplasty, the best options are to use quilting septal su-
tures; septal splints; nasal tubes, such as Doyle splints; or nasopharyngeal
airways sewn into place. Nasal packing should be avoided in patients under-
going nasal surgery. A decongestant nasal spray, such as oxymetazoline, or
a systemic decongestant is also effective in reducing nasal obstruction fol-
lowing nasal surgery or nasal intubation.

Postoperative sedatives
Many patients complain of insomnia following surgery, and it has been
a common practice to prescribe sedative hypnotics to help the patient sleep.
Sedative hypnotics and anxiolytics should be avoided, however, because of
their negative effects on arousal thresholds, apnea duration, apnea severity,
and oxygen desaturation. If a sleep aid is necessary, short-acting nonbenzo-
diazepine hypnotic agents are considered safer than benzodiazepine hyp-
notics. Two nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic agents have been shown to have
minimal effect on sleep apnea severity. Administration of zaleplon (half-
life 1 hour) and zolpidem tartrate (half-life 2.5 hours) had no significant
effect on the apnea-hypopnea index compared with placebo in mild to mod-
erate sleep apnea patients [35,36]. Zaleplon had no effect on the oxygen sat-
uration, yet zolpidem reduced the lowest oxygen saturation and the total
time with arterial oxygen saturation less than 90% and 80% [35,36].

Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis

Obesity, advanced age, long surgical procedures, and prolonged bed rest
predispose to deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. The risk of deep
vein thrombosis can be reduced by application of sequential compression
stockings, elastic stockings, or subcutaneous heparin. Deep vein thrombosis

prophylaxis is indicated for most patients undergoing surgery for sleep


Blood pressure control

Hypertension is more common in OSAS patients and these patients are at
increased risk of postoperative hypertension because of increased sympathetic
tone [13,14]. To maintain a postoperative systolic blood pressure below 160
mm Hg and diastolic below 90 mm Hg, over one half of the patients undergo-
ing upper airway surgery for OSAS require treatment with an antihyperten-
sive agent in the recovery room (S. Mickelson, unpublished data, 2006).
Blood pressure control is most important after any osteotomies, because
postoperative bleeding from bone is blood pressure dependent and bleeding
cannot be controlled easily. Blood pressure control is important to reduce
the risk of postoperative bleeding, hematoma, and secondary tissue edema.

Criteria for discharge

The literature is insufficient to offer guidance about the appropriate time
for discharge of these patients. Consultants to the American Society of An-
esthesiologists agreed that the room air oxygen saturation should return to
its preoperative baseline, that patients should not be hypoxemic or develop
airway obstruction when left undisturbed, and that these patients should be
monitored for 7 hours after the last episode of airway obstruction or hypox-
emia while breathing room air in a nonstimulating environment [1]. Al-
though these recommendations are commendable, they are not practical
for many patients. Most patients with sleep apnea are undergoing surgery
because they will not or cannot use CPAP. Because surgery is not successful
in all patients, many continue to have apnea following surgery. A more
practical recommendation is for respiratory events and hypoxemia to be
no worse at discharge as compared with baseline (preoperative sleep study).
There are certainly some patients with persistent sleep apnea who may need
supplemental oxygen at home or who should be instructed to sleep with
their head of bed elevated. Home measures to reduce edema may need to
be continued.
Patients should not be discharged home until they can swallow ade-
quately so that they can maintain hydration and adequate nutrition at
home. Pain should be adequately controlled with oral analgesics. In addi-
tion, the patient’s vital signs (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory
rate) should be stable before discharge.

The sleep apnea patient poses a special challenge for the surgeon, anes-
thesiologist, and surgical facility. Obstructive sleep apnea increases the

risk for anesthetic and postoperative complications, including airway ob-

struction, myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia, and sudden
death. To reduce these risks, precautions are required before and after sur-
gery. The important concepts for safe perioperative management include ju-
dicious use of narcotics and sedating medications, reducing edema of the
upper airway, prevention of aspiration and deep vein thrombosis, blood
pressure control, use of CPAP-BiPAP whenever possible, and proper mon-
itoring following surgery. Although the literature is lacking for specific mea-
sures, the recommendations presented are based on a culmination of 20
years experience supported by the peer-reviewed medical literature.

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