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Rounding to the Nearest Hundred

Free lesson from educationheight.com

When we round to the nearest hundred, the numbers residing in the red areas (up to
850) on the number line are rounded to 800. The numbers in the blue areas are
rounded to 900.

Again, distance matters. Numbers from 801 to 849 are closer to 800 than to 900.
Numbers from 851 to 899 are closer to 900 than to 800. And the middle guy, 850, is
rounded up to 900: 850 900.
1. Mark the numbers as dots on the number line (approximately) and round them
to either 800 or 900.

804 ________
859 _________
825 ________
850 ________
860 ________
847 ________
808 ________
892 ________

When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the TENS DIGIT of the number.
If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will round down to the previous hundred.
If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you will round up to the next hundred.
728 ? The tens digit
is 2, so round down:
728 700
471 ? The tens digit
is 7, so round up:
471 500
956 ? The tens digit
is 5, so round up:
956 1000
2. Round these numbers to the nearest hundred.
416 ________
837 _________
529 ________
960 ________
670 ________
557 ________
254 ________
147 ________

Things work similarly on this number line when rounding to the nearest hundred:
Numbers up to 2,450 (the middle number) are rounded down to 2,400.
Numbers after 2,450 are rounded up to 2,500.
And the middle guy, 2,450, is rounded up.
3. Round these numbers to 2,400 or to 2,500. You can use the number line above to
help you.
2,412 _______
2,429 _______
2,478 ________
2,490 ________

Rounding rules
When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the TENS DIGIT of the number.
If the tens digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will
round down to the previous hundred.
728 ? The tens digit is 2, so round down:
728 700
Notice: the hundreds digit does not
If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you will
round up to the next hundred.
471 ? The tens digit is 7, so round up:
471 500
Notice: the hundreds digit increases by
one, from 4 to 5.
Whether you round up or down, the tens and ones digits change to zeros.
4. Round these numbers to the nearest hundred.
a. 6,216 _________ b. 5,923 _________ c. 1,670 _________
d. 8,254 _________ e. 8,019 _________ f. 2,157 _________
g. 1,772 _________ h. 6,849 _________ i. 801 _________
j. 255 _________ k. 9,562 _________ l. 3,501 _________

Note especially! 4,952 ?
Now the tens digit is 5, so we round up. The hundreds digit (9) increases by one
(to ten hundreds). But we can't change 9 to 10 or we would get 41052!
Instead, those ten hundreds make a new thousand, so the thousands digit is incremented
by one. It is as if '49' changes to '50'. So, we get 4, 952 5, 000
5. Round these numbers to the nearest hundred.
a. 6,986 _________ b. 5,973 _________ c. 1,981 _________
d. 4,945 _________ e. 2,932 _________ f. 9,969 _________
g. 966 _________ h. 9,982 _________ i. 798 _________

6. Round these numbers to the nearest hundred.
Place each answer in the cross-number puzzle.

a. e.

f. g.
a. 2,264 _______
b. 4,973 _______
c. 4,248 _______
d. 545 _______
e. 3,709 _______
f. 672 _______
g. 5,370 _______
h. 8,816 _______


7. Fill in, using rounded numbers.
a. Usually, Mary receives about
__________ spam emails daily, but on
5/9 she got about ___________ spams.
b. During the work week from 5/7 till 5/11
she received about __________ spams.
Spam Emails Mary Received
Date Spams round to nearest 100
Mo 5/7 125
Tu 5/8 97
Wd 5/9 316
Th 5/10 118
Fr 5/11 106

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