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Cognos BI 10.

2 Setup Document [Through GUI]

[Please note down the installed PATHS it may vary with each box]
Software Prerequisite:
- Bi Server Installable 10.2
- Database client
- Apache Server httpd 2.2 [yum install httpd.x86_64]
- APR [Apache Run Time libapr yum install apr.x86_64]
- Database Server info
- OpenMotif Package [yum install openmotif.x86_64]

Create a softlink to an existing OpenMotif library
Ref: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21612290
1. Go to the /usr/lib directory.
2. Use to the following command to create a symbolic link to another version of libXm.so
and name the symbolic link the name of the missing library file; for example, libXm.so.4.
ln -s libXm.so.3 libXm.so.4
Set the Environment Variable:
Set JAVA Home path
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
[As per Environment]
echo $JAVA_HOME - Should show the above path

One can also set it for all at once at /etc/bashrc file.
export PATH

Folder Structure:
Note: Under BI we have three parts, the Content Manager, ATC [Dispatcher] and the Gateway
For each component we will create folders for each;
cog_cm - Content Manage
cog_atc - Dispathcher
cog_gw Gateway URI
So the folder structure will look like:
New Database Required:
Make sure the user has enough privilege for creating tables;

Unzip the installable file
Go to /bi_svr_10.2.1_l86_ml/linuxi38664h/ folder
Run ./issetup


Go to respective Module:
/$INSTALATION_DIR/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_atc/ bin64/
/$INSTALATION_DIR/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/ bin64/
Execute ./cogconfig.sh for each.

Set Library Path
cd /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
Create a Cognos.conf file
Place the path of the Gateway cgi-bin folder
Execute ldconfig
[This will apply the changes]

Go To Cd /opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/cgi-bin/
Execute ./copyGateMod.sh 64bit
./copyGateMod.sh 32bit [For 32 bit system]
DB2: Copy db2 files
go to db2 installation directory
cp db2* to /opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_atc/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib
cp db2* to /opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_cm/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib
cp db2* to /opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib

Httpd.conf Changes:

A. Under Load Module
#LoadModule cognos_module /opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/cgi-
bin/mod2_cognos.so [For apache 1.2]
LoadModule cognos_module /opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/cgi-
bin/mod2_2_cognos.so [For apache 2.2]

ScriptAlias /cognos102/cgi-bin "/opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/cgi-bin"
Alias /cognos102 "/opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/webcontent"
<Directory "/opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/webcontent">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "/opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

B. WebDAV module configuration section
<IfModule mod2_2_cognos.c.c>
CGIBinDir "/opt/extra/ibm/CognosBI/c10_64/cog_gw/cgi-bin/"

C. Allow server status reports generated by mod_status
<Location /cognos102/cgi-bin/cognos_module>
SetHandler cognos-handler
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Install and Run ARRAYVPN on LINUX
binary: ArrayNetworksL3VPN_LINUX.zip
Install Process:
1. Rename it - 'mv ArrayNetworksL3VPN_LINUX.zip ArrayNetworksL3VPN_LINUX.bin'.
2. Make it executable - 'sudo chmod +x ArrayNetworksL3VPN_LINUX.bin'
3. Run it - 'sudo ArrayNetworksL3VPN_LINUX.bin' which will produce the 'array_vpnc'.
4. Launch it - './array_vpnc -hostname [site] -username [username] -passwd [password]'
5. To stop it - [control-c or a similar command break sequence]
On the Box [Command Prompt]:
go to <Folder Location> /home/chetu1
./array_vpnc64 -hostname sslvpn.networklayer.com -username paulcchetu -passwd P@55w0rd


1. Content Manager issue
a. rm -rf signkeypair encryptkeypair
b. Execute the SQL script


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