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Law to further strengthen antidotes to corruption proposed

As an antidote to corruption and inefficiency in government, a lady-lawmaker has

proposed to institutionalize a system of performance planning, budgeting, and
accountability in all government agencies.
We have to restore and strengthen the peoples trust in government, !atanes "ep.
#enedina "azon Abad stressed as she urged the passage of the proposed $overnment
%erformance &anagement Act contained in #! '()*.
Article ++, ,ection -. of the /onstitution provides that the ,tate shall maintain
honesty and integrity in the public service and take positive measures against graft and
corruption, Abad cited.
0ikewise, Article 1+, ,ection ) of the /onstitution provides that public officers
and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and 2ustice and lead
modest lives, she noted.
3he problems of corruption and inefficiency need to be eradicated to restore the
peoples trust in the government, Abad stressed.
#! '()* seeks to4 )5 formulate and implement a system of strong budget-
performance linkage6 -5 transform the $eneral Appropriations Act 7$AA5 into a more
comprehensive, transparent, and accountable tool by making available both financial and
non-financial information of the agency6 and
85 +nstitutionalize good governance practices already adapted by government
agencies such as4 a5 %erformance-informed budgeting whose ob2ective is to make the
budget a more comprehensive, transparent, and accountable document6 b5 $overnment
annual %erformance %lan which specifies the agencies intended performance goals and
how to meet them and establish performance indicators to measure the programs results6
and c5 $rassroots %articipatory !udgeting where basic sector organizations and other civil
society organizations will have an active but limited participation in identifying, planning,
and monitoring services that are responsive to the needs of the communities.
3he measure mandates agencies to submit strategic plans and performance goals
based on the %hilippine 9evelopment %lan or %9%, which means that goals will be set and
achieved, results will be measured, gaps will be filled, and progress reported.
3his way, the confidence of the people in the capability of the government will
greatly improve as it will become more efficient, transparent, and accountable. &oreover,
NR # 3512B
JUNE 29, 2014
this bill will reinforce /ongress decision-making by providing more ob2ective
information in attaining statutory ob2ectives and realistic goals, fund sourcing and
disciplined government spending, Abad added.
3he proposed law covers any of the various units of the government, including a
department, bureau, office, instrumentality, state universities and colleges or government-
owned and controlled corporation, or a local government or a district unit therein, as
defined in ,ection - of :;ecutive <rder =o. ->- or the "evised Administrative /ode of
"elative to strategic planning, the bill states that before the end of each fiscal year,
the head of each agency shall ensure the preparation and updating of a strategic plan
containing information on how it will link its strategic ob2ectives with the %9%.
3he agency strategic plan shall cover a period of not less than five 7?5 years. At
least once every two 7-5 years or as needed, the head of the agency may make ad2ustments
to reflect the impact of significant changes in the environment under which it is operating.
@urthermore, the bill provides that not later than the first &onday of @ebruary of the
year following the effectivity of the proposed law and every year thereafter, the head of
each agency shall notify the %resident of the %hilippines and /ongress of the strategic plan
and any update thereto and make them available to the public through the agency website.
78*5 dpt

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