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Mit ch Miller host s t his podcast , Ben
Schet t ler t alks about sexual purit y
and Sean McDowell answers anot her
t ough quest ion.
Last published: 22 December
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Teen Sex By t he Book: Launching Today!
Fer vr 's fir st book is a must r ead for
anyone wit h any quest ions about sex.
Christ ian girls in a sexy world
Some people may judge you on looks &
clot hes, but God cares about your heart .
Does God hat e sex?
St eve and Naomi Chong set us straight in
t his short video.
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Christ ian girls in a sexy world
Some people may judge you on looks &
clot hes, but God cares about your heart .
That s what makes you beaut iful
One Dir ection have got it half right, but
only God knows wher e r eal beaut y is
Relat ionship Myt hbust ers: Wait ing for
The One
Tweet 14
20 ways toavoid sexual temptation
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God commands and demands t hat
t here shouldn't even be a hint of sexual
immoralit y among us as His saved
people (Ephesians 5:3). Of course, we
all f ind t his incredibly easy t o do, right ?
This f eels complet ely impossible most
(maybe all) of t he t ime. If t here is one
area of lif e where it f eels like Sat an is
winning t he bat t le, it s in t he area of
sex. And if t here is one area where our
bodies are screaming out t o us t o
disobey God, it s in t he area of sex.
So I want t o give you my t op 20 t ips t o help you avoid sexual immoralit y:
1. Find out what pleases t he Lord. This is a command st raight out of
Ephesians 5:10, and is part of what it means t o live a lif e wort hy of our
calling as Christ ians, and part of what it means t o live a lif e of love, just as
Christ loved us.
2. Find out what Gods will f or your lif e is. 1 Thessalonians 4:3- 5 says, It is
Gods will t hat you should be sanct if ied: t hat you should avoid sexual
immoralit y; t hat each of you should learn t o cont rol his own body in a way
t hat is holy and honorable, not in passionat e lust like t he heat hen, who do
not know God;It doesnt get much clearer t han t hat !
3. The bat t le begins in t he mind. You need t o know what God says about sex
and t rust what God says about sex. You need t o be caref ul what you f ill
your minds wit h. Imaginat ion is of t en t he hot - bed where sin is hat ched.
Mart in Lut her once said about sexual desires, You cant st op birds f rom
f lying over your head, but you can st op t hem f rom making nest s in your
4. Pray (It is a spirit ual bat t le t oo). Depend on God, on t he power of His Holy
Spirit t o st rengt hen you in t his bat t le. (Mat t hew 6:13; 2 Timot hy 2:22;
J ames 5:16)
5. Don't put yourself in sit uat ions where you will be easily t empt ed. There is
lit t le point praying t hat God would not lead you int o t empt at ion, t hen
walking st raight int o a t empt ing sit uat ion.
6. Remember God is wat ching. You are never complet ely out of sight .
Someone can always see you.
131 Like 5
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215 3
188 6
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Is t her e a perfect par tner out t her e for
you? How will you know who it is?
What should a Chr ist ian look like at
How do we live like J esus when everyone
around us is not?
Is being a Christ ian really wort h it ?
A plea t o Christ ian t eens
Have you r ead GUARDIAN?
When you dream about who t o dat e, Marcus
O' Malley is an excellent model.
ads by BSA
7. Wield t he axe. J esus says in Mat t hew 5, if your eye or hand causes you t o
sin, gouge t hem out and t hrow t hem away, because et ernal lif e is at st ake.
So if t he int ernet , magazines, TV, or peer groups are causing you t o sin;
wield t he axe. Chop away t hose t hings t hat t empt you.
8 . Talk about sex (account abilit y). You can't f ight t his alone. You need God's
help and you need help f rom God's people t oo.
9. You are not alone. It can be helpf ul t o know you are not t he only person
who has ever been t empt ed t his way. No t empt at ion has seized you except
what is common t o man(1 Corint hians 10:13a)
10. You CAN resist . "God is f ait hf ul; He will not let you be t empt ed beyond what
you can bear" (1 Corint hians 10:13b).
11. Know t hat God provides a way out . "But when you are t empt ed, he will also
provide a way out so t hat you can st and up under it " (1 Corint hians 10:13c).
12. Count yourself dead t o sin and alive t o God. Christ ians are people who
have died t o sin (knowing t hat sin leads t o deat h), and now live f or God and
right eousness, knowing t hat t his leads t o et ernal lif e (Romans 6:11- 14).
13. Remember t he cross. J esus died f or our sins, including our sexual sins.
14. Remember J esus is coming back. We will all have t o give an account f or our
lives, even our sex lif e.
15. Memorise Script ure. When J esus was t empt ed in t he desert , he f ired
Script ure back at t he devil (Mat t hew 4:1- 11). Having Gods Word in t he
f oref ront of your mind can help you t oo.
16. Weariness and sadness of t en leads t o sin. Learn t o know yourself . Know
when you are weak and suscept ible t o t empt at ion.
17. St ruggling is a good sign. Keep f ight ing and don't give in.
18 . Be caref ul what you wear. Modest y is good f or you and good f or ot hers t oo.
19. Forgiveness is available. If you sin sexually you can st ill be f orgiven, such is
t he power of t he cross of Christ . So repent , t urn back t o God and live f or
20. Read some good books. Fervr recent ly released Teen Sex By t he Book. You
might f ind it a helpf ul guide f or answering some of your quest ions about
I hope and pray t hat t hese t ips will help you in t his f ight . Remember, 'not even a hint of sexual
immoralit y', is God's loving st andard f or you (Ephesians 5:3)

Copyr ight 20 13 Fer vr .net
TAGS: SEX ( 3 6 ) RELATI ONSHI P ( 5 9 ) EPHESI ANS ( 3 2 ) 1 CORI NTHI ANS ( 5 0 )

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