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SACS Motion Stability

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1.2.1 Stability Features
1.2.2 Motion Response Study
1.2.3 Vessel Library
2.2.1 Analysis Options
2.2.2 General
2.2.3 Automatic Ballast, Draft
and TrimDefaults
2.2.4 Automatic Ballast
2.2.5 Automatic Draft and Trim
2.2.6 Tolerances
2.2.7 Stability
2.2.8 Motion Response Study
2.3.1 Reports
2.3.2 General
2.3.3 Stability
2.3.4 Motion Response Study
2.3.5 Plots
2.3.6 General
2.3.7 Stability
2.3.8 Motion Response Study
2.3.9 Reference Points
2.3.10 Loading
2.4.1 Overview
2.4.2 Draft and Trim
2.4.3 Ballast Compartments
2.4.4 Ballast Type
2.4.5 Damaged Compartments
2.4.6 Using the Barge Vessel
2.4.7 Barge/Hull CS Origin
2.4.8 Barge Hull Parameters
2.4.9 Barge Compartment
2.4.10 Defining Hull Properties
2.4.11 Barge/Hull CS Origin
2.4.12 Barge Hull Parameters
2.4.13 Hull Shape
2.4.14 Defining Hull Stations
2.4.15 Defining Station Offsets
2.4.16 Additional Hull Weights
2.4.17 Hull Speed
2.5.1 Cargo Parameters
2.5.2 Cargo Orientation
2.5.3 Cargo Position
2.5.4 Cargo Weight and Loading
2.5.5 Load Case Selection
2.5.6 Weight Group Selection
2.5.7 J oint and Member Weights
2.5.8 Additional Cargo Data
2.6.1 RAO Parameters
2.6.2 Wave Periods
2.6.3 Wave Headings
Copyr i ght 2012 by Bent l ey Syst ems, I nc . Ver si on 7.0 Revi si on 1
Themotion and stability transportation systempredicts motions and stability characteristics of hulled structures with specialized features applicableto barges. It includes analytical capabilities for ballast plans,
intact stability, damaged stability, and motion responsestudies.
Thesystemutilizes 3D linear diffraction theory developed by Martec Limited that includes bottomeffects and hull interaction as well as vessel forward speed, m-termeffects, drift and frequency dependant
viscous damping for barges and mono hulls. Thediffraction panel model hydrostatic and hydrodynamic mesh can be developed automatically fromhull offset datainput by theuser, hull dataincluded in the
extensivebargelibrary or froman existing panel model.

Themotion and stability systemcontains an extensivebargelibrary that includes general properties, hull station offsets and compartment definitions. Thelibrary interfaceallows for creation of hull plots and
reports interactively.
Ballasting capabilities include automatic ballast, automatic draft and trimfeatures as well as fixed volumeand varying volumecompartments.
Numerous cargo models aresupported as well as user-defined added joint and member weights applied to cargo aresupported (multiplecargos areNOT required to be combined into a single cargo model file).
Draft stations where draft datais to be reported and plotted can be defined along with additional bargeweights.
Thebasic plotting capabilities include:
1. Hull station offsets for each station.
2. Cargo/barge plots showing plan and elevation views of cargo on thebarge.
3. Barge ballast compartments.
4. Generated diffraction panel mesh.
1.2.1 St abi l i t y Feat ur es
Stability is commonly evaluated based on theratio of restoring energy to destabilizing energy. Intact and damagestability capabilities include righting and heeling arm(GZ) curves for various drafts and trim
angles typically used to compare restoring and destabilizing energy.
Note: Stability analyses utilize hull characteristic capabilities developed by Martec Limited, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada.
Thesystemcontains freeflooding, full and partially full (with freesurface effect) damaged compartments and allows users to ballast a vessel to achievea desirableand/or optimized floatation condition.
Longitudinal strength calculations showing deflection and moments at stations along thehull as well as floodablelength calculations areavailable.
Intact and damaged stability plots include:
1. Righting and wind heeling arm(GZ) curves including net righting arm.
2. Righting and wind heeling areacurves.
1.2.2 Mot i on Response St udy Feat ur es
Responses and RAOs for various waveheading and hull forward speeds can be developed. Hull responses and motion statistics for acceleration, displacement, velocity and forcecan be determined fromISSC,
Pierson-Moskovitz, J onswap or Bretschneider wavespectrumtypes at any location specified by theuser. Systemincludes user-defined, RMS, averagepeak, significant, 1/10, as well as numerous other
statistical factors.
Motion responsestudy plots include:
1. Translation and rotation displacement, velocity and acceleration RAOs.
2. Displacement, acceleration and forceresponses versus waveperiod.
Note: Motion RAOs are developed using 3D linear diffraction capabilities developed by Martec Limited, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada.
1.2.3 Vessel Li br ar y
Themotion and stability systemcontains an extensivebargelibrary that includes general properties, hull station offsets and compartment definitions.
Thelibrary interfacegives basic details of thehull and allows for creation of hull plots and reports interactively and is accessiblethrough theUtilities pane in theExecutiveinterface.
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2.6.4 Wave Spectra
2.6.5 Wave Spectra Extreme
Statistical Factors
2.6.6 Single Peak Spectral
Density Functions
2.6.7 Ochi-Hubble Spectral
Density Function
2.6.8 User-Defined Spectral
Density Function
2.7.1 RAO Real and Imaginary
2.7.2 Inertia Loading
3.2.1 Hull Geometry
3.3.1 Displacement
3.3.2 Metacenter
3.3.3 Righting Armand Moment
3.3.4 Free Surface Effect
3.3.5 Wind Heeling Armand
3.4.1 Velocity Potential
3.4.2 Equations of Motion
3.4.3 Roll Damping
3.4.4 Hydrodynamic Pressure
Note: Plots including the hull and compartments along with a report showing the hull and compartment details can be created for any of the vessels listed in the library by selecting the desired vessel, picking
the units then clicking the Plot button. A plot file named hull.plot and a report file named hull.output are generated.

Thefollowing terms have specific meaning for thediscussion of themotion and stability capabilities:
Center of Gravity (G) - thecentroid of theweight of thevessel.
Center of Buoyancy (B) - thegeometric center of thesubmerged portion of thevessel. Thecenter of buoyancy moves as thevessel heels.
Center of Motion - thepoint about which thevessel rotates.
ReserveBuoyancy - thevolumeof thewatertight portion of thehull above thewaterlineusually expressed as a percentage of themaximumdisplacement and is taken as thedifferencebetween submerged
buoyancy and vessel weight divided by thesubmerged buoyancy.
Keel - bottomlineof thevessel hull used as a baseline.
Metacenter (M) - thepoint of intersection between a vertical linethrough thecenter of buoyancy and theoriginal vertical linethrough theoriginal center of buoyancy. Usually depicted as point M.
Metacentric Height (GM) - distancefromcenter of gravity to metacenter and is used as a measure of initial stability.
Righting Arm(GZ) - theperpendicular distancebetween thelines of action of weight and buoyancy. Used as a measure of stability.

Righting Moment - thecouplecreated at any inclination where theforces of weight and buoyancy act to movethevessel toward an upright position.
Heeling Moment - thecouplecreated at any inclination where theforces of weight and buoyancy act to movethevessel away froman upright position.
Cargo Coordinate System- theglobal coordinatesystemused in theSACS cargo model. For multiple cargo structures, each cargo uses its own coordinatesystemdefined in themodel file defining that cargo
Hull/Barge Coordinate System- thecoordinatesystemin which thehull offsets and basic properties aredescribed. Thelocal X axis is theroll axis oriented along thevessel centerline and is positivefromthe
bow to thestern (i.e. runs fromforward to aft). The
local Z axis is theyaw axis and points upward and thelocal Y axis or pitch axis points toward thestarboard side.
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Note: For hulls defined in the vessel library, the longitudinal origin is set at the most forward point on the bow stem while the vertical origin is set at the keel baseline. The origin for user-defined barges is set
by the station and station offset data.

Draft - distancethehull is under thewater measured formthekeel.
Trim- differencebetween forward and aft draft. Positivetrimcauses positiverotation about theHull/Barge pitch or Y axis (i.e. Positivetrimcorresponds to bow raising up out of thewater).
Panel Model Coordinate System- thecoordinatesystemin which thediffraction panel model generated is defined. Theorigin corresponds to thehull midship station, thewater surface and thehull centerline.
Thelocal X axis is theroll axis (corresponds to thehull centerline) and is positivetoward thebow. Thelocal Z axis is theyaw axis and points upward and thelocal Y axis or pitch axis points toward theport
FreeSurfaceEffect - theshift in thevessel CG due to themotion of fluid in a partially full tank or compartment. SincetheCG shifts in thedirection of heel, therighting armis decreased.

TheMotion/Stability systemrequires that basic analysis parameters and thevessel hull dataarespecified in a file referred to as theMotion/Stability input. Optional datarelating to thecargo and additional
weights can be also specified as well as theenvironmental datarequired for motion responsestudies.
Default analysis, plot and report options arespecified in theMotion/Stability input file.
2.2.1 Anal ysi s Opt i ons
Thebasic stability and motion responsestudy parameters arespecified on theMOTOPT and STBOPT lines.
Note: The MOTOPT line is required for all analysis types while the STBOPT line is only required for intact and damage stability and is ignored if not applicable.
2.2.2 Gener al
Theinput units areinput in columns 9-10on theMOTOPT line, whilethewater depth and water density areinput in columns 18-24and 11-17on theMOTOPT line, respectively.
By default, a B-spline equation is used to definea curvedefined by thehull offset points. This curveis used to represent thehull shapeat a particular station. Similarly, a B-spline equation is used to definethe
hull shapefromstation to station. Enter ST in columns 67-68on theMOTOPT lineif straight lines areto be used between offsets points and between station points to definethehull.
Note: The ST option should only be used if all hull curves and all station cross sections can be defined using straight lines.
2.2.3 Aut omat i c Bal l ast , Dr af t and Tr i m Def aul t s
Thesystemhas automatic ballast, trimand draft capabilities that can be set when executing theanalysis. Additionally, thedefault options can be set on theMOTOPT line.
2.2.4 Aut omat i c Bal l ast
Theautomatic ballast featureis a tool used to help find a ballast plan that results in equilibrium. Ballast is varied in compartments designated as adjustableballast compartments until thelongitudinal and
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transversecomponents of theoverall center of gravity and theoverall center of buoyancy balance.
Note: The automatic ballast option does not attempt to reduce free surface effects.
Enter AB in columns 55-56to activateautomatic ballast option by default.
Thefollowing sample designates that automatic ballast is to be active by default.
Note: The desired draft and trim should be set while auto ballasting. Once a balanced ballast plan is obtained, the fill ratio for the adjustable tanks should be specified and the automatic ballast option should
be deactivated. The automatic draft and trim options can then be activated to fine tune to draft and trim.
2.2.5 Aut omat i c Dr af t and Tr i m
Automatic draft and trimoptions can be used to find thedraft and/or trimrequired to align thelongitudinal center of gravity with thelongitudinal center of buoyancy.
Theautomatic draft and trimoption can be set when executing theanalysis. Thedefault option is set in columns 61-62. Enter DT for automatic draft and trimor AD for automatic draft only.
Thefollowing sample indicates that by default, thedraft and trimanglewill be set automatically by DT in columns 61-62.
Note: Automatic draft and trim should not be used in conjunction with automatic ballast.
2.2.6 Tol er anc es
Automatic draft, trimand ballasting tolerances can be overridden using theTOLER line.
Enter buoyancy toleranceoverride defined as theratio of thedifferencebetween thebuoyancy and weight divided by theweight in columns 7-14. Thedraft toleranceoverride is entered in columns 15-22while
thetrimoverride is in columns 23-30.
Thecenter of buoyancy toleranceis thedifferencein location of thecenter of buoyancy and center of gravity and can be overridden in columns 31-38. Theautomatic ballast toleranceis thedifferencebetween
ballast weight and buoyancy and can be specified in columns 39-46.
Thefollowing sample indicates that thedefault draft and trimangletolerances should be overridden to 0.05and 0.03, respectively.

2.2.7 St abi l i t y
Stability and longitudinal strength options areinput on theSTBOPT line.
Two wind speeds, entered in knots, used for intact stability can be input in columns 40-45and 46-51.
Up to two compartments may be considered damaged for damagestability calculations. TheIDs of thedamaged compartments arespecified in columns 32-35and 36-39, respectively. Thewind speed used for
damaged stability is entered in columns 52-57.
Thefollowing sample designates that 100and knots areto be used for intact stability and 50knots for damaged stability. Thetank named 6P is to be assumed flooded for damaged stability.
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Note: The STBOPT line is optional but must follow the MOTOPT line when present. It is ignored when running ballast plan studies and motion response studies.

2.2.8 Mot i on Response St udy
Motion responsestudy options arestipulated on theMOTOPT line. Sincelinear wavediffraction is used for motion responsestudies, a hull diffraction model is generated fromthehull offset data. The
maximumquadralateral panel non-coplanarity is designated in columns 30-34. Panels that exceed theinput valuearedivided into two triangular panels. Thedefault is 5.0degrees.
By default, viscous roll damping coefficients aredetermined by theprogram. Enter NV in columns 65-66if no viscous damping is to be considered, leaveblank or enter VD to use viscous damping.
Enter theextremestatistical factor used to calculateextremeconditions fromtheRMS values. Thedefault valueis 3.72which corresponds to thehighest expected responsein the1000highest peaks. The
following table shows various statistical factors:
1.00- Root Mean Square
1.25- Average Peak
2.00- Average of Highest 1/3 Peaks
2.15- Highest Expected in 10Highest Peaks
2.55- Average of Highest 1/10 Peaks
2.61- Highest Expected in 30Highest Peaks
2.80- Highest Expected in 50Highest Peaks
3.03- Highest Expected in 100Highest Peaks
3.25- Highest Expected in 200Highest Peaks
3.72- Highest Expected in 1000Highest Peaks
Thesample below designates that metric with kilo-newtons forceunits areto be used. Thehull is rectangular and will be defined by all straight lines and thewater depth is 500. Viscous damping is to be
considered and thehighest expected in the1000highest peaks is to be used for thestatistical factor as stipulated by 3.72in columns 25-29.

2.3 Out put Opt i ons
2.3.1 Repor t s
Theoutput reports to be generated arespecified on theMOTRPT line.
2.3.2 Gener al
Enter PT in columns 11-12if themotion/stability input is to be printed in theoutput listing file. Enter PT in columns 13-14for thecargo model and/or in columns 21-22if thecargo mass matrix is to be
2.3.3 St abi l i t y
By default, Righting and Heeling Results reports aregenerated for each wind speed input. No optional reports areavailable.
2.3.4 Mot i on Response St udy
For motion responsestudies, optional RAO, velocity, acceleration, forces and roll damping reports areavailableusing theMOTRPT line. If no RAO datais desired, enter NR in columns 53-54on the
MOTOPT line.
RAOs can be reported about an RAO report origin stipulated by theuser on theMOTRPT line. Enter PT in columns 15-16to set thereport origin at thediffraction panel model origin, CG to use theCG of
thesystem(i.e. barge, cargo, ballast, etc.) or CC to use thecargo CG.
Enter PT in columns 17-18to report thevelocity and accelerations about theRAO report origin specified. A roll damping report can be generated by inputting PT in columns 19-20.
Thesample below designates that themotion/stability input is to be included in theoutput listing. RAOs areto be reported at theoverall CG of thesystemby CG in columns 15-16. Velocity and acceleration
reports arealso requested.
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RAOs can also be reported about a specific location defined using thePOINT lineby entering SP in columns 15-16and thepoint ID in columns 51-54.
Note: Velocity and acceleration reports use the same origin as the RAO report.
Thesample below designates that RAOs, velocities and accelerations areto be reported at thepoint named ORIG which is defined on a subsequent POINT line.
2.3.5 Pl ot s
Various plot options areavailableincluding plotting thehull and cargo as well as results fromstability and motion responsestudies. While theplots requests can be set when creating therunfilefor theanalysis,
default plots to be created areset on theMOTPLT line.
2.3.6 Gener al
Thecargo/ hull plot shows thelocation of cargo on thehull. Enter UT, TR or TM in columns 11-12to show in untrimmed coordinates, trimmed coordinates or trimmed coordinates with mudlineshown,
respectively. Theoffsets used to definethehull surface can be plotted by entering PT in columns 15-16.
Thesample linebelow designates that thecargo/hull plots areto be generated by default showing thehull in theuntrimmed position. Additionally, thehull offsets at each station will be plotted by default.

2.3.7 St abi l i t y
GZ plots showing therighting and heeling armversus heel anglearegenerated for intact and damaged stability automatically for each wind speed entered. Additionally, righting and heeling areas areplotted
versus roll anglefor each wind speed. There areno optional stability plots available.
2.3.8 Mot i on Response St udy
TheRAO default plot option can be designated on theMOTPLT linein columns 13-14. Enter PT to generate thesurge, sway, heave, roll ,pitch and yaw plots on individual pages, P6 to include all on one
page or CB to include surge, sway and heave on one page and roll, pitch and yaw on another.
Note: The RAOs are plotted for the location designated for RAO reporting on the MOTRPT line.
Thesample below designates that RAOs areto be reported and plotted at thepoint named ORIG which is defined on a subsequent POINT line. RAO for surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw areto be
plotted on individual pages.

2.3.9 Ref er enc e Poi nt s
Results frommotion responsestudies can be reported and or plotted at up to ten locations or referencepoints specified by theuser using thePOINT line(s).
These points or locations can correspond to theCG of thehull or cargo or a point defined by coordinates on thehull or cargo. Additionally, a referencepoint can correspond to a joint in theSACS model
representing thecargo.
Enter thenameused to referencethepoint in columns 7-10. Indicatetheoutput typedesired for thepoint by entering R for report, P for plot or B for both in columns 12, 13, 14and 15for displacement,
velocity, acceleration and force, respectively.
Thelocation of thepoint is specified in columns 17-20. Enter BRG if thepoint lies on thebargeor hull or enter thecargo ID if thepoint lies on a cargo defined by a SACS model.
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Enter CG if thepoint is located at thecenter of gravity of thehull or cargo. If thepoint corresponds to a joint on thecargo model, input thejoint namein columns 24-27. Enter CO in columns 21-22if the
point is defined by coordinates and enter theX, Y and Z coordinates of thepoint in columns 28-34, 35-41and 42-48, respectively.
Note: Coordinates on the barge should be specified using the hull coordinate system while points on a cargo structure are defined using the cargo coordinate system in the cargo model file.
Thefollowing defines threereferencepoints for reporting and plotting and requests acceleration reports and plots at each. Thefirst point named ORIG corresponds to thebargeorigin. Thesecond point named
J 101 corresponds to joint 101L on thecargo named J CKT whilethethird is located at thecenter of gravity of thecargo named DECK and is named DCG.
2.3.10 Loadi ng
RAO Real and imaginary loads for transfer functions or inertialoading can be output for thecargo structures. Real and imaginary RAO load components to be used in transfer function generation or inertia
loading can be created by inputting SL or WS in columns 57-58on theMOTOPT line. See Section 2.4for details on generating loading.
Thevessel parameters, hull shapeand compartment details aredefined by theuser in themotion/stability input file. For barges, thehull and compartment datacan be read fromthebargevessel library.
2.4.1 Over vi ew
Whether defining a hull manually or selecting a bargefromthevessel library, theHull/Barge Coordinate systemis used for specifying input and reporting properties.
2.4.2 Dr af t and Tr i m
Draft is expressed at midship and is defined with thehull untrimmed. Thetrimanglespecified assumes positivetrimrotates thebow upward.
2.4.3 Bal l ast Compar t ment s
2.4.4 Bal l ast Type
Two types of ballast areavailable, adjustableballast and fixed volume. For adjustableballast, thefluid volumeis varied during automatic ballasting to obtain theequilibriumposition of thevessel. Thevolume
of fixed ballast remains constant and is based on thepercent full specified by theuser.
Note: Adjustable ballast is considered to be fixed volume when automatic ballasting is not used.
2.4.5 Damaged Compar t ment s
Tanks can be considered as damaged for thepurposeof a damaged stability analysis. Three types of damagemay be considered for damaged compartments.
BW - Tank is assumed to be open to thesea and below thewater surface. Thetank is thereforeassumed to be always full with no freesurface effects.
PF - Partially full damaged tanks areassumed to have a constant volumedefined by theuser. Freesurface effects areconsidered.
FF - Freeflooding tanks areassumed to be open to thesea thereforehave thesamewater planeas thehull
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2.4.6 Usi ng t he Bar ge Vessel Li br ar y
Thebargevessel library contains includes general properties, hull station offsets and compartment definitions for numerous launch and cargo barges.
Thelibrary interfacegives basic details of thehull and allows for creation of hull plots and reports interactively and is accessiblethrough theUtilities pane in theExecutiveinterface.
Plots including thehull and compartments along with a report showing thebargeand compartment details can be created for any of thevessels listed in thelibrary by selecting thedesired vessel, picking the
units then clicking thePlot button. A plot file named hull.plot and a report file named hull.output aregenerated.

2.4.7 Bar ge/Hul l CS Or i gi n
For hulls defined in thevessel library, thelongitudinal origin is set at themost forward point on thebow stemwhilethevertical origin is set at thekeel baselineas shown below:
2.4.8 Bar ge Hul l Par amet er s
When using a bargefromthelibrary, basic bargeparameters areindicated on theLIB_VES line.
Specify thebargeID used to identify thebargein thelibrary in columns 9-16. Thedraft at thebargemidship is specified in columns 17-22and theinitial trimangleis input in columns 23-28.
Themaximumdiffraction panel sizeused for motion responsestudies is indicated in columns 29-34.
Up to two draft mark stations can be defined in columns 41-52and 53-64by specifying thedraft mark ID and thestation distancefromthebow.
Note: Draft mark station must correspond to one of the hull stations otherwise closet hull station will be used as the draft mark station.
Thefollowing indicates that bargelabeled as UR91 in thebargelibrary is to be used. Thedraft at midship is 9.5and theinitial trimangleis 0.15degrees. Themaximumpanel sizeis 3.
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2.4.9 Bar ge Compar t ment Pr oper t i es
Compartment properties for barges defined in thevessel library arespecified on theFCOMP line. Parameters for each compartment that is to be filled should be defined on a separateFCOMP line.
Note: The compartment report in the file hull.output lists the available compartments.
Thecompartment ID used to identify thecompartment in thevessel library is indicated in columns 7-10. Enter thetypeof compartment in columns 12-15as BLST for compartments that have adjustable
ballast or SETV for fixed volumecompartments. For fixed volumecompartments, enter thepercent full in columns 23-29.
By default, fluid ballast is assumed to be provided by sea water. Enter thefluid density in columns 16-22if theballast is not seawater.
If this compartment may be considered damaged during damaged stability, definethedamagetypein columns 30-31as BW for below waterline, PF for partially full or FF for freeflooding and open to the
Thefollowing indicates that 6tanks fromthebargelibrary areto be considered. Tanks 2S and 2P have adjustableballast (i.e. ballast is adjusted during auto ballasting) and arefilled 83and 81percent
respectively when auto ballasting is not activated. Tanks labeled 4CS, 4CP, 5S and 5P areconsidered fixed volumeand arefull. For damaged stability, tank 6P is to be considered damaged and is free
Note: Tank labeled 6P is ignored during intact stability since it is a fixed volume tank with no percentage full specified.
2.4.10 Def i ni ng Hul l Pr oper t i es Manual l y
Hulls not contained in thevessel library can be defined in themotion/stability input file. Basic vessel properties, theshapeof thehull and shapeand location of compartments aredefined by theuser.
2.4.11 Bar ge/Hul l CS Or i gi n
For hulls defined by theuser, thelongitudinal origin is set at thestation defined at location 0. Thevertical coordinateis defined at offset Z coordinate0.
Note: It is recommended to set station 0 at the bow stem and the vertical origin at the keel baseline.
2.4.12 Bar ge Hul l Par amet er s
When defining a bargein theinput file, basic bargeparameters areindicated on theBARGE line.
Specify thebargeweight in columns 7-15. TheX, Y and Z coordinates of thebargecenter of gravity arespecified in columns 16-36. TheCG coordinates arespecified in theBarge/Hull coordinatesystem.
By default, theroll gyradius is assumed to be 0.32times thebeamwhilethepitch and yaw gyradii areassumed to be 0.29times thelength. Gyradii overrides can be specified in columns 37-43, 44-50and 51-
57for roll, pitch and yaw, respectively.
Themidship coordinate, measured fromthemost forward point, is designated in columns 70-75. Thedraft amidships is specified in columns 58-63and theinitial trimangleis input in columns 64-69.
Themaximumdiffraction panel sizeused for motion responsestudies is indicated in columns 76-80.
Thefollowing indicates that bargesubsequently defined in theinput file has a weight of 3991. TheCG is located at 154, 0, 10.68measured formtheorigin of theBarge/Hull coordinatesystem. Thedraft at
midship is 10.325and theinitial trimangleis 0.139degrees. Themidship coordinateis 150and themaximumpanel sizeis 6.56.
2.4.13 Hul l Shape
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Thecontour of thehull is defined by hull lines derived fromthetransversecross sections of relevant hull stations and/or frames.
Offset datais used to definethetransversecross sections for each station/frameand is described by points with half-breadth (Y) and height (Z), starting with thepoint at thehull centerline, then moving in a
counterclockwisedirection out and upward to thehighest point on thedeck.
Note: Since the cross section is assumed to be symmetrical about the centerline, only one side of the cross section is defined.
Theoffset points specified areconnected using either spline curves or straight lines to definethecross section shape. A point where an abrupt change in curvatureoccurs can be designated as a breakpoint. A
breakpoint is considered to be theend point of thecurrent curveand thestart point of thesubsequent curve. By default, theprogramuses a spline curveto connect all points defined between two breakpoints. A
straight lineoption is availableif all of thepoints areto be connected using straight lines.
Note: The first offset and the last offset of a station are considered breakpoints. A straight line is used between two successive break points.
Thefollowing figure illustrates various resulting cross section shapes using thesamefour offset points.
Numerous sets of station/frameoffset dataareused to definethehull contour fromforward to aft (stemto stern). Thehull lines aregenerated by connecting thestation cross sections using spline curves or
straight lines. Stations located at longitudinal discontinuities can be designated as break stations. By default, hull lines aredefined by spline curves connecting stations between break stations.
Note: The first and last station are considered break stations. A straight line is used between two successive break stations.
2.4.14 Def i ni ng Hul l St at i ons
Stations areused to definethecross section shapeof thehull at a location along thelength of thevessel. Station locations aredefined with respect to thelongitudinal axis which corresponds to theBarge/Hull
coordinatesystemX axis.
Stations aredesignated using theSTATN line. Thedistancefromthebarge/hull origin is designated in columns 11-18. If this station is to be considered as a breakpoint, enter B in column 7.
If thestation cross section shapeis to be defined using all straight lines between offset points, enter ST in columns 9-10. Input RPT in columns 20-22if station offsets arerepeated fromtheprevious station.
Stations with draft marks which thedraft is to be reported can be identified using a four character identifier in columns 33-36.
Thefollowing STATN lines areused to definethehull shown. Station 1representing thebow stemis defined as thelongitudinal origin. Thecross section at stations 4, 5, 6and 7arethesameand aremadeup
of all straight lines as indicated by ST in columns 9-10. Cross section of stations 8and 9arealso defined using straight lines.

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2.4.15 Def i ni ng St at i on Of f set s
Thecross section contour at a station is defined by specifying two or morehull offset points. TheY coordinateindicates thehorizontal distancefromthehull centerline whiletheZ coordinateindicates the
vertical distancefromthebarge/hull vertical origin which is typically thekeel baseline.
Only half of thehull cross section is defined sinceit is assumed to be symmetric about thecenterline.
Offset points aredefined on theOFFSET line(s) immediately following theSTATN line. Coordinates areentered in pairs with a B used to designatethat thepoint is a breakpoint, that is, end of thecurrent
curve. Up to four points may be defined on an OFFSET lineand up to 12OFFSET lines may be specified at any station. Enter thefirst set of offset datain columns 11-25, thesecond in 26-40, thethird in 41-
55and thefourth in 56-70.
Note: If the STATN (columns 9-10) or MOTOPT line (columns 67-68) specifies that the cross section for this station is to be represented with straight line segments, the breakpoint specification is unnecessary.
For cross sections whose segments are straight lines, all points of the cross section are breakpoints by default.

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Thefollowing offsets areused to definethehull contour shown. Station 1representing thebow stemis defined as thelongitudinal origin. TheZ origin is set to thekeel baseline.
Another method for defining station offsets exists in theprogram. Multiple station offsets may be defined at stations first in thelocal Y coordinate, then in thelocal Z coordinate. In this casetheoffset
coordinate, either Y or Z, is input in column 8of theOFFSET lines following theSTATN line. Theoffset values themselves areinput consecutively in columns 11-17, 18-24, 25-31, 32-38, 39-45, 46-52,
53-59, 60-66, 67-73and 74-80. If morethan ten points areneeded, additional offset lines with thesameY or Z specifier in column 8. Themaximumnumber of points allowed with this method is 30.
When specifying offsets in this manner, theY offsets must precedetheZ offsets. Furthermore, it is essential that Y or Z be input in column 8; otherwise, thelinewill be misinterpreted as following the
previous OFFSET lineformat.
Note: Unlike the previous method for supplying offsets, this method for supplying offsets has no means of automatically specifying breaks in the hull curves. As such, a break in the hull profile may be
approximated by putting several points close to the break.
2.4.16 Addi t i onal Hul l Wei ght s
Additional bargeweights for items not included in thebargedataor thecargo datacan be specified using theBRGWT line.
Note: There is no limit to the number of weights specified.
Theweight is entered in columns 7-14and thelocation where theweight is to be applied to thebargeis specified in columns 15-38using thebarge/hull coordinatesystem. Thewind areaand thedimensions of
theitemrepresented areinput in columns 39-46and 47-70, respectively.
Additional wind areamay be specified using theWAREA line. In this line, thewind areais input in columns 7-14and theareacentroid is specified in columns 15-22.
Note: Wind area and dimensions are only applicable to stability analysis.
Thefollowing defines two additional bargeweights of 25.0located on thebargedeck. Oneweight is on thestarboard sideand one is on theport sideand thewind areais 100.
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2.4.17 Hul l Speed
By default, forward velocity is neglected for motion and stability analyses. Speeds can be entered on theBSPEED linehowever if motion analysis is to consider thevessel forward speed.
Up to 20speeds can be considered during motion analysis. RAOs areproduced for each speed entered. Designatethespeed units in column 8-10as KNT, F/S, M/S or MPH for knots, feet per second,
meters per second and miles per hour, respectively.
Thefollowing designates that a hull forward speed of 2.0knots is to be considered for RAO determination.
Up to 10separatecargos in theformof SACS models can be positioned on thehull for thepurposes of stability and motion responsestudies. Cargo properties and parameters aredefined using theCARGO and
CARGO2 lines.
Note: Each SACS model is considered one piece of cargo. A SACS model file can contain more than one piece of cargo.
2.5.1 Car go Par amet er s
Basic cargo parameters arestipulated on theCARGO line. Thecargo nameis indicated in columns 77-80. Thedensity used to determinethecargo model weight can be overridden in columns 39-45.
Thefollowing defines a cargo named DECK. Loads defined in themodel file areto be ignored.
2.5.2 Car go Or i ent at i on
Positioning cargo on thehull requires defining a referenceplaneusing threeorientation joints in thecargo model specified on theCARGO line. Thereferenceplanedefines a planeparallel to thebargeor hull
Thefirst orientation joint specified on columns 9-12is used to position thecargo with respect to thebow (forward end). Thesecond joint, specified in columns 13-16, is used in conjunction with thefirst joint
to definea lineparallel to thehull pitch or Y axis. Thecenterline of thecargo is assumed to be perpendicular to this lineat themidpoint. Thethird orientation joint is used to definetheplaneparallel to thehull
deck and ins input in columns 17-20.

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Note: The second orientation joint must be port of the first joint. Orientation joints used to locate the model on the hull do not have to be connected to elements of the cargo model.
Thefollowing defines a cargo named DECK. Thefirst orientation joint, used to position thecargo is 2007. Thesecond orientation joint used to definethelineparallel to thehull pitch axis is 2077. The
referenceplaneis defined by third joint 2001.
2.5.3 Car go Posi t i on
Cargo position is defined on theCARGO line.
Thedistancefromthefirst orientation joint to thebow stem, shown as A in thefigure, is defined in columns 22-28.
Thedistancefromthehull centerline to thecargo centerline, shown as B in thefigure, is defined in columns 46-52. Enter thedistanceas positiveif thecargo centerline is starboard of thehull centerline and
negative if thecargo centerline is port of thehull centerline.
Note: The cargo centerline is perpendicular to the line defined by orientation joints one and two and is located halfway between the tow joints (i.e. at the midpoint).
Thevertical distancefromthekeel baselineto thereferenceplanedefined by theorientation joints, shown as C in thefigure, is designated n columns 29-35.
Thefollowing defines a cargo named DECK and indicates that thefirst joint 2007is located 188. fromthebow stem. Thecargo center lineis located 20.0starboard of thebargecenterline.
2.5.4 Car go Wei ght and Loadi ng
By default, theweight of thecargo model is included in themotion study. Additionally, any loading defined in thecargo model file is considered as cargo weight unless theno load option using NL in
columns 36-37of theCARGO lineis specified.
Note: The user can optionally specify load cases to be included using the LCSEL line.
2.5.5 Load Case Sel ec t i on
Theuser can optionally select load cases to be included as cargo weights. Load cases to be included as cargo weights arespecified on theLCSEL line. By default, 100% of theload casespecified is considered
unless factored using theLCFAC line.
Thefollowing indicates that 100% of load caseMISC and 50% of load caseAREA areto be considered as cargo weights.
2.5.6 Wei ght Gr oup Sel ec t i on
Weight groups can be included using theINCWGT lineby specifying theweight group names.
2.5.7 J oi nt and Member Wei ght s
Additional cargo weights can be specified on joints and members using theWEIGHT line.
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J oint nameand concentrated weight areinput in columns 12-15and 21-30, respectively.
Member concentrated or distributed weights can be input using theWEIGHT lineand entering themember start and end joints in columns 12-15and 17-20, respectively. Theconcentrated weight is entered in
columns 21-30. Distributed weight, length of theweight and thelocation of theweight areentered in columns 31-40, 41-50and 61-70, respectively.
Thefollowing defines a joint weight of 10.0on joint 120A along with a concentrated of 15.0located 7.0fromthestart joint and distributed member load of 1.25on member 1220-1221.
Note: Either a concentrated or distributed weight can be defined on a WEIGHT line but not both. If a member contains both concentrated and distributed weights, two WEIGHT line must be defined.
2.5.8 Addi t i onal Car go Dat a
Additional cargo datais input using theCARGO2 lineimmediately following theCARGO line. Theweight contingency factor is designated in columns 7-12.
By default, thecargo weight is applied as a point load at thecargo CG determined formthecargo model file. If thecargo weight is to be considered as a distributed load, enter thelength of contact or
distribution in columns 31-38. TheCG location of thecargo can be overridden by specifying theX, Y and Z coordinates in columns 13-30. Coordinates areentered with respect to thecargo model coordinate
Thefollowing stipulates a weight contingency factor of 1.05for thecargo named DECK.
Themotion analysis requires responseparameters in order to generate RAOs and to optionally generate motion statistics such as acceleration, velocity, displacement and/or forcefor specified wavefrequencies.

2.6.1 RAO Par amet er s
RAOs can be generated for numerous waveperiods and multiple waveheadings.
2.6.2 Wave Per i ods
Thewaveperiods used to develop RAOs areentered on theWAVPER or WAVDAT line. TheWAVDAT linecan be used for equal spaced periods whiletheWAVPER lineis required for specific wave
For equal spaced periods, enter thenumber of periods in columns 35-37, thefirst or highest period in columns 38-44and thelast or lowest period in columns 45-51on theWAVDAT line.
Thefollowing sample indicates that RAOs areto be developed using 10waveperiods from20seconds to 2seconds.

When using periods that arenot eqaully spaced, up to ten spectral periods can be entered on each WAVPER lineand as many WAVPER lines as needed may be specified. Periods must be entered in
descending order.
Thefollowing sample indicates that RAOs areto be developed using 43waveperiods as specified on theWAVPER lines.

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2.6.3 Wave Headi ngs
Thewaveheadings for which RAOs areto be developed areindicated using theWAVHED or WAVDAT lines. TheWAVDAT linecan be used for equal spaced headings whiletheWAVHED lineis required
for specific waveheadings.
Thewavedirection is defined assuming a zero degreewaveis a following sea then moving counter clockwiseas illustrated.
For equal spaced headings, enter thenumber of headings in columns 18-20, thefirst heading in columns 21-27and thelast heading in columns 28-34on theWAVDAT line.
Thefollowing sample indicates that RAOs areto be developed using 3headings 90, 135and 180corresponding to beam, quartering and head seas.

When using headings that arenot eqaully spaced, up to ten headings can be entered on each WAVHED line.
Thefollowing sample indicates that RAOs areto be developed for four headings 0, 90, 135and 180degreedirections corresponding to following, beamquartering and head seas.

2.6.4 Wave Spec t r a
Spectral responses including motion , acceleration, velocity and forcecan be obtained for waves described by various intrinsic spectral density functions using theWSPEC lines and user-defined spectra using
theWSPEC and SPEC lines.
2.6.5 Wave Spec t r a Ex t r eme St at i st i c al Fac t or s
Theextremestatistical factor governing all wavespectra is specified by default on theMOTOPT line, columns 25-29. If different statistical factors areneeded for certain spectra, theWAVSPC linesupplies this
capability. Columns 28-34of theWAVSPC linesupplies input for thestatistical factor for thewavespectra that follow. Columns 41-80allow theuser to supply a statistical label for this factor, should the
programdefaults be inappropriate. Oncea statistical factor has been specified on theWAVSPC line, all following wavespectra use this factor. Thedefault statistical factor is 1.25, which corresponds to average
peak. Note that this differs fromthedefault on theMOTOPT line.
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2.6.6 Si ngl e Peak Spec t r al Densi t y Func t i ons
Singlepeak spectral density function types aredesignated in columns 11-12on theWSPEC line. Enter PM for Pierson-Moskowitz, J S for J onswap, BR for Bretscneider or IS for ISSC. Thesignificant
waveheight and peak period areinput in columns 13-19and 20-26, respectively.
For J onswap spectra, enter thegamma and C parameters in columns 34-40and 41-47, respectively.
Note: Wave spectra should be entered in order of ascending period.
Thefollowing indicates that motion statistics areto be generated for a waveheight of 17.65and various waveperiods using Pierson-Moskowitz wavespectra.
2.6.7 Oc hi -Hubbl e Spec t r al Densi t y Func t i on
Ochi-Hubble spectral density function is designated by OH in columns 11-12on theWSPEC line. TheSwell driven significant waveheight and peak period areinput in columns 13-19and 20-26, respectively
whilethewind driven significant waveheight and peak period areinput in columns 34-40and 41-47, respectively.
Additional parameters such as Swell Lambda and wind dataLambda areinput in columns 48-54and 55-61.
Thefollowing indicates that motion statistics areto be generated for various Ochi-Hubble wavespectra.
2.6.8 User -Def i ned Spec t r al Densi t y Func t i on
User-defined spectral density function types aredesignated by US in columns 11-12on theWSPEC line. ThespectrumID used for load generation is entered in columns 62-65.
Thesignificant waveheight and peak period areinput in columns 13-19and 20-26, respectively.
Theuser-defined spectrumis defined using theSPEC lines immediately following theWSPEC lineby entering thepairs of period and spectral values defining thefunction.
Note: Periods defining the spectrum shape must be entered in descending order.
Thefollowing indicates that motion statistics areto be generated for a waveheight of 17.65and various waveperiods using a user-defined spectra.
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2.7.1 RAO Real and I magi nar y Component s
Real and imaginary RAO load components to be used in transfer function generation can be created by inputting SL in columns 57-58on theMOTOPT line. Onereal component load caseand one imaginary
component load caseis created for each waveperiod indicated on theWAVPER linefor each direction indicated on theWAVHED line.
Thefollowing sample creates RAO real and imaginary load components for thirteen waveperiods for waveheadings 90, 135and 180.
2.7.2 I ner t i a Loadi ng
Inertialoading used to generate stresses in thecargo can be created by inputting WS in columns 57-58on theMOTOPT lineand entering theinertiaload casedataon theWSLOD line.
Theload casenameis indicated in columns 7-10of theWSLOD lineand thevessel heading is input in columns 21-27. If a vessel speed is to be considered, thespeed units and velocity areentered in columns
11-13and 14-20, respectively. Thewavespectrumto be used to create theinertialoading is designated by entering thewaveheight and period in columns 28-34and 35-41. Thewavespectrumheight and
period must match values for spectra entered using theWSPEC lineunless user-defined spectra areused. Enter thespectrumID in columns 57-60if user-defined spectrumis to be used to generate loading.
Thewaveheading to be utilized is entered in columns 21-27. Theheading must correspond to a heading valueentered on theWAVHED line.
Thedegrees of freedomto be included in theload caseareindicated by entering P for positiveor N for negative in columns 50-55corresponding to surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw, respectively.
Enter X to excludethedegreeof freedom.
Gravity terms can be included in theload cases generated. Enter G in column 56to include gravity terms and lateral inertiaforces due to roll and pitch angles. Enter L to include only gravity inertialoading
in thelateral direction (ie. due to roll and pitch angles).
Note: Inertia loading with only lateral gravity components can be combined with dead load generated without tiedown bracing to simulate the preloading in the tiedown cans.
Thefollowing sample creates inertiaload cases indicated by WS in columns 57-58on theMOTOPT line. Load cases named +R+H and +R-H which include thelateral components of gravity as indicated
by L in column 56aregenerated using wavespectrumwith significant waveheight of 15.4and period of 7.2seconds. Only sway, roll and heave components areincluded in theload caseas indicated by
XPPPXX for load case+R+H and XPNPXX for load case+R-H and include responses frombeamseas or 90degreewaveheading.
Note: The B option for any degree of freedom will generate two load cases. Thus if BBBBBB is specified in columns 50-55, 64 load cases will be generated. The initial load case is specified in columns 7-
10; any further load cases are incremented from this load case.
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Themotion and stability capabilities use basic naval architectureconcepts implemented by Engineering Dynamics, Inc. as well as hull characteristic and linear diffraction wavecapabilities developed by Martec
Limited. Thefollowing sections providedetails of thetheory used.

3.2.1 Hul l Geomet r y
Thecontour of thehull is defined by hull lines derived fromthetransversecross sections of relevant hull stations and/or frames. Offset points specified areconnected using a spline curvewith a piecewise cubic
polynomial interpolation.
This means that for any function f(x) given for an interval a x b, a curveg(x) can be defined by subdividing thepartition a x b into sub intervals with common endpoints called offset points such that:

Thecubic spline curveg(x) used to approximatef(x) is acquired by satisfying thefollowing:
where k
and k
aregiven numbers.

3.3.1 Di spl ac ement
Archimedes Principlestates that an object submerged in a fluid is buoyed up by a forceequal to theweight it displaces. This displaced weight or displacement W is determined from:

3.3.2 Met ac ent er
When inclining a ship, a vertical linethrough thecenter of buoyancy intersects theoriginal vertical linethrough theoriginal center of buoyancy at a point called themetacenter referenced as BM.
When a ship heels, thevertical distancefromthecenter of buoyancy to thetransversemetacenter is call thetransversemetacentric radius BM and is determined from:
where I
is thetransversemoment of inertiaof theentirewater planeabout theship centerline and is taken as:
Thelongitudinal metacenter M
is theintersection point of a vertical linethrough thecenter of buoyancy in theeven-keel attitudewith a vertical linethrough thenew position of thecenter of buoyancy after
theship has inclined longitudinally through a small angle. Thevertical distancefromthecenter of buoyancy to thelongitudinal metacenter is thelongitudianl metacentric radius BM
and is determined from:
where I
is thelongitudinal moment of inertiaof theentirewater planeabout thetransverseaxis through thecenter of flotation:

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3.3.3 Ri ght i ng Ar m and Moment
For angles of inclination greater than 7to 10degrees, therighting armis used to measure stability. Therighting arm, referred to as GZ, is thedistancefromthevertical linethrough thecenter of buoyancy to the
center of gravity. For an inclination angleof F, therighting armis determined from:

Themoment of weight and buoyancy tending to restorethehull to an upright position at largeangles of heel is therestoring or righting moment and is taken as:

3.3.4 Fr ee Sur f ac e Ef f ec t
Themotion of liquid in a partially filled tank reduces thestability sincetheCG shifts toward thelower sidethus raising thecenter of gravity which in turn reduces themetacentric height. This reduction in
metacentric height is termed thefreesurface correction. For a tank filled with fluid f, thefreesurface correction is taken as:
where r
is thedensity of thefluid in thetank and I
is themoment of inertiaof thefluid in thetank. Thetotal freesurface correction for numerous tanks or compartments can thereforebe taken as:

3.3.5 Wi nd Heel i ng Ar m and Moment
where V is thenominal wind velocity in knots, A is theprojected areaof ship above waterlinein , l is thelever armfromhalf draft to thecentroid of theprojected area, and D is displacement in metric tons.

Motion responses aredetermined fromthelinear radiation and diffraction moduledeveloped by Martec Ltd.
When developing motion responses, thefluid is assumed to be incompressible, inviscid and freeof surface tension. Fluid flow is assumed to be irrotational.
Thebody in thefluid is assumed to be a rigid body with a steady forward speed, and oscillates harmonically in timeabout its mean position. Body motions, hydrodynamic pressures and sea loads arecomputed
by using a three-dimensional panel method and zero-speed Green function with theforward speed correction in thefrequency domain.

3.4.1 Vel oc i t y Pot ent i al
Thevelocity potential is represented by a summation of thedouble-body potential for thesteady flow, theincoming wavepotential, thediffracted wavepotential and theradiated wavepotential due to thebody
Consider a body traveling at a constant speed U along theglobal x-direction. A total velocity potential, F(x,y,z;t), in theflow field can be expressed in thefollowing form:
where -Ux is thevelocity potential of uniformflow; f
(x,y,z) is thesteady disturbancepotential; -Ux +f
(x,y,z) is called thesteady flow potential; and F(x,y,z,t) is theunsteady velocity potential and is taken
where F
, F
and F
arethevelocity potential of incident waves, diffracted waves and radiated waves, respectively, and w
is thefrequency of encounter and is taken as:
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where w is thewavefrequency, k=w
/g is thewavenumber and g is theacceleration of gravity.
Theincident waveis a regular waveof thefollowing form:
where z
is theincident waveamplitudeand b is thewaveheading defined as theanglebetween thewavepropagation direction and thecenter lineof thevessel as shown in Figure1.
Theradiated wavepotential of thej
(j=1,2,,6) modeof motion is obtained by solving thefollowing boundary valueequations:

where n
is thegeneralized unit normal pointing towards thewetted hull surface fromthefluid, U is theship forward speed and m
is them-termof thej
modeof motion due to theinfluenceof theforward
Thediffracted wavepotential can be found by solving thefollowing boundary values equations:

By applying thezero speed Green function, theradiated and diffracted wavepotentials can be expressed as:

where r
is thesourcestrength, j=1,2, ...,6for theradiated waves and j=7 for thediffracted waves. Thesourcestrength can be obtained from:
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3.4.2 Equat i ons of Mot i on
Oncetheboundary valueproblemis solved, theequations of motion can be set up. For a rigid body traveling with constant forward speed U, at an arbitrary angleto regular waves, theresultant equations of
motions in thesix degrees of freedomaretaken as:
where m
is thegeneralized mass, m
is theadded mass, l
is thedamping coefficient, C
is therestoring forcecoefficient, f
is thewaveexciting forceand f
and f
aretheFroude-Krylov forceand
diffraction force, respectively.

3.4.3 Rol l Dampi ng
Theroll responseis affected by theviscous roll damping of thehull. Schmidkes method is used to calculatetheviscous roll damping due to skin friction, eddy making, bilgekeels and appendages. Theviscous
roll damping coefficient is expressed as:

where l
, l
, and l
denotethedamping frombilgekeels, eddy-making resistance of thehull and hull skin friction, respectively. l
represents theviscous effect of appendages other than bilgekeels.
For bargehulls with no bilgekeel and appendages, viscous roll damping due to skin friction and eddy making only is considered and is taken as:

3.4.4 Hydr odynami c Pr essur e
Thehydrodynamic pressure due to theincident, diffracted and radiated waves is obtained from:
where W is thesteady flow velocity vector.
As theship oscillatory motions causehydrostatic pressure fluctuation, thecomplex amplitudeof pressure fluctuation is computed by:

Thebargeand cargo shown below was used to illustratethevarious capabilities of theMotion/Stability system. Thesamples areto use a generic 300x 90foot barge. Thebargehull and tank properties are
obtained fromthevessel library.
1. Thefirst sample illustrates theuse of thelibrary utilities to obtain vessel information then creating theappropriateinput for subsequent studies.
2. Thesecond problemdemonstrates a ballast plan study and illustrates theautomatic ballast and automatic draft and trimcapabilities.
3. SampleProblem3is an intact stability study showing theGZ curves for two wind speeds.
4. SampleProblem4illustrates thedamaged stability capabilities and includes a freeflooding damaged compartment.
5. This sample performs a motion study and generates RAOs for threewavedirections. Acceleration, displacement and forcereports and plots aregenerated at thecargo CG.
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6. This sample generates inertialoads on thecargo for roll and pitch motions due to a design wave.
Thesample problems use a generic 300x 90foot bargelocated in thevessel library. This sample illustrates using thevessel library utility to obtain hull and compartment information for thebarge.
Thevessel library utility was used to generate thehull and tank reports for a generic 300x 90foot bargelabeled UR91 in thelibrary.
Note: The vessel library user interface can be launched by double clicking the Plot Vessel Hull icon located under the Utilities pane in the SACS user interface.
Thereports aregenerated by selecting thevessel named UR91, picking English units then clicking thePlot button.
Thehull plot including compartments is located in thefile hull.plot and is shown below whilethehull offset and compartment reports located in thefile created as hull.output follow:
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A ballast plan is to be developed such that thebargeand cargo arein a position of equilibriumfor a draft at midship of approximately 10feet and a trimangleof approximately 0.15degrees.
Thesamemotion/stability input was used for each of theanalyses. Thebargehull properties and compartments contained in thebargelibrary file labeled as bargeUR91 will be utilized.
Thefollowing shows theinput with thebargeUR91 referenced in thevessel library.
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A. TheMOTOPT linespecifies thedefault analysis options.
a. English units arespecified in columns 9-10and seawater density of 64.
b. By default automatic draft and trimwill be used (this option will be overridden when using automatic ballasting).
c. Viscous damping is to be considered by VD in columns 65-66.
d. Any hull shapedefined is this input file will consist of all straight lines by ST in columns 67-68.
B. Thecargo named DECK is specified on theCARGO lineas follows:
a. Thecargo is to be oriented on thebargeusing joints 2007, 2077and 2001to definethereferenceplaneparallel to thebargedeck. Thecargo is oriented so that thelineformed by joints
2007and 2077is parallel to thebargepitch axis.
b. J oint 2007is located 186. Fromthebow stemas indicated in columns 22-28.
c. Thereferenceplanedefined is located 20. above thekeel baseline.
d. Thecargo is to referenced by nameDECK as specified in columns 77-80.
C. A contingency of 1.0501is to be applied to thecargo weight as specified on theCARGO2 line.
D. A hull defined in thevessel library is to used as designated by theLIB_VES line.
a. Thehull defined in thelibrary as UR91 is to be used.
b. Theinitial draft at midship is 10and theinitial trimangleis 0.15degrees.
c. Themaximumdiffraction panel sizefor motion responsestudies is 6.56.
E. Compartments aredefined using FCOMP lines. Thefirst compartment to be used is labeled 2S in thelibrary. This compartment is set as an adjustableballast tank whoseballast will be adjusted
during automatic ballasting.
F. Thesecond compartment to be used is labeled 2P in thelibrary. This compartment is also set as an adjustableballast tank whoseballast will be adjusted during automatic ballasting.
G. Compartment labeled 4CS in thevessel library will be used as a fixed volumecompartment and is assumed to be 100percent full.
Thefirst step required is to override theautomatic draft and trimoption and activatetheautomatic ballast option. This can be accomplished by selecting this option under theMotion/Stability tab under Analysis
Options in theRun file Wizard or by inputting AB in columns 55-56on theMOTOPT lineand removing theDT in columns 61-62.
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Theoutput listing file showing theresults of theinitial automatic ballasting is shown below:
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FromtheFinal Compartment Report, theautomatic ballasting indicates that compartment 2S should be filled 72.8percent and compartment 2P filled 70.6percent in order to be in equilibriumwith 10.0draft
at midship and 0.15degreetrimangle.
Tanks 2S and 2P will thereforebe flooded 73percent 71percent, respectively. Theautomatic draft and trimoptions will be used to find theappropriatedraft and trimfor thesefill ratios.
Note: The automatic ballast option must be deactivated to use the automatic draft and trim option. The automatic draft and trim option will be used for all subsequent analyses.
Themodified input file is shown below:

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A. TheFCOMP linespecifying parameters for compartment 2S has been modified to indicate73percent full.
B. TheFCOMP linespecifying parameters for compartment 2P has been modified to indicate71percent full.

Theresults showing thenew draft and trimanglerequired for equilibriumfollow. Theresults show that thesystemis in equilibriumwith a draft of 10.006and a trimangleof 0.115degrees.
Note: The automatic draft and trim options will be used for all subsequent analyses to ensure that the barge and cargo system is in equilibrium.
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Thefollowing sample illustrates theintact stability capabilities.
Righting and heeling arms will be generated for various heel angles to ensurethat thebargecargo systemis stable. GZ curves will be generated for wind speeds of 100and 75knots.
Theballast plan developed in theprevious sample will be used. Theautomatic draft and trimoptions will be used to ensurethat thesystemis in an initial state of equilibrium.
Thefollowing is theinput file used for this sample, followed by a detailed discussion of theinput lines uniquefor intact stability.
Note: Input lines not unique to intact stability are described in Sample Problem 1.
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A. TheSTBOPT linespecifying parameters for intact and damaged stability analyses. Thewind speeds to be considered for intact stability arespecified as 100and 75knots in columns 40-45and 46-51,
Thefollowing plots show theGZ curveand thearearatio curvefor 100knots followed theoutput reports containing therighting and heeling armand areareports for both 100and 75knots.
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This sample illustrates thedamaged stability capabilities. Compartment 6P will be assumed damaged and freeflooding.
Righting and heeling arms will be generated for various heel angles to ensurethat thebargecargo systemis stable. GZ curves will be generated for a wind speed of 50knots.
Theballast plan developed in theprevious sample will be used. Theautomatic draft and trimoptions will be used to ensurethat thesystemis in an initial state of equilibrium.
Thefollowing is theinput file used for this sample, followed by a detailed discussion of theinput lines uniquefor damaged stability.
Note: Input lines not unique to damaged stability are described in Sample Problem 1.
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A. TheSTBOPT linespecifies pameters for damaged stability analyses. Thewind speed to be considered for damaged stability is specified as 50knots in columns 52-57. Thedamaged compartment is
indicated by 6P in columns 32-35.
B. Thedetails for compartment 6P have been added on theFCOMP linewith 6P in columns 7-8. Thedamagetypeis set to freeflooded by FF in columns 30-31.
Theplots show theGZ curveand thearearatio curvefor thedamaged stability analysis followed theoutput reports containing therighting and heeling armand areareports.
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SampleProblem5performs a motion responsestudy for thebargecargo systemfor 90, 135and 180degreewaves corresponding to beam, quarter and head seas, respectively. Thespecifications call for a 17.65
foot 10second waveto be used for transportation and bargeforward motion to be neglected
RAOs for thesix degrees of freedomof bargemotion were generated at theCG of thecargo. RAOs were generated for 43periods ranging froma maximumof 25seconds to a minimumof 3seconds.
Motion statistics will be generated for a significant waveheight of 17.65feet and a peak periods from6to 13seconds assuming a statistical factor of 3.72. Accelerations and forces were computed at thecargo
CG for each of thewavedirections.
Thefollowing is theinput file used for this sample, followed by a detailed discussion of theinput lines required for themotion responsestudy.
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A. TheMOTRPT indicates that input is to echoed to thelisting file and that RAOs areto be generated at theuser-specified point named CCG defined on a subsequent POINT line.
B. TheMOTPLT linespecifies that each RAO is to be plotted on a separatesheet by PT in columns 13-14. Plot showing thecargo on thehull is to be generated by PT in columns 11-12.
C. RAOs areto be generated for each wavedirection using 43waveperiods as specified by theWAVPER lines. Periods arespecified in descending order starting at 25seconds down to 3seconds.
D. Three waveheadings areto be considered as indicated by 90, 135, and 180in columns 11-17, 18-24and 25-31, respectively on theWAVHED line.
E. Thewavespectra used to determinespectral responses including acceleration and forces at thecargo CG areinput using theWSPEC lines. Thefirst WSPEC linedefines thefirst wavespectrumas
a. Pierson-Moskowitz typespectrumas indicated in columns 11-12.
b. Significant waveheight of17.65 is input in columns 13-19.
c. Thepeak period is 6.0as input in columns 20-26.
F. ThePOINT linedefines thereferencepoint named CCG where RAO and motion statistics areto be generated. For this point, deflection, acceleration and forcereports and plots areto be created. The
point is located on thecargo named DECK as specified in columns 17-20and corresponds to theCG as indicated in columns 21-22.
Thefollowing arethesurge, sway and heave RAO plot fro the135degreedirection. A portion of theoutput report showing theRAO and motion statistics for the135degreedirection follows:
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SampleProblem6generates inertialoads on thecargo due to pitch and roll motions froma 17.65foot 10second design wave.
Load cases for positivepitch plus heave, negative pitch plus heave, positiveroll plus heave and negative roll plus heave areto be created. Theeffects of thebargeangleareincluded in theload cases by
including theGravity option.
Thefollowing is theinput file used for this sample, followed by a detailed discussion of theinput lines required for themotion study.
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A. TheMOTRPT indicates that input is to echoed to thelisting file and that RAOs areto be generated at theuser-specified point named CCG defined on a subsequent POINT line.
B. TheMOTPLT linespecifies that each RAO is to be plotted on a separatesheet by PT in columns 13-14. Plot showing thecargo on thehull is to be generated by PT in columns 11-12.
C. RAOs areto be generated for each wavedirection using 43waveperiods as specified by theWAVPER lines. Periods arespecified in descending order starting at 25seconds down to 3seconds.
D. Three waveheadings areto be considered as indicated by 90, 135, and 180in columns 11-17, 18-24and 25-31, respectively on theWAVHED line.
E. Thewavespectra used to determinespectral responses including acceleration and forces at thecargo CG areinput using theWSPEC lines. Thefirst WSPEC linedefines thefirst wavespectrumas
a. Pierson-Moskowitz typespectrumas indicated in columns 11-12.
b. Significant waveheight of17.65 is input in columns 13-19.
c. Thepeak period is 10.0as input in columns 20-26.
F. Inertiaload case+R+H is to be created using responsefroma 90degreeheading for a 17.65foot 10second wave. For this load case, positivesway and roll responseis to be added to positiveheave
as indicated by XPPPXX in columns 50-55. Thegravity terms areto be included in theload casegenerated as specified by G in column 56.
A portion of theoutput report showing theload datafor forcedatafor theroll and pitch directions follows:

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