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The experience of participants in this research of

the Rural Development Programme (RDP) has been
broadly positive and it has, through a range of
hard and soft supports, enabled development and
improved performance in many of the businesses
studied. Although there was some questioning of the
level of bureaucracy and restrictions surrounding the
grant application process and of the relevance of
the programme to some very small-scale enterprises,
the local companies which deliver the RDP remain
the most appropriate channels through which the
majority of rural-based small-scale food enterprises
can continue to be developed and supported.
Any future rural development initiatives such as the
Rural Development Programme will continue to have
a key role to play in encouraging and supporting
the further development of this sector of the food
industry. Activity and support should focus on three
key areas;
Work with individual farm households,
including: pre-commercial animation work;
funding of participation in relevant external
education programmes (in nutrition, speciality
food production, organic growing, etc.); provision
of short and sharp training programmes tailored
to specic local need; provision of grant support
for promising capital projects where such funding
is really necessary and at a scale appropriate
to the needs and ambitions of the individual
business; and continued work with small-scale
food entrepreneurs who may never scale-up
or require intensive capital support but who
contribute to overall rural sustainability and a
vibrant local economy.
Work with groups of farm households, including:
organising and facilitating networking events,
discussion groups, farm visits, social media, etc.
for regional groupings of food entrepreneurs;
supporting the development of cooperative
efforts such as producers groups; and providing
linkages between farm households where there
may be potential for collaboration.
Otherwise supporting the development of
the local/artisanal food sector, by: organising
activities and events which promote the
local/artisanal food sector such as cookery
demonstrations, food trails, food festivals, talks
and conferences, themed events; supporting the
growth and development of farmers markets
and country markets and small-scale or specialist
food retailers, including farm shops; supporting
food-related tourism initiatives such as food trails,
cookery schools, links with restaurants, farm-based
accommodation, etc.; and using the credibility
gained from lengthy experience in this sector to
advocate for further necessary changes which
are outside the scope of the Rural Development
Programme, such as a review of the regulatory
framework for small-scale food producers or an
appraisal of the attention given to this kind of
activity within mainstream agricultural training

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