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count me in

teams in all souls where could you serve?

(Opportunities marked with an * are only for adults and require a DBS)


The Welcome Team greet people at the door on a
Sunday, providing a friendly face, handing out Bibles and
providing details about Childrens groups. They also
assist with childrens check-in and seek to introduce
first-timers to others.
Time Commitment: 30 mins before and 10 minutes
after a service (to clear away) once a month.
Leader: Nick Merrifield (am), Charles Tapson (pm)

In the morning the team serves hot & cold drinks and
biscuits after the service. In the afternoon they also
provide a small tea (sandwiches and scones/cake etc.).
Time Commitment: 30 mins before service and 30
minutes serving after the service with 20 minutes to
clear up, once a month.
Leader: Georgina Parker (am service) or Esther
Sweetman (pm service)

We want children to have a fantastic time here on Sundays in their groups led by teams
drawn from a pool of more than sixty volunteers. You don't need prior experience to be
part of it, simply to enjoy being with children we provide training and support. Well need
your commitment to do a DBS (criminal records check) and to sign our volunteer

Creates a fun, safe and welcoming environment for
babies & toddlers and their parents setting up, serving
coffee (am), chatting to visitors and clearing away.
Time Commitment: Initial training evening, and then
one Sunday a month.
Current Leader: Tuane de Jager (am); Joanna Hornsby

CHILDRENS TEAMS (various age-groups from Nursery
to top Junior) *
Groups have at least one Leader (who is responsible for
preparing, from the provided material, and runs the
session) and one Helper (who assists with the session
itself, for example sitting with children when they do a
craft or joining in games) each month. Requirements: a
sense of humour, willingness to learn and a commitment to the wellbeing and care of
children. The age-groups for September will be decided soon, but in the meantime
do indicate if you have an age preference for where to lead.
Time Commitment: An initial training evening, and around one Sunday a month.
Age-group Team Leaders: tbc for Sept talk to Richard or Calum in the meantime.

Our groups for teenagers (Underground & Overground)
meet on Sunday afternoons during the 4.30pm service
each week. Sessions are a lively mix of fun, food,
discussion, Bible-digging, games and prayer. The leaders
team lead sessions or assist in small group discussions and
join in the fun!
Time Commitment: Roughly once a month during the afternoon service.
Leaders: Karl & Kate Burgess, Richard Frank

count me in
All Souls has a great reputation amongst local young families for running welcoming, fun and
safe events for the community. A great opportunity to make a difference beyond the
immediate church family.

Hundreds of local families have made
Wednesday mornings a much-loved part of their
week. Run by a team from All Souls, Little Souls
provides a safe, welcoming and fun environment
for small children and their parents or carers -
and great coffee too!
It's currently All Souls' biggest connection with
local people who wouldn't normally go to
church. A significant number have found it to be
a great way in to church life for themselves.
Time Commitment: From around 9.30am to noon(ish) on termtime Wednesdays.
Leader: Colleen Beck

Our Messy Church Events are held several times a year after school. Primary School
age children and below come with their parents and enjoy the church filled with tables
of craft and then a short, interactive service with songs and a short talk. A pasta tea
follows. It's been a wonderful way into church for many.
Time Commitment: From around 3.30 to 6pm on a Friday afternoon: setting up,
leading a craft table and clearing away.
Leader: Catherine Frank


Small groups that help people take next steps in growing in their faith.

Host a small group in their home for roughly 6-8 adults.
Time Commitment: 1 weekly evening for a few weeks in
a term.
Leader: Calum Lindsay

Lead a small group that discusses a topic and explore faith together. No previous
experience is necessary. Training and support will be given.
Time Commitment: 1 weekly evening for a few weeks in a term.
Leader: Richard Frank

Providing prayer and encouragement as they serve people in need of love and support.

Prays for the service beforehand and then offers prayer for individuals afterwards.
Time Commitment: Before service and after service as required. When available.
Leader: El Tuck (am), Calum Lindsay (pm)

Volunteers willing to be called upon to cook and deliver a meal to someone in need
of support eg. following a new baby. Organised by email and website (Mealtrain).
Time Commitment: Occasional/as required, emails sent when there is a need.
Leader: Lyn Rhodes

Soul Connections helps us express God's love for the whole world through support
money from All Souls' funds (to people and organisations involved in mission and social
projects), through supporting local projects (eg. the churches' Winter Shelter initiative)
and helping us engage with those organisations and people, especially through prayer.
Time Commitment: A few times a year to pray and plan together. Open to all.
Leader: El Tuck

count me in
All Souls is committed to promoting sustainable lifestyles as well as making responsible
and wise decisions about the way we run our buildings and activities as a church. This
team help us research issues and organise events to help care for Gods world.
Time Commitment: A few times a year to pray and plan together and is open to all.
Leader: Were looking for a new leader for the team could that be you?

Visiting and encouraging those shut in at home or spending time in hospital and offering
friendship, company and, where appropriate, prayer.
Time Commitment: As available/ needed. Training and support will be given.
Leader: Richard Frank

A growing community of mostly retired local people come to our Monday Communion
service and monthly Coffee and Conversation. The team make soup for a post-service
lunch and refreshments at the coffee morning as well as chatting with those who come.
Time Commitment: Mondays mid-morning or noon monthly or more.
Leader: Fi Budden


Over the last year we have been able to build on our links
with the Bridgelink Community Centre, enabling us to
develop projects that serve and welcome residents from
the Ivybridge Estate and surrounding area.
Leader: Fi Budden (Community Projects Manager)

We provide this important service to local residents in financial crisis: a compassionate
welcome; sorting and packing food and offering a listening ear over a cup of coffee. We
run a community cafe alongside the foodbank serving refreshments and we will be
running an informal ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) club, for which
there will be some training, but a willingness to get stuck in is all that is required!
Venue: Bridgelink Community Centre
Time Commitment: 2 hours a fortnight, occasional training, Thursdays 9.30-11.30

An informal carers and baby session, which includes lots of chat, refreshments and a
baby song time. Whether you have a small baby or not, if you are happy to talk to new
parents/carers and even to lead or assist with baby song-time, please do join us.
Venue: Bridgelink Community Centre
Time Commitment: Monday 9.30-11.30 (2 hours once a week/fortnight)

Families struggling financially are grateful to be able to access clothes and equipment for
their children. We have quite a stock of baby clothes - although most of the equipment
has now been given away to families in need. We need a team of people once a term
to sort and organise the stock in the church shed.
Venue: All Souls Church/occasionally Bridgelink Community Centre
Time Commitment: as and when (could be for 1 hour after a service, once a term)

We plan a regular community cafe in partnership with the Bridgelink Community
Centre. This will require volunteers who would enjoy welcoming local residents,
serving refreshments and snacks and taking this exciting project forward.
Venue: Bridgelink Communty Centre
Time commitment: 3 hours p/w : 9.30am-12.30pm (days tbc)


Assist with overall repair, maintenance and upkeep for indoor and outdoor of the buildings.

A pool of church members with practical skills to offer for occasional help in maintaining
the buildings, doing odd jobs and improving the site.
Time Commitment: As available
Leader: Krista Small

Help with organising occasional Church events
such as The Big Lunch, church socials and a
possible Church Weekend or Day Away.
Willingness and availability the only things
Time Commitment: As available
Leader: Krista Small

count me in

Some of behind-the-scenes roles are the ones we'd miss most! If you can wield a (computer)
mouse and/or have an ear for music, then you could make a big difference to our Sunday
worship. The video screens - carrying words for songs, for liturgy and the notices - are
operated from a PC. P.A. Desk - Helping our band sound the very best it can, balancing the
instruments and ensuring that the congregation can both hear and hear themselves is a crucial
job each Sunday. We always need photographers too..!

This team includes those who oversee all
things technical involved with Sunday services
and some midweek events. Responsibilities
may include the video projector, computer
equipment, cameras, audio recording of
sermons and lighting.
Time Commitment: Varied, but usually
focused on Sunday services
Leader: Calum Lindsay

Jon Wooden leads a team of worship leaders, musicians and singers who help lead
worship each Sunday service. Instrumentalists need to be able to sight-read confidently
and transpose on sight as well as, just as importantly, enjoy being part of a group. Singers
need to be tuneful and (preferably) able to add harmonies to tunes. Take part in one of
the monthly "jam sessions" to get to know the team and build your confidence.
Time Commitment: around 2 hours on Sundays around once a month, arriving about
30 minutes before a service for practices.
Leader: Jon Wooden


To learn more about serving and all the volunteer opportunities that make All Souls
happen each week you can contact the Church Office on 020 8891 6820 or email
info@allsoulschurch.org.uk or see our website.

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