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Q35 A 42 year old man presented with a firm fixed swelling in the right preauricular region

which had been enlarging over the last month. He had also developed a right sided facial
hat is the most li!ely diagnosis"
A. Adenoid cystic carcinoma###########
$. %&uamous carcinoma
'. %ebaceous cyst
(. $ranchial cyst
). *leomophic adenoma

Q5+ A 4+ year old female presents with a slowly enlarging painless firm swelling in the hard
palate to the left of the midline.
,he most li!ely diagnosis is-
A. A dental abscess
$. ,orus palatinus
'. .steoma
(. *leomorphic adenoma
). 'analicular adenoma

Q//2 A +0 year old female attends your surgery complaining of soreness affecting her
gingivae. 1o other area of her oral mucosa is affected but she complains of occasional
bleeding and crusting inside her nose and itchiness affecting one of her eyes. %he is fit and
well and is not ta!ing any medication. .n examination intra#orally a des&uamative gingivitis
is present. Her left eye loo!s inflamed and there is some evidence of scarring giving rise to
symblephron formation between the con2unctiva lining her lower eyelid and that covering the
surface of her eye itself.
$ased on the above findings what is your diagnosis"
A. 3ucous membrane pemphigoid#########
$. 4ichen planus
'. *emphigus vulgaris
(. )rythema multiforme
). 4ichenoid drug reaction
-The most possible cause of rampant caries?
The lack of fuoride in water; bad socioeconomic background; lack of hygiene
Lack of Oral Hygiene. ental !ducation is paramount and should be emphasi"ed and
reinforced especially in #ery young children with prolonged and fre$uent use of sugary
drinks or those with inappropriate nursing habits like for e%ample kids who are left with a
bottle in the night etc
&dult patient '(yrs old with se#ere learning di)culties attends with carer. On e%amination no
ob#ious caries but OH is poor. *hat is the best +rst line treatment?
Options ,
OH- T.- with patient/
OH- T.- with carer/
refer to hygienist for full mouth debridement/
do full mouth debridement yourself/
ask who pro#ide OH care for patient and plan some changes in the routine
T.--tooth brush instructions
&ns- .
*hich of the following +ndings shows that the person has an immunity to hep ..
-The absence of &ntiHbs antibodies..
-smth abt Hbc
- presence of antihbs antibodies
0resence of Hbs&b 1&nti- hep b surface antibodies without anti-hep b core antibodies shows immunity due
to #accination and if it has anti hep b core antibodies too with anti-hep surface ab then immunity following
*hat neurons are associated with the mo#ement of muscles of mastication or through what
neurons the muscles of mastication are acti#ated
& patient has a tumour based in an enlarged 3ugular
foramen / what is the most likely presentation?
a. !ight cranial ner#e palsy
b. 4inth cranial ner#e palsy5.
c. Tenth cranial ner#e palsy
d. !le#enth cranial ner#e palsy
6urgical +ndings showed schwannomas of the glossopharyngeal ner#e in se#en patients and tumor
in#ol#ement of both the glossopharyngeal and #agal ner#es in one patient. &ll tumors were partially located
within the 3ugular foramen. 7rowth e%tending within the temporal bone was typical. Tumor e%tended into the
posterior cranial fossa in all nine patients and produced mass e8ect on the brain stem and9or cerebellum in
se#en patients; in +#e patients/ tumor e%tended below the skull base
The heart of an embryo +rst begins beating at which of
the following ages?
a. : weeks b. ' weeks5.
c. ; weeks d. < weeks
'rd week =(-:= days
The heart is formed at :> days and starts to beat at := to :: days. & primiti#e intestine a neural tube is also
#isible at this age. The circulation system for the brain has begun. .y the end of the third week/ the backbone/
spinal column/ and ner#ous system are forming
=. 0atient on warfarin had a simple e%traction of a grade -- mobile LL; but continues
bleeding after ha#ing socket packed with o%idised cellulose - .
:. .leeding starts again ; hours after e%traction of LL? , bleeding coming from buccal
plate , ! or @
'. &fter e%cision of +broepithelial polyp from attached gingi#ae , 7?
;. 1some other but canAt remember them2
a. bite pack
b. bite pack soaked in trane%amic mouthwash
c. o%idised cellulose
d. #icryl suture
e. whiteheads #arnish
f. bone wa%
g. electrocautar
Bost common type of non accidental in3ury
&. .urnt tip of lip
.. Clcer on gingi#a
D. Lacerated frenum---------
wht should be added to beta lactamase to make if e8ecti#e against anaerobes
Dla#ulanic acid to destroy b-lactamase; &minoglycosides1recheck this2
=-pt. comes after ; hrs after e%traction still bleeding
:-after remo#ing pyogenic granuloma from interpro%imal upper premolar area
'-e%traction of lower molar in pt. with low platelet count
;-se#er pain after : days of e%tracting lower wisdom tooth for hea#ily smoker
(-after e%traction of tooth you disco#ered thet the pat is haemophilic
&-tight sutures and hospitali"ation
.-white head #arnish back
D-o%idi"ed cellulose
-local measures with trane%amic acid
!-suturing with resorbable sutures
@-bite pack
7-refer to hospital immediately
&nsF = e
: f
' d
; b
( a
*hat disease is a fully $uali+ed/ fully immunised dental nurse most likely to catch from a
needlestick in3ury
Hep &/
Hep ./---------------
Hep D/
IDT was carried out in a molar which had a BO amalgam
restoration. *hat would be your choice of restoration.
@ull gold crown------------/ cast inlay/ gold inlay/ repeat the amalgam/ lea#e it as
it is.
& prophile photo of a man with actinomicosis on the skin in the region of his mandible. The
$uestion isF what organism causes it?
&nsF &.israelli
best interdental cleaning for perio patientsF interdental brushes or dental foss or tooth picks
interdental brushes1cpcd pg :=;2
the long a%is of the tooth should be parallel to the tip of the probe.
true or false?
@alse/ ;>-;( egree angle
-f pt will ha#e two bitewings/--it is e$ui#alent to how many hours of background radiation?
0age 'J cpcd , J hrs
Domplaints response procedure , as soon as possible/ within : days by a nominated member
of sta8/ within : days by the practice manager/ within => days by nominated member of sta8/
within => days by practice manager
0ink page<(> says : working days but should be &6&0
Domplicated crown fracture e%posing =mm pulp and it is bleeding. =>yr old boy. Options ,
direct pulp cap/ pulpectomy/ coronal pulpotomy/ c#ek partial pulpotomy/ e%traction
Cpper ( deep ca#ity/ you place a composite. Bost likely initial complication , contamination
with moisture/ shrinkage--------------/ wear due to insu)cient strength etc
what can you pre#ent by putting the probe before +lling amalgam in a pro%imal ca#ity?
options wereF fracture/ marginal shortage--------/ o#er hang/ open contact point/
Bost malignant potential?
=2 smoker keratosis-------
:2 lichen planus
which of the following is most e8ecti#e part of an antibacterial mouthwash? biguanide/phenol/
$uarternary ammonium compounds/ triclosan--------
How would you dispose a well tied bag of wastes? -ncineration-----/ land+ll/ burning
6ingle best way to identify acti#e root caries
Ioot surface caries/ in its early stages/ appears as one or more small well-de+ned discoloured areas located
along the gingi#al margin. &cti#e lesions are soft/ pla$ue-co#ered/ and close to the gingi#al margin 1@ig. =.=J2.
&rrested lesions are hard and shiny/ pla$ue-free/ and some distance from the gin- gi#al margin 1@igs. =.:> and
=.';2. &s with enamel caries/ great care should be taken when using a probe on these lesions; otherwise/
healing tissue may be damaged. Howe#er/ it is essential to feel these lesions to determine their acti#ity
This ne#oid basal cell carcinoma syndrome is #ery important. 4ew update on OKD.
& keratocystic odontogenic tumour 1also keratocystic odontogenic tumor2/ abbre#iated KDOT/
L=M is a rare and benign but locally aggressi#e de#elopmental cystic neoplasm. -t most often
a8ects the posterior mandible.
-t was pre#iously called odontogenic keratocyst and abbre#iated OKD.L=ML:M
!lectric instrument to be tested after 'yrs9 =yr9 :yr9 < months
&ll earthed e$uipment and most leads and plugs
connected to portable e$uipment should ha#e an
occasional combined inspection and test by an
appropriately trained 1competent2 person to identify
the faults that cannot be found by the #isual check. The
H6! suggests inter#als of up to +#e years in low risk
en#ironments depending on the type of e$uipment
used. @or dental practices e#ery two or three years will
be more appropriate 'years is ans
isposal of impression trays??
6ingle use orange or yellow
*hich one has more and which has less modulus of elasticity?
cobalt chromium--------- / gold?1 As such, a stiffer material will have a higher elastic modulus)
Nurse sends a doctors letter in saying she is unable to work for 4 weeks due to
back problems, what do you do send her your practice sickness
policy, arrange a back-to-work meeting, assess her past attendance
record, send her a written acknowledgement that you have received
her letter
Sarika Yadav Bland &rrange a back to work meeting.
oka oka -s it the same as re#iew meeting and is this LO47 sick lea#e any where to read from
Sarika Yadav Bland 4o itNs not a re#iew/ itNs a normal employment procedure. !#ery employee who
comes back after a long sick lea#e/ they ha#e to go thorough this. Dheck direct go#.
*hich #accine is more common with inacti#ated #irus? 0olio----
0atient has hypersensiti#ity reaction to wearing an acrylic 09- what type of
hypersensiti#ity is this , -/ --/ ---/ -G------type -G------
How would you dispose a well tied bag of wastes? incineration/ land+ll/ burning
.lack beg- land +lled/ clinical- incineration/ some goes for recycling facilities. The uk land+lled items
transfer to -ndonesia. They dump it there
iet ad#ise to a child. Bost e8ecti#e methodF
=. Tell parents not to gi# child sweets
:. entist tells child about good and bad foods
'. 4urse talks to child---------1pre#enti#e in pinky2
;. 6end child o a dietician
!ap design for apicoectomy for
lower premolar
!n#eloppe/two sided-----------------/three sided
!mployer asking whether his employee has #isited the practice to the receptionist/wht
shd the receptionist do?
o information should gi#e to the employer about their employee///data protection sheet
what are tramlines
tramline is the id ner#e track seen on an opg whn we ha#e t assess how close the roots are to the ner#e
in an impacted molar...u can easily read abt them while going thru molar impaction assessment
a. a man /unsha#ed with inappropriate dresses coming to the surgery/ and
complaining that gets up early in the morning?
Options F schi"ophrenia/ mania/ depression/ an%iety/ neurosis/ obsessi#e disorders
b. & man that is putting a plate at dinner time for his dead wife? Option were as
&-!0I!66-O4 1get up in the morning is clue2 .. O.6!66-G! 1he doesnt accept that hs wife is dead is
e%ternal carotid artery and its branches
6ome &merican Ladies @ind Our 0yramids 6o Bagni+cent.....6uperior thyroid artery-1arise
from anterior aspect2
&scending pharyngeal artery-1arise from medial1deep2aspect2
Lingual artery-1arise from anterior aspect2
@acial artery-1arise from anterior aspect2
Occipital artery-1arise from posterior aspect2
0osterior auricular artery-1arise from posterior aspect2
Terminal branches
Ba%illary artery
6uper+cial temporal artery
& =( year old female patient has a Jmm o#er3et and bilateral impacted
a2 The patient would be placed in the -nde% of Orthodontic Treatment 4eed
HD grade (-------------------------
b2 The patient is at an appropriate age to commence functional appliance
c2 The canine position is best assessed by using a lateral cephalometric
d2 The canines are almost certainly buccally placed
e2 .ilateral impacted canines are seen more fre$uently then unilateral
impacted canines
.ud stage of upper =st permanent molar begins at??
J weeks. ..
How many months lea#e for a pregnant employee and how many months pay is she
entitled to from the =st april :>>??
(: weeks/ 'O paid weeks
0ain control
& <( year old male on antihypertensi#e drugs after e%traction of lower?
& patient under antidepressants after surgical e%traction of lower wisdom
&n old drug abuser after apicectomy
& child with se#ere pulpitis of <
0aracetamol/diclofenic /46&-/codeine/combination of paracetamol and .rufen
=- paracetamol
:- diclofenic or combination
'- codeine
;- paracetamol
&ny correction welcome
Dolour coding mops for general cleaning/
blue/ - o)ce
yellow/ - clinical room
green , kitchen
0eriapical %ray @ speed +lm- e$ui#alent back ground radiation?
<.; hours
& <> year old female attends your surgery complaining of soreness a8ecting her
gingi#ae. 4o other area of her oral mucosa is a8ected but she has noticed an
itchy rash on the fe%or surface of her forearms. 6he is +t and well and is not
taking any medication. 6cattered purple9red papules each about ;mm in greatest
dimension are present on the fe%or surface of her forearms and on intraoral
e%amination a des$uamati#e gingi#itis is present.
.ased on the abo#e +ndings what is your diagnosis?
&. Bucous membrane pemphigoid .. Lichen planus--------- D. 0emphigus #ulgaris
. !rythema multiforme !. Lichenoid drug reaction
Digarette smoking is considered to be the most important factor ne%t to microbial
pla$ue in periodontal disease progression.
*hich of the following is the most important factor in the disease progression in
&. 6mokers ha#e drier mouths than non-smokers .. 6mokers ha#e poorer oral
hygiene than non-smokers. D. 4icotine will impair the chemotactic and phagocytic
properties of 0B4s. . The gingi#al blood fow is reduced in smokers.------------- !.
6mokers alter the oral en#ironment encouraging the growth of anaerobic bacteria
&n J> year old patient presents with an ulcer in the foor of the mouth. This has
been present for se#eral months and has not responded to con#entional
treatment. &n incisional biopsy is taken.
*hich of the following histological changes in the epithelium con+rm a diagnosis
of s$uamous cell carcinoma?
&. Hyperkeratosis .. &canthosis D. ysplasia . -n#asion----------- !. iscontinuous
5-Question on which ion is released when there is a low gastric ph.
ions ??
8-What binds irreversibly with Oxygen
Iron(Fe2+) atoms?or what--maybe someone knows exatly??
2- how yo! desribe saliva in relation to "lasma?-o"tions# hy"otoni# isotoni#

.smolarity of %aliva far below =>> mOsm9kg
4ormal human osmolality in plasma is about :?(-:OO mOsm9kg

&&-What makes saliva# isotoni# hy"otoni?
%aliva secretion occurs in two ste"s
"rimary saliva-- has an electrolyte composition similar
to that of plasma-that is isotonic.
&s the sali#a passes through the e%cretory ducts it is modi"ed into
hypotonic seondary saliva-- because 4aP and Dl- reabsorption is
greater than KP and HDO', secretion and the ducts are
relati#ely impermeable to water
&'-(rini"le s!bstanes ontrolling )a
metabolism* o"tions- alitonin#
(+%# ,itamin -# et
Calcitoninproduced by C-cells,located in thyroid gland. Function
lowers the blood calcium and blood phosphate levels. Supresses
bone resorption and enhance bone formation. Also promotes the
excretion in the urine of phosphate, sodium and calcium by
decreasing their reabsorbtion in the idney tubules.
!arathyroid "ormone#!$"%-is secreted in the parathyroid gland
increases bone resorption----&release of calcium and phosphate
into the blood plasma, decrease calcium excretion and increase
phosphate excretion in the urine. 'ncreases the absorbtion of Ca
() in the gastrointestinal tract.
,it -' (holeali.erol5##is not biologialy ative# b!t is a "re!rsor o. an ative mole!le &#2/-
dihydroxyholeali.erol0 +he most "rominent ations o. this ative mole!le are to reg!late the "lasma
levels o. ali!m and "hos"hor!s0
1. COPD - Barrel-Chested
2. Pneumonia - Greenish ust! S"utum
#. Perni$ious Anemia - Bee%! ed Ton&ue 'S$hillin&(s Test)
*. +a,asa-i Disease. - Stra,.err! Ton&ue
/. T!"hoid - Ste"ladder 0e1er
2. T!"hoid - ose S"ot
3. Tetan! - Ch1oste- Si&n 'Mus$le T,it$hin& 0a$e)- Trosseau(s Si&n '4er-!
5. Pan$reatitis - Cullen Si&n 'Bluish dis$oloration "reum.ili$al area)
6. A""endi$itis - M$Burne!(s Point 're.ound tenderness)- o1sin& Si&n '78 "ain
,9 "al"ation in 778)- Psoas Si&n'"ain on l!in& do,n "uttin& "ressure on MB "t)
1:. Throm.o"hle.itis - Homan(s Si&n
11. He"atitis - I$teri$ S$lera '!ello,ish dis$oloration o% s$lera)
12. Menin&itis - Burd;ins-i Si&n 'Pain on na"e)- +erni& Si&n '"ain on le&9 -nee
1#. P!lori$ Stenosis - Oli1e-Sha"ed Mass
1*. H!"erth!roidism - <=o"thalmus
1/. Addison(s Dse. - Bron;e-li-e s-in
12. Cushin& S!ndrome- Bu%%alo Hum"
13. Cholera - i$e >ater! Stool
15. S7< - Butter%l! ashes
16. 7e"ros! - 7eonin& 0a$e '$ontra$ted %a$e)
2:. Bulimia Ner1osa - Chi"mun- 0a$e
21. 7i1er Cirrhosis - S"ider An&ioma
22. Asthma - >hee;in& Ins"iration
2#. H!"er"ituitarism - CAOT<N<MIA 'Dis$oloration o% s-in)- ?ANTHAMIA
2*. Do,n S!ndrome- Sin&le Crease on Palm
2/.TO0 - Clu..in& o% 0in&ernails@entri$ular Se"tal De%e$tPulmonar!
StenosisO1erridin& o% Aortai&ht @entri$ular H!"ertro"h!
22.Catara$t - Blurr! @ision 9 Hi;;! @ision
23.Glu$oma - Tunnel-li-e @ision
25. PTB - 7o, &rade %e1er in a ternoon
26. Chole$!stitis- Mur"h!(s Si&n '"ain A8)
#:. M!asthemia Gra1is 'MG) B Ptosis 'ina.ilit! to o"en u""er e!elids)
#1. Den&ue - Pete$hiae
#2. Par-inson(s Dse. - Pill ollin& Tremors
##. MI - 7e1ine(s Si&n 'Clut$hin& o% the $hest)
#*. Measles - +o"li$-(s S"ots
ppe includes F disposable clinics glo#es/household glo#es/plastic disposable aprons/face-
masks/eye protection and ade$uate foot wear.
This condition was +rst described by #on Iecklinghausen in =JO=
&. &pert 6yndrome
.. .otulism
D. Dleidocranial ysostosis
. @ibrous ysplasia
!. Bc Dune &lbright 6yndrome
The answer is . The lesions are tumour like that replaces medullary bone with +brous tissue. -t
is linked to ! and can be monostotic or polystotic
*H&T O!6 & 6-47L! BOTOI 4!CIO4 TO & L-47C&L BC6DCL&TCI! 6C00LQ-
BC6DL! 60-4L!9 6-47L! BC6DL! @-.I!9 BCLT-0L! BC6DL! @-.I!?
Bultiple muscle +bre
.est radiograph in =' year old child to locate unerupted permanernt canine and
retained primary canine. The unerupted teeth cannot be palpated in the buccal
sulcus and you are unsure if it displaced palatally or in line of the archRR
a. bitewing b 0T c. Lateral obli$ue----------1!.whaites2 d. 6ingle periapical e. upper
anterior occlusal
6wollen gingi#a around a crown. 0atient wearing it for many years. 0apillae were
speci+cally enlarged what could be the important cause due to the crown?
Baterial/ occlusion/ 0ro%imal contour----------------/ Labial contour/ surface +nish
Qou want to e#aluate the e8ecti#eness of using tetracycline as an ad3unct to
scaling and root planing for the treatment of chronic periodontitis.
*hat type of primary study design would be most appropriate for addressing this
&. Dohort study .. 4on-randomised controlled trial D. Iandomised controlled trial
. Dase-control study !. Dase-series
&nsF -ts IDT. D. Dan use case-control too. .ut its lesser in the hierarchy of e#idence. &nd cohort
will ha#e 3ust one inter#ention and you will look into pre and post inter#ention e8ects
-n a fouridated toothpaste with >.'>;S sodium fuoride the amount of fouride
ions is
&.;>> ppm
..=>>> ppm
D.=(>> ppm
.;>>> ppm
>.'>;S 4a@ >.'>;9:T>.=(:S@ T=.( mg9ml T=(>> ppm co" =mgT =>>>ppm how abt this?
& ;: year old man presented with a +rm +%ed swelling in the right preauricular
region which had been enlarging o#er the last month. He had also de#eloped a
right sided facial palsy.
*hat is the most likely diagnosis?
&. &denoid cystic carcinoma----------- .. 6$uamous carcinoma D. 6ebaceous cyst .
.ranchial cyst !. 0leomophic adenoma
I adiation protection of patients is partly dependent upon e$uipment factors 1%-
ray set and +lm or digital system2. The di8erent factors that can be changed #ary
in +nancial cost to the dentist and in their e8ecti#eness in cutting %-ray dose.
*hich of the following pro#ides the most cost-e8ecti#e means of minimi"ing
patient radiation dose in dental intraoral radiography?
&. Donstant potential 1UDN2 %-ray set .. Iare earth +ltration D. Lead apron .
speed +lm !. @ speed +lm------------------
& patient has a tumour based in an enlarged 3ugular
foramen / what is the most likely presentation?
a. !ight cranial ner#e palsy
b. 4inth cranial ner#e palsy--------------
c. Tenth cranial ner#e palsy
d. !le#enth cranial ner#e palsy
The heart of an embryo +rst begins beating at which of
the following ages?
a. : weeks b. ' weeks--------
c. ; weeks d. < weeks
*hich one is is non de#elopmental?
&. incremental line of #on ebner
.. perikymata------------
D. Dross striations
hunter bands
*hat type of cell 3unctions are seen in oral mucosa? is it desmosome ??
yup...desmosomes...i had searched it out alot n in the end it was desomones or hemidesomoes if
the option is gi#en...n tight n gap 3unctions are seen in odontoblasts..
esmosomes are the predominant type/ gap 3unctions start appearing in stratum granulosum of
oral epithelium but gi#en the options - ll go for desmosomes as their proportion is greater.
Baster dentistry #olume ' pg:'?
=. @luoride treatment for a child with high caries rate
a. :/J>> ppm Tooth paste
b. (/>>> ppm toothpaste
c. &pplication of :.:S duraphat : time yearly
d. &pplication of :.:S duraphat '-; times yearly--------
@or a ?> yr old with high caries/
if itNs abt fuoride application than D
-f abt tooth paste than .
&. Dlubbing
.. !rythematous palms
D. !#idence of widespread scratching
. @lattened nails 1koilonychias2
!. Keratotic striations
@. 0ittednails
7. 0urpura
H. NTargetN lesions.
@or each of the following clinical scenarios identify the most appropriate
skin9nail condtion from those pro#ided. !ach option may be used once/
more than once/ or not at all
=. & ;( year old woman with known li#er disease. .
:. & (<-year-old psoriasis. su8erer. @
'. & woman with a. hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
;. & hea#y smoker with haemoptysis. &
(. & patient with a history of. 7all stones presenting. with dark urine
16QB0TOB6 O@ H&C4-D!/ 6O &46TD2
Ans,er D .! --lilra;iE D
a- Sodium %luoride or a$idulated "hos"hate %luoride '$on$entration /::: ""m).
.- Stannous %luoride ':.*H).
These $an .e a""lied usin& s"e$ial tra! or a""lied dire$tl! to teeth .! tooth.rush.
A""lied %or 1- / minutesI then e="e$torate.
e%ren$eD Pro%essor Dr. Sula%a <l Samarrai-To"i$al %luoride thera"! here is the lin-D
htt"D99,,,.$odental .uo.a&hdad. edu.iE9u"loads9 le$tures9 /thH2:$lassH
2:"re1ention9 Pro%essorH 2:Dr.H2:Sula%aH 2:<lH2:Samarrai- To"i$alH2:%luori
deH2:thera"!. "d%'onl! re%eren$e I $ould %ind )
The order o% tooth num.er ,hi$h "ro1ide .est retention to least is .......
MA?I77A D 2. 3. *. /. #. 1. 2
MANDIB7<D2. 3. /. *. #. 2. 1
0ephigus and pemphigoid which one has subepithelial antibodies?
0emphoigoid subepithelial/ pemphigus intraepidermal
&ntimicrobials should be prescribed for one of the following clinical scenariosF
a2 &fter apicectomies b2 -f there is a sinus present c2 &fter periodontal surgery d2
@or surgical remo#al of mandibular third molars e2 &fter surgical remo#al of
retained roots and teeth where there is a history of dry sockets------------
6econdary research papers in which all the primary studies on a particular sub3ect
ha#e been hunted out and critically appraised according to rigorous criteria are
a. Iandomised controlled trials b. Dase control studies c. 6ystemic re#iews and
meta-analysis------------ d. Dross sectional sur#eys e. Dohort studies
#ia $arg
% &n the early stage a periapical abcess can be di'erentiated from a lateral
periodontal abcess
o #ain
o (ype of e)udates
o tenderness to percussion
o response of pulp to electrical stimulation
o radiograph e)amination*
Like V V Cnfollow 0ost V : hours ago

6een by 'O

+awar ,l response to electrical ?

: hours ago V Like

ichelle -usta.uio Iadiograph e%amination

about an hour ago #ia mobile V Like

/ivya &tteerah Iesponse of pulp...electric stimulation

'( minutes ago #ia mobile V Like

#ia $arg thanks guys but dun know ans is response to electrical stimulation ...but the $estion is Nearly
stageN wont it be tender to percussion as there is a di8erence of apical and lateral tenderness to
'; minutes ago V Like

Sarika Yadav Bland Iesponse to electrical stimulation. The periapical abscess has non #ital pulp and
lateral periodontal abscess is related to #ital tooth. 0ink book says you canNt rely on percussion
Bost dangerous route of drug administration that can ad#ersely a8ect #ital
&. -ntra arterial
.. -ntra thecal
D. -ntra#enous------------------
. -ntramuscular
!. -ntraoral
-ntrathecal is commonly used in D6 and surgeries/ and though -ntrarterial can cause ischaemia
of the periphery/ there are more casualties with -G drug administration that any of these drug
route administration and #ital functions like digestion/ respiration/ and circulatory functions was
Test for .ellNs 0alsy ner#eF &6K TH!
&. 0% to look upwards and downwards
.. 0% to look left to right
D. 0% to close their eyes
. 0% to smile
!. 0% to stick out tongue
@. 0% to purse lips and whistle
7. 0% to wrinkle forehead
H. 0% to allow you to shine a light on his eyes to check for papillary response
-. 0% to detect blunt or sharp sensation in #arious positions o#er the face
Iight answer is . as this is a lower motor neurone lesion unlike the upper motor neurone seen
in stroke that they canNt wrinkle their forehead
A * !r old .o! $omes to dental sur&er! . He doesn(t ,ant to eat and he has .een 1omitin& %or %e, da!s.
The .i&&est $on$ern is &in&i1al .leedin& and a "ersistent %e1er
'A.out #3$) that has lasted %or se1eral ,ee-s. The s-in is 1er! "ale and .o! seem to .e slee"!.
In $lini$al o.ser1ation one $an %indD
Bruises in the mouthI &in&i1al .leedin&I and "allorI enlar&ement o% nodes.
The $hild "ro.a.l! sur%ers %rom D
A. Di%%i$ulties in tooth eru"tion
B. 7eu-emia ' ri&ht ans,er)
C. Mer$ur! "oisonin&
D. Haemo"hilia
<. @iral he"atitis
Iegarding swelling of sali#ary glands/ which of the following statements is true
a. 63ogrenNs syndrome is a common cause of sali#ary gland swelling in elderly
men b. Dhronic sialadenitis rarely follows duct obstruction c. Bumps is the most
common cause of parotid swelling d. 6ali#ary calculi ne#er occur in the parotid
duct e. ry mouth may result from obstruction of a submandibular duct due to a
('. How to disinfect a bridge before sending to lab?

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