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Thomas Edisons Telephone to the Dead: Myth or Fact?

Thomas Edison and His Mysterious
Telephone to the Dead
by Tim Woolworth, 2011
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Thomas &lva "dison
'onsidering that many in this $ield consider the (Telephone to the #ead) to be the tochstone o$ radiobased *nstrmental Transcommnication as we +now it
today, * thin+ it is wise to shed some light on the topic. The (Telephone to the #ead) is the name that was given to the device Thomas "dison was wor+ing on in the
last decade o$ his li$e. *n mltiple essays on spiritalism written dring the early 1,20-s (all are available in the boo+ The Diary and Sundry Observations of Thomas
Edison by #agobert .nes, 1,/01%, "dison tried to grapple with the concept o$ how the spirit cold e2ist a$ter death. 3e thoght that the (li$e nits) that were
n+nown by science 4oined together to create every animate (and possibly inanimate% ob4ect. 5pon death, these li$e nits bro+e p into their respective individal
nits and 4oined another $orm a$ter hman death.
This is a theory which is obviosly nproven and may even be considered patently $alse becase o$ the technology that has been advanced by ninety pls years since
"dison esposed this theory. "dison +new o$ electrons, and he $igred that the li$e nits were even smaller than electrons. "dison based this theory pon the physics
concept o$ energy interchangeability: (* believe, rightly or wrongly, that li$e is ndestrctable, it is tre, and * also believe that there has always been a $i2ed 6antity
o$ li$e on this planet, and that this 6antity can neither be increased or decreased.) 7n "dison8s "arth, nothing, not even li$e, cold be created or destroyed9 so he
there$ore assmed that li$e nits changing $rom one $orm to another were responsible $or all li$e on this planet.
*$, according to "dison8s belie$s, the (li$e nits) o$ the spirit bro+e p pon death to 4oin another $orm, how cold a personality e2ist in the a$terli$e: "dison was ve2ed
by this idea and strggled to come p with a theory which wold allow $or li$e a$ter death to e2ist. To ma+e this theory a viable one, he tili;ed the idea o$ (swarms.)
"dison was convinced that swarms o$ li$e nits were responsible $or not only the thin+ing and memory o$ hmans, bt $or every li$e $nction o$ every plant and
animal. 3is evidence that swarms li$e nits were responsible $or memory consisted o$ the $act that someone can brn their $ingertips badly enogh to remove all the
s+in in a blister, bt yet, the $ingerprint whorls wold grow bac+ the same way. These swarms moved $rom one $orm to another a$ter the hman body, which served
as merely a vessel $or these swarms, passed on. "dison believed that these swarms o$ li$e nits were responsible $or all evoltion (he gives the e2ample o$ wooly
mammoths and elephants, daisies and ble daisies%. "dison8s whole swarm theory and li$e a$ter death revolved arond the <roca8s &rea o$ the brain. The <roca8s
&rea was thoght to be responsible $or the seat o$ both memory and personality de to the reslts o$ (eightytwo srgical operations.) "dison $elt that i$ the swarms
o$ li$e nits that made p the <roca8s area cold contine to e2ist in a swarm a$ter death, then the personality cold live on and there cold be a li$e $orce a$ter death
that cold be contacted. We have learned since "dison8s time that the <roca8s &rea is responsible $or lanage comprehension and development.
.egardless o$ Thomas "dison8s misin$ormed nderstanding o$ biology, he was inventive genis who was astondingly capable o$ developing devices to serve a
prpose. #ring the last decade o$ his li$e, he trned to inventing a device that wold be capable o$ commnicating with any sentience that e2isted beyond the grave.
*n (=piritalism,) written in 1,20, "dison postlated that, (>or my part, * am inclined to believe that or personality herea$ter will be able to a$$ect matter. *$ this
reasoning be correct, then, i$ we can evolve an instrment so delicate as to be a$$ected, or moved, or maniplated ? whichever term yo want to se ? by or
personality as it srvives in the ne2t li$e, sch an instrment, when made available, oght to record something.) "dison contined an attempt to develop this device.
3e contined in this essay: (* have been at wor+ $or sometime bilding an apparats to see i$ it is possible $or personalities which have le$t this earth to
commnicate with s.)
This instrment has been dbbed as the (Telephone to the #ead,) and crrently, this instrment that "dison was wor+ing on has never trned p. "dison never
re$erred to his device as the Telephone to the #ead9 it is a name that has been given to this device by paranormal researchers. *n his essays, the item he was wor+ing
on was li+ened to to a valve that wold ampli$y the ability $or the swarms to maniplate the ob4ect so that (it does not matter how slight is the e$$ort, it will be
s$$icient to record whatever there is to be recorded.) 5ntil this day, the plans $or "dison8s device have yet to be discovered and the "dison "state (and many
s+eptics% claim that "dison mst there$ore have never wor+ed on a device to commnicate with the dead despite these essays saying the e2act opposite.
* wold li+e to point ot that the "dison "state not only redacted the 00@ pages o$ spiritalism $rom his diary and had it repressed, bt the estate also held on to his
docments $or over A0 years ntil they were sent to .tgers 5niversity.
"dison contined to wor+ on the (Telephone to the #ead) ntil he became comatose in 1,B1 and died shortly therea$ter. <e$ore dying, "dison brie$ly came ot o$ his
coma and said to his wi$e, Cina, who was +eeping vigil at his bedside, and his doctor that (*t is very beati$l over thereD) #id "dison learn something abot the
a$terli$e while in a comatose state: Where is the instrment he was wor+ing on: Where are the instrment8s plans:
* wold not be doing this aricle 4stice i$ * did not address the s+eptical side o$ the Telephone to the #ead. >rom my research, * have yet to come p with a reason
why "dison has been e6ated with this term. =pirital phones were being sed in the 1,/0-s and their sage may have been anachronistically applied to "dison8s
wor+. The $irst mentioning o$ "dison wor+ing on sch a device was in the 7ctober 1,20 isse o$ &merican Caga;ine. *nterviewed by <.'. >orbes (later o$ >orbes
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magazine), it was revealed that Edison was developing an electrical device to speak with the dead. This was the same year that he wrote his essay on Spiritualism
which was featured in Scientific American. He also gave an interview to the ew !ork Times in "#$" which stated that he was more than willing to discuss life after
death only in terms of life units. These articles, plus the additional pu%lications from &unes' pu%lication of Edison's diary, solidly point to the fact that Edison was in
fact working on a device to communicate with the dead. Skeptics claim that Edison's interview with (or%es was merely a )oke %eing played %y Edison and that his
followup in Scientific American was a way to e*tend that )oke. A careful reading of these articles plus his others from his diary collection will show that Edison truly
%elieved in his work and the same theories are postulated again and again %y him.
The most damning evidence of Edison and his spiritual %eliefs came in the form of an +cto%er "#,, essay in -odern -echani*. This article purports to have %een
written a%out a secret meeting in "#$. in Edison's la% where he tried to communicate with the dead. /omplete with illustrations descri%ing how Edison set up a
%eam pro)ector and photoelectric receiver with delicate instruments that would register anything 0including smoke) that would cross the %eam's path. This group of
scientists sat there for hours and nothing happened.
1ut, what does this prove2 3recisely the fact that Edison was interested in the afterlife and was working on devices to prove it. This 4e*periment5 was pu%lished
a%out in "#,,, two years after Edison's death and thirteen years after the e*periment. This leads to 6uestiona%le motives on the part of -odern -echi* magazine.
7here they inclined to %e iconoclastic in nature2 This e*periment, %eing performed in "#$., does not give credence to the followup work that Edison did during the
last decade of his life. 8t is clear from essays he wrote later that his work continued at least into late "#$$ and that he was still developing a device.
1ut where is his final device2 7here are the prototypes2 7here are the plans2 These 6uestions have gone unanswered for decades. The Edison estate has avowed
that Thomas was never involved in work with a device to communicate with the dead %ecause no plans, or instruments, have ever turned up that point towards his
attempt at instrumental transcommunication.
8n the last decade, many 8T/ researchers have had a male voice come through claiming to %e Edison. 8s it possi%le that Thomas Edison is trying to communicate with
us2 +ther researchers have had %oth male and female voices coming through offering technical advice for improving ghost %o*es. Are these entities the spirits of
departed humans trying to %uild a %ridge to help us communicate with them %etter2
/urrently, we have no answers other than what 8T/ voices tell us.
* Only the first edition of this book has the section on Spiritualism. I have in my possession two first
editions of this book by Edison. The very first publication run contains the information on spiritualism.
fter the book became public! his family called for the section to be redacted and a different first
version was made available. If you are searchin" for this book! please check the pa"e count. The
version with the section on spiritualism has #$% pa"es.
elated !osts:
9 History
9 /lassification of :host 1o* Spiritual /ommunication
9 -alicious, ;angerous, -endacious, /onniving, asty <ittle Evil Spirits=
9 >onstantin &audive and His 8T/ E?3 1reakthrough
9 /rossing Spirits +ver @sing a :host 1o* wA /rossing +ver ?ideo
(e%ruary B, $."", AuthorC Tim, " /omment
/ategoriesC :host 1o* History , Tim 7oolworth
TagsC %rocaDs area, for%es, instrumental transcommunication, itc voices, life units, modern mechani*, radio, scientific american, spiritual phones, spirituality,
swarms, telephone to the dead, thomas edison, tim woolworth, valve
" esponses to Thomas Edisons Telephone to the Dead: Myth or Fact?
". Pawan saysC
-arch $., $."$ at EC$, am
Afterlife is Truth. @(+'s are Truth. 8ntelligent %eings live inside all planets including -oon, Earth etc.
The sad fact is that those in power know it all, hide it from us all who have right to know. Shame to so called intelligent humans.
ever mind what they do. !ou still can have faith and progressFFF
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