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Karnik, Kunal A.

Address: 1515 Engel Road (Templin Res. Hall) #714, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas (66045)
E-mail: karnikkunal@yahoo.com Contact Number: +1 (785)-727-3927 Alternate Number: (+91) 9820256461

OBJECTIVE: >To help in the development of world class products through unrelenting research and
trial and to gain hands-on experience through this process in order to develop my capabilities
and be a more valuable and resourceful employee than I currently am. Always Keep
Upgrading >I have a family business back home, but I
am a Computer Science major as it is my Passion
EDUCATION: > Currently enrolled in the University of Kansas HONORS Program for a Bachelors
Degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE, with a 100% scholarship. (Expected Year of
Graduation: MAY 2017) > Passed Grade 12 (ISC) Examination in May 2013 with a
Distinction. (Grade A) > Passed Grade 10 (ICSE)
Examination in May 2011 with a Distinction. (Grade A)
> Current Cumulative GPA 3.66; Engineering GPA 4.0
EXPERIENCE: >Interned at ThinkLabs Technosolutions (Sine IIT Mumbai) for a month as a
Programmer in the development and testing of a new programming language, Developer and
Tester of products and Workshops.
>Worked with 3 other interns to develop the prototype of an automated Pizza factory
2010) A single player (high level difficulty) or multiplayer (compete
against your own friend) game of tic-tac-toe (X & O) with a flashing welcome screen (memorable for a 9

grader). It is like a mini operating system, where all the Run-Time errors have been handled, making it very
user friendly JAVA Language
> Secret Message (SEPTEMBER 2011)
A program which accepts the message input by the user Converts it into a different sentence using
Caesars Box encoding technique And generates a Unique Password for it, If the legitimate password is
entered while decoding, It displays the original message else displays Loading for long. JAVA
> Voice Controlled Robot (JANUARY 2012)
I spearheaded a group of 3 people who prototyped a voice-command-sensitive robot. The Robot can be
trained by human voice commands to perform actions on start up. This robot uses the java leJOS API on the
LEGO Mindstorm RCX brick and only XOR (exclusively OR) Logic gates and has its turn Left-Right modes
combined into rotate modes for ease of usage
> Maglev Train (SEPTEMBER 2012)
Headed a team of 5 people to develop the prototype of a model Train which virtually floats on the air and is
propelled due to the force of repulsion between two similar poles of a magnet.
>Research in compiler architecture.
Worked under a professor in the research group CARS (Compiler Architecture and Runtime Systems) to
develop on the efficiency of selection phase potential in Just-in-time compilation systems.
>International rank of 279 in National Cyber Olympiad.
>Advanced Accounting and Business skills.
>Have a Background of programing in the JAVA for 5 years, C++ for 1 year , PYTHON, Visual
Basic, Html, JAVAScript and audited 700 level course in order to learn Haskell ...
> Interests in extracurricular activities like photography, Flying, Sports and believe in all round
> All basic application softwares like Microsoft office, adobe, etc.
> Involved in club activities like Jayhawk motorsports, KUCIC@KU, Engineers without borders,
Entrepreneurship club, International Students association, IEEE@KU, ISAK@KU, Model
UN@K. > A very FAST LEARNER; keen to try NEW things
Social Work: >Regularly dedicated few hours a week to help educate underprivileged children of domestic-
helps personally in school work and English language.
>Ardent participant in the meetings of ROTARY club.

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