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Acid Number: A measure of the amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) needed to neutralize all or part of the
acidity of a petroleum product. Also specified as neutralization number (NN) or value (NV) and total acid number
Additive: A chemical substance !hich" !hen blended !ith a petroleum product" has the effect of improvin# one
or more of its properties or performance characteristics.
Aliphtic H!dr"crb"#: Hydrocarbons in !hich the carbon atoms are arran#ed in open chains !hich may be
strai#ht or branched.
A#ili#e P"i#t: he minimum temperature for complete miscibility of e$ual volumes of aniline and the sample
under test. %roducts !ith hi#h aromatic or naphthenic contents have lo!er aniline points than products !ith hi#h
paraffinic content.
A#ti$%#"c%: &esistance of a #asoline (petrol) to detonation in a combustion chamber.
API Grvit!: A special function of relative density represented by'
A%( )ravity" de#rees * +,+.-.rel.density at +-./01 2 +3+.-
API Service Cl&&i'icti"#: A system of letter desi#nations a#reed by A%(" 4A5 and A46 to define broad
classes of en#ine service. Also used for service classification of automotive #ear lubricants.
Ar"mtic: A hydrocarbon derived from" or characterized by" the presence of a benzene rin#" or a polymeric
(multiple) rin# structure.
A&h: Non7combustible residue of lubricatin# oil or fuel"8 lubricatin# oil deter#ent additives containin# metallic
derivatives are a common source of ash (see also sulphated ash).
(ctericide: An additive to inhibit bacterial #ro!th in a$ueous component or phase of fluids" preventin# bacterial
de#radation of the fluid and the resultin# foul odours.
(&e Number: he amount of acid re$uired to neutralize all or part of a lubricant9s basicity" expressed as
potassium hydroxide (KOH) e$uivalents.
(itume#: A non7crystalline solid or viscous mixture of complex hydrocarbons that possesses characteristic
a##lomeratin# properties" softens #radually !hen heated" is substantially soluble in tri7chloroethylene" and is
obtained from crude petroleum by refinin# processes.
(l")# (itume#: A bitumen for uses other than road ma:in# prepared by blo!in# air throu#h a base feed7stoc:
under controlled conditions.
("re P"li&hi#*: 5xcessive smoothin# out of the surface finish of the cylinder bore in an en#ine to a mirror7li:e
appearance" resultin# in depreciation of rin# sealin# and oil consumption performance.
Crb"# Re&idue: 4tandard tests !hich measure the amount of carbon left behind after combustion under
controlled conditions. !o methods are available" the 1onradson and the &amsbottom 1arbon &esidue tests.
Ce#tip"i&e: A centipoises (c%) is +.+;;
of a poise (%) !hich is the fundamental unit of dynamic viscosity in the
1)4 system of units. (n the 4( unit of systems" the fundamental unit of dynamic viscosity is the pascal second
%as)" !here + %as is e$uivalent to +;%.
Ce#ti&t"%e&: he centisto:e (c4t) is +.+;;
of a sto:e (4t) !hich is the fundamental unit of :inematic viscosity in
the 1)4 system of units. (n the 4( system of units" the fundamental unit of :inematic viscosity is the millimeter
s$uared per second (mm<.s)" !hich is e$uivalent to the centisto:es.
Cet#e Number: A measure of the i#nition $uality of a diesel fuel" expressed as a percenta#e of cetane that
must be mixed !ith methyl naphthalene to produce the same i#nition performance as the diesel fuel bein# rated.
Clevel#d Ope# Cup +COC,: A test for determinin# the open flash point and fire point of all petroleum products
except fuel oil and products !ith open flash points belo! =>01.
Cl"ud P"i#t: he temperature at !hich a noticeable cloud of crystals or other solid materials appears !hen a
sample is cooled under prescribed conditions.
C"mp"u#ded Oil: A mineral oil to !hich has been added ve#etable oil" animal oil or a similar chemical
substance to impart special properties.
C"$*ell#t: A substance !hich acts in con?unction !ith a conventional soap to thic:en a #rease.
C"mple- Gre&e: A composition in !hich the thic:ener is a combination of a conventional metallic soap (salt of
a metallic element and a fatty acid havin# a particular type of structure) and a complexin# a#ent. he complexin#
a#ent may be either or#anic" and may or may not involve another metallic constituent.
C"pper Strip C"rr"&i"#: A method of testin# petroleum products for their corrosive effect on copper and its
alloys. Also used as a method of indicatin# the amount of free or un7reacted sulphur in a product.
Crude .-: Also called petroleum !ax or slac: !ax" crude !ax is an unrefined mixture of hi#h meltin#
hydrocarbons" of the normal strai#ht chain type" still containin# a fairly hi#h percenta#e of oil.
Cutbc% (itume#: A bitumen in !hich the viscosity has been reduced by the addition of volatile diluents such a
!hite spirits or :erosene.
/emul&ibilit!: he ability of an oil to separate from or shed !ater as determined by a standard test method.
@emulsibility is an important consideration in lubricant maintenance in many circulatin# lubrication systems.
/eter*e#c!: he property of a lubricatin# oil to reduce or prevent deposits formed under hi#h temperature
conditions or as a result of the action on the oil of acidic contaminants.
/i$electric Stre#*th: A measure of the insulatin# value of an electrical insulatin# medium. he value depends
on the extent of the test method used.
/i&per&#t: An en#ine oil additive that helps prevent the formation of slud#e" varnish and other en#ine deposits
by :eepin# particles suspended in colloidal state (suspension of finely divided particles).
/i&tillte: he li$uid obtained by condensin# the vapour #iven off by a boilin# li$uid.
/r"ppi#* P"i#t: he lo!est temperature at !hich a #rease is sufficiently fluid to drip as determined by a
standard test method8 hence an indication of !hether a #rease !ill flo! from a bearin# at operatin#
Emul&i'ier: An additive that promotes the formation of a stable mixture" or emulsion" of oil and !ater.
Emul&i"#: (ntimate mixture of t!o or more materials !hich are immiscible or partially miscible !ith each other.
(n most emulsions one material is a$ueous and the other is an oil.
E-treme Pre&&ure Additive: A chemical compound impartin# extreme pressure characteristics to a lubricant
!ith the ob?ective of reducin# !ear under conditions !here rubbin# or slidin# accompanies hi#h contact
pressures" as in heavily loaded #ears" particularly of the hypoid type.
Film Stre#*th: he ability of a film of lubricant to resist rupture due to load" speed and temperature (also called
Fl&h P"i#t: he lo!est temperature under closely specified conditions at !hich a combustible material !ill #ive
off sufficient vapour to form a flammable mixture !ith air in a standardized vessel. Alash point tests are used to
assess the volatility of petroleum products.
Fl"c P"i#t: he temperature at !hich a flocculant collection of !ax crystals first appear !hen a solution of
Areon in oil is cooled under prescribed conditions.
F"mi#*: he occurrence of a frothy mixture of air and a petroleum product (lubricant" fuel oil) that can reduce
the effectiveness of the product and cause slu##ish hydraulic operation" air bindin# of oil pumps and overflo! of
tan:s or sumps.
F"ur (ll Meth"d: 5ither of t!o lubricant test procedures 2 the four ball !ear method and the four ball extreme
pressure method. he test methods evaluate the anti7!ear properties of lubricants under different test
G& Oil +/ie&el,: A distillate" intermediate in character bet!een :erosene and the li#ht lubricatin# oils. (t is used
as a heatin# oil and as a fuel in diesel en#ines.
G&"li#e +Petr"l,: A li#ht petroleum product !ith a boilin# ran#e bet!een the approximate limits of 3;01 and
B;;01. Csed as a fuel in spar:7i#nition en#ines. (t is also :no!n as 6o#as.
Grphite: A soft form of elemental carbon" #rey to blac: in colour. (t occurs naturally or is synthesized from coal
or other carbon sources8 !idely used as a lubricant alone or added to conventional lubricants.
Gre&e: A lubricatin# oil thic:ened !ith a metallic soap or a specially treated clay to yield a lubricant in solid
form. he action of the thic:enin# a#ent may be li:ened to that of a spon#e !hich holds the lubricatin# a#ent in
its interstices.
H!dr"$crc%i#*: A refinin# process in !hich a heavy oil fraction or !ax is treated !ith hydro#en over a catalyst
under relatively hi#h pressure and temperature to #ive products of lo!er molecular mass.
H!dr"$de&ulphuri&ti"#: he removal of sulohur from sulphur containin# hydrocarbon molecules in petroleum
distillates and residues by the action of hydro#en under elevated temperature and pressure over a catalyst.
H!dr"$'i#i&hi#*: 1atalytic hydro7finishin# has replaced the acid treatin# of DV( and 6V( base oils to a lar#e
extent. (mproved colour" oxidation and colour stability and a reduction in polycyclic aromatic content are
achieved by the process !hich involves the contactin# of hydro#en over a catalyst at elevated temperatures and
pressure. Also applied to paraffin and micro7crystalline !axes.
H!dr"treti#*: his is a term for a process by !hich product streams may be purified and other!ise be brou#ht
up to mar:etin# specifications as to odour" colour" stability" etc. Hydrotreatin#" for the removal of sulphur" is the
ma?or treatin# process in refineries. 1rac:ed streams could be saturated and stabilized by convertin# olefins"
albeit under more severe treatin# conditions. he process involves hydro#en under suitable temperature"
pressure and a catalyst.
H!dr"litic Stbilit!: he ability of additives and certain synthetic lubricants to resist chemical decomposition in
the presence of !ater.
ISO 0i&c"&it! Grde: he (4O viscosity classification system" is an international system approved by the
(nternational 4tandards Or#anization" for classifyin# industrial lubricants accordin# to viscosity. 5ach (4O
viscosity #rade number desi#nation corresponds to the mid7point of a viscosity ran#e expressed in mm<.s at
,;01. his system is detailed in the (4O 4pecification 3,,E.
1#"c%: he noise associated !ith premature i#nition of the fuel7air mixture in the combustion chamber8 also
:no!n as detonation or pin:in#.
1er"&i#e: Any petroleum product !ith a boilin# ran#e bet!een the approximate limits of +,;01 and B=;01.
!hich satisfies specific $uality re$uirements.
Led Nphthe#te: he lead soap of naphthenic acid that is soluble in mineral oils" used mainly to impart
extreme pressure properties to lubricatin# oils and #reases.
Li2ue'ied Petr"leum G& +LPG,: Of the #aseous hydrocarbons" propanes and butanes can be li$uefied under
relatively lo! pressure and at ambient temperature. 6ixtures of these are :no!n as D%).
L"d Crr!i#* Cpcit!: A $ualitative term used to describe the ability of a lubricant to resist film rupture and
protect a#ainst !ear and surface destruction under conditions of hi#h speeds" loads and temperatures" and
combinations thereof.
L"d .er I#de- +'"rmll! clled Me# Hert3 L"d,: An index of the ability of a lubricant to prevent !ear
under applied loads as determined by the Aour7Fall 5% tester.
Metl /ectivt"r: An or#anic type of additive havin# the property of suppressin# the catalytic action of metal
and traces of metallic materials exposed to petroleum products.he most important catalytic action is the
promotion of oxidation.
M"l!bde#um /i&ulphide: A chemical compound of molybdenum and sulphur !hich has excellent properties as
a solid lubricant due to the molecular structure of the particles.
M"t"r Oct#e Number +MON,: he octane number of a motor #asoline determined in a special laboratory test
en#ine under hi#h Gen#ine7severityH conditions" #ivin# a measure of the hi#h7speed :noc: properties of the fuel.
Multi*rde Oil: 5n#ine oil that meets the re$uirements of more than one 4A5 viscosity #rade classification and
may therefore be suitable for use over a !ider temperature ran#e than a sin#le #rade oil. 6ulti#rade oils have B
viscosity numbers indicatin# their lo! temperature and hi#h temperature classification.
Multipurp"&e Gre&e: A lubricatin# #rease suitable for a variety of applications such as chassis" !heel
bearin#s" universal ?oints and !ater pumps on automotive e$uipment8 usually lithium7 based.
Nphthe#ic: Havin# the characteristics of naphthenes" saturated hydrocarbons !hose molecules contain at
least one closed rin# of carbon atoms.
Oct#e Number: A term numerically indicatin# the relative anti7:noc: value of a #asoline. he octane number of
a #asoline depends on its hydrocarbon composition" and is improved by the addition of anti7:noc: compounds.
Neutrli3ti"# 0lue: An indication of the acidity of an oil8 the number is the mass in milli#rams of base
expressed as potassium hydroxide (KOH) re$uired to neutralize one #ram of oil"
O-idti"# I#hibit"r: A substance added in small $uantities to a petroleum product to increase its oxidation
resistance" thereby len#thenin# its service or stora#e life8 also called an anti7oxidant.
O-idti"# Stbilit!: he resistance of a petroleum product to oxidation" hence a measure of its potential service
or stora#e life. he available tests all simulate service conditions on an accelerated basis.
Pr''i#ic: Havin# the characteristics of paraffins" ie saturated hydrocarbons of open chain structure.
Pr''i# .-: Hydrocarbons of solid consistency havin# a relatively pronounced crystalline structure" extracted
from certain petroleum distillates. &efined paraffin !ax has a very lo! oil content" is !hite in colour" !ith some
de#ree of translucency" almost tasteless and odourless and sli#htly #reasy to the touch.
Pe#etrti"#: A measure of the hardness and consistency of bitumen and lubricatin# #reases in terms of the
distance in +.+;
of a millimeter by !hich a !ei#hted special needle or cone !ill penetrate the sample in five
seconds" the temperature" unless other!ise stated bein# B-01.
Pe#&%!$Mrte#& Cl"&ed Cup +PMCC,: he apparatus for determinin# the closed flash point of fuel oils"
lubricatin# oils and other petroleum products.
Petr"ltum: A semi7solid substance obtained from petroleum and consistin# essentially of micro7crystalline
!axes in specially refined oil. Also called petroleum ?elly.
P"ur P"i#t /epre&&#t: An additive !hich lo!ers the pour point of petroleum products by reducin# the
tendency of !axes present to coa#ulate into a solid mass.
P"ur P"i#t: he lo!est temperature at !hich a li$uid petroleum product !ill flo! !hen it is cooled under the
conditions of the standard test method.
Reid 0p"ur Pre&&ure +R0P,: Csually used in reference to #asoline" it is the vapour pressure of a sample at
3=.E01" determined by a prescribed method.
Re&erch Oct#e Number +RON,: he octane number of a motor #asoline determined in a special laboratory
test en#ine under mild Gen#ine7severityH conditions" #ivin# a measure of the lo!7speed :noc: properties of a
Re&idul Fuel: A fuel composed mainly of un7evaporated materials after the atmospheric distillation of crude oil.
Ri#* Stic%i#*: he Gfreezin#H of a piston rin# in its #roove" in a piston en#ine or reciprocatin# compressor" due
to heavy deposits in the piston rin# zone.
SAE Number: An arbitrary number indicatin# the viscosity ran#e of cran:case" transmission" or rear axle
lubricants" accordin# to systems desi#ned by the 4A5 (4ociety of Automotive 5n#ineers).
Sher Stbilit!: he ability of a lubricant such as a #rease or V( improved oil to !ithstand mechanical shearin#
!ithout bein# de#raded in consistency or viscosity.
Sm"%e P"i#t: he maximum hei#ht of flame measured in millimeters at !hich a :erosene !ill burn !ithout
smo:in#" !hen tested under specified conditions.
S"p: A #eneral term for the salt of a metal and a fatty acid. he soaps of lithium" calcium" barium and
aluminium are the principle thic:eners used in #rease ma:in#.
S"'te#i#* P"i#t: he temperature at !hich bitumen reaches an arbitrary de#ree of softness" usually determined
by the rin# and ball test method.
S"lve#t /e)-i#*: A refinin# process by means of !hich !ax is removed from lubricatin# base oil. he !axy oil
is mixed !ith a solvent mixture (usually methyl7ethyl7:etone and toluene) and heated to ensure complete
solution. he mixture is chilled and the precipitated !ax removed by a rotary filter" before the solvents are striped
from both oil and !ax fractions and re7used.
S"lve#t Re'i#i#*: A refinin# techni$ue to improve the $uality of base oils usin# selective extraction of
undesirable components by means of a solvent" usually furfural.
Slc% .-: he !axy by7product removed in the solvent de!axin# process.
Slud*e: he soft deposits" usually dar: coloured" formed in lubrication systems" mainly consistin# of oxidized
lubricatin# oil components" !ater and in internal combustion en#ines" carbonaceous residues from fuel
Spi#dle Oil: A lo! viscosity oil intended for the lubrication of hi#h speed spindles such as those used in textile
Stri*ht Mi#erl Oil&: Oils !hich do not contain compounds or additives.
Sulphted A&h: he residue that remains after a sample of oil and sulphuric acid has been ashed to constant
mass under prescribed conditions. (t is used as a measure of the amount of metallo7or#anic additives present in
ne! oils. (n used oils" the determination may be affected by the presence of incombustible contaminants" dust
and !ear metals.
Sulphuri&ed Oil: An oil in !hich elemental sulphur is either loosely combined !ith the oil" or is combined !ith a
fatty oil and added to the base oil. Csed in applications !here reactive sulphur is desired to provide extreme
pressure characteristics" such as is #ear oils and cuttin# oils.
Therml Stbilit!: he property of a fuel or lubricant !hich indicates its ability to resist crac:in# and
decomposition on prolon#ed exposure to elevated temperatures.
Thic%e#er: A solid matrix !hich is uniformly dispersed to form the structure of a lubricatin# #rease in !hich the
li$uid fluid is held.
Tim%e# O1 L"d: he maximum load a lubricant !ill !ithstand !ithout failure due to brea:do!n of the lubricant
film" as determined on the im:en 5% ester.
T"tl (&e Number: he $uantity of acid expressed in terms of the e$uivalent number of milli#rams of
potassium hydroxide (KOH) that is re$uired to neutralize all basic constituents present in +# of sample.
0p"ur Pre&&ure: he lo!est pressure at !hich a li$uid contained in a closed vessel at a #iven temperature"
can remain in the li$uid state !ithout evaporation" ie the pressure exerted !hen the substance is in e$uilibrium
!ith its o!n vapour. Vapour pressure is a function of the substance and of temperature.
0i&c"&it!: (n the common en#ineerin# sense" viscosity is the resistance to flo! or Gthic:nessH of a li$uid. he
viscosity of li$uids decrease !ith an increase in temperature" hence the temperature at !hich a viscosity is
measured must al!ays be specified.
4ome commonly used viscosity units include'
1entipoise (c%) @erived unit of dynamic viscosity !here +c% * +m%as
1entisto:e (c4t) @erived unit of :inematic viscosity !here +c4t * +mm<.s
5n#ler @e#rees (05) 5mpirical unit popular in parts of 5urope and normally
measured at -;01
&ed!ood 4econds Historically used in the CK and measured at =;" +,; and B;;0A
4aybold Cniversal 4econds (4C4) %opular in the C4A and measured at +;;" +3; or B+;0A
Kinematic (mm<.s) 4ub7multiple of 4( unit
0i&c"&it! I#de- +0I,: An arbitrary number" usually bet!een ; and B;;" !hich is a measure of the temperature
dependence of an oil9s viscosity.
Do! viscosity index (DV() oils reduce viscosity rapidly as temperature increases. hese oils have typical Vis in
the ran#e ;73;.
6edium viscosity index (6V() oils reduce viscosity less than DV( oils as temperature increases and have typical
Vis in the ran#e 3;7E-.
Hi#h viscosity index (HV() oils have V(s in the ran#e E-7++; and have the best viscosity.temperature coefficients
of conventional base oils. 6odern refinin# techni$ues such as selective hydrocrac:in# can produce base oils
!ith natural Vis in excess of +,;.
0i&c"&it! I#de- Impr"ver: A lubricant additive" usually a hi#h molecular mass polymer" that reduces the
tendency of an oil9s viscosity to chan#e !ith temperature.
.hite Oil&: Oils produced by more drastic refinin# to remove nitro#en and sulphur" unsaturated compounds and
aromatic material.
.hite Spirit&: he functions intermediate bet!een #asoline and :erosene !ith a boilin# ran#e of approximately
+-;01 7 B;;01. 6ainly used in paints and dry cleanin#.
."r%ed Pe#etrti"#: he penetration of a sample of lubricatin# #rease immediately after it has been brou#ht to
B-01 and G!or:edH /; stro:es in the A46 #rease !or:er.

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