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RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL

Doc. Code Product Name WC!A"RAN"

Usage #or intern$l use
Prepared By
!$inten$n&e ep$rtment
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA
Throughput Problems
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1 o+ )'
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL
Tr$nsmission Group o+ %!TS
!$inten$n&e ep$rtment
Date '00,"0-"0,
Date '00,"0-"0,
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge ' o+ )'
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL
Revision Record
Date Version Description Author
'00."11"-1 1/0 The initi$l dr$+t *$s &omplete/ 0h$ng 1u2 3i$ng Guiping
'00,"0'"04 1/1 The pro&ess +or identi+5ing problems *$s
optimi6ed $&&ording to the re7ie*
0h$ng 1u
'00,"0'"') 1/' The ide$ o+ identi+5ing problems *$s
optimi6ed b$sed on &$se stud5/
1i$ Cui&hun
'00,"0-"0, 1/- es&ription errors *ere &orre&ted b$sed on
the do&ument test $nd re7ie* &omments
1i$ Cui&hun
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge iii o+ )'
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL
1 Trou!eshooting Process "or #$PA Throughput Pro!ems.................%
& #$DPA Throughput Pro!ems.........................................................'
'/1 Lo* or #lu&tu$ting HSPA Throughput/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////10
'/1/1 S5mptom/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////10
'/1/' Troubleshooting Pro&edures///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1'
'/1/- In+orm$tion Colle&tion List////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-1
'/' 0ero HSPA Throughput/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-1
'/'/1 S5mptom/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-1
'/'/' Troubleshooting Pro&edures///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-'
'/'/- In+orm$tion Colle&tion List////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-.
( #$UPA Throughput Pro!ems.......................................................('
-/1 Lo* or #lu&tu$ting HS%PA Throughput/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(0
-/1/1 S5mptom/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(0
-/1/' Troubleshooting Pro&edures///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(1
-/1/- In+orm$tion Colle&tion List////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////40
-/' #$ilure to Est$blish the HS%PA Ser7i&e//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////41
-/'/1 S5mptom/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////41
-/'/' Troubleshooting Pro&edures///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////41
-/'/- In+orm$tion Colle&tion List////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4)
-/- #$ilure to Est$blish $n HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s Ser7i&e////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4)
-/-/1 S5mptom/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4)
-/-/' Troubleshooting Pro&edures///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////48
-/-/- In+orm$tion Colle&tion List////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)1
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge ( o+ )'
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL
Figure 1-1 Troubleshooting pro&ess +or HSPA throughput problems/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////8
Figure 2-1 St$ble HSPA throughput &lose to the theoreti&$l 7$lue////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////10
Figure 2-2 St$ble HSPA throughput belo* the theoreti&$l 7$lue///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////11
Figure 2-3 HSPA throughput th$t +lu&tu$tes regul$rl5///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////11
Figure 2-4 HSPA throughput th$t +lu&tu$tes irregul$rl5////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1'
Figure 2-5 NEs in7ol7ed in $nd m$:or se&tions o+ HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission/////////////////////////////////////////////////////1'
Figure 2- Ser7i&e t5pe $nd m$;imum uplin<9do*nlin< bit r$te in the RA= $ssignment mess$ge/////////////////////1(
Figure 2-! %E &$p$bilit5 reported in the RRC>C?NNECT>SET%P>C!P mess$ge/////////////////////////////////////////14
Figure 2-" C@I reported b5 the %E $nd tr$&ed b5 the Probe////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////18
Figure 2-# HS"PSCH &ode resour&es &on+igured on the RNC//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1.
Figure 2-1$ Li&ense reg$rding HS"PSCH &ode resour&e $nd 1)@A! &on+igured on the Node =///////////////////1.
Figure 2-11 Number o+ users in the &ell tr$&ed on the RNC L!T///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1,
Figure 2-12 %se o+ &ode tree in the &ell tr$&ed on the RNC L!T////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'0
Figure 2-13 o*nlin< tr$nsmit po*er o+ the TR1 in $ &ell tr$&ed on the RNC L!T/////////////////////////////////////////'1
Figure 2-14 A7$il$ble po*er +or HSPA &on+igured on the RNC L!T/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'1
Figure 2-15 In+orm$tion $bout the RLC =? $nd $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol 7ie*ed +rom the CT +ile
b5 using the tr$&ing re7ie* tool/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////''
Figure 2-1 A&ti7el5 sending p$&<ets to $ %E b5 using the RNC CT///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'4
Figure 2-1! Allo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA I%= +lo* &ontrol $nd the RLC throughput obt$ined b5 using the
%!AT tool/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////')
Figure 2-1" HSPA +lo* &ontrol $lgorithm sele&ted on the Node = L!T//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'.
Figure 2-1# Allo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA I%= +lo* &ontrol $nd the d$t$ spending throughput $t the RLC
l$5er Ado not m$t&hB obt$ined b5 using the %!AT tool////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////',
Figure 2-2$ %!AT tool used to obt$in the times +or *hi&h the RLC sending *indo* on the RNC is +ull/////////-0
Figure 2-21 Cur7e o+ &h$nges in the times +or *hi&h the RLC sending *indo* on the RNC is +ull//////////////////-0
Figure 2-22 0ero HSPA throughput///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-'
Figure 2-23 Norm$l sign$ling pro&ess +or PP $&ti7$tion///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////--
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4 o+ )'
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL
Figure 2-24 ?bt$ining the number o+ S%s re&ei7ed b5 the RLC l$5er b5 using the %!AT tool//////////////////////-(
Figure 2-25 Trend o+ &h$nges in the number o+ S%s re&ei7ed b5 the RLC l$5er//////////////////////////////////////////////-4
Figure 2-2 St$tisti&s on do*nlin< #P p$&<ets th$t $re sent +rom the RNC $nd $re obt$ined +rom the CT b5
using the %!AT tool/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-)
Figure 2-2! In+orm$tion $bout $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol in the mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the RNC
Figure 3-1 HS%PA d$t$ tr$nsmission r$te th$t is st$ble but lo*er th$n the theoreti&$l 7$lue//////////////////////////////(0
Figure 3-2 Lo* $nd +lu&tu$ting HS%PA d$t$ tr$nsmission r$te///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(1
Figure 3-3 NEs in7ol7ed in $nd m$:or se&tions o+ HS%PA d$t$ tr$nsmission/////////////////////////////////////////////////////('
Figure 3-4 En$bling the +un&tion o+ tr$&ing the tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E on the RNC L!T/////////////////////////////(-
Figure 3-5 En$bling the +un&tion o+ tr$&ing RTWP o+ $ &ell on the RNC L!T///////////////////////////////////////////////////((
Figure 3- RTWP in+orm$tion $bout $ &ell tr$&ed in re$l time/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////((
Figure 3-! P$r$meter setting o+ b$&<ground noise Cueried on the RNC L!T/////////////////////////////////////////////////////(4
Figure 3-" RTWP o+ $ 6ero"lo$ded &ell obser7ed on the RNC L!T///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(4
Figure 3-# Che&< result o+ the LST LR &omm$nd e;e&uted on the Node = L!T///////////////////////////////////////////////(8
Figure 3-1$ Number o+ li&ensed CEs $s Cueried on the Node = L!T/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(.
Figure 3-11 Number o+ &urrent CEs used b5 $ &ell $s Cueried on the Node = L!T////////////////////////////////////////////(,
Figure 3-12 En$bling the +un&tion o+ tr$&ing uplin< throughput $nd b$nd*idth on the RNC L!T////////////////////40
Figure 3-13 =e$rer t5pe in the RRC>R=>SET%P mess$ge/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////41
Figure 3-14 RRC C?NNECTI?N SET%P RE@ mess$ge///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4'
Figure 3-15 HS%PA st$tus o+ the &ell &he&<ed on the RNC L!T////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4'
Figure 3-1 !=R in+orm$tion in the RA= ASSIGN!ENT RE@ mess$ge/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4-
Figure 3-1! @uer5 result o+ the LST #RCCHLTDPEPARA &omm$nd////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4(
Figure 3-1" Admission pro&ess +or the RAN 10///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////44
Figure 3-1# Limited uplin< CE resour&es indi&$ted b5 the mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the RNC CT/////////////////////44
Figure 3-2$ E"CH be$rer used *ithout supporting the r$te o+ 4/8) !bit9s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////4)
Figure 3-21 E"CH be$rer *ith support +or the r$te o+ 4/8) !bit9s////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////48
Figure 3-22 HS%PA &$p$bilit5 le7el o+ $ %E indi&$ted in the RRC>C?NNECT>RE@>C!P mess$ge/////////////48
Figure 3-23 Control items rel$ted to the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e in the RNC li&ense//////////////////////////////////4.
Figure 3-24 Control item rel$ted to the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e in the li&ense on the Node =/////////////////////4,
Figure 3-25 @uer5 result o+ the LST #RCCHLTDPEPARA &omm$nd e;e&uted on the RNC L!T///////////////////)0
Figure 3-2 @uer5 result o+ the LST C?RR!ALG?SWITCH &omm$nd e;e&uted on the RNC L!T/////////////)0
Figure 3-2! @uer5 result o+ the LST #RC &omm$nd e;e&uted on the RNC L!T///////////////////////////////////////////////)1
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge ) o+ )'
RAN10 Troubleshooting Guide to HSPA Throughput Problems INTERNAL
Ta%le 2-1 C$p$bilities o+ HSPA %Es//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////14
Ta%le 2-2 !inimum C@I 7$lues &orresponding to the theoreti&$l throughputs o+ 7$rious HSPA %Es/////////////1)
Ta%le 2-3 HSPA +lo* &ontrol $lgorithms supported b5 the Node = in the 7ersion RAN 10/////////////////////////////'8
Ta%le 3-1 Rules on used uplin< CEs +or di++erent r$tes AS#B////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(.
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 8 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
1 Trou!eshooting Process "or
#$PA Throughput Pro!ems
This &h$pter des&ribes the det$iled pro&ess +or &olle&ting in+orm$tion reCuired +or identi+5ing
high"speed p$&<et $&&ess AHSPAB throughput problems $nd +or h$ndling the problems/
Figure 1.1 Troubleshooting pro&ess +or HSPA throughput problems
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge . o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
This docu&ent is intended 'or readers who(
1/ Are +$mili$r *ith the b$si& prin&iples o+ WC!A9HSPA/
'/ Eno* the sign$ling pro&ess +or est$blishing the WC!A p$&<et s*it&hing APSB ser7i&e/
-/ Eno* ho* to Cuer5 &on+igur$tion $nd tr$&e logs on the RNC L!T/
(/ C$n $n$l56e CT +iles on the RNC b5 using the %!AT tool/
4/ Eno* the b$si& me&h$nism o+ d$t$ tr$nsmission reg$rding TCP $nd RLC/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge , o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
& #$DPA Throughput Pro!ems
This &h$pter m$inl5 des&ribes ho* to h$ndle t*o t5pes o+ HSPA throughput problems/ This
&h$pter is guid$n&e +or on"site engineers in prelimin$ril5 $n$l56ing problems $nd &olle&ting
reCuired in+orm$tion +or identi+5ing the problems/

?ne problem is th$t the do*nlo$d throughput is lo* or +lu&tu$tes/ The histor5
m$inten$n&e d$t$ sho*s th$t this problem o&&urs +reCuentl5 $nd *idel5/ The +ollo*ing
+$&tors &ontribute to this problemF
G %nst$ble tr$nsmission Cu$lit5/ The s5mptom is loss o+ p$&<ets2 del$5 :itter2 or
dupli&$te p$&<ets on the I% or I%= inter+$&e/
G Poor or +lu&tu$ting Cu$lit5 o+ *ireless sign$ls on the $ir inter+$&e/ The s5mptom is
th$t the %E reports $ lo* &h$nnel Cu$lit5 indi&$tor AC@IB th$t does not meet the test
G Limited r$dio resour&es/ The s5mptom is th$t the do*nlin< po*er2 tr$nsmission
resour&es on the I%9I%= inter+$&e2 or do*nlin< &ode resour&es $re limited/
G Improper p$r$meter settings/ The p$r$meter settings on the r$dio $&&ess net*or<
ARANB or &ore net*or< ACNB side &$nnot meet the test reCuirement/
G !ism$t&h o+ or $ per+orm$n&e de+e&t in the user eCuipment A%EB dri7er/ The
s5mptom is th$t the %E does not $&t $&&ording to the proto&ol/
G Abnorm$l per+orm$n&e o+ the &omputer th$t is used +or the test/ The s5mptom is $
high lo$d on the CP%/
G Per+orm$n&e de+e&t or restri&tion o+ the #TP ser7er2 in&luding the so+t*$re on the
ser7er2 th$t is used +or the test/
G Hersion de+e&t o+ the produ&t or restri&tion o+ the bo$rd &$p$bilit5 in the e$rl5 period/
G !utu$l in+luen&e &$used b5 d$t$ tr$nsmission th$t is per+ormed b5 other users

The other problem is th$t the do*nlo$d throughput is 6ero/

This problem seldom o&&urs $nd is &$used b5 $n improper oper$tion during the test2 d$t$
limit$tion $t the sour&e end Athe user pl$ne +$ils be&$use the ser7er is $bnorm$lB2
in&orre&t p$r$meter settings2 or improper %E dri7er/
This &h$pter des&ribes the s5mptom o+ e$&h problem so th$t the on"site engineers &$n :udge
the problems the5 en&ounter2 &he&< the problems2 $nd &olle&t reCuired in+orm$tion/ Then this
&h$pter pro7ides the ide$ o+ $n$l56ing the problem $nd the det$iled pro&ess +or &he&<ing $nd
h$ndling the problem/ #in$ll52 this &h$pter lists $ll the in+orm$tion reCuired +or $n$l56ing the
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 10 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
problem/ The do&ument $nne;ed to this Troubleshooting Guide pro7ides the gener$l tools
reCuired +or $n$l56ing HSPA throughput problems $nd the user guide to these tools/
This &h$pter +o&uses on the ide$ o+ $n$l56ing HSPA throughput problems/ The throughput inde;es
o+ the m$instre$m %Es o+ HSPA &$tegor5 . $re pro7ided +or re+eren&e/
The norm$l throughput is &lose to the theoreti&$l 7$lue $nd <eeps st$ble/ The lo* throughput
mentioned in this do&ument indi&$tes th$t the throughput does not re$&h the m$;imum theoreti&$l
throughput supported b5 the de7i&e &$p$bilit5 or &on+igured resour&es/
To identi+5 problems rel$ted to produ&t de+e&ts2 5ou m$5 reCuire $ddition$l in+orm$tion th$t is not
&ompletel5 &o7ered in the in+orm$tion &olle&tion guide pro7ided in this do&ument/
&.1 *ow or )!uctuating #$DPA Throughput
&.1.1 $ymptom
A+ter the HSPA be$rer is est$blished su&&ess+ull52 the #TP do*nlo$d throughput does not
re$&h the e;pe&ted reCuirement Ast$ble throughputB or does not <eep st$ble $t $ le7el &lose to
the m$;imum theoreti&$l 7$lue A+lu&tu$ting throughputB/ This problem h$s +our s5mptoms/
)*&+to& 1( The HSPA throughput is &lose to the theoreti&$l 7$lue $nd <eeps st$ble2 $s
sho*n in #igure 1/1/When testing $ spe&i+ied position o+ $ &ommer&i$l net*or<2 5ou &$n in+er
th$t the HSPA throughput is norm$l i+ the throughput <eeps st$ble $bo7e )/- !bit9s/ uring
$ demonstr$tion or &ompetiti7e test2 the HSPA throughput should be st$ble $t )/4 !bit9s in
the &$se o+ $ single thre$d $nd 8/0 !bit9s in the &$se o+ multiple thre$ds/ The $lgorithm $nd
p$r$meters should be $d:usted to meet the reCuirement +or the ultim$te throughput/ This is not
&o7ered in this do&ument/
Figure 1.1 St$ble HSPA throughput &lose to the theoreti&$l 7$lue

)*&+to& 2( The HSPA throughput is lo* $nd rel$ti7el5 st$ble2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/' /The
&$use is limit$tion on the throughput th$t the user subs&ribes to2 in&orre&t throughput
limit$tion through the AT &omm$nd2 or limit$tion on the r$dio resour&es A&odes2 po*er2 or
tr$nsmission resour&esB/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 11 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 St$ble HSPA throughput belo* the theoreti&$l 7$lue
)*&+to& 3( The HSPA throughput +lu&tu$tes regul$rl5/ Th$t is2 the HSPA throughput
rises or drops in $ step*ise *$52 or +lu&tu$tes in $ sCu$re"*$7e *$5 $nd o&&$sion$ll5 re$&hes
the theoreti&$l 7$lue during the +lu&tu$tion2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/-/The &$use is th$t the
p$r$meter settings or $lgorithm &h$r$&teristi&s do not m$t&h in &ert$in en7ironments/
Figure 1.3 HSPA throughput th$t +lu&tu$tes regul$rl5
)*&+to& 4( The HSPA throughput +lu&tu$tes irregul$rl5/ Su&h +lu&tu$tion o+ten o&&urs/
The HSPA throughput o&&$sion$ll5 re$&hes the theoreti&$l 7$lue but +lu&tu$tes sh$rpl52 $s
sho*n in #igure 1/(/This problem h$s m$n5 &$uses2 $nd 5ou need to &he&< the #TP ser7er $nd
the %E in the end"to"end m$nner/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1' o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.4 HSPA throughput th$t +lu&tu$tes irregul$rl5
&.1.& Trou!eshooting Procedures
=e+ore $n$l56ing $ problem2 5ou need to <no* $ll the NEs in7ol7ed in HSPA d$t$
tr$nsmission $nd the m$tters *orth5 o+ $ttention in $n o7er$ll perspe&ti7e/
Figure 1.1 NEs in7ol7ed in $nd m$:or se&tions o+ HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission
The pro&ess +or d$t$ tr$nsmission o7er #TP is $s +ollo*sF
1/ The l$ptop origin$tes $ reCuest +or est$blishing $ di$lup &onne&tion/ The sign$ling
pro&ess is &omplete2 $nd the ser7i&e be$rer $nd PP &onte;t $re su&&ess+ull5 est$blished/
'/ The #TP &lient so+t*$re on the l$ptop origin$tes the TCP &onne&tion pro&ess Athe d$t$
p$&<et is pro&essed in the s$me *$5 $s the &ontrol sign$lingB $nd the p$&<et re$&hes the
-/ The %E NAS l$5er sends the p$&<et to the RLC $nd !AC l$5ers2 $nd then to the Node =
through the ph5si&$l l$5er/
(/ The Node = en&$psul$tes the !AC P% in $n #P +r$me $nd sends the #P +r$me to the
RNC through the I%= tr$nsmission eCuipment/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1- o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
4/ The RNC de&$psul$tes the #P +r$me2 tr$nsmits the p$&<et to the upper l$5er2 $nd sends
$n $&<no*ledgement p$&<et to the peer end $t the RLC l$5er/ In $ddition2 the RNC sends
the p$&<et to the CN through GTP"%/
)/ The CN sends the d$t$ to $ppli&$tion A#TPB ser7er/ In this *$52 the p$&<et +rom the %E
re$&hes the #TP ser7er/
8/ The #TP ser7er sends $ do*nlin< p$&<et to the CN through the TCP sending *indo*/
The p$&<et is sent to the RNC $nd stored in the RLC bu++er/
./ The Node = $llo&$tes $ &ert$in b$nd*idth to the RNC +or +lo* &ontrol b$sed on the
&h$nnel Cu$lit5 indi&$tor AC@IB on the $ir inter+$&e2 si6e o+ the RLC bu++er o&&up$n&5
A=?B2 user priorit5 b5 using the HSPA +lo* &ontrol $lgorithm/ An initi$l b$nd*idth is
$llo&$ted *hen the ser7i&e is est$blished/
,/ The RNC sends the d$t$ in the RLC =? to the RLC sending *indo* Athe %E is $lso
reCuired to send $n $&<no*ledgement p$&<et $t the RLC l$5erB $nd tr$ns+ers the d$t$ to
the lo*er l$5er b$sed on the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth/ The d$t$ is sent to the Node = in the
+orm o+ do*nlin< #P +r$mes/
10/ The Node = pro7ides the h5brid $utom$ti& repe$t reCuest AHAR@B +un&tion $nd sends
the d$t$ to the %E through the do*nlin< d$t$ l$5er/
11/ The %E re&ei7es the !AC"HS P%2 de&$psul$tes the P%2 $nd sends the d$t$ to the
upper l$5er/ #in$ll52 the %E sends the d$t$ to the l$ptop A$ppli&$tionB through %S=9PPP/
o*nlin< d$t$ tr$nsmission is &omplete/
This do&ument des&ribes the &omplete pro&ess +or identi+5ing $ problem2 $nd +o&uses on the
ide$ o+ $n$l56ing d$t$ tr$nsmission problems $nd the rel$tionship bet*een +$&tors/ There+ore2
this do&ument is intended +or engineers *ho $re ine;perien&ed in identi+5ing HSPA problems/
This $rr$ngement m$5 be irr$tion$l +or e;perien&ed engineers/ Dou &$n s<ip &ert$in steps $s
reCuired $nd &on+irm or identi+5 the $bnorm$l points dire&tl5 +rom the &ore step2 +or e;$mple2
step (/ In this *$52 problems &$n be identi+ied Cui&<l5/
=e+ore $n$l56ing $ problem2 5ou need to &he&< the RNC or Node = +or rele7$nt $l$rms on the site/ In
this *$52 5ou &$n identi+5 the problem Cui&<l5/
$tep 1 Che&< the sign$ling pro&ess Am$nd$tor5B/
When identi+5ing problems2 5ou o+ten +ind th$t the subs&ription in+orm$tion $bout $ %SI!
&$rd is improper Athe m$;imum bit r$te in the subs&ription in+orm$tion is sm$llB2 the CN
limits the throughput2 $n AT &omm$nd is used during the di$lup to limit the throughput2 or the
%E &$p$bilit5 is not supported/ These +$&tors m$5 limit the m$;imum throughput $7$il$ble to
$ user $nd &$n o+ten be +ound in the sign$ling pro&ess/ There+ore2 *hen the HSPA
throughput is lo* $nd st$ble2 5ou need to &he&< *hether the sign$ling pro&ess is norm$l
during the ser7i&e est$blishment/ I+ the HSPA throughput +lu&tu$tes but &$n re$&h the
theoreti&$l 7$lue2 5ou <no* th$t the user throughput is not limited in $n5 se&tion $nd &$n s<ip
this step/
Dou need to 7ie* the !$;=itR$te &ell in the RANAP>RA=>ASSIGN!ENT>RE@ mess$ge
to &he&< *hether the m$;imum uplin< $nd do*nlin< bit r$tes $ssigned b5 the CN meet the
test reCuirement/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1( o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 Ser7i&e t5pe $nd m$;imum uplin<9do*nlin< bit r$te in the RA= $ssignment mess$ge
I+ the m$;imum bit r$tes $ssigned b5 the CN $re sm$ller th$n the theoreti&$l 7$lue2 the on"site
engineer needs to &he&< the +ollo*ing itemsF

Whether $n AT &omm$nd is e;e&uted on the l$ptop to limit the throughput

Subs&ription in+orm$tion $bout the tested %SI! &$rd on the HLR

!$;imum throughput $llo*ed b5 the CN ASGSN9GGSNB

I+ the m$;imum bit r$tes $ssigned b5 the CN $re the theoreti&$l ones2 5ou need to 7ie* the
hsds&h"ph5si&$l"l$5er"&$tegor5 &ell Aidenti+ies the %E &$p$bilit5B in the
RRC>C?NNECT>SET%P>C!P mess$ge th$t the %E sends to the net*or< during the ser7i&e
est$blishment to &he&< *hether the %E &$p$bilit5 meets the test reCuirement/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 14 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 %E &$p$bilit5 reported in the RRC>C?NNECT>SET%P>C!P mess$ge
The in+orm$tion in #igure 1/' indi&$tes th$t the %E is o+ HSPA &$tegor5 8 $nd supports $
throughput o+ 8/' !bit9s/ #igure 1/- lists other %E t5pes $nd the rele7$nt &$p$bilities $t the
ph5si&$l l$5er/
Figure 1.3 C$p$bilities o+ HSPA %Es
U+ Type $upported *argest
$upported #ighest Rate
at the Physica! *ayer
112 1' -)-0 1/.
1I) 8',. -/)
!, " 14411 !.2
, '0'41 10
10 '8,4' 1(/(
I+ the sds&h"ph5si&$l"l$5er"&$tegor5 reported b5 the %E does not meet the theoreti&$l
throughput2 it is re&ommended th$t 5ou use $nother %E *ith high &$p$bilit5 inste$d +or the
I+ the %E &$p$bilit5 meets the theoreti&$l throughput but the HSPA throughput is &lose to
-.( <bit9s2 the &$use is th$t the ser7i&e is &$rried b5 CH be&$use the HSPA ser7i&e in the
&ell is not $&ti7$ted or is in $bnorm$l st$te/ In this &$se2 &he&< *hether the &ell is $&ti7$ted
$nd $7$il$ble/ ?ther*ise2 pro&eed *ith step ' belo*/
$tep & Che&< the Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e Am$nd$tor5B/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1) o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
In this step2 &he&< the do*nlin< Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e/ The uplin< Cu$lit5 on the $ir
inter+$&e is &he&<ed in step 4 $nd step )/
HSPA introdu&es the HS"SCH in the do*nlin< dire&tion $nd uses the lin< $d$pt$tion
me&h$nism inste$d o+ the po*er &ontrol me&h$nism/ Th$t is2 the %E me$sures the Cu$lit5 in
the &ommon pilot &h$nnel $nd reports the C@I to the Node =/ The Node = s&hedules the si6e
o+ the T= th$t &$n be tr$nsmitted in the &urrent tr$nsmission time inter7$l ATTIB b$sed on the
reported C@I $nd other resour&e &onditions/ The reported C@I 7$lue determines the m$;imum
r$te on the $ir inter+$&e $7$il$ble to the %E/
I+ the C@I reported b5 the %E is sm$ller th$n the t$rget 7$lue $nd +lu&tu$tes2 the throughput
on the HSPA $ir inter+$&e must +lu&tu$te/ There+ore2 5ou need to &he&< *hether the reported
C@I <eeps st$ble $t $ le7el $bo7e the theoreti&$l throughput/ #igure 1/1 lists the reCuired
minimum C@I 7$lues +or di++erent theoreti&$l throughput 7$lues/ #or $ %E o+ &$tegor5 .2 i+
the throughput $t the ph5si&$l l$5er re$&hes 8/' !bit9s2 the C@I reported b5 the %E must
re$&h '4/
Figure 1.1 !inimum C@I 7$lues &orresponding to the theoreti&$l throughputs o+ 7$rious HSPA
#$DPA U+
at the
Numer o"
Re0uired #$1
PD$C# Codes
-inimum C23 "or
the Pea4
C$t1' 1/. !bit9s 4 1.
C$t) -/) !bit9s 4 ''
Cat8 7.2 Mbit/s 10 25
C$t10 1(/( !bit9s 14 ')
Dou &$n tr$&e &h$nges in the C@I reported b5 the %E during the HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission
through the Probe or the ser7er tr$&ing so+t*$re pro7ided b5 the %E/ @u$lit5 in+orm$tion
$bout the *ireless $ir inter+$&e &$n be dire&tl5 obt$ined +rom the HSDPA link statistics/
#igure 1/' sho*s th$t the C@I reported b5 the &urrent %E is '8 $nd meets the reCuirement
mentioned $bo7e/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 18 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 C@I reported b5 the %E $nd tr$&ed b5 the Probe

I+ the C@I reported b5 the %E during the HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission is sm$ller th$n the
t$rget 7$lue $nd +lu&tu$tes2 $s< the on"site net*or< pl$nning engineer to optimi6e the
*ireless en7ironment or use $nother tested line/ uring the optimi6$tion2 the on"site
net*or< pl$nning engineer should &he&< *hether the loss on the do*nlin< p$th is too
l$rge due to the unst$ble &onne&tion to $ de7i&e2 *hether strong &o"&h$nnel inter+eren&e
o&&urs2 $nd *hether the do*nlin< lo$d is $lre$d5 high/

I+ the C@I meets the reCuirement mentioned $bo7e but the HSPA throughput does not
meet the reCuirement2 pro&eed *ith the ne;t step/
The C@I is obt$ined b5 me$suring the E&9N0 in the do*nlin< &ommon pilot &h$nnel/ I+ the log on the
%E &$nnot be obt$ined2 the sign$l"to"noise r$tio $nd re&ei7ed sign$l &ode po*er o+ the &ell in the
&onne&tion per+orm$n&e monitoring on the RNC L!T &$n be used +or re+eren&e/ C@IJE&9N0KE L !P?
$tep ( Che&< r$dio resour&es Am$nd$tor5B/
This step is per+ormed +or t*o purposes/ ?ne purpose is to &he&< *hether the &on+igur$tion o+
$ll resour&es Ain&luding ?HS#2 po*er2 $nd I%= tr$nsmission eCuipmentB meets the test
reCuirement/ The other purpose is to &onsider *hether other users o+ $ high priorit5 &ontend
+or resour&es during the test/ The se&ond purpose $pplies to $ &ommer&i$l net*or< $nd is
*orth5 o+ 5our $ttention during the $&&ept$n&e test o+ the &ommer&i$l net*or</
1/ ,-)F resource
Che&< the su++i&ien&5 o+ the &on+igured ?HS# resour&e $g$inst Step '#igure 1/1
pro7ided in step '/ #or $n %E o+ &$tegor5 .2 the theoreti&$l throughput reCuires 10 HS"
PSCH &odes/ I+ the RNC is &on+igured *ith d5n$mi& &ode $llo&$tion +or HSPA2 the
m$;imum number o+ &odes must be gre$ter th$n or eCu$l to 10/ This &onstr$int is not
reCuired i+ the d5n$mi& &ode +un&tion is $lso en$bled on the Node =/ In $ddition2 the
number o+ li&ensed &odes &on+igured on the Node = must be gre$ter th$n 10 be&$use the
&ode resour&e li&ense &on+igured on the Node = is sh$red on the entire b$se st$tion $nd
the li&ensed &ode resour&e m$5 be used b5 other &ells/
ire&tl5 run the L)T C.LLH)/01 &omm$nd on the RNC L!T to &he&< the
&on+igured number o+ HS"PSCH &odes2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1. o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 HS"PSCH &ode resour&es &on+igured on the RNC
#igure 1/' sho*s the li&ense on the Node = th$t is Cueried on the Node = L!T or !'000
Figure 1.2 Li&ense reg$rding HS"PSCH &ode resour&e $nd 1)@A! &on+igured on the Node =
=oth the HSPA 1)@A! +un&tion $nd the d5n$mi& &ode +un&tion +or HS"PSCH $re &o7ered in the
li&ense item H)/01 RR2 0ac3e1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 1, o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
#or $ &ommer&i$l net*or<2 5ou &$nnot <no* *hether other CH users &ontend +or the &ode
resour&e during the test/ There+ore2 5ou need to tr$&e $nd obser7e the number o+ users in the
&ell $nd the use o+ &ode tree in the &ell simult$neousl52 $s sho*n in #igure 1/- $nd #igure 1/(/
Figure 1.3 Number o+ users in the &ell tr$&ed on the RNC L!T
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '0 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.4 %se o+ &ode tree in the &ell tr$&ed on the RNC L!T
In $ddition to the &ode resour&e2 both the 1)@A! modul$tion mode $nd the li&ense
&on+igur$tion must be en$bled to support high throughput/ #or $ %E o+ &$tegor5 .2 i+ the
reported C@I is gre$ter th$n '4 $nd other resour&es $re not limited but the sent C@I is onl5 '(
in @PSE mode2 the 1)@A! or li&ense is not en$bled/ In this &$se2 5ou &$n &he&< the setting
o+ the 1)@A! en$bling st$tus on the Node =/ =5 de+$ult2 1)@A! is en$bled/
'/ Trans&ission resource
Che&< *hether the ph5si&$l b$nd*idth Athe number o+ E1sB meets the test reCuirement
b$sed on the $&tu$l throughput/ In $ddition2 &he&< *hether the p$r$meter settings &ompl5
*ith the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion spe&i+i&$tions +or the 7ersion/ The items to be
&he&<ed $re $s +ollo*sF
G Whether the &on+igured ph5si&$l b$nd*idth is enough AAAL' p$th or IP p$thB/
G Whether the intermedi$te I%= tr$nsmission eCuipment is bottlene&<ed/ I+ the
&ondition permits2 5ou &$n dire&tl5 &onne&t the RNC to the Node = +or $ &omp$r$ti7e
G Whether the HSPA p$th &on+igur$tion &omplies *ith the spe&i+i&$tions/ Improper
&on+igur$tion m$5 &$use limited throughput or loss o+ p$&<ets/ #or e;$mple2 the SRC
&on+igured on the RNC is +$r sm$ller th$n the RCR &on+igured on the Node =/
In this se&tion2 5ou onl5 need to &he&< the &on+igur$tion o+ $nd spe&i+i&$tion +or
tr$nsmission resour&e/ To &he&< the tr$nsmission Cu$lit52 see the subseCuent steps/
-/ 0ower resource
uring the test2 &he&< *hether the do*nlin< tr$nsmit po*er o+ the TR1 in the &ell is
limited2 $s sho*n in #igure -/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '1 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 3.1 o*nlin< tr$nsmit po*er o+ the TR1 in $ &ell tr$&ed on the RNC L!T
I+ the do*nlin< tr$nsmit po*er o+ the TR1 in $ &ell o+ten e;&eeds ,0N2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the
po*er is limited/ Norm$ll52 the produ&t &on+igur$tion b$seline &$n meet the test reCuirement
+or HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission o+ $ single user A8/' !bit9sB/ There+ore2 5ou need to &he&<
*hether the po*er"rel$ted p$r$meters $re set $&&ording to the b$seline/ It is re&ommended
th$t the o++set o+ the tot$l HSPA po*er in &omp$rison *ith the m$;imum tr$nsmit po*er o+
the &ell be 0/ Th$t is2 HSPA &$n use the m$;imum tr$nsmit po*er o+ the &ell2 $s sho*n in
#igure -/'/ The po*er in the &ommon pilot &h$nnel is -- d=m2 $nd the !P? &onst$nt is '/4B
Figure 3.2 A7$il$ble po*er +or HSPA &on+igured on the RNC L!T
I+ the items mentioned $bo7e $re norm$l2 the r$dio resour&es $re not limited $nd limit$tion is
imposed in other $spe&ts/ In this &$se2 5ou need to pro&eed *ith step ( to &he&< the RLC =?
$nd &he&< *hether the &$use is insu++i&ient d$t$ sour&es $t the le7el $bo7e the RNC ARNC2
CN $nd ser7erB or $n $bnorm$l &h$nnel AI%=2 $ir inter+$&e2 %E2 or test &omputerB $t $ le7el
belo* the RNC/
$tep 5 Che&< the RLC =? Am$nd$tor5B/
I+ no +$ult o&&urs on $n5 upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNC2 TCP &ontinuousl5 sends d$t$ to the
RNC through the GGSN9SGSN be+ore the sending *indo* on the #TP ser7er is &ongested/ In
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '' o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
this &$se2 the RLC =? is l$rge/ There+ore2 5ou &$n &he&< *hether $ +$ult o&&urs $t the upper
le7el $bo7e RNC b5 &he&<ing the RLC =? on the RNC/
Dou &$n dire&tl5 use the tr$&ing re7ie* tool on the RNC to open the CT +ile $nd 7ie* the
RLC =? in+orm$tion in the displ$5ed mess$ges A*ith periodi& reporting o+ L' d$t$B2 $s
sho*n in #igure 1/1/ #or ho* to use the RNC CT2 see the do&ument $tt$&hed/ The displ$5ed
mess$ges $lso indi&$te the in+orm$tion $bout $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA +lo* &ontrol/
Che&<ing this item is des&ribed l$ter/
Figure 1.1 In+orm$tion $bout the RLC =? $nd $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol 7ie*ed +rom
the CT +ile b5 using the tr$&ing re7ie* tool
A+ter the RLC =? &ur7e is obt$ined during the HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission2 5ou need to
$n$l56e the &ur7e/ As sho*n in #igure 1/12 the RLC =? <eeps l$rge2 *hi&h indi&$tes th$t the
RNC re&ei7es su++i&ient d$t$ +rom the SGSN/ This is the &ondition +or high"speed d$t$
tr$nsmission in the do*nlin< dire&tion $nd indi&$tes th$t no +$ult o&&urs $t the upper"le7el
$bo7e the RNC/
T*o st$tes o+ the RLC =? $re $n$l56ed in the subseCuent t*o steps/

I+ the RLC =? drops to 6ero2 pro&eed *ith step 4/

I+ the RLC =? does not drop to 6ero2 pro&eed *ith step )/

$tep 6 Che&< the RLC =? in 6ero st$te A&onditionB/
I+ the RLC =? +reCuentl5 drops to 6ero during the HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission2 no d$t$ in the
RLC bu++er is sent to the !AC l$5er2 *hi&h must result in +lu&tu$tion o+ the do*nlin<
throughput/ uring the high"speed d$t$ tr$nsmission2 the RLC =? in 6ero st$te is $ serious
problem/ This se&tion $n$l56es the possible &$uses o+ the RLC =? in 6ero st$te/ I+ the RLC
=? is not 6ero but the do*nlo$d throughput is $bnorm$l2 see the $n$l5sis in step )/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '- o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the RLC =? +reCuentl5 drops to 6ero2 the possible &$uses $re $s +ollo*sF

Loss o+ p$&<ets o&&urs on $n upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNC or on the intermedi$te

tr$nsmission eCuipment/ When $ single thre$d is used to do*nlo$d d$t$2 the $mount o+
d$t$ in the RLC bu++er m$5 be insu++i&ient/

The round trip time ARTTB is l$rge or +lu&tu$tes/ In this &$se2 the uplin<
$&<no*ledgement p$&<et +rom the %E &$nnot re$&h the #TP ser7er in time/ As $ result2
the TCP sending *indo* on the ser7er is &ongested $nd d$t$ &$nnot be sent to the RNC
in time/

The uplin< r$dio Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e is poor/ In this &$se2 the uplin<
$&<no*ledgement p$&<et Aused to $&<no*ledge the do*nlin< TCP p$&<etB +rom the %E
&$nnot be re&ei7ed b5 the #TP ser7er in time/ As $ result2 the TCP sending *indo* on
the ser7er is &ongested $nd d$t$ &$nnot be sent to the RNC in time/

Limit$tion is imposed on $n upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNC or on the #TP ser7er/

%nst$ble per+orm$n&e o+ the #TP ser7er or throughput limit$tion on the SGSN9GGSN
&$n $lso &$use insu++i&ient d$t$ in the RLC bu++er/
No*2 5ou need to &he&< the possible &$uses mentioned $bo7e to identi+5 the $&tu$l &$use o+
the RLC =? in 6ero st$te/ Note th$t the possible &$uses m$5 $++e&t e$&h other/ Th$t is2 5ou
&$nnot identi+5 the problem b$sed on the &he&< result o+ $n item $nd need to depend on the
&he&< results o+ di++erent items/
Che&< item 1F gre$t 7$lue or +lu&tu$tion o+ the RTT2 $nd loss o+ $ sm$ll number o+ p$&<ets
Dou &$n do*nlo$d d$t$ b5 using multiple thre$ds +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test/ !ultiple thre$ds &$n
o7er&ome &ongestion o+ the TCP sending *indo* th$t results +rom the loss o+ $ sm$ll number
o+ p$&<ets or +rom $ gre$t 7$lue or +lu&tu$tion o+ the RTT/ An in&re$se in the number o+
thre$ds m$<es it less prob$ble th$t the TCP sending *indo*s o+ $ll the thre$ds $re &ongested
simult$neousl52 e;&ept in the &$se o+ serious loss o+ p$&<ets/ Dou &$n s<ip this se&tion i+
multiple thre$ds $re used to do*nlo$d d$t$ during the on"site test/
It is re&ommended th$t the #l$shGet so+t*$re A*ith 10 thre$dsB be used to do*nlo$d t*o l$rge
I+ the RLC =? does not drop to 6ero2 $nd the throughput is st$ble $nd &$n re$&h the t$rget
7$lue during the multi"thre$d do*nlo$d2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the &$use is long RTT or loss o+ $
sm$ll number o+ p$&<ets/ I+ the test result o+ the multi"thre$d do*nlo$d &$n meet the on"site
reCuirement2 5ou &$n end the e++ort th$t is intended to identi+5 the problem/ Dou $re not +or&ed
to do*nlo$d d$t$ b5 using $ single thre$d/
I+ the multi"thre$d do*nlo$d does not produ&e $ good result $nd the RLC =? still drops to
6ero2 &he&< the +ollo*ing item/
Che&< item 'F poor uplin< Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e
The de+$ult 7$lue o+ uplin< R,, -.(E =LER &on+igured on the RNC is 1N/ RLC
retr$nsmission must o&&ur due to bit errors on the $ir inter+$&e/ The del$5 o+ the uplin<
$&<no*ledgement p$&<et reCuired b5 the high"speed do*nlo$d ser7i&e possibl5 is not
s$tis+ied/ It is re&ommended th$t 5ou use the +ollo*ing t*o methods to per+orm $ &omp$r$ti7e
2ethod 1( 4+lin3 data carried %* the .-/CH 5H)4016 channel
HS%PA $dopts the HAR@ me&h$nism $t the ph5si&$l l$5er/ This me&h$nism gre$tl5 redu&es
RLC retr$nsmissions &$used b5 poor Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e/ In $ddition2 $ short
tr$nsmission time inter7$l ATTIB &$n +urther redu&e the RTT $nd o7er&ome the $d7erse imp$&t
&$used b5 the del$5 :itter/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '( o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the do*nlo$d throughput is st$ble $nd norm$l $+ter d$t$ is &$rried b5 E"CH2 $ sm$ll
number o+ retr$nsmissions o&&ur on the $ir inter+$&e/ In &onsider$tion th$t uplin< bit errors on
the $ir inter+$&e &$nnot be pre7ented *hen the CH be$rer is used2 it is re&ommended th$t E"
CH be used inste$d o+ CH in the test/
2ethod 2( invaria%le outer loo+ +ower control 5,L0C6 in the u+lin3 direction
In &ert$in &$ses2 HS%PA &$nnot be used +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test $nd it is re&ommended th$t the
in7$ri$ble ?LPC be used to pre7ent uplin< bit errors/ T$<e the -.( <bit9s inter$&ti7e ser7i&e
+or e;$mple/ Per+orm the +ollo*ing oper$tionF
#ind the t5pi&$l ser7i&e inde; o+ the ser7i&e Asee the !!L &omm$nd 1//
T70R1881)9CB/ In this e;$mple2 the ser7i&e inde; is (./ Then run the +ollo*ing !!L
&omm$nd to set the uplin< sign$l"to"inter+eren&e r$tio ASIRB in the ?LPC to 10 d=F
MOD TYPRABOLPC: RabIndex!8" #$b%&'(Index0" T)*+T,-eTRC./DC."
De&a,C&ass1" Init#i)ta)0et182" Max#i)ta)0et182" Min#i)ta)0et1821
I+ the do*nlo$d throughput be&omes norm$l $+ter the uplin< ?LPC is set to $n in7$ri$ble
7$lue2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the RLC =? in 6ero st$te is &$used b5 bit errors on the $ir inter+$&e
$nd this s5mptom is norm$l/ It is re&ommended th$t method 1 or ' be used in the test/
?ther*ise2 the on"site engineer needs to optimi6e the uplin< *ireless en7ironment/ #or the
purpose o+ optimi6$tion2 the engineer &$n &he&< *hether unst$ble &onne&tion to $ de7i&e
&$uses poor Cu$lit5 o+ uplin< sign$ls $nd *hether strong uplin< inter+eren&e o&&urs/
I+ the RLC =? still drops to 6ero $+ter the t*o methods $re used2 &he&< the ne;t item/
2,/ T70R18,L0C is $n intern$l !!L &omm$nd $nd the s&ript &$n be e;e&uted on the L!T onl5/
Che&< item -F limit$tion on $n upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNC or on the #TP ser7er/
It is re&ommended th$t p$&<ets be $&ti7el5 sent to per+orm $ &omp$r$ti7e test $nd ensure th$t
su++i&ient d$t$ in the RLC bu++er &$n be sent/ It is re&ommended th$t the TESTPING tool be
used to $&ti7el5 send p$&<ets/ #or the oper$tion guide to this tool2 see the do&ument $nne;ed
to this Troubleshooting Guide/ The pre&ondition is th$t $&ti7el5 sending p$&<ets on the #TP
ser7er is permitted in the on"site test en7ironment/
=5 &he&<ing the pre&eding t*o &he&< items2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the &$use is not the loss o+ $
sm$ll number o+ p$&<ets2 poor uplin< Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e2 or the RTT +lu&tu$tion/
There+ore2 *hether the RLC =? still drops to 6ero $+ter p$&<ets $re $&ti7el5 sent b5 using the
TESTPING tool2 5ou need to &he&< *hether $n5 upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNC is $bnorm$l/
I+ the RLC =? does not drop to 6ero2 $&ti7el5 sending p$&<ets sol7es the problem/ I+ the RLC
=? still drops to 6ero2 $&ti7el5 sending p$&<ets does not sol7e the problem/ It is
re&ommended th$t the #TP ser7er be &he&<ed or repl$&ed on the site/ In this &$se2 $s< $ CN
engineer to &$pture $nd $n$l56e p$&<ets on the SGSN9GGSN $nd intermedi$te tr$nsmission
eCuipment $nd to e;&lude +$ults $t the upper le7el/
Dou must pre7ent the RLC =? +rom dropping to 6ero be+ore the throughput is re&o7ered/ I+
the problem &$nnot be &ompletel5 sol7ed +or $n5 ob:e&ti7e re$son2 5ou &$n use the tool o+
$&ti7el5 sending p$&<ets pro7ided b5 the CT to meet the test reCuirement/ In this &$se2 5ou
&$n <no* *hether the RAN *or<s properl5/ The RAN10 C01=0)1 $llo*s p$&<ets to be
$&ti7el5 sent to %E in the L!T CT2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/ Sele&t C/T on the n$7ig$tion
tree/ In the di$log bo; th$t is displ$5ed2 &li&< the :?therO t$b2 sele&t the
PA%T?>PACEET>GENERATEO &he&< bo; $nd set the p$r$meters/ P$&<ets $re $&ti7el5 sent
$t the L' throughput o+ A1(8'L'.BK.9A0/1K10Bms J 1' !bit9s/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '4 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 A&ti7el5 sending p$&<ets to $ %E b5 using the RNC CT
$tep 7 Che&< the RLC =? in non"6ero st$te A&onditionB/
I+ the &he&< result in step ( sho*s th$t the RLC =? does not drop to 6ero $+ter the d$t$
tr$nsmission begins2 5ou &$n in+er th$t su++i&ient d$t$ in the RLC bu++er is sent to the !AC
l$5er $nd $ +$ult o&&urs on the RNC or $ lo*er"le7el de7i&e/
The b$si& prin&iples o+ HSPA $re $s +ollo*sF The Node = $llo&$tes $ &ert$in +lo* to the
RNC $nd the +lo* is the tot$l number o+ P%s th$t the RNC &$n send in $ period o+ time/ The
RNC sends d$t$ in the RLC bu++er in the +orm o+ #P p$&<ets to the Node = $&&ording to the
proto&ol/ Note th$t *hen d$t$ is sent $t the RLC l$5er2 $&<no*ledgement p$&<ets $re
reCuired/ There+ore2 the sending *indo* m$5 $lso be &ongested due to loss o+ p$&<ets or
I+ the RLC =? does not drop to 6ero but the throughput still +lu&tu$tes2 the possible &$uses $re
$s +ollo*sF

Loss o+ p$&<ets on the intermedi$te I%= tr$nsmission medi$ or de7i&e &$uses +lu&tu$tion
o+ the b$nd*idth th$t is $llo&$ted b5 the Node = +or +lo* &ontrol/

The $ir inter+$&e sho*s poor do*nlin< Cu$lit5 $nd the C@I reported b5 the %E &$nnot
meet the reCuirement/ This item is &he&<ed in step ' $bo7e/

The r$dio resour&es A&odes $nd po*erB $nd tr$nsmission resour&es $re limited/ This item
is &he&<ed in step - $bo7e/

The l$ptop sho*s poor per+orm$n&e $nd &$nnot pro&ess d$t$ on the user pl$ne in time/
?ne s5mptom is th$t the CP% us$ge is high/

An improper %E dri7er is inst$lled/ It is re&ommended th$t the &orre&t %E dri7er be

inst$lled +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test/
A&&ording to the e;perien&e2 the +irst +our items $re li<el5 to &$use $ +$ult in HSPA d$t$
tr$nsmission/ Espe&i$ll52 loss o+ p$&<ets is highl5 li<el5 to o&&ur on the I%= inter+$&e $nd is
*orth5 o+ 5our $ttention/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge ') o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
When the I%= tr$nsmission resour&es $re su++i&ient $nd the $ir inter+$&e sho*s good
do*nlin< Cu$lit52 the Node = $llo&$tes $ su++i&ient b$nd*idth to the RNC/ There+ore2 5ou
need to &he&< *hether the d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er m$t&hes the $llo&$ted
b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol/
Che&< result 1F $t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er m$t&hes the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth
+or I%= +lo* &ontrol/
Dou &$n e$sil5 obt$in the RLC =? &ur7e2 &ur7e o+ $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA I%= +lo*
&ontrol2 $nd &ur7e o+ d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er/ As sho*n in #igure 1/12 the
$llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol m$t&hes the d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC
l$5er/ This indi&$tes th$t the I%= b$nd*idth limits the d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC
l$5er $nd +in$ll5 $++e&ts the d$t$ throughput $t the TCP l$5er/ Dou &$n in+er th$t the +$ult
o&&urs on the I%= inter+$&e/
Figure 1.1 Allo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA I%= +lo* &ontrol $nd the RLC throughput obt$ined
b5 using the %!AT tool
In steps ' $nd - $bo7e2 5ou h$7e e;&luded the &$uses rel$ted to Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e $nd
the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion/ In this step2 it is suspe&ted th$t the $bnorm$l tr$nsmission
Cu$lit5 on the I%= inter+$&e &$uses b$nd*idth $d:ustment +or d5n$mi& +lo* &ontrol2 *hi&h is
<no*n $s $d$pti7e +lo* &ontrol in $ 7ersion e$rlier th$n RAN10/ The b$si& prin&iple o+
b$nd*idth $d:ustment +or $d$pti7e +lo* &ontrol is $s +ollo*sF I+ the Node = +inds th$t the
r$tio o+ loss o+ #P p$&<ets on the I%= inter+$&e e;&eeds the threshold Athe b$seline is 4NB in $
+lo* &ontrol period2 the Node = $d:usts the $7$il$ble HSPA b$nd*idth to $ sm$ll 7$lue/
?ther*ise2 the Node = $d:usts the $7$il$ble HSPA b$nd*idth to $ l$rge 7$lue/ The b$si&
prin&iple is b$sed on the $ssumption th$t loss o+ $ l$rge number o+ p$&<ets is &$used b5 tr$++i&
&ongestion $nd th$t p$&<et loss r$tio &$used b5 $ d$m$ge o+ the tr$nsmission net*or< does not
e;&eed the threshold/ ?ther*ise2 e7en tr$++i& is not &ongested2 the $7$il$ble b$nd*idth m$5 be
&ontinuousl5 $d:usted to $ sm$ll 7$lue $nd +in$ll5 the throughput on the %E +lu&tu$tes or
de&re$ses sh$rpl5/ The pro&ess is simil$r in the &$se o+ del$5 :itter $nd is not repe$ted here/
Dou &$n pro7e or determine loss o+ p$&<ets or del$5 :itter on the I%= inter+$&e b5 using the
+ollo*ing three methodsF
1/ !irroring $nd p$&<et &$pture
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '8 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
'/ Intern$l st$tisti&s on p$&<et loss
-/ St$ti& HSPA +lo* &ontrol A<no*n $s simple +lo* &ontrol in $ 7ersion e$rlier th$n RAN
10B +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test
The third method is re&ommended e;&ept *hen 5ou need to pro7e loss o+ p$&<ets $nd <no*
the model o+ p$&<et loss/ %nli<e the d5n$mi& +lo* &ontrol $lgorithm2 the st$ti& +lo* &ontrol
$lgorithm &onsiders onl5 the RLC =? $nd the Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e inste$d o+ p$&<et
loss or del$5 :itter on the I%= inter+$&e during the b$nd*idth $llo&$tion +or +lo* &ontrol/
There+ore2 this $lgorithm &$n be used +or $ &omp$r$ti7e tet/ #igure -/1 lists the HSPA +lo*
&ontrol $lgorithms supported b5 the Node = in the 7ersion RAN 10/
Figure 3.1 HSPA +lo* &ontrol $lgorithms supported b5 the Node = in the 7ersion RAN 10
A!gorithm Description Considered )actors
@u$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e
RLC =?
A7$il$ble b$nd*idth on the I%=
DNA!IC>=W>SHAPING 5n$mi& +lo*
@u$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e
RLC =?
P$&<et loss r$tio $nd del$5 on
the I%= inter+$&e
A7$il$ble b$nd*idth on the I%=
N?>=W>SHAPING No +lo* &ontrol @u$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e
=$&< press +un&tion on the RNC
=W>SHAPING>?N?##>T?GGLE Ad$pti7e +lo*
When tr$++i& is &ongested2 the
+ollo*ing $lgorithm is sele&tedF
When tr$++i& is not &ongested2
the +ollo*ing $lgorithm is
Dou &$n sele&t $n HSPA +lo* &ontrol $lgorithm on the Node = L!T Athe !'000B2 $s sho*n
in #igure -/'/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge '. o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 3.2 HSPA +lo* &ontrol $lgorithm sele&ted on the Node = L!T
The st$ti& HSPA +lo* &ontrol produ&es three resultsF
1/ The b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the Node = +or +lo* &ontrol ob7iousl5 in&re$ses $nd <eeps
st$ble2 $nd the HSPA throughput returns to norm$l/ Dou &$n in+er th$t del$5 :itter2 out"
o+"seCuen&e #P p$&<ets2 or loss o+ $ sm$ll number o+ #P p$&<ets o&&urs on the I%=
inter+$&e but does not $++e&t the d$t$ tr$nsmission per+orm$n&e/ In this &$se2 5ou &$n end
the e++ort intended to identi+5 the problem/
'/ The b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the Node = +or +lo* &ontrol ob7iousl5 in&re$ses but
+lu&tu$tes2 $nd the HSPA throughput is impro7ed but is unst$ble/ Dou &$n in+er th$t the
I%= inter+$&e is $++e&ted b5 both b$nd*idth $d:ustment $nd p$&<et loss/ In this &$se2 5ou
need to &he&< the Cu$lit5 o+ the I%= tr$nsmission eCuipment/ When ne&ess$r52 $s< the
&ustomer to &he&< the I%= tr$nsmission eCuipment/
-/ The b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the Node = +or +lo* &ontrol <eeps un&h$nged $nd the
HSPA throughput still +lu&tu$tes/ Dou &$n in+er th$t ob7ious p$&<et loss2 out"o+"
seCuen&e p$&<ets2 or del$5 :itter does not o&&ur/ I+ 5ou &$n ensure good Cu$lit5 on the $ir
inter+$&e2 $nd su++i&ient RLC =? $nd tr$nsmission resour&es A&on+igur$tionB in the steps
$bo7e2 the b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the Node = +or +lo* &ontrol should not be limited/ In
this &$se2 the produ&t m$5 h$7e $ de+e&t or be improper in other &on+igur$tions/
In+orm$tion should be &olle&ted on the site $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
Che&< result 'F $t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er does not m$t&h the $llo&$ted
b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol/
?bt$in the &ur7e o+ d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er $nd the &ur7e o+ $llo&$ted
b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge ', o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 3.1 Allo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA I%= +lo* &ontrol $nd the d$t$ spending throughput $t
the RLC l$5er Ado not m$t&hB obt$ined b5 using the %!AT tool
This s5mptom indi&$tes th$t the RNC &$nnot send d$t$ in time/ $t$ sent b5 the RNC to the
Node = is $++e&ted b5 both the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol $nd the d$t$ sending
me&h$nism $t the RLC l$5er/ $t$ is sent $bnorm$ll5 $t the RLC l$5er be&$use o+ the
+ollo*ing t*o +$&torsF
1/ The RLC sending *indo* is &ongested $nd the d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er
is lo*er th$n the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol/
'/ The RNC or %E is $bnorm$l in proto&ol pro&essing $t the RLC l$5er/
Theoreti&$l throughput $t the RLC l$5er J Si6e o+ the RLC sending *indo* Anumber o+ P%sB ; Si6e o+
$ P% 9 RTT
Che&< item 1F *hether the RLC sending *indo* on the RNC is &ongested
Che&< *hether the RLC sending *indo* on the RNC is +reCuentl5 +ull b5 using the %!AT
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -0 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 2.1 %!AT tool used to obt$in the times +or *hi&h the RLC sending *indo* on the RNC is
Figure 2.2 Cur7e o+ &h$nges in the times +or *hi&h the RLC sending *indo* on the RNC is +ull
I+ the 7$lue o+ /ownLin3;indowsFull<u& &ontinuousl5 in&re$ses2 $s sho*n in #igure '/'2
the do*nlin< RLC sending *indo* is +reCuentl5 +ull/ P$&<ets sent b5 the RLC $re not
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -1 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
positi7el5 $&<no*ledged b5 the %E in time through st$tus reports/ The possible &$use is th$t
the uplin< st$tus reports $re dropped or $re not sent in time/
I+ the uplin< st$tus reports $re not sent in time or i+ $ sm$ll number o+ st$tus reports $re
dropped2 5ou &$n use the E"CH be$rer +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test/ uring demonstr$tion or in $
s&en$rio *here HS%PA is not supported2 5ou &$n use $n in7$ri$ble uplin< SIR/ #or det$ils2
see the des&ription mentioned in step 4/

I+ the d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er m$t&hes the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth $+ter
HS%PA is used +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the poor uplin< Cu$lit5 on the
$ir inter+$&e &$uses untimel5 $rri7$l o+ st$tus reports on the RNC/ The on"site net*or<
pl$nning engineer needs to optimi6e the Cu$lit5 on the $ir inter+$&e/

I+ the d$t$ sending throughput $t the RLC l$5er is still lo*er th$n the $llo&$ted
b$nd*idth2 th$t is2 the do*nlin< sending *indo* is +ull $s +reCuentl5 $s be+ore2 $+ter
HS%PA is used +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test2 5ou &$n in+er th$t HS%PA &$nnot impro7e the
RTT or th$t the RTT &$nnot be impro7ed $nd the sending *indo* is still limited/ In this
&$se2 &he&< *hether $n improper P% si6e A+or e;$mple2 --) bitsB is used/ In+orm$tion
should be &olle&ted $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
I+ the 7$lue o+ /ownLin3;indowsFull<u& does not in&re$se $nd the RNC does not send
d$t$ in the RLC bu++er in time *hen the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol is su++i&ient2 the
&$use is th$t the RNC or %E is $bnorm$l in proto&ol pro&essing $t the RLC l$5er/ A&&ording
to the e;perien&e2 the improper %E dri7er is highl5 li<el5 to &$use the problem/ It is
re&ommended 5ou repl$&e the %E dri7er or dire&tl5 use $nother %E +or the test/

I+ the d$t$ tr$nsmission is norm$l $+ter the %E or %E dri7er is repl$&ed2 5ou &$n in+er
th$t the %E or %E dri7er h$s $ +$ult/ In this &$se2 the problem is identi+ied/

I+ the test result is not impro7ed $+ter the %E or %E dri7er is repl$&ed2 intern$l
pro&essing on the RNC m$5 h$7e $ +$ult/ In this &$se2 in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted on
the site $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
$tep % Colle&t $nd report in+orm$tion Am$nd$tor5B/
I+ the problem persists $+ter the oper$tions mentioned in the pre7ious steps $re per+ormed2
in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted $&&ording to the in+orm$tion &olle&tion list $nd reported to the
H@ +or $n$l5sis/
&.1.( 3n"ormation Co!!ection *ist
Collection for Data Transmission Problems Regarding HSPA
&.& 8ero #$DPA Throughput
&.&.1 $ymptom
0ero HSPA throughput h$s onl5 one s5mptom2 th$t is2 the %E is not su&&ess+ull5 &onne&ted
to the #TP ser7er $nd &$nnot do*nlo$d +iles +rom the #TP ser7er/ The % meter sho*s th$t
the do*nlin< throughput is 6ero or the uplin< throughput o&&$sion$ll5 sho*s $ burr sh$pe2 $s
sho*n in #igure 1/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -' o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 0ero HSPA throughput
&.&.& Trou!eshooting Procedures
Che&< *hether the sign$ling pro&ess is norm$l $nd then &he&< *hether the user pl$ne is
norm$l/ In the &$se o+ sign$ling pro&ess2 the 6ero throughput is gener$ll5 &$used b5 improper
&on+igur$tion/ The user pl$ne in7ol7es $ *ide r$nge2 in&luding the #TP ser7er2 SGSN2 GGSN2
RNC2 Node =2 %E2 l$ptop2 tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion2 $nd intermedi$te s*it&hing
&on+igur$tion/ Dou &$n &he&< the user pl$ne l$5er b5 l$5er $nd inter+$&e b5 inter+$&e/
A&&ording to the e;perien&e2 6ero HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission is o+ten &$used b5 improper
tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion2 *hi&h results in un$7$il$ble HSPA p$th or timeout in response to
the CC $&ti7$tion reCuest Adi++erent HCI9HPI inter&onne&tion p$r$meter settings on the Node
= $nd RNC2 or in&orre&t &on+igur$tion on the intermedi$te s*it&hing de7i&eB/ HCI re+ers to
7irtu$l &h$nnel identi+ier $nd HPI re+ers to 7irtu$l p$th identi+ier/ There+ore2 &he&< the RNC or
Node = +or rele7$nt $l$rms be+ore the $n$l5sis/ In this *$52 5ou &$n Cui&<l5 identi+5 the
$tep 1 Che&< the sign$ling pl$ne Am$nd$tor5B/
Sin&e RAN )/0 th$t &ompletel5 supports the HSPA +un&tion2 Hu$*ei h$s $&&umul$ted +our
5e$rs o+ e;perien&e in &ommer&i$l use o+ the produ&t/ The produ&t is m$ture in m$:or HSPA
+e$tures As&heduling2 +lo* &ontrol2 $nd mobilit5B $nd $pplies to $ *ide r$nge o+ net*or<ing
s&en$rios/ A&&ording to the e;perien&e2 $ +$ilure on the user pl$ne A6ero do*nlo$d throughputB
is seldom &$used b5 $ produ&t de+e&t $nd o+ten rel$tes to the &on+igur$tion2 ser7er2 %E2 l$ptop
or intermedi$te tr$nsmission eCuipment/
When the do*nlo$d throughput is 6ero2 &he&< *hether the PP $&ti7$tion pro&ess is
su&&ess+ul/ #igure 1/1 sho*s $ sign$ling pro&ess norm$ll5 est$blished +or $ PS ser7i&e/ The
RANAP mess$ge A$&t"PP"C?NTE1T"ACCEPTB re&ei7ed b5 the RNC +rom the CN
indi&$tes th$t the sign$ling pro&ess is su&&ess+ull5 est$blished/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -- o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 Norm$l sign$ling pro&ess +or PP $&ti7$tion
Note th$t $lthough the sign$ling pro&ess +or $&ti7$ting the PP &onte;t is &omplete norm$ll52
the r$dio $&&ess be$rer ARA=B is rele$sed in $ short time/ In this &$se2 di$lup on the %E is
su&&ess+ul2 but d$t$ tr$nsmission still +$ils be&$use the RA= is rele$sed/ #or this s5mptom2
5ou need to &he&< *hether the subseCuent sign$ling pro&ess is norm$l2 th$t is2 *hether the
RA= is rele$sed/
I+ the sign$ling pro&ess is unsu&&ess+ul2 the &$use is o+ten in&orre&t $&&ess point n$me AAPNB
settings or improper subs&ription o+ the %SI! &$rd/ Dou need to &he&< *hether su&h settings
$re &orre&t/ I+ su&h settings $re proper2 5ou need to +ind out the &$use b$sed on the mess$ges
displ$5ed b5 the RNC CT/ The mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the CT re&ord e$&h <e5 step during
the ser7i&e est$blishment/ =5 7ie*ing the mess$ges2 5ou &$n roughl5 <no* the &$use o+ the
sign$ling pro&ess +$ilure/ It is re&ommended th$t the on"site engineer identi+5 the &$use b$sed
on the mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the CT/ I+ the on"site engineer &$nnot identi+5 the &$use2
in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
I+ the sign$ling pro&ess is norm$l but d$t$ tr$nsmission +$ils on the user pl$ne2 pro&eed *ith
step '/
$tep & Che&< the user pl$ne 1 Q &omp$r$ti7e test o+ the CH Aoption$lB/
I+ the sign$ling pro&ess is su&&ess+ul2 5ou &$n 7eri+5 the $bnorm$l HSPA user pl$ne b5 using
the CH be$rer in both the uplin< $nd do*nlin< dire&tions +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test/ In this *$52
5ou &$n den5 the possibilit5 o+ $bnorm$l HS%PA/ In most &$ses2 $ &omp$r$ti7e test helps 5ou
Cui&<l5 isol$te the problem $nd &he&< *hether the problem strongl5 rel$tes to the HSPA
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -( o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ d$t$ &$n be tr$nsmitted *hen the CH be$rer is used2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the upper"le7el
NEs $bo7e the RNC $re norm$l $nd the problem rel$tes to the HSPA +e$ture o+ the RAN
be&$use the upper"le7el NEs $bo7e the RNC pro&ess di++erent r$dio be$rers in the s$me *$5/
In this &$se2 5ou need to s<ip steps - $nd (2 $nd $n$l56e the RNC $nd the lo*er"le7el NEs
b$sed on the HSPA +e$ture/
I+ d$t$ tr$nsmission +$ils $+ter the CH be$rer is used Athis &$se seldom o&&urs $&&ording to
the e;perien&eB2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the problem does not rel$te to the HSPA +e$ture/ ?n one
h$nd2 5ou &$nnot e;&lude the possibilit5 th$t $ lo*er"le7el NE belo* the RNC is $bnorm$l/
?n the other h$nd2 5ou do not <no* *hether the upper"le7el NEs $bo7e the RNC $re norm$l/
Dou still need to e;e&ute the steps mentioned belo*/
$tep ( Che&< the user pl$ne ' Q p$&<ets re&ei7ed b5 the RNC Am$nd$tor5B/
The user pl$ne in7ol7es $ *ide r$nge o+ NEs/ When $n$l56ing the problem2 use the RNC
CT to &he&< *hether $n upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNC or $ lo*er"le7el NE belo* the RNC
is $bnorm$l/
%se the %!AT tool to obt$in the number o+ do*nlin< $nd uplin< ser7i&e d$t$ units AS%sB
re&ei7ed b5 the RLC l$5er/ #igure 1/1 sho*s the &he&< method2 $nd #igure 1/' sho*s the
&he&< result/
Figure 1.1 ?bt$ining the number o+ S%s re&ei7ed b5 the RLC l$5er b5 using the %!AT tool
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -4 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 Trend o+ &h$nges in the number o+ S%s re&ei7ed b5 the RLC l$5er
I+ the number o+ do*nlin< p$&<ets re&ei7ed b5 the RNC is $l*$5s 6ero $nd the number o+
uplin< p$&<ets is not 6ero2 the RNC does not re&ei7e d$t$ +rom the upper"le7el NEs/ In this
&$se2 $ +$ult m$5 o&&ur on the #TP ser7er or the SGSN9GGSN/ The SGSN $nd the GGSN do
not +$il $+ter the en7ironment &ommissioning/ The #TP ser7er is highl5 li<el5 to +$il/
There+ore2 it is re&ommended th$t 5ou +irst &he&< the #TP ser7er b5 using $nother #TP ser7er
or b5 dire&tl5 bro*sing Web p$ges on the l$ptop/ I+ the &onne&tion to the #TP ser7er is
unsu&&ess+ul2 the #TP &lient so+t*$re displ$5s the rele7$nt mess$ges/ Dou &$n &he&< the
&onne&tion to the #TP ser7er b5 7ie*ing the mess$ges/
I+ the ser7i&e is su&&ess+ul $+ter 5ou bro*se the Web p$ges or use $nother #TP ser7er2 5ou &$n
in+er th$t the &urrent #TP ser7er +$ils/ In this &$se2 the on"site engineer needs to &he&< *hether
the settings on the #TP ser7er $re &orre&t/
I+ the ser7i&e still +$ils $+ter 5ou bro*se the Web p$ges or use $nother #TP ser7er2 5ou &$n
in+er th$t the SGSN or GGSN per+orms $bnorm$l pro&essing on the user pl$ne/ In this &$se2 $
CN engineer should be $s<ed to $n$l56e the &$use o+ $bnorm$lit52 $nd in+orm$tion should be
&olle&ted $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
I+ the number o+ do*nlin< p$&<ets re&ei7ed b5 the RNC is not 6ero2 the #TP ser7er &$n send
d$t$ +rom the SGSN9GGSN to the RNC/ The +$ult o&&urs on $ lo*er"le7el NE belo* the
RNC/ In this &$se2 pro&eed *ith step (/
$tep 5 Che&< the user pl$ne - Q p$&<ets sent b5 the RNC Am$nd$tor5B/
I+ the RNC re&ei7es do*nlin< p$&<ets +rom the #TP ser7er Ath$t is2 the RLC =? is not 6eroB
but the %E &$nnot tr$nsmit d$t$2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the +$ult o&&urs on the RNC or $ lo*er"
le7el NE/ In this &$se2 &he&< *hether the RNC su&&ess+ull5 sends d$t$ to the Node = through
the I%= inter+$&e Ain the +orm o+ #P p$&<etsB/ #igure 1/1 sho*s th$t the RNC su&&ess+ull5
sends #P p$&<ets to the Node =/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -) o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 St$tisti&s on do*nlin< #P p$&<ets th$t $re sent +rom the RNC $nd $re obt$ined +rom
the CT b5 using the %!AT tool
I+ the number o+ do*nlin< #P p$&<ets sent +rom the RNC $s sho*n in #igure 1/1 is 6ero2 5ou
<no* th$t the RNC does not send do*nlin< d$t$ to the Node =/ The RLC =? is not 6ero $nd
the b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the Node = +or +lo* &ontrol is $ m$:or me&h$nism th$t restri&ts
p$&<ets sent b5 the RNC/ A&&ording to the produ&t implement$tion2 the Node = $llo&$tes $t
le$st the b$nd*idth &orresponding to &redit J 1/ There+ore2 the s5mptom th$t the RNC &$nnot
send #P p$&<ets due to the 6ero b$nd*idth $llo&$ted +or +lo* &ontrol does not o&&ur2 e;&ept
*hen the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion is in&orre&t or there is $ de+e&t in the 7ersion o+ the RNC
or Node =/ To &he&< *hether the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or HSPA +lo* &ontrol is $bnorm$l2
5ou &$n obser7e the mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the RNC CT/ The &redit is $t le$st 12 $s sho*n in
#igure 1/'/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -8 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 In+orm$tion $bout $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol in the mess$ges displ$5ed b5
the RNC CT

I+ the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol is not 6ero A$s sho*n in #igure 1/'B $nd
the RNC does not send do*nlin< #P p$&<ets2 the RNC m$5 +$il/ In+orm$tion should be
&olle&ted on the site $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/

I+ the $llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or I%= +lo* &ontrol is 6ero Ath$t is2 the &redit in the displ$5ed
mess$ge is $l*$5s 6eroB2 the Node = does not $llo&$te $n e++e&ti7e b$nd*idth/ The
problem m$5 rel$te to the $llo&$ted tr$nsmission b$nd*idth/ In this &$se2 5ou need to
&he&< *hether the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion &omplies *ith the spe&i+i&$tions Asee the
$tt$&hmentB $nd modi+5 the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion $&&ording to the spe&i+i&$tions $s
reCuired/ I+ the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion &omplies *ith the spe&i+i&$tions but the
$llo&$ted b$nd*idth +or +lo* &ontrol is still 6ero2 in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted on the
site $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
I+ the number o+ do*nlin< #P p$&<ets sent +rom the RNC $s sho*n in #igure 1/1 in&re$ses
&ontinuousl52 5ou <no* th$t the RNC h$s sent do*nlin< d$t$ to the Node =/ Then &he&<
*hether the I%= inter+$&e Ain&luding the intermedi$te tr$nsmission eCuipmentB drops $ll the
do*nlin< #P p$&<ets or *hether the bit error r$te on the $ir inter+$&e is 100N/ Li<e*ise2
improper tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion $lso &$uses do*nlin< p$&<ets to be dropped/ #or
e;$mple2 i+ the m$;imum tr$nsmission unit A!T%B is set improperl52 $n IP p$&<et is
segmented into m$n5 +r$gments $nd &$nnot be re$ssembled/ The s5mptom $lso o&&urs *hen
di++erent HCI9HPI 7$lues $re set on the RNC $nd the Node =2 or *hen the intermedi$te
tr$nsmission eCuipment is &on+igured in&orre&tl5/ There+ore2 5ou need to &he&< *hether the
tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion Ain&luding the &on+igur$tion o+ intermedi$te de7i&esB &omplies
*ith the spe&i+i&$tions $nd modi+5 the &on+igur$tion $&&ording to the spe&i+i&$tions/
I+ the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion &omplies *ith the spe&i+i&$tions2 pro&eed *ith step 4/
$tep 6 Che&< the %E $nd l$ptop Am$nd$tor5B/
I+ the HSPA d$t$ tr$nsmission +$ils2 5ou &$n in+er th$t the problem does not o&&ur on $n5
eCuipment other th$n the %E or l$ptop/ I+ the &he&< results $re norm$l2 5ou need to &he&<
*hether the %E $nd l$ptop *or< properl5/ Repl$&e the l$ptop2 %E2 $nd dri7er 7ersion +or $
&omp$r$ti7e test/ The Hu$*ei E'80 11/(14/04/00/00/=(0, is re&ommended/
$tep 7 Colle&t $nd report in+orm$tion Am$nd$tor5B/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -. o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the problem persists $+ter the oper$tions mentioned in the pre7ious steps $re per+ormed2
in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted on the site $s reCuired $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
&.&.( 3n"ormation Co!!ection *ist
Collection for Data Transmission Problems Regarding HSPA
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge -, o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
( #$UPA Throughput Pro!ems
This &h$pter des&ribes ho* to h$ndle t*o m$:or HS%PA throughput problems/ It is guid$n&e
to on"site engineers in $n$l56ing $nd &he&<ing the problems2 $nd in &olle&ting reCuired
in+orm$tion +or identi+5ing the problems/ HS%PA throughput problems $re $n$l56ed more
simpl5 th$n HSPA throughput problems/ It is h$rd2 ho*e7er2 to &olle&t 7$lid in+orm$tion2
th$t is2 mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the %E Probe $nd Node = CT $re reCuired/ A+ter the RAN 10
supports the Node = CT2 7$lid in+orm$tion is &olle&ted more e$sil5/

?ne problem is th$t the uplin< throughput is lo* or +lu&tu$tes/

The histor5 m$inten$n&e d$t$ sho*s th$t this problem o&&urs +reCuentl5 $nd *idel5/ The
+ollo*ing &$uses &ontribute to this problemF
G %nst$ble tr$nsmission Cu$lit5/ The s5mptom is loss o+ p$&<ets on the I% or I%=
G Limited r$dio resour&es/ The s5mptom is th$t the uplin< lo$d2 I%= tr$nsmission
resour&es2 or uplin< &h$nnel element ACEB resour&es $re limited/
G Improper p$r$meter settings/ The p$r$meter settings on the RAN or CN side &$nnot
meet the test reCuirement/
G !ism$t&h o+ or $ per+orm$n&e de+e&t in the %E dri7er/ The s5mptom is th$t the %E
does not $&t $&&ording to the proto&ol/
G !utu$l in+luen&e &$used b5 d$t$ tr$nsmission th$t is per+ormed b5 other users

Another problem is th$t the HS%PA ser7i&e &$nnot be est$blished/

The HS%PA ser7i&e &$nnot be su&&ess+ull5 est$blished $nd the uplin< throughput
re$&hes R,, -.( <bit9s onl5/ This problem is gener$ll5 &$used b5 improper p$r$meter
settings/ Espe&i$ll52 this &h$pter des&ribes the pro&ess +or $n$l56ing the problem th$t the
HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e &$nnot be est$blished/ This problem o+ten o&&urs during the
deplo5ment be&$use o+ spe&i$l reCuirements +or h$rd*$re spe&i+i&$tions $nd p$r$meter
This &h$pter des&ribes the s5mptom o+ e$&h problem so th$t the on"site engineers &$n
:udge the problems the5 en&ounter2 &he&< the problems2 $nd &olle&t reCuired in+orm$tion/
Then this &h$pter pro7ides the ide$ o+ $n$l56ing the problem $nd the det$iled pro&ess +or
&he&<ing $nd h$ndling the problem/ #in$ll52 this &h$pter lists $ll the in+orm$tion reCuired
+or $n$l56ing the problem/ The do&ument $nne;ed to this Troubleshooting Guide
pro7ides the gener$l tools reCuired +or $n$l56ing HSPA throughput problems $nd the
user guide to these tools/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (0 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
This &h$pter +o&uses on the ide$ o+ $n$l56ing HS%PA throughput problems/ The throughput inde;es
o+ HSPA %Es o+ &$tegor5 49) $re pro7ided +or re+eren&e/
The norm$l throughput is &lose to the theoreti&$l 7$lue $nd <eeps st$ble/ The lo* throughput
mentioned in this do&ument indi&$tes th$t the throughput does not re$&h the m$;imum theoreti&$l
throughput supported b5 the de7i&e &$p$bilit5 or &on+igured resour&es/
To identi+5 problems rel$ted to produ&t de+e&ts2 5ou m$5 reCuire $ddition$l in+orm$tion th$t is not
&ompletel5 &o7ered in the in+orm$tion &olle&tion guide pro7ided in this do&ument/
(.1 *ow or )!uctuating #$UPA Throughput
(.1.1 $ymptom
?ne s5mptom o+ the $bnorm$l HS%PA throughput is th$t the HS%PA throughput is lo*er
th$n the e;pe&ted 7$lue $nd <eeps st$ble *ithout sh$rp +lu&tu$tion/ =5 de+$ult2 *hen there is
onl5 one HS%PA user in $ &ell2 the user r$te should be o7er 1/' !bit9s in ph$se 1 A$ 7ersion
e$rlier th$n RAN 10B/ In ph$se ' ARAN 10 or $ l$ter 7ersionB2 the user r$te should be o7er 1/8
!bit9s in the &$se o+ $ %E o+ &$tegor5 4 Athe t5pi&$l %E is the Hu$*ei E'80B2 $nd o7er -/4
!bit9s in the &$se o+ $ %E o+ &$tegor5 ) Athe t5pi&$l %E is the Hu$*ei E1.0B/
)*&+to& 1( The uplin< d$t$ r$te is st$ble but does not re$&h the theoreti&$l 7$lue2 $s sho*n
in #igure 1/1/This s5mptom is m$inl5 &$used b5 limited resour&es or improper p$r$meter
settings Asu&h $s the !=RB/
Figure 1.1 HS%PA d$t$ tr$nsmission r$te th$t is st$ble but lo*er th$n the theoreti&$l 7$lue
)*&+to& 2( The uplin< d$t$ r$te +lu&tu$tes $nd does not re$&h the theoreti&$l 7$lue2 $s
sho*n in #igure 1/'/!$n5 &$uses &ontribute to this s5mptom2 +or e;$mple2 poor tr$nsmission
Cu$lit5 on the I%= inter+$&e2 throughput limit$tion in &ert$in se&tions2 limit$tion on the $ir
inter+$&e $nd tr$nsmission resour&es2 $nd limit$tion on the CE resour&es/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (1 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 Lo* $nd +lu&tu$ting HS%PA d$t$ tr$nsmission r$te
(.1.& Trou!eshooting Procedures
=e+ore $n$l56ing the problem2 5ou need to <no* $ll the NEs in7ol7ed in HSPA d$t$
tr$nsmission $nd the m$tters *orth5 o+ $ttention in $n o7er$ll perspe&ti7e/
The HS%PA throughput depends on the $mount o+ d$t$ to be sent A$mount o+ d$t$ in the
bu++erB $nd the d$t$ sending &$p$bilit5 o+ the %E/ ?n one h$nd2 the TCP +e$ture determines
th$t the $mount o+ d$t$ in the bu++er is su++i&ient $s long $s the intermedi$te se&tions $re not
limited Ap$&<et loss or l$rge RTTB/ ?n the other h$nd2 the d$t$ sending &$p$bilit5 o+ $ %E
depends on the $7$il$ble tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E $nd the ser7ing gr$nt ASGB obt$ined b5 the
%E/ A&&ording to the !AC"E s&heduling $lgorithm2 the Node = $llo&$tes SGs to HS%PA
users b$sed on the $7$il$ble resour&es2 in&luding the uplin< lo$d2 I%= tr$nsmission2 uplin<
CE2 $nd s&heduling in+orm$tion ASIB reported b5 users/ There+ore2 the SG th$t $ %E &$n
obt$in is &losel5 rel$ted to use A&ongestionB o+ the resour&es mentioned $bo7e/
SI &o7ers the $&tu$l $mount o+ d$t$ in the bu++er on the %E side $nd $7$il$ble tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E/
SI is used +or re+eren&e o+ Node = in $llo&$ting SGs/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (' o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 NEs in7ol7ed in $nd m$:or se&tions o+ HS%PA d$t$ tr$nsmission
The b$si& ide$ o+ identi+5ing $ d$t$ tr$nsmission problem reg$rding HS%PA is $s +ollo*sF
Per+orm $ &omp$r$ti7e test b5 using the TESTPING tool to &he&< *hether the problem o&&urs
$bo7e or belo* the RLC l$5er/ I+ the TESTPING test result is $bnorm$l2 5ou need to &he&<
*hether resour&es $re limited b5 obser7ing the SG on the %E side through the Probe/ uring
the $n$l5sis2 5ou m$5 en&ounter $ problem rel$ted to the #TP ser7er2 %E2 or l$ptop/ Dou &$n
$n$l56e the problem through $ &omp$r$ti7e test/
=e+ore $n$l56ing $ problem2 5ou need to &he&< the RNC or Node = +or rele7$nt $l$rms on the site/ In
this *$52 5ou &$n identi+5 the problem Cui&<l5/
$tep 1 Che&< *hether the ser7i&e to be est$blished is $n HS%PA ser7i&e Aoption$lB/
I+ the uplin< r$te is lo* $nd &$n re$&h -)( <bit9s onl52 &he&< *hether the ser7i&e is est$blished
on the E"CH be$rer/ In doing so2 see se&tion -/'R#$ilure to Est$blish the HS%PA Ser7i&e/R
?ther*ise2 pro&eed *ith step '/
$tep & Che&< *hether d$t$ $t the $ppli&$tion l$5er on the %E is su++i&ient/
$t$ is uplo$ded in #TP mode during the test/ $t$ th$t the %E &$n send Ath$t is2 the $mount
o+ d$t$ in the bu++erB m$5 be insu++i&ient +or $n5 &$use $t the TCP l$5er $nd2 $s $ result2 the
uplin< d$t$ tr$nsmission r$te is $++e&ted/ It is re&ommended th$t 5ou use the TESTPING tool
+or $ &omp$r$ti7e test to &he&< *hether the problem o&&urs belo* or $bo7e the RLC l$5er/
The prin&iple is $s +ollo*sF $t$ &$n be sent +rom the l$ptop to the %E $t the spe&i+ied
throughput $nd $ re7erse $&<no*ledgement p$&<et does not need to be sent to the %E $t the
TCP l$5er/ The $&<no*ledge p$&<et is still reCuired $t the RLC l$5er/ There+ore2 5ou &$n
e$sil5 <no* *hether the problem o&&urs $bo7e or belo* the RLC l$5er Alimit$tion on TCP
r$te $t the sour&e end2 loss o+ p$&<ets on the I%= inter+$&e2 unst$ble ser7er per+orm$n&e2 $nd
loss o+ p$&<ets on $n upper"le7el NE $bo7e the RNCB/
I+ the d$t$ r$te <eeps st$ble $t the e;pe&ted 7$lue $+ter the TESTPING tool is used to $&ti7el5
send p$&<ets2 the r$te m$5 be limited due to $ +$ult $t the TCP or $ppli&$tion l$5er/ In this
&$se2 5ou need to &he&< *hether the r$te is limited on the #TP ser7er or CN side $nd *hether
the %E dri7er is in the l$test 7ersion/ Currentl52 the st$ble 7ersion o+ the Hu$*ei E'80 is
11/(14/04/00/00/=(0,2 $nd the st$ble 7ersion o+ the Hu$*ei E1.0 is 11/104/04/00/00/=(0,/I+
the &ondition permits2 5ou &$n use the t*o %Es to per+orm $ &omp$r$ti7e test/ I+ 5ou +ind
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (- o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
nothing $bnorm$l2 use the Ethere$l tool to &$pture p$&<ets on the %E $nd #TP ser7er2 $nd to
send in+orm$tion $bout the user pl$ne displ$5ed b5 the RNC CT to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
I+ the r$te rem$ins $bnorm$l $+ter the TESTPING tool is used2 $ +$ult m$5 o&&ur on the RAN
side/ Pro&eed *ith the subseCuent steps/
$tep ( Che&< *hether the tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E is limited/
I+ the sign$l Cu$lit5 is poor $nd the p$th loss is high2 the HS%PA throughput m$5 +$il to re$&h
the e;pe&ted 7$lue due to the limit$tion on tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E/ Che&< *hether the
tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E is limited b5 obser7ing the 4. T=0ower item on the RNC L!T2 $s
sho*n in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 En$bling the +un&tion o+ tr$&ing the tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E on the RNC L!T
I+ the tr$&ing result sho*s th$t the tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E o+ten re$&hes '0 d=m2 the
tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E $lre$d5 $ppro$&hes the m$;imum 7$lue A'( d=mB2 *hi&h results in
$ lo* HS%PA throughput/ The on"site net*or< pl$nning engineer should &he&< the
en7ironment on the $ir inter+$&e $nd per+orm the test on $ %E th$t is so &lose to the b$se
st$tion th$t the re&ei7ed sign$l &ode po*er ARSCPB is l$rger th$n I,0 d=m/
$tep 5 Che&< *hether the uplin< po*er lo$d is limited/
In $ WC!A s5stem2 the uplin< lo$d o+ $ &ell is &$l&ul$ted b5 using the re&ei7ed tot$l
*ideb$nd po*er ARTWPB or rise o7er therm$l ARoTB/ To <eep st$ble $nd ensure the Cu$lit5 o+
ser7i&e2 the s5stem reCuires $n uplin< lo$d th$t is &ontrolled in $ proper r$nge/ In the 7ersion
RAN 102 the de+$ult uplin< lo$d o+ $ &ell is 84N2 th$t is2 the RoT is ) d=/ The de+$ult
b$&<ground noise set on the produ&t is I10) d=m/ When RTWP rises b5 ) d= to re$&h I100
d=m2 the &ell re$&hes the uplin< lo$d threshold $nd the user r$te &$nnot in&re$se/
?bser7e RTWP on the RNC L!T to &he&< *hether the uplin< lo$d o+ the &ell $lre$d5 re$&hes
the threshold2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (( o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 En$bling the +un&tion o+ tr$&ing RTWP o+ $ &ell on the RNC L!T
#igure 1/' sho*s the RTWP in+orm$tion $bout $ &ell th$t is tr$&ed in re$l time/ RTWP $lre$d5
re$&hes I100 d=m2 th$t is2 RoT re$&hes ) d= Athe thresholdB/
Figure 1.2 RTWP in+orm$tion $bout $ &ell tr$&ed in re$l time
I+ the user r$te is limited be&$use the &ell re$&hes the lo$d threshold2 5ou need to &he&<
*hether the &on+igured b$&<ground noise o+ the &ell m$t&hes the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise/ To
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (4 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Cuer5 the &on+igured b$&<ground noise o+ $ &ell on the RNC L!T2 run the L)T C.LLC1C
&omm$nd/ The Cuer5 result is sho*n in #igure 1/-/
Figure 1.3 P$r$meter setting o+ b$&<ground noise Cueried on the RNC L!T
To obt$in the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise o+ $ &ell2 5ou &$n obser7e RTWP *hen no user in the
&ell uses $n5 ser7i&e/ As sho*n in #igure 1/(2 the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise o+ the &ell is I10(
d=m2 ' d= higher th$n the b$seline &on+igur$tion AI10) d=mB/
Figure 1.4 RTWP o+ $ 6ero"lo$ded &ell obser7ed on the RNC L!T
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge () o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the &on+igured b$&<ground noise does not m$t&h the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise2 per+orm the
+ollo*ing oper$tionsF

In the test en7ironment2 run the 2,/ C.LLC1C &omm$nd on the RNC L!T to
modi+5 the &on+igured b$&<ground noise so th$t the &on+igured b$&<ground noise
m$t&hes the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise/

#or $ &ommer&i$l net*or<2 do not dire&tl5 modi+5 the &on+igured b$&<ground noise
be&$use doing so m$5 &$use shrin<$ge o+ the uplin< &o7er$ge2 *hi&h me$ns th$t the high
b$&<ground noise is permitted to rise b5 ) d= ARoTB/ It is re&ommended th$t the on"site
engineer +ind out the &$use o+ high b$&<ground noise/ I+ the &$use o+ high b$&<ground
noise &$nnot be identi+ied in $ short time during $ m$:or $&&ept$n&e test2 the &on+igured
b$&<ground noise o+ the &ell &$n be modi+ied *ithin $ short time to 7eri+5 the HS%PA
#or the rel$tionship bet*een the &on+igured b$&<ground noise o+ $ &ell $nd the $&tu$l ph5si&$l
me$ning2 see the help in+orm$tion $bout the 2,/ C.LLC1C &omm$nd/
I+ the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise o+ $ &ell is &ontinuousl5 o7er I10' d=m or belo* I110 d=m2 RTWP
is $bnorm$l/ In this &$se2 $s< the Node = engineer or net*or< pl$nning engineer to sol7e the
problem $nd then per+orm $n HS%PA test/
I+ the &on+igured b$&<ground noise o+ $ &ell m$t&hes the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise2 the $&tu$l
uplin< lo$d on the $ir inter+$&e $lre$d5 re$&hes the lo$d threshold/ Che&< *hether other users
in the &ell use the ser7i&e/ I+ other users use the ser7i&e in the &ell2 the users m$5 o&&up5 p$rt
o+ the lo$d $nd &$use the lo$d to be limited/ I+ the uplin< lo$d o+ $ &ell $lre$d5 re$&hes the
threshold *hen onl5 one user uses the ser7i&e in the &ell $nd the user throughput does not
re$&h the e;pe&ted 7$lue2 the possible &$uses $re $s +ollo*sF

Strong e;tern$l inter+eren&e e;ists/ As $ result2 RTWP e;&eeds the threshold/ In this &$se2
$s< the on"site engineer to elimin$te the sour&e o+ inter+eren&e/

The %E ?LPC does not &on7erge be&$use the uplin< p$th loss is too lo*/ The s5mptom
is th$t the tr$nsmit po*er o+ the %E PCCH is $lre$d5 lo* but still results in too high
RTWP/ This problem gener$ll5 o&&urs in the test en7ironment possibl5 be&$use no
proper sign$l $ttenu$tor is inst$lled/ In this &$se2 t$<e the %E $*$5 +rom the $ntenn$ o+
the b$se st$tion/

A de+e&t in the produ&t or %E &$uses the $bnorm$l uplin< po*er &ontrol/ In this &$se2 use
$nother %E +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test/
I+ 5ou +ind nothing *rong *ith the &he&< items $bo7e but RTWP rem$ins $bnorm$l2 $ +$ult
m$5 o&&ur on the produ&t/ Dou need to re&ti+5 the +$ult or modi+5 the &on+igured b$&<ground
noise to be the s$me $s the $&tu$l b$&<ground noise so th$t the test &$n pro&eed/ =$sed on the
test result2 de&ide *hether to pro&eed *ith step 4/?ther*ise2 in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted
on the site $g$inst the in+orm$tion &olle&tion list $nd reported to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
I+ the problem is sol7ed through the &he&< items $bo7e but the r$te rem$ins $bnorm$l2
pro&eed *ith step 4/
$tep 6 Che&< *hether the I%= tr$nsmission resour&es $re limited/
A+ter d$t$ +rom the %E is &orre&tl5 re&ei7ed b5 the Node =2 the d$t$ should be sent to the
RNC in the +orm o+ #P +r$mes through the tr$nsmission resour&es on the I%= inter+$&e/
I+ the tr$nsmission resour&es on the I%= inter+$&e $re limited2 the user r$te &$nnot re$&h the
e;pe&ted 7$lue/
?bser7e H)401 RL .nhanced 9n'o Re+ort o+ the Node = CT/ The reported mess$ges
&o7er uhw8wFor0ath th$t indi&$tes the $7$il$ble b$nd*idth +or the p$th *here the user is
lo&$ted/ I+ the 7$lue is sm$ller th$n the e;pe&ted r$te but &lose to the &urrent tested r$te2 the
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (8 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
lo* r$te m$5 be &$used b5 limited I%= tr$nsmission resour&es/ The tr$nsmission resour&es
$re limited be&$use o+ the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion2 tr$++i&2 del$5 :itter $nd loss o+ p$&<ets
during the tr$nsmission/
In this &$se2 &he&< *hether the ph5si&$l b$nd*idth Athe number o+ E1 linesB meets the test
reCuirement b$sed on the $&tu$l reCuired throughput/ In $ddition2 &he&< *hether the
p$r$meter settings &ompl5 *ith the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion spe&i+i&$tions +or the 7ersion/
P$5 $ttention to the +ollo*ing itemsF

Whether the &on+igured ph5si&$l b$nd*idth is su++i&ient/ ?ne E1 line &$n pro7ide $
ph5si&$l b$nd*idth o+ ' !bit9s/ When the ph5si&$l b$nd*idth is &on7erted to the
$ppli&$tion l$5er2 the tr$nsmission e++i&ien&5 o+ 0/84 should be &onsidered/ uring
tr$nsmission o7er +$st Ethernet A#EB2 the ph5si&$l b$nd*idth is not limited/

Whether the intermedi$te I%= tr$nsmission eCuipment is bottlene&<ed/ I+ the &ondition

permits2 5ou &$n dire&tl5 &onne&t the RNC to the Node = +or $ &omp$r$ti7e test/

Whether the HS%PA p$th &on+igur$tion &omplies *ith the spe&i+i&$tions/

Whether port r$te limit$tion is &on+igured on the Node =/ Dou &$n run the L)T LR
&omm$nd to &he&< this item2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 Che&< result o+ the LST LR &omm$nd e;e&uted on the Node = L!T
The &omm$nd mentioned $bo7e displ$5s the port r$te2 *hi&h in&ludes the r$tes on $ll the IP p$ths th$t
use the port/ When &$l&ul$ting the HS%PA b$nd*idth2 5ou need to dedu&t the b$nd*idth o&&upied b5
other ser7i&es/ In $ddition2 *hen &on7erting the b$nd*idth to the $ppli&$tion l$5er2 the tr$nsmission
e++i&ien&5 o+ 0/, should be &onsidered/
I+ the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion is &orre&t2 5ou &$n obser7e the number o+ users in the &ell/
To pre7ent limit$tion tr$nsmission resour&es &$used b5 tr$++i&2 per+orm the test $t $ time *hen
$ sm$ll number o+ users use the ser7i&e in the &ell/
I+ the tr$nsmission resour&es $re not limited be&$use the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion is
in&orre&t or other users &ontend +or the resour&e2 the limit$tion on tr$nsmission b$nd*idth
m$5 be &$used b5 loss o+ p$&<ets or del$5 :itter during the tr$nsmission/ In this &$se2 per+orm
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (. o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
$ &omp$r$ti7e test $nd &$pture p$&<ets on the I%= tr$nsmission eCuipment to identi+5 the
$tep 7 Che&< *hether the uplin< CE resour&es $re limited/
I+ the HS%PA CCC +un&tion is used or i+ both the d5n$mi& CE +un&tion $nd G=R $dmission
$re used2 5ou m$5 en&ounter the s5mptom th$t the HS%PA ser7i&e &$n be norm$ll5
est$blished but the r$te &$nnot re$&h the e;pe&ted 7$lue due to the insu++i&ient uplin< CE
resour&es/ Dou &$n run the /)0 L9C.<). &omm$nd on the Node = L!T to Cuer5 the
number o+ CEs on the Node =2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 Number o+ li&ensed CEs $s Cueried on the Node = L!T
#igure 1/' lists the CEs used b5 di++erent spre$ding +$&tors/
Figure 1.2 Rules on used uplin< CEs +or di++erent r$tes AS#B
-in $) $upported
Rate ,Bit.s/
#$UPA Phase 1 #$UPA Phase
S#)( -'E 1L1L1 1
S#-' )(E 1L1L1/4 1
S#1) 1)0E 1L1L- '
S#. -'0E 1L1L4 (
S#( )(0E 1L1L10 .
';S#( 1/((! 1L1L'0 1)
';S#' '/8! Not supported -'
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge (, o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
';S#' L ';S#( 4/8)! Not supported (.
The supported r$tes listed in #igure 1/' $re not stri&t $nd $re +or re+eren&e onl5/ The $&tu$l r$te is
$++e&ted b5 retr$nsmission on the $ir inter+$&e/ uring the test2 ensure the uplin< CE resour&es reCuired
+or the e;pe&ted r$te/
uring $n $&&ept$n&e test o+ $ &ommer&i$l net*or<2 5ou &$nnot pre7ent other users +rom
&ontending +or the uplin< CE resour&es/ There+ore2 5ou need to tr$&e the use o+ uplin< ser7i&e
resour&es in re$l time/ Dou &$n &he&< the number o+ CEs used b5 e$&h &ell b5 Cuer5ing the
ser7i&e resour&es o+ &ells on the Node = L!T2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/-/
Figure 1.3 Number o+ &urrent CEs used b5 $ &ell $s Cueried on the Node = L!T
=$sed on the CE li&ense &on+igur$tion2 &he&< *hether the rem$ining $7$il$ble CE resour&es
on the Node = $re su++i&ient +or the %E to re$&h the e;pe&ted r$te/ Li<e*ise2 5ou &$n use the
mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the Node = CT to &he&< *hether the uplin< CEs $re limited/ I+ the
&on+igured $7$il$ble CEs &$nnot meet the uplin< throughput reCuired b5 the %E2 5ou need to
e;p$nd the CE li&ense2 or to $dd the h$rd*$re &$p$bilit5 *hen the li&ense $lre$d5 re$&hes the
h$rd*$re &$p$bilit5/
$tep % Che&< *hether there $re &h$nges in the uplin< b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the RNC/
I+ there $re &h$nges in the uplin< b$nd*idth $llo&$ted b5 the RNC2 the HS%PA throughput
m$5 &h$nge $&&ordingl5/ Dou &$n obser7e the &h$nges in the uplin< b$nd*idth b5 tr$&ing the
uplin< b$nd*idth $nd throughput on the RNC L!T2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 40 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 En$bling the +un&tion o+ tr$&ing uplin< throughput $nd b$nd*idth on the RNC L!T
The possible &$uses o+ &h$nges in the b$nd*idth in&lude HS%PA CCC $&tions $nd
s*it&ho7er to $ &ell supporting $ di++erent HS%PA &$p$bilit5 A+or e;$mple2 s*it&ho7er +rom $
&ell supporting 4/ 8) !bit9s to $ &ell supporting 1/(( !bit9sB/
I+ the &$use is $n $&tion o+ the HS%PA CCC2 5ou need to &$pture logs on the RNC CT $nd
%E AProbe or @1!B to $n$l56e *h$t triggers the HS%PA CCC $&tion/
I+ the &$use is the s*it&ho7er $nd the test ob:e&ti7e does not &o7er the HS%PA per+orm$n&e
during the s*it&ho7er2 dis$ble the $d:$&ent &ell or delete the $d:$&en&5 rel$tionship to pre7ent
+reCuent s*it&ho7er/
To test &$ses rel$ted to s*it&ho7er2 5ou need to &olle&t in+orm$tion $nd report the in+orm$tion
to the H@ +or $n$l5sis/
(.1.( 3n"ormation Co!!ection *ist
Collection for Data Transmission Problems Regarding HSPA
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 41 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
(.& )ai!ure to +sta!ish the #$UPA $ervice
(.&.1 $ymptom
The uplin< throughput monitored b5 the % meter does not e;&eed -.( <bit9s/ The
RRC>R=>SET%P mess$ge on the $ir inter+$&e sho*s th$t the tr$++i& r$dio be$rer
A&orresponding to r$dio be$rer 4 *hen onl5 $ single PS ser7i&e is pro7idedB uses E"CH $s
the be$rer2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 =e$rer t5pe in the RRC>R=>SET%P mess$ge
(.&.& Trou!eshooting Procedures
$tep 1 Che&< the %E &$p$bilit5/
I+ the %E does not support the HS%PA +un&tion2 the ser7i&e &$nnot be est$blished o7er
HS%PA/ There+ore2 5ou need to &he&< the &$p$bilit5 reported b5 the %E/ The
RRC>C?NNECT>RE@ mess$ge on the %u inter+$&e spe&i+ies *hether the %E supports the
E"CH +un&tion/ #or the spe&i+i& &$p$bilit5 t5pe2 5ou need to $n$l56e the
RRC>C?NNECT>C!P mess$ge/ I+ the ueC$p$bilit5Indi&$tion &ell e;ists in the mess$ge $nd
the &ell 7$lue &o7ers e-dch2 the %E supports the HS%PA +un&tion2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4' o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 RRC C?NNECTI?N SET%P RE@ mess$ge
?ther*ise2 the %E does not support the HS%PA +un&tion/ In this &$se2 use $nother HS%PA %E
Athe Hu$*ei E'80 is re&ommendedB +or the test/
I+ the &he&< result sho*s th$t the %E supports the HS%PA +un&tion2 pro&eed *ith step '/
$tep & Che&< the &ell &$p$bilit5/
I+ HS%PA is not &on+igured or $&ti7$ted +or the &ell2 the HS%PA ser7i&e &$nnot be
est$blished/ Run the L)T C.LLH)401 &omm$nd on the RNC L!T to Cuer5 the HS%PA
&$p$bilit5 $nd st$tus o+ the &ell/ The Cuer5 result sho*s th$t HS%PA is &on+igured $nd
$&ti7$ted +or the &ell2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 HS%PA st$tus o+ the &ell &he&<ed on the RNC L!T
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4- o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the Cuer5 result sho*s th$t the HS%PA +un&tion is not $&ti7$ted or th$t the HS%PA &ell is
not &on+igured or is &on+igured in&orre&tl52 run the 1// C.LLH)401 &omm$nd to
&on+igure the HS%PA &ell on the site/
I+ the Cuer5 result sho*s th$t the HS%PA +un&tion is $&ti7$ted2 pro&eed *ith step -/
$tep ( Che&< the throughput $ssigned b5 the CN/
The RNC &he&<s *hether the ser7i&e uses the E"CH be$rer b$sed on the !=R $ssigned b5
the CN $nd the &on+igured threshold/ I+ the !=R $ssigned b5 the CN e;&eeds the throughput
threshold o+ the E"CH be$rer2 the ser7i&e is est$blished o7er E"CH/ ?ther*ise2 the CH
be$rer is used/ Thresholds $re set sep$r$tel5 +or the =E ser7i&e $nd stre$ming ser7i&e/
The !=R is $ssigned in the RANAP>RA=>ASSIGN!ENT>RE@%SET mess$ge2 $s sho*n
in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 !=R in+orm$tion in the RA= ASSIGN!ENT RE@ mess$ge
Run the L)T FRCCHLT70.01R1 Ain the 7ersion RAN 10B or L)T FRC Ain $ 7ersion
e$rlier th$n RAN 10B &omm$nd on the RNC L!T to Cuer5 the HS%PA tr$++i& thresholds/
#igure 1/' sho*s the Cuer5 result/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4( o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 @uer5 result o+ the LST #RCCHLTDPEPARA &omm$nd
I+ the uplin< throughput $ssigned b5 the CN is lo*er th$n the HS%PA tr$++i& thresholds2
dire&tl5 modi+5 the HS%PA tr$++i& thresholds or modi+5 the subs&ription in+orm$tion on the
home lo&$tion register AHLRB/ =e+ore the modi+5ing the subs&ription in+orm$tion2 &on+irm
th$t the subs&ription in+orm$tion $bout the I!SI m$t&hes the in+orm$tion $ssigned b5 the CN/
?ther*ise2 5ou m$5 en&ounter the s5mptom th$t the subs&ription is &orre&t on the HLR but $n
AT &omm$nd is used to limit the throughput during the di$lup/ Note th$t $+ter the HS%PA
tr$++i& thresholds $re modi+ied2 the ser7i&e &$n be est$blished o7er HS%PA but the problem is
not sol7ed be&$use the %E throughput is still limited b5 the !=R/ There+ore2 5ou must
modi+5 the subs&ription in+orm$tion on the HLR or &$n&el the throughput limit$tion imposed
b5 the AT &omm$nd/ #or ho* to limit the throughput b5 using the AT &omm$nd2 see the
do&ument $nne;ed to this Troubleshooting Guide/
I+ the throughput $ssigned b5 the CN is higher th$n the HS%PA tr$++i& thresholds2 pro&eed
*ith step (/
$tep 5 Che&< the RAN p$r$meter settings/
I+ there $re no spe&i$l reCuirements during the test2 the p$r$meter settings on the RNC $nd
Node = should be the s$me $s the b$seline2 $nd the tr$nsmission &on+igur$tion on the I%=
inter+$&e should &ompl5 *ith the &on+igur$tion spe&i+i&$tions/ ?ther*ise2 improper p$r$meter
settings m$5 &$use $ +$ilure to est$blish the HS%PA ser7i&e/ In the 7ersion RAN 102 the
&$uses o+ $ +$ilure to est$blish the HS%PA ser7i&e in&lude but $re not limited to the +ollo*ing

Limited uplin< po*er resour&e/ The pre&ondition is th$t the uplin< $dmission is en$bled/

Limited uplin< CE resour&es/ #or det$ils2 see the rele7$nt des&ription se&tion -/1RLo* or
#lu&tu$ting HS%PA Throughput/R

Limited I%= tr$nsmission resour&es/ #or det$ils2 see the rele7$nt des&ription se&tion
-/1RLo* or #lu&tu$ting HS%PA Throughput/R

Limited m$;imum number o+ HSPA users/ Run the L)T C.LLC1C &omm$nd to &he&<
*hether the 7$lue o+ 2a=Hsu+a4ser<u& meets the test reCuirement/

The t5pi&$l ser7i&e p$r$meter T70R18 is in&orre&tl5 deleted/ This problem o&&urred in
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 44 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 Admission pro&ess +or the RAN 10
Dou &$n identi+5 the limited resour&e b5 &he&<ing the RNC CT $nd then $d:ust the resour&e
&on+igur$tion or p$r$meter settings/ #igure 1/' sho*s $ problem th$t o&&urs on $ &ommer&i$l
net*or< in Pol$nd/ The mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the CT indi&$te th$t the uplin< CE resour&es
$re insu++i&ient/ The ser7i&e is est$blished $+ter the CE li&ense is $d:usted/
Figure 1.2 Limited uplin< CE resour&es indi&$ted b5 the mess$ges displ$5ed b5 the RNC CT
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4) o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the problem persists $+ter the oper$tions mentioned in the pre7ious steps $re per+ormed2
in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted $&&ording to the in+orm$tion &olle&tion list $nd reported to the
H@ +or $n$l5sis/
(.&.( 3n"ormation Co!!ection *ist
Collection for Data Transmission Problems Regarding HSPA
(.( )ai!ure to +sta!ish an #$UPA 6.%7 -it.s
The HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e is introdu&ed in ph$se '/ This ser7i&e puts +or*$rd high
reCuirements +or resour&e &on+igur$tion $nd p$r$meter settings A%E o+ &$tegor5 )2 $nd 'KS#(
L 'KS#'B/ The ser7i&e &$nnot be su&&ess+ull5 est$blished due to improper &on+igur$tion or
settings/ This se&tion des&ribes the &ommon &$uses o+ $ +$ilure to est$blish the HS%PA 4/8)
!bit9s ser7i&e $nd the ide$ o+ $n$l56ing the +$ilure/
(.(.1 $ymptom
The uplin< r$te monitored b5 the % meter does not e;&eed ' !bit9s/ The R= SET%P
mess$ge on the %u inter+$&e sho*s th$t the tr$++i& r$dio be$rer Ar$dio be$rer 4 *hen onl5 $
single PS ser7i&e is pro7idedB is est$blished on CH or is est$blished on E"CH but the
uplin< S# used is not 'KS#'LSKS#(2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
Figure 1.1 E"CH be$rer used *ithout supporting the r$te o+ 4/8) !bit9s
#igure 1/' sho*s the uplin< S# &$p$bilit5 set used *hen the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e is
su&&ess+ull5 est$blished/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 48 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 E"CH be$rer *ith support +or the r$te o+ 4/8) !bit9s
(.(.& Trou!eshooting Procedures
$tep 1 Che&< the %E &$p$bilit5/
To su&&ess+ull5 est$blish the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2 5ou need to use $n HS%PA %E o+
&$tegor5 )/Dou &$n obt$in the HS%PA &$p$bilit5 le7el supported b5 $ %E +rom the
RRC>C?NNECT>RE@>C!P mess$ge on the %u inter+$&e/ I+ the mess$ge &ont$ins the
ueC$p$bilit5Cont$iner &ell $nd the 7$lue o+ the &ell is 52 the %E supports the HS%PA r$te o+
4/8) !bit9s2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/1/ The L!T does not resol7e the &ont$iner $nd 7$lue 5
indi&$tes $ %E o+ &$tegor5 )/
Figure 1.1 HS%PA &$p$bilit5 le7el o+ $ %E indi&$ted in the RRC>C?NNECT>RE@>C!P
I+ the &he&< result does not meet the test reCuirement2 use $ %E o+ &$tegor5 ) +or the test/ The
Hu$*ei E1.0 d$t$ &$rd is re&ommended/
I+ the &he&< result sho*s th$t the %E supports the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2 pro&eed *ith
step '/
$tep & Che&< the 7ersions o+ the RNC $nd Node =/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4. o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
The Hu$*ei RAN 10 or $ l$ter 7ersion supports the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e/ #or the
RNC2 onl5 the RAN 10 is reCuired/ #or the Node =2 5ou need to di++erenti$te bet*een the
b$seb$nd pro&essing bo$rds/
#or the H1pl$t+orm2 the b$seb$nd pro&essing bo$rds on the Node = $re the N==I2 H==I2 $nd
E==I/ #or the H'pl$t+orm2 the b$seb$nd pro&essing bo$rds on the Node = $re the W==P$
$nd WEEPb/ Currentl52 onl5 the E==I $nd WEEPb bo$rds support the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s
I+ the RAN 7ersion or bo$rd on the site does not support the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2
repl$&e the RAN 7ersion or h$rd*$re/
I+ both the RAN 7ersion $nd the bo$rd on the site support the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2
pro&eed *ith step -/
$tep ( Che&< the li&ensed &$p$bilit5 o+ the RAN/
=oth the RNC $nd the Node = in the 7ersion RAN 10 pro7ide $ li&ense to &ontrol the HS%PA
4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e/
T*o &ontrol items in the RNC li&ense rel$te to the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&eF HS%PA
5.!42%+s +er 4ser $nd )R8 over H)401/ A&&ording to the -GPP proto&ol2 to support
'KS#' L 'KS#( in the uplin< dire&tion2 5ou must &$rr5 sign$ling o7er E"CH/ Run the /)0
L9C.<). &omm$nd on the RNC L!T to Cuer5 the t*o &ontrol items2 $s sho*n in #igure
Figure 1.1 Control items rel$ted to the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e in the RNC li&ense
The &ontrol item rel$ted to the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e in the li&ense on the Node = is
H)401 TT9 Function2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/'/ The HS%PA +un&tion must $lso be supported/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge 4, o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.2 Control item rel$ted to the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e in the li&ense on the Node =
To use the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2 5ou should set the li&ense items listed $bo7e in the
supported st$te/
I+ the &ontrol items in the li&ense $re in the supported st$te but the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e
&$nnot be est$blished2 pro&eed *ith step (/
$tep 5 Che&< the p$r$meter settings on the RNC/
Che&< item 1F The uplin< SR= needs to use the E"CH be$rer/
To est$blish the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2 5ou need to use 'KS#'L'KS#( in the uplin<
dire&tion $nd est$blish the sign$ling r$tio be$rer ASR=B o7er E"CH/ Run the L)T>).T
FRCCHLT70.01R1 &omm$nd on the RNC L!T to Cuer5 or modi+5 the &urrent settings2
$s sho*n in #igure 1/1/
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge )0 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
Figure 1.1 @uer5 result o+ the LST #RCCHLTDPEPARA &omm$nd e;e&uted on the RNC L!T
I+ the Cuer5 result sho*s th$t the SR= &$nnot be est$blished on E"CH2 modi+5 the settings/
I+ the Cuer5 result sho*s th$t the SR= &$n be est$blished on E"CH2 pro&eed *ith &he&< item
Che&< item 'F en$bling st$tus o+ the HS%PA ' ms TTI
To est$blish the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2 5ou must use the ' mm TTI/ There+ore2 5ou must
en$ble the ' ms TTI on the RNC/ Run the L)T>).T C,RR21L?,);9TCH &omm$nd on
the RNC L!T to Cuer5 or modi+5 the en$bling st$tus o+ the ' ms TTI2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/'/
Figure 1.2 @uer5 result o+ the LST C?RR!ALG?SWITCH &omm$nd e;e&uted on the RNC
I+ the Cuer5 result sho*s th$t the ' ms TTI is not en$bled2 5ou need to modi+5 the en$bling
st$tus b5 running the !!L &omm$nd ).T C,RR21L?,);9TCH(
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge )1 o+ )'
Troubleshooting Guide to $t$ Tr$nsmission Problems Reg$rding HSPA INTERNAL
I+ the Cuer5 result sho*s th$t the ' ms TTI is en$bled2 pro&eed *ith &he&< item -/
Che&< item -F The !=R $ssigned b5 the CN needs to be higher th$n the ' ms HS%PA tr$++i&
I+ 5ou need to est$blish the HS%PA 4/8) !bit9s ser7i&e2 the !=R $ssigned b5 the CN must be
higher th$n the ' ms HS%PA tr$++i& thresholds/ #or the !=R $ssigned b5 the CN2 see step -
in se&tion -/'/'RTroubleshooting Pro&edures/R Dou &$n run the L)T FRC &omm$nd on the
RNC L!T to Cuer5 the ' ms HS%PA tr$++i& thresholds2 $s sho*n in #igure 1/-/
Figure 1.3 @uer5 result o+ the LST #RC &omm$nd e;e&uted on the RNC L!T
I+ the !=R $ssigned b5 the CN is sm$ller th$n the ' ms HS%PA ser7i&e thresholds2 5ou need
to modi+5 the !=R $ssigned b5 the CN/ #or det$ils2 see step - in se&tion
-/'/'RTroubleshooting Pro&edures/R
$tep 6 Colle&t $nd report in+orm$tion/
I+ the problem persists $+ter the oper$tions mentioned in the pre7ious steps $re per+ormed2
in+orm$tion should be &olle&ted $&&ording to the in+orm$tion &olle&tion list $nd reported to the
H@ +or $n$l5sis/
(.(.( 3n"ormation Co!!ection *ist
Collection for Data Transmission Problems Regarding HSPA
'01("0'"0) Hu$*ei Con+identi$l P$ge )' o+ )'

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