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Jason has been assigned a science project, but he doesnt seem to have any idea how to start. He
sits and stares out the window for a while and then raises his hand for the teacher.
I dont understand, he says.
Well, the teacher says, lets think about some things you might do to start.
I could make a list of the things I have to do.
What else could you do?
"I could think about what I did on my last project.
Good idea.
Last time I went to the library and looked in the computer. I wasted a lot of time without finding
What could you do different this time?
Maybe I could ask Holly to help me with search words. Shes really good at that.
That sounds like the beginning of a good plan.
Jason is intelligent and interested in science, but he is lacking in abilities that help him do
complex projects. In her dialogue with him, the teacher is helping him think metacognitively so
that he can develop an awareness of his thinking processes, plan strategies for completing the
project, and monitor the success of those strategies.

Metacognition, or thinking about thinking refers to the mental processes that control and
regulate how people think. Metacognition is especially important in project work, because
students must make decisions about what strategies to use and how to use them. Marzanos
(1998) research of 4000 different instructional interventions found that those that were most
effective in improving student learning were those that focused on how students think about their
thinking processes and on how students feel about themselves as learners.

Components of Metacognition
The most basic component of metacognition is awareness of thinking processes. This awareness
includes both the ways that students usually approach a task and alternative ways that they might
approach it. Good learners are aware of how they think and can make smart choices about
effective strategies.
The planning component of metacognition is responsible for identifying or activating the
specific skills, tactics, and processes that will be used in accomplishing the goal (Marzano,
1998, p. 60). A student at this stage has an inner dialogue about what she could do and what
would be most effective under the circumstances. If the task is simple, the person may not even
be aware of the choices she is making. With a complex task, however, the metacognitive process
is more explicit as the student turns different options over in her mind. The final component of
metacognition is monitoring. This function checks on the effectiveness of the plan and the
strategies being used. For example, a sophomore biology student has decided to make a map on
the computer to review a chapter for a test. After a few minutes, he realizes that hes spending
more time figuring out the software than thinking about the content and decides to draw the map
on paper. A fifth grader who is compiling data about the temperature and humidity begins to add
long lists of numbers and then realizes the work would be much faster and more accurate if she
used a spreadsheet program. Continuous monitoring of thinking processes and making necessary
changes is a critical component of metacognition.

Sanskrit English First set Second set
1. Pranayama Breath Of Life 6 sec inhale
& exhale
10 breath
10 breath
2. Arda Chandrasana Half Moon
45-60 sec
10-20 sec
25-35 sec
10-20 sec
3. Padahastasana Hands to Feet 30 sec 20 sec
4. Utktasana Awkward 10 sec per
10 sec per
5. Garurasana Eagle 10-20 sec 10-20 sec

Water break

6. Dandayamana
Standing Head To
60 sec 30 sec
7. Dandayamana Dhanurasana Standing Bow 60 sec 30 sec
8. Tuladandasana Balancing Stick 10 sec 10 sec
9. Dandayamana
Standing Separate Leg
Intense Stretching
30-40 sec 30-40 sec
10. Trikanasana Triangle 20 sec 20 sec
11. Dandayamana
Bibhaktapada Janushirasana
Standing Separate Leg
Head To Knee
20-30 sec 20-30 sec
12. Tadasana Tree 30 sec

13. Padangustasana Toe Stand

30 sec
14. Savasana (2 min) Dead Body/Corpse 120 sec

15. Pavanamuktasana Wind Removing Pose 20 secs all
10-20 secs
each part
16. Sit-up Sit-up

17. Bhujangasana Cobra 10 sec 10 sec
18. Salabhasana Half Locust 10 sec 10 sec
19. Poornasalabhasana Full Locust 10 sec 10 sec
20. Dhanurasana Bow (or Floor Bow) 20 sec 20 sec
21. Supta Vajrasana Fixed Firm 40 sec 40 sec
22. Ardha Kurmasana Half Tortoise 20 sec 20 sec
23. Ustrasana Camel 30-45 sec 20-30 sec
24. Sasangasana Rabbit 20-25 sec 20-25 sec
25. Janushirasana Head To Knee 20-40 sec 20-30 sec
26. Paschimottanasana Intense Stretching 20-40 sec 20-40 sec
27. Arda Matsyendrasana Half Spine Twist 20-40 sec

28. Kapalbhati Breath Of Fire 60 counts 60 counts a
little faster

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