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The cardiovascular system

In front of the elbow it gives off a large branch, the median

cubital vein, which slants upwards and medially to join
the basilic vein. After crossing the elbow joint the cephalic
vein passes up the lateral aspect of the arm and in front of
the shoulder joint to end in the axillary vein. Throughout
its length it receives blood from the superficial tissues on
the lateral aspects of the hand, forearm and arm.
The basilic vein begins at the back of the hand on the
ulnar aspect. It ascends on the medial side of the forearm
and upper arm then joins the axillary vein. It receives
blood from the medial aspect of the hand, forearm and
arm. There are many small veins which link the cephalic
and basilic veins.
The median vein is a small vein that is not always pres-
ent. It begins at the palmar surface of the hand, ascends
on the front of the forearm and ends in the basilic vein or
the median cubital vein.
The brachiocephalic vein is formed when the subclavian
and internal jugular veins unite. There is one on each
The superior vena cava is formed when the two brachio-
cephalic veins unite. It drains all the venous blood from
the head, neck and upper limbs and terminates in the
escending aorta in the thorax
This part of the aorta is continuous with the arch of the
aorta and begins at the level of the !th thoracic vertebra.
It extends downwards on the anterior surface of the bod-
ies of the thoracic vertebrae "#ig. $.!%& to the level of the
'%th thoracic vertebra, where it passes behind the
diaphragm to become the abdominal aorta.
The descending aorta in the thorax gives off many
paired branches which supply the walls of the thoracic
cavity and the organs within the cavity, including(
bronchial arteries that supply the bronchi and their
branches, connective tissue in the lungs and the
lymph nodes at the root of the lungs
oesophageal arteries that supply the oesophagus
intercostal arteries that run along the inferior border of
the ribs and supply the intercostal muscles, some
muscles of the thorax, the ribs, the skin and its
underlying connective tissues.

Venous return from the thoracic cavity

)ost of the venous blood from the organs in the thoracic
cavity is drained into the azygos vein and the hemiazygos
vein "#ig. $.!*&. +ome of the main veins which join them are right atrium. It is about , cm long and passes
along the right border of the sternum.
the bronchial, oesophageal and intercostal veins. The a-ygos
Right internal
jugular vein----tl
Left internal
Right subclavian
Left subclavian
!rachi"ce#halic $--%-%-
vena cava ::++++++::,"--!r"nchus
vena cava
a"rta an- its
Right 15th
Figure 5.42 The a"rta an- its 0ain branches in the th"ra6* Figure 5.43 The su#eri"r vena cava an- the 0ain veins "f the th"ra6*

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