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1 Overall Accessibility Success Rate Speech

WRAN Sw Release: P7.1
Importance: High

Scope: Cell, RNC
Granularity: ROP 15
Time Resolution: 1 hour
Counters MO Class: UtranCell
Counters Type: PEG
Target Value:

KPI Recommended Formula

ryAtt pmNoDirRet mptSpeech ablishAtte pmNoRabEst

essSpeech ablishSucc pmNoRabEst
easeCs NasSignRel pmNoSystem easeCs NasSignRel pmNoNormal
easeCs NasSignRel pmNoNormal
nnCs aringRrcCo pmNoLoadSh Cs ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc
CsSucc ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

Units: %
Note: In P5, load sharing counters have been introduced.

In P7.1, normal/system CS NAS signaling counters
in order to monitor the drop rate during the NAS
signaling sequence have been introduced.

KPI Description
This KPI is the indication of the accessibility rate for the Speech service.

It can be seen as the product of CS RRC Success Rate, RAB Establishment Success
Rate Speech and CS NAS Signaling Success Rate. Please refer to respective KPIs
sections for an exhaustive description of the formula and counters involved.

This KPI can be computed on a per RNC basis as well as a per cell basis. When
computing the RNC result, individual cell counters should be summed on a RNC basis
before applying KPI calculation. This is in contrast to applying the KPI equation to each
cell and then taking an average across the RNC. The latter can give poor performances.
1.1.1 RRC Setup Success Rate

WRAN Sw Release: P5
Importance: High

Scope: Cell, RNC
Granularity: ROP 15
Time Resolution: 1 hour
Counters MO Class: UtranCell
Counters Type: PEG
Target Value:

KPI Recommended Formula

cConn dSharingRr - pmNoLoa ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

Success ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

Units: %
Note: Load Sharing has been included.

KPI Description
This formula represents the percentage of successful RRC Connection Requests over
the total number of RRC Connection Requests decreased by the number of diversions
due to the Load Sharing feature during the establishments of RRC Connections, so that
it is not counted as access failure on WCDMA RAN.

As soon as an RRC Connection Request message is received by RNC from UE for any
Establishment Cause, pmTotNoRrcConnectReq counter is triggered and if UE has
selected another cell (inter-frequency), due to Load Sharing mechanism,
pmNoLoadSharingRrcConn counter is stepped when the RRC message RRC
Connection Reject is sent to the UE. Then RNC asks permission both from RNC Main
Processor (MP) load control and admission control functions. Having received
permission to continue, allocates a DL channelization code and then starts to set up a
connection towards the RBS. Also the UE is requested to setup an RRC connection
with RRC Connection Setup message. Once NBAP Radio Link Restore Indication
message and RRC Connection Setup Complete message have been received by RNC,
then the RRC connection is considered to be successfully established. The counter
pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess is now increased.

Note that pmTotNoRrcConnectReq counter is always increased in the SRNC for the UE
and it is increased once per connection, that is the subsequent retransmissions are not
counted. This means that KPI is generating an indication of performance from the end
user perspective. The end user is not aware of the UE re-transmitting the RRC
Connection Request message. Thus from the end user perspective a single connection
attempt can involve one or more RRC Connection Request messages. In conclusion
this KPI is based upon the single end user attempt rather than one or more UE

This KPI can be computed on a per RNC basis as well as a per cell basis. When
computing the RNC result, individual cell counters should be summed on a RNC basis
before applying KPI calculation. This is in contrast to applying the KPI equation to each
cell and then taking an average across the RNC. The latter can give poor performances.

The KPI may be used to identify cells which exhibit poor RRC connection performances
as a result of insufficient resources (RNC runs MP load control and admission control)
or hardware faults.

1.1.2 RRC Setup Success Rate CS

WRAN Sw Release: P5
Importance: High

Scope: RNC
Granularity: ROP 15
Time Resolution: 1 hour
Counters MO Class: UtranCell
Counters Type: PEG
Target Value:

KPI Recommended Formula

RrcConnCs oadSharing Cs - pmNoL ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

CsSucc ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

Units: %
Note: In P5, load sharing contribution has been introduced.

KPI Description
This formula highlights the success rate of RRC Connection Requests for CS calls.
Note that the total number of RRC Connection Requests CS is decreased by the
number of diversions due to the Load Sharing feature during the establishments of RRC

As soon as an RRC Connection Request message with Establishment
Cause Originating Conversational Call or Terminating Conversational Call is received
by RNC from UE, pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs counter is triggered and if UE has
selected another cell (inter-frequency), due to Load Sharing mechnaism,
pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs counter is stepped when the RRC message RRC
Connection Reject is sent to the UE. The pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc is increased
when an RRC Connection Setup Complete message is received following an attempt to
setup an originating or terminating conversational call.

Note that pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs counter does not count repeated RRC
connection requests. This means that KPI is generating an indication of performance
from the end user perspective. The end user is not aware of the UE re-transmitting the
RRC Connection Request message. Thus from the end user perspective a single
connection attempt can involve one or more RRC Connection Request messages. In
conclusion this KPI is based upon the single end user attempt rather than one or more
UE attempts.

This KPI can be computed on a per RNC basis as well as a per cell basis. When
computing the RNC result, individual cell counters should be summed on a RNC basis
before applying KPI calculation. This is in contrast to applying the KPI equation to each
cell and then taking an average across the RNC. The latter can give poor performances.

The KPI is useful to identify cells which exhibit poor CS RRC connection performances.

1.1.3 RRC Setup Success Rate PS

WRAN Sw Release: P5
Importance: High

Scope: RNC
Granularity: ROP 15
Time Resolution: 1 hour
Counters MO Class: UtranCell
Counters Type: PEG
Target Value:

KPI Recommended Formula

RrcConnPs oadSharing Ps - pmNoL ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

PsSucc ConnectReq pmTotNoRrc

Units: %
Note: In P5, load sharing contribution has been introduced.

KPI Description
This formula highlights the success rate of RRC Connection Requests for PS calls. Note
that the total number of RRC Connection Requests PS is decreased by the number of
diversions due to the Load Sharing feature during the establishments of RRC

As soon as an RRC Connection Request message with Establishment Cause
Originating Interactive Call, Terminating Interactive Call, Originating Background
Call, Terminating Background Call or Originating Subscribed traffic call is received by
RNC from UE, pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs counter is triggered and if another cell (inter-
frequency) was selected by Load Sharing mechanism, pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs
counter is stepped when the RRC message RRC Connection Reject is sent to the UE.
The pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc is increased when an RRC Connection Setup
Complete message is received following an attempt to setup an originating or
terminating background or interactive call.

Note that pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs counter does not count repeated RRC connection
requests. This means that KPI is generating an indication of performance from the end
user perspective. The end user is not aware of the UE re-transmitting the RRC
Connection Request message. Thus from the end user perspective a single connection
attempt can involve one or more RRC Connection Request messages. In conclusion
this KPI is based upon the single end user attempt rather than one or more UE

This KPI can be computed on a per RNC basis as well as a per cell basis. When
computing the RNC result, individual cell counters should be summed on a RNC basis
before applying KPI calculation. This is in contrast to applying the KPI equation to each
cell and then taking an average across the RNC. The latter can give poor performances.

The KPI is useful to identify cells which exhibit poor PS RRC connection performances.

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