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Niki Raapana – British revisionism and the Fabian Society

British Revisionism and the Fabian Society

By: Niki Raapana

What is the Fabian Society?

The Fabian Society (http://tinyurl.com/yjbkw72) was created in 1884 after a suicide note left
by Derby Fabian Henry Hutchinson also left 10,000 British pounds to the Fabians "for
propaganda and other purposes." British Fabian socialism was created to promote
international communism and free trade with a friendlier face. Unlike Marx's open and
violent revolutionary agenda, the Fabian's agenda was to quietly infiltrate and re-direct
established governments. The Fabians were instrumental in creating the Peace Movement,
which is the perfect antithesis to violent
expansionism. Fabians also helped establish the
International Court at the Hague
(http://tinyurl.com/ydjnr63). The Fabians designed
the first League of Nations (the precursor to the
United Nations). Fabian influence on the creation
of the U.N. is no secret, either. While many Marxist
revolutions followed the prescription for violence
(Russia, China, Cuba, etc.) others, like the U.S., were
infiltrated under the Fabian model for "universal
brotherhood and peace." Today the Fabian socialist
model dominates in all global political movements.

Like the imperial goal, the ultimate goal of

communism and socialism was to control world
trade. The Fabians began infiltrating the U.S. as
early as 1898. Emma Goldman represented herself
as a Fabian socialist although she openly supported
anarchist violence and her influence on McKinely's
assassin in 1901 is part of known history. Goldman
was deported to the USSR, but many other Fabians
remained behind to do the work. By the time
President Woodrow Wilson took the U.S. into WWI,
the Fabians were in key positions. These key
Fabians drafted the first League of Nations. As
more and more Fabian agents secured high-level government positions, and other quiet
organizations became high-level advisers (like the Council on Foreign Relations), the original
history of the United States underwent a profound change. For over one hundred years the
original U.S. system was slowly rebuilt to accommodate the Ten Planks of the Communist
Manifesto. And, the less Americans knew about the changes, the better for all concerned.

The founder of American communitarianism, Dr. Amitai Etzioni

(http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html), is a Fabian. His latest book, “From Empire to
Community: A New Approach to International Relations” outlines the Fabian's

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Niki Raapana – British revisionism and the Fabian Society

goals for creating a stronger global government. The "new" Fabian idea for a global justice
system is to combine the strength of the U.S. Imperial Army with the principles of the
International Court. The ultimate goal is to establish a valid U.N. military allowed to enforce
international U.N. law against "insurgents."

The U.N. replaced the U.S. Bill of Rights with a Declaration of Human Rights after WWII.
Human rights are not the same as individual liberty, just as the freemason phrase "liberty,
equality, fraternity" is not the same as "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Fabian and
freemason propaganda both twist things to sound almost the same, but after a brief
investigation anyone with eyes can see there are major differences. The power of propaganda
is in teaching phony phrases and slogans and turning it into familiar repetitions. (Way too
many Americans say, "I got my human rights and they can't never take that away.")

The localized Communitarian "approach" shifts the focus from legitimate constitutional
governments to a new form of governance, called "community government." The Fabians plan
to rule American neighborhoods based on the Soviet and Chinese models for totalitarian
communities. In their skewed world view it is acceptable and okay to lie and sneak new fascist
systems into formerly free countries, because ultimately it will create a lovely Utopian
paradise on Mother Earth.

Their key phrases are "global security," "human rights," "humanitarian," "social justice," and
"peace." You will never hear a Fabian defend legitimate national law based in the U.S. Bill of
Rights. They call individual liberty and freedom "old-fashioned" and "outdated." Fabian
propagandists distort reality. Their goal is to confuse and manipulate free people into giving
up their freedom for world peace and security. Fabians say the American principles for
freedom must be balanced in order to "save the planet" and "stop global terrorism." (They
never admit they're the terrorists.)

Fabianism is elite training in socialist propaganda. Fabian followers are called "agents for
change." Fabian facilitators are installed in every government agency in the world, and they
influence all mainstream media outlets. They are the reason Americans never hear about
communitarianism or Local Agenda 21.

The propaganda campaign to convince Americans the United Nations' International Criminal
Court is a valid authority has begun in earnest. For a good example of how Fabian
propaganda is utilized by Hollywood, see the movie "The Interpreter" starring Nicole Kidman
and Sean Penn. This movie never tells us about the Fabian definition of "human rights." It
never once mentions the laws and programs limiting private property rights already enforced
on U.S. soil. Fabian rhetoric never discusses the real programs and laws. Fabians only speak
of lofty, vague communist ideals like "peace" and "equality." Listen closely to the movie's
closing comments about the ICC.

Where did the Fabians originate?

In 1847 The London Communist League was a small group of elite imperialists who worked
out an innovative way to regain and maintain control of the world. In 1776 the American
colonials had successfully used common sense and an armed civilian population to take
control of their own property, markets, and labor. The Americans won their independence
and freedom from Imperialist control with logic and gunpowder. So, the defeated (but never

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dismantled) British Empire moved into the Middle East and Africa where they conquered
many new territories. The legacy of British Imperial policies lingers to this day in scores of
violent crises from South Africa to Iraq to Palestine. The British and Dutch Empires
controlled the global drug trade (poppies) between India and China. The British Empire
created Israel out of their Mandate for Palestine. British "lords" ruled South Africa and
established the policy of apartheid. Iraq won their independence from Great Britain in 1925.
Today there are still 16 colonies in the 50 countries that make up the British

Private property rights was not only the basis for the American Revolution, but it was also the
basis for many revolutions against the Empires of the world, including France, Russia,
Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, the Ottoman and more. Unable to beat the American "idea" of
freedom with logic or common sense, Karl Marx was hired by the London Communist League
to add revolutionary flair to the confusing and unsubstantiated formula called the Hegelian
dialectic (http://nord.twu.net/acl/dialectic.html). Their idea was to turn American logic and
common sense into senseless mumbo-jumbo. The Americans said private property rights for
the common man were the basis for his freedom, so the crafty London Communists said
private property rights were the basis for his slavery.

The Communist-Imperialists infiltrated every national revolution based on the American

idea. They successfully ruined the French Revolution in 1789 with the assistance of Jacobin
agents of change. From that point forward they undermined every legitimate revolution
against imperialism. They called their central government a "dictatorship of the proletariat."
The 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto outlined the blueprint for creating a one-world
government under a dictatorship of the proletariat using violence and later, propaganda.

For fifty years they instigated violent revolutions against governments that protected the
owners of private property. They expanded their tactics from murder and mayhem to sneaky
infiltration and practiced deceit in 1894. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Pfabian.htm
gives a nice overview of the Fabians: "The Fabians believed that capitalism had created an
unjust and inefficient society. They agreed that the ultimate aim of the group should be to
reconstruct 'society in accordance with the highest moral possibilities'. The Fabians rejected
the revolutionary socialism of H. M. Hyndman and the Social Democratic Federation and
were concerned with helping society to move to a socialist society 'as painless and effective
as possible'." (The "highest moral possibilities" is the same mantra used by Dr. Etzioni and
his "moral" communitarians.)

The Society expanded under Beatrice and Sidney Webb, founders of the London School of
Economics. George Bernard Shaw became one of the first members of the London Fabian
Society (http://www.fabian-society.org.uk/). His biographers (http://tinyurl.com/yg4cmu7)
describe Fabian socialism like this: "..The difference from other organizations of the sort was
that they were to do it not through revolution, as Marx advised, but by systematic,
progressive legislation, enhanced by persuasion and mass education. He favored
gradualism over revolution and in a pamphlet he wrote in 1897 he predicted that: socialism
will come by prosaic installments of public regulation and public administration, enacted by
ordinary governments."

The Fabian Society and their London School of Economics promoted the American base of
operations with the Harvard Socialist Club.

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Today the British Fabians lead the world toward the Ultimate Third Way. American
presidents are educated at elite British universities on scholarships provided by British
conquerors (Cecil Rhodes-Rhodesia). And what about their partners in the heroin trade
between India and China? Well just because a member of the Dutch Royal family was once a
Nazi, don't you know the Dutch are more moral now? The International Court of Justice is at
the Dutch Imperial Palace at The Hague.

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