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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Roger: i am going to sleep now

Roger: 3 more days of work
Roger: 6/7 day week
Roger: i wish i could recover my old folder of screens
Uberdubie: Alright. Good luck there. I may not be on much until Saturday/Sunda
y myself
Roger: cool
Uberdubie: I wish you could too heh
Roger: i lost everything before the summer screenshot competition
Roger: including my entry
Roger: :(
Uberdubie: Ouch..... wow I didn't know you lost that much
Roger: my imgur account has some of it
Uberdubie: Hard drive failure? I don't recall
Roger: no i had 5 backups of my game
Roger: across 3 drives
Roger: and i condensed them
Roger: and deleted the wrong screenshot folder
Uberdubie: Ah geeze....
Uberdubie: You hated yourself for that I'm sure
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/1G5HjZ3.png
Uberdubie: I've done similar things myself
Uberdubie: OH?!
Roger: my main prized one
Uberdubie: oh niiiice
Uberdubie: Yeah, that picture got me hooked on your stuff :)
Roger: it got many i think
Roger: not many poriginal followers follow
Roger: now
Uberdubie: From how long ago was that pic?
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/kaxxgZz.png
Roger: march 13th
Uberdubie: Oh ok that sounds about right
Uberdubie: Right around the time I came around
Uberdubie: Out of lurker-state
Roger: i should have submitted my far cry 3 pic instead
Uberdubie: Personally, I like the one you submitted better
Uberdubie: For a summer theme
Roger: usually my first idea for those is the best one
Roger: because other ones after are related to ideas based on the first one
Uberdubie: I'm usually the same way
Uberdubie: hey
Roger: hi
Roger: just get some downtime?
Uberdubie: Yeah I do, more than I thought I would tonight
Roger: wow
Uberdubie: What's up?
Roger: i'll show you
Roger: :)
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/Em8lNUD.png
Roger: cant think of good site title font
Roger: going to work on this tonight for awhile
Uberdubie: LOLLLLLL
Roger: some more after dinner
Uberdubie: The title of it alone.... lol
Roger: i couldnt think of anything simple
Uberdubie: Nono... its perfect
Roger: XD
Roger: good then we got a good idea going
Roger: :)
Roger: im making it in publisher so the boxes n stuff are consistent
Roger: do you have publisher?
Uberdubie: I don't :(
Roger: oh
Uberdubie: I could get it though
Roger: i was thinking that we could collab
Roger: on this piece
Uberdubie: Oh sure! I can get publisher then :)
Roger: and i can send you wha ti have so far
Uberdubie: What version do you have
Roger: 2010
Uberdubie: ok
Roger: i prefer 3013
Roger: but dont have $$$
Roger: :P
Roger: 2013*
Uberdubie: Thats pretty futuristic... lol
Uberdubie: Yeah
Roger: hahaha
Roger: hmm i think you might also need the fonts
Roger: ill put together a package
Roger: for you after i get home from dinner
Uberdubie: Alright awesome :)
Roger: with what i got (fonts, pub fule, etc)
Uberdubie: I won't be around much tomorrow (most likely unless I don't go to thi
s wedding in jersey)
Roger: we gonna be sop awesome at this
Uberdubie: But Saturday I'll definitely have time
Roger: yeah i am invited to a wedding also but in a few weeks
Roger: cool i work tomorrow and sat
Uberdubie: gotcha
Roger: ill cya in a bvit then
Uberdubie: no problem
Uberdubie: Ok I found a promising publisher to try
Roger: back
Roger: creating stuff is fun
Roger: XD
Uberdubie: I have publisher downloaded. Just need to install
Roger: that was quick
Roger: :)
Uberdubie: Yeah it was less than 400mb wasn't too bad
Uberdubie: For me heh
Roger: its just publisher, not entire suuite?
Uberdubie: Yeah
Uberdubie: I wouldn't mind getting word at some pint
Uberdubie: *point
Uberdubie: I used to need it in college etc
Roger: so expensive
Roger: now office 365 is subscrioption based
Uberdubie: Oh fuck buying it
Roger: :(
Uberdubie: Back in MY day, office was included on your pre-built PC's
Uberdubie: DAMMIT
Roger: do you have Century Gothic font? it should be standard with Office
Roger: not working?
Uberdubie: Doesn't look like I have it
Roger: ill add it to the rar
Uberdubie: Oh I was just joking around
Uberdubie: Cool thanks
Uberdubie: I have plenty of great fonts though heh
Roger: i jst got the NFS Most Wanted font
Roger: the first most wanted
Roger: https://www.firedrive.com/file/DF44F662298EC356
Roger: DL for stuff i have gotten today
Roger: hmm as a teraser, we should create a fake homepage
Roger: teaser
Roger: kind of like thise intro things on front pages that explain the site
Uberdubie: With the login, or more of a "front page"
Roger: since it's friend zone themed, it could say like " experience what millio
ns of people are talking about " or some kind of friend zone puns
Uberdubie: Puns are a MUST
Roger: yes with log in or registration
Uberdubie: ok
Uberdubie: http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-06/17/6/enhanced/webdr04/enhance
Uberdubie: Is that a good pun or a bad pun? lol
Roger: i think its okay
Roger: i got it but smiled, not laughed
Uberdubie: Alright. Feeling you out a bit
Roger: looking thru my pic collections
Roger: to see if we should have adverts
Uberdubie: http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-06/17/6/enhanced/webdr07/enhance
Roger: this is funny to me
Uberdubie: How about... "Connect with friends around the world without the disap
Uberdubie: Something like that
Roger: that would worl
Roger: work
Uberdubie: "Join the Friend Zone! It's not as if you were getting some anyway..
Uberdubie: I like that better lol
Uberdubie: Or both could work
Roger: Join the friend zone! connect with people around the world without the di
Roger: or join the millions of users around the world who would rather just be f
Uberdubie: Haha
Uberdubie: I say all of them should apply somewhere at least
Roger: yeah
Uberdubie: crap
Uberdubie: is there any way to install publisher on my D drive?
Roger: custom install
Uberdubie: It doesn't seem to be giving me an option
Uberdubie: hm
Uberdubie: My C drive is pretty full
Roger: thers usually INSTALL or Customize Install
Uberdubie: Ah fuck... this may not work out for me
Uberdubie: I'll try uninstalling and look harder. If not I'll try another versi
Uberdubie: Ok I found an option. so far so good
Roger: oh good
Uberdubie: Hope it works without rebooting
Uberdubie: I hate rebooting when I'm not ready to heh
Uberdubie: Only problem now is... there is this "common shared" folder it still
insisted on installing on my C drive
Uberdubie: It's about 235mb. Whhyyyy does it insist on installing it there >:(
Roger: :(
Uberdubie: Common files/ Microsoft Shared
Uberdubie: Well, I can look at your files for now at least
Roger: uploading possible ads
Roger: :P
Roger: got to have ads
Uberdubie: Oh hell yeah
Roger: https://www.firedrive.com/file/91789A4333F32AB2
Roger: okay back to profile page now
Roger: :)
Uberdubie: Haha
Uberdubie: Worst case scenerio, if publisher is too annoying to install, I think
I can still be of help with my photoshop work
Roger: cool
Roger: not sure what each box should say
Roger: like PROFILE or STATUS
Uberdubie: Hey real quick... it says I don't have Eurofurence light or Eurofuren
ce available
Uberdubie: font types
Roger: fonts should be in rar
Roger: to install
Uberdubie: Those are the Eurostile ones?
Roger: oh okay one sec
Roger: http://www.dafont.com/eurofurence.font
Uberdubie: Ah there we are
Uberdubie: Working now :P
Roger: i am using, in publisher, if you go to page design
Roger: its set to URBAN
Roger: for color scheme
Uberdubie: Yep its urban for me too
Roger: ok
Uberdubie: Its cool it lets you change it easily like that though
Uberdubie: hahaha
Uberdubie: I laughed at the elements pic
Uberdubie: LOL
Uberdubie: These weren't the jokes I was expecting... both some of these are gre
Uberdubie: The "playable character".... thats wonderful
Uberdubie: Still laughing at that one lol
Roger: thanks to 4-chan for them
Uberdubie: Well they're good for.. certain things
Roger: making a moving slideshow thing
Uberdubie: Not so much for K17. I don't know if you've ever tried
Roger: i cant get vertical spacing correct on these boxes
Uberdubie: Looking at the layout, I think I can do a lot of this in Photoshop.
But it's nice that we can communicate with publisher too
Roger: of course, i take the difficult route hahaha
Uberdubie: Yeah seriously
Roger: but more work proves it can be done
Uberdubie: Haha, I don't know how much harder it is, I'm just not used to it
Roger: like my comic
Roger: :)
Uberdubie: I know you'll persevere
Roger: everyone else thinks im crazy lol
Roger: and that i really should use PS
Uberdubie: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/4774867200/hD97E1F27/
Roger: hmm we need a site logo
Roger: how bout that Feels GUy
Roger: /meme
Uberdubie: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/241/371/2dc.jpg
Uberdubie: I disagree with this one. That's not a friend zone thing lol
Uberdubie: Not typically
Roger: thatd be a good manda pose
Roger: or gabi pose
Uberdubie: Agreed
Uberdubie: LOL
Uberdubie: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/108/d/0/sonic_3__friend_zone_a
Uberdubie: My favorite so far
Roger: :)
Uberdubie: That would be perfect, if it's laid out like a story
Uberdubie: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cvE2nYZEVRA/U4BowmFPUxI/AAAAAAAACtY/s6CAzQf
Uberdubie: This one we can actually use
Roger: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=946&bih=800&q=
Uberdubie: Do you watch game of thrones at all?
Roger: mope never
Uberdubie: k
Uberdubie: Saw a great one, but you wouldn't get it heh
Uberdubie: ohhh that one
Uberdubie: Honestly, I'm not very familiar with it :(
Roger: wow image placeholders are much faster
Roger: youve gon quiet :)
Uberdubie: Yeah crackin' at a logo :)
Roger: oh cool
Roger: trying to finish up the slideshow panel
Roger: all about details
Uberdubie: mhmm
Uberdubie: http://i.imgur.com/1by7Ywi.jpg
Uberdubie: Just an idea
Roger: hmm
Roger: what if it was fz ?
Uberdubie: Sure
Roger: or a yield sign
Roger: https://www.google.com/search?biw=946&bih=800&tbm=isch&q=zone%20sign&revi
Roger: not any bright colors or anything
Roger: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_faEyN3bqJL8/TF7z2BHUaQI/AAAAAAAAAgs/thAIyJFTylM
Roger: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F_xwE
Roger: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xwEUEknGYpI/S70tfS8rM8I/AAAAAAAAAg0/VgMGIv1RbCA
Uberdubie: diamond or rectangle?
Roger: ooh idk
Uberdubie: or triangle heh
Roger: playing around with both myself
Uberdubie: ok
Uberdubie: I like the talk to the hand idea personally
Roger: diamond would be slightly different
Roger: but yeah the square one you made also works
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/5wQDYHl.png
Uberdubie: lol
Uberdubie: So cruel
Roger: so keeping this
Roger: hahaha
Roger: ill post in chat se what reaction i get
Uberdubie: http://i.imgur.com/ZQocYnx.jpg
Uberdubie: I'm messing around with a lot of ideas but this one I keep coming bac
k to
Roger: ooh
Roger: what is comnsidered "first base"?
Uberdubie: first kiss
Uberdubie: or light kissing
Uberdubie: Always how I viewed it
Uberdubie: I think there's a lot of disagreement and confusion between first and
Roger: i never get to hit a pitch lol
Roger: so i would not know
Roger: > tfw strike outs
Uberdubie: Honestly, I'm not even sure what the pitch would be lol
Uberdubie: Asking a girl out I guess?
Roger: could be
Uberdubie: It's not all about the game... Some people don't even play the game b
efore getting married
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/Xmom8Wu.png
Uberdubie: Haha, I'm not exactly sure what that is :(
Roger: first base
Roger: XD
Uberdubie: LOL
Uberdubie: That could work if it comes with some context :P
Roger: yeah
Uberdubie: I almost thought it was a gravestone
Roger: i thin the one you had was good
Roger: i dont think it should say friend zone though
Roger: maybe the very first one you did
Uberdubie: Hmm ok
Uberdubie: I modelled the second after the school zone sign
Uberdubie: Not sure how classic or unique you're looking for, but after yours th
at you put in the chat... haha :P
Roger: haha
Uberdubie: So are you a boob man?
Uberdubie: Or at least you're fond of them
Roger: both
Uberdubie: ok. Ever go to http://www.cinemajuggs.com/forum
Uberdubie: Best site for that section of the anatomy
Uberdubie: imo
Roger: http://www.assmatrix.com/types.htm
Uberdubie: dats some ass
Roger: XD
Uberdubie: Well you're not that weird
Uberdubie: You could be like Xalas with a massive foot thing
Roger: he posted his naughty machinima profile earlier today
Roger: his profile pic is crazy
Roger: XD
Uberdubie: Yeah. I THINK that's his wife. I could be wrong
Uberdubie: Just putting things together
Roger: his profile pic shows his penis
Roger: so jelly
Uberdubie: Or baby-mama whatever its called
Uberdubie: Yeah
Uberdubie: Well, it's living up to his stereotype
Roger: yeha thats what i said to him, he loled
Uberdubie: Did you see his sig on the forum?
Uberdubie: It used to be an animated gif of him cumming
Roger: no i have sigs disabled
Roger: oh yeah
Roger: i saw that
Uberdubie: From feet of course lol
Roger: crazy stuff lol
Roger: hmm for friends list
Uberdubie: I used to think it was some random dude
Roger: should it be called FRIENDS LIST
Uberdubie: Then I realized it was him and I wasn't sure how to feel lol
Roger: yeah i tried to look it up lol
Roger: or should it be called LIST OF PALS
Uberdubie: Hm. Now why are you ditching Friend Zone?
Roger: no for the friends list panel
Uberdubie: oh oh ok. You had me worried
Uberdubie: haha
Roger: oh
Roger: nah this project is going to go pretty far i think
Roger: only maybe 80% first draft
Uberdubie: Yeah I imagine it could. Scarily far
Uberdubie: Tough call on the friends list
Uberdubie: Could simply be "Friendzoned"
Uberdubie: or Friend Zone'd
Roger: or call it "YOUR ZONE"
Roger: maybe?
Uberdubie: hmmm
Roger: its a really small box
Uberdubie: is there a noun to descibe a person who is friend zone'd?
Uberdubie: That would help
Roger: ill google that
Uberdubie: Yeah, I'm just not sold on anything yet personally. But your call
Roger: http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6900163/19-people-getting-friend-zoned-i
Roger: ^ so das XD
Roger: sad*
Roger: or maybe a buddy list
Roger: i dont think ther is a noun for a friend zoned person
Roger: or maybe "Whipped list"
Roger: *shrug*
Uberdubie: good lord... I really hope that blow job text was a joke
Roger: DEnied List
Uberdubie: had to be
Uberdubie: hmm
Uberdubie: Friends-only List?
Roger: that'd be cool
Roger: i'll try that
Uberdubie: Alright... that's really hard heh
Roger: yeah
Roger: since friend zone is the site title
Roger: hate to repeat the friend part
Uberdubie: Almost seems ok just to be Friends like FB, but yeah it should have s
omething unique there
Uberdubie: hm yeah
Roger: Circle Jerks lol
Uberdubie: Best Friends? lol
Roger: hmm
Roger: or best OF friends?
Uberdubie: hm maybe
Uberdubie: I think my favorite still is "zone'd" or something to that degree
Uberdubie: But I can't decide haha
Roger: Currently Zone'd
Uberdubie: I like that
Roger: then ther ecould be a "recently Zone'd list, like FB's people you may lik
e list
Uberdubie: Yeah that's perfect
Uberdubie: Keeps it simple
Roger: which do you think should be which? should recently be larger than curren
Roger: or currently larger box
Uberdubie: Current I think, because if we're going by FB at all, the you may lik
e list isn't that big typically... unless you barely have any friends right
Uberdubie: Then again, I don't go on FB much heh
Uberdubie: But I have one
Roger: i dont have
Roger: hmm i have some empty white space
Uberdubie: My significant other talked me into it. NEVER would've happened othe
Uberdubie: How about an add?
Roger: i have a small one atm
Roger: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C2A9E563D65A01A!12031&authkey=!AGHB
Roger: what i have so far
Roger: the message area can be adjusted
Roger: spacing is not a strong suit of mine
Roger: maybe a daily jjoke panel
Roger: or like those recently added images
Uberdubie: yeahhh that could work
Uberdubie: Damn, this is really coming along nicely. Great job!
Roger: cause social networkings all about sharing pics
Uberdubie: Currently Zoned looks great
Uberdubie: Yes it is
Uberdubie: I wonder, do you think it'll be funny and/or fitting to make posts on
the wall guys trying to flirt with Gabi?
Roger: or amanda, yeah
Roger: i plan on making pages for both
Roger: and putting taylor in them
Roger: also
Uberdubie: Oh alright
Uberdubie: My "main model" is Melanie. Could I do one for her?
Roger: sure
Roger: its a collab
Roger: so feel free
Uberdubie: cool
Roger: might help inspire if im not the only one to do a page
Uberdubie: I think so
Roger: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwo1f8xYVX1qic8yqo1_500.jpg
Roger: hmm maybe community images
Uberdubie: shit
Uberdubie: I could've sworn you made that haha
Uberdubie: its perfect
Uberdubie: Well in this case, I kinda like tip of the day
Uberdubie: But yeah anything like that. Pic of the day
Roger: all these boxes are pic placeholders
Roger: makes very easy to insert pics
Roger: and the ad can be changed
Roger: so it's all good atm
Roger: http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/friend-zone-32.jpg
Uberdubie: Do you plan layouts for your job? You're great in planning
Roger: nope
Roger: my job doesnt support much creativity
Roger: but my sservice statistics sheeat with excel is beast
Uberdubie: I do layouts for websites, but I can't plan out everything as quickly
and as thoroughly as you are heh
Roger: for me if i am going to have an idea spark i need to proces otherwise i
los eit
Roger: until the next time
Roger: my mind flutters
Uberdubie: Yeah I'm that way
Uberdubie: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/157054_4386
Roger: its like i have overall ideas
Roger: then my mind fills in the details as i process
Uberdubie: Sounds pretty normal to me
Uberdubie: That's more or less how view things
Uberdubie: *I view things
Roger: oh weird
Roger: once you place an image in the placeholder
Roger: when deleting photo
Roger: it deletes the placeholder
Roger: :|
Uberdubie: uh...
Roger: so if doing multiple pages
Roger: make copies
Roger: :P
Uberdubie: Yeah haha
Roger: nvm....right click > change picture
Uberdubie: If theres any wall you run into like that, let me know if its doable
to transfer it into photoshop
Uberdubie: ah
Roger: learned something
Roger: in 30 seconds
Roger: thats neat
Roger: the way the image panels laid out
Roger: it crops the pic, so its like a real site
Uberdubie: It looks awesome on my end
Roger: with just a small preview
Uberdubie: No seriously its more or less what html is exactly like
Uberdubie: Just completely different back end :P
Uberdubie: I'm used to typing in numbers for getting that stuff right on the cod
ing end
Uberdubie: But this works for this
Roger: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C2A9E563D65A01A!12031&authkey=!AGHB
Uberdubie: haha
Uberdubie: Community Support looks intimidating :P
Roger: what you mean?
Uberdubie: That picture.
Uberdubie: haha
Roger: haha
Uberdubie: http://www.nzhuntingandshooting.co.nz/attachments/f31/2404d1344055153
Roger: its community support
Roger: whcich is counter-productive
Roger: since its depressing hahaha
Uberdubie: That much sounds very fitting in a way
Uberdubie: or not in a way. Just very fitting
Uberdubie: http://lolsheaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Friend-Zone-Level-Br
Uberdubie: I could see your models doing this one
Roger: hehe
Roger: i think lore-wise, guys have been to o inimidated
Roger: and the gals dont party much
Roger: for as much modeling as they do
Roger: Taylor
Roger: is the outgoing one, and usually brings home stories
Roger: of her travels
Uberdubie: I could see that
Roger: hmm
Roger: there isnt an about me panel
Roger: or basic about me
Roger: ill have to put that somewhere
Uberdubie: I agree
Uberdubie: http://memeguy.com/photos/images/how-to-avoid-the-friend-zone-81323.j
Uberdubie: Another for the tip of the day... if that happens heh
Roger: start saving them
Uberdubie: k
Roger: you can use them :)
Uberdubie: I'll save this convo anyway
Roger: for post images
Roger: or randomness in your pages
Roger: should ther be a background, behind all the boxes
Roger: or left blank?
Roger: OOH
Roger: i like this
Roger: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C2A9E563D65A01A!12031&authkey=!AGHB
Roger: made the background custimizable with color choice
Uberdubie: hmm I don't see a difference
Roger: oh on the far left
Roger: click in the white space
Roger: next to one of the boxes
Roger: it should select the back layer
Roger: its a big color box
Roger: you can change tghe fill
Roger: to w/e color
Roger: oh anfd use the no border option
Uberdubie: ohhh you mean the page background?
Roger: yeah
Uberdubie: I can see the colors changing there
Uberdubie: Thats cool
Roger: so you canb have customization option
Uberdubie: I like the first green gradient
Roger: the farthestone in the back
Roger: is white space
Roger: so if you change the fill on the layer
Roger: it will fill in the white space between the boxes
Uberdubie: Ah
Uberdubie: I just found the 3D and shadows
Roger: :)
Uberdubie: This could look good on real websites
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/JhUc8Nv.png
Uberdubie: You know the best thing I found so far about publisher? It can be co
nverted to html. Like this whole thing for example
Roger: :)
Roger: i didnt know that
Uberdubie: I'm not going to apply it tonight to see how it works, but it seems p
Uberdubie: Which will help me immensely
Uberdubie: If it works
Roger: its for
Roger: its a save option?
Uberdubie: yeah
Roger: ill try it ... FOR SCIENCE
Uberdubie: It looks legit I tried it
Uberdubie: But haven't tested
Roger: lemme make a copy first lol
Uberdubie: Yeah do that heh
Roger: do i choose single file webpage?
Roger: or filtered page
Uberdubie: Try filtered
Roger: WOW
Uberdubie: Should be more easy to work with
Roger: single is NICE
Uberdubie: Oh nice
Uberdubie: So its successful
Roger: it looks like a page hahah
Roger: ill try filtered next
Roger: hmm filtered gives me a folder
Uberdubie: Can't wait to see what it looks like in an html editing program
Roger: with stuff inside
Uberdubie: oh I misunderstood what they meant mn
Roger: looks like all the boxes and photos
Uberdubie: *nm
Roger: and elements of pages
Uberdubie: Yeah for archiving purposes I'm guessing
Roger: oh ok
Uberdubie: Thats useful though
Roger: opening the folder in FireFox gives me a file list
Roger: of all the stuff in it
Roger: single webpage
Roger: is better for viewing
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/yPQkovO.png
Roger: we now have web page experience
Roger: :P
Uberdubie: Shit
Uberdubie: That's legitimately useful
Uberdubie: Very nice find :)
Roger: learned some useful stuiff in 3 hours
Roger: of jus tplaying lol
Uberdubie: Yeah me too
Uberdubie: I had no idea publisher would be useful in creating websites
Uberdubie: Fake OR real lol
Roger: worcd can do the same also
Uberdubie: really
Roger: yeah
Roger: can make word docs into web
Roger: i think also
Roger: and can do html in word
Uberdubie: Well, this is much more useful I'm sure. But good to know
Roger: one part is not even
Roger: when saving as webpage
Roger: the age and location should be on level with username
Roger: maybe i separate them into separate boxes
Roger: ok that fixed it
Uberdubie: nice
Uberdubie: You know, Publisher used to have a reputation about not being useful/
compatible in conjunction with external programs
Uberdubie: I can't say that's accurate anymore
Roger: i think it depended on usefulness and userbase
Uberdubie: Sure. I just remember it being a bitch to use get publisher files to
be anything but publisher files
Uberdubie: So at the very least, you tell confidently tell people the program ha
s many uses these days haha
Roger: yeha
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/IFyER5p.png a nother annoying add idea
Roger: 4th wall broken
Roger: :)
Roger: or 5th
Uberdubie: hahaha
Uberdubie: I almost feel like... I want to edit that and say "A slower way" or s
omething like that
Roger: for IE lol
Uberdubie: Either or! haha
Roger: OR
Roger: maybe get those IMVU ads
Roger: they be everywhere
Uberdubie: ohhhh yeah
Uberdubie: I like that
Uberdubie: That, and those "top lists"
Roger: ugh so many of them
Uberdubie: actually, that could be a good one for this site lol
Roger: :)
Roger: ad space was designed for dynamic ads
Roger: could be anything
Roger: :)
Uberdubie: mhm
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/mN1WiiR.jpg
Roger: so want this uploaded onto amanda's page
Roger: http://i.imgur.com/y41Mcuy.jpg a neat ad
Roger: do you want me to work on front page?
Roger: i have to sleep but i can work on it later
Uberdubie: Damn... that looks like a Halloween costume I had a few years ago lol
Uberdubie: I can get a start on the front page
Uberdubie: I should be off myself
Roger: otherwise i think the profile is done
Roger: things can change at user request
Uberdubie: So far, fantastic work. Sorry I couldn't contribute more tonight
Roger: like hidden or minimized boxes, etc
Roger: its cool
Uberdubie: yeah
Roger: i will up the fional version now to you
Uberdubie: I have many more ideas, so I'll just get storming on front page stuff
mostly right now
Uberdubie: oh ok
Roger: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C2A9E563D65A01A!12031&authkey=!AGHB
Roger: final profile
Roger: ill have to make so many avatars
Roger: lol
Uberdubie: So like I said, I may or may not be going to a wedding tomorrow (it's
complicated), but if I do I'll definitely be around. If not, I won't be till s
Roger: for the smaller boxes
Uberdubie: I'll make avatars too
Roger: no worries
Uberdubie: I look foward to that
Roger: might just greate some generic ones
Roger: from the game's model chooser
Roger: throw on some clothes
Roger: change hair and makeup
Roger: i might sneak myself into it
Roger: also
Roger: hahah
Uberdubie: Oh I like what you did with the age location
Uberdubie: Haha that works too
Roger: before the age and location were stacked into one box
Roger: but in IE, the webpage view screwed that part up
Uberdubie: I'll definitely put my random "extras" models in it
Roger: we will probably need overlap
Uberdubie: Yeah. Well I actually like them like this
Roger: so it looks like they are sharing friends
Uberdubie: Or something like that
Uberdubie: Nice thing is it doesn't have to be exactly like anything pre-existin
Uberdubie: And I'd hate to have to go on FB to check :P
Roger: yup
Roger: nite
Roger: ill dream of content again tonght lol
Uberdubie: Have a good one. I'll hit you up whenever I next have time
Uberdubie: haha
Roger: okay
Roger: great work tonight
Roger: was relally fun
Uberdubie: Hey thanks for showing me publisher again :)
Uberdubie: was fun
Roger: your wrelcome
Uberdubie: night
Roger is now Offline.

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