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Command Line Arguments

Example: ./word-count -b -sort SelectionSort -suf < textfile
-b | -a | -s
(required) Specifies the type of tree for storing (word, count) pair
possible trees are Binary search tree, Avl tree, and Splay tree
-b - Count frequencies using an unbalanced binary search tree
-a - Count frequencies using an AVL tree
-s - Count frequencies using a splay tree
-sort SelectionSort | MergeSort | HeapSort
(optional) Specifies the type of sort.
If -sort is omitted, HeapSort is used
(optional) Turns on suffix checker
Design Decisions & Issues
Since we stereotype against english majors, let's avoid writing this in an
essay format...
Q. The original BinarySearchTree::Insert() resolves key collosion by
overwriting the old value with the new value. How does the modified insert
functions resolve key collosions?
A. The modified insert functions resolve key collosions by adding the new
value to the old value. For example, if there exists a key K with a value 3,
and we wanted to insert a key K with value 2, the Insert function would change
the value to 3+2=5. For our word-count, every key is inserted with a value 1.
However, it's easy to see that the insert functions allow different changes to
be made to the existing key-value tree.
Consequently, the + operator must be overloaded for the ValueType.
Q. What is the relationship between the AVLNode class and the BSTNode class?
A. The AVLNode is-a BSTNode. Since the AVLTree inherits and uses many
methods from the BinarySearchTree (which operates on BSTNodes), the nodes used
by the AVLTree must be compatible.
The difference between AVLNode and its ancestor is that each AVLNode
remembers its height information. This is because the AVL rotations
frequently compares the height of its subtrees, and it would be inefficent if
we had to recursively calculate such info.
Class Hierachy
|-------------------------| |------------|
| BinarySearchTree |--has-a----->| BSTNode |
|-------------------------| |------------|
^ ^ ^ ^
/ \ | |
is-a is-a | |
/ \ | |
/ |--------------| | |
/ | SplayTree |-has-a---| |
/ |--------------| |
/ is-a
/ |
|----------------| |------------|
| AVLTree |--has-a-------------------------->| AVLNode |
|----------------| |------------|

Q. There is no SplayNode class. Why does SplayTree use BSTNodes?
A. The SplayTree class uses BSTNode, while the AVLTree uses AVLNode. The idea
is that AVLTree needs to keep track of the height information. On the other
hand, SplayTree doesn't need to have height information. This is very similar
to BSTNode class, so there's no need to make a SplayNode class.
Q. What are the similarities and differences between AVLTree rotation methods
and SplayTree rotation methods? Why are they not methods of BinarySearchTree
class or the node classes?
A. They are basically the same. However, for the AVLTree rotations, they need
to update the height information while the SplayTree's methods don't. These
methods could have been methods of BinarySearchTree, so that AVLTree and
SplayTree can inherit them; however, BST doesn't use rotation at all. We then
came to the decision of making each of the AVLTree, SplayTree different
rotation methods.
Q. The Heap class does not allocate any memory--it shares the data. Why?
A. It makes it faster =)
Q. Sort() is currently a method of HeapSort. The alternative is to define an
external HeapSort() function that is a friend of the Heap class--HeapSort()
still needs to call the PercDown() function. Why did we choose to make
HeapSort a function inside the Heap class?
A. We think that our special(ized) Heap should know how to sort itself. :)
Word Frequency Analysis
These were the steps to the process:
1 ) run word-count on each essay
2 ) record the frequency for the top 28 most frequent words and
take a subtotal for each (this will be the total number of
'relevant' words in each literature)
3 ) isolate the words that made it to top 7 (there were 10), and
take their percentage with respect to the subtotals
4 ) anaylze by comparing the percentages
Of the 10 words to anaylze, words not used at predictable frequencies by Sir
Francis Bacon (is, in, you) were ignored. That left 6 words that are used
at predictable frequencies by Bacon (of, the, and, that, to, a), and 1 word
that is not used significantly by Bacon (I). Two of the 6 words used
frequently and predictably by Bacon (to, a) were used just as frequent
and predictable in Hamlet and All's Well that Ends Well. On the other hand,
the 4 remaining words (of, the, and, that), which also happens to be the words
used the most frequent by Bacon, are used at only 1/2 to 2/3 the frequency by
the author of Hamlet and All's Well that Ends Well. The minor similarities
hardly make up for the major differeces. Based on the above analysis, we
conclude that Bacon wrote neither of Shakespeare's plays.
Our expected performance bottlenecks for the word-count program are...
+ the Splay operation for SplayTree
+ the insertHelp function for AVL, and
+ the PercolateDown operation for Heap
We chose these to be the bottlenecks because we assumed the function call
frequencies and costs. However, it turned out that some of these are not huge
bottlenecks at all. For example, Splay funtion doesn't take as much time as we
thought. Words that are inserted frequently don't take so much rotations
because they are already close to the root.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ns/call ns/call name
1.05 1.55 0.02 SplayTree<>::Splay()
4.26 0.45 0.10 AVLTree<>::insertHelp()
1.28 1.76 0.03 Heap::percDown()
The gprof results show that, in general standard I/O operations takes up most
of the runtime:
index % time self children called name
[2] 24.3 0.05 0.52 45429 next_token()
[3] 20.0 0.05 0.42 operator<<()
Even though each word is only read/printed once, we think the cause for I/O
as a bottleneck is its huge constant overhead (which much exceeds the log n
tree operations)
For specific choice of trees and input, namely bst tree with word.txt as
input, the biggest bottleneck was string operations and FindNode() function.
The cause is that the pre-sorted words created an unbalanced binary search
tree, requiring a complete traversal of a linked-list-like data structure
everytime a word is inserted. At each node visited during the traversal,
FindNode compares the string keys.
index % time self children called name
[1] 75.6 167.51 533.04 std::string::compare()
99.37 235.36 3408496094/3408541521 std::string::size()
35.05 81.63 1704248047/1704293468 std::string::data()
81.63 0.00 1704248047/2523092351 std::string::_M_data()
Another significant operation which we overlooked (for the AVLTree) is the
UpdateHeight function (which actually took 3.8 percent of the run time).
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ns/call ns/call name
3.83 0.54 0.09 AVLTree<>::updateHeight()
Algorithmic Analysis
From our "SelectionSortSort vs. HeapSort" plot, we can see that when N is greate
r than
8000, selectionsort function grows faster than heapsort function. This confroms
our knowledge
that heap sort has better performance than selecion sort in terms of time.
We know that both mergesort(f) and heapsort(g) have O(n logn) runing time.
In our "MergeSort vs. HeapSort" plot, two lines are parallel to each other most
of the time.
This shows that f/g = constant, which means that the runing time of the two algo
rithms are different
by a constant factor.
Word Stemming and Punctuations
For the punctuation part, we use the built in function "ispunct(c)" to check if

the character is a punctuation or a character. If it is a punctuation, then
just ignore (treat it like a space). However, due to the nature of
the ispunct(c) function - it considers " ' " and " - " as
punctuations - there are chances for the side effects happen: "I'd" will be read
as 2
different words: "I" and "d", same as "he's" becomes "he" and "s". The other cas
e can
be "ice-cream" becomes "ice" and "cream". Therefore, we came to the decision of
using one of our own functions--ispunctuation(c)--to eliminate the case 's and '
and '-'. This function will call ispunct(c) if c is not the ' and -.
For the word-stemming part, two stemming kinds are taken care:
words end with -s and with -ly. Due to our language skill limitations,
we cannot check all the cases and all the exceptions. We have tried our best to
all of the cases that we think of. Also, since " 'd ", " 's " is in the scope ab
we remove them as well. For this option, one needs to add "-suf" in the command
line as
mentioned above.

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