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Solar boats are electrical boats, with independent, quiet and clean engines, whose
batteries store free energy from the sun.
On the seas and inland waters as well as along their banks there are only a few
connections to public electricity mains. People who live on inland waterway
crafts, sailing boats, space stations and houseboats, are dependent on batteries, just
as the owners of electrically propelled boats. But batteries sometimes discharge
and must be replenished. One of the most elegant solutions for this is solar
electricity. Solar modules on a ship can charge the batteries on the spot cleanly
and efficiently with free energy from the sun.
Solar electricity plants are reliable and durable. !here are ever more areas of
application for solar electricity, due to lowering prices and improving
technologies. "ight now we have Photovoltaic modules which are set in the roof
of the ship #see picture below$.
Aquabus 1050 - MW LINE, 20 person water taxi in Lausanne. Electric otors are
!urt"er #e$elope# t"an cobustion en%ines, as t"e& "a$e been aroun# !or a lon%er
%ruise ships, submarines and torpedos use electrical motors for propulsion. !he
reasons for this are the lack of noise and oscillation, as well as the reliability.
&arge passenger liners, aiming to provide ma'imum travelling comfort, do not
however store their energy in batteries, but produce it through the use of many
small (iesel generators.
2. History of e-boats starting from 1838
)*+* Professor ,orit- .acobi in "ussia e'periments with a /01 long, electrically
propelled boat.
)**2 3ustav !rouve, a Paris chemist, invents a removable electrical 4ussenborder.
)**/ 4t the yacht club de 5rance the first eboatrecord was set with a speed of /0
kn over a distance of /6 kilometers.
)**+ (uring the 7iennese world e'hibition the 8Beni8 electrically carries 09
passengers on the (anube.
)**6 !he +/1 87olta8, an electrical boat, crosses the :nglish channel from (over to
%alais and back in * hours.
)**; <saak Peral develops in Spain a submarine with 0*2 batteries and two +2 =P
engines. Since the Spanish navy does not show interest, the development
continues in 5rance.
)*** !he 87iscountess Bury8 is the largest eboat for *0 passengers. <n the same
year the %hinese :mpire orders )9 m long boats, capable of )* >m?h.
)**@ !he first 6 electrical charter boats run in :ngland on the !hames.
A#$ertiseent !or t"e !irst electrical electic canoe !ro t"e &ear 1'(2
)*@/ !he world e'hibition in %hicago carries more than one million visitors on 99
eboats over /22.222 miles without a breakdown, bringing A+22,222 in profit.
)*@+ >erbey Bowen patents an eau'iliary engine for sail yachts with the batteries
in the keel.
)@2) !hree shipowners operate appro'. ))2 eboats in the charter and ta'
enterprise aon the !hames.
)@2/ +9 electrical submarines are in the service of the 5rench Bavy.
)@2+ /92 eboats from 9,9 to )/ m. are delivered in Bew .ersey. %ustomers
include :nglish royalty, !-ar Bicolaus <<, 3rand (uke 4le'ander of "ussia, ,r
Cestinghouse, Baron "othschild and .. 4stor.
MINA, an electric &ac"t !ro En%lan# in 1(00
)@+@ )9 passenger liners operate electrically on the Bavarian king lakeD today /)
passenger ships, carry @+ passengers at )) >m?h.
)@0* %aptain =irst builds a boat for /2 passengers, which carries over /6.222
travellers on the :nglish rivers until )@*). 4 similar boat for 0@ passengers is used
in Sweden.
)@6* !he 8(uffi /28 is developed in %aliforniaD !oday there are over )222 units.
)@*) !he restoration of a boat of )*@6 gave birth to the idea of transfering the
timeless beautiful lines to modern materials, and today 8%lassic boats8 are on the
)@*/ <nterest in eboats increases, now motivated by the move toward
environmental protection. !he :lectric Boat 4ssociation :B4 is created. %arriers
include power supply works, the British offices for water way, environmental
protection authorities and Bational parks. :lectrical boats receive /9E discount on
the quite substantial channel and airlock fees in :ngland.
)@*@ &ady 5iona, %ountess of 4rran, at the age from ;) years holds the world
record for eboatsF *).*+ >m?h in a )91 hydroskimmer.
)"e *ountess o! Arran sets t"e 1('( worl# recor#
)@@2 7aporetto :lectrico sets up a service in 7enice for /+2 passengers.
)@@+ !he first 3erman solar boat championship occurs.
)@@0 /2 different 8%lassic8 models appear in 3ermany.
)@@9 !he first solar boat :uropean championship is organised. <t takes place in &a
"ochelle, on the 4tlantic, in Swit-erland on three lakes, as well as in Berlin and
=amburg. %anoe 8%arl8 wins with a ),9 >C electric motor.
*anoe +*arl+ 1((5 wit" )"oas Me&er in La ,oc"elle
!his boat won until )@@; with the simplest technology, i.e. with 9 years old heavy
lead acid car batteries and a +2 years old electric motor, but with optimi-ed
propeller technology in a slim, optimi-ed canoe.
)@@9 4 solar boat gas station opens in the conte't of the world climate conference.
/2 solar boats with /* seats are in the rental business enterprise #fig. ;$
3. Solar boats
=istory shows that eboats are nothing new, but solar drive systems are an
interesting development. Onboard solar generators allow independence from the
plug socket.
Solar plants produce a safe, selfsufficient source of energy. :missionfree drive
systems not only of protect the environment, but they increase the quality of the
boating e'perience for e'ample, in protected areas it is possible to approach
water birds very closely.
:drives are very efficient. !he torque e'ists over the entire speed range, so that
large propeller diameters can be driven slowly. !hus, shaking, rattling and the
stench of fuel are eliminated, so that one can breathe deeply, enjoy conversation
and e'perience more pleasure in the ride. !he beautiful animal world is hardly
disturbed and can be observed from a short distance.
Solar energy can be harnessed for the unrestricted travel of larger sail yachts if an
vegetable oil generator is used. 5or port maneuvers etc. the batteries, loaded by
solar energy, are sufficient.
-olar boat o! a 1((5 ,e%atta 2.5 .W o! en%ine power
-olar &ac"t wit" en%ine power o$er 5 .W
-olar &ac"t 10 x 2.5 , 5-' .W electrical otor, /-' persons
0esi%n1 2anuar& 3et4ol# - *onstruction1 )"oas Me&er
Aquabus 2050 MW LINE1 50 persons solar electrical "&bri# passen%er s"ip
3"oto solar bus o#el Alstersonne +on a scale 1116 as wor7in% o#el
(8 person passen%er s"ip +Wat4ann + - ,o&al 9a$arian sea-s"ippin%
1/0 3erson -olarsc"i!!

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