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Learning and Cognition Final

Project Shebaal Peh

and Shebichtav
Ruth Welcher, Nora Ellison, and Asher Lindenbaum
Why this topic? What makes it
cognitively interesting?
Foundational idea of Judaism and Jewish thought
Some exposure, but never clear exposure

Focus: What were we looking
Definitions and relationship of TSBP and TSBC
How does this relate to what you learn and halacha
Why do we need both Torot?
Focus: What were we looking
How they structured the concepts they had of TSBP
and TSBC in their mind
Once we taught them, would they still hold onto their
first answers and how would their answers change?
Opening (Anchor) Question: Tell me what you know about TSBP
and TSBC
Clarification questions
Other Anchor Questions
Whats the relationship between TSBP and TSBC?
Why do you think we have both TSBC and TSBP?
Answer changed the most as a result of our teaching
Drew out progression in flow chart, described subcategories of
Explained how concepts in TSBP at sinai inspired/were
explained by later texts

J. (7
grade male considered to be intermediate student)
(Mis)Conception of luchot as containing all of TSBP
and TSBC
Advanced critical thinking skills
Were and Mishna given at har sinai? Why are
they considered TSBP?

P. (7
grade female, considered advanced student)
Viewed through bigger picture
(Mis)conception of two different mitzvos in two
different torot
Were and Mishna given at har sinai? Why are
they considered TSBP?

Torah SheBaal Peh vs. Torah SeBichtav
Q: So, shebaal peh and shebichtav- which one
came first?
A: I would say shebaal peh
Q: Why?
A: Because there was no when Hashem gave us the
first mitzvoth in mitzrayim like Rosh Chodesh. Since they
couldnt have written them down, they have to be baal peh.
Thumbs up thumbs down
Seems Wrong- But is Right
Points for critical thinking- Willingham
Rambams opinion According to pshat
But seems like he doesnt understand
Q: can you tell me about shebichtav
(TSBC) and shebaal peh (TSBP)?

Many misconceptions about the luchot
They were different; The second one was kind of abridged.
Some of the parts of the first luchot were not written down again
in the second luchotNowadays we have TSBC and TSBP, TSBP
and TSBC used to be in one big Torah.

Yet he understands
Q: And why wouldnt be considered
combination of
A: comes from the mishna, and mishna was
written by rabbi Yehoshua Hanasi I think, and he
wrote it because he didnt want the jews to forget the
TSBP, TSBP got passed down until then. People were
like forgetting it so he decided to write it all down.

But he still doesnt understand
Q: But how did the rabbis know to make the laws
A: TSBP thats not considered from TSBC
Q: whered they get that from
A: from moshe, to Yehoshua, who passed it to shoftim,
who passed it to all different people.

TSBP not as an explanation
A: If the TSBC doesnt have the Halacha, in detail, we go to the
Q: And which torah do these rabbis make their decisions from?
Q: only TSBP?
A: Mostly, because TSBP is more the details and TSBC is more
general and has the story, TSBP is not a story - SCHEMA
Using Experience (Schema) to
A:.Theres a lot of different laws now. Theres not one main
Q: Can you think of an example of that?
A: the OU and circle K , or the mehadrin beis yaak, and whats
the other one..

Post- Teaching; Change in
Q: And why is it important that we have both the
TSBP and the TSBC?
A: its important that we have it cause the TSBC
doesnt have all the details and we would not know
exactly how to do it. TSBP tells us all what we need
and the rabbis add on based on what they know about
the TSBP.???
Interview with 7
Grade girl
A:Torah Shebichtav was given to Moshe and written
down. Torah Shebaal Peh was supposed to be passed
down from generation to generation. And TSBC was
supposed to be written down, but then toshba wasn't.
Production Systems
Good Reasoning
Q: Ok can you tell me- how the Torah Shebichtav was
written like at which stage?
A: It was written at Har Sinai. Moshe wrote down all
past events and future events- well all future events as
they happened. He was constantly writing I think. Im
not sure about that one.

Q: So everything that was taught to Moshe at Har Sinai
is included in the Gemara?
A: I mean the Gemara is all the Rabbis arguing most of
the time. So I think it was just the mishna that was
given. Would just be giving baal peH yeah
And the gemara would be
Just the Rabbis arguing.
DEEPER>>>>and she knows!

: So nowadays how is Jewish law decided?
A: By what the chachmamin said by whats said in the mishna and whats said in the
gemara. We use all these sources and if there is still confusion then our rabbis tell us
what we are going to end up doing. What about the Torah Shebichtav?
PRY A LITTLE DEEPER>>>>and she knows!
Q: Lets say you have a question about something. How do you figure out the answer?
A: Ask your Rabbi. They will probably look in sources.

Q: Where will they look?
Torah, probably mishna more, because Torah is very vague. Oh here she sees that Torah
is used, but why did I have to push her. Tachlis- how we phrase test questions.

Post Pesach: How knowledge
Q: A mitzvah from who?
A: The Torah I think. Im not sure about that. I mean I
think it says something like listen to your Rabbis and
what they say you should do that.

Q: Do you remember any of the things we use to
darshan and what are they called in general?
A: Just the pasuk..
Q: Do you remember in class we learned about a binyan av?
SO what would that fall under?
A: Drashot. Because its finding the deeper meaning of the
pasuk using the context.

Boy vs Girl Approach
I mean if it helps people learn better and learn the
mitzvoth and halachot then that's the best thing to do.
Q: Why does there have to be many different ways of
doing things?
A: Different things help different people
Every one needs to find a Rabbi
Section 5
Implications for Jewish Education
1. Jackie displayed strong critical thinking skills on a
number of occasions. He was able reason and solve the
problem (as suggested by Willingham) of how we could
have Mitzvot before Matan Torah.
We as teachers should encourage this kind of thinking,
even if it is not a hundred percent accurate
Section 5
Implications for Jewish Education
2. Both students showed signs of unpredictable, nonlinear
learning as Siegler suggested. They blended different
ideas, and did not often realize that what they were
saying was correct.
It is critical as educators to be aware of the nature of
learning and to aid students in this process
Section 5
Implications for Jewish Education
3. Different children learn differently. While Jackie
focused on the details of TSBT and TSBP, Penina
looked at the bigger picture and thought about the
purpose of each one- how it connects us to Hashem
Even though both are important , we must remember
to differentiate our instruction
Section 5
Implications for Jewish Education
4. Both students remained confused regarding when
exactly the Mishna was given despite us thinking we
clarified that in the teaching.
We as teachers are not often aware that students do not
fully understand the concepts we teach them.
Formative assessment is crucial to confirm whether
students are on track
Section 5
Implications for Jewish Education
5. We saw an example of DiSessa s theory regarding
knowledge existing in bits and pieces in Jackies
assumption that Hashem did not reveal the whole of
Torah at Har Sinai because He didnt want to scare
As teachers we need to allow students to think about
things in their own way, and then build off of those

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