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A Critical Condemnation of ISIS & Why Muslims the World over

Must Concentrate on Attaining an International Islamic Community
Omar Alansari-Kreger

Authenticating means to legitimacy is what redeems credibility before those that
dare to critically think. Ignorance is indeed a weapon and when it overtakes the psyche
of a marginalized persuasion its aftereffects can be quite costly. As history proves it only
takes a handful of fringe lunatics to ruin civility under the shameless plunder of dogma.
As Muslims we must collectively realize that we dont need some kind of institutionalized
pundit to tell us what is and isnt common sensual when coming to terms with the vast
realm of bigoted dogma. When a single pundit is heavily followed a cult of personality is
built and unfortunately deviations and misinterpretations follow in the aftermath. That
realization should ossify itself at the individual level as a byproduct of adherence when
pursuing piousness in Islamic monotheism.
In reiteration, that same institutional figure of authority should merely confirm
such a realization which encourages individual Muslims to reflect on the greater
meaning of such a clause. The fact that ISIS continues to make callously abrasive
statements is a clear testament of its opposition to the principles of Islam which clearly
classifies itself as nothing but a detrimental abomination. When faced with the prospect
of constructing an international standard for all Muslims to follow a rule of benign
tolerance must situate itself as a backdrop; after all, that is what Islam commands us to
do. If bigoted dogma seizes the hearts and minds of the downtrodden the world will
stand united against them regardless of their own pain and suffering. Whenever there is
social strife societal depression follows suit and as a result populations resort to
desperate measures just to survive.
The victimized feel that they have every duty to attain some kind of justice for
their pain and suffering; those that survive collateral damage are the living human
depictions of atrocity. Developments that inflict collateral damage on defenseless
populations usually derive from directives that are crafted by bigotry and dogma;
changing that trend does not happen when bigotry is matched for bigotry and dogma
matched for dogma. Muslims the world over are in need of a caliphate, but that must
arrive in the form of an International Islamic Community that collaboratively works
toward bettering the condition of Muslims from the bottom up and that explicitly means
returning to the roots of the original caliphate. In all reality, how many members of ISIS
have read the Quran from cover to cover? Shouldnt that be a mandatory principle
within a group that fashions itself as an organization of multinational Muslim underdogs
striving for the reestablishment of the caliphate?

It cant be stressed enough that the politics of hate dont avoid sectarian division,
but actually amplify it in some of the most vile mannerisms imaginable. A modern
caliphate, or at least some version of it, cant be established through the cruel force of
arms. Caliphate-ism stood as a humanitarian pitch that diplomatically brought people
together for the sake of bringing out the best in humanity all under the protection of
Islam in the name of its manifesting religion. That caliphate can be classified as an
International Islamic Community that embraces tolerance, celebrates diversity, and
interactively works to maximize all aspects of human productivity.
That is why bringing an end to all the infighting among Muslims will stand as the
greatest generational challenge for any global body that abides by the unbigoted
principles of Islam derived from the inspiration of the Quran and Sunnah.

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