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This material arrange by miss Shivani gupta

More Notes and paper


"NTROD#T"ON$%Digital signal processor is a speciali&ed microprocessor
targeted at digital signal processing application.dsp design re'uired
integrating both hardware and so(tware.dsp design translate the world o(
simulation (rom analog to digital (orm and provide real time hardware.
) digital signal processor is an integrated circuit designed (or
high%speed data manipulations and is used in audio* communications*
image manipulations* and other data%ac'uisition and data%control
Digital signal processing application demand speci(ic (eatures that praved
the way (or programmable digital signal processor.unli+e the conventional
microprocessors meant (or general purpose applications*the advanced
microprocessors such as reduced "nstruction set computer,R"S- and
omple. "nstruction Set omputer,"S- processor may use some o( the
techni'ues adopted in P%DSP.
DSP processor use special memory architectures namely /ardware
architecture or modi(ied 0on Neumann architecture which allow (etching
multiple data and instruction at the same time.
DSP algorithm is trans(erring in(ormation to and (rom memory.This include
data such as sample (rom the input signal and (ilter coe((icint as well as
program instruction*the binary code.
omponents o( a Typical DSP system
Typical DSP systems consist o( a DSP chip* memory* possibly an analog to
digital converter* a digital to analog converter* and communication
channels. Not all DSP systems have the same architecture with the same
components. The selection o( components in a DSP system depends on the
application. 1or e.ample a sound system would probably re'uire )2D and
D2) converters* whereas an image processing system may not.
34O5 D")6R)M$%

0on Neuman )rchitecture
The 0on Neuman machines store programming and data in the same
memory area. "n this type o( machine* an instruction contains the operation
command and the address o( the data on which the operation is
per(ormed. There are two basic operation #nits within these machines the
arithmetic logic unit and input2output unit.
The )4# per(orms the core operation multiply* add*
subtract* and many more.
The input2output unit manages
the (low o( e.ternal data (or the machine.

/arvard )rchitecture
The primary di((erence between /arvard architecture and 0on Neuman
architecture is that with /arvard* program and data memories are
physically separated transmission path. This enables the machine to
trans(er instructions and data simultaneously.

)PP4")T"ON$%There are many application o( DSP processor such as%
/i%1i e'uipment,Music system-

Phone system
7D graphics system
Satellite phone
0ideo phone
/i%1i e'uipment$%DSP are now being used in sound processor that can creat
three dimensional sound.
Toys$% Today DSP technology is integrated in children9s toys.tal+ing toys
are commonplace.by pressing the picture o( dog*children can hear it bar+.
0ideophone$% DSP are used (or compression and dicompression o( image in
Modems$%)s the internet continues to grow*so has the use o( modems.To
be able to handle the ever increasing communication load modems have
become (aster and more e((icint.
Phone system$%These phone system use DSP to per(orm the (unction o(
voice recogni&ation.
7D 6raphics system$% To calculate the necessary details in 7D re'uire very
e((icient and power(ul processors.
)nalog )dvantage$%
"t has wide band width.
"t has also low signal level.

"t has low cost and simlicity in some application.
"t has also in(inite e((ective sampling rate.
"t has also in(inite resolution in amplitude.
Digital )dvantage$%
"t has repeatability property.
/igh noise immunity.
"n many application DSP o((er higher per(ormance and lower cost.

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