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vo|tage soorce converter

lntrodoct|on to vSf techno|ogy
vL cmmcn ces|n |.,cu. .|.| v.|ve |.||
8enef|ts of vSf Bvbf 1echno|ogy
Alstcm 6rid has ncw develced several
rcduct ccnliquraticns tc meet secilic
custcmer requirements, such as versicns
lcr: dcuble busbar alicaticns, lcw
temeratures dcwn tc -sC, extreme
envircnments, sinqle cle ceraticn and
direct earthinq.
Allcws ccntrcl cl real and reactive cwer
in cne cwer electrcnics device, ellectively
actinq as a qeneratcr (cr mctcr), but
withcut mass cr inertia
Jhe ccntrcl cl reactive cwer allcws a
vSC lvuC tc ccnnect tc a very weak
AC netwcrk
4|stom 6r|d has deve|oped a new generat|on of Bvbf converters based on vSf techno|ogy. 1hey ose a
se|f-commotated sw|tch|ng dev|ce, the lnso|ated 6ate 8|-po|ar 1rans|stor {l681) - a sem|-condoctor dev|ce
wh|ch can be torned on and off by an externa| contro||er. 1h|s prov|des the ab|||ty to generate a contro||ed
vo|tage waveform from a bf vo|tage soorce.
A vSC lvuC scheme, as shcwn in the liqure
abcve, ccnsists cl three main items:
A uC vcltaqe scurce, ncrmally a charqed
caacitcr bank
A cwer electrcnics ccnverter, which can
create a sinuscidal vcltaqe wavelcrm at
its cutut terminals
A ccnnecticn translcrmer tc match the
ccnverter vcltaqe tc the AC netwcrk
By maintaininq the uC vcltaqe (u) at
staticn i hiqher than the uC vcltaqe (u)
at staticn z, a uC current (l) will llcw
between the staticns creatinq a cwer llcw
(P) lrcm netwcrk i tc netwcrk z. Jc reverse
the cwer llcw it is simly a matter cl
makinq u qreater than u and the
directicn cl the current (l) will reverse and
cwer will llcw lrcm netwcrk z tc netwcrk
i. Jhere is nc need tc chanqe the clarity
cl the twc staticns.
Because the vSC ccnverter can ccntrcl the
maqnitude and hase anqle cl the cutut
vcltaqe wavelcrm, reactive cwer llcw ()
can alsc be ccntrclled. Jhe ccntrcl cl
reactive cwer is indeendent at bcth
staticn i (i) and staticn z (z).
As shcwn in the liqure abcve, there is nc
requirement lcr harmcnic lilterinq cn the
AC side cl the vSC ccnverter - the vcltaqe
wavelcrm beinq virtually sinuscidal. 0n the
uC side, a small harmcnic lilter is included
tc limit ncise in the uC transmissicn system.
4|stom 6r|d vSf Bvbf techno|ogy |s
the |dea| so|ot|on for the fo||ow|ng
0llshcre wind larms, where hiqh latlcrm
ccsts demand a ccmact site area
underqrcund cable transmissicn, when
cverhead lines may be rchibited
Weak AC netwcrks which cannct
accet an LCC ccnverter withcut siqnilicant
additicnal equiment, such as a SJAJC0M
cr synchrcncus ccmensatcrs
vSC lntrcducticn
Jhe qeneraticn cl its cwn vcltaqe
wavelcrm means that the vSC lvuC
ccnverter can black-start a netwcrk
Jhe ccnverter can cerate dcwn tc zerc
cwer, i.e. there is nc minimum cwer
level, as is the case lcr LCC ccnverters
Jhe ccnverter is nct subject tc
ccmmutaticn lailures which cccur
with LCC ccnverters
ln many cases the ccnnecticn translcrmer
is nct subject tc uC stress cr hiqh harmcnic
lcadinq cn the seccndary windinq, which
can cccur in LCC ccnverter translcrmers. A
ncrmal qrid translcrmer desiqn can be used
Nc AC-side harmcnic lilters are required,
hence lixed cr switched reactive cwer
devices are unnecessary
Ccmact site area, tyically sc - 6c+
smaller than an LCC ccnverter staticn
Jhe ideal scluticn lcr cllshcre wind larm
alicaticns, where AC ccnnecticn is tcc
ccstly cr technically imcssible
As there is nc clarity reversal required
lcr reverse cwer llcw and lcwer ccst
clymeric cables can be used lcr
submarine and underqrcund alicaticns
liqher dynamic ccntrcl erlcrmance
than LCC ccnverters, with last reccvery
lrcm lault ccnditicns
Bcth staticns can be used in reactive
cwer ccntrcl mcde, like a SJAJC0M,
il cwer transmissicn is nct required
cr unavailable
ldeal lcr ccnstructinq a multi-terminal uC
netwcrk, with simle luture exansicn.
4|stom 6r|d Wor|dw|de fontact fentre
Jel: + (c) iss zsc cc

Black-start cl AC netwcrks which have
nc indiqencus cwer scurce
Lccaticns where site area is restricted,
e.q. existinq substaticns and metrcclitan
Cases where existinq harmcnic levels cn
the AC netwcrk are hiqh and nc additicnal
lcadinq, e.q. lrcm a LCC staticn, can be

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