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Mahmood Shah
, Aamir Atta
, Muhammad Imran Qureshi
& Humaira Shah

Economics Department, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan (KPK) Pakistan
I.E.R Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan (KPK) Pakistan
Department of Commerce, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan (KPK) Pakistan

This study examines two important aspects. Firstly, it studies the relationship between Socio-
Economic Status (SES) of the family and academic achievements of their family members.
Secondly, it investigates the impact of SES on the academic achievements of the children. For
this study eight colleges and two Higher Secondary Schools were selected from D I Khan
District. A sample of 20 students was selected from each college and school. Rank correlation
and Chi Square test have been used to test the hypothesis. The findings show positive and strong
correlation between SES and academic achievements of the children.
Keywords: Socio-Economic Status, Academic Achievements

There are several topical areas that are
most commonly linked to academic
performance including school factors,
family factors and peer factors. But ones
family background has also been found
to be most influencing factor. Modern
research has found that socioeconomic
status, parental involvement and family
size are particularly important family
factors. Family socioeconomic status
(SES) plays an important role in the
students life and outside of school also.
SES has the most important influence on
student learning and it includes socio
economic status, two parents versus
single parent households, divorce,
parenting practices and aspirations,
maternal characteristics, family size, and
During the earlier years of child
research, the socioeconomic status (SES)
of parents was largely overlooked. It was
not until the work of sociologists in the
late 1930s that behavioral scientists had
firm evidence that well-defined
behavioral trends were associated with
various levels of SES. The determination
of socioeconomic status SES is closely
related with income or earnings and
educational level that these two variables
are usually used by researchers as valid
indices of SES.
It is also necessary that we mean by
family? There is generally a confusion
about the term family.when we talk with
Gomal University Journal of Research, 28(1). June, 2012
13 Shah et al., Impact of Socio Economic
our friends about a family, we generall
associate with people from our own
social class and culture. Or with whom
we share our culture, our values and
norms. However according to Eitle
(2005) and Carbonaro (2005) there is a
tremendous variation in the family. The
smallest unit is called conjugal family,
which must include a husband and wife.
Nuclear families may or may not include
a husband and wife. They consist of any
two or more persons related to one
another by blood, marriage or adoption
who share a common residence.

Many studies by sociologists,
economists, statisticians and
academicians are conducted to study the
correlation between the SES and the
academic achievements of students at
different levels of their study, in
different areas and at different times.
Studies have shown repeatedly that SES
affects student achievements.
Majoribanks (1996) explains the
importance of SES not only in students
life but also outside the school. In
studying the impact of various factors on
students academics achievements he
concluded that the determining factor is
the SES of the family. The environment
at home is a primary socialization agent
and influences a child interests in school
and aspirations for the future.
Baharudin and Luster (1998) and
Seyfried (1998) has also studied a
positive correlation between SES and
students academic achievements
Mc Neal (2001) has also pointed out in
his study that SES has overridden other
educational influences such as family
size, parental involvements and
educational level of the parents.
Jeynes (2002) shows that there is a
positive correlation between SES of a
family and the academic achievements
of a student.
Hochschild (2003) says that students
who have a low SES earn lower test
scores and are more likely to drop out of
Eamon (2005) believed that low SES
negatively affects academic
achievements because low SES prevents
access to vital resources and creates
additional stress at home.

The problem of the study is to
investigate the impact of the
socioeconomic status of the parents on
Gomal University Journal of Research, 28(1). June, 2012
14 Shah et al., Impact of Socio Economic
the academic achievements of their
children. For the academic achievements
of the students we have taken the sample
of the students who have passed their
Secondary School Certificate
Examination (10
examination).For this percentage of
marks (Marks obtained/ Total marks *
100) is used to study the academic
achievements by the students. It is
denoted by Ry. Ry is the ranks of the
achievements of children in their SSC
examination. The population of the study
is the male students of the district
DIKhan (Excluding Tribal areas of
DIKHAN) who have passed their 10

level examination in 2009 and are
admitted in any college of the DIKhan
district. A questionnaire was developed
and it was administered personally. A
sample of five Degree Colleges of the
district i.e. Government Degree College
No. 1 DIKhan, Government Degree
College Paharpur, Government Degree
College Tank, Government Degree
College Kulachi and Government
Degree College Paroa. Along with these
colleges, Poly Technic College,
Commerce College, Qurtaba College
and two Higher Secondary Schools are
also taken as a sample of the study. A
sample of 200 male students were
selected i.e. 20 students from each
college were randomly selected.
Socioeconomic status SES of the parents
is taken from the total income of the
parents and is ranked in ascending order
of their income denoted by Rx. While
academic achievements of the students
are taken from the 10
class result.
It is not necessary not possible that every
one in the universe will be equally
blessed in terms of income, money,
social status or prestige. Although these
are desired by all but every one not gets
them equally distributed in the
population. That is why people in the
society are ranked according to their
income. Hence for this purpose a
Spearmans Rank Correlation is used to
study the relationship. (Shah, 1993).
This is given as under
= 1- 6Di
/ N ( N
r is coefficient of Rank Correlation
Di is square of the difference between
Rx and Ry
Rx is the ranks of fathers income in
ascending order
Ry is the ranks of the academic
achievements of children on the basis of
percentage in their SSC examination.
Gomal University Journal of Research, 28(1). June, 2012
15 Shah et al., Impact of Socio Economic
N is the number of observations i.e. 200.
Same can be achieved by using the Chi
approach (Walpole, 1982).

The study aimed at finding the following
To see the relationship
between the socioeconomic
status of the parents and the
admission in the colleges.
To see the impact of
socioeconomic status on the
achievements of the students
To find problems and suggest
improvements in the light of
findings of the study to the
policy makers and planners.
Firstly, there is a positive relationship
between the socioeconomic status of the
parents and the academic achievements
of their children.
Secondly, the socioeconomics status
positively effects the academic
achievements of their students
To show the number of students
admitted in various colleges according to
their family income three different
income group are made. Here by family
income we mean income from any
person that is father, mother or both. It is
given in the following table No.1.

Table No. 1. Income wise position of students admitted in various colleges
Income Group Number of Students Percentage
0 -25000 39 13.5
25000 - 50000 67 33.5
50000 and above 94 47.0
Total 200 100
Source. Questionnaire

The analysis of the table shows that as
the income of the family increases the
number of students admitted to various
colleges also increases. This shows that
there is a positive relationship between
income of the family and students
admission in various colleges.
Gomal University Journal of Research, 28(1). June, 2012
16 Shah et al., Impact of Socio Economic
The important objective of the study is
to investigate the impact of
socioeconomic status on the academic
achievements of their children. For this,
Spearmans Rank Correlation coefficient
is used.
Here r
= 0.776.
It shows that there is a strong or high
correlation between socio economic
status (SES) of the family and academic
achievements of the students.
Applying the Chi Square
test the
relationship can also be verified.
The Chi-square distribution contains
only one parameter, called the number of
degree of freedom (d.f).

The formula for Chi-square distribution
is as under:-

2 =
with (r-1) (c-1)
(fo - fe)

Where fo = observed (Given) frequency.
fe = expected (Calculated) frequency.
Expected frequency in any cell can be
calculated are:-
fe = Expected frequency =
(Row total) (Column total)
Grand Total
It is explained with the help of the
following table No. 2.

Table No.2. Relationship between SES of parents and Academic
achievements of the Children
Achievements Low Middle High Total
High Achievements 5 28 61 94
Middle Achievements 12 21 34 67
Low Achievements 20 12 07 39
Total 37 61 102 200
Source: Questionnaire

To measure the relationship between
SES and academic achievement of the
students Chi-square distribution is used.
Calculated Chi-square value was found
to be 11.14 as against the table value of
9.49 at = 0.05 with d. f = 4.
= 11.14 > 9.49). So there is
significant relationship at 0.05 level of
Gomal University Journal of Research, 28(1). June, 2012
17 Shah et al., Impact of Socio Economic
Hence There is significant relationship
between SES and academic achievement
of students.

Following conclusion on the basis of
objectives and hypothesis can be drawn
from the study.
There is appositive relationship between
the socioeconomic status of the parents
(calculated in terms of family income,
either by father, mother or both) and the
academic achievements of their children.
The analysis of the data shows that the
socioeconomics status of a family
positively effects the academic
achievements of their children. It is also
verified by the strong positive
correlation between the two.

Majoribanks K (1996). Family Learning
Environments and Students Outcomes:
A review . Journal of Comparative
Family Studies 27 (2), 373 394.

Baharudin R and Luster T (1998).
Factors Related to the Quality of the
Home Environment and Childrens
Achievements. Journal of Family Issues.

Seyfried S F (1998). Academic
Achievements of African American
Preadolescents: The influence of
Teachers Perceptions. American Journal
of Community Psychology. 26(3):381-

Eamon M K (2005). Social-
Demographic, School, Neighbourhood
and Parenting Influences on Academic
Achievements of Latino Young
Adolecsents. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence. 34(2):163-175.

Hoschchild J L (2003). Social Class in
Public Schools. Journal of Social Issues,

Jeynes W H (2002). Examining the
Effects of Parental Absence on The
Academic Achievements of
Adolescents: The Challenge of
Controlling for Family Income. Journal
of family and Economic Issues.

Walpole (1982). Introduction to
Statistics, 3
Edition, Macmillan
Publishing Co.New York.311.

Shah L (1993). The Influence of
Selected Socio Psychological Variables
on the Achievements of School Children
in Azad Kashmir. Un published Doctoral
Dissertation, University of the Punjab.

Elite & Tamela Mc N (2005). Do
Gender and Race Matter? Explaining the
Relationship between Sports
Participation and Achievement.
Sociological Spectrum. 25(2):177-195.

Carbonaro W (2005). Tracking Students
Effort and Academic Achievements.
Sociology of Education. 78 (1):27- 49.

Gomal University Journal of Research, 28(1). June, 2012

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