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The following are the Ten Qualities of an Effective Teacher according to Derrick
Maedor posted in www.teachingabout.com.

An effective teacher loves to teach. The single most important quality that every
teacher should possess is a love and passion for teaching young people. Unfortunately,
there are teachers who do not love what they do. This single factor can destroy a
teachers effectiveness quicker than anything else. Teachers who do not enjoy their job
cannot possibly be effective day in and day out. There are too many discouraging factors
associated with teaching that is difficult enough on a teacher who absolutely loves what
they do, much less on one who doesnt have the drive, passion, or enthusiasm for it. On
top of that, kids are smarter than what we give them credit for. They will spot a fake
sooner than anyone and thus destroy any credibility that the teacher may have.

An effective teacher demonstrates a caring attitude. Even teachers who love their job
can struggle in this area, not because they dont care, but because they get caught up so
much in the day to day routine of teaching that they can forget that their students have
lives outside of school. Taking the time to get to know a student on a personal level takes
a lot of time and dedication. There is also a line that no teacher wants to cross where
their relationship becomes too personal. Elite teachers know how to balance this
without crossing that line and once a student believes the teacher truly cares for them,
then there is no limit to what that student can achieve.

An effective teacher can relate to his or her students. The best teachers work hard to
figure out how to relate to each of their students. Common interest can be hard to find,
but exceptional teachers will find a way to connect with their students even if they have
to fake it. For instance, you may have a student who is a Lego fanatic. You can relate to
that student if you do something as simple as ordering a Lego catalog and then going
through it and discussing it with that student. Even if you have no actual interest in
Legos, the student will think you do and thus naturally create a connection.

An effective teacher is willing to think outside the box. There is no one set cookie
cutter way to teach. A cookie cutter approach would likely be boring for both teachers
and students. What makes teaching so exciting is that kids learn differently, and we have
to find and utilize different strategies and differentiated learning to reach every student.
What works for one student, will not work for every student. Teachers have to be willing
to be creative and adaptive in their lessons, thinking outside the box on a continual basis.
If you try to teach every concept in the same manner, there will be students who miss
out on key factors because they arent wired to learn that way.

An effective teacher is an excellent communicator. To be the best possible teacher
you must be an effective communicator. However, in this area you are not just limited to
being a skilled communicator to your students although that is a must. You must also be
a strong communicator with parents of your students as well as your faculty/staff team
within in your building. If you have a difficulty communicating with any of these three
groups, then you limit your overall effectiveness as a teacher.

An effective teacher is proactive rather than reactive. This can be one of most
difficult aspects for a teacher to conquer. Intense planning and organization can
ultimately make your job all the more less difficult. Teachers who plan ahead, looking for
aspects that they might have issues with, and proactively looking for solutions to solve
those problems will have less stress on them, than those teachers who wait until a

problem arises and then tries to address it. Being proactive does not replace being
adaptive. No matter how well you plan, there will be surprises. However, being proactive
can cut down on these surprises tremendously, thus making you more effective overall.

An effective teacher strives to be better. A teacher who has grown complacent in what
they do is the most ineffective kind of teacher. Any teacher who is not looking for new
and better teaching strategies isnt being an effective teacher. No matter how long you
have taught, you should always want to grow as a teacher. Every year there is new
research, new technology, and new educational tools that could make you a better
teacher. Seek out professional development opportunities and try to apply something
new to your class every year.

An effective teacher uses a variety of media in their lessons. Like it or not we are in
the 21st century, and this generation of students was born in the digital age. These
students have been bombarded by technological advances unlike any other generation.
They have embraced it, and if we as teachers do not, then we are falling behind. This is
not to say that we should eliminate textbooks and worksheets completely, but effective
teachers are not afraid to implement other forms of media within their lessons.

An effective teacher challenges their students. The most effective teachers, are often
the ones that many students think are the most difficult. This is because they challenge
their students and push them harder than the average teacher does. These are the
teachers who are often students least favorite teachers at the time, but then later on in
life they are the ones that we all remember and want to thank, because of how well they
prepared us for life after our time with them. Being an effective teacher does not mean
you are easy. It means that you challenge every one of your students and maximize your
time with them so that they learn more than they ever thought they could learn.

An effective teacher understands the content that they teach and knows how to
explain that content in a manner that their students understand. There are teachers
who do not know the content well enough to effectively teach it. There are teachers who
are truly experts on the content, but struggle to effectively explain it to their students.
The highly effective teacher both understands the content and explains it on level. This
can be a difficult skill to accomplish, but the teachers who can, maximize their
effectiveness as a teacher.

Based on the study conducted by of Robert J. Walker (2008) when he asked Pre-
service teachers or undergraduate education teachers the question: What were the qualities
of the most memorable teacher who encouraged you to teach? He formulated the 12
characteristics of an effective teacher.

Characteristic 1: Prepared
The most effective teachers come to class each day ready to teach.
1. It is easy to learn in their classes because they are ready for the day.
2. They dont waste instructional time. They start class on time. They teach for the entire
class period.
3. Time flies in their classes because students are engaged in learningi.e., not bored, less
likely to fall asleep.


Characteristic 2: Positive
The most effective teachers have optimistic attitudes about teaching and about
1. See the glass as half full (look on the positive side of every situation)
2. Make themselves available to students
3. Communicate with students about their progress
4. Give praise and recognition
5. Have strategies to help students act positively toward one another

Characteristic 3: Hold High Expectations

The most effective teachers set no limits on students and believe everyone can be
1. Hold the highest standards
2. Consistently challenge their students to do their best
3. Build students confidence and teach them to believe in themselves

Characteristic 4: Creative

The most effective teachers are resourceful and inventive in how they teach their classes.
1. Agree to participate in the school talent show
2. Use technology effectively in the classroom

Characteristic 5: Fair

The most effective teachers handle students and grading fairly.
1. Allow all students equal opportunities and privileges
2. Provide clear requirements for the class
3. Recognize that fair doesnt necessarily mean treating everyone the same but means
giving every student an opportunity to succeed
4. Understand that not all students learn in the same way and at the
same rate.

Characteristic 6: Display a Personal Touch

The most effective teachers are approachable.
1. Connect with students personally
2. Share personal experiences with their classes
3. Take personal interest in students and find out as much as possible about them.
4. Visit the students world (sit with them in the cafeteria; attend sporting events, plays,
and other events outside normal school hours)

Characteristic 7: Cultivate a Sense of Belonging

The most effective teachers have a way of making students feel welcome and
comfortable in their classrooms.
1. Students repeatedly mentioned that they felt as though they belonged in classrooms
taught by effective teachers.
2. The students knew they had a good teacher who loved teaching and preferred it to other

Characteristic 8: Compassionate

The most effective teachers are concerned about students personal problems and can
relate to them and their problems. Numerous stories established how the sensitivity and
compassion of caring teachers affected them in profound and lasting ways.

Characteristic 9: Have a Sense of Humor

The most effective teachers do not take everything seriously and make learning fun.
1. Use humor to break the ice in difficult situations
2. Bring humor into the everyday classroom
3. Laugh with the class (but not at the expense of any particular student)

Characteristic 10: Respect Students

The most effective teachers do not deliberately embarrass students. Teachers, who give the
highest respect, get the highest respect.
1. Respect students privacy when returning test papers
2. Speak to students in private concerning grades or conduct
3. Show sensitivity to feelings and consistently avoid situations that unnecessarily
embarrass students

Characteristic 11: Forgiving

The most effective teachers do not hold grudges.
1. Forgive students for inappropriate behavior
2. Habitually start each day with a clean slate
3. Understand that a forgiving attitude is essential to reaching difficult students
4. Understand that disruptive or antisocial behavior can quickly turn a teacher against a
student, but that refusing to give up on difficult students can produce success

Characteristic 12: Admit Mistakes

The most effective teachers are quick to admit being wrong. They
1. Apologize to mistakenly accused students
2. Make adjustments when students point out errors in grading or test material that has not
been assigned.
Source: http://files.eric.ed.gov

Experience wise, I think the best quality of an effective teacher is that s/he
possesses passion in teaching. Since teaching requires enthusiasm to understand students
individual characteristics and attitudes, to mold them to be better person, and to serve
them the best possible care and concern for their future. Thus, loving the profession means
being effective and competitive.

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