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How to Execute Materials Studio

* Contact us if you want to use it on your PC.

The following licenses are available.
Module Licenses Functions
Visualizer 8 Construct structural models, creating and showing of input files for a simulation, calculation results, graphs, tables, etc.
CASTEP_Interface 2 Create input files for CASTEP execution, and analyze the result.
Simulate the wide range physical properties in ceramics, a semiconductor, the solid in the substance domain of science
containing metal, an interface, and the surface.
CASTEP NMR 8 Predict NMR chemical shift tensor, an isotropic shift, and an electric field gradient in high reliability and accuracy.
DMol3_Interface 2 Create input files for DMol3 execution, and analyze the result.
DMol3-Solid_State 16
Predict physical properties in high reliability and at high speed by the ability of high precision computation based on
quantum mechanics.
Discover 3
Predict a structure and molecule relations, an understanding of an intermolecular interaction, and the charactor of a solid,
a liquid, and gas.
QSAR 1 Create a chemistry article and the structure-activity-relationship model of material, and analyze.
Reflex 1 Simulate the powder diffraction pattern of X-rays, neutron ray, and an electron beam at high speed.
1 How to execute
Select [Accelrys]-Materials Studio from the start menu.

The followings are examples of CASTEP and DMol3.
1-1 How to execute CASTEP
This is an example of Si.
(1) Construction of a Model

(2) Setting Parameters
Select [Modules]-[CASTEP]-[Calculation] from the menu bar, and set parameters.
(3) Submit Job
[In the case of submitting job from Materials Studio]
Select a machine you use on [Job Control] tab.
Gateway location Machine
My Computer Your PC where Materials Studio is installed
app1.imr.edu_18889 Application server (for Materials Studio 7.0)
app1.imr.edu_18888 Application server (for Materials Studio 6.0)
Select "ASB" or "AEB" on [Queue] when you choose Application server (app1.imr.edu_188XX) as [Gateway location].If you confirm explanations of
queues, please see here.
[In the case of submitting job from command line]
Select [Files]-[Save Files] on [CASTEP Calculation] dialog to create input files , and transfer them to the supercomputing system. Required files are the
- *.params
- *.cell
The *.cell is a hidden file.
Use text transfer mode to transfer these files, and don't include space and parentheses as a part of the filenames.
Copy a script file to the current directory.
For Materials Studio 7.0
$ cp /app/MaterialsStudio/MaterialsStudio7.0/etc/CASTEP/bin/RunCASTEP.sh .
For Materials Studio 6.0
$ cp /app/MaterialsStudio/MaterialsStudio6.0/etc/CASTEP/bin/RunCASTEP.sh .
Make a script file named "COMMANDLINE" as follows.
./RunCASTEP.sh -np MPITasks_per_node Si
The argument after MPITasks_per_node is a input file name without extension. ex) Si.param/Si.cell -> Si
Submit your job as follows.
$ submit [QueueName] castep -jobtype parallel [-n NodeCount] [-pm MPITasks_per_node] [-B] [-N] [-u MailAddress] [-J JobName]
[-longtime] [-largememory]
Specify a value(MPITasks_per_node) by -pm option, and it must be the same as those in the COMMANLINE file.
If you need options of submit commnd, please see here.
If you confirm explanations of queues, please see here.
(4) Confirming Result
Copy output files to your PC.
Use text transfer mode if its format is text. Use binary transfer mode if not.
Select [Modules]-[CASTEP]-[Analysis] from the menu bar.
Density of States

1-2 How to execute DMol 3
This is the example of benzene.
(1) Construction of a Model

(2) Setting Parameters
Select [Modules]-[DMol3]-[Calculation] from the menu bar, and set parameters.
(3) Submit Job
[The case of submitting job from Materials Studio]
Select a machine you use on [Job Control] tab.
Gateway location Machine
My Computer Your PC where Materials Studio is installed
app1.imr.edu_18889 Application server (for Materials Studio 7.0)
app1.imr.edu_18888 Application server (for Materials Studio 6.0)
Select "ASB" or "AEB" on [Queue] when you choose Application server (app1.imr.edu_188XX) as [Gateway location].If you confirm explanations of
queues, please see here.
[The case of submitting job from command line]
Select [Files]-[Save Files] on [DMol3 Calculation] dialog to create input files, and transfer them to the supercomputing system. Required files are the
- *.input
- *.car
The *.car is a hidden file.
Use text transfer mode to transfer these files, and don't include space and parentheses as a part of the filenames.
Copy a script file to the current directory.
For Materials Studio 7.0
$ cp /app/MaterialsStudio/MaterialsStudio7.0/etc/DMol3/bin/RunDMol3.sh .
For Materials Studio 6.0
$ cp /app/MaterialsStudio/MaterialsStudio6.0/etc/DMol3/bin/RunDMol3.sh .
Make a script file named "COMMANDLINE" as follows.
./RunDMol3.sh -np MPITasks_per_node benzene
The argument after MPITasks_per_node is a input file name without extension. ex) benzene.input/benzene.carl -> benzene
Submit your job as follows.
$ submit [QueueName] dmol -jobtype parallel [-n NodeCount] [-pm MPITasks_per_node] [-B] [-N] [-u MailAddress] [-J JobName]
[-longtime] [-largememory]
Specify a value(MPITasks_per_node) by -pm option, and it must be the same as those in the COMMANLINE file.
If you need options of submit commnd, please see here.
If you confirm explanations of queues, please see here.
(4) Confirming Result
Copy output files to your PC.
Use text transfer mode if its format is text. Use binary transfer mode if not.
Select [Modules]-[DMol3]-[Analysis] from the menu bar.
2 Confi rmi ng Job Status and Cancel i ng Job
2-1 Confi rmi ng Job Status
[The case of submitting job from Materials Studio]
See [Jobs] pane at the lower right of the screen on Materials Studio.
[The case you submit job from command line]
See here.
2-2 Cancel i ng Job
[The case of submitting job from Materials Studio]
Right-click [Jobs] pane on Materials Studio, and select [Actions]-[Stop] from the pull-down menu.

[JobStatus] changes to "terminated" after a while, and your job stops with the following pop-up.

[Job Completed] the pop-up appears finally.

[The case of submitting job from command line]
Use jobdel command.
$ jobdel [jobid]
$ jobdel appfs03.38051.0

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