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1.1. Background
Background of Faculty of Graduate Studies of UNIKOM
Indonesia Comuter Uni!ersity "UNIKOM# $as esta%lis&ed on 'ugust () *+++. In *++,) t&e
Faculty of
Graduate Studies $as esta%lis&ed. In t&e first year) t&e Master -rogram in Management $as
$it& 1. students. /&is first class $as officially started on Octo%er *++,. /&e students of t&is
came from !arious %ackground) all of t&em $ere rofessionals $it& $orking e0erience more
t&an *
years. /&ese students 1oint t&e rogram %ecause t&ey $anted to study furt&er a%out
to imro!e t&eir kno$ledge and to &a!e comarati!e ad!antage for t&eir carrier in t&e future.
t&is $as a e0ecuti!e class) t&e class $as limited to 1. students in order to gi!e a otimum
ser!ice to
t&e students. /&e first class graduated on Setem%er *+1+. Until *+11) t&e rogram &as oened
t&ree e0ecuti!e classes and graduated t$o classes. /&is year) $e are lanning to oen regular
t&at are a!aila%le for fres& graduates.
Background of Graduate Sc&ools at 2oungsanuni!ersity
/&is graduate sc&ool aims to make a study of %asic t&eories and erform ad!anced researc&.
3istory of colla%oration %et$een UNIKOM and 2oungsanuni!ersity
/&e colla%oration %et$een UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity $as started in t&e %eginning $it&
informal discussion a%out t&e oortunities for cooeration. In *+1+) t&e formal colla%oration
esta%lis&ed $it& t&e signing of a Memorandum of Understanding "MoU# concerning cooeration
e0c&ange in academic areas. On Octo%er *+11) t&e Memorandum of 'greement on 4ual
4egree -rogram %et$een UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity $as signed. /&e o%1ecti!e of t&is
aggrement is to esta%lis& 4ual Master5s 4egree -rogram to ro!ide UNIKOM Master5s students
a curriculum %ased on an accredited rogram of study at 2oungsan Uni!ersity and to ro!ide
UNIKOM students $it& t&e oortunity to enroll at 2oungsan Uni!ersity in comletion of 4ual
Master5s 4egree. /&is %usiness lan is meant to descri%e t&e $ay t&e rogram is going to %e
1.*. 6ationale
7sta%lis&ment of an international dou%le degree rogram
/&e rationale for esta%lis&ing t&e rogram as an international dou%le degree rogram %et$een
UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity can %e summari8ed as follo$s. Many Indonesians asire to
a%road and o%tain a foreign Uni!ersity 4egree. /&is) toget&er $it& a good command of t&e
language gi!es eole a comarati!e ad!antage in t&e 1o% market. 3o$e!er) fello$s&is for
o!erseas study are scarce and t&e financial imlications of studying a%road are suc& t&at most
eole cannot afford t&is. ' study t&at leads to t$o degrees) one from Indonesia and one from a
foreign uni!ersity) is t&erefore &ig&ly attracti!e for many rosecti!e students. It not only gi!es
t&e kno$ledge) analytical caacities) and skills re9uired in future rofessional life) %ut also gi!es
t&em e0osure to international setting and t&ere%y ro!ides students $it& a !alua%le net$ork of
contacts $it& international students "and alumni# from all o!er t&e $orld.
/&e dou%le degree rogram $&ic& is conducted %ot& in Indonesia and in Korea) offers scientific
training as $ell as e0osure to an international en!ironment. /&e students $ill &a!e oortunity
study management in Indonesian and Korean settings. Students $ill also &a!e oortunity to
at comanies in Korea in order to &a!e a feeling on &o$ t&e Koreans $ork and do t&eir
Interests of t&e artners: Graduate Studies UNIKOM and Graduate Sc&ools 2oungsan
For UNIKOM5s Master of Information System) t&e interest of articiating in t&e rogram can %e
summari8ed as follo$s:
1. 7sta%lis&ment of institutional colla%oration $it& researc& and education institutes in Korea
as art of UNIKOM5s international olicy;
*. Institutional colla%oration $it& o!erseas uni!ersity is e0ected to increase t&e international
rofile of UNIKOM;
<. UNIKOM5s Master -rogram &as a secial interest in %roadening colla%oration $it& a
researc&=education institute) 2oungsan Uni!ersity;
>. UNIKOM5s Master -rogram &as a secial interest in com%ining %usiness $it& information
.. Colla%oration $it& 2oungsan Uni!ersity is e0ected to increase t&e num%er of international
students and to increase UNIKOM5s &uman resource caacity;
?. /&e international 4ou%le 4egree -rogram) t&roug& e0c&ange of lecturers and 1oint
suer!ision) creates oortuities for 1oint researc& acti!ities and u%lications;
For 2oungsan Uni!ersity) t&e interest of articiating in t&e rogram can %e summari8ed as
1. 7sta%lis&ment of institutional colla%oration $it& researc& and education institutes in
Indonesia is considered to %e one of t&e Uni!ersity5s riorities and encouraged %y t&e
Uni!ersity5s Internationali8ation -olicy;
*. Institutional colla%oration $it& UNIKOM is e0ected to increase t&e international rofile
of2oungsan uni!ersity; it is e0ected to increase t&e rofile t&e Graduate Sc&ools and
2oungsan Uni!ersity in Indonesia) esecially since UNIKOM is one of t&e fast gro$ing
uni!ersities in Indonesia;
<. /&e Graduate Sc&ool &as a secial interest in %roadening colla%oration $it& a
researc&=education institute) t&e Master -rogram of UNIKOM;
>. /&e Graduate Sc&ool &as a secial interest and ro!en track record;
.. Colla%oration $it& UNIKOM is e0ected to increase t&e num%er of international
students at t&e Graduate Sc&ool;
?. /&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram) t&roug& e0c&ange of lecturers and 1oint
suer!ision) creates oortunities for 1oint researc& acti!ities and u%lications;
@. /&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram) and contacts $it& UNIKOM) creates
oortunities for identification of otential -&4 students.
A&y dou%le degree on information systemB
No$adays in glo%ali8ation era) t&e use of t&e information tec&nology in %usiness is a mandatory
order to &a!e lace in cometition. 3o$e!er) as t&is is ne$) not many uni!ersities in Indonesia
t&is rogram) esecially at master le!el. UNIKOM) as one of t&e leading uni!ersity in Indonesia
Cn I/)
%ecome of one of t&e lace $&ere students $ould like to study more a%out information system
master le!el.
3o$e!er) t&e de!eloment of information system still comes from de!eloed countries. Korea)
one of t&e de!eloed country t&at is kno$n as a leading of t&e roduction of information
$ill %e one of t&e lace $&ere eole $ould like to come to learn more a%out I/. /&is
4ou%le 4egree -rogram intends to resond to t&is need. 3oefully) $it& t&e oortunity to study
and do researc& in I/ Cn Korea) students from Indonesia can learn from Korean e0ertise a%out
1.<. DongEterm !ision
' colla%oration %et$een UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity already e0ists and t&e resent
is a logical ne0t ste in t&e cooeration. ' longEterm o%1ecti!e is t&at UNIKOM and 2oungsan
Uni!ersity staff $ill esta%lis& strong institutional links and %roadens t&e scoe of acti!ities) not
only Cn education at MastersEle!el) %ut also Cn researc&) training and u%lications. Since t&e
students $ill &a!e t&eir t&esis researc& on common toics) Ct is anticiated t&at) o!er t&e years)
t&is $ill result in a t&ri!ing researc& rogram.
Staff e0c&ange is an integral art of t&e rogram) and ossi%ilities $ill %e in!estigated for
funding of researc& Cn areas of 1oint interest.
/&roug& t&e articiation of Indonesian students in an international rogram $it& students from
o!er t&e $orld) t&ey can %enefit from a lifeElong net$ork of alumni) $&ic& facilitates t&e
e0c&ange and facilitate t&e generation of net$ork e0ertise. /&is imlies t&at t&e education &as
lcmgEterm %enefits for t&e de!eloment in Indonesia. /&is is strengt&ened %y t&e fact t&at
Indonesian go!ernment no$adays &as oliFies t&at gi!e oortunities for foreign in!estors to do
in!estments in Indonesia and Koreans are among foreign in!estors t&at already &a!e t&eir
in Indonesia. /&is means more Koreans $ill come to Indonesia to do t&eir %usiness and t&e
of t&is rogram can %e a key role for t&is.
1.>. 4escrition of t&e -artners
Faculty of Graduate Studies UNIKOM
Indonesia Uni!ersity of Comuter "UNIKOM# $as esta%lis&ed on 'ugust () *+++. In only t$el!e
from its esta%lis&ment) t&is young uni!ersity &as o%tained many ac&ie!ements) and no$adays)
UNIKOM is a $ellEkno$n uni!ersity in Indonesia for Information /ec&nology. In *++,) UNIKOM
esta%lis&ed t&e Faculty of Graduate Studies. /&e first rogram oened $as Master -rogram in
Management. 4ue to t&e gro$ing interest from eole $it& I/ %ackground) t&e Faculty oened
Master -rogram In Information System. Soon many eole from different %ac&elor degree
%ackground 1oint t&is rogram in order to study furt&er a%out Information /ec&nology and
Graduate Sc&ools of 7ngineering at 2oungsan Uni!ersity
Graduate Sc&ools of 7ngineering at 2oungsan Uni!ersity &as o%1ecti!e:
/raining e0erts for de!eloing and oerating alied systems $it& I/ tec&nologies) /raining
9uality e0erts $it& t&e skills for lanning) analysing) and oerating transortation=I/S
/raining e0erts for U%i9uitous 7m%edded /ec&nology.
/&e curriculum is designed to include I/ e0ert course $&ic& focuses on teac&ing ad!anced
on U%i9uitous) 7m%edded) and ro%otics) and en&ancing oerational a%ilities
*./&e Market
*.1. O!er!ie$
Degal frame$ork Indonesia &as gone t&roug& a eriod of significant c&ange in olicy concerning
education and %usiness. Ait& t&e autonomy) t&e Indonesian Go!ernment &as delegated a large
art for t&e go!ernment resonsi%ility to -ro!incial and 4istrict De!el. /&ey can directly de!elo
communication $it& foreign countries for 1oint cooeration. /&is includes t&e oortunity for t&e
go!ernment at ro!incial and district le!el to %e more acti!e in in!iting foreign in!estors to do
in!estments in t&eir ro!ince and district.
No$adays Indonesian go!ernment encourages uni!ersities in Indonesia to &a!e colla%oration
foreign uni!ersities. /&e go!ernment also oens oortunities for uni!ersities in Indonesia to
international dou%le degree rogram.
*.*. Market 'ssessment
/&ere are not many uni!ersities in Indonesia offer Master -rogram on Information System)
esecially in Sandung) and UNIKOM $&ic& is kno$n nationally to %e a leader in information
tec&nology sees t&is oortunity. Master -rogram on System Information t&at is offered %y
Faculty of Graduate Studies UNIKOM is designed to roduce national le!el leaders in t&e field
of I/ in suorting sustaina%le de!eloment and to roduce 9ualified &uman resources in t&e
field of I/.
'dditionally) t&e graduates of t&is rogram are e0ected to &a!e cometency as information
consuftant %ot& in %usiness $orld and go!ernment) $&ic& is a%le in designing) imlementing)
controlling to$ard comany information system.
*.<. /ye of Students
/&e searate Master rogram from UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity aim at t&e follo$ing
1. Students $&ose interest is in information system and its alication in %usiness
*. Students interested in I/ in Korea
' num%er of secific target grous &a!e %een identified $&o are e0ected to &a!e a &ig&
interest in
articiation in t&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram in Information System:
1. -rofessionals $&o are $orking as I/ e0ert in comanies t&at &a!e cooeration $it& Korea
*. Graduates from rele!ant study rogram at Si le!el. For fres& graduates) t&e rogram offers
an oortunity to o%tain t$o Master5s 4egree t&at $ill gi!e t&em ad!antages in t&e 1o%
*.>. Sonsors
-otential sonsors for t&e rogram are "among ot&ers#: t&e Go!ernment of Indonesia)
from Korean Go!ernment) and ri!ate comanies. /&e rogram is oen for articiation of selfE
funding students) ro!ided t&at t&ey comly $it& all t&e criteria and re9uirements) as formulated
t&e study guide.
*... /argets
/&e International 4ou%le 4egree rogram in Information System aims to start $it&
aro0imately <+
students) $&ic& $ill %e groued into t$o classes. /&ese classes $ill follo$ t&e sc&edule as
Classes) $&ic& mean t&e students $ill &a!e classes from Monday to /&ursday) from +@.++ am
+<.++ m. /&e minimum of articiants is determined %y t&e financial feasi%ility of t&e rogram)
$&ile t&e ma0imum num%er of articiants is determined %y t&e current caacity at Faculty of
Graduate Studies UNIKOM.
<./&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram
<.1. O%1ecti!e and -rofessional -rofile
/&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram aims to:
1. -roduce 9ualified Master le!el graduates in Information System
*. 70ose Indonesian students at ostEgraduate le!el to education in an international
<. Create researc&Eeducation linkages %et$een Graduate Sc&ools at 2oungsan Uni!ersity
and Faculty of Graduate Study UNIKOM
/&e rofessional rofile is suc& t&at:
1. Graduates $ill %e rofessionals t&at can imlement t&eir kno$ledge to real life
<.*. Course Curriculum
/&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram consists of !arious elements) courses from Master of
Information System "UNIKOM#; courses from Master of 7ngineering "2oungsan Uni!ersity#)
Koreans courses) case studies) researc& t&esis $riting and final e0amination.
/&ere is a trimester system at UNIKOM and a semester system at 2oungsan Uni!ersity. /&e
first &a!e to follo$ t&ree trimester courses at Faculty of Graduate Study UNIKOM $&ic& &a!e
duration of aro0imately one year.
/&e taug&t rogram at UNIKOM consists of a num%er of core courses:
1. Information System Management
*. 7nterrise Information /ec&nology
<. Soft$are 7ngineering
>. 4ata Management
.. 'lgorit&m and -rogramming
?. 6isk Management
@. 'd!anced Information System Management
(. 7E%usiness
,. 6esearc& Met&odology
1+. Controlling and 'uditing Information System
11. -ro1ect Management of Information System
1*. Strategy and -olicy of Information System
In addition) students c&oose a su%Erogram:
1. Information 7ngineering) $it& courses on 'rc&itecture 7ngineering of 7nterrise
Information) Kno$ledge Management
*. 7nterrise Information System) $it& courses on Information System Go!ernance) 7nterrise
integration System
Otions and 'lternati!es
'ssuming t&at t&e students are successfully enrolled into t&e second year) t&e International
4egree rogram offers se!eral otions:
Otion 1:
Students $ill stay in Korea for t$o semesters to comlete eig&teen "1(# credit oints) $&ile at
same time do researc& and t&esis $riting. Students $ill &a!e an ad!isor at UNIKOM and an oral
e0amination $ill %e conducted in UNIKOM. If t&e students successfully finis& t&eir additional
oints) t&ey $ill %e a$arded $it& t$o degrees.
Otion *:
Students $ill stay in Korea for t$o semesters to comlete eig&teen "1(# credit oints) $&ile at
same time do researc& and t&esis $riting. Students $ill &a!e an ad!isor at UNIKOM and an oral
e0amination $ill %e conducted in UNIKOM. If t&e students can only finis& art of t&eir additional
credit oints in Korea) t&ey $ill %e a$arded $it& one degree from UNIKOM $it& certificate from
2oungsan Uni!ersity.
Otion <:
Students $ill finis& t&eir study in Indonesia) and $ill %e a$arded $it& one degree from UNIKOM.
<.<. Secial Features
/&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram &as a num%er of secial features) $&ic& can %e
to contri%ute strongly to t&e already attracti!e c&aracter of t&is rogram. First) intensi!e Koreans
teac&ing is integral art of t&e rogram. Secondly) t&ere is a uni9ue ersonal aroac& %ot& at
UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity) $it& muc& attention %eing gi!en to %ot& t&e grou and
articiants. /&ird) t&e course includes lectures) grou $ork) site !isits) case studies) and a final
researc& ro1ect. /&ere are regular meetings for e!aluation) coordination and counseling) and
staffs are a!aila%le on a daily %asis for 9uestions or assistance in ractical matters. Because of
international c&aracter of t&e rogram) articiants %uild u a %road) international net$ork $it&
information system secialists. Fort&) t&ere is an oortunity for students to do interns&i or
at one comany during t&eir stay in Korea. Ait& t&is oortunity) students are a%le to
$orking Cn international atmos&ere and learn &o$ Koreans $ork and do t&eir %usiness.
<.>. Degal Status and 4egree
Uon successful comletion of t&e International 4ou%le 4egree -rogram) students $ill %e
a$arded a
degree from UNIKOM and from t&e 2oungsan Uni!ersity. /&e UNIKOM 4egree is entitled:
GMaster of
ComuterH and t&e 2oungsan Uni!ersity degree is entitled: G Master of 7ngineering G. If a
fails to fulfill t&e re9uirements "language or ot&er# to follo$ t&e full second year rogram at t&e
2oungsan Uni!ersity) &e or s&e can still recei!e t&e UNIKOM degree GMaster of ComuterH
&e=s&e fulfills t&e re9uirements for t&at degree#.
<... 7mo$erment of 'lumnae
Fres& Master5s graduates $ill %e gi!en oortunities to take art in 1oint researc& acti!ities
conducted %y t&e t$o uni!ersity or ot&er colla%oration. UNIKOM $ill also $elcome t&e
graduates to
%e t&e lecturers) ro!ided t&ey follo$ t&e general rocedure at UNIKOM.
>. 70am 6egulations
>.1. 70am 6egulations at UNIKOM
>.1.1. 6egular Courses
7ac& course su%1ect $ill %e e0amined %y t$o $ritten tests) MidEtrimester e0am "U1ian /enga&
/rimester# and FinalEtrimester e0am "U1ian'k&ir /rimester#. /&e students must %e resent
. of @ sc&eduledElecturers in order to %e ermitted to follo$ t&ese $ritten tests. Besides t&ese
lecturers gi!e students assignments) eit&er indi!idual or in grous. /&e final grade of eac&
$ill %e determined %ased on se!eral criteria: t&e grade from t$o $ritten tests) t&e assignments)
indi!idual acti!ities and class discussion during lecturers.
>.1.*. /&esis
Students are allo$ed to su%mit t&esis roosal formally if t&ey fulfill se!eral criteria: &a!e
t$o trimesters and are follo$ing t&e t&ird trimester $it& minimum G-' a!erage <.++. /&e
must %e resented in a seminar. /&e re!ie$ers t&en gi!e recommendation $&et&er t&e roosal
$ort&y. /&en t&e t&esis suer!isors are aointed %y t&e Faculty and t&e students can roceed
t&e researc& and t&esis $riting.
/&e duration of t&e researc& and t&esis $riting is aro0imately four "># mont&s. 'fter around
"<# mont&s) t&e students &a!e to do resentation in t&e seminar) attended %y t&eir suer!isors.
t&ey ass t&is seminar) at t&e end of fourt& mont&s) t&e students &a!e to finis& t&eir t&esis
and take t&e final e0am) attended %y t&eir suer!isors and t&e e0aminers. /&e students $&o
t&is final e0am $ill %e allo$ed to register for t&e graduation and $ill %e a$arded a master
>.*. Iuality 'ssurance
' system of 9uality assurance is defined t&at com%ines t&e e0isting systems for 9uality control
already in lace in %ot& UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity. /&e system descri%es t&e minimum
set of
criteria t&at must %e met in order for t&e rogram to %e acceted academically to %ot&
/&is year t&e Master of Information System rogram is going t&roug& institutional accreditation
t&e Ministry of 7ducation. In t&e faculty) t&ere are endEofEcourse e!aluations in $ritten form
"anonymous# %y students and t&ere is a regular internal e!aluation of t&e courses %y t&e
and t&e faculty. 'dditionally t&ere is an internal 9uality assurance $&ic& is under coordination of
4irectorate Iuality 'ssurance of UNIKOM.
../&e Management -rocess
..1. -ersons and resonsi%ilities at UNIKOM
6ector of UNIKOM : 4r. Ir. 7dySoeryantoSoegoto
Board of 'd!isor:
-rof. 4r. 31. 6ia6atna'ria$ati) MS.) 'k.
-rof. 4r. 3. Mo&. /ad1uddin) M'.
-rof. 4r. 'elina Surya
-rogram 'dministration
1. -rogram 4irector: 4r. Ir. 3erman S.)MB'.
*. -rogram Secretary: 4iana 'ndriani) S/. MM.)M/.
<. Coordinator for 'cademic 'ffairs: 4r. Jani!ita Joto Sudir&amS/.)MSc..
>. Coordinator for Iuality 'ssurance : 4r. 4ediSulistio S/.M/.
..*. -ersons and resonsi%ilities at 2ongsan Uni!ersity
-resident of 2oungsan Uni!ersity: Gu$uck Bu) DD.4
4ean of Graduate Sc&ool: -rof. 4r. 3yukgyu C&o
..<. 7ducation Staff
/&e staff consists of lecturers of t&e Faculty of Graduate Study) UNIKOM) comlemented %y
from Graduate Sc&ools of 7ngineering) 2oungsan Uni!ersity. /oget&er) t&e staff ro!ides a
range of e0ertise re9uired to suort t&is International 4ou%le 4egree rogram.
..>. 'dmission "rocedures and criteria#
7ntrance re9uirements are: students s&ould &a!e a rele!ant Bac&elor5s 4egree "Si# $it&
G-' <.++; t&ey s&ould &a!e e0cellent communication skills) and &a!ing $orking e0erience is
ad!antageous. /&e alicants &a!e to take 'cademic -otential /est "/-'# and /O7FD test.
criteria to %e admitted to t&e International 4ou%le 4egree rogram are %ased on t&ese tests and
caacity of t&e class.
.... /uition Fee and ot&er costs
6egistration Fee :6. .++.+++)E
6egistration er 9uarter: 6. .++.+++)E
/uition er trimester: 6. ?.+++.+++)E
Graduation ceremony: 6. 1.+++.+++)E
..?. Facilities and li%rary ser!ices
7!ery ost graduated UNIKOM5s students are facilitated $it& a note%ook inside t&e class room
$ill %e used to suort all kinds of course acti!ities and is comleted $it& free Internet
using $ireless net$ork "AiFi#.
Class room is comleted $it& DC4 ro1ector) note%ook) AiFi $&ic& is ro!ided in t&e entire
area and ot&er multimedia de!ices t&at suorts all kinds of interacti!e study acti!ities in a room
setting t&at suorts for class discussion.
/&e students Kan also use -asca Dounge room t&at is ro!ided $it& a $ireless internet
"AiFi#) $&ic& is used for study area) grou discussion) &ang out and rela0 $&ile $aits for t&e
class started. /&e secure arking area facilities $it& a full security ser!ices) raying room)
antry and
ot&er kinds of facilities suort t&e students to get a rela0 feeling in studying at ostgraduate
?./&e Financial -lan
?.1. 4e!eloment costs
/&e de!eloment costs are made in t&e rearation &ase "o!er t&e num%er of years# and are
considered to %e an in!estment to ena%le t&e startEu of t&e 1oint rogram. /&ese costs are an
in!estment made %y UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity and $ill not %e taken into account in t&e
calculation of t&e course fee.
?.*. Course Fee
Course fees are %ased on resent fees and on an a!erage stay of t$o semesters
"aro0imately one
year# in Korea; %ased in e0ected inflation of rices.
'dditional costs: include Di!ing allo$ances and accommodation " er mont&#) Fig&t) !isa and
?.<. Financial Benefits
Financial %enefits from t&e International 4ou%le 4egree rogram are e0ected to %e limited
t&e course fee is cost co!ering only. /&is is comensated %y a num%er of ot&er %enefits.
/&roug& t&e
cooeration) t&e academic standing of staff at %ot& institutes $ill %e ugraded and e0osed to
e0eriences. /&ere $ill %e synergy $it& regular acti!ities suc& as researc& and e0c&ange staff.
addition) t&e attracti!e rogram may dra$ more students to %ot& UNIKOM and 2oungsan
t&ere%y en&ancing t&e international rofile of t$o uni!ersities.
@./&e Marketing -lan
@.1. General Strategy
UNIKOM and 2oungsan Uni!ersity &as a s&ared resonsi%ility to market t&e International
4egree -rogram on Information System. /&e marketing strategy $ill %e de!eloed along t$o
On one &and) it aims to attract students to t&e course. It also aims at targeting otential
sonsors for
t&e course suc& as fello$s&i organi8ations) international organi8ations) and ri!ate sectors.

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