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Close Book Mockup Examination - Paper 2

1. What is the size of a test point on a piping system with OD greater than
1. 3 dia
2. 4 dia
3. 2 dia
4. 2 or 3 dia
2. The thickness readings otained in a Test point are 0.2!3" 0.2#$" 0.2%3 &
0.2$' what thickness (a)*e sho*)d e considered for o*r remaining )ife
1. 0.2%30 mm
2. 0.2$0! mm
3. 0.2!00 mm
4. 0.2!0$ mm
3. What thickness is *sed in +,W- ca)c*)ations
1. ,ct*a) min*s two times the corrosion at the ne.t inspection
2. /omina) min*s two times the corrosion at the ne.t inspection
3. /omina) min*s three times the corrosion at the ne.t inspection
4. ,ct*a) min*s one times the corrosion at the ne.t inspection
4. What type of repair work done on a piping system does not re0*ire piping
engineers appro(a)
1. , )ongit*dina) crack on a piping
2. ,ny crack on the nozz)e
3. ,n appro(ed repair organization carrying o*t a repair does not
re0*ire appro(a)
4. 1o*tine repair work in which inspector is confident ao*t the repair
!. , )ongit*dina) crack on a piping is p)anned for repair with a f*))
encirc)ement s)ee(e"
1. 2t sho*)d e designed and appro(ed y a faricator
2. 2t sho*)d e designed and appro(ed y a inspector
3. 2t sho*)d e designed and appro(ed y a piping engineer
4. 2t sho*)d e designed y a faricator
#. , temporary repair can e permanent one if
1. 2t is accepta)e to prod*ction
2. 2t is accepta)e to owner *ser
3. 2t is accepta)e to piping engineer & inspector
4. 2t is accepta)e to piping engineer
$. The penetrant materia)s *sed for inspection of a 3tain)ess stee) we)d
inspection needs to ha(e
1. 4heck for the cons*ma)e test certificate for the amo*nt of ha)ogen
2. 4heck for the e.piry dated
3. 4heck for its atch n*mer
4. 4heck for the cons*ma)e test certificate for the amo*nt of s*)ph*r
%. ,n e.aminer is the one who he)ps the inspector
1. 2s not a 0*a)ified ,-2 inspector
2. 2s the one e(a)*ate the /DT res*)ts
3. 2s the one appro(ed y the 5ser
4. 2s the one
'. The test carried o*t on a notched specimen is ca))ed
1. The 6rine)) hardness test
2. 2mpact test
3. Tensi)e reak test
4. 6end test
10. Which is an essentia) (aria)e for 3+,W we)ding
1. We)d config*ration
2. -osition
3. 7 8
4. 4)eaning method
11. , norma) f)*id ser(ice system piping of #mm thick what is the ma.im*m
*nder c*t permissi)e on a grith we)d
1. 1.! mm
2. 3.0 mm
3. 4.! mm
4. /o *nder c*t is permitted for this thickness
12. What is the ma.im*m reinforcement permitted on a se(ere cyc)ic system
pipe work of 13mm thick
1. 1.! mm
2. 3.0 mm
3. 4.! mm
4. /one of the ao(e
13. T+9 on a system e)iminated or red*ced from a piping system
1. Whene(er the e.aminer fee)s
2. When no need to take thickness
3. When the inspector e(a)*ate and esta)ish that the systems
corrosi(e nat*re and conse0*ence of fai)*re
4. :(ery a)ternati(e inspection
14. The permanent magnetic yoke *sed in magnetic partic)e testing needs to
e ca)irated
1. Once in three month
2. Whene(er there is a ma;or repair<year)y
3. Once in a week
4. ,s per Owner *ser instr*ction
1!. , we)der 0*a)ified in 3= position a)so 0*a)ified to we)d in what are a)) the
other positions
1. 7i))et we)d a)) positions" =roo(e we)d 7)at on)y
2. 7i))et we)d any position" =roo(e we)d (ertica) on)y
3. 7i))et we)d 7)at" >ertica)" ?orizonta) position" =roo(e we)d 7)at"
>ertica) on)y
4. 7i))et we)d 7)at" >ertica)" ?orizonta) position" =roo(e we)d >ertica)
1#. The -+2 test carried o*t on materia)s in store is
1. /ot a rep)acement to site -+2 testing re0*irement
2. 4onsidered as part of the testing and no need to repeat it at site
3. 2t sho*)d e *sed as a g*ide
4. The -+2 test need not e repeated at site
1$. ?ow many test specimens are re0*ired to 0*a)ify a we)ding proced*re
1. :. 4 nos.
2. 7. # nos.
3. =. 2 nos.
4. ?. % nos.
1%. , caron stee) ,!1# =r.$0 materia) of 1 @ thick is 0*a)ified *p to what
temperat*re witho*t impact test
1. A21B7
2. A2'B7
3. A2#B7
4. A2#B4
1'. , we)der 0*a)ification in prod*ction we)d of first # )ength inspection fai)ed
y .Aray. What is the ne.t inspection re0*irement if at a)) he has to e
1. CAray another # from the prod*ction
2. CAray another 12 from the prod*ction we)d
3. We)d a 2 dia pipe and .Aray" if it is pass a))ow him to contin*e
4. We)d a # dia pipe and 0*a)ify
20. 1eheating a hardened meta) to a temperat*re e)ow the transformation
range to impro(e to*ghness is
1. ,nnea)ing
2. /orma)izing
3. Tempering
4. 3tress re)ie(ing
21. The )ocation markers which are to e appeared on the radiograph wi)) e
norma))y p)aced
1. On the fi)m ho)der
2. On the part to e radiographed
3. On the ack side of the fi)m ho)der
4. 2t sho*)d e kept on the we)d
22. 3pecia))y made proes can *sed *p to what temperat*re for meas*ring
thickness of materia)
1. 1000B4
2. 1100B4
3. 1100B7
4. 1000B7
23. One of the disad(antage of 1adiography is
1. 2t is a permanent record
2. 2t *sed for finding thickness on a hot system with ade0*ate
3. 2t can e *sed in ins*)ated system thickness meas*rement
4. The cost of the testing
24. Which /DT wi)) e *sef*) in carrying o*t thickness meas*rement on a
system operating at 100B4
1. 5)trasonic testing
2. 1adiographic testing
3. :ddy c*rrent testing
4. ?ammer testing
2!. The *ried piping system sho*)d e inspected on its path
1. Once in a year
2. Once in si. months
3. Three year)y
4. 7i(e year)y
2#. When operating condition is changed to a new condition what data sho*)d
e consider for reca)c*)ating the remaining )ife & its inspection fre0*ency
1. =et the data from ,-2
2. ,ny p*)ished data
3. Owner *ser e.perience & the data of simi)ar ser(ice
4. 4heck with the corrosion engineer
2$. What percentage of damaged ins*)ation sho*)d e remo(ed for inspection
of a 4)assA3 system operates within the 452 temperat*re
1. 10
2. !0
3. $!
4. 2!
2%. What type of testing sho*)d e a(oided on a ca*stic )ine which has een
1. :ddy c*rrent testing
2. ?ardness testing
3. ?ammer testing
4. 5)trasonic testing
2'. What is the ma.im*m 6rine)) hardness of ase meta) -A# materia)
1. 2$0
2. 241
3. 22!
4. not specified
30. , piping system c)assified as 4)assA1 with an in;ection point on the system
was constr*cted three years ack
1. 2t can e done at the end of the fi(e years
2. 4arry o*t a comprehensi(e inspection of the in;ection point circ*it
3. 4arry o*t inspection of the who)e piping system as it is d*e for
4. The inspection inter(a) sho*)d e specified y owner
31. ,-2 !$0 app)ies to what piping systems
1. ,)) pipe work in the p)ant sho*)d e co(ered
2. 2t is app)ied for drinking water
3. 2t is app)ied for 7ire water & coo)ing water
4. 2t is app)ied to raw" intermediate and finished prod*cts
32. The o)ts sho*)d e.tend *p to what )ength
1. /ot more than one thread
2. 2t sho*)d e f)*shed with the n*t
3. 2t sho*)d e at )east two threads o*t side
4. 2t sho*)d e at )east one thread o*t side
33. , we)derDs 0*a)ification ecome in(a)id
1. 2f he has not we)ded for more than three months
2. 2f he has not we)ded for more than a year
3. 2f he has not we)ded for more than nine months
4. 2f he has not we)ded for more than si. months
34. On a profi)e 1diography a crack )ike indication was oser(ed to confirm it
what inspection sho*)d e app)ied
1. 4arry o*t wet f)*orescent magnetic partic)e testing
2. 4arry o*t dye penetrant testing
3. 4arry o*t eddy c*rrent testing
4. 4arry o*t hammer testing
3!. , defecti(e piping system wi)) e e(a)*ated in accordance to what
1. ,-2 1- !$4
2. ,-2 1- !$'
3. ,-2 1- !%0
4. ,-2 1- !%1
3#. What is an a*.i)iary piping
1. ,)) secondary process piping
2. ,ny sma)) ore piping
3. 2nstr*ment and machinery piping typica))y sma)) ore secondary
process piping
4. 4onnected to )e(e) ga*ge
3$. The *naccepta)e indication is a<an
1. imperfection
2. indication
3. defect
4. repair
3%. ,fter a we)d repair is comp)eted on a press*re part a press*re test is
1. 1e0*ired if the inspector deemed it is necessary
2. 1e0*ired if the piping engineer deemed it is necessary
3. /ot mandatory
4. /ot a re0*irement as per ,-2 !$0
3'. Whi)e carrying o*t we)ding there was a change in the essentia) (aria)e"
how to dea) with the sit*ation
1. make a new -E1 to s*it the (aria)e
2. make a new W-3 mention the non essentia) (aria)e
3. make additiona) testing to meet the code re0*irement
4. change the W-3 & -E1
40. 7i))et wed)d patch repair is accepta)e pro(ided the 3+F3 is
1. 9ess than 40 ksi
2. greater 40 ksi
3. 40 ksi
4. /one of the ao(e
41. , %diameter #008 s)ipAon f)ange raised face width gasket with edges
e.tending to the o)t o*tside diameter
1. %.#2
2. 12.00
3. 12.#2
4. 12.!
42. The personne) carrying o*t /DT sha)) e 0*a)ified in accordance
1. 3/T T4 1,
2. ,W3 3/T T4 1,
3. ,-2
4. ,W3
43. Densitometer sha)) e ca)iration sha)) e (erified with a
1. 4a)irated meter
2. /ationa) standard ca)iration step wedge fi)m
3. ,ppro(ed )aoratory
4. 6y a ,3/T 9e(e) 222
44. 3ocket we)d is not preferred for
1. G /-3 2
2. G /-3 3
3. G /-3 2 1<2
4. H /-3 2
The -E1 was made for a 1 @ thick materia)" 4 nos. tensi)e and 4 nos.
face end with the range 0*a)ified mentioned on the W-3 is 1<1# to 2 @
4!. 2s the tensi)e test carried o*t is correct
1. /o sp)it tensi)e is a))owed
2. /o3 is not okay
3. /o.1 & /o.3 is not okay
4. /o.2 & /o.4 is not okay
4#. 2s the end test are of correct spec
1. Fes
2. 2t sho*)d e side end
3. 2t sho*)d e s*stit*ted with )ongit*dina) end test a)so
4. /one of them is correct
4$. 2s the range 0*a)ified in the W-3 is correct
1. 2t sho*)d e 3<1# to 2.!
2. 2t sho*)d e 3<% to 2.!
3. 2t sho*)d e 3<% to 2.2!
4. 2t sho*)d e 3<1# to 2.2!
4%. ,ccording to ,-2 !$0" aInJ KKKKKKKKKKK is a person who assists the
inspector y performing specific /D: testing.
1. /D: technician
2. 2nspector assistant
3. 9e(e) 22 inspector
4. :.aminer
4'. +ore than one contractor" man*fact*rer or insta))er may sim*)taneo*s)y
0*a)ify a we)der. 2n s*ch case" each participating organization sha)) e
represented y KKKKKKKKKKKKKK d*ring the test.
1. , certified we)ding inspector
2. , responsi)e emp)oyee
3. The we)derDs s*per(isor
4. , we)ding engineer
!0. Which of the fo))owing est descries ,-2 !$4L
1. code
2. 3tandard
3. specification
4. 1ecommended practice
!1. The potentia) for personne) e.pos*re is deemed to e significant in which
f)*id ser(iceL
1. 4ategory + f)*id ser(ice
2. ?igh press*re f)*id ser(ice
3. /orma) f)*id ser(ice
4. 4ategory 6 f)*id ser(ice
!2. When an in;ection point circ*it for the p*rpose of inspection is designated"
the recommended *p stream )imit of the in;ection point circ*it sha)) e the
greater of KKKKKKKKKKK L
1. minim*m 12 inches
2. ma.im*m 12 inches
3. three pipe diameters
4. oth M1D and M3D
!3. KKKKKKKKKKK can ca*se f)ame detectors *sed to indicate a f*rnace or
oi)er fire to gi(e fa)se indications on contro) pane)s.
1. We)ding or re)ated repairs on piping
2. -iping a)terations in the shop
3. 5)trasonic inspection
4. 1adiographic inspection
!4. ,fter app)ication of a non destr*cti(e e(a)*ation techni0*e" any res*)ting
e(idence is common)y referred to as KKKKKK
1. , crack
2. porosity
3. a )eak
4. an indication
!!. ,-2 !$0 app)ies to piping systems for process f)*ids s*ch asN
1. 7irewater
2. -)*ming" sanitary sewers and storm sewers
3. 1aw" intermediate" and finished prod*cts.
4. -iping systems on tr*cks" ships and arges
!#. Which of the fo))owing app)ies to socket we)ds in piping systemsL
1. 3ho*)d e a(oided
2. 3ho*)d e *sed in a)) we)ded piping
3. 3ho*)d e we)ded *sing 3,W on)y
4. 3ho*)d e a(oided where cre(ice corrosion may occ*r
!$. :ach piece of magnetizing e0*ipment sha)) e ca)irated KKKKKKKKK
1. at the eginning of each shift
2. at )east once a year or whene(er the e0*ipment has een s*;ect
to ma;or e)ectrica) repair
3. whene(er the technician fee)s )ike it
4. at )east once e(ery '0 days
!%. ,n indi(id*a) who ho)ds an engineering degree is a*tomatica))y 0*a)ified
1. an a*thorized piping inspector
2. a piping 2nspector
3. a /D: 9e(e) 22 or 222 in any techni0*e
4. /one of the ao(e
!'. What is the definition of norma)izingL
1. 1apid coo)ing of a heated meta)
2. ?eating an a))oy to a s*ita)e temperat*re" ho)ding that
temperat*re )ong eno*gh to a))ow constit*ents to
enter into so)id so)*tion and then coo)ing O rapid)y eno*gh to ho)d
the constit*ents.
3. -rocess where a ferro*s meta) is heated to a s*ita)e temperat*re
ao(e the transformation range and is s*se0*ent)y coo)ed in sti))
air at room temperat*re.
4. ?eating to and ho)ding at a s*ita)e temperat*re and then coo)ing
at a s*ita)e rate to red*ce hardness" impro(e machinai)ity"
faci)itate co)d working" etc.
#0. What does the acronym +,W- refer toL
1. +a.im*m interna) press*re permitted in the piping system
2. +inim*m interna) press*re permitted in the piping system
3. +a.im*m e.terna) press*re permitted in the piping system
4. +a.im*m e.terna) stress permitted in the piping system
#1. -enrtrameters I2E)sJ sha)) either e KKKKKKKKKor KKKKKKK and sha)) e
man*fact*red and identified in accordance with ,3+:.
1. )ackAtype whiteAtype
2. step wedge ca)iration )ock
3. ho)eAtype wireAtype
4. picaAtype e)iteAtype
#2. When en(ironmenta) or operating conditions prod*ce snow and ice )oads"
these are considered to e KKKKKKKKKKK.
1. Dead )oads
2. )i(e )oads
3. en(ironmenta) )oads
4. str*ct*ra) )oads
#3. The downstream )imit of the in;ection point circ*it is the second change in
f)ow direction past the in;ection point orN
1. 2! feet eyond the first change
2. !0 feet eyond the first change
3. 100 feet" if the pipe is straight r*n
4. /o downstream re0*irement
#4. ,ppropriate permanent and progressi(e records on each piping system
sha)) inc)*de KKKKKKKKKKK.
1. a)) origina) constr*ction data
2. a)) ;*risdictiona) re0*irements
3. origina) heat and atch n*mers
4. system ser(iceP c)assificationP identification n*mers
#!. -iping s*;ect to 452 inc)*des piping ins*)ated for personne) protection"
1. p)astic piping
2. g)ass )ined piping
3. caron stee) piping systems
4. caron stee) piping systems operating etween 2!B7A2!0B7
##. , )eak test was performed on a *ried piping system. The system was re
press*red to 12! psi fo*r ho*rs into the
test. 3ometime d*ring the fina) fo*r ho*rs" the ga*ge fe)) !
1. The piping system fai)ed.
2. The piping system passed
3. The test m*st e repeated
4. The piping system m*st e (is*a))y inspected
#$. What is the most common *se for a g)oe (a)(eL
1. -re(ent ack f)ow
2. ,))ow f*)) f)ow
3. 3top a)) f)ow
4. 1eg*)ate f)*id f)ow
#%. What is the minim*m )ifting power of an ,4 e)ectromagnetic yoke *sed in
magnetic partic)e inspectionL
1. 40 po*nds )ifting power at the ma.im*m po)e spacing
2. 10 po*nds )ifting power at the ma.im*m po)e spacing
3. 10 amps )ifting power at the ma.im*m po)e spacing
4. 30 po*nds )ifting power at the minim*m po)e spacing
#'. :.cessi(e cyc)ic stresses that are we)) e)ow the static yie)d strength of
the materia) res*)t in KKKKKKKKK.
1. materia) fai)*re
2. fatig*e cracking
3. fai)*re cracking
4. creep cracking
$0. , we)der may e 0*a)ified y ,T in any we)ding process e.cept for which
of the fo))owingL
1. =+,W Ishort circ*iting modeJ
2. =+,W Ispray arc modeJ
3. 74,W
4. 3+,W
$1. ,*stenitic stain)ess stee) piping systems operating etween 1!0B7A400B7
are s*scepti)e toN
1. temper emritt)ement
2. ch)oride stress corrosion cracking
3. 452
4. 6oth M2D and M3D
$2. What c)assification does the ma;ority of *nit process piping fa)) in toL
1. 4)ass 3
2. 4)ass 2
3. 4)ass 1
4. Owner<*ser designated system
$3. KKKKKKK pro(ides genera) re0*irements and detai)ed assessment
proced*res for specific types of degradation that are referenced in ,-2
1. ,-2 !'%
2. ,-2 #!3
3. ,-2 1- !$'
4. ,3+: %1#.!
$4. We)ding proced*res 0*a)ified y KKKKKKKKKKKK may e *sed" s*;ect to
the specific appro(a) of the inspector
1. others
2. the emp)oyer
3. the *se of ,W3 pre 0*a)ified" D1.1 type proced*res
4. the *se of ,-2 1104 0*a)ified proced*res
$!. , we)d is changed from m*)ti pass per side to sing)e pass per side. ?ow
does this effect the -W?T )imitationL
1. This )imitation does not app)y when a W-3 is 0*a)ified with a
-W?T ao(e the *pper transformation temperat*re
2. This )imitation does not app)y when a W-3 is 0*a)ified with a
-W?T e)ow the *pper transformationtemperat*re
3. The -W?T is not a consideration
4. The -W?T m*st e performed per ,3+: 2C and time increased y
$#. 6esides *)trasonic instr*ments" what other method can e *sed to
determine thickness meas*rementsL
1. ,:T
2. :T
3. +T
4. 1T
$$. Which of the fo))owing methods can e *sed to ;oin cast iron pipeL
1. We)ding
2. 4ompression
3. :po.y resin
4. 6e)) and spigot
$%. 6*ried piping inspected periodica))y y e.ca(ation sha)) e inspected in
)engths ofN
1. 3 feet A!. feet
2. # feet A% feet.
3. ,ny )ength as )ong as 2t 23 2nspected f*)) circ*mference.
4. ,ny )ength as )ong as it is inspected 1%0B circ*mference.
$'. 2n a piping circ*it" which of the fo))owing does not ro*tine)y ha(e thickness
meas*rements takenL
1. >a)(es
2. 3traight 1*n -ipe
3. 7ittings
4. Dead )egs
%0. What is the ma.im*m meas*rement for open defects in the we)d or heat
affect zone for a g*ided end specimenL
1. 1<1#Q
2. 1<%Q
3. 3<1#Q
4. /o open defects are a))owed
%1. What is a thermoco*p)e pyrometerL
1. , de(ice *sed to check the heat treatment temperat*re" *s*a))y
connected y capacitor discharge we)ding
2. , de(ice taped to the pipe that wi)) record temperat*re (ariations
3. , f)amma)e materia) that" when ignited" wi)) create eno*gh heat to
stress re)ie(e piping
4. , (iration de(ice that generates heat thro*gh friction prod*cing a
stress re)ie(ed we)dment
%2. What is the accepta)e method to temporari)y repair a )ongit*dina) crack in
an e.isting piping systemL
1. 2nsta))ing a f*)) encirc)ement we)ded sp)it s)ee(e
2. We)ding o(er the crack
3. We)ding a o. o(er the cracked area
4. 5sing a f*)) encirc)ement we)ded spi)t s)ee(e" with the appro(a) of
the piping engineer
%3. :rosion of the piping system *s*a))y occ*rs atN
1. :)ows
2. ,)ong straight r*n pipe
3. 5pstream of p*mp discharges
4. ,ny )owA(e)ocity and )owAt*r*)ence areas
%4. ,n operator notice a pipe off its s*pport" what sho*)d e doneL
1. 2gnore the sit*ation
2. 1eport the sit*ation to engineering or inspection personne)
3. Reep a record of the sit*ation for f*t*re reference
4. 4ontact maintenance personne) for immediate repair
%!. When heat treating we)ded ;oints etween dissimi)ar ferritic meta)s" the
temperat*re range sha)) e for which meta)L
1. The one with the higher temperat*re range
2. The one with the )ower temperat*re range
3. The a(erage of oth materia)s
4. :ither one may e *sed
%#. 6o)ts sho*)d e.tend KKKKKK d*ring the insta))ation of f)anged connections.
1. two threads past their n*ts
2. comp)ete)y thro*gh their n*ts
3. on)y ha)f way thro*gh their n*ts
4. at )east 0.! inches I12.$ mmJ past their n*ts
%$. When a we)der has not we)ded with a process d*ring a period of KKKKKhis
0*a)ifications for that process sha)) e.pire
1. 3 months or more
2. # months or more
3. ' months or more
4. 12 months or more
%%. 1erating piping systems may e a))owed on)y if the ca)c*)ations are
performed y _________
1. the piping engineer or the inspector
2. the p)ant manager
3. an o*tside engineering firm
4. a third party inspection organization
%'. Temperat*res ao(e KKKKKKKKKKKKK can damage transd*cers not
e0*ipped with de)ay )ine materia).
1. There is no )imit to temperat*re
2. man*fact*rerSs specification
3. 2%0 psi
4. 1"000 psi
'0. Where sho*)d the n*mers e p)aced on a radiographL
1. 5nder the fi)m
2. On the materia) eing radiographed
3. 5nder the materia) eing radiographed
4. On the fi)m so*rce pack
'1. 1adiographic profi)e techni0*es are preferred o(er *)trasonic thickness
meas*ring instr*ments for pipe diameters ofN
1. /-3 1 Sand o(er
2. /-3 2 and o(er
3. /-3 1 and *nder
4. /-3 2 and *nder
'2. , KKKKKKKKK pipe has the highest potentia) of res*)ting in an immediate
emergency if a )eak were to occ*r.
1. 4)ass 3
2. 4)ass 2
3. 4)ass 1
4. Owner<*ser designated system
'3. , W-3 sha)) ha(e the KKKKKKKKKKKK referenced
1. we)der
2. -E1
3. /,4:
4. -DE
'4. What is the most common method *sed to man*fact*re t*ingL
1. 1i(eted
2. 3eam)ess)y drawn
3. Wire drawn
4. 7orged
'!. , piping inspector emp)oyed y the owner operator sha)) ha(e
1. an ,-2 #!3 certification
2. an ,W3 certification
3. an ,-2 !10 certification
4. not )ess than 10 years e.perience dea)ing with piping
'#. 1epair materia)s sha)) e (erified for conformance to the app)ica)e code
and sha)) e compati)e with the origina) materia) y the KKKKKKKKKKKK.
1. inspector
2. piping engineer
3. repair organization
4. the p*rchasing department
'$. The )etter Q6Q is p)aced on radiographic fi)m ho)der for what reasonL
1. To determine if ack scatter radiation is e.posing the fi)m
2. To show the distance from the so*rce of radiation to the we)d
3. To f*nction as a )ocation marker for the radiograph
4. To designate whether the penetrameter is on the fi)m side or the
ack side
'%. , (is*a) e.amination of performance test co*pons sha)) KKKKKKKKKKK.
1. show comp)ete ;oint penetration and comp)ete f*sion of we)d meta)
and ase meta)
2. show no more than 1<3t inade0*ate penetration
3. show no more than 1<3t non f*sion
4. e a))owed one !<32Q crater crack
''. -iping systems that are not )ocated in high acti(ity areas and do not
significant)y (aporize are designated as KKKKK.
1. 4)ass 3
2. 4)ass 2
3. 4)ass 1
4. Owner<*ser designated system
100. Of the fo))owing e.amp)es" which one may ca*se a )eak in a threaded
1. 6ack we)ding the fitting
2. 9ack of thread )*ricant
3. 5nder press*ring the part
4. 4hanging the direction of f)ow in the piping system
API 570 Authorized Pipin Inspector Preparator! Proram
" API 570 - 4)ose +ock*p -aper A 2 T
& A & A & A & A
2#. !1. 1 $#. 4
2$. !2. 4 $$. 4
2%. !3. 4 $%. 2
2'. !4. 3 $'. 1
30. !!. 4 %0. 2
2 1
32. !$. 4 %2. 4
33. !%. 3 %3. 1
34. !'. 1 %4. 2
3!. #0. 3 %!. 1
3#. #1. 2 %#. 2
3$. #2. 1 %$. 2
3%. #3. 4 %%. 1
3'. #4. 4 %'. 2
40. #!. 1 '0. 2
41. ##. 2 '1. 3
42. #$. 4 '2. 3
43. #%. 2 '3. 2
44. #'. 2 '4. 2
4!. $0. 1 '!. 4
4 1
4$. $2. 2 '$. 1
4%. 4 $3. 3 '%. 1
4'. 2 $4. 1 ''. 1
!0. 4 $!. 1 100. 2

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