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Praise be to Allah (The Glorified and Exalted).

The existence of the Jinn race is based on the Quran and authentic hadith.
Similar to angels !inns are "art of the unseen #orld. The #ord $!inn% comes from
an Arabic root meaning $hidden from sight.% Jinn are commonl& referred to as
s"irits. The #orld of the !inn is se"arate from the #orld of man #ith its o#n
distinct nature.
Their 'reation(
The !inn race #as created before man)ind but after the creation of the angels.
*blis is the first !inn and is belie+ed to be the father of the !inn race !ust as Adam
("eace be u"on him) is the father of man)ind. This is mentioned in the follo#ing
+erse of the Quran and hadith(
$And the !inn ,e created aforetime from the smo)eless flame of fire.% -./(012
Qur'an - Ar-Rahmaan 55:15, 15
3e created man (Adam) from sounding cla& li)e the cla& of "otter&.
And the !inns did 3e create from a smo)eless flame of fire.
Their Pur"ose(
The !inn ha+e the same destin& and fate as man. The !inn race has been gi+en
the free#ill to decide to submit to Allah or choose to be ungrateful. The& ha+e
also been sent 4essengers from among their o#n but the Pro"het 4uhammad
("eace and blessings be u"on him) #as the last "ro"het and messenger sent to
both man)ind and the !inn race.
$And * (Allah) created not the !inns and men exce"t that the& should #orshi" 4e
(Alone).% -/.(/52
Similar to man the !inns #ill be rec)oned on the 6a& of Judgment(
$78 &e assembl& of !inns and men9 'ame there not unto &ou 4essengers from
amongst &ou setting forth unto &ou 4& signs and #arning &ou of the meeting of
this 6a& of &ours: The& #ill sa&( 7,e bear #itness against oursel+es. *t #as the
life of this #orld that decei+ed them. So against themsel+es #ill the& bear #itness
that the& re!ected ;aith.% -5(.<=2
The& are Part of The >nseen(
Allah (The Exalted and Glorified) through 3is 4erc& for man has "laced a +eil
o+er the e&es of man)ind so the& cannot see the !inn. 3o#e+er animals ma& see
the !inn. ;or exam"le horses and dogs can see the !inn. *t is also the case that
the !inn can see man. The !inn reside in their o#n realm on Earth existing
"arallel to the #orld of man. This is mentioned in the follo#ing +erses of the
$Soon shall ,e settle &our affairs 8 both &e #orlds9% -//(<.2
$8 &e 'hildren of Adam9 ?et not *blis (Satan) seduce &ou in the same manner as
he got &our "arents out of the Garden stri""ing them of their raiment to ex"ose
their shame( for he and his tribe #atch &ou from a "osition #here &e cannot see
them( ,e made the de+ils -i.e. e+il !inn2 friends (onl&) to those #ithout faith.%
T&"es of Jinn(
The Pro"het ("eace and blessings be u"on him) mentioned that there #ere three
different t&"es of !inn(
Abu Thalabah al@Ahushani said(
The 4essenger of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) said $The !inn
are of three t&"es( a t&"e that has #ings and the& fl& through the airB a t&"e
that loo)s li)e sna)es and dogsB and a t&"e that sto"s for a rest then resumes its
!ourne& -i.e. the& a""ear to be nomadic2.% -Ce"orted b& al@Tahhaa#i in 4ush)il al@
Athaar DEF/ and b& al@Tabaraani in al@Aabeer 00E0.D. Sha&)h al@Albaani said in
al@4ish)aat (0E.0=5 no. D.DG)( al@Tahhaa#i and Abul@Sha&)h re"orted it #ith a
saheeh isnaad2
*n Saheeh 4uslim (00<5) it is narrated that Abu Saeed al@Ahudri (ma& Allaah be
"leased #ith him) said( * heard the 4essenger of Allaah ("eace and blessings of
Allaah be u"on him) sa&( $*n 4adeenah there is a grou" of the !inn #ho ha+e
become 4uslim so #hoe+er sees an& of these creatures let him gi+e it a #arning
three times then if it a""ears after that he ma& )ill it for it is a de+il.%
The #ord translated as $creatures% here refers to )inds of sna)es that a""ear in
housesB the& are not to be )illed until the& ha+e been gi+en a #arning three
times because the& ma& be !inn. See Ghareeb al@3adeeth b& *bn al@Atheer.
Al@Ha#a#i said( ,hat this means is that if the& do not disa""ear after being
#arned then the& are not the )ind of creatures that inhabit houses and the& are
not among the !inn #ho ha+e become 4uslim rather that is a de+il so there is no
sin on &ou if &ou )ill it and Allaah #ill ne+er gi+e the Sha&taan a #a& to "re+ail
o+er &ou b& ta)ing re+enge unli)e the creatures (sna)es) and !inn #ho ha+e
become 4uslim. And Allaah )no#s best. Sharh 4uslim .DE0<5.
Their Abilities(
The !inns ha+e abilities be&ond that of human beings. Some !inn can fl& the& can
a""ear in different forms tra+el Iuic)l& and ha+e an extraordinar& le+el of
strength. Their bodies can also be sustained underneath the ground under#ater
or in outer s"ace (i.e. fl&ing near the Earth in the lo#est hea+en). The !inn ha+e a
much longer lifes"an than humans but the& e+entuall& die. 6ue to the fact that
the bodies of the !inn #ere created from fire #hen the& die their bodies
e+a"orate into the air. >nli)e man #hose bod& #as created from the Earth this
is #h& humans deca& and become one #ith the Earth #hen the& die.
The !inn ma& also a""ear in the disguise of other creatures. ;or exam"le !inns
can ta)e the form of humans. This is mentioned in the follo#ing hadith(
Abu 3ura&rah (ma& Allah be "leased #ith him) said(
The 4essenger of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) "ut me in
charge of guarding the Ja)ah of Camadan. Someone came to me and started
scoo"ing u" some of the food and * said $K& Allah * #ill ta)e &ou to the
4essenger of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him).%@3e -the thief2
com"lained of being in need and ha+ing de"endents so Abu 3ura&rah too) "it&
on him and let him go. This ha""ened three times and on the third occasion
@Abu 3ura&rah said( $* #ill ta)e &ou to the 4essenger of Allah. This is the third
time and each time &ou sa& that &ou #ill not come bac) then &ou come bac).% 3e
-the thief2 said $?et me go and * #ill teach &ou something b& means of #hich
Allah #ill benefit &ou.% * said( $,hat is it:% he said( $,hen &ou go to bed recite
A&at al@Aursi $Allah. There is no god but 3e the ?i+ing the Self@subsisting
EternalL% -0(0//2 until &ou com"lete the +erse. Then &ou #ill al#a&s ha+e a
"rotector -angel2 from Allah and no de+il #ill come near &ou until morning
comes.% So * let him go and the next morning * told the 4essenger of Allah
("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) #hat had ha""ened. The 4essenger
of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) said( $3e told &ou the truth
although he is a liar. 6o &ou )no# #ho &ou ha+e been s"ea)ing to for three
nights 8 Abu 3ura&rah:% 3e said( $Ho.% 3e said( $That #as a de+il -a sha&taan or
e+il !inn2.% -al@Ku)hari no. <01/2
;rom the abo+e hadith +arious "oints are e+ident. ;irstl& the conduct of the
sha&taan an Arabic #ord #hich refers to the e+il !inn is that the& freIuentl& lie
and s"ea) untruthfull& in order to mislead "eo"le. Secondl& the !inn are onl&
unseen to humans #hen the& are in the form in #hich the& #ere created. ,hen
the !inns a""ear in other forms in the #orld of man then the& can be seen.
?astl& A&at al@Aursi can be recited in order to "rotect an indi+idual from the harm
of the sha&taan.
Their 6#ellings(
The !inns usuall& li+e in unclean "laces such as( garbage dum"s toilets ruins of
buildings etc. The& also gather in the cemeteries during the night reside in
buildings or homes that ha+e been abandoned for o+er fort& da&s and the&
congregate at construction sites. Kesides these d#ellings the !inns are also
)no#n to li+e underground and #ithin #ater. Kecause of their d#ellings most !inn
carr& a foul stench. 4an& of them a+oid the da&light and usuall& come out during
the night.
Ma&d ibn ArIam re"orted(
The A"ostle of Allah ("eace and blessings be u"on him) said $These "ri+ies
-"ublic bathrooms2 are freIuented b& the !inns and de+ils -i.e. an& !inn in
general2. So #hen an&one amongst &ou goes there he should sa&( 7* see) refuge
in Allah from male and female sha&taan.% -6a#ud( Koo) .( 3adith 52
Harrated Jabir(
The Pro"het ("eace and blessings be u"on him) said $,hen night falls then )ee"
&our children close to &ou for the de+ils s"read out then. An hour later &ou can
let them freeB and close the gates (i.e. doors) of &our house (at night) and
mention Allahs Hame thereu"on (i.e. Kismillah) and co+er &our utensils (i.e.
foods) and mention Allahs Hame thereu"on (and if &ou dont ha+e something to
co+er &our utensil) &ou ma& "ut across it something (e.g. a "iece of #ood etc.).%
-Ku)hari( Koo) D( Nolume /D( 3adith /==2
Their Heeds(
Similar to humans the !inns reIuire food #ater and rest in order to sur+i+e. *n
the follo#ing hadith it is mentioned that some !inn eat bones(
*bn 4asood re"orted(
The 4essenger of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) said
$Someone from among the !inn called me and * #ent #ith him and recited
Quran for them.% 3e -the Pro"het2 too) us and sho#ed us the traces of #here
the& had been and the traces of their fires. The& -the !inn2 as)ed him -the
Pro"het2 for food and he said $Oou can ha+e e+er& bone on #hich the name of
Allah has been mentioned that comes into &our "ossession as meat and all the
dro""ings as food for &our animals.% The Pro"het ("eace and blessings of Allah be
u"on him) said $So do not use -these things2 for cleaning &oursel+es -after
relie+ing oneself2 for the& are the food and "ro+ision of &our brothers.% -4uslim
no. D/=2
Their Animals(
Similar to humans the !inn ha+e their o#n animals as "art of their #orld. This is
alluded to in the follo#ing hadith in #hich their animals eat dro""ings in order to
sustain themsel+es.
*bn 4asood re"orted(
The 4essenger of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) said $Lall the
dro""ings as food for &our animals.% -4uslim no. D/=2
Their 'i+iliJation(
Similar to man)ind the !inn race has its o#n languages nations leaders
cultures customs religions and so forth.
Their Celigions(
Some of the !inns are 4uslims and others the contrar&. *n the follo#ing +erses of
the Quran Allah mentions a grou" of !inn #ho had become 4uslims after hearing
the recitation of the Quran.
$Sa&( *t has been re+ealed to me that a com"an& of Jinns listened (to the
Quran). The& said 7,e ha+e reall& heard a #onderful Cecital9 *t gi+es guidance
to the Cight and #e ha+e belie+ed therein( #e shall not !oin (in #orshi") an&
(gods) #ith our ?ord. And Exalted is the 4a!est& of our ?ord( 3e has ta)en
neither a #ife nor a son.% -10(.@<2
The Qareen(
E+er& human has a !inn com"anion throughout his or her life #hich is called the
Iareen. The Iareen is different from other !inn because it s"ecificall& sta&s #ith
its human host throughout the life of the human b& shado#ing the "erson. The
man has a male Iareen and the #oman has a female com"anion. *t is sometimes
the case that an indi+idual #ill die and other #ill sa& P* ha+e seen the s"irit (or
ghost) of so@and@so.P ,hat the& ha+e seen is either the Iareen of the dead or
another !inn in the guise of the deceased. This life in+ol+es man being tested b&
Allah (The Exalted). The Iareen is e+il (a sha&taan) and #his"ers for man to
commit sins and disobe& Allah. Therefore it is "art of the trial in this life that
e+er& indi+idual must o+ercome and not engage in the e+il tem"tations of his
constant com"anion. The Pro"het ("eace and blessings be u"on him) also had a
Iareen but Allah made him become a 4uslim(
*bn 4asood said(
The 4essenger of Allah ("eace and blessings of Allah be u"on him) said $There is
not one of &ou #ho does not ha+e a !inn a""ointed to be his constant
com"anion.% The& said 7And &ou too 8 4essenger of Allah: 3e said $4e too but
Allah has hel"ed me and he has submitted so that he onl& hel"s me to do good.%
-4uslim no. 0G.D2
The Kelie+er su""resses his Iareen b& obe&ing Allah and adhering to 3is religion
until the Iareen becomes #ea) and unable to sto" the Kelie+er from doing good
exce"t #hat Allah ,ills. The sinner b& his disobedience and e+il actions gi+es his
sha&taan the strength to encourage him to do e+il and discourage him from doing
good. The Kelie+er has to fear Allah and stri+e against his Iareen b& obe&ing
Allah and 3is 4essenger ("eace and blessings be u"on him). *t is #isdom and
insight in a Kelie+er to realiJe that the Iareen of other indi+iduals ma& succeed in
causing that "erson to falter at an& moment. Therefore the 4uslim should not
"lace himself or his children in a +ulnerable "osition alone #ith other indi+iduals
#hich ma& lead to being harmed. After the human counter"art dies it is "ossible
for the Iareen to still li+e on considering that !inns naturall& li+e longer than
humans. The 4uslim should be a#are of his constant com"anion as much as
"ossible and resist his sinful tem"tations.
The #ea)ness of science Q could be Jinn as science does not belie+e on Jinn and
is not as ad+anced as the Quran and Sunnah Q ,e can not trust on )uffar Allah
)no#s best
The notorious American Kigfoot is considered to be a large hair& hominoid that
li+es in the forest. This creature is )no#n b& numerous other names from around
the #orld( Oeti SasIuatch Oo#ie Abominable Sno#man S)un) A"e Karmanou
etc. ?ong before modern Americans ga+e e&e#itness accounts of Kigfoot man& of
the Hati+e American tribes that had li+ed in Horth America #ere #ell acIuainted
#ith the creature. Some tribes considered Kigfoot as their $brother% from the
forest #hich #as a s"irit that li+ed underground and surfaced during the night in
order to feed. Some Hati+e Americans also mention in their legends that Kigfoot
#as ca"able of ma)ing himself a""ear +isible and in+isible. Another tribe the
6a)ota *ndians considered Kigfoot to exist in another dimension and to a""ear in
the #orld of man #hen the& had reason. This !inn is "erha"s the third t&"e
mentioned in the section $T&"es of Jinn% the one that sto"s for a rest then
resumes its !ourne& li+ing a nomadic existence.
4othman #as the name gi+en to a creature that a""eared in Point Pleasant ,est
Nirginia in the .F5=s. The creature #as man@li)e in a""earance "ossessed t#o
large #ings on its bac) and #as excessi+el& hair&. The "ersons #ho came into
contact #ith the 4othman mentioned that it could tra+el Iuic)l& and fl&. This
creature has been seen around the #orld. ;or exam"le in ManJibar there is a
creature )no#n as $Kat ,ings% #hich is described as being similar in a""earance
to the 4othman. This is the !inn that has #ings and flies. This #as mentioned in
the section $T&"es of Jinn.%
,ere#olf of ,isconsin(
*n the state of ,isconsin there ha+e been numerous sightings of a large creature
that #al)s erect and has the features of a dog #hich include( cla#s a snout and
excessi+e hair. Among the first sightings #as b& a man #ho s"otted the
$#ere#olf% east of Jefferson ,isconsin. ,hile dri+ing during the night the man
s"otted the beast digging in an old *ndian mound. 3e described it as standing
erect o+er six feet ha+ing a muJJle and cla#s #ith three fingers and a t#isted
thumb. The man came bac) to the s"ot the next night and found the same beast.
*n the second encounter the man said he heard the creature utter something that
#as not tangible. The beast #ent a#a& from the man and e+entuall& +anished
from sight.
The so@called $#ere#olf% or dog form of the !inn is #ell )no#n around the #orld.
*n fact in Arabia this #as the manner in #hich the !inn #ere commonl& seen
#hen the& encountered Arabs in the #orld of man. This is the t&"e of !inn that
loo)s li)e a dog and is mentioned in the section $T&"es of Jinn.% The !inn from
,isonsin is mentioned to ha+e been seen digging in an *ndian mound #hich is a
gra+e&ard this is "robabl& because he #as searching for bones to eat. The
follo#ing account mentions the encounter of a 4uslim #ith a !inn that a""eared in
this form(
Strength of faith and religiosit& in general #ill also "re+ent the !inn from harming
a "erson so much so that if a 4uslim #ere to fight #ith a !inn the one #ho has
faith in Allah #ould #in.
7Abd@Allah ibn 4asood (ma& Allah be "leased #ith him) said(
A man from among the 'om"anions of 4uhammad ("eace and blessings of Allah
be u"on him) met a man -i.e. male2 from among the !inn. The& #restled and the
human )noc)ed do#n the !inn. The human said to him 7Oou loo) small and s)inn&
to me and &our forearms loo) li)e the front "a#s of a dog. 6o all the !inn loo)
li)e this or onl& &ou: 3e said 7Ho b& Allah among them * am strong but let us
#restle again and if &ou defeat me * #ill teach &ou something that #ill do &ou
good. The human said 7;ine. 3e -the !inn2 said 7Cecite $Allah9 Hone has the
right to be #orshi""ed but 3e the E+er@?i+ing the 8ne ,ho sustains and
"rotects all that existsL% -0(0//2. The human said 7;ine. 3e -the !inn2 said 7Oou
#ill ne+er recite this in &our house but the Sha&taan #ill come out of it li)e a
don)e& brea)ing #ind and he #ill ne+er come bac) in until the next morning.%
-al@6arimi no. <0D12
Harrated 7Abd@Allah ibn >ba&& ibn Aab that his father told him that he had a
+essel in #hich he )e"t dates. 3e used to chec) on it and found that the number
#as decreasing. So he )e"t guard on it one night and sa# a beast that loo)ed li)e
an adolescent bo&. 3e said( $* greeted him #ith salaams -"eace2 and he returned
m& greeting then * as)ed him 7,hat are &ou a !inn or a human: 3e said 7A
!inn. * said to him 7Sho# me &our hand. So he sho#ed me his hand and it
loo)ed li)e a dogs "a# #ith dogs fur. * said 76o all the !inn loo) li)e this: 3e
said 7* )no# no one among the !inn #ho is stronger than *. * said 7,hat made
&ou do #hat &ou did -i.e. ta)ing the dates2: 3e said 7,e heard that &ou are a
man #ho lo+es charit& and #e #anted to ha+e some of &our food.% >ba&& as)ed
him $,hat #ill "rotect us from &ou:% 3e said $This a&ah A&at al@Aursi.% Then
the next da& he ->ba&&2 #ent to the Pro"het ("eace and blessings of Allah be
u"on him) and told him (about #hat had ha""ened) and he -the Pro"het2 said
$The e+il one s"o)e the truth.%
>nidentified ;l&ing 8b!ects(
>;8 sightings ha+e al#a&s been "lentiful. Although man& of them ma& be
aircrafts or lights some of them are !inn. ;or exam"le during ,orld ,ar ** man&
#ar "ilots s"otted circular balls of light fl&ing and encircling their "lanes. These
lights a""eared interested in the aircrafts and #ould also engage in a game of
$cat and mouse% #ith the "ilots. This t&"e of acti+it& continues to ha""en to "ilots
in modern times. Since !inns can change their form into +arious a""earances
including the circular light a""earance these #ere !inn. The Aung9 tribe (Kush
4en) li+ing in the southern "art of Africa ha+e also com"lained that e+il s"irits
a""ear to them in this form during the night. *t is also the case that some +ideo
footage has sho#ed these s"herical lights creating cro" circles. There ha+e also
been accounts b& indi+iduals #ho ha+e had !inns li+ing #ithin their homes
mentioning the fact that the !inn a""ear as circular s"heres of light.
And Allah (The Glorified and Exalted) Ano#s Kest.
Signs of Jinn possession:
There are man& signs of !inn "ossession e+er& "erson is different. Some ha+e .
or 0 signs #hile others ha+e man& or all of these signs de"ends on ho# close the
"erson is to Allah (s#t) and ho# much the& #orshi" 3im.
There are those #ho became "ossessed before the& #ere "racticing islam ie. K&
#earing ta#eeJ or going to magician for hel" or harming the !inns. So that !inn
thatRs no# inside the muslim canRt sto" himE her from becoming guided and
become "ractising muslim since hida&a (guidence) is in the 3ands of Allah s#t.
Allah s#t Guides #hom 3e ,ills and allo#s to be misguided #ho 3e ,ills and 3e
has Po#er o+er all things.
Kut if the "ersonRs eman is strong and the !inn is #ea) there #ill be +er& little
signs of it.
The signs are man& but the main ones are...
*1. ;eeling a hea+iness on the shoulders andE or head or head ache #hen
standing u" for salah.
*2. ;eeling a mo+ement (actual mo+ement or li)e a "ulse) or a "ain (can be
mo+ing "ain) or burning ("art of the bod& becoming hot) or "ins and needles
numbness sha)ing fear anxiet& when listening to the Quran with ear
phones with a lou !olume.
*". 6isli)e of reading or listening to Quran urge to turn it off or agitated and
irritated or angr& (o""osite of tranIuillit&)
*#. Anxiet& or fear of going to the mas!id or feeling uncomfortable in the mas!id
or getting head aches during *slamic lectures etc.
5. 6isli)e of aJan.
$. *nsomnia (either canRt slee" to +er& late and !ust before fa!r feeling +er& tired
or bro)en slee")
*%. Hightmares@
Some !inns are blac) dogs sna)es and lions liJards rats carni+orous animals
and gi+e birth to the same t&"e of !inns.
8thers are fl&ing !inns so u see men fl&ing in the dream others are earth bound
ones but are +er& ugl& so the& chase &ou.
Some ta)e "leasure b& causing a "erson to ha+e a #et dream.
These nightmares #ill be Iuite freIuent ie. Al#a&s seeing one self being chased
b& a blac) dog or a lion sna)e or a ugl& man.
Seeing a lion caged u".
Seeing a tall bold headed man.
Seeing sna)es around &ou or tr&ing enter the house etc.
E+er& case is different.
&. Anxiet&@ ;ear of slee"ing and fear of d&ing for no reason. Sometimes at night
other times at maghrib time
*'. >rges or thoughts to !um" off bridge or commit suicide or go to the "ar) at
maghrib time or at night alone9
*1(. 3earing +oices in the head sometimes a clear distinct +oice.
11. Preferring to )ee" one self a#a& from famil& and li)e to be alone. ?i)e to sit
in corners.
12. Prefer not to ha+e sho#ers or )ee" one self clean. 6isli)es good smells
1". >ncontrollable or irrational anger.
*1#. 8bscene thoughts during salah@ "ornogra"hic or e+en )ufr things li)e
thro#ing the Quran.
15. >rge to "ush "eo"le or babies do#n the stairs.
1$. Pain in the left hand and constant "ain in "arts of the bod&.
1%. Kigger a""etite but the bod& does not absorb the nutrients #hich ma& lead
to health "roblems #hich medicall& can not be ex"lained (excessi+e bleeding or
no menses for #omen)
1&. Sometimes cr& or laugh for no reason or the feeling he #ants to run does
not feel comfortable being still
1'. 'an sometimes smell things that others around him can not smell
2(. Ex"erience sexual encounters #hen slee"ing
21. ;orgetfulness es"eciall& in acts of #orshi""ing Allah
22. 6oing things out of character
Allah )no#s better
Oou #ill )no# as soon as &ou read these signs if the& a""l& to &ou or not. Ho
need to concentrate and force &our self to belie+e these things a""l& to &ou.
The ones #ith the red astrix * are the ones that need to #atch for....
Sihr (magic) is almost al#a&s accom"anied b& a !inn "ossession so the abo+e
signs #ill a""l& to sihr too.
Taweez this is haram
Those who use taweez are committing shirk
Often magicians use taweez as a weapon, they will often write ayats in the wrong
order, or other obscene quotations to please the shaytan and obtain the help of
jinn. The magician will then use Jinn to help the patient, he will ask the patient
for her and mothers name, ask to bring hair, or menses, clothing and photos of
the patient and others the magician will then use these to call the help of
shaytan and produce taweez for the patient to wear around the neck, wrist, waist
or priate parts. !ometime the remoal of these taweez by burning them can
cure the patient by the will of "llah.
The onl& #a& to find out for sure is to listen to the sihr +erses (0(.=0 .=(G.@G0
0=(5G@1.) #ith ear "hone an a loud +olume. *f &ou feel an& of the feelings li)e
head ache or "ain etc its best to get in touch #ith a raIi to double chec) &our
To be .==S its best to arrange a ruI&a session #ith a raIi #ho is )no#n and onl&
uses methods that are strictl& according to the Quran and Sunnah.
PThe ground being #et is a sign of its been raining but not e+er& #et ground
means its been rainingP
So not e+er& sign means a "erson is "ossessed. 4an& "eo"le con+ince
themsel+es that the& ha+e a Jinn "roblem #hen the& dont actuall& ha+e one.
A "ersonRs eman can be #ea) the& might not be "ra&ing salah on time or #ith
)hushu or according to the sunnah or getting #as#as(#his"ers of sha&tan) to
commit sins and immoralit&. ,asting time not ma)ing Ji)r (rememberance of
Allah) not ha+ing the heart to do ibadah (#orshi") etc.
* thin) #e all forget that there are sha&tan around us all the time that gi+e us
#as#as and #e e+en has a sha&tan inside us called the )areen #ho tries to lead
us to sin. The Pro"het "eace be u"on him also had a Aareen but alhumdulilah his
Aareen became 4uslim so he #as not affected b& him.
Surah an Has( / and 5
7#ho #his"ers (e+il) into the breasts of man)ind
;rom among the !inn and man)ind
So it is not onl& Jinn that #his"ers e+il to us it is also man)ind (man and !inn can
be both e+il)
So sha&tan from Jinn man)ind and &our o#n )areen #or) hard to #ea)en &ou
and cause &ou to forget about Allah (s#t) and indulge in time #asting.
Sha&taan can e+en )ee" us occu"ied in good deeds that are less beneficial than
to "erform deeds that are obligation and of more re#ard.
So #e must fight against e+il from others and from oursel+es b& #orshi"ing Allah
S,T in the #a& 3e should be #orshi""ed according to Quran and Sunnah.
4a)ing ad)haar (reading duas Q remembrance of Allah) is reading #ords #hich
are light on the tongue and "utting ta#a)ul (trust) in Allah.
*magine if the onl& #a& to "rotect our sel+es from !inn and magic #as to #ear
hea+& hot hard metal suit of armour99 all da& all night99 This is difficult9
So e+en ma)ing ad)haar is a blessing and e+en if it means losing half an hour
slee" after fa!r@ #e get re#arded for "rotecting our sel+es99 3o# 4erciful is
Oou canRt tell .==S !ust from reading the signs if &our "ossessed or not.
Kefore &ou go about boo)ing an a""ointment or ha+ing ruI&a &ou should as)
&our self the follo#ing Iuestions@
.. 6o * reall& need ruI&a:
0. 3o# #ill * benefit from it:
<. E+en if * am affected is it reall& bothering me:
D. 'an * go about m& dail& life and #orshi" Allah (s#t):
/. 'an * be "atient #ith m& situation:
So if &ou can be "atient and it is not affecting &ou seriousl& then it is better not to
as) for ruI&a and be amongst the 1==== #ho #ill enter "aradise #ithout
Al@Ku)haari (5D10) and 4uslim (00=) narrated from *bn 7Abbaas (ma& Allah be
"leased #ith him) that the 4essenger of Allah (blessings and "eace of Allah be
u"on him) said( $Se+ent& thousand of m& ummah #ill enter Paradise #ithout
being brought to accountB the& are the ones #ho did not as) for ruI&ah or belie+e
in omens or use cauter& and the& "ut their trust in their ?ord.% These "eo"le #ill
enter Paradise #ithout being brought to account because of the "erfection of their
Ta#heed their com"lete trust in Allah and their inde"endence from "eo"le.
The one #ho as)s for ruI&ah from others is not included in that se+ent& thousand
#ho #ill enter Paradise #ithout being brought to account due to the shortfall in
their trust in Allah because as)ing for ruI&ah in+ol+es a )ind of humiliation and
need of the raaIi (the one #ho "erforms ruI&ah) and "art of com"lete trust and
Ta#heed is that the 4uslim should not as) "eo"le for an&thing.
*bn Al@Qa&&im (ma& Allah ha+e merc& on him) said(
That is because these "eo"le #ill enter Paradise #ithout being called to account
because of the "erfection of their Ta#heed therefore he described them as
"eo"le #ho did not as) others to "erform ruI&ah for them. 3ence he said $and
the& "ut their trust in their ?ord.% Kecause of their com"lete trust in their ?ord
their contentment #ith 3im their faith in 3im their being "leased #ith 3im and
their see)ing their needs from 3im the& do not as) "eo"le for an&thing be it
ruI&ah or an&thing else and the& are not influenced b& omens and su"erstitions
that could "re+ent them from doing #hat the& #ant to do because su"erstition
detracts from and #ea)ens Ta#heed. End Iuote.
See)ing ruI&ah from another "erson is not haraam but it is contrar& to #hat is
best and most "erfect.
The scholars of the Standing 'ommittee for *ssuing ;at#as said(
As)ing others to offer du7aa for one and as)ing them to "erform ruI&ah are
"ermissible but not doing them and doing #ithout "eo"le and doing these things
for oneself is better.
End Iuote.
;ataa#a al@?a!nah al@6aaimah 0DE05.
Sha&)h *bn KaaJ (ma& Allah ha+e merc& on him) said(
This hadeeth indicates that not as)ing is better !ust as not using cauter& is
better but #hen there is a need for it there is nothing #rong #ith as)ing for
ruI&ah or using cauter& because the Pro"het (blessings and "eace of Allah be
u"on him) told 7Aaishah to as) for ruI&ah for an illness that had befallen her and
he told the mother of the children of Ja7far ibn Abi Taalib (ma& Allah be "leased
#ith him) #hose name #as Asma bint 7>ma&s (ma& Allah be "leased #ith her)
to see) ruI&ah for them. This indicates that there is nothing #rong #ith that
#hen there is a need to as) for ruI&ah. End Iuote.
4a!moo7 ;ataa#a *bn KaaJ 0/E..G@..F
This is m& ad+ice is not e+er&one #ho is affected needs ruI&a. *n ma!orit& of the
cases the "erson !ust sim"l& has to increase in thier ibadah Q #orshi" of Allah

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