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- lifetime prevelance for alcohol abuse id 17.8 %

n alsohol dependence 12.5%
-more than 37% of alcohol abusers suffer from at least one coexisiting
-there is a gender differencce 3 men for one women(men have higher rates)
-slide 22: we dont know alot about causual meachniasm for about secifi disorders
nor treatmentst
-licit drugs are caffine, nicotine n alcohol but we are going over ilicit drugs
-depresents: alcohol n depreincesnt
-stumimulants: cocaine, amphetamines
-psychedelics n hallucinogens : mariguane, lsd
-opium comes from the popuim plant derivatives are heroin n morphine, heroin was
fisrt promoted
as cough drops
morphine for numbing, pain killer, acute shhoty time effects, numbeing, relaxati
on, reduction of anxiety,
nut we see impared judgement , the can be ingested, snorted, injected
-there are significant withdrawl symptoms (heroin) so abversive that craving 6-8
hours its used,
with repated use u have increase tolence, which leads to increase use, changes i
n neurrotransmitter, which want
it even more, toelensce develops rapidly n they feel addicteda after a couple of
time while other express it
after a couple of weeks,
-what we see is this pronounced craving for the drug, desperation to know how th
ey are going to gt the drug
-withdrasl sympromts: insomina, refusla to eat, significant weight loss, delirum
s, hallucinations, sweating
people can get through the withdrawl sysmptoms to te worst part by 4-5 days n de
tox in 9 days, but going thought
this process because of the symptoms n the euphoria they, can OD if the are deto
x n they go back to use the same
amount, also prone to aids, the lenghts they will go, the danger they will place
themselves in to get next fix
-cocaine n amphetamines: tend to slow down the systemn relaxation, euphoric feel
ing, they tend to stimulate ur
preforntral conrtext, increase self-confidnce, increase sexual drive, may not be
tired for days, keep them up,
exaggerated response n cocaine , decrease feelings of fatigue, increase heatt ra
te, increase violent behaviors,
use excessive amount of cocaines , increases irritability
-the person will have theis europhoric state n have a crash n latergic n
-long-temr cocaine use will cause depression over tme
-chrbic use leads to amohetabine cykosis, unpleasant halluciantions,
-it was taught that cocaine did nti have an addictive profile but it does,
-cocaine is the one disorder we know treatment response using CBT (60%), other d
rugs dont
have favorabe trestment response rates or we dont know about thta
-METAMPHETIMINE:has trippled since the 1980's, meth lab (southwest, california,
texa, n hawaii) were these ates
are of epidemic proportions, crystal menth is a way to ingest a simulant (rock f
orm, higly addciting drug,
its longer lasting than cocaine n other drugs, its a 12-16 hour high) theres a s
trong craving that comes
with those effects, we see gaba trasmitters n seretonins,
metaphetaninen is the most resistant to tratment, associaciated with skin, hallu
cinations, picking at ur sking, creating fold in
skin, considerable damage to moking crystal meth n producing a dry mouth n cause
a deteriation of teeth n even loss
of them, loss of appetaite, they are very malnurished,
-barbituates (sedatives) not as common as it used to be, but its more common in
mddle age groups, used
to facilitate sleep, there are people who overdose on this, slowing of central n
ervous systemns (death or comma)
-particulary when combined with other sedative specially when used with alcohol,
potential for oversedation
-more common in the 1950's n 60's (marlyn monroe n elvis presley) sluggish ness,
mood shift,
-usually in a pill form
mariguana (mild hallucigen) LSD n related drus
-altered of perceptios, colors are brighter, sounds are more amplifight, assult
on senses tastes become stronger
-for some u have outter body expreince (LSD , mushrooms) strange perceptual expe
riences, u get a stupar like feelings
-hallucigens : mariguana, lsd, pcp, psiloSLIDE 31
extacy: its a hallicigen and a stimulant
-enhance tactile sensations, euphorc feeling, increased sociability, twitching n
mouth clenching
-u have increased energy other side effects,
-energy is high but then there is a crash, less inhabitions, its attributed to t
he hallucigent aspect to it,
-a crach after using a drug
-LSD-strong perceptional distortions (believe they can free, likelyhood of flash
back later one on life, can
have strong perceptual flashbakcs from LSD)
-mushrooms n osilocybin(native american used it, also for religous purposes)
for alcohol we have suppor tthta alcohol dependence runs in families, more genet
ic link for men than women,
rates of alsohol dependence increase 12.4% when parents has no contact with also
hol, 29.5 (when one parent)
n 41.5 (when both parent have alcohol ause or depence)
5 (0 if niether parents) ->12 (for one parent) ->20 (both paernts) in women
-not all finding have been consistent than dont show increased rates,
-we are not sure how strong the role of genetic factors is
-alchol n other substances axtivate reward system of the brain, n what we see is
that alcoholoc these is a grater
stress recution response, relation response, they ahve a more positive response,
theres something about a person who
is a pre-alcoholic like it more
-they might have abnornalities, not enough dopamine being produced
-derived frim cannanissativa, active ingridents is THC, when smoked its effects
is 30 min n last for 3 hours, when
eating it takes longer (45 min or 1 hours) to reach the systemn n it will last l
-hashish 6 times stronger than mariguana
-increased appetatire, can increase anxiety n lead to panic attacks, not having
full control ncreasing heart reate
happy, hungry sleepy
-euphoria, relaxation, slowed reation, loss of coordination, diatrotion in sence
sof time vision n hearing, if strong enough
-mariuana a gate way drug? -campaing agaitn mariaguana because drung depence beg
ins with mariguana
-mariguana because it has a lesser impact it opens a teen desire to try somethin
g else (also the explantion that chrnocni
use that it changes our neurotramiter system n it creates more neruotramitters f
or dopamine)
-at baseline their is dysfunction in the mesocorticolimci dopnamine pathmway
-the more u use, the more it will structurally change neurtramitter systmem
-it may be a combination of bothe factors as well
-it wants more of the pleasere response or stimulus so there are more receptors
-not enough eveidence for biollogical factors
from psych prespective
-our psych causal models
are operant conditioning: the use of drugs can be a sttrong reinforce,(negative
reinforcemtn escaping negative
feeling, taking away pain) n positive reinfrocement feeling good, want to belong
to a group, positive feling in the
short terms
-it can also be reinfroced by cultures (to fit in)
-some asians dont have the enzyme t break down alcohol (flush effect, positive r
einforment not reinforced)
-classical conditioning: condiitoned reponses at certain time in the clock, when
the time in the clock u start eliciting
responsonse) classical consitioned
-cognitive factors ex: what u observe, immitate people u admitre, learn from oth
ers, want o be like other, role mothers
can be a family component (parents did it so u model, social learning theory
-cognitive -expectancies : its going ot get me hrough the day, make me feel bett
a) lack of monotoring: leads to teen usinfg drugs or alcohol
b) prenting alcoholism associated with unctrollable events , parenting n drug us

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