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In A Common Faith Dewe !t"i#e! to $o th"ee %a!i& thin'!( ()) to *oint

o+t the $i,,e"en&e! in meanin' %etween "e-i'ion, in it! hi!to"i& an$
,o"ma-i.e$ !en!e, an$ "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e, (0) to *"e!ent a new %a!i!
o, ,aith *"o$+&ti#e o, "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e whi&h i! $i#o"&e$ ,"om
hi!to"i& "e-i'ion! with thei" !+*e"nat+"a- &onnotation!, an$ (1) to
$emon!t"ate the !+*e"io"it o, the *"o*o!e$ new %a!i! o, ,aith o#e" the
o-$2 I %e-ie#e that Dewe !+&&e!!,+-- a&&om*-i!he! the!e en$! in A
Common Faith2 In thi! %"ie, &ommenta" on hi! wo"3, the"e,o"e, I !ha--
attem*t to o,,e" an +n*"e4+$i&e$ an$ a&&+"ate *"e!entation o, hi! #iew!2
A! 4+!t !tate$, Dewe &on&e"n! him!e-, ,i"!t with the ta!3 o,
$i,,e"entiatin' %etween the meanin' o, "e-i'ion an$ the "e-i'io+!2 He
a**"oa&he! thi! ta!3 % !+%4e&tin' the $e,inition o, the wo"$ "e-i'ion,
a! ,o+n$ in the O/,o"$ Di&tiona", to &"iti&a- ana-!i!2 Re-i'ion i!
the"e $e,ine$ a! 5Re&o'nition on the *a"t o, man o, !ome +n!een hi'he"
*owe" a! ha#in' &ont"o- o, hi! $e!tin an$ a! %ein' entit-e$ to
o%e$ien&e, "e#e"en&e an$ wo"!hi*25 Dewe *oint! o+t that th"ee ,a&t!
"e$+&e the te"m! o, the $e,inition 5222to !+&h a -ow &ommon $enominato"
that -itt-e meanin' i! -e,t25 (*2 1)
NOTE( 6a'e n+m%e"! in *a"enthe!e! "e,e" to A Common Faith ()789) New
Ha#en( Ya-e Uni#e"!it 6"e!!2
The!e ,a&t!, a! o+t-ine$ % Dewe, a"e in %"ie, that( (*2 )) the"e a"e
man $i#e"!e an$ in&om*ati%-e &on&e*t! &on&e"nin' the nat+"e o, the
5+n!een *owe"!5 "e,e""e$ to, (*2 0) the"e i! no '"eat !imi-a"it in the
wa! in whi&h "e#e"en&e an$ o%e$ien&e ha#e %een e/*"e!!e$ % $i,,e"ent
'"o+*! an$ at $i,,e"ent time! in hi!to", 5222the"e i! no $i!&e"ni%-e
+nit in the mo"a- moti#ation! a**ea-e$ to an$ +ti-i.e$25 (*2 :)
F"om the!e ,a&t!, Dewe $"aw! two im*o"tant &on&-+!ion!2 He o%!e"#e!
,i"!t that 5Hi!to"i& "e-i'ion! ha#e %een "e-ati#e to the &on$ition! o,
!o&ia- &+-t+"e in whi&h *eo*-e -i#e,5 an$ that 5Be-ie,! an$ *"a&ti&e!
that now *"e#ai- a"e % thi! -o'i& "e-ati#e to the *"e!ent !tate o,
&+-t+"e25 (*2 ;) He o%!e"#e! !e&on$- that the ,a&t! &om*e- +! to
a&3now-e$'e that 5222&on&"ete- the"e i! no !+&h thin' a! "e-i'ion in
the !in'+-a"2 The"e i! on- a m+-tit+$e o, "e-i'ion!25(*2 9)
Im*-i&ate$ in the ,i"!t o, the!e &on&-+!ion!, !a! Dewe, i! the
ne&e!!it to "ea-i.e that !in&e "e-i'ion! ha#e %een ,-e/i%-e an$
"e,-e&ti#e o, &+-t+"a- $e#e-o*ment! in the *a!t, we !ho+-$ not a!!+me
that &han'e! in &on&e*tion an$ a&tion ha#e now &ome to an en$2 In othe"
wo"$!, Dewe a!!e"t! that hi!to"i&a- ,a&t !+**o"t! the nee$ ,o" a
"e!t"+&t+"in' o, "e-i'ion! in the -i'ht o, &+""ent &+-t+"a-
$e#e-o*ment!2 He !tate! !*e&i,i&a-- in thi! &onne&tion that 5222the
hi!to"i& in&"ea!e o, the ethi&a- an$ i$ea- &ontent o, "e-i'ion! !+''e!t!
that the *"o&e!! o, *+"i,i&ation ma %e &a""ie$ ,+"the"25(*2 <)
Im*-i&ate$ in the !e&on$ &on&-+!ion i! the ,a&t that the wo"$ "e-i'ion
em%o$ie! +ni#e"!a-it on- in the !en!e that a-- *eo*-e! ha#e ha$
"e-i'ion! an$ not in the !en!e that a-- "e-i'ion! ha#e %een
=+a-itati#e- !imi-a"2
Dewe, then, i$enti,ie! "e-i'ion, o" mo"e &o""e&t- "e-i'ion!, a! %ein',
&on&"ete-, $i#e"'ent %o$ie! o, in!tit+tiona-i.e$ %e-ie,! an$ *"a&ti&e!2
The a$4e&ti#e 5"e-i'io+!5, he !a!, in &ont"a!t 5222$enote! nothin' the
wa o, a !*e&i,ia%-e entit, eithe" in!tit+tiona- o" a! a !!tem o,
%e-ie,!25(*2 7) Rathe", the wo"$ 5"e-i'io+!5, a&&o"$in' to Dewe, i! an
a$4e&ti#e whi&h $e!&"i%e! a *a"ti&+-a" =+a-it o" a!*e&t o, e/*e"ien&e2
Thi! =+a-it o" a!*e&t o, e/*e"ien&e i! "e*"e!ente$ in e!!en&e % a
&han'e o, attit+$e! whi&h &om*o!e! an$ ha"moni.e! 5222the #a"io+!
e-ement! o, o+" %ein' !+&h that, in !*ite o, &han'e! in the &on$ition!
that !+""o+n$ +!, the!e &on$ition! a"e a-!o a""an'e$, !ett-e$, in
"e-ation to +!25(*2 );) Th+!, e/*e"ien&e whi&h *"o$+&e! thi! ha"mon i!
e!!entia-- "e-i'io+! in nat+"e2 That thi! =+a-it o, e/*e"ien&e &an
"e!+-t ,"om *a"ti&i*ation in o" a!!o&iation with an in!tit+tiona-i.e$
"e-i'ion, Dewe $oe! not $en2 What he $oe! $en i! that it m+!t i!!+e
e/&-+!i#e- ,"om thi! !o+"&e2 E/*e"ien&e! !+&h a! the ae!theti&,
!&ienti,i&, mo"a-, *o-iti&a-> e/*e"ien&e! !+&h a! &om*anion!hi* an$
,"ien$!hi*, he !a!, ma a-- %e &ha"'e$ with 5"e-i'io+!5 *otentia-it2
Dewe a-!o *oint! o+t the ,a--a& in -o'i& o, tho!e "e-i'ioni!t! who
&-aim to *"o#e the e/i!ten&e o, the o%4e&t o, thei" "e-i'ion!
em*i"i&a-- (e2'2, ?o$) % inte"*"etin' "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e in te"m! o,
a *a"ti&+-a" "e-i'ion (i2e2, the!e "e-i'ioni!t! in,e" that the o%4e&t!
o, thei" "e-i'ion @@ a *e"!ona- 'o$, ,o" e/am*-e @@ i! "e!*on!i%-e ,o"
thei" e/*e"ien&e)2 In "e,+tation o, thi! &ontention, Dewe !a!(
In "ea-it, the on- thin' that &an %e !ai$ to %e A*"o#e$A i! the
e/i!ten&e o, !ome &om*-e/ o, &on$ition! that ha#e o*e"ate$ to a,,e&t an
a$4+!tment in -i,e, an o"ientation, that %"in'! with it a !en!e o,
!e&+"it an$ *ea&e2 The *a"ti&+-a" inte"*"etation 'i#en to thi! &om*-e/
o, &on$ition! i! not inhe"ent in the e/*e"ien&e it!e-,2 It i! $e"i#e$
,"om the &+-t+"e with whi&h a *a"ti&+-a" *e"!on ha! %een im%+e$2222 The
emotiona- $e*o!it &onne&te$ with *"io" tea&hin' ,-oo$! the who-e
!it+ation2(*2 )1)
Sin&e "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e i! !o &ommon- a!!o&iate$ e/&-+!i#e- with
*a"ti&+-a" "e-i'ion!, Dewe *oint! o+t that the"e a"e man *eo*-e who,
%e&a+!e the ,in$ it im*o!!i%-e to a&&e*t the inte--e&t+a- an$ mo"a-
im*-i&ation! o, e!ta%-i!he$ "e-i'ion!, 5222a"e not e#en awa"e o,
attit+$e! in them!e-#e! that i, the &ame to ,"+ition wo+-$ %e 'en+ine-
"e-i'io+!25 He maintain!, the"e,o"e, that a wi$e" "ea-i.ation o, the
$i,,e"en&e! in meanin' %etween 5"e-i'ion5 an$ 5"e-i'io+!5 wo+-$ o*e"ate
to eman&i*ate "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e ,"om the !+*e"nat+"a- en&+m%"an&e!
whi&h at *"e!ent en#e-o*e an$ &on!t"i&t it2 In the -i'ht o, thi!
"ea-i.ation, !a! Dewe,
The i$ea o, in#i!i%-e *owe"! wo+-$ ta3e on the meanin' o, a-- &on$ition!
o, nat+"e an$ h+man a!!o&iation that !+**o"t an$ $ee*en the !en!e o,
#a-+e! whi&h &a"" one th"o+'h *e"io$! o, $a"3ne!! an$ $e!*ai" to !+&h
an e/tent that the -o!e thei" +!+a- $e*"e!!i#e &ha"a&te"2(*2 )8)
Re-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e, th+!, wo+-$ %e mo"e +ni#e"!a-- en4oe$ an$
*"o,ite$ ,"om % man than it i! at *"e!ent2
?i#en the eman&i*ation o, "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e ,"om "e-i'ion! *e" !e
!a! Dewe, a new %a!i! ,o" ,aith eme"'e!2 In!tea$ o, a ,aith ,o+n$e$
+*on i$ea-! '+a"antee$ to e/i!t % !+*e"nat+"a- a+tho"it, the"e wo+-$
%e ,aith in i$ea-! a**"ehen$e$ % the ima'ination a! %ein' int"in!i&a--
#a-+a%-e *o!!i%i-itie! o" en$! inhe"ent in the nat+"a- "e-ation!hi*
e/i!tin' %etween man an$ hi! en#i"onment2 Thi! -atte" t*e o, ,aith,
!a! Dewe, i! mo"a- ,aith, an$, a! !+&h, it "e*"e!ent! 5The a+tho"it
o, an i$ea- o#e" &hoi&e an$ &on$+&t222, not o, a ,a&t, o" a t"+th
'+a"antee$ to the inte--e&t, not o, the !tat+! o, the one who *"o*o+n$!
the t"+th25 (*2 0)) The ,aith in i$ea- *o!!i%i-itie! inhe"ent in manA!
"e-ation! with man an$ with the "e!t o, nat+"e *"o*o!e$ % Dewe wo+-$
ta3e &o'ni.an&e o, the $nami!m *"e!ent in nat+"e2 It wo+-$ "e*+$iate
the i$ea that the i$ea-! to whi&h it i! $e$i&ate$ a"e !+*e"nat+"a--
*"e@e!ta%-i!he$ in the ,"amewo"3 o, thin'!2 It wo+-$ em%o$ an
in!i!ten&e +*on the ne&e!!it an$ 5222+*on the &a*a&it o, man3in$ to
!t"i#e to $i"e&t nat+"a- an$ !o&ia- ,o"&e! to h+mane en$!25(*2 08) It
wo+-$ not "e- +*on the a!!e"tion! o, a%!o-+ti!ti& &"e$o! that i$ea-
en$! a"e !+*e"nat+"a-- ,i/e$ in a +ni#e"!a- !&heme o, thin'!2 Thi!
,aith, !a! Dewe, wo+-$ %e &ha"a&te"i.e$ % a nat+"a- *iet that
wo+-$ 222"e!t +*on a 4+!t !en!e o, nat+"e a! the who-e o, whi&h we a"e
*a"t! that a"e ma"3e$ % inte--i'en&e an$ *+"*o!e, ha#in' the &a*a&it
to !t"i#e % thei" ai$ to %"in' &on$ition! into '"eate" &on!onan&e with
what i! h+man- $e!i"a%-e2 (*2 0:) Dewe 'oe! on to em*ha!i.e that ,aith
in i$ea- en$! on the *"o*o!e$ %a!i! i! ,aith in i$ea- en$! "oote$
*"a&ti&a-- in e/i!tin' &on$ition!2 In thi! &onne&tion he !a!(
What I ha#e %een &"iti&i.in' i! the i$enti,i&ation o, the i$ea- with a
*a"ti&+-a" Bein', e!*e&ia-- when the i$enti,i&ation ma3e! ne&e!!a" the
&on&-+!ion that thi! %ein' i! o+t!i$e o, Nat+"e, an$ what I ha#e t"ie$
to !how i! that the i$ea- it!e-, ha! it! "oot! in nat+"a- &on$ition!> it
eme"'e! when the ima'ination i$ea-i.e! e/i!ten&e % -ain' ho-$ o, the
*o!!i%i-itie! o,,e"e$ to tho+'ht an$ a&tion2 The"e a"e #a-+e!, 'oo$!,
a&t+a-- "ea-i.e$ +*on a nat+"a- %a!i!Bthe 'oo$! o, h+man a!!o&iation,
o, a"t an$ 3now-e$'e2 The i$ea-i.in' ima'ination !ei.e! +*on the mo!t
*"e&io+! thin'! ,o+n$ in the &-ima&te"i& moment! o, e/*e"ien&e an$
*"o4e&t! them2 We nee$ no e/te"na- &"ite"ion an$ '+a"antee ,o" thei"
'oo$ne!!2 The a"e ha$, the e/i!t a! 'oo$, an$ o+t o, them we ,"ame o+"
i$ea- en$!2 (*2 8<)
I$ea- en$!, ,o" Dewe then, eme"'e ,"om #e"i,ia%-e a!*e&t! o, "ea-it a!
the *"o$+&t o, ima'ination whi&h #i!+a-i.e! them a! the *o!!i%i-itie!
whi&h ma %e ma$e to '"ow o+t o, e/i!tin' &on$ition!2 A! the!e en$! a"e
!t"i#e$ ,o" in the ,"amewo"3 o, e/i!tin' &on$ition!, the i$ea-! a"e
te!te$ an$ the &on$ition! a"e at the !ame time mo$i,ie$2 Thi! *"o&e!!,
o%!e"#e! Dewe, i! $e!&"i*ti#e o, a-- h+man *"o'"e!! an$ &+-t+"a-
"e,inement2 In othe" wo"$!, Dewe em*ha!i.e! he"e, a! he $oe! !o #e"
o,ten, that a-- h+man a$#an&e! in a"t an$ 3now-e$'e a"e nat+"a-
eme"'ent! o, a"t an$ 3now-e$'e *"e#io+!- e!ta%-i!he$ in the !o&iet>
that *"o'"e!! i! ma$e a! new *o!!i%i-itie! a"e ima'inati#e- !een to
e/i!t a! im*"o#ement! in o" e-a%o"ation! +*on e/i!tin' a"t an$
3now-e$'e2 Dewe &omment! a! ,o--ow! +*on the *o!!i%-e e,,e&ti#ene!! o,
a ,aith in the *owe" o, e/i!tent nat+"a- an$ !o&ia- ,o"&e! to 'ene"ate
an$ a&&om*-i!h the ima'inati#e- *e"&ei#e$ i$ea- en$! o%tainin'
*otentia-- in e/i!tin' &on$ition!(
When the #ita- ,a&to"! in thi! nat+"a- *"o&e!! a"e 'ene"a--
a&3now-e$'e$ in emotion, tho+'ht an$ a&tion, the *"o&e!! wi-- %oth %e
a&&e-e"ate$ an$ *+"i,ie$ th"o+'h the e-imination o, that i""e-e#ant
e-ement that &+-minate! in the i$ea o, the !+*e"nat+"a-2 When the!e
,a&to"! attain the "e-i'io+! ,o"&e that ha! %een $"a,te$ into
!+*e"nat+"a- "e-i'ion!, the "e!+-tin' "ein,o"&ement wi-- %e
in&a-&+-a%-e2 (*2 :C)
Sin&e the"e a"e a&t+a-, o%!e"#a%-e ,o"&e! *"e!ent in nat+"e an$ !o&iet
(e2'2 a"ti!ti& an$ inte--e&t+a- en$ea#o", e$+&ation, ,e--ow!hi*,
,"ien$!hi*, an$ menta- an$ *h!i&a- '"owth) whi&h *"o$+&e h+man-
e/*e"ien&e$ 'oo$! an$ whi&h e#in&e &a*a%i-itie! o, a&&om*-i!hin'
en#i!ione$ i$ea- en$!, Dewe wo+-$ i$enti, the ,+n&tionin' "e-ation!hi*
%etween the a&t+a- ,o"&e! an$ i$ea- en$! a! %ein' 5the $i#ine52 In hi!
own wo"$! he !a!, 5It i! thi! a&ti#e "e-ation %etween i$ea- an$ a&t+a-
to whi&h I wo+-$ 'i#e the name ?o$25 (*2 :)) S+&h a &on&e*tion o, ?o$ o"
the $i#ine wo+-$ not, he *oint! o+t, omit the e-ement o, nat+"a- *iet
a! $o the &on&e*t! o, the !+*e"nat+"a-i!t! an$ the mi-itant athei!t!,
no" wo+-$ it e/&-+$e manA! "e-ation to nat+"e a! $oe! the &on&e*t o, the
*+"e- h+mani!ti& "e-i'ioni!t!2 It wo+-$ em%o$ in!tea$ a &-ea"
"e&o'nition o, manA! e!!entia- "e-ation!hi*, in te"m! o, %oth $e*en$en&e
an$ !+**o"t, with the "e!t o, nat+"e2 In th+! *"o#i$in' a %a!i! ,o"
manA! a&hie#ement o, a !en!e o, &onne&tion, +nit, o" ha"mon with the
who-e o, nat+"e, !a!, Dewe, the *"o*o!e$ &on&e*t wo+-$ !e"#e %ette"
than an o, the mo"e t"a$itiona- one! to *"omote a 'en+ine- "e-i'io+!
attit+$e an$ *"o$+&e 'en+ine- "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e@@,o" "e-i'io+!
attit+$e an$ "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e a"e &ha"a&te"i.e$ &hie,- % a !en!e
o, *+"*o!i#e onene!! with the who-e o, thin'!2
B wa o, *ointin' o+t the !+*e"io"it o, the *"o*o!e$ %a!i! o, ,aith in
the 5a&ti#e "e-ation %etween the i$ea- an$ the a&t+a-5 o#e" ,aith in the
!+*e"nat+"a-, Dewe ha! th+! ,a" *"ominent- em*ha!i.e$( (*2 )) that
man in$i#i$+a-! +na%-e to a&&e*t o" *a"ti&i*ate in hi!to"i& "e-i'ion!
wo+-$ %e a%-e to !+%!&"i%e to the new ,aith an$ $e"i#e "e-i'io+!
e/*e"ien&e ,"om it, (*2 0) that the *"o*o!e$ ,aith wo+-$ wi$en the "an'e
o, "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e, !in&e the new ,aith wo+-$ *e"mit the e/t"a&tion
o, "e-i'io+! e/*e"ien&e ,"om man a&ti#itie! an$ en$ea#o"! not &ommon-
"e&o'ni.e$ a! %ein' !o+"&e! o, !+&h e/*e"ien&e, an$ (*2 1) that the
*"o*o!e$ ,aith, %e&a+!e it i! "oote$ in the nat+"a-2, i! e!!entia--
mo"e "e-i'io+! in =+a-it (,o" "ea!on! 4+!t $i!&+!!e$) than i! ,aith in
the !+*e"nat+"a-2
Be,o"e &on&-+$in' hi! $i!&+!!ion, howe#e", Dewe o+t-ine! !ti-- anothe"
im*o"tant &on!i$e"ation "e-atin' to the !+*e"io"it o, he *"o*o!e$ %a!i!
o, ,aith o#e" that o, the t"a$itiona- !+*e"nat+"a-i!m when he !tate!(
The o%4e&tion to !+*e"nat+"a-i!m i! that it !tan$! in the wa o, an
e,,e&ti#e "ea-i.ation o, the !wee* an$ $e*th o, the im*-i&ation! o,
nat+"a- h+man "e-ation!2 It !tan$! in the wa o, +!in' the mean! that
a"e in o+" *owe" to ma3e "a$i&a- &han'e! in the!e "e-ation!2 It i!
&e"tain- t"+e that '"eat mate"ia- &han'e! mi'ht %e ma$e with no
&o""e!*on$in' im*"o#ement o, a !*i"it+a- o" i$ea- nat+"e2 B+t
$e#e-o*ment in the -atte" $i"e&tion &annot %e int"o$+&e$ ,"om witho+t>
it &annot %e %"o+'ht a%o+t % $"e!!in' +* mate"ia- an$ e&onomi& &han'e!
with $e&o"ation! $e"i#e$ ,"om the !+*e"nat+"a-2 It &an &ome on- ,"om
mo"e inten!e "ea-i.ation o, #a-+e! that inhe"e in the a&t+a- &onne&tion!
o, h+man %eha#in' with one anothe"2 The attem*t to !e'"e'ate the
im*-i&it *+%-i& inte"e!t an$ !o&ia- #a-+e o, a-- in!tit+tion! an$ !o&ia-
a""an'ement! in a *a"ti&+-a" o"'ani.ation222 i2e2, a *a"ti&+-a"
"e-i'ion222i! a ,ata- $i#e"!ion2 (*2 <C)
In *"o*o!in' hi! new %a!i! ,o" a "e-i'io+! ,aith, Dewe e,,e&ti#e-
&o+nte"! the o%4e&tion! o, othe"! who a-!o o**o!e ,aith in the &onte/t
o, t*i&a- !+*e"nat+"a- "e-i'ion!2 Do"$ R+!!e--, ,o" e/am*-e, ha! !ai$(
Ch"i!tian! ho-$ that thei" ,aith $oe! 'oo$, %+t othe" ,aith! $o ha"m2 At
an "ate, the ho-$ thi! a%o+t the Comm+ni!t ,aith2 What I wi!h to
maintain i! that a-- ,aith! $o ha"m2 We ma $e,ine A,aithA a! a ,i"m
%e-ie, in !omethin' ,o" whi&h the"e i! no e#i$en&e2 When the"e i!
e#i$en&e, no one !*ea3! o, A,aithA2 We $o not !*ea3 o, ,aith that two
an$ two a"e ,o+" o" that the ea"th i! "o+n$2
We on- !*ea3 o, ,aith when we wi!h to !+%!tit+te emotion ,o" e#i$en&e2
ERo%e"t E2 En'e" (e$2), Be"t"an$ R+!!e--A! Be!t, (New Yo"3( The New
Ame"i&an Di%"a", )7;C), *2 18F2 To !+&h a!!e"tion! a! the!e Dewe
"e*-ie! in e!!en&e, 5I too "e4e&t the !+*e"nat+"a-i!ti& #iew o, the
+ni#e"!e an$ o, man whi&h &annot %e !+**o"te$ % ,a&t2 I a,,i"m that
what we 3now i! a nat+"a- +ni#e"!e o, whi&h man i! a *a"t2 I a$#o&ate
,aith in h+man inte--i'en&e whi&h, in inte"a&tion with othe" "ea- ,o"&e!
in the +ni#e"!e, ha! the *owe" to *"omote A'oo$A that ma %e 3nown an$
e#a-+ate$ *"a'mati&a--2 F+"the"mo"e, I &onten$ that man, % a**-in'
hi! inte--i'en&e to the *+"!+it o, hi! i$ea-! (that whi&h he *e"&ei#e!
to %e ('oo$), ma 3now e/*e"ien&e whi&h i! t"+- "e-i'io+!2 Fina--,
%e&a+!e m *"o*o!e$ ,aith ha! h+man we-,a"e a! $ete"mine$ % h+man
e/*e"ien&e a! it! &o"ne"!tone, it wi-- ,o&+! menA! attention on
ha"moni.in' thei" e,,o"t! "athe" than -ea$in' them into $i!*+te!2 Th+!,
it wi-- ena%-e them to a#oi$ the &on,-i&t! that a"e 'ene"ate$ when the
*-a&e thei" ,aith in #a"io+! (!+*e"nat+"a-- "e#ea-e$ an$ Ain,a--i%-eA
I $o not %e-ie#e that DeweA! 5i$ea- en$!5 &on!tit+te a &om*-ete-
!ati!,a&to" +ni#e"!a- ethi&2 (MenA! i$ea! o, what i! 5'oo$5, e#en on an
em*i"i&a- %a!i! too o,ten $i,,e"2) Ta3en a! a who-e, howe#e", Dewe
!how! &-ea"- in A Common Faith the ne&e!!it ,o" an$ the !+*e"io"it o,
hi! 3in$ o, ,aith2

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