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El Curso Job Interview es un curso monogrfico de

ingls dirigido a aquellas personas que tienen que superar
con xito una entrevista de trabajo en ese idioma, con
alguno de los siguientes perfiles:
jvenes recin licenciados, en bsqueda de su
primer empleo,
profesionales con intencin de cambiar de oficio
profesionales con experiencia que quieren
mejorar su puesto laboral.

El curso est estructurado de tal forma que se estudian
las preguntas ms habituales en una entrevista de trabajo
y una posible respuesta para cada pregunta formulada,
dadas por candidatos de distintas nacionalidades,
aspirantes a un determinado puesto de trabajo, durante
una entrevista de trabajo en ingls.

En el Curso se estudian las expresiones y el vocabulario
idneos para expresarse correctamente durante la
entrevista, transmitiendo seguridad y precisin en todo

Como complemento del curso y a modo de repaso hay
dos ejemplos de entrevistas en las que se recogen las
expresiones y el vocabulario bsicos aprendidos desde el
comienzo del curso

Para finalizar el curso estn los ejercicios. Son la prueba final para
comprobar si se ha adquirido y asimilado todo el contenido del Curso.

____ ___ ____ ___ ___ _

1.- Tell me about yourself.
21.- Have you ever had difficulties getting along
with others?

2.- Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.
22.- What personal characteristics are
necessary for success in your field?

3.- What are your qualifications and how will they make
you successful in this field?
23.- What is/are your greater strengths?
4.- What are your greatest accomplishments?
24.- Describe a situation where your work or
one of your ideas was criticized.

5.- What type of position are you interested in?
25.- Describe a difficult problem youve had to
deal with.

6.- What kind of experience do you have for this job?
26.- What is the most difficult situation you have

7.- Why do you think you would like this type of job? 27.- What kind of things do you worry about?
8.- What university did you attend and why did you
choose it?
28.- What do you know about our company?
9.- Id be interested to hear about some things you
learned at university that could be used on the job.
29.- Why do you want to work here?
10.- Why do you feel you are a better professional than
some of your co-workers?
30.- What interests you most about this job?
11.- What do you think of your last boss?
31.- What can you do for us that someone else
cannot do?

12.- Would you like to have your bosss job? 32.- Why should I hire you?
13.- What are some of the things which you and your
manager disagreed?
33.- How long would it take you to make a
contribution to the company?

14.- Do you like routine tasks or regular hours? 34.- How long would you stay in the company?
15.- What do you like and dislike about your last job? 35.- What are you looking for in your next job?
16.- How long have you been looking for another
36.- What would you like to be doing 5 years
from now?

17.- Can you work under pressure? 37.- How interested are you in sport?
18.- How do you organize and plan for major projects?
38.- What was the last film you saw? How did it
affect you?

19.- What do you think determines progress in a good
39.- Tell me a story
20.- Do you prefer working with others or alone? 40.- Do you have any questions?

Entrevista de trabajo

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