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Healthy Eating

Diet: when someone eats less food because they want to become thinner.
Cut down on: to use something in smaller amounts.
!oft drin": a cold# usually sweet# drin" which does not contain alcohol. $%&'( ) *+,-.
/utrients: chemicals or food that 0ro1ide what is needed for 0lants and animals to li1e or grow. 23&.
Dietary: relating to your diet. $7358
9uideline: information intended to ad1ise 0eo0le on how something should be done. :;<=&>
?m0hasi@e: to show that something is 1ery im0ortant. 4ABC DE F(G
Hhole grain: containing whole seeds. 4.;( *&IJ
Koultry: meat from farm birds such as chic"ens and duc"s. L=3+2
Means: a seed of 1arious 0lants# eaten as a 1egetable. 4%&N;O
!aturated fat: a ty0e of fat found in meat# eggs# mil"# cheese# etc.# which is thought to be bad for your
health. 4PI-. Q&B2
Rrans fat: a ty0e of fat which is 0roduced by hydrogenation ST when 1egetable oil is made into solid
fatU and is used in margarine # fried foods etc. 4%&'V. Q&B2
/utritionist: an eW0ert on the subXect of nutrition. 456> $7;YZ3
[ids: hel0 or su00ort. :3FE;\.
]abels: 0iece of 0a0er or other material which gi1es you information about the obXect it is fiWed to.
!tore: sho0. ,V.
!nac": a small amount of food that is eaten between meals. 4aaZ 4I=+
becuire: need. D%3 d;V'
endicate: to show# 0oint or ma"e clear in another way. DE fF
!er1ing: an amount of food which is enough for one 0erson. 4YJ
gaintain: to continue to ha1e. DE hO;'
Kreference: when you li"e something more than another thing. 4iOC #ia>
]imit on: o control something so that it is not greater than a 0articular amount# number or le1el
gargarine: soft butter made from 1egetable fat. 4>;Ij kF`l
!hortening: butter used in coo"ing# es0ecially to ma"e 0astry soft and crumbly ST easily bro"enU
]ard: a white substance made from 0ig fat and used in coo"ing. ,mnZ 'o
enta"e: the amount of food or drin" that you ta"e into your body. 4Ap%3
Me1erages: a drin" of any ty0e. 73&q
Calories: a unit of heat energy.
Cereal: a 0lant which is grown to 0roduce grain. *&IJ
Crac"er: a thin flat cris0 ST hard enough to brea"U biscuit# es0ecially one eaten with cheese.

Kinto bean: bean with small brown mar"s on it# used in coo"ing. 4_n. r;%&N;O
]entil: a 1ery small dried bean that is coo"ed and eaten. sFE
9o easy on: to not use too much of something. <A>
tro@en: food 0reser1ed by free@ing. kFA.
Canned: 0reser1ed and sold in a metal container. 4IP.
Dried: ha1ing all the licuid remo1ed. 4aa.
Consume: to use time# energy# food# etcu.. v<V\
Mroil: to coo" something by direct heat# es0ecially under a 1ery hot surface in a coo"er. w&-
9rains: the seeds of cro0s such as corn# wheat or rice that are gathered for use such as food# or these
cro0s themsel1es. *&IJ
]ean: when there is not much fat on something.
Kortion: an amount of food for one 0erson. 4YJ

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